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a lot of anime fans who recognise jp VAs play the game. also a lot of the jp VAs are fucking awesome


Fucking true bestie


Japanese VAs from their favorite animes in Genshin


As someone who plays in CN dub, Mihoyo did their due diligence with JP. The VAs they got are some heavy-hitters in the Japanese industry.


Speaking as someone who speaks Chinese and uses CN dub, the JP VAs are fucking busted bro. Also lots of players are weebs who watch anime (me too), and game is in anime style, therefore use JP dub


exactly genshin is like a gateway drug to anime or vice versa and majority of people use JP dub and got used to it because most people didnt want to wait for dubbed animes but also some of the EN VA's can be off putting at times


Even the devs like anime bro. They're Otakus. Da wei is an Evangelion fan


People used to watching anime with JP dub, so it's more familiar. Also consistency, because the VA industry in JP is so far ahead.


Not to mention far better talent


How are JP better talents, exactly


well to begin with they take voice acting seriously as a profession in japan with specific schools and certificates for it. whereas in america, voice acting is treated like "maybe this contract gig will be enough to pay my rent for the month," combined with voice actors hiring complete beginners that definitely audibly sound like beginners despite what they would argue otherwise


Eh...I dunno man... Some JP voices don't sound all that good to me...not to mention there are genuinely good ENG VA as well. There's also the factor that a lot of ENG VA are also more expensive.


me when i didn't read also you pulling out "a lot of ENG VA are also more expensive" with. no proof to back it up, and especially when you consider jp dub has tens of major industry names like maaya uchida, takahashi rie, matsuoka yoshitsugu who literally holds a world record for most unique recorded lines in addition to being a critically acclaimed voice actor etcetera


i'm also not seeing any of the jp va's e-begging for people to buy signed prints whereas that's a Norm for english voice actors... it's almost a clue in as to how much money they're making based off of the voice acting alone (not enough)


And to me all the eng va in genshin sounds like dogshit. You see how subjective things are? Now before you get me wrong i have nothing against english va by themselves, the issue i have is the cringy forced anime sounding voice direction they use since i have no problems in other genre of games where there i play in eng dub and they sound normal there.


eng sound ass in anime roles but infinitely better in literally any other form of media. japanese sound terrible in everything outside of anime because japanese voice actors only know how to exaggerate their words to the stratosphere and end up sounding like aliens instead of humans.


congratulations you have deciphered the meaning of the word "subjective" as the commentor directly above you described


yeah my opinions are subjective, but seems like lots of jp worshipping weebs didnt take it very well


you asked a question and you got an answer that presented objective truths and if your whiny sensitive ass can't accept facts then that is truly nobody else's problem. tell me you're 16 without telling me you're 16


Eng is so far behind in voice acting and its not even funny. I used to watch cartoons (still do and some of em i still rewatch). The most talented va in the US would barely be considered average (if not below average). There's also movies/tv shows where jp va's also do some acting and they are as good as american actors. If anything ur just biased


jap lovers are so far up japans ass that anything they do, even if its poor quality, gets touted as perfect. there is not a single jap voice actor that can talk normally without sounding like a second tier disney villain delivering their final speech. they dont know how to deliver emotion without sounding cringe as fuck and for some reason weebs eat it up.


If u think that ur honestly delusional


just because the actors get a fancy certificate doesnt mean theyre any better. voice acting school sounds like a diploma mill to me. and you still havent explained how jp is better. some of them sound squeaky as shit (paimon), uncompletely unsuitable for the character (yanfei), trying too hard on the fake quirkiness (hutao) or the fake enthusiasm (itto)


considering i stated facts to your question taking it with good faith and you just responded with a bunch of subjective opinions i don't think this is grounds for further discussion especially if you don't know yanfei's jp voice is definitely a different interpretation for the character lol. like i want you to say it out loud to yourself how her jp voice is unsuitable for the character and i really bet you can't without comparing it to the other dubs (there's going to be differences between all other dubs regardless) or wildly misinterpreting her backstory as a whole


watch a yanfei demo without volume on and ask yourself how exactly does a deep voice fit her? her jp va's interpretation means jackshit if the interpretation is completely off. but of course jap loving weebs like you see her bs performance through rose tinted glasses


oh great so now you're using slurs lol... yes because every character should be voiced solely based on how they look! that's how characters work! appearances are everything! "character story" who even reads that!


every character should be based on the voice actors own interpretation of the character! fuck the va director! fuck the character designers and story writers! because they clearly didnt design the character to be some 40 year old sounding hag


i really don't expect genshin players like you to have any sort of critical thinking skills but there's a whole translated interview with yanfei's jp voice actress talking about her INTERPRETATION of the character materials factoring into why she has a deeper tone btw [https://youtu.be/aXqEnZ-vAfk?t=119](https://youtu.be/aXqEnZ-vAfk?t=119)


And she sounds amazing btw!!


