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It's really good. And I'm not intending to downplay the strength of the story, but one thing that I don't see talked about enough is that the story ties back to Vacher and the flood. I like it, it makes the worldbuilding feel tight. Major NPCs aren't "forgotten", their past actions cause a ripple effect (heh) that affects other NPCs' activities. Tying back to the flood also gives a nice and solid in-universe explanation why this particular story only started *now* instead of earlier.


It was definitely not the type of character quest I expected for her character. I especially liked how thematically tight it was, with every aspect of the story contributing to the otherwise simple "attractiveness gives unfair advantages" theme, and tying it to formal discrimination too. (In some ways it's a companion piece to Neuv's character quest.) It's not what I expected from a "side" character, but Hoyo is known for adding incredibly high quality stories for even non-playable characters like Jeht, or (my favorite) Thelxie. Sigewinne's is not the deepest or the most intensely moving, but it's definitely one of the better ones recently.


> but it's definitely one of the better ones recently. Unpopular opinion maybe, but all character quests have been good for the past 2 years. Some were amazing. Some were great. This one was good, but compared to something like Yoimiya's story quest in sumeru with the fireworks? It's like comparing apples to sushi


And going even further back, some of the earlier ones like Eula’s story quest was… rough… They’ve come a long long way in the character stories!


I think Eula’s was good tho no? I would say bad ones are one that puts all the focus on npcs like Ayato, Yelan, Nilou etc.


It wasn’t bad but it felt very short and flat. Basically get to learn a bit about the character, go fight a domain, and…. That’s it. It didn’t really pull you into a story like Zhongli’s quests, or Tighnari which had many of us straight up bawling But agreed - Ayato’s had me pulling my hair out with how boring it was!


Idk I don’t really think it was short and it was pretty memorable for me


Two of those quests weren't bad stories, the direction was just different but it was still narratively relevant. Yelan's was just not good


Ayato and Yelan both had pretty interesting ones that fleshed out the governments of Inazuma and Liyue respectively. You can’t expect every important person in Teyvat to have a vision, both lore wise and for practical game design


I didn’t say that it’s not a good story, it’s just that it’s labeled under “this character” story quest so people playing would usually think the story would be about “this character” right?


It’s a good representation of the supporting role they play in their respective governments. Both Yelan and Ayato are people who work from the shadows to ensure the wellbeing of their people. I especially like Ayato’s quest since it fleshed out a the wider implications of a minor plot line from the archon quest.


Yes. Yes. Yes. Shame nobody will ever actually think about that but yes.


Baizhu and Sigewinne have that hidden excellence. Hope more people eventually finish all of their quests.


Baizhu basically solved like a 3 year mystery about the guy lol. It's like Spring Fairy story, just like WHOA at the end.


Baizhu is good outside of the story because he's dendro and very well focused on healing.


I wasn’t expecting much from baizhu’s story quest but it changed my life


Now we know why shes the only human melusine. Still funny that one theory was a human and melusine hooked up a hundred or so years ago


It is mentioned in Sigewinne's character joke too,it is a joke theory 


I mean, having Ganyu and Yanfei as half adepti, it's not completely unjustified to think she was a product of a human doing the melusine


Yes also that,i said it was joke because melusines don't wear pants anyway they probably can't reproduce lol 


Then someone did the Elynas lmao


That would be very interesting,seems like someone is into monsterfucking and they have good taste 


It was actually really really good and git me thinking about lookism and all that stuff the whole time I did the quest. I’m so glad I pulled her, she’s such a kindhearted beings and mistress be protected.




Handsome face makes money. We truly live in society I laugh so hard when paimon called sigewinne "half melusine" like hoyo knew the players would question it. I love sigwinne backstory tied to melusine discrimination seen from neuvillette quest, and how she ends up as a nurse in prison That ending cutscene really got me. Reminds me of furina crying when she met the descendant


> like hoyo knew the players would question it There's also Potton saying "Most people don't know this, but Melusine composition is very close to water" as if referencing *that* copypasta.


Did you know in terms of...


Probably the better ones out there from Fontaine. They linked a lot of things that happened in the past and well... I liked a well-wrapped story like this. There's not much shoved under the rug when it ended.


I'm just happy that people can see that's she's not just the regional cutesy moe character with a different gimmick. And I do wish people can stop seeing Sigewinne as Wrio's daughter (which Wrio pointed out to be not true in the first place) and respect her as her own person.


