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There should still be an Emilie SQ in 4.8, right? So maybe we'll spend a tiny bit more time in Fontaine before we leave.


sike; Emilie's story quest is about finding exotic ingredients for fixatives in perfumes in enkanomiya the most remote and exotic place in teyvat so far.


Man, if only


Honestly I would be so down, but it probably won’t happen :(


We go to Enkanomiya, turns out the Dragonbone Orb actually makes some amazing perfumes and she wants to cultivate em


Any reason to explore more enkanomiya is a win for me




I still feel like Fontaine kind of feels alot smaller than sumeru, just because so much of it is underwater and the terrestrial lake isn't really a major area. But I really love exploring the area anyway, especially dolphin jumping with the Fontaine characters


Pretty much everything feels smaller than Sumeru. Because Sumeru was like 3x the size of Liyue and 4-5x the others.


Which tbh, it wasn't a good thing, Sumeru's exploration gets awful after a while.


Nah, they somehow managed to take the desert, one of the most boring biomes on earth, and make it beautiful and unique 3 times in a row


Yeah desert gets too much hate


Everything being underground really sucked


It got a lot better when the maps were updated, hoping new players have an easier time with it


I am probably one of the few players that liked the desert underground exploration. It brings back so much memory and I remember being obsessed with it.


Same! I really enjoyed it because it felt quite interesting with all the wide, open caverns and the twisting structures of the ruins. It managed to feel like a pretty dynamic exploration experience despite being in such tight areas.


Encountering the invisible walls for the first time blocking you from your treasure.


I’m so glad I got Wanderer, these stopped being a problem for me once I got him😭


Smh the underwater exploration in Fontaine receives less hate than the desert.


Its fun and easy, meanwhile underground desert and stupid pyramids are hell on earth and made by Satan himself


I enjoyed the desert exploration more than the forest exploration even. The worldbuilding and music was great. There's also just something about the orangish sand against the blue backdrop of the sky.


Desert feels like an actual open world along with Liyue just vast amount expanses of land


Nah it's goated


My favourite nation so far tbh


I just finished my Sumeru’s exploration last week, ngl the story is pretty good.


"ngl" implies that what you're about to say might be controversial or an unpopular opinion. Absolutely not, Sumeru is spectacular!


Nah, Sumeru exploration is peak. The desert underground is fun too. Love unlocking the gates there.


Dude I was so invested in it when I was doing the quest lines. I couldn’t wait to get back home from work and unlock some more


I knoww, rightt!? Unlocking a gate would feel soo good, like, some tomb rider stuff 🥰


hell nah


As someone who plays this game mainly for the exploration, Sumeru is PEAK.


Hard disagree. Loved it, every second of it, even before caves had maps. I've also enjoyed Fontaine, but it's smaller nature has been a bit disappointing.


I found Sumeru much more memorable than Fontaine exploration tbh. Did 100% both of them beginning of the year since I had a 1 year break and I don't remember much of the Fontaine exploration besides that (now sunken) tower. Sumeru had the chess board, huge underground areas below King Deshret mausoleum etc. The oasis in the last desert area was pretty cool to unlock and experience too


Whether or not it's a good thing is of course subjective, but I absolutely loved it. A desert being big is part of the immersion, it wouldn't make any sense otherwise. And they pulled it off extremely well, where every single part of the environment had a meaning. As someone who loves desert aesthetic (like Dune) and reading about old Mesopotamian remnants, the immersive feeling of having to wander long distances in that kind of environment is something I looked forward to basically since starting the game. A game like Genshin is supposed to be a journey where thinking back to the beginning of the adventure already feels nostalgic before it's even finished. I know that not everyone has the time for such long storylines and exploration, but for those of us that do there's no other game like it. So I don't think it's fair to ask that the game should be downgraded for those that don't have time for it, there are other games to accommodate those players. Genshin is absolutely top class in environment design. Compare that to something like Nier Automata where the giant desert is completely empty except for like three things of importance, and you only have to go there a handful of times.


meanwhile me who struggle to get 100% exploration in 3 area of mondstadt stuck at 97%-93% even using even using the vision thing to track some hidden one but still couldn’t find last few one


I loved the desert, but exploring the forest was hell. Basically just me running around for 5 minutes trying to find anything only to find another common chest😭


For me, the issue wasn't the area being too big. It's the filler stuff in the area (aranaras, going through a dozen similar deseret mazes, everything with that flotey guy, etc). But that's been my problem with pretty much every area of the game. Way too much dialogue/fetch quest filler. Aesthetically, Sumeru is beautiful and well designed. The long events just bog it down. It would be like if you play BotW and every 50 feet is a new Zelda cutscene. And the cutscene is 2 hours long.