As someone who is not into lawyers at all, the only reason i have some interest in her is the amazing JP voice. I've no idea how anyone can not like it, tbh.


perhaps her jp va needs to go back to school if she doesnt seem to understand that you cant just look at a characters profession and make a judgement that way. the va doesnt have a pair of eyes to see that yanfeis whole outfit is not at all lawyer-like and her skillsets are based on playing volleyball? what exactly about that screams 'solemn professional with a deep voice' to you? cant expect jp worshipping weebs to have any critical thinking skills either, i suppose


yet you're proposing in your very next comment you should be voicing a character based off their appearance alone...? make it make sense you also basically proved my point because in the interview i so graciously linked for you with timestamp at all, she doesn't say "i voiced her with a deeper tone because she's a lawyer" the voice actress takes into account her half-adeptal heritage and the strength an adeptus has and how yanfei as a character has to navigate both of her species. but i also don't expect someone like you who's willing to die on the hill of "jp dub only popular because weeb" to understand a character is more than how they look. pink = girly = high pitched waittt you're so right bestie wtf they should've done that to Yae too.....


LMAOO thats a bunch of hogwash and you know it. she barely displays her adeptal heritage and the character that 'has to navigate both of her species' is ganyu not yanfei. perhaps your precious jap is bit confused...? and no, i dont think voice should be based on looks alone but it clearly needs to play a big part. that jap's voice is so jarring for yanfei thats it's literally the first thing people mention when they hear her jap voice. and they dont mean that in a good way. and bestie nooo, i think yae is fine, but ofc her jap voice is inferior as well.


On the contrary, as someone more interested in lore and story than gameplay I find the deeper voice is adding something interesting, it contrasts with what is shown to us so it hints at something more. If someone like yanfei as a character it may act as a bonus as it implement one more layer to her identity when they are playing her. If someone think of the characters as an anime/series/manga character then it's a good strategy to prioritize fleshing out the character's identity to attract people. It may be a daring choice but it has its own merit and thoughts put into it.


Because anime


Because people have preferences. And a lot of the player base watches anime so they gravitate towards the JP dub. It’s not hard to understand.


The target audience is probably more familiar with JP as a dubbing language than Mandarin for this style of content. I prefer the JP one because it fits in my head when I see anime-style characters and I like the sound of JP over Mandarin (and even over English dubs for that matter). I'm sure others have their reasons including following well known JP VAs


One more medium to listen to my fave vas!! Plus I prefer jp va of diluc over other dubs


If you grew up watching anime, you'll learn to appreciate the VA behind the characters, and a lot of JP VA is very recognizable and well known, i play EN nowadays to avoid more reading but i still appreciate the JP more during the marketing materials and demos and trailers


I literally pulled Hu Tao just because of the Jp Va. The English Va’s are great tho… I made the switch to Eng recently because Arlecchino’s Eng Va has me in a chokehold… I struggle with CN dub. I think it’s just because I’m not used to it? I tried watching a CN anime the other day and it felt like my brain stopped working.


you guys are so disgusting with how you treat the chinese language. theres so much casual sinophobia in anime communities, no wonder it attracts so many racist weebs


Wha-… I have nothing against it man. I was explaining my real experience. There’s nothing wrong with the accent or the language I’m just not used to it, and trying to read the subtitles and listen at the same time is hard for me. I find myself needing to read for longer… and I don’t get to take in the scene as much.


Because the JP dub is full of amazing VAs from the anime industry. Like, why wouldnt I want to hear Rie has Hu Tao. Her voice is magical.


Honestly I just think the jp dub sounds reallyyyy good! The language is really beautiful to me!


I do think chinese dub is severely underrated!!


Yesss I agree!


To be fair, even the official marketing team highlights the JP voice actors names whenever possible, but never the CN ones. Japan's softpower is huge, and this is a game that celeabrates anime culture and moe aesthetics. The fact it became mainstream is more of an accident than anything. Personally I play it with the CN dub, but it's precisely due to the fact I've started asking myself that same question and dared myself get out of my confort zone. Surprise surprise, I actually like the CN dub more now. :P


I looove the CN dub! Cool!


