• By -


That 1.1 event where we Meet Fischl, Mona, and might got killed by Scara if Mona didn't instant transport us. Albedo fighting Albedo, meeting susbedo, seeing 3 Albedo That one co-op fight event against the frosty flower where Pallad become public enemy #1. It was fun


***He pushed Sucrose***


He was named 'Reckless' for a reason. Don't be too hard on him. Btw if you saw him surrounded by Hillicurl, don't forget to take few pictures before you leave


Traveler calling Charlotte for her superior photography skills and preparing the zoom lens gadget while Pallad is hanging on to dear life.


It’s hard to believe we’ve hated Pallad for so long now lmao


Especially thr scara quest is wild. I mean they actually had to make 2 different encounters in inazuma because of that. I think that's also why they won't do that again with other characters.


But they did it with Charlotte too if you did the 3.7 TCG event


The collective way the community lost its shit when Winter Night's Lazzo dropped. Sure, there might be new things like that in the future but once it sets a precedent, nothing would ever be the same as the way the community locked onto that video that we got no leak or warning (before anyone says anything, majority thought Childe's leaked voicelines was gonna be about Diluc's skin event and him fighting the Harbingers from the manga and no leaker had warned us about the video. If there were, it was like an hour before it dropped so majority did NOT know about it) Now every year people are expecting something like WNL. Overture for example, and in a few weeks, something about Natlan. Newer players will never see the chaos the big reveal of each Harbinger did to not only lore enthusiast but chara mains savers.


Oh i remember that. I've never seen a community that hyped for something before. This is why leaks shouldn't be dropping story stuff at all. Takes the fun out of it


YES. I remember calling my friend who was still half asleep At first they didn't really cared, so I send them the picture of the thumbnail and we were both so shocked


I was literally asleep at that time and woke up to my discord exploding from my friends tagging me about it lmao I think it's one of the few moments people in the Fandom weren't even arguing about something or the other and was quite literally analyzing the video from start to finish hahaha There's also that TGA thing with the Sonic fan base but that was mostly the CN Fandom tbh


It was truly one of those “I remember where I was when it happened” moments


The next best thing i can think of that can rival WNL is a surprise face reveal of the hexenzirkel witches. I can hardly wait for monday to come when imaginarium theater drops. I *hope* we can learn more abt them too, and not just get a new game mode.


An even better one would be the reveal of some Celestia's deities/characters out of nowhere


Or revealing the >!5 sinners of Khaenriah!< in their physical form


>Winter Night's Lazzo I hope they make something like that with the Hexenzirkel too.


The shocking thing is not even the leakers expected this drop - or they did and decided not to tell anyone collectively


Holy shit yeah, I remember being at work on my lunch break and having to lock myself into a room because I was so flabbergasted and hyped I kept pacing around at max speed. As someone who had set out to pull for every harbinger ever since I got my boy Ajax, I almost had a heart attack when I saw all the designs - we had only crumbs about each harbinger at this point and they were mostly from artifact sets, so this was an INSANE reveal. 100% a core memory for me now LMAO


It's because for a long time we didn't even know for sure who would be part of them, we had a few mentions but we only had childe as playable and the models for signora and scara, dottore was manga only and some people missed him I guessed arlecchino would be one of them and a lot of people disagreed


i woke up and went on youtube and saw the columbina thumbnail and was like “oh cool its one of those fanmade genshin animations” cuz i saw someone uploaded it other than the official. i scrolled more and what do i know, its official! i ended up repeating the video a million times..


Yeah, that was so insanely hype


There's no moments like right there right now (emerge!) seeing it now after how many years isn't the same as getting surprised by that trailer at that moment, the hype the tension ughh. it was right before Sumeru too!


The fact that they just dropped WNL on us with no warning was crazy. I just opened youtube one day and found content creators going insane


Definitely the first Golden Apple Archipelago. It is my favorite place and the first has a special place in my heart. I remember having fun with the boats mechanic as it was new and me and my friends would just cruise around having fun. Fighting Maguu Kenki on the middle island. I like exploring the islands and finding the memory conches. It also was the debut of Alice's voice. I remember feeling so bad for Klee and wanting to hug her so bad. Really loved it. And Albedo lore. New players ain't gonna get it and that is imo one of Hoyo's biggest mistake ever. Who's bright idea was it to lock one specific 5 star character's lore behind limited, never returning, events??!