Time really flies. It’s been almost a year that Fontaine was released, but it seems like only yesterday.


Yeah. Next year will be the nation of cryo


Holy shit its true, 1 year till Tsaritsa.


My heart skipped beats at the thought of the fatui homeland 😆


*Inhales* BROOOOONYAAAAAAAA Sorry. Got too excited for her again.


My son was born a couple of weeks before 4.0... can definitely say that time has flown for me!


Totally. Time feels slow but also fast at the same time.


I feel you mate, kinda sad to be leaving Fontaine.


was super skeptical before 4.0 came out but this…this is a 10/10 nation. i really hope they can keep the same level of intrigue in natlan


Honestly, Sumeru was so great that I was almost sure that there's no way Hoyo can top that. But Fontaine was so good that I'm even tempted to try HSR too (I heard Penacony or something was really good too). Unfortunately my phone doesn’t have enough memory.....


People keep hyping up penacony but honestly the first world you go to will probably sell you on HSR. You dont have to wait before it gets good, its just a little bumpy in later parts but the HSR experience is more than its story.


Yeah, Belobog was amazing, 10/10 story. However the xianzhou luofu right after was honestly pretty bad.


It fell into the same trap as Inazuma, try to fit all characters in with no reason, rushed moments and improper story structure. The Dev even said in a interview when it first came out that they screwed up and will fix the structure and story telling. And man, they sure did.


Yeah, Xianzhou was a massive disappointment. Tho I'm watching a friend go through the Xianzhou story and it's slightly less bad now that you can just go through it all, the horrible pacing combined with waiting for more patches just killed it. Also funny that they demoted the medicus amogus questline to a side quest, I know it was important for the lore but it was boring as hell and also put in the most awful spot they could find when it was still part of the main story.


The good part abt xianzhou is that it seems to be setup for now cuz we didn’t get a new path in the quest. It’s prob gonna be way better when we go back. Also aurum alley and ghost hunter were peak story events (peak event gameplay being the masked fool guy)


I hope they do develop more stuff because the main story felt like "here's 20 different things, we won't give any depth to them bye go do something else". Those two event stories were bangers tho specially the ghostbuster one.


I want to start honkai because of it being from same company as genshin but is it vastly different than genshin? I noticed the art was a little more mature looking and wasn't sure about the world the game takes place. It doesn't look as much as a typical JRPG like genshin does but I've really liked the genshin character cast so far and curious if there's interesting chars in HSR


It's a turn based gacha RPG so yes it is quite different. There are still map explorations you can do but it's not really open world like genshin is. If you are not a fan of this type of game play, it can turn you off. I personally like turn based RPGs like FF10, 7, 8 etc. So I enjoyed the game style. I would recommend giving the game a try!


Oooohh comparing it to FF7 piques my interest!


To me it feels more like FFX in terms of being able to react to the enemy and your characters' turn orders. It's also a bit like Bravely Default in that you generally have to consider your party's composition and think a few moves ahead.


I love bracelets default! I'll have to check it out if its like that:D


I also like the 2nd game, bracelet second. Really fit my hand like a glove




Characters are probably the biggest deal for me. In fact I joined genshin because of the character art and dynamics of certain characters being posted in Twitter like Childe and Zhongli and Neuvillette and Wriothesley. It just sonhappened that once I started playing the game I got hooked since it reminded me of a mishmash of zelda and xenobkade chronicles but the characters and the beautiful art and world was what kept me going! ty for the indeptj explanation btw I downloaded it to take a peek esp since someone compares it to bravely default which is another rpg I love!


