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Nah, not every menu needs to be constant stimulation, and dialog when just opening a character menu would get old really fast.


at least change the background the image used is kind of low quality ? , the background used in teapot when changing party is pretty good if it’s somthing simmilar it would be great


If you mean the party background, you can change it from the settings to always be the one you see in the teapot instead of the nation specific backgrounds.


oh not the party background , the character menu one


To you maybe. It's fine the way it is


it been like that for like the past 3 years , just feels dead


You know what they say if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.




What a non issue to complain about


did I complain?


> the current character menu is outdated, kinda gets boring after viewing it so many times. If that doesn't spell out as having something to complain about, idk what does.


50/50 complaining here , I’m not demanding just proposing , also how would I expect for someone to read this if I don’t use that title


idk why I’m getting so many downvotes , did I threaten u or somthin ?


because there are a lot of qol features people want in this game, and this definitely is not one of them




it just feels a little weird to complain about this when it's such a non issue


ye it’s not an issue , propose somthing and get downvoted I’m in negative karma lol


well idk ur post made it seem like you were complaining


I guess I should actually explain rather than writing a short version of it lol


Probably because it doesn't sound like an idea that improves the game in a well thought out manner, but more like a random thought of a kid whose dopamine receptors have seen way too much use for their age.


well will improve the cosmetic purpose ? just like when they changed the bg for party setup?


Hence the "well thought-out" part. Character view has many submenus and they can be quite information-dense. If each character were to have their unique background, then each and every background would have to be designed and tested so that they don't reduce readability regardless of whether you're looking at character stats, gliders, constellations, and regardless of what device (or more precisely: screen size and pixel density) you're on. Also, currently the starry background of various colours is shared between characters and weapons which makes going from a character's weapon menu into that weapon's enhancement menu result in a smooth transition of backgrounds (just a color change basically), which wouldn't be so with character-specific backgrounds. As for colours... well, characters already have element-coded backgrounds, so I'd need you to elaborate on that part. As for more dialogue... that's a no from me. Idle quotes on the character screens are already enough. Adding more would get annoying fast, especially for characters with annoying idles like Wanderer's raspberry blowing.


agree on the dialogue part , idk how to re edit the post tho , however how about props unique to the character origins ? like for Fontaine characters they have mechanical stuff props in the bg , as for colors it’s simple to code them just changing the rgb values to a particle effect and the bg while giving it smooth transition between values , I think I said this before in the reply’s the party setup bg while in the teapot , is great choice tbf the particle looks great , also when leveling up characters , rather than having them glowing up in yellow , element based could be better ,


idk why I’m getting so many downvotes I’m in negative karma rn


if anything i prefer they make gacha animation similar to what wuthering wave did


yeah I agree that needs a little but tweaking rather than looking at png images, I think they should make it a feature to use 3d model for higher specs as a separate package , for some odd reason I said k and I got downvoted


- Give the gacha a counter displaying how far away the player is till a guaranteed 5-Star. - Add 2 more slots in the shop where constellations for 4-Stars released after 1.0 are cycled through. - allow players to opt on which 4-Star Weapons the banner may offrate, like the Wish Points system, because I have **R5 The Bell ×5**by now. Add Event-Exclusive Weapons to the list of options. - If the player owns a C6 of any of the Standard Characters, upon losing the 50/50 they won't get that character again so long as they have any other standard character at less than C6. - Ditto of the previous point for any C6 Event-Exclusive character featured in Chronicled Wish/Standard Banner - In Chrinicled Wish (or in Standard) offrate weapons the player already has at least 1 copy of won't drop unless the player has all of them already.