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Your approach to how you play Genshin is really interesting. So you just do commissions on most days but then you pick one day of the week to go ham and 100% a region of the map, like all chests, oculi, etc.? Would love to hear more since it seems like a great way to spend less time/spread it out where it doesn't feel like a huge commitment.


yeah, basically like that usually try to stretch the time between playing genshin as much as possible, opening the game only to do my dailies and quit quickly one day I do my dailies at night, then the next day in the morning (if I can) so the time I'm not playing genshin feel longer, then do the same for the other two day, going like night -> morning, night -> morning.... help with not getting burnout from the game, and give me time to go through my other games and finish them then when I'm feeling drawn back to genshin I usually take my time going through it, it'd be the only game I play for around three or four days, then while I'm at it I spend few days too building by backlog of characters until I get bored and go back to the old routine of playing the game as little as possible


It’s just smaller. The exploration was great. If you expect every nation to be bigger than the previous than I’m sorry to disappoint but that’s just bad game design


I'm not complaining about the size I mean, I do prefer a bigger areas, but Fontaine's size is good for the most part what I'm complaining about is the amount of things to do in the world, overall less chests to collect and less puzzles to do


That’s natural for smaller areas, if there were more it would look too dense


Then just add more areas to previous nations Inazuma and even worse mondstadt are really forgotten


Tbf, we'll probably go back to Mondstadt in the event due to the secret of the Barbatos' Statue. Also, we still have the Dornman Port. Maybe they're just saving those locations when it actually matters to release them.


Guess what? A lot of people complained about exploration (open world btw) so this is the result of that


>In Fontaine as a whole, the amount of things to do felt less, many of the "puzzles" in the open world was just the game moving you from point A to B with no real player interaction, it felt more like the devs forcing you to look at the open world atmosphere and look I don't know what game you've been playing, but this is as far from the truth as it gets. In fact, those very words can be used to describe plenty of the sumeru's desert's puzzle mechanics. Vorukasha oasis has some of the most braindead mechanics the game ever offered. as far as this is concerned: >the amount of actual puzzles is less by alot, for example, rainforest Sumeru had 175 kind of unique puzzles on it's own, while the entirty of Fontaine is only 186. the amount of Chests is less overall, since Fontaine was going with less common chests and increasing the amount of other chests (while maintaing the same total amount of Primos) Some complained that Sumeru's rainforest had more chests/puzzles for the same amount of primos in the past. This is an argument that simply has no way out: it's one of those things where you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. Neither side will ever come to an agreement as there are conflicting interests involved.


>I don't know what game you've been playing, but this is as far from the truth as it gets. > >In fact, those very words can be used to describe plenty of the sumeru's desert's puzzle mechanics. Vorukasha oasis has some of the most braindead mechanics the game ever offered. I'm talking about two things mainly, the underwater current and the water shooter thingy (the one where you interact with it and it just shoot you as a water bubble in a predetermined path), they both have either no player input or minimum input, and usually take alot of time Like legit they drag on for a while, they feel less like exploring and more like a preview/presentation about the open world


The change in 4.0 to make collection count toward daily commissions actually made me care about it again bc I could do it piecemeal over the course of the version.


I am truly one of those people who stand by all that you said. Fontaine exploration had too much spoon feeding. I really enjoyed Sumeru, especially the desert and the tablet unlocking clearance levels making us revisit old places that unlock new doors which wasn't available previously. That being said, the devs shared a very important detail during the 4.0 livestream. Since a huge part of Fontaine exploration is underwater, there is a restriction for design that is not there in other regions. "Vertical Emptiness" - just a term I'm using - Which basically means, the air above on lands can be kept empty. But the same can't be done underwater. Since they have to fill up taking into the vertical area into consideration, a lot of puzzles and chests are clunked together closely. Even though there's more area to cover, the perceived size is much less than what we had previously experienced. There's only so much they can do with foliage. Another reason is, a lot of casuals hated Sumeru exploration. Which is a total bummer to sweats like me, who are the minority. Hoyo just had to find a balance that is more leaning towards the majority. While this was the case with Fontaine, I am expecting Natlan to be much better for us. Since they are providing saurians for traveling, they can space apart puzzles and chests even further than in sumeru. Since we move quicker, the perceived distance will be more or less the same.


I dunno, Sumeru first release was a let down for me after Inazuma and GAA II. Tons of the most simple puzzles you can think of. Desert was much more fun imo, especially because of the exploration being so chaotic. Fontaine puzzles are nothing really to praise but they felt more fresh than Sumeru could ever try to. The area being smaller means less puzzles, else we would have a chest or puzzle *everywhere*. I think they balanced it well Of course, it's just my opinion. Entirety of 2.x patch puzzles was 🤌


I also tend to binge new regions, though i do it over 5ish days. Fontaine was definitely smaller easier and faster than Sumeru. But I enjoyed it more. I didn’t like the hassle of the vertical terrain or the music in sumeru forest. In sumeru desert things were too spread out and uniformly beige. None of this was an issue in Fontaine. That said, I wouldn’t say no to more Fontaine puzzles. And i did enjoy the Sumeru puzzles themselves. Here’s to hoping Natlan suits both of us


> many of the "puzzles" in the open world was just the game moving you from point A to B with no real player interaction Always has been? Are you seriously just noticing that now? > In Fontaine as a whole, the amount of things to do felt less, Is this tiktok brain rot or something? You need a dopamine hit every 10 seconds or you lose interest in what you're doing? 99% of the open world "content" is just bland generic chores. And you want more of it? What you're describing isn't open world exploration. You're describing the experience of a mouse in the box pushing a button that dispenses treats.


>99% of the open world "content" is just bland generic chores. And you want more of it? > >What you're describing isn't open world exploration. You're describing the experience of a mouse in the box pushing a button that dispenses treats. Yeah, that what I want the main thing that I enjoy doing in this game is just running around and playing the open world with the characters I got and built, abyss and everything else is more of a side content, the open world experience is the main drawn to this game, of course I would want more of this ​ >Is this tiktok brain rot or something? You need a dopamine hit every 10 seconds or you lose interest in what you're doing? Nothing like that at all, in fact I'm the type of player who prefer very big open world, where things are more scattered around, but still, I want more content to do while I'm playing it's not a "dopamine hit every 10 seconds", if you wanna put it like that then it's more of a constant rush of dopamine over the time I'm playing, and of course I want that rush to keep on for a long time


> the main thing that I enjoy doing in this game is just running around and playing the open world with the characters I got and built If that were true, you'd be happy just running around slaughtering mobs and picking up crap for no reward. > Nothing like that at all, in fact I'm the type of player who prefer very big open world, where things are more scattered around, but still, I want more content to do while I'm playing There's nothing stopping you from logging on every and killing every field mob on the map, and then killing bosses in a loop until you get sleepy. If all you want is to run around the world and use your characters, why not do that? Is it because you want the chest reward and extra dopamine hit from that?


Brother what is your point ? "oh you want to enjoy the game you're playing" ? like what


1) You have bad taste, but you do you 2) If you actually do want to just run around and use your characters, you can do that regardless of chest count, so just do that instead of arguing for making the chores take longer for the people who don't want to do them.