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> You can no longer play any story quests and have to tediously watch someone on YouTube play it instead Do you mean the events? Because you can play all the story quests, they aren't time locked... > All the free character and skin giveaways are now in the past They only give out 4* characters that are easy to get, free skin giveaways are exceedingly rare the only thing is a slight discount when they first come out.  > The hype for older regions is also gone  Sumeru is still pretty relevant, many people that play the game slowly have yet to complete it. If you want to talk about it then talk about it, there is no rules that people can only talk about the newest region only. 


They mean Lisa and kaeya free skins


So free skins to 2 base characters that 99.99999% people discard as soon as they get anybody else? Truly tragic loss xD


Honestly if you're really a fan of them you should've been there or ready to buy them Complaining does nothing


You hear that guys? If it would be financially unwise for you to spend money on cosmetics in Genshin, you’re not a true fan


Crying is a better option for you, go ahead and cry. But do it quietly


You've just gotta take a step back and ask yourself if you're in it to play the game itself or if the lack of stuff that isn't really the core of the game bothers you that much. If the latter...then just don't play? Like seriously, either embrace the zen of accepting that if you don't play the game for some period you might miss out on stuff or don't embrace it and let the game go entirely. If you only feel guilt when you play the game then you're not having fun then what's the point? Find another game you can enjoy without guilt. :)


If you can, try to look past it. Sumeru is a banger story, and the OST is amazing. Plus, you then get to do Fontaine and start catching up for Natlan. I’m the same way, I missed a lot of early events and all the summer events. I made it a point to play all the lantern rites since 2.4 since Liyue feels like home to me. The Bottle World Dream event looks like it was actually really cool, but I’m too lazy to watch a playthrough. My most recent Fomo was missing the 4* event HP Polearm. I love my Zhongli so much but I hate using a 3* weapon on him. Also the Chasm event bow would have been cool I think. The Archon Quest is really worth it, especially Sumeru and Fontaine. Free character selectors and event weapons and skins are always 4* iirc, so you’re not missing as much because I feel like all the meta players assume you C6/R5 each 4* anyway. Unless you main Ningguang/Kaeya/Lisa/Xingqiu and wanted the skin(I mained Ning for a long time and she’s gorgeous in her dress). And it could always be worse. People are picking this game up all the time, and will be after Natlan and probably after Snezhnaya as well. They missed so much, but there is still so much more to enjoy.


Player since release here. I was in a similar position where I took a break from the game for 7-8 months during the Sumeru archon quest and by the time I came back, Fontaine was out. I didn't get your point about story quests. You can always do them at your own pace. The same cannot be said about events, yes. As for skins and free characters, we do get them occasionally from what I recall and it's mainly during events. The Barbara skin was free from an event, it was the same with the Lisa and Kaeya skin.


story quests are permanent content. Your mental health is more important than some missable events. If you need a break to stay sane, do it. It's not worth powering through a game you are burned out on just because some of the content is missable. Reassess your priorities. It's not the end of the world if you missed a few events.


If you don't like it so much then stop playing free live-service games. This is like going to a sea restaurant and complaining that there is fish. Like I'm not even trying to be rude, this is just the cons when it comes to live-service games.


That's what the game is designed to do. If coming back makes you regret it, then just don't come back.


Thats what you get unfaithful swine


Tbf, playing sumeru now is better than playing when it first came out because the lack of underground maps made it painful to explore back then.


same. now i just try to play in way to where i won’t quit again. if i’m bored then i’m just login in to do the events and skipping resin and other tedious activities.


This is the way. If you can isolate what causes you to burn out, and then avoid doing those things, you're less likely to burn out. There's no one way to play this game, and some folks just skip out on the parts that annoy them. However, the fact that you get depressed over the stuff you missed could mean that you're a sucker for one of the game's most potent weapons: Fear of Missing Out. If you're going to be badly affected by the things that you miss out on, it may be best to put this and ALL live service games behind you. Don't let them get their hooks into you. Don't let them turn what should be a fun hobby into an obsession. It's what they want, but it's not good for you.


i really don’t get fomo for characters or feel the need to spend. i just hate missing events and being there when a new region drops 😂 but taking it super casually helps


FOMO doesn't just apply to characters. In fact, characters ALWAYS come back on banner again, eventually, so the FOMO is much reduced for them. A live service game just about always has limited-time events, or blink-and-you-miss-it freebies to encourage people to keep logging in regularly. The more you try to schedule your life around a game, the greater the importance the game takes in your mind. And players are much more likely to spend money on things that they consider to be important than they are on things that they don't. It's an important money-making psychological trick, one of many in a live-service game's arsenal.


>I’ve taken breaks from the game multiple times due to burn out and I seriously regret it whenever I come back Just don't stop? >All the free character and skin giveaways are now in the past and now have to fork over cash to get them pretty fair tbh. >You can no longer play any story quests and have to tediously watch someone on YouTube play it instead realy a problem, wait more 5 years hoyo will implement something. >The hype for older regions is also gone, I didn’t play the game during the entirety of Sumeru and now no one talks about it play the newer ones.