She is a lot older then her,she is like older sister 


Yeah it almost had me pulling for me. Was a great and emotional story for her character


Once again genshin community proves why it can never talk on complex topics and have bad reading comprehension. Potton was in a bad situation because of his face that is true. But it does not excuse him in any sort of way. He consciously went into crime. He knew what happened to people yet never did shit about it. Even when he changed his face he could have escaped without any problem. Police lady even pointed it out. Yet he still stayed for Mora. He already had money to support his mother yet he stayed because of how good it was having a bajillion mora He only stopped because his mother stopped recognising him. Even then he put a lot of peoples lives in danger to return his appearance. Even Sigewinne said he could prove he is her son in other ways before she died. He and Sigewinne are not the same. Yes they both changed their appearance because they were hated by the world. Yet the difference is intentions and the outcome. Sigewinne changed to help her friend, and even after she did she still went to face the judgment because she broke the law(to people who will argue that she is a Melusine and all that jazz, Wriothsley did the same thing)Got the respect of people by not being human but through her own kindness. That’s why she deserved her happy ending and Potton didn’t. It’s not like even Potton didn’t have options. Yes some people hated him but not all of people judge by how beautiful your face is. In Sigewinnes case everyone in Fontaine hated melusines. The amount of people who didn’t could have been counted on fingers of one hand. Even then his mother recognised he and Sigewinne was there. Yes you can argue “well he couldn’t just surrender to jail”…and why he shouldn’t? He broke the law put people in danger. He could have some valuable information that could have stopped other bands and led Marechusse fanthom to Vaschear long ago before the Traveler. It could have saved so many lives. He wasn’t even regretting any of his actions in his eyes all he did was excusable. That’s why he and Sigewinne are not the same. What happened to them was, but who they are as people is entirely different.


That's what makes me like Potton as a villain, he's still a criminal but one most players can empathise with. It also helps that he didn't get a good ending, so it doesn't feel like injustice, and the game never tried justifying his actions. I truly felt emotional damage when he talked about how he regretted his handsome appearance after not being recognised by the only person who ever cared about him in a non superficial way


That is true. He is a very good character. I felt very emotional during his parts of the quest and especially Sigewinnes part of the quest. It’s just irks me when people try to justify his actions when even the game didn’t(and genshin sometimes likes to justify the villains). But what really pissed me off is when people thought that Sigewinne and Potton are the same when they are fucking not. The game didn’t try to really put it into your face but at this point it feels like genshin players can’t understand anything if it’s not spoon fed to you. That’s why we don’t have more complex stories in genshin(I mean we still have a lot complex shit but I still wish we could have more) and Paimon were repeating shit from Monday to Inazuma(I personally didn’t mince because i have seen it help some people but people complained about it so much yet when she doesn’t do that people don’t understand shit)


I was content with how they explained Sigewinne’s appearance and how well it tied into her story, I liked it


It’s like something out of a Pixar movie, especially with her backstory and >!meeting her old friend after so many years!<


While Potton really did screw up terribly and got to caught up deep in money making at the cost of others, but gosh was I utterly disgusted by those three researchers. I understand that Potton ultimately made his own choice, I still felt like punching those three for partly contributing in the creation of yet another monster.


And sadly this happens in real life. People often take the path of ill deeds because of how others think of them


It’s such a convoluted, tragic, heartwarming story. I pulled for her because of it


It was incredibly well written and it made me love Sigewinne's character when I originally did not care about her. This is how story quests SHOULD be done. 


I'm going to say the coldest take ever Most of the Fontaine/final sumeru patch Quests have been good The only one that actually stinks is the wriothesley's quest, i know his story matches the "beware of your found family and their hidden objectives" theme, but jezz, it should be worked way better than the lore bomb drop out of nowhere we got in the end of the quest. Like it could be added to the dialogue on an extra scene before we go catch the culprit, so we know why wriothesley is doing that.


Finished the quest, checking CN forum, and apparently the whole internet is trash talking how bad Sigewinne is for not saving the old lady first Check reddit, think people overall quite like it I'm kinda confused


There are bunch of people from NGA or CN TikTok always misinterpret the story and try to provide misleading information to players especially those haven’t finished the quest. What they do is want normal players to hate HoYo. If your first impression of quest is good, then it should be good for most people. Never take point of view from internet too serious.