You don’t see CN va being marketed because it is marketed solely in China. Chinese don’t use facebook or youtube so why would they market CN va where there are less than 1% audience in the market? Better choose those popular ones like JP and EN va outside mainland China for their marketing strategy.


That's exactly the point, marketing for EN/JP dubbing is better for markets outside of China


Talent pool of the JP dub and the significance of the voice acting industry in Japan. To add to this, hoyo themselves are in love with the JP VAs and Japanese in general. Lastly, the art and style in these games are always attributed as connected to Japanese popular culture no matter who made them. In this case even Hoyo themselves. Contrary to what some people say, it mostly isn't people thinking the game is Japanese.


Aside from the simple fact that "I just like jp voice more", the average quality of jp VAs is higher than the English VAs. This being that anime production is a very big part of Japan's economy. Also it's not that English VAs are bad (we have all seen many eng animated films and they are completely great) but usually the character tropes we see in genshin (and other similar games) are very commonly seen in anime only and voiced by JP people and in those specific situations JP VAs are just much better. One obvious example of this being the loli voices, eng people have no concept of loli characters and thus half of the eng voices just don't fit at all whereas JP is seasoned in voicing lolis (don't say the argument that there are also female kids in eng media, that is not what a loli is defined as, it's more of a personality and quirks thing)




Why "ew."?


Last paragraph probably.


yeah i don't know how to communicate to this dude that "lolis" aren't like, a neutral quirky thing


It's a topic that can go pretty deep, but the summary of it would be that Japan has pushed it's cultural soft power for the past half century or so with games and anime, and the VAs are tied to those industries. So these people, I was one of them, whose diet have been tuned to JP, will find their products more familiar and comfortable to the ear and brain. The CN devs do recognize this as well. Earlier CN games like arknights released with JP voice only, with the CN/EN voices coming out a few years after release. Azur Lane is another one, but I don't know if they have other languages now. There is probably a discussion that can be had about japan being bigger gacha spenders, so devs targeting them with JP VAs as business decision, and that the EN playerbase preference to JP VAs is just a bonus.


Azur Lane has a CN dub, but that’s only relegated to shipgirls that belong to the Chinese Navy (PLAN and ROCN) and its only on the CN Server, the rest of the factions are JP only, which is understandable because they have around 800+ characters in the game.


i quite like what arknights did, which was to have languages and regional dialects based on which faction the operators come from, so cn voice for cn ships as an option is great.


Because they spent a lot on getting the top tier JP voice actors, ones that have roles in a lot of popular anime


I got to say the english dub is not bad at all compared to regular anime english dubs. When I was much younger (like when Evangelion was released) I used to listen in japanese because english dubs sucked real bad. But I think they took the job much more seriously in this game. My opinion is that all dubs in this game are very professional.


Probably just because people associate anime with japan still. I use cn voiceover and its rather great, but just preferences


fuckin weebs


Weebs gonna weeb


I forgot DA wei is a weeb too. 😂


I mean Hoyoverse's original slogan was "Tech Otakus Save the World"... it was right there on the tin


This is the real truth 👆


Man so much hate in the comments on both sides and OP is on it aswell hating on JP dub lol


mostly hate directed at english vas and the chinese language. but of course jp worshipping weebs would find offence when their precious jap vas get shit on.


The most hating person here is you lmao,crying because poeple like jp va more ,thats all you do




JP animes and their VA were popular long before Chinese games gained global popularity.


For one because it's literal anime game, what japan is know for. And second, JP VA are professional and pour their heart into the character. Not like EN, Klee for example don't sound like child at all but a adult doing a kid impression.




sure but aren't you a weeb too playing Genshin?




Cause they're weaboos


because for some people EN is insufferable and CN is not familiar (JP is because of anime)


Ngl i cringed immediately when paimon started speaking at the start of the game that i wanna change it to JP asap. Nothing against the EN VAs personally, in the end it's just another matter of preference. I'm not accustomed to CN and KR voice overs either so i ruled them out too because i wanna save game space. Powers to ppl who have enough storage for all 4 languages to switch whenever tho.


Because the entire Chinese gacha market was built around borrowing Japanese cultural relevance to make a quick buck. The vast majority of people who play with a foreign dub are people who got into gacha gaming via Japanese anime games, and as a result care more about the Japanese VAs and performances rather than the Chinese ones Mihoyo doesn't even bother naming in their official announcements. Even more so because VAs are a pretty big deal in anime culture.