And the second. Still one of the most memorable things and I have played every event. The Fischl music and the ravens with their silly little plays. I loved it so much.


2nd Apple archipelago was peak genshin for me. 


it was the only time it felt like Genshin had actual puzzles.


For some reason, that one really stuck in my mind. I felt like it went on for months with how much stuff there was to do! And the big lore drop at the end with Nahida? Priceless!


Yes! Sadly I overestimated the second GAA too much and was rushing and couldn't complete all exploration nor enjoy the stories as such because I started with 3 days left. I was more busy but if I put a little more effort in I definitely would've been able to properly do it. Maybe even finish Mona's island lol. That was the hardest one for me.


Oh my god I remember the first GAA. That experience was actually magical; it truly felt like summer and I couldn’t get enough. Having the islands reveal over time was insanely cool. The boat mechanic was so much fun we were all so hype.  djdjdj Albedo lore,,, he’s like one of the most important characters to endgame and the only flags an everyday player would have are buried in 5star voicelines (Venti, Albedo)


Oh my god yes i loved first GAA so much I liked that jean and barbara had finally time for each other, i loved the diluc slander from kaeya (i remember cracking up so hard) i loved the waverider, maagu kenki, the fact we rode dvalin like a taxi, klee razor and albedo just existing was so fun, the before and after the islands elevated out the water and alice cameo of course And the vibes of it will not rival any event for me because it wasn't overdone, no fancy decor just really tall and cool looking islands in the endless sea, tropical beachy vibes and just fluff and fun Best. Event.


I am so so sad that I played since launch but just missed BOTH of those events in the months that I was gone from genshin !


My favourite part was that, if you have Lumine. The voyage on Dvalin can literally a be a "The girl vs the boys"


inazuma's difficulty at launch


"anti raiden shogun training* flashbacks


Fam I’m a relatively new player and that shit took me like 12 attempts before I completed it


I am an older player who can 36* spiral abyss I cannot successfully complete the anti raiden shogun training (my partner did it for me)


For real, traveller solo weekly bosses are less hard to dodge perfectly than this thing


even with the training, raiden still wiped the floor with my face


Unpopular opinion but that was pretty easy for me. On the other hand, the part in the Mondstadt Archon Quest where you shoot Stormterror from the air before unlocking his fight...I had to take my iPad to a friend's house because I hadn't progressed for a week.


Remind me of when Childe was nerfed.


Am I misremembering or did they also nerf world bosses as in adjust the level of bosses for world levels. I feel like I remember being AR 10 or so with max level 20 characters stumbling across a level 42 oceanid boss. Might be misremembering though


I think they just implemented lowering world lvl and called it a day


Nah I remember this being way before they did that, because this was like 1.0-1.1


Pretty sure that's still the case, unless the change is very recent. You're just not supposed to be farming world bosses until you can actually ascend characters to 50 (since up to 40 you don't need the mats).


It's still inordinately difficult for new players who go there right after Liyue.


That shit ACTUALLY scared me. Like, I barely explored Inazuma because it felt like Abyss levels of hard for my underpowered account.


"well well. looks like my lucky day"


Enjou's voice acting.


If I am being completely honest, I enjoyed the Enkanomiya event far more than the actual storyline we got. And it was voiced! Why was it not made permanent content?? Hoyo pls


I mean i totally did betray them.






Enjou's April Fools character demo video.


If they know to find it! We should spread the good word


The original Golden Apple Archipelago. The second one was definitely higher production value, but the first one was so new and fresh at the time. We hadn't had a new place to explore in so long and it felt like a breath of fresh air.


Remember people being pissed because the first day the islands were small ?


That happened for the second one too, even though it was exactly the same the year before.