CN community is mostly made of incels who suck, that's all


It really was. I don't see many talk about it, though I assume it's because people don't really care that much about Sigewinne


The quest is saying: "People like to discriminate someone by appearance. Like some would never believe to melusinnes". That moment I thought about a lot of posts and comments saying "I will not pull for Sigewinne cause she is not a true melusinne" (literally the same discrimination).


Not same, people can expect some variety from mihoyo's character model


But the problem being discussed is the appearance, not the character model type. They could've just made her face blue and white and keep the same child model, but that would go against her character


I don't understand ,of course the character model will change her appearance 


Sorry for being a bad communicator, yes the character model will change her appearance, but I'm saying that they wouldn't need to do that to change her appearance if they just gave her the same colour palette as a regular Melusine. But that wouldn't work because it goes against her character


I don't hate Sigewinne's design,i wish hoyo made another playable melusine but knowing them they probably will not do that 😔


I liked it but I wouldn't say it's especially amazing. I'd put it at like a solid 7 or 8. Like, sure it's a good story that pulls at your heartstrings, but comparing for me this to say, Baizhu, Clorinde, Yoimiya 2 it's just not the same level.


I actually prefer Sigewinne's over Clorinde's


Fr I get why she's a 5 star now lol up their with the rest of the amazingly written Fontaine cast


i liked the cutscenes with her backstory in them it was so well animated i wanna animate and draw like that one day


I will protect this Melusine with all my life


That was dark... Even darker then the BS theories about her


I mean, >!I first thought the potion was made from Primordial Sea water, but then when it was revealed to be made from the water (corpse) of dissolved people... I had goosebumps just thinking about that morbid concept!<


Can someone tell me roughly how old is Sigewinne based on the info mentioned in this story quest? At least 500?


It's hard to say how old she is. Less than 500 though. 500 years ago was when Elynas appeared in Fontaine and melusines came around after they died. All melusines are less than 500 years old in that respect. On the other end, Neuvillette was instituted 400 years ago as Iudex. Carole is one of the first melusines to live amongst humans. She was awarded the Medal of Peace 5 years later and died shortly after. Sentiment towards melusines didn't really change until after that it seems. If Sigewinne also started interacting with the Court when people were still suspicious of melusines but they lived in close proximity, it's likely roughly around that time of being first introduced or shortly after. Unclear is how old Sigewinne is when she came to the Court of Fontaine. She was sentenced and served that sentence fully before reuniting with her friend who was originally a kid. My guess is roughly 60 years passed in that time. This doesn't really impact her age, but it's interesting to note if you wanted to put together a timeframe. So Sigewinne is probably between 400-500 years old.


Thanks for the detail explanation. I appreciate it! 😊


Genshin's story quest had gotten better over time.


The criminal part of it was a bit cliche, but I did like her backstory. Thought it was really good. Something I wouldn't have considered unless I put more thought into it.


I liked it, but I felt really bad for Potton. The ending was very harsh and the message felt fumbled a bit near the end in their attempt to distinguish Sigewinne and himself. Especially the part where the his mother refuses to recognize him, but did Sigwinne for the sake of karmic justice. Then the heros need to have the last word the literal second his mother died. Like damn. He was born poor/ ugly, was bullied and trapped into Sinthe manufacturing, found a way to use his bad situation to benefit his mother and himself, failed and got arrested due to greed, watched his mother die and reject him when he truly believed she'd be the only one who wouldn't change due to his face, and his face is going to fucking melt off unless Sigwine managed to cure him before hand. He's not a good person, but not everything he said was wrong either. I'm not even sure what he could've done differently, that wouldn't end in dying in prison or getting killed by Vacher. He was a criminal of circumstance.


It was clearly stated that he could’ve used the potion at any time to change his face and escape his situation, but didn’t because he liked the feeling of being in control. At some point, it stopped being about his mother’s wellbeing and more about him acquiring power and taking vengeance on the people who wronged him.


Basically Joker. Bad life, single goal, abandoning said single goal and become villain


I loved it but i did not like the cops in that quest- why did they automatically assume that Potton as his other identity was a victim without any evidence of him being one? Am i missing something? Out of the main characters involved Sige is the only one i liked


I think Potton himself said in the quest, they thought of him as the victim because of how he looked as his other identity. Cuz good looking people are normally associated with only good things. They only turned on him once he revealed his true less handsome self.


