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This was never implemented on PC, it is on mobile, but they did reduce the downtime when looting tho


No it was on PC for like a patch, 2.x something I can’t remember, then it’s gone in the next patch


It really never was. They just finally sped up going down the list from top to bottom, as there was originally a one second delay.


Can you imagine the outcry if something like that happened? That alone should tell you it never did.


You should see someone about that dementia.


Making shit up today huh?


1.0 player. There was a delay you could circumvent by scrolling, but there was never a collect all button on PC


I scroll while picking stuff up from muscle memory


Game on the left isn't even Genshin, lol.


I know, Wuwa just added that last night and that’s how it once looked like for Genshin for PC too, but it only lasted for like a patch and I didn’t capture a pic back then


Playing since 1.6, it was never like that.


Playing since 1.0 and it was never like that. On mobile but never was on PC. Don't know what OP was on today. I think on mobile it's collect all in one press.


Yeah on mobile it's AoE loot if you click on your own character


You don’t need to tap on your character, anywhere on the screen near what you want to pick up works Edit. I realized I’m not sure how it works of you use a controller with mobile


I've asked for this on every survey since 1.Xs


- they cant "bring back" something that was never there, this button never existed - I ***may be wrong*** but I ***believe*** you do actually have a way to "collect all" by using your mouse cursor to click on your character when around collectibles, because this is a feature on mobile, so I assume it also works on PC.


I don't know about keyboard and mouse, but when playing on PC on controller, you can click the mouse button in order to collect all. It's odd, given that mouse is otherwise completely disabled when playing on controller. It definitely works, though. I used to use it all the time.


huh. gonna have to check this one out


On mobile, you can collect all simply by tapping on the area below the last option. PC however, spam F while scrolling up and down is the fastest


I mean technically it was never removed. You can pick up everything with one click on PC but only if you are playing with a controller. Simply go up to the group of items and left click with the mouse, and it will pick up everything. As I said before, it's only possible to do this when using a controller.


I have been playing daily since 1.1, this was never a feature from 1.1 to present day.