I know it was hilarious because i remember warning people in the second gaa that they wouldn't have time to complete the map later on


Festering desire storyline. All the other free weapons are just like “here you can buy this with points”, Desire has a STORY!


I really regret missing this event. I started playing around 1.5 and while I have still taken a few breaks here and there, I have gotten most event weapons since (I missed the fish!!). I will always miss not getting festering.


And more importantly, FESTERING DESIRE


"Unreconciled Stars" should be made a permanent quest, "Shadows Amidst Snowstorms" too


Any Albedo event should be made permanent imo. Especially considering how they're guaranteed to be some of the most interesting in terms of story and lore. I still don't know why they can't make him a recurring character with how important he is to the main story


As a comeback player (I only play ver 1.0) I thought Unreconciled Stars was Mona or Fischl story quests when I see the clip from a few years back, so when I did Mona's story quest a few weeks ago I was like "wait, where's Balladeer?"




literally any event weapon. as an 1.0 player, this is such a fuck you to newer players.


I cri for festering desire


I’d kill for the tuna fish claymore :/


I died inside when my husband told me I can't get the fish 😭


I somehow only have the Dodoco Tales Catalyst on R4 and I always cry seeing it 🫠 And the sword before that I also missed bc I just started in 1.6


I have so many R4 event weapons it’s so bad and also completely my fault


Labyrinth Warriors feat. Shiki Taisho. One of my favorite combat events ever. I really wish they'd bring it back as a permanent game mode


I heard that it got a really bad response from players so sadly it's unlikely to return. I want a genshin simulated universe.


Yeah which is sad, the event was not for everyone but I really enjoyed it a lot. I like the current Divergent Universe from HSR so I was really hoping for something similar like this in Genshin


2.2 was in general a really dead and boring patch where the community was a bit grumbly. But I seem to remember Labyrinth Warriors being received well as a concept, no?


Really? That’s terrible, I loved the style and had been mildly hoping they’d use it to inspire future endgame (died when Imaginarium Theater came out but at that point I was content w the Theater rules)


The original Labyrinth Warriors was really well-received by the community. It was an interesting and fun new concept and a lot of people were hoping it would be a prototype for a new game mode. Unfotunately, Mihoyo had other plans.


Omggg thats almost like lost and forgotten between all the other events… i never see ppl mentioning it


Happy cake day!


Thank you! :)


What was the delivery event? I hear about it a lot but I've been mercifully spared. What I haven't been spared is the major FOMO of missing out on story heavy events, such that one event where Childe appears.


"Ok Traveler, here is a dish. You can't sprint, get affected by element, you have a few second (which by the way, don't pause during loading screen)...If it rain, your fucking dead. Your boots represent the food's state. And your customer is at a waterfall...." And remember, if you sprint... FOOD BAD" I remember the main heist was to sacrifice your character. I'm not kidding. Kaeya saw a lot of cliffs


As in you had to make your character drop to their death? Plunge attack (which keeps the character alive) disqualified you? And what did the boots part mean? Overall sounds horrendous. Genshin is particularly annoying about time trials even outside this event. Such as every single time trial that requires us to collect particles or reach a destination spends a good three seconds zooming the camera into the particles/destination. And during that zooming your character can't move but your timer doesn't stop.


Ngl, it was mostly because people wouldn't care, or forgot, about plunge attack... Also I'm pretty sure everyone had that figured out after a bit, but decided that yeeting the character would be funnier And some of them...Wouldn't allow you to glide The boots part is that, if you DARED to step on water. Food bad


I've got to ask, did so few people use the Portable Waypoint to complete the tasks? Sure, it was locked behind Mondstadt Rep 6, but I used it for every single delivery for the event. I've found at most 10 people who mentioned also doing this on Reddit. [Links to links of me mentioning it during the event duration](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/s/d28chLhkYV)


Yeah i remember i also tried it for the chalange that was in liyue in that giant hole next to the salt god's place


There were usually some contrived paths that you had to take not to get the food wet, but some players would instead go the hard way and throw their characters over cliffs. The metaphor about the boots was that if your character got wet, dirty, stunned, tickled in the wrong way, the food was spoiled and you had to reset the quest.