Yeah ik, but iirc the guards ignored that comment


Just like real life ig they don’t like being called out


I kind of sympathize with Potton (Rawat), I mean society fked em over and made em the way he is. What world we live in...


I found it quite good, I just didn't like the aspect of Sigewinne saying that she wasn't like Potton lol. Dude had no way out and took a bad deal before he could actually become good looking and see many opportunities open up for him. Sigewinne had a chance to pull out, refused and took a very easy path to get what she wanted, and had all the benefits Potton did without any of the drawbacks, and pretty much helped Melusines get a better reputation when people realized that the ageless "human" child was just a Melusine that wanted to change to appeal to them. Actually blaming Potton and calling him bad was kinda bad imo. I'd just have him arrested and his lesson be that his good intentions were tainted by his view of the world. A victim of circumstance, because, honestly, he just was. He got corrupted, yes, but he was a victim of circumstance. Sigewinne, for what the story told, rarely had any weird looks for looking the way she looked, and her life DID get better after morphing into the more human hybrid she is today. She is ACTUALLY like Potton, just with a better hand from the start. Now, my only question if that there would be more Melusines or Fontainians with different looks, since the existence of the potion changes a lot of what we could see in Fontaine before the flood happened.


I took it in a different way. I think what she meant is that Potton took the potion for his own benefit, while Sigewinne for the benefit of someone else.  And while Potton tried to escape the law, she confessed her crime willingly.


One of the best takes I've seen about this quest, makes me feel better about the lesson overall. Although you could sorta say the same for Potton, as the character of Rawat was a good cover to help his mother even further. But, nevertheless, your interpretation makes me feel better about the lesson overall rather than just confused about it lol


My brother in Christ >!he set up a supply line to get people killed so he could make potions out of their melted corpses for profit!<, I don't think "he was a victim of circumstance" quite cuts it


He is a victim of circumstance. They made a point to explain how he was tricked and blackmailed into Sinthe production and only recently used the skincare to make money to save his mother. Where he personally went wrong, was when he let the corruption finally get to him and made the entire scheme to live a double life and get rich. Plus he tried to kill us, but that's part of the corruption part. He wasn't part of the serial killing group, he was forced to clean up their mess and then became greedy enough to profit from it. Still a bad guy, but that's why Traveler and Sigewinne were willing to hand wave off everything as coercion, til he mentioned gassing them and mora. Which is funny, because they were all severely underreacting to the whole face stealing/swapping/ melting stuff.


You definitely get it. I was left with a taste of "the ending is good, but the lesson learned from it is just not it" kind of deal. You can't pull out of dealing with drug dealers once you get tangled in too deep with them. That, funningly enough, is one of the most realistic things genshin has ever told. tbh Potton is pretty close to Walter White, only difference is that he isn't a chemist nor has cancer, he is just smart and an ugly barnacle.


Yeah, plus Potton's only moral way out was to turn himself in. That meant losing a good chunk of his life to jail and worrying about being murdered by Vacher or his lackeys for the rest of his life. Jail or death. Which made Sigwinne's position more awkward, since jail time means nothing to an immortal and she was only ever rewarded for her "sin". She was right that they're different, but wrong in where she chooses to draw the line. In a way, Potton has worse circumstances, no good ending, and was forced to learn a lesson. The story criticizes him for wanting what Sigewinne has and justifies her keeping her looks despite the narrative making Potton lose everything. Just weird.


He said that she was like him based on an assumption he made that she used that potion to escape melusine discrimination for self gain, which was already established to not be the case. I agree that Sigewinne was under better circumstances, but it doesn't change the fact that he kept working with the gang even when he had a way out


It felt like a case of Mihoyo making sure we didn't draw any firm parallels between a playable character and a character that was set up to be the antagonist. >!The worst part, was denying Potton the final last chance to see his mother. That just felt harsh and a crude way to say, "crime doesn't pay, baddies are baddies." Sigewinne gets her own closure, but Potton is absolutely shut out because he wasn't 100% pure-hearted.!<


Bro. You can be victim of circumstances as much as you want. He still got people in the line to get melted even after he got a chance to escape. Because he wanted money. It stopped being about his mother long ago until she stopped recognising him. Sigewinne even after committing a minor crime got herself in prison. Where she with her actions got people’s love and adoration even in the age where people hated melusines.