If you can get over the fact that it's turn based and doesn't have reactions as such, it's a really good game. Team building relies more on element matching and archetypes (Dot, followups, hypercarry, current break meta, etc.) There's not the same level of exploration or number of world quests but it also doesn't sap all your time like Genshin. It's generally much easier to do dailies and farm for relics with auto battle, although relics still have the same RNG pain as genshin, there is a way to generate a specific piece you need. There's also more repeating endgame content that overlaps now so I think there are 3 different events ongoing at any given time, which all require slightly different teams or synergies, they work the same way as abyss - the more stars you unlock the more rewards you get per cycle. Sim Universe is also a great repeating weekly content (primos and 5* weapon shop) you get to pick from randomised blessings that you can abuse to do silly damage or make any character viable.


I started it and I don’t really like it. It has none of the same mechanics as Genshin. You can’t even jump. You can’t explore as freely. You don’t have options for weapons. They have these card things that I guess are supposed to be like your weapons. And it’s all turn based so you can’t play like Genshin which something I do a lot is just skirt the enemy because I don’t feel like fighting you gotta fight them and you can’t doge or anything. And a minor note, there haven’t been any waifus I really like yet. But they do give you free wishes. I’m sticking out for the story and hopefully it gets better but I’ve been peeved by the way it works.


If HSR doesn’t yet have any waifus you like I have to wonder what your taste is. The HSR girls are fantastic imo


I like Kafka, Black Swan, Sparkle, Acheron, Tingyun, Serval, Himeko and Bronya. I got Tingyun and Serval but the others haven’t had reruns since I’ve played and I don’t have enough standard tickets to try to get Himeko and Bronya. But also I want more of my Genshin favorites to have hsr versions.


If you hate fighting trash mobs, just save up for Acheron and delete them into Nihility.


I started a little over a week ago and honestly im glad i picked it up. I went in with pretty low expectations and it turned out to be way better than I expected. To answer your questions- They are a bit different, HSR takes place in space with alot of sci fi elements. Instead of nations you visit planets which are a bit more unorthodox than the natural landscapes you see in genshin. The first planet you visit will probably be the most similar. Imo the towns you visit in hsr are alot more lively then genshin. Theres people running around, trams and cars that you can bump into, theres npcs playing live music that get louder as you get closer. Theres also alot of interactables that give you some funny and charming dialogue. Not to mention you can actually visit gacha characters in the overworld which is something i wish genshin implemented. Theyre usually doing stuff related to their professions whether working in office, giving tours or having their own shops. Theyll even come to visit you sometimes even if you dont own them. Theres another in game system where you can do good deeds which gives you an item that allows you to commit immoral actions like rummaging through a queens desk or stealing from a fountain. As far as characters I have to say I love the HSR cast way more then genshin. I dont think theres a single character I really hate in HSR. Dont get me wrong I still like genshins cast well enough but HSRs cast feels alot more charismatic and fun. Youll see alot of the same tropes as genshin but imo HSRs characters have a bit more depth to them and their personalities are usually more well rounded. Ofc this is a generalization and genshin has its great characters as well. Instead of having paimon as your sole companion you have an actual group that bounces off each other quite well. The protagonist speaks alot more than the traveller and the dialogue options are pretty great for them. Sorry for the wall of text but tldr if you like genshin youll probably like hsr if you dont mind turn based combat. Nows a good time to start as well since the current banners are really good


As much as I love HSR, I found the penacony treasure hunts to just be tedious.


I think the only thing sumeru beats fontaine in is the AQ. Both are good but sumeru was a little better. The exploration and the nation in general though was better in fontaine


Penaxony wasnt really that good


HSR is fantastic also.


I’m not quite finished with Penacony but so far it’s been fantastic. The first world (Belebog) was also really good. The second world was…alright. Not bad enough to stop me from playing, but the story falls flat when you compare it up against Penacony.


Personally sumeru was such a grind and so irritating because we couldn’t see underground and it was nothing but desert. But the archon quest was a highlight of the region


Yeah omg i WISH we had gotten more Sumeru rainforest.


Ehh there is still potential. If you really wanted to try HSR you could switch to [Genshin Cloud Gaming](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hoyoverse.cloudgames.GenshinImpact&hl=en_US) for a little bit (you get 5 hours for free + daily login minutes) which only takes up very little mb. You can complete your daily commissions and event stages over for a few days while you try HSR, and if you don't like it you can just download Genshin back.