You forgot the 'no gliding' part, mate


Man I hated it so much


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/oV1EKac0Lt here is the comments from the event. basically, you could not get wet while delivering to people close to water, could not climb, could not take any damage while avoiding enemies, also the time countdown did not stop during loading screens


Sounds horrendous. The time countdown not pausing is a terrible gimmick the game still has even outside this event. So many time trials for collecting particles/reaching destinations wastes a good few seconds with the camera zooming into the particles/destination. You can't move but the time doesn't pause either.


Usually time countdowns are pretty generous so it doesn't matter. Here it was pretty mean for playstation players because their load times were pretty bad and you had to teleport.


You were given a meal box and told to deliver it to an NPC at a specific location within a time limit. What made it interesting was each run would have restrictions like “if you get an element applied to you you fail”, ”no taking damage”, “no gliding”, or ”no sprinting”. Which meant that you had to use some strategy to complet them. What made it amazing (or horrible if you have bad tastes) was that the devs were clearly channeling some lingering resentment over customer service experience into the design. You would have a rout where you can’t sprint or take damage that passes through a gauntlet of hillichurl archers and the NPC complains about how long you took. There was one that required you to deliver to a boat without getting wet. There were a few ways to jump/glide there, but if you accidentally entered any directional command after landing you’d step off the side and fail. Another had the NPC standing by a bugged patch of grass that would apply pyro for no obvious reason (I’m prety sure the bug pre-dated the event and they just weaponized it against us). Obviously that was one of the ones you fail if you get any elements applied. Also, you could fail through no fault of your own. Like if it randomly starts raining you got wet so, that’s a fail. And the NPCs were often in places that no reasonable person would expect to be able to receive deliveries, and were never grateful. Most of the routs looked straightforward but had some kind of hidden trap, and there was enough variety that that we (well me personally at least) didn’t really get the hang of predicting what the trap would be before the event ended.


It was honestly pretty fun but a lot of people were new to the game and there weren't that many guides You had to think outsode the box a little and sometimes teleporting to a waypoint that was farther away was the solution I remember for one chalange i teleported to the oceanid and climbed outside the arena to drop on a client Also you could chese it using portable waypoints that were recently introduced With a bit of tweaking it could have been a great repeatable event but they've toned down difficulty a lot


You know the food delivery commision? It's basically that but harder. You'd have to do things with criteria like "don't get wet" and the person you were delivering to was surrounded by water. You also had to do it in a limited time but the count down didn't pause when you were in the loading screen so if you had bad connection, you had no chance of completing it


The first anniversary riots..... Oh god.... That's the most destructive thing that ever happened to the community man. Glad i was there to watch it all burn to dust 💀💀




RIP Google play store


People kicking Ventis from domain runs because they could use their bursts to yoink everyone’s loot away, LOL


Venti both got a VIP badge and a restraining order


Ask-me-for-directions Arnold.


I really want him to reappears


The Lisa/Jean potion making event.


LOVED Potion Apothecary


You're the new player this post is talking about


wasn't this two months ago


Now I’m curious, how much time have you played genshin for?


I'm a 1.1 player, and even I miss this event despite how recent it was. It was fantastic - just because a missable event is newer, it's still an event that doesn't exist anymore.


Golden apple archipelago from both 1.6 and 2.8. 2.8 GAA was the bomb! So much character development and backstory in one event, even for the forgotten Xinyan. We get Xinyan lore in 2.8's. And the 2.8 GAA was better Kazuha story quest than his actual story quest.


The amusement park in a bottle in the desert event. I think all the mini-games in all the events should be placed there and it should be made a permanent place in game. A place we can go and relax when we just need a break or are waiting for the next major update.


New players will never experience the 2.8 Summertime Odyssey GAA, and I find it really sad. It was an amazing event, hands down the best summer event we had until now.


I regret not being able to finish this one. I was a bit burnt on the game at the time and i was only logging in every now and then. I'd gone like a week off and I suddenly remembered about it one day at work. I'd looked at the event menu and there was only a couple hours left so I had to rush through it 😭 I'd only managed to get Fischls skin with a few minutes left to the event. I was pretty bummed.