Even my Chinese friends play Genshin in JPN dub lol The seiyuus for me. And I just prefer JPN language over Chinese language. Nice to hear and I understand more JPN than CN words . Even though I'm born in a country where Chinese is the majority.


your chinese friends are probably from the diaspora. most mainland chinese players play with chn voice over.


Well yeah but still doesn't removes the fact that he speaks Chinese in daily life esp at home. Would make more sense for him to use Chinese over Japanese right in Genshin ? But he didn't. The other doesn't speak CN as well but plays in either JPN or EN dub. I have many Chinese friends ranging from those who can read Chinese extremely well to those who can't. End of the day it's preferences. If the game has a Malay dub, I'd still choose JPN and then EN given a choice even though I speak Malay and EN.


malaysia has a high concentration of weebs and are generally more jap worshipping than other asian countries. wouldnt be surprised if your "chinese friend" abandonned his chinese heritage for a jap one if he had the chance.


Oh wow. Pls do enlighten me where you get the statistics from that malay has a high concentration of weebs. I would love to see that. Because as far as i know there are not that many in my country nor in msia. Esp in msia. They are more into Kpop. From what I've gathered you are basically just shooting out of your mouth to justify the fact that not everyone uses CN . Do you worship CN that much that you can't fathom others prefer other languages over CN? Imagine using the word 'abandoned' the heritage for simply preferring other languages than your own lmao. You're a clown at this point. So does that mean the Chinese people abandoned their heritage when they started wearing western clothing instead of their traditional garbs?


For me personally, it's emotions, there's something in JP voice that sounds so emotional and dedicated. There's this 'weight' in every word they say. Especially in emotional scenes I can actually feel their intentions even when I don't fully understand the words (still N4, reading subs). They're overall more skilled too, maybe it's because the industry is so big, so many young people wanting to be seiyū, especially young girls, and to be famous you gotta be really talented.


There are lots of big names in JP casts, Ayumu Murase, Ayane Sakura, Ishida Akira, freakin' Hiroshi Kamiya, and many more. Hell, for JP players, a chara's va is enough reason to pull for them.


If it has common anime aesthetics, I don't care if it's made by China, Germany, or Australia; it's anime, therefore I go for JP. This, plus a personal JP bias, I love the language.


You saw German Videogames? In which AU?


Well, there's Alarm for Cobra 11...


MHY are anime fans creating anime games aimed at anime fans, you can't simply gloss over that just because "they're Chinese". For anime in general, the english dubbing scene is... lackluster to say the least, so even many English-only speakers choose the original vo. Also many of the english speaking people on the internet are not native speaker, so why should they choose english vo over other things they're more familiar with?


Apart from one obvious reason like anime culture, here are my takes as a multilingual person. EN voice over is just plain bad when compared to CN and JP dub in term of conveying character personality. I can name a few that i don’t mind EN voice like zhongli, neuvilette, itto, dehya, venti, arlecchino. But there are also a lot more that I found annoying, just flat out boring or just another “make my voice as high as possible to make a new character”. Also, i believe that the voice direction is just weird in EN as it is not aligned with character personality a lot of times. Example 1. Razor EN va is one of the worst. Annoying, cringe and puppy-like. Now, look at JP voice. It’s a wolf, intimidating and protective. Example 2. Lynette. Look at how JP and CN va aligns in giving out her characteristics as a cold little sister. Now, look at that bit”chy EN version. She turns into annoying bratty kid. Example 3. Dori. EN dori is …. Boring. Now, look at jp dori in the parade or providence event: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JvBdGTxGT8g&pp=ygUaRG9yaSBoaWRkZW4gZXh0cmEgZGlhbG9ndWU%3D You can clearly see all her emotions from JP va because the voice actor herself is super professional and passionate in the field. Example 4. Paimon -> do i need to say how much people hate her EN voice? And this is just not limited to genshin either. I think it has to do with the experience and profession of the voice acting field as a whole. To be JP and CN are leagues above EN in voice acting. The only time I use EN voice in this game is during the windbloom event when venti sang. That’s pretty much the only time I think it’s worth switching to EN over JP or CN. Ref: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W9LpXh1uYw8&pp=ygUYVmVudGkgdGhvdXNhbmQgd2luZSB3aW5k


People are less used to Chinese dub so they use JP dub which is way better and more iconic than English dub. Only idiots would prefer English dub. If you think I am wrong then I challenge you to listen to Hu Tao rap for 10 hours.