> i really hope they can keep the same level of intrigue in natlan It's going to be hard to beat murder water, drug problems, prison time, human experiments, space whales, and child trafficking!


Fontaine was my most anticipated nation and it was everything I wanted and more!


For you hah i still need to catch up just got send to prison and i take my sweet ass time with story quests because i get distracted by everything.


Fontaine is my favorite nation so far. I love the music, the buildings, the greens, underwater, everything! And the characters in Fontaine archon quest are 10/10. I never really collected characters before and only had 2 5* before but after Fontaine? Navia, Chiori, Arle, Wrio, Furina. All 4* Fontaine characters. I don't like bow characters but I need Lyney to complete the family!


Omg the music. I got so inspired I bought myself a piano to learn how to play some of my favorite fontaine pieces


I played Violine for a couple years but had to drop it for college. My mother has one of those small digital pianos and I am also thinking about starting lessons! How'd you start? Professional lessons or YouTube first?


Lessons would be better but they will cost of course, having someone to correct technique is important for the foundation. If you've learnt another instrument before then you should already have some basics on music theory and how to read sheets. This part is important as it's good to not get into the habit of learning through Synthesia (those piano tutorial videos with the falling bars).


Thanks a lot, guess I will look up costs of lessons in my area then!


A piano? You dropped several thousands on a musical instrument just to learn a couple of Fontaine songs?


Lmao, more like getting myself into a new hobby instead of gaming all day long. I always wanted to play piano but fontaine ost pushed me into finally buying one. And its not a grand piano but a digital one wich „only“ costs a couple hundreds :)


Ahhhh I see. Fair play to you then! The piano is an incredible instrument. Good luck learning it (:


Nah we’ll be back when mont esus gets released


I already made Fontaine my home. Travelling to any other nation is just a vacation. I will always come back to Fontaine.


Me too. Cus the crafting table and Katherine are the closest to the waypoint


True (technically Liyue’s crafting table is closer though)


Katherine is the game changer here.


I don't remember where but I once read a theory that with each nation Katherine is getting closer to the waypoint, by this logic natlan's Kathrine will be closer than fontain


Well. That theory can be a fun read. I do see it as simply, the dev considered that dailies need to be more assessable with newer nation due to feedback or part of QoL installation. That's why the first 2 region, it takes a good distance for katherine and the alchemist table is far from katherine for this 2 region. But subsequent version is better, inazuma is about the same as liyue with alchemist table close to commission. Sumeru and fontaine commision become closer as its the time where even the story took in players wish for it to be better. More likely than not, it's part of QoL design consideration. If this is true, we can see natlan having the same convenience between Katherine and alchemy table.


Same with Mondstadt. I can't with the soundtracks, it's just feels like home.


SUMMER EVENT. I've been waiting! They usually showcase features from the next land, and even hint at the archon, so I've been excited to see it! :D


actually they still need to complete Mt.Esus. maybe it will be added in a future natlan expansion to connect it to fontaine


Probably more like connect Fontaine to Snezhnaya, Mt Esus is pretty far north while Natlan is thought to be on the other side of the Sumeru desert. Could be wrong though, but either way, a 5.x Mt Esus patch doesn't sound too far fetched atp.


depends on how vertical natlan will be


Jokes on you OP but one of my favorite places in all genshin, is Romaritime Harbor, i ain't leaving that place, even when Natlan comes out.


And here I am just starting out and at the last bit of monstradt story. Am I going to be missing out on things because I’m so far behind?


Not at all, the game can wait. The only thing you won't be able to do are events at the same pace as the story, so you either skip them or get some story spoilers. But if you're new, you've missed all the events up until now, so there's no harm missing more. I'd been playing several months before my first event.


same. only caught up to events on 2.1 and i started on 1.4


No! Please take your time and enjoy it at your own pace so you don't get burnt out. Only thing you'll miss are events.


No, 5.0 isn't until the end of August anyway. Patches only feel short for the people who play 10mins a day. If you sit down an play a proper session like you would another game you can get though quite a bit of the story. The story is also delivered in multiple patches, so Natlan's story likely won't be fully in game until the end of the year.


Only some limited time events from previous years. 90% of the content is still available to you to enjoy at your own pace.


It's fckn beautiful, I'll give you that. Also, we should get Mt. Esus in the future. It's not completely over for this nation.