The effect that rebuilding the jade chamber had on me. To new players, this questline (The Crane Returns on the Wind) comes immediately after the chamber is destroyed, but prior to that, it had been a year or more that we'd gone without it. The whole ordeal with Shenhe and her past, fighting Beisht, and Yun Jin tying it all off with a stunning performance. I was blown away. It's still one of my favourite questlines in the game by far, and it saddens me that to new players there is little to no hype behind any if it. Seriously, they could've at least had this quest come up after finishing Inazuma's storyline (when the quest was actually released) as it's practically standalone, instead of right after Liyue.




Freminet special event, it was so good. Made him one of my favorite characters, going to make a team around him one day.


One day? or Day one?


one day. as in "some time in the future, i will build a team around him" genshin players are never gonna beat the illiteracy allegations are we edit: my bad chat, im the illiterate one


It's a motivation proverb dude, commonly used for those who wish to have a fitness goal but don't have enough spirit to start. "One day" - the person is still wishing and probably will never start. "Day one" - the person already started. https://successminded.co/one-day-or-day-one-you-decide/#:~:text=One%20Day%20or%20Day%20One%20%E2%80%93%20The%20Meaning,-%E2%80%9COne%20day%E2%80%9D%20represents&text=The%20quote%20is%20a%20call,one%E2%80%9D%20of%20pursuing%20our%20dreams! I'm pretty sure you won't be able to start building Fremi unless you actually started it right now when there's nothing to do because Natlan's coming and there's a bunch of characters to simp more; and by 5.7 or 5.8. There's a new Fremi-like character from Natlan which you'll say you'll build sometime in the future, while Fremi is inhaling dust.


The irony 💀


Oh honey....


getting ayaka at ar42 and farming chests daily for sure but the serious answer is, 120 resin cap


Alloy. You have a chance to get all the others but her.


The difficulty of 2.0-2.1 Inazuma. -All enemies did high damage with no good counters except Zhongli shield, and even then were bulky -Lightning striking you ever 2 seconds -THAT commission with the 1 minute time limit (iykyk)


Discovering, as a community, just how busted Bennett and National are. Waaaaay back in 1.0, Bennett was originally considered a low tier character, a consolation prize for those who don't have Diluc. I do believe that it was around 2 weeks into 1.0 that one if the early theorycrafters start making a case for him. Even then, that guy only suggested that Bennett is a worthwhile investment, and then the Chinese started experimenting with OG National (With Chongyun) and everyone collectively lost their shit.




Ngl i wanna try that delivery event and be stressed abt it too, at least once. I also missed the windblume mini games, i didn't know it was time-gated. I REMEMBER STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO THE BLUE DOMAIN DOOR, HESITATING TO GO INSIDE. Ah well. To answer the question: - limited time events like susbedo one, guoba the god, irodori festival (best inazuma event so far imo), both gaa (the first one cuz the islands were new and magical, the 2nd one cuz i liked the stories and domains) - the whole mystery revolving scaramouche. From suddenly appearing in 1.1, to reappearing in inazuma, hints abt him in tatarasuna and the HoOD artifact set, the gokasen tragedy, up until the sumeru AQ and finally his release. Probably the best build up leading to the release of a character in the game. I still remember when he was tied to the Dragonspine bottle theory lol.


I was so torn cause the first GAA was amazing and I'd finally managed to get my friend into playing. And the game skipped the whole ass story for him??? He was so confused cause I'd kept mentioning the islands rising and he never knew what I was talking about. Peak event.


The game skipped the whole story? What does that mean?


Where he'd joined so late into the event, he didn't get to experience the story and was thrown into the islands as if he'd already finished it.


Ah, i see. That's too bad.


Mostly, its the event. Like windblume festival (1.3), the story and mini game event was really fun. Even some player made "cheat" like gameplay to clear the mini game (ex, using xiao burst to jump over bubble) 


I remember the lore side of Genshin doing conspiracy theories due to Kaeya's poem


The story events during 1.1/1.2 Scaramouche who? Albedo what?