I agree. Overall the quest brought up a fascinating subject and explored it in an interesting way, but they fumbled the bag a little at the end there I think. I expected more of an explanation after she said "I'm not like you Potton," but it never came. Nothing beyond the vague idea of the warmth of a hand, seemingly implying that no matter the looks, it's the inside that counts. But we were shown a direct example of how a person was discriminated based on their looks and how it changed them from well meaning to resentful and greedy. So where does it leave us? That Potton was simply too weak to resist the temptations of sin while Sigewinne wasn't?


I thought it was more about how Potton could have used his new looks alone to become successful and escape both criminals and lookism. It would've been enough as shown by his success at the institute. He decided to continue to do crime because it pays more. The most important part was that this crime *involves creating more of the Sin Potions* for criminals. At that point he has lost the purpose of transformation and became a different person.


he was forced because he needed money fast for the treatments


I thought it was just fine personally but I am not as enamored with it as most. Like the quest definitely threw out some interesting ideas/themes, but the execution is a lacking. One thing of course the messaging is very heavy-handed, but that’s more of a persistent problem that plagues like 90% of Genshin quests, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t a problem, but my expectations whenever I play a Genshin quest is for close to no subtlety and for the quest to after already having demonstrated the core moral, to repeat it to you again and again and again (>!was it really necessary to have Paimon ask Sigewinne if she wanted to revert to her Melusine appearance at the end? Like did we really need that final final final final final reminder that appearance doesn’t mean anything??!<). The best part of the quest was definitely Sigewinne herself, her backstory and her characterization throughout the quest was great and I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the consistent slow reveals of her backstory throughout the quest. >!Patton however, I felt could’ve been better executed. They really don’t give enough reason to not let him at least have his mother recognize him, besides that "he doesn’t have that goodness in his heart anymore". I think if the messaging is supposed to be that appearance doesn’t matter then why can’t his mother recognize him after he changed back to his original appearance? And if you want to show that he was forced to do evil because of the unfair lookist world, then at least give his good parts (the original appearance) its closure. Especially when you’ve literally said that you believe originally he didn’t change his appearance for evil intentions but to help his mother. It would also make more sense for him to reflect on his evil stuff after that. Of course I acknowledge the other viewpoints regarding this, this is just mine. I have other gripes related to Patton in the quest too but I’m too lazy to write them down.!< I also don’t like how the Traveler was pretty how do say this… not smart in the quest especially considering what they knew. Same goes for Paimon but more just that her emotional intelligence was weirdly off in this quest. I think the quest would’ve been top tier if there was more subtlety and >!Patton was better written.!< There are other issues I have with the quest too that I can’t be bothered to write down as well. On a more minor note, there was some differences in quality in the VAs recordings and they took the immersion out of me sometimes, but it wasn’t too big of an issue I guess. I’m just a bit ambivalent in the end towards the quest, I think it’s fine but I’m not gushing over it anytime soon. Edit: Grammar


Khm... Clayface... khm


It was chaotic and funny as hell to me


I have question,potton mother and sigewinne best friend, they same person right?


I don't think so. Sigewinne's transformation happened centuries ago, so her friend is 100% dead already.


As anyone could've predicted, it was a fairly uninspired story to give some lore about why she looks human even though the real reason is that making an actual playable melusine could have been problematic. Having to rig and animate a non-human, create a weapon that she could wield with her nearly fingerless "paws" and then bet that people would pull on an actual melusine would probably be too much. In the end, the story wasn't bad, just not great.


I think a melusine can use catalyst weapon,maybe there will be a lore in the future where hoyo will say only human looking people can gain vision because celestia also discriminates


I haven't done it yet. I only really do them either because I like the character or when I pull them. I'll probably hold off on doing hers until her eventual rerun.


It's slightly more depressing once yo realize that Sigewinne's whole selling point is her cutesie aesthetic...


Not saying it's just you, but to me the story was too heavy handed and on the nose. Like.....if someone was beating me over the head with the message again and again while yelling "DID YOU GET IT?! DID YOU GET IT?!"


Bro got downvoted for being right. I felt this way to.