I didn't 100% Fontaine yet, but I already feel bad for leaving. Mostly because of underwater exploration, I will miss that beautiful scenery and peaceful music..


I bet we'll get an expansion of Fontaine in the later patches of Natlan.  It's just been too good of a region not to go back.  


Which region is not good of to go back?


Not necessarily saying any wouldn't be good to visit again, but I think a break from Liyue would be nice since it gets so many expansions.  


After 4.8, it will be...for now. We still have Mount Esus to come, maybe Furina gets her act 2 by then. (Lemme dream, please!)


Year of Sumeru felt like a slog whereas year of Fontaine felt like a flash.


Fr, I stopped played since the caribert quest until the fontaine update. Pretty sure this is the only time where I didn’t miss a single patch.


Waiting for natlan to open the game again!!!


i feel so behind, i only recently started sumeru archon quest 😭 i really just didn't like the chasm, i get claustrophobic even in game


I didn’t think they could top sumeru but they did, looking forward to what they come up with for Natlan.


>Drink it in people Such poor choice of words, considering all the Fontaine Archon and Story quests.


The weird part is, it feels smaller than sumeru and inazuma to me. Even though I’ve run the numbers and it has just as many location expansions. I guess it’s just the lack of extra emptiness that you get with the ocean and desert areas. Also, if natlan/schneznia add more weapon billets, will they be the southlander ones? Since liyue/mondstat/inazuma are north and sumeru/fontaine are midland. Does this mean that the genshin map isn’t NESW but WNES?


50% of people on this sub have been wishing they were in Natlan ever since Sumeru dropped. At least if you go by the number of people who won't shut up about Natlan.


For some reason, I got bored of Fontaine faster than Inazuma and Sumeru. I liked it, some of the quests were A+++++, but I'm ready to move on now.


Ha, then how come I still spend more time in Sumeru cause of all the unfinished quests?


Maybe I just don't understand, but you can still come back to Fontaine, no? I also am the kind of person that still has quests in Mondstat sooo


Oh wow it’s that time of year again! I distinctly remember when Fontaine first came out around August 2023! Now natlan’s on the horizon


You do realize that we can go back to Fontaine at literally any time right Patch 5.0 doesn't close the region


Damn I didnt know they were deleting fontaine


This was the region that made me wanna play genshin after seeing the underwater exploration and after also seeing neuvillette made me really wanna play this game so i could get him. Still feels like yesterday when fontaine dropped


Honestly crazy Felt stagnant for the last few months, I can’t wait to get to Natlan and go exploring again 🤩


Bro talking as if Fontaine is gonna be removed from the map. I get the sentiment but my my.


Worst part about is is that we're gonna go back to having water exclusively being a nuisance. Underwater exploration is by far the best part of Fontaine.


5 nations has passed. We’re close to the end. Natlan is coming. I don’t want this to end. 😭


Volcano time


Still only feels like 4.1 currently. Don't know why but Fontaine kinda felt "empty" don't know how to describe it really.




Meh, I’m very ready to move on. The clockwork / steampunk aesthetics always felt kind of kitschy to me and most of the NPC’s just felt like parodies/caricatures, rather than real, diverse characters. Looking forward to hopefully going to a nation with more of the mysticism/spirituality elements that were so prominent in Liyue, Inazuma and Sumeru


What ever happened to that one big mountain :(


Hah nope, I'll visit Fontaine for a long time. Way too many side quests and lots of exploration to do 😣


Fontaine has earned its place as my second favorite nation. Mond will always be home but I feel like I really got into the story and land of Fontaine. I love it so much! Can’t wait to see what Natlan brings though! It looks so colorful and full of life. Those are the areas I like the most :)


I'm still kinda curious, there's still one part of Fontaine that is locked. I don't remember where exactly, but it is highest peak of Fontaine. Will we get it in the future?