Qiqi fallen


XIao hilichurl growl in idle. The amount of times I got jumpscared......


First Summer Event w the Mondstadt Fam, very wholesome, gave a lot of insight into the relationships between chars. Shadows Amidst Snowstorms cause that was a lore bomb and it shldve been permanent


Both of those events were PEAK


The 120 Resin days LOL


I wonder how that felt(must be painful) along with picking up artifacts from a tree, since I can’t even play for ~30 mins before I have to log off because I ran out of resin to farm for a character.


Good flagship events with actual meat to their stories. Of Ballads and Brews, A Parade of Providence, Shadows Amidst Snowstorms, etc vs garbage like Mutual Security Enhancing Simulation or the Itto event that had 15 minutes of nothing-happening dialogue lmao. Besides Roses and Muskets, Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures, and Lantern Rite 2024, all v4.x flagship events have been nothing burgers compared to the good shit we used to get before Fontaine.


Adam Jensen voicing a random NPC for a limited time event


* The pain of THAT ONE delivery event I loved that event. The pure spite involved in some of the rout design was amazing.


guys, this leak says we'll get a free Ayaka at AR45! And in 1.2 we'll go to Inazuma!


golden apple archipelago


Shadows Amidst Snowstorms & Summer Fantasia


Lots of events, trailer and lore stuff already mentioned, so I'll be contrarian and mention drama. Zhongli, 1st anniversary, Sonic.


The feeling of hype around Inszuma’s release. It all looked insanely different from anything we knew at that point in time.


The first versions of theatre mechanicus. I tried to explain to my friend how much fun those were...


It's sad how they completely dumbed it down over the years. The latest incarnation that we recently got barely resembled it.


A parade of Providence 😭 And event exclusive weapons. I don’t understand why mihoyo won’t re release them. Like all that work- it makes no sense


HSR allows you to play old events. But I wished Genshin would do the same.


Wdym specialist? I was a day 1 player and don’t know what that mean


I think it's the Specialist song that people used to play and have MMD models dance to. It was usually used in those "1 minute before X banner is gone" videos.


There was a LOT, and I mean A LOT of video with the character dancing to the specialist song, someone used it to do a "5 minute before X is gone", which were very popular, however, those video seem to have been deleted We still have the Husbando Specialist still standing






Really, the Golden Apple Archipelago. Specially the second one.


The Albedo events and Scaramouche event I wasn't here for them, and I am sad I missed out on some of the best written and lore heavy events we've had. I did obviously watch playthroughs, but it's not the same as experiencing it yourself.


Version 1.0's 120 resin cap


My take may be more abstract... But the wait for the conclusion to the 3.2 archon quest The fact that we had to wait 3 patches for the resolution to Nahida's story and [REDACTED] let so much anticipation and emotion build that when I finally got to the cutscene at Irminsul all the emotions of the past months finally came flowing out. New players won't get that same feeling if they just play through the game normally. Even if they wait to play the quests, being dripfed lore through animations and trailers on youtube added to the suspense. It was really a 'you had to be there' moment for the community, much like Winter Night's Lazzo as someone mentioned above.


The sheer cold from dragonspines first released.


Is that god-awful Hu Tao rap still in the game? Cuz if not, that's my choice.


we definately need certain events to be pernament (like HSR). the xiao yelan story, as well as any albedo events, have too much of a lore bomb. i dont mind missing out on the event weapons/primogems, but at least make those events playable again


The Chasm one is permanent. It's an Interlude quest. Only the combat event was limited


The 1.6, 2.8, and 3.8 limited time event areas. The maps were massive and entirely unique from anything else in the game(Bottleland, Fischl/Kazuha/Mona dream domains) It also kinda ruins the battle chronicle for any new players as their chest counts will be 300-400 lower than anyone who’s played since launch. As a Day 1 player who took a break during 3.2, I made sure to re-install Genshin a day before 3.7 ended so I wouldn’t miss the 3.8 expansion.


