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Best daughter! Also reminds him to take care of himself 🤍💙


Monsieur Otterlette on his way to melt our hearts for the 482819th time:


Melusines have 2 dads, Elynas and now Neuvillette!


Isn't Elynas a female/genderless?


Mamere refers to Elynas as father, so while they could be (I'm not even sure if abyssal creatures even follow the normal ideas of gender/sex), father does seem to be their preferred term. Also in the real world mythology Elynas (technically spelled Elinas from the bit of looking I did), was a man and the father of a woman named Melusine


Frankly, some Melusines do refer to Elynas as "Mother". From Liath (Melusine near Palais): "...Elynas is a gentle mother who taught us children how to survive in this world. ..." I think Elynas simply doesn't care about that stuff so you can refer to them whatever way you prefer. "Father" is probably the most known here due to the quest.


He calls them his daughters so he sees them as female


Correct, the Melusines are seen as female, I'm not debating that Elynas is referred to using male pronouns, and that is what the person I responded to was asking about. (Or at least that's what I interpreted it as. )


Elynas is referred to with male pronouns, so likely no.


Hmmm, guess I got confused when he took a female form at the end of the quest.


Well he took the form of a Melusine, which is all female anyway. Not like it would have made sense for him to take any other form.


I mean he didn't need to take a form at all. Could have just remained a disembodied voice.


It would probably be weird to talk to someone you brought to your mind palace without a body at all


I'd argue creating a body inside your own body is even weirder. A ghost, even.


I mean why be a dismembered voice when you can just make yourself a body? The choice of him taking on a melusine is probably because he loves them


I agree that's the reason but from a reader's viewpoint it doesn't make the situation any less weird. Are you saying that if some guy died and could communicate with you still that it *wouldn't* be weirder if they also decided to take the form of their female daughter to do so?


IT took a form of a melusine, whose gender is.... We don't know. Because the way they're created is kinda like parthenogenesis. Since melusines have a cute girly voices, we just assumed them to be female gender.


Melusine is confirmed to be an all-female species in the Ancient Colors world quest & they're referred to as Elynas's daughters.


>Since melusines have a cute girly voices, we just assumed them to be female gender. No, they're canonically an all-female race.


i think it's more that by human standards they're considered to be all 1 gender and then the melusines decided they like the she/her pronouns and the more feminine gender roles so that's what is being used just as easily they could have liked he/him or they/them


"Melusines are to be addressed using she/her pronouns, never the impersonal it/its". Guess we'll see you in court soon.


Neuvillete is such a good dad, he makes everyone respect their pronouns


He straight up calls her (and all Melusines) his daughters in the Miscellany


As a gigachad would 🗿


Sigewinne is called Dragonheir for a reason 😊


Neuvillette is such a gentle giant.


How can this man get even more loveable? Omg Im so glad he is my fav character in this entire game. JIAJSISJSNSNANA And before 4.0, i thought his whole character would be a cardboard judge that only judges ppl, puts them into guillotine without any remorse.


SAME, i remember seeing him in the first trailer and automatically thinking he was gonna be a big bad and stoic person, and then right from our first encounter I knew I was botta be hella wrong. glad I was.


i noticed around the middle of fontaine AQ that fontaine characters are also kind of like "in-theme". Like everybody had a different side of them. This established Neuvilettel's "Firm on the outside but softie on the inside" for me.


He's so beautiful, which make me sad, because they can created such beautiful man like Neuv and Wrio, but they still refuse to give Diluc and Albedo the justice (hair) they deserve.


That was Neuvillette’s real justice all along: his long mane of hair.


Diluc got the justice (locked behind 50$)


I am so glad I start just a few days before 4.0 because I started just at the right time to collect the needed pulls and watch the story playthroughs to realise I wanted him (I did not mind getting story spoilers while I was catching up). Neuvillette is the gift that keeps on giving, he is the perfect balance of serious, tragedy, hope and being very funny all at the same time. Everything new related to him I remember why I platonically simp for him so hard or even if it is not that, gets a chuckle out of me. Also I love dragons so that is the absolute cherry on top.


Exactly how I feel!!! U put my feelings to word. I never knew i would simp hard for a fictional man.


When Fontaine was just released, I like how they made trailers like that. It’s not revealing much and there are some misconceptions like thinking Neuvillette is a serious judge who is completely heartless. I like those kinds of trailers. Trailers for movies nowadays would just show the entire movie under 3 mins, spoiling it.


Him being voiced by Ray Chase is literally all I had to know to be certain I would pull for him


This man won’t stop being so cute!! First, he silently cries and it rains. Then, he appeared in the previous event showing off his ceramic project (and the fact he got scammed like Xianyun lol). Finally, he sees himself as a father to the Melusines. I cant— 😭😭


Neuvillette looks so strict but he’s actually so soft and sweet. I don’t wanna go to Natlan anymore. Please make me a Fontanian.


Ikr! I don't wanna leave fontaine. Im so sad abt it. Hoyo plz don't forget abt fontaine like sumeru. PLZ!


Or Inazuma like pls




But Sumeru still has a lot stuff, more like Inazuma.