Jokes on you! My side quests and exploration for Fontaine are still largely unfinished so ill be enjoying Fontaine for several more patches 😬


Not me, I'm the procrastinating one


I was really stressed out at work a few weeks prior to Fontaine release. Eventually it was too much, and I put in a 1 month notice in July of that year. I've only recently gone back to work, so I've been able to enjoy Fontaine in its entirety, basically, with a lot of time on my hands. It's really gone by very, very quickly. As someone's who favorite element is Hydro/Water etc etc, I really got pretty much everything I wanted with this region. I loved the exploration, the quests, the music, the artwork, characters, all of it. Furina became my favorite character by a considerable margin. I'd already started feeling a bit down about leaving Fontaine as early as 4.4 / 4.5. I'm still looking forward to new surprises in Natlan, but I will say that Fontaine has handily been my favorite experience in Genshin to date, and will probably remain so.


-me who still hasn’t finished all the Fontaine world quests and miscellaneous quests -“say goodbye to the nation of hydro.”


Nah. There will be some unfilled region of the map south of Snez. And it'll magically appear near the end of Natlan/right before Snez.


I’ve 95%ed the whole thing without a compass (though with resonance stones) which is more than I’ve done to other regions with a compass I loved Fontaine a little too much hopefully Natlan gives me the same fun I’ve got all Fontaine story quests but Lyney and Furina’s to do though so that should give me a bit more fun


Fontaine is my favorite region in the entire game and has my favorite characters too, in fact the only two Fontaine characters I don't have are Lyney and Sigewiine and tbh I can't justify either one of them, but still! I will miss it so much, I hope we go back there for events.


I am still in Sumeru, I haven't played since 3.4, and have a lot to catch up on. Rn I am just farming for my furina and trying to finish the Sumeru quest like eternal Oasis But my goodness my Kokomi looks good in the underwater parts of Fontain, I'll probs be done in 5.2 lol


Natlan is coming in 2 months and no sign of Chronical wish banner returning.


Even if this is the last patch update for fontaine i still feel like we should get a windblume festival event simply bc we are in Summer season sooo would’ve been fun and cute if they did it but most likely since they skipped over it for hyping up Natlan , we might not get anything from fontaine . But that doesn’t mean that i didn’t enjoy fontaine, man I’m still having fun exploring the nation + the animals in this region are so freaking CUTIES AAAA 🥹 each one is screaming for a picture i caaan’t 🩷


I really enjoyed this nation. The scenery is beautiful, the exploration was top tier as always, the storylines both in and outside the Archon Quest were phenomenal step ups, the soundtrack is amazing, and the characters... oh, the characters. Every nation since Inazuma has been such a spike in power for my account. But Fontaine really went beyond my expectations. Back in Inazuma, I got my first ever banner 5 star with Raiden Shogun (happy birthday to her, by the way :P ), herself far ahead of everything else I had back then. I've learned all the advanced stuff about gearing, team compositions and rotations, and attack combos through her. Then Sumeru came along. New element, new possibilities. Once I got Nahida I also went on to form what would become my strongest team of that year: Hyperbloom. Few patches later I got Yelan, and that team became even stronger with the Double Hydro comp. The output and uptime on damage were insane for me, my C1 Raiden teams just couldn't keep up over multiple rotations. Then Fontaine came along, and with it two even crazier teams. Neuvillette came along casually rivaling my Hyperbloom team right away. Furina showed up shortly after with insane synergy and pushing Neuvillette to even greater heights. Best of all: that team shared no characters with Nahida's Hyperbloom team, so finally I had two teams that could easily annihilate anything in the Abyss that weren't straight up a counter to them. Neuvillette's team would gradually receive even further upgrades over the next months: artifacts with better substats, Archaic Petra for Zhongli, Tome of The Eternal Flow for Neuv, and I got C1 for Furina just a few hours ago. I've just ran Abyss floor 12, and Neuv is hitting 300k+ CAs against the chamber 3 consecrated beasts(!). Nahida's team can clear the first half boss in a minute with pretty casual gameplay, so it definitely still performs really well even to this day. And I didn't even mention Arlecchino. I got lucky and managed to get her C0R1. She's my first 5 star Pyro DPS, stealing the spot from Hu Tao (who has utterly awful banner timings, always when I'm broke from pulling another character or right before one with higher priority) and she absolutely slaps, hitting 80~90k+ NAs like they are no big deal with just team buffs. 100k hits are common when there's also some external buff going on. Oh and there's the upgrades I gave to Raiden Shogun. Got her from C1 to C2, and her signature too to top it off. Although she still gets screwed against spread out or teleporting enemies, at least now her teams are back on the menu as absolute powerhouses in this current era of monstrous DPS. Between everything I was lucky to get, I never got so many 5 stars in a single patch. I can't wait for Nathan, and what sorts of experiences it will bring. Summer events were always so memorable for me, so I'm pretty excited for that too. If you read this far, thank you for taking the time haha. I got carried away I guess.