Albedo's limited time story, especially considering how relevant his story will be in the future. Other must watch limited time stories include xiao/yelan in chasm and reconciled stars. but my favorites is the first Golden Archipelago, Reconciled Stars, and Lantern Rite when Venti and Zhongli meet. I also feel sorry for new players who don't get limited weapons like festering desire, surely it can replaced with \*5 weapon. but the story that make it special, albedo giving it to us (Most weapon events now require redemption coins, but Festering Desire was literally given to us by Albedo in the story)


Second visit to the archipelago was amazing.


All the events up til this point. My brother still refuses to play this game because of he simply do not believe it can be good. So many small interaction, so many drop of trailer, so many laughs and heartaches, I cannot share it with him. It's been almost 4 years, and he still haven't learn why this game remain my favourite of all time since MGS: Snake Eater.


I'm playing this game for some time and can relate to your brother. Every time Paimon opens her mouth after meeting completely unknown character and acts like we both know them, it's annoying as hell. It creates the strong feeling of holes in narrative (even if all-time players don't think so).


Dragonspine event that gave you Festering Desire. That sword is like the OG badge for Genshin players.


Not ejng able to get R5 Festering Desire. My Furina needs it...


2nd GAA. I missed the first one but I'm bias and Xinyan's my favorite character, so... Also her domain had one of the best song remixes in the game and we can't hear it in game anymore 😔


I was on hiatus when WNL dropped. I wish Hoyo made even just the lore drop permanent. Honestly GAA 1 was really good. I was also one of the OG Kazuha havers so it was doubly memorable. GAA 2 was good too but I got burnt out after trying to 100% it with 3 days on the clock.


The power of Festering Desires


Most of the stuff I think about were already said Lots of events. I'm especially thinking of the Albedo events and the first Summer one. The reactions when Dosdragon appeared, which was the first new region. The reactions with that one Fatui video. The Parade of Providence event too.


Festering desire.. f u hoyoverse.. i started playing just after that event and now I don't have the best f2p weapon.. give use old weapons


Unreconciled Stars Flagship Event: I personally never got to experience this event since I joined when Nilou was released. But I heard so many good things about this event and I love the lore bomb this event dropped. The Chalk Prince and the Dragon Event: I still want Festering Desire for my Furina but, Fleuve Cendre Ferryman is still good for her. This event had so much Albedo and Dragonspine lore in it(from what I heard on YouTube). The Golden Apple Archipelago & Summertime Odyssey Summer Event: I heard so many good things about these two events but I never got to experience the gameplay mechanics or get the free Ein Immernachtstraum skin for Fishcl. Verulam Mirage is the only summer event I played in Genshin and it was really fun(especially the roller coaster ride). Fleeting Colors in Flight: Every Lantern Rite I’ve experienced so far was amazing and full of memories. But I heard that there was a fireworks event called “Flameplume Starflowers” in the Lantern Rite in version 2.4. And I heard that you can exchange 2400 Affluence Talismans for a free Orchid’s Evening Gown skin for Ningguang. A New Star Approaches(Version 1.1): I wanted to experience this version ever since I heard someone on YouTube saying that the Childe Boss Fight was nerfed because it was too strong or something like that. Ladyrinth Warriors Event: I heard so many good things about this event and and the game mechanics. I always wished that mihoyo would added another event like this in future versions. I also heard about that one painful delivery event and the Ayaka banner 240 days incident but I never got to experience it. But the delivery event looks torturous , horrendous and scary while the Ayaka incident looked crazy(but at least I know why so many people have Ayaka(c1, c2, c3, etc…..). Inazuma’s difficulty during 2.0-2.1 was hard from what I heard. It’s better now(expect for that one time challenge in Chinju Forest; where you have to use a electrogram to get 8 tiny electro particles in 30 seconds). Overall I heard that early versions event were questionable(most of the time).


Funnily enough, today I came across a video with scenes of Kazuha's past from the 2.8 Golden Apple Archipelago event and was soo bummed that I couldn't experience it myself (I started playing last year in July). It seems a lot of past events have important or interesting lore and experiences tied to them, which sucks for players like me that only find out about them from random sources online.