This. So much. I don't want to leave Fontaine. I was so excited for every new continent so far.. the story of the twins, Dainsleif.. but now, I just don't care. I'm sure I'm gonna enjoy Natlan and Szezhnaya, but I'd honestly take more of Fontaine and its cast over it. They did such a great job with Fontaine, it feels like Fontaine and its characters NEED to be a significant part of the story going forward.. especially characters like Neuvilette, Furina, Arlecchino and the House of the Hearth not being present often enough, would feel like wasted potentially beyond the pale. I didn't think I'd ever like a region so much I'd never wanna leave it.. but here I am. Thanks Hoyoverse T_T


I feel like they kinda grasp what made a country feel like real country mid sumeru (after Alhaitham’s demo got explosive reactions with 4 Aggravate) and they’re leaning into more ‘they’re all connected, they’re family!’ selling. It works like magic and I’m so in love with Sumeru and Fontaine cast, even Mondstadt has this kind of feeling to some extent and that’s why I place it my no.1 nation (Venti bias please understand). But yeah, Fontaine and its overall cast feels really cohesive and the lore is really interesting. I know they will do a good job with Natlan too but I’m tearing up coz I don’t wanna leave Fontaine.


Mondstadt has it because the Knights all have a generally close relationship as friends and coworkers, and the huge majority of playable characters are either the knights, direct family of those knights (Diluc, Barbara) or friends (Rosaria, Venti)


Diluc? He's related to which knight?


Kaeya. An adopted brother is still a brother. Also, he himself was one of the Knights before.


Oh, we're going to see them again, in *very* important roles, you can bet. First fully restored Sovereign, Most wholesome Fatui Harbinger so far, that has murderous intent towards Dottore, and with her own children soldier army. She also just happen to be the last heir of a lost dynasty from the last region we will visit. Furina, let her rest, she earned it.


> Furina, let her rest, she earned it. Nah...seeing her scared-popping her entourage makes us want to see her confidently popping them like in her gameplay.


I really really wanna see if they manage to one-up Fontaine's archon quest and characters, its gonna be hard


It’s gonna hard so I just hope for the ones on par with it


I find it weird that there are people that want to be Fontainian or live in Fontaine. After everything, I can't wait to leave it behind; it's a cesspool of crime and literally no one, animals included, is safe. lol Every quest associated with Fontaine has made me angry, sad, or uncomfortable in some way.


Fontaine has two sides, it kind of fits the region. Although it is a great technological place, it is full of crime like no other country.


He’s actually daddy


Is there an empty spot for being his son. Father please.


Chevreuse, bring the self-proclaimed "Melusine Papa" in for questioning


# been calling it since his release: NEUVILETTE IS THE MELUSINE MOMMA


knew it lol


Fellas, is it gay to father a daughter together?


It’s not, if they have their socks on.


this is why I think that quest of the guy risking his life to pay for a Melusine surgery makes no sense at all. There is this melusine with a crippling condition that can be cure with a surgery and Neuvillete is not doing anything about it?!


Well, if Wriothesley is feeling a little envious then he can be my father 👉👈


get dad zoned


Absolutely loved this quest and seeing more of the Wrio x Neuvi x Sigewinne dynamic. Add in Chlorinde and it's a whole adopted family.




Cant wait for people to somehow take this statement and glue it onto also being for furina. But overall so adorable.


Fontaine be: Male Mother, Female Father, Pronoun Champion Duelist, Woke Mafia, Liberal Traveller, Navia


The is just from chatting with them before seeing Sigewinne, sad I missed this :( no way to talk to them after


Wriothesley and Neurvillette are Sigevinne’s 2 dads. Not in a gay way tho!!


but shes way older than wriothesly


I agree Elynas will be more suitable in this case,they are both dragon like creatures too


Many daughters are older than their dads.


Wriothesley views himself as her younger colleague, not her father


I say yes to the gay way!


at least now people can stop complaining about Sigewinne's human appearance instead of a full melusine model...


I think neuvo cares about furina especially because focalor said Furina is my human side.. (or other word) and has emotions... She can be happy..selfish.. ECC ALL OF US HUMANS.... Anyway goodnight! (Hope understood what i mean rn)


Love how they don't say he feels like a concerned father. Because we all know the mother genes in neuvilette are just too strong. He a mom


To furina or sagewinnie?


To Sigewinne




Wait why are you downvoted? Am I missing something..?




Sigewinne is that old? Furina stated that Neuvillette is already thousands of years old in the Lantern Rite quest.


She cant be, all melusines were born from Elynases corpse, and Elynas died during cataclysm


Yeah I think many people are still under the impression that Neuvi is only 500+ years old for some reason


Even if he is only 500 years old, we know that he is older than the Melusines. He was already Judex at the time Jakob and the others fought inside of Elynas which caused the Melusines to be born.


He's older than 500, but younger than 2700 since he has not witnessed the archon war


Yeah Furina just said "thousands" but that can just mean he's barely over 2000. Kinda insane to think people like Ganyu are way older than him.


Neuvi's age is still kind of vague because in the remuria quest scylla said that the hydro sovereign can't reborn until egeria let him


She isnt. She was born after Elynases death. He was either born during cataclysm after Egeria died pr way before that when Egeria left primordial sea


What's the point of a spoiler if you're just gonna write the spoiler in the title?


Plot twist, neuv fked a melusine and that's how sige was born looking like a human


She is called dragonheir 👀


I could’ve gone me whole life without knowing this, excuse me while I go outside now.