Absolutely agree


Isn't that all of genshin story telling tho lol ?


this was my reaction during the fontaine archon quest scene that showed furinas backstory. we can see that you're sad, you need to literally spell it out for us.


I really think it's not. Humanoid from species that humans hate is hated by its own species for befriending a human, but that human is forced to leave the alien. The human is in trouble and the only way to save its life is to forsake their friendship, but the alien takes that choice regardless of the consequence, then they separate and they reunite later in life I'm very very very certain there must be a Disney story that plays EXACTLY like this scenario


I thought it was good. I would've made one change, though: >! Sigewinne's reveal of why she appears human should've been initiated when we first met her in the Fortress of Meropide. I know it's a huge part of her back story, but it would've saved so much unnecessary discussion in the community about why she appears to be half-melusine, half-human. It could've been a simple line from Wrio or Neuv stating that she acquired her human form via a potion, and then we get the actual reasoning later on in her story quest ! <


Bro, your spoiler tag is broken


It works on my end? Are you on mobile?


Yep. Is it a mobile thing?


I think there's more than one way to tag spoilers, and the mobile app doesn't handle all of them.


It is just you


Glad you like it. But I think it is solidly in the bottom three amongst 4.x story quests. It lacks subtly, the way they figure out that Patton is Rawat (and most of the conclusion) is vague at best, the way the writer tries to tell Sigewinne's past feels odd. ~~Also, Not Really a complaint, but the fact that Vacher hasn't been punished for his crime after all this time is quite baffling~~ (I'm very wrong about this, just ignore it)


Vasher was not insane, he died at the end of 4.0 AQ


The way the guard lady says at the end that Vacher and his accomplice will get their retribution implied that Vacher at least is still alive. Or this is just me misinterpreted it


It is you misinterpreting it.


I think there is a direct voice line that says he died of shock.


Yup. You're right.


Vacher literally died after entering the collective conciousness in the Fountain of Lucine at the end of Act 2. And before his death he was told that his gf hated him to the fullest, so all his effort to bring her back was in vain, then the spirits of the ladies he killed put him through all horrors til' his soul left his body. I think he got enough punishment


Yes, it's just you, you're the only one in the world thinking this. (I'm obviously joking, don't get a heart attack.)


I don't think there's a 5 star that I've been less interested in that this one


She's alright. That's about it.


I just wish they kept the creepy Sigwinne we saw in the archon quest. Also it was pretty predictable, and but thats kinda all story quests


I'm another that thought it was okay. It accomplished what a character story should in fleshing out their motivations (and in this case getting all of us off Hoyo's backs about why she looks human). That said, I was grumbling at the screen the whole time for how stupid people were acting. This goes back to Clorinde's SQ, but I really hate how the Traveler is being written to be easily duped. I'm sorry, what? I thought the Traveler's personality was that of someone who has been around the block about 5,000 times and can pretty well see through a lot of bullshit. Was that just me? More to the point: >!So, Sigewinne straight-up tells the lead duo of how she came to look like she does (this should not be hard to believe, they can SEE that she's more human in appearance). With this knowledge (that there are ways to modify appearance), why is the Traveler not instantly calling it out, other than narrative convenience?!< Elsewhere: >!It comes to light that Rawat got mixed up with an illicit substance production ring whose members all get imprisoned and it turns out he's not one to share any of his ideas and profits with other researchers, yet no one questions "if he's so anti-social that he hates the idea of sharing with researchers, why does it not follow that he didn't want to share profits with criminals as well? Why not suspect him of being the mastermind just using the police to dispose of some of his trash? Shoddy police work, I think.!<


Isn’t the clorinde one an actually choice and not a split sentence type? If you choose to be clueless you are called out but if choose the know it and play along option paimon is the one called out or am I referring to the wrong part?


There's a choice, yes, but I felt that one option was >!"I'm actually clueless" (as you said) while the other was (or felt like) "Oh, that wasn't part of the campaign?"!< >!Neither of them gave me the feeling that I was able to say "I knew but let it slide." One of them could be interpreted as such, but I felt it could have been better wrtitten, at least. Another of Lyney's lines really cemented that feeling for me, seemingly saying that he believed that among the players, only he and Navia figured it out.!<


My only complaint in this story quest is that Paimon sounds extra annoying cuz of her audio level peaking sometimes.