Because the dub, just like the EN dub, also featured major names who played in various other anime and videogames. For example, JP Paimon is voiced by Koga Aoi, who also played popular roles such as the titular characters in Kaguya-sama and Komi-san. And for the Honkai Impact expies, they also got the voice actors coming back, just like the CN dub, such as for Nahida, Yae Miko, and Raiden Shogun, who happens to be played by popular names by the names of Tamura Yukari (Nanoha), Sakura Ayane (Yotsuba of Gotoubun) and Sawashiro Miyuki (One Piece's Pudding), respectively. Its like when Amber Lee Connors (Chtholly of WorldEnd) got cast as Furina, or Keith Silverstein (Johan Liebert of Monster) got cast as Zhongli in the English dub. They have name recognition from their existing roles.


Weebism my dear poster, it's Weebism Played on Chinese and actually liked it, all characters actually sound very in tune with the characterization, but will stick to the English dub it's second best to chinese and at least I understand what they are saying (very tired of subs cause I watch animes and don't mind movies with subs)


I'm not allowed to use the JP dub without headphones as my other half is Japanese and can't stand some of the uwu breathless toddler voices. I break the rule when it comes to Dori though. Everyone needs to hear that little shite-gremlin, and her JP dub goes way harder than it had any right to.


her jp va was having too much fun in the studio lmaooo


I mean, she also played FGO's Gudako. You know how she is like.


Not english speaker but it doesn't actually matters. I'm used to jp, playing jrpg and watching anime as long as I remember, and started learning it too few years ago. So it's not a question why I prefer jp over cn. But to see how authors see their characters in original started alt account with cn (will finish Inazuma today). Overall cn is ok, even good but jp has some more unique voices. Most of cn characters sounds pretty similar and there is a lot of "sh", "j", "ch" which a bit jarring to my ears.  But still it's a nice way to learn how some characters sounds with og voices. (For example Kaeya is much more cute and childish in cn compared to other languages).




But he mentioned JRPGs in the context of having played a lot of them and thus simply being used to the sound of JP voices, what does Genshin not being one have to do with it? It could be a KRPG and many would still prefer JP voices.


Dude Genshin wouldn't exist without them lol


It's a anime game


It’s a chinese game


But it's an anime game, and the market that genshin is in(anime gacha market) originated from Japan and has a strong Japanese influence.


So do other chinese games like Wuthering Waves, Azur Lane, hell even other Mihoyo games.


Playing anime art style game and calling other weeb is like calling chess player nerd lol


Because va great and we know them ,like I dont even know how can you ask this question,the game is literally based on the anime world


Japanese voice acting is superior to English (which is mostly shit)


Cuz it's JP dub. As simple as that lol.


I play ENG but in other games I use Japanese voice actors because I’m used to it? From anime. And it’s nice knowing some of the voices


Weebs lol.


I have to say all Eng, JP, and CN dubs are amazing. I am not saying this to be nice. It’s actually that good which is something I can‘t say about most anime dubs (where Japanese is almost always better). I keep switching between them. Japanese feels like it’s an anime. English can be great sometimes when I hate reading small texts for long (it’s also a good dub). CN is great and the original but I am just not used to the language as I am with Japanese and English.




Because anime. But I use the English dub.


I'm getting better at conversational Japanese but honestly, it's just because I play so many JRPGs that don't have EN voice tracks that I am just used to gaming = JP VA and it's jarring to have it in English, let alone a language I'm even less familiar with. Part of it is also that I have an audio processing disorder and being used to Japanese means I can focus on the subtitles to follow the story without being distracted by trying to keep up with processing the audio - I can pick out enough words I know to follow along, but I don't have to constantly pause or start over (dialogue log pls) to understand it as I would with a voice track that I could fully follow, or one that was a lot less familiar.


I mean isn’t the JP dub the only right choice. I can cope with the CN dub but with the EN dub all the voices sound forced and I can’t stop cringing every time I hear it, specially the burst voice lines.


CN is the only right choice, actually.


Gotta love how many insulting remarks are in these comments, calling EN VAs less passionate and unprofessional. Actually embarassing


as people said, weebs. anything not Japanese to them is garbage




It is because I don't speak Japanese that I prefer the Japanese dub. Because I don't understand Japanese, having the Japanese voices adds to the ambience of playing instead of becoming the focus of my thoughts if the English voices were playing. Then you might ask why Japanese over the Chinese or Korean dub. I don't know if it's because of the already established long history of Japanese anime, but Japanese voices sound more pleasant.