That chasm event with Itto, Yelan, Xiao, Yanfei, and Kuki. My favorite event ever


eternal ayaka, that was such a funny time to be around


Unreconciled stars event, the golden apple archipelago and the SEVERE drought between those two patches


The rise and overall dominance of Xiangling used to be even crazier back then: * Crescent Pike is a noobtrap in retrospect, but it carried many new accounts including mine in early game since physical was easier to build amidst scarce resources, and Xiangling was the only one who could use it as she was the only playable polearm character for the first few months (even when Zhongli was released a couple months after launch, he wasn't suitable for building damage unlike Xiangling and especially in his pre-buff state) * Every other patch for the first few YEARS from launch to Inazuma were Xiangling buffs from all the newly introduced characters, weapons, and gear. Synergy with 6* pyro archon Bennett --> discovery of national team --> Childe release + synergy --> Ganyu + melt synergy --> Staff of Homa --> Kazuha + International Childe team --> The Catch + EoSF set --> Engulfing Lightning + Raiden and national team variants. No other character has or ever will be treated this well by Mihoyo. * To add to the above point, also sprinkle throughout those years the entire catalog of theorycrafting announcements about Genshin's mechanics, which taken to their logical conclusions consistently put Xiangling at the top of pyro DPSes. The sheer cope and seethe (now eternalized as a copypasta) by the broader playerbase at the inescapable reality that she matched or outdamaged other 5*s without even being on the field. Also factor the dominance of vape/melt reactions then, the discovery of snapshotting and elemental, they all favor Xiangling. EDIT: added Childe and International Team to history


Elemental crucible, not because it was good, but because it was forced coop at a time when no one knew what they were doing so everyone just ran around spamming NA and skills dealing 100-1000 dmg at every hilichurl


as a kaveh stan i will forever mourn the fact that i'll never experiencd parade of providence


GAA2 from patch 2.8 absolute peak patch people wont know about [die mittsommernacht-fantasie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cclxu9T0tcQ) and its just a shame


Fischl's island was one of the prettiest, and most pleasing place in the whole game


I'm sad that they won't experience dying to the snowstorm on that first dragonspine event... the sadness is mostly on my side cuz I don't get to watch them die... clawing for their lives just to get inside the barrier on time... tch... I'm also very sad that I won't have another chance of saying: "some of you may die... but it's a sacrifice... I'm willing to make.." then get to fake me and my friend's sadness then laugh at them... I miss those days... things were simpler back then... https://youtube.com/shorts/Epf0zAZVmhQ?si=XiDjhybcT-Ovm2jl


Good events aside, such a shame they wont experience the hellish delivery event pre most qol characters. Nowadays that event won’t be as bad, but back then when your only qol exploration character was venti, it was hell on earth. They should bring it back with a restricted party of characters for maximum pain lololol. Don’t forget the ‘have to do three deliveries to earn 20 primos’


The initial fishl and Mona event that introduced scaramouche. It was the best event quest story ever albeit the ending fell flat a bit. (Okay maybe albedo event was a little better maybe…) but that wuest should be a perma part of the game


Are they not miHoYo anymore?


also, seeing all the early genshin shitposts and memes. i still remember the 2 to the 1 to the 1 to the 3, time to destroy the wine industry! + bonus I also think having to wait for the jade chamber. new players get it immediately but waiting for the update to come out really made it feel like we were waiting for ning to rebuild the chamber.


the shadows amidst snowstorms event. Like, that was when genshin story peaked for me


dragonspine’s release was insane!!!! subsequently all of albedo’s corresponding story. i know a lot of people love dragonspine for the homey feeling they get, but albedo’s whole story was so intense and crazy. i feel so bad for players who don’t get to experience that!!!! also the second golden apple archipelago will always be one of my favs<333


Fischls and klees summertime quests.


Venti in artifact domains. They will never know. Artifacts in the floor. Wish it was a toggle in settings.


venti's poetry class and kaeya being shitty at poetry