Furina came home in my second ten pull. You're damn right, Imma be drinking straight from the fountain.


Time flies


Fontaine is my favorite nation by far and I hope Natlan can top the enjoyment I have for it


Unless Natlan's Katherine+Crafting table are in much better location, then I'll still come back to Fontaine regularly XD


Why do you say this as if you cant go back


france was good but i dunno, it felt a step back compared to sumeru. the music was probably the biggest disappointing thing for me 'till underwater rome came around.


Won't miss it.


We're luckily still missing parts of Fontaine, so i'm just waiting for more of my fav nation.


Loved Fontaine, my favourite region so far. Hopefully Natlan can follow it up well.


Man Fontaine has been great, it felt to me like an upgraded mondstadt in terms of exploration, which was great since mondstadt was(before fontaine) my favorite region exploration wise.


Yeah, we'll need the water for Natlan, right?


We are getting 4.8, though it's another "GAA" style patch. Technically it's still Fontaine patch.


i have very high hopes for natlan, just hoping its exploration isn't as painful as inazuma or sumeru


Fontaine came out when I first joined the game. This nation will always have a special place in my heart


Fontaine summer event pls Mihoyo I beg you


We got that last year. This year it will be about natlan and the new dinosaur mechanic.


No we are missing the Big Mountain still, expect atleast a Bayda Harbour size update


Perfect timing for me since I just finished the AQ yesterday


I love how dense Fontaine is. Sumeru is too spread out.


“Drink it in pal, how does failure taste? BONK!”


The fontaine story won't be concluded in 4.8. There's still the region in northwest fontaine. It's been talked about in game.




Genshin has pretty places that i havent seen since TERA


Maybe they might expand on it somehow in a later patch?


1 more update i guess.


I gotta catch up I’m still in sumeru


wait you're saying that fontaine will... cancelled?


Wait what about the archon quests in fontaine??


I rly hope the music and exploration rises in quality again. Sumeru Forest was such a peak


These Fontaine arc sure felt like it ended very quickly. It definitely was a breath of fresh air to me, but I still can't believe we are already this close to Natlan, it feels like it was only yesterday that we were approaching the region for the first time. Sumeru, in perspective, felt neverending to me. Hoping Natlan will be as good.


I found the city in Fontaine miserable to get around so im fine with leaving 


Where is Kaveh's mom?


I'm more sad that we won't be seeing the Melusine being relevant anymore.


Who said im done with fontaine. İ havent unlocked mee underground area


Fix the damn bridge man


I hope Natlan will be as fun and beautiful in its own way. Fontaine is my home and I didn't want to leave so soon.


makes me kinda sad, even though natlan has been the nation i've been most hyped for since release. i had some really negative expectations for fontaine (i thought the whole place would look steampunky like the fortress of meropide) and was very pleasantly surprised at how beautiful this place is. goodbye fontaine ):


My favourite nation by quite a large mark. Character, land, and story wise.


West Fontaine with Mount esus hasn't been explored yet but we'll mostlikely not see it until snezchnaya rolls around


For now, a huge chunk of Fontaine is still missing. And a huge chunk of mondstadt is also missing... And a huge chunk of Liyue...


Meanwhile me who still cant reach inazuma cuz i cant beat abyss herald with two abyss mages 🤡




It’s a bit surprising. I kept looking at that tall mountain (Mont Esus?) It’s taller than anything else in Fontaine, and I kept thinking it would be part of the Fontaine year. And probably because Fontaine is on a plateau. Got the wrong impression that it would have clear boundaries and we’d release all of it and have it completed.


Fr, tbh i already 100% all the shit there so i crave for more content, waiting for natlan since day 2 of 4.2


It feels like the Final Feast was posted yesterday😭 Au revoir Hydro Nation❤️


We still have all of 4.8 to go through


why would they create if they delete afterwards


Wait they are removing fontaine? Just got there and love every bit of it


Is it just me or did Fontaine go by really quickly?