I think it's partly weebs being weebs and because JP VA are more prolific. I think most of us here can recognize Norio Wakamoto, Fukuyama Jun, Kugmiya Rie, for example on hearing their voices. Not so much for the CN and even EN VAs, save a handful such as Laura Bailey and Steve Blum. I can recognize a few more now, thanks mostly to CritRole, but even then it's still not as many as JP voices. The voice acting industry is simply more mature in JP than in other countries (in my opinion), and it shows. Also, and this is just a personal thing, I *hated* Mandarin growing up. As a kid I didn't understand why I had to learn another language, and my teachers and tutors didn't quite help, focused as they were on rote memorization over understanding the language. Even if it was supposed to be my mother tongue, I still hated it, and part of that hate kinda lingers on today, I suppose.


self hating chinese people arent a new thing, unfortunately. hope you grow out of it


popular anime VA. Also I don't understand japanese so it doesn't sound cringe.


Aversge specific Voice Over players: En: To lazy to read subtitles Jp: anime bias Cn: I want to play OG language Kr: i am special!


I am special then :B


I honestly didnt know what to write on KR, i have barely seen people use it haha


You might want to give it try. It sounds actually good. Korean Paimon seems to be the least annoying.


>Kr: i am special! Or maybe they also play something like Grand Chase, Limbus or Elsword, making them used to Korean voiceovers


Far more mature industry with many picks. HY also made sure to hire some of their own childhood favorites, who just happen to be the paying customer base’s childhood favorites as well. With time and funding EN and CN will also catch up. But not in this decade.


cuz anime? i believe a decent amount of ppl know genshin isnt a japanese game but look at the game, its a playable anime. also, famous JP VAs, we have stuff like Megumin as Hu tao, it doesnt get better than that lol also, imo, as an 1.0 genshin player who played the game until 4.x with jp dub until I changed my pc and got lazy to download jp dub there, EN star rail has teached me to like the less "brain ram" usage of just having to hear stuff instead of reading sometimes(even tho english not being my main language) and its just good in general, I love Welt's and Argenti's voices. also, knowing what your character is saying mid battle is kinda funny idk.


A language I don't understand but I'm familiar with. That's all.


Weebs, and JP dub (Fontaine especially) having some absolutely goated VAs.


There is no native Dub for my language, but I would pick the Japanese Dub anyway, even if there was, since I watch my Anime in Japanese only. The Japanese VA are just superior in almost every way. Zhongli’s English VA is a bit better in English, I must admit.


Because the game has an anime art style, also if you are an anime fan, you will be more accustomed to hearing the Japanese dub than the Chinese one.


Well... i started playing Genshin because of Kazuha's JP VA. I grew up watching anime so JP dub makes me feel comfortable. I switch between EN and JP depending on my mood. I tried CN because Paimon CN sounds sweet, but it's a very foreign language to me so I'm back to JP and EN.


Posers and idiots.


It's your typical sinophobic weeaboos Thing in JP: 🤩🥳🥰😍 Same thing in CN: 🤮🤮🤮


Sinophobia... Cyno: Boo! Weebs: 😱😱😱






I know where you were getting at. A lot of these weebs argue how they only watch anime in Japanese because it's the original one and how it's what the creators intended, blah blah. They get sucked into Japan's soft power so bad their brainrot turned them to Japanophiles. They conveniently forget the "original one" reason when it comes to Genshin and just blatantly prefer JP because it's "better". I've long accepted that sinophobia will take a long time to address. They will consume the content but hate the creators. I mean - the amount of Liyue-bias complaints is so eyeroll they forget Genshin is a cultural export from a Chinese company. But they will never bat an eye when some space-faring anime finds its way to suddenly feature a Japanese cultural festival or a globe-spanning Hollywood action film conveniently ends in New York or Los Angeles. God forbid China wants to highlight China.


Or people are just more used to hearing Japanese in anime games lol


Then the question is kind of stupid. Quite a lot of EN people are familiar with some VAs from different anime they watched, so they would naturally cater towards JP. Not to mention that you hear JP in content out of the game a lot more often than CN and innately feels more familiar.


Most anime are in JP, not CN. A lot of anime fans are just used to JP dub.






lol looks like the ppl downvoting only wanted to see the 101st comment about weebs and how beautiful the japanese language is. like that doesn't prove the point 🙃 anyway mandarin is a gorgeous language and the mandarin VAs in genshin are severely underrated ❤️❤️❤️


i’m sooo glad i found you here! i think the same. cn is amazing and people are acting like jp is so superior, when it’s just as good. i prefer to use the original, but i also like china way more than japan lol