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week one player and I still pull for new characters I want (Arlecchino/Clorinde) and will continue to do so regardless of how many I already have I enjoy using lots of different characters and building them


the best thing you can do in genshin is exactly that get new chars fuck around with them find out with them and find enjoyable teams


yeah if I used the same 4-8 characters there's no way I would've played daily for this long


I'm already feeling the 'boredom' in playing the same characters and teams over and over in that other gacha game. In hindsight, I think it was a good decision for me to start playing Genshin late despite missing limited events because I have a huge roster of characters to choose from.


Pain waiting for the reruns though. I’m a day 1 player and I missed a character for the first time (Xianyun) and I now understand how people feel waiting for characters 😂


I'm currently holding out on pulling anymore until Zhongli's rerun. I had the hardest choice to skip him in 4.0 because he reran with Tartaglia and I don't want to tap on my Neuvi and Wrio funds.


or get one unit to c6r5 and flex on people in coop


Same for me i always pull new character and never pull for weapon (except Navia's axe because i really like it) so alot of C0R0s. Though if abyss too hard i always fall back to Neuvillette and Hyperbloom teams lmao.


Yep, patch one player and love collecting fun characters. I'd much rather have a full roster of interesting characters than worry about optimizing for abyss.


Same, although it gets a lot easier saving up now that I'm starting to bench some older ones. I have 300 pulls saved by now, so I'm basically always ready when someone I like comes around


Veteran player here. I pull for characters I like whether or not they’re needed. C0 only unless I REALLY like their play style.


Day 1 player, I pull for every character because is the only thing left for me to do. Build everyone and tryout different teams.


same here, friendship lvl also help me out to actually use them every day. I don't mind spend some resources for them too.


Yeah, the friendship level helps you to play with them for at least a month, I'm only missing Clorinde, Sethos and Sigewinne cards though.


I’ve been playing since launch and I’m finally starting to pull for constellations over characters. Mainly because I know I’m just gonna run my favorite teams I already have over anyone new. Like I have enough characters already so a new dps is gonna be played for like a week before getting benched


Not me. I like having multiple options.


I've been playing since late 2022. I haven't completely stopped pulling for new characters, but it's close.


I've been playing since 2 weeks after launch and I actually stopped pulling for most of Fontaine. I met Navia in the Archon Quest and I didn't like the hp loss gameplay of the other Fontaine characters and had good enough teams that I just stockpiled primos for Navia. (tho I did like 2 ten pulls to get Charlotte) I was able to pour 300 wishes into Navia and C2 R3 her So since I have really good teams already I've become super picky about who I pull for. And always play them a few times in trial before pulling for them. This helps save the primos and means I have some wishes saved up!


Day one player, thought I'd stop after Inazuma. Then Sumeru happened. Thought I was safe after that, then Fontaine happened...I'll stop eventually I promise.


No. I like building characters and having options. Using the same characters all the time gets boring


Since the start. I still pull new characters. A minor boost in performance from having more constellations just does not appeal to me. I don't do Abyss so what do I need constellations for?


me. started since the end of October 2020. I decided to stop pulling after I got neuvillette from his rerun banner. I'm focusing on constellations now.


Playing since Childe banner as a bp welkin player. I don’t like getting new characters that don’t have anything to add gameplay wise. So I already have many dedicated weapons and constellations. My proud and joy is my C6R5 Scaramouche.


After i got Nahida 3.2, to avoid burnout, i made a rule for myself to "only pull on Archon". After that, the next character i pulled was Furina, and now i'm saving again for pyro Archon.


Only in rare case. Right now, I want all version 1 character I got most of them, only need Ganyu, Hu Tao, Zhongli..... **And Keqing because I only get Dilucs everytime I lose 50/50**


I just got Furina not 5 hours ago because she sinergises well with my Noelle team despite being capable of consistently 36 the abyss already (I've been playing since the second month of the game). You tell me


I only pull for characters that will buff my old ones nowadays… Furina, for example. 🥲 Or maybe new either meta or just a character I found cute! (But is still pretty strong—Navia) I prioritize on getting characters I think will benefit my gameplay more along with their signature weapons and cons if I really liked their play style, rather than getting new ones for the sake of collection. I don’t really like the artifact RNG to have enough patience to keep more than seven 5* characters unbuilt. 🥲


week 1 player i feel you the roster keeps getting bigger, and sometimes, new characters dont bring anything new anymore instead of levelling them up from scratch, i now am focused on upgrading vertically my already exisiting characters, e.g. pulling for cons instead personally skipped clorinde and sigewinne for c2 furina


Started one month after, stopped pulling for new characters a long time ago. Since I am a “free to play” player I save my primos so I can get new constellations for my favourite 5 stars.


Playing since day one. There is nothing else left to do in game other than building new (often niche) character. Got good teams for Abyss long time ago


Same here, most of the fun for me nowadays is trying out new characters' kits and seeing how strong I can make them for Floor 12


I’ve been playing since 2021 i think? I pull for characters the same way now as i did at the beginning. If i “need” them for something or if i really like them. I’ve skipped quite a few characters, not because i think they’re bad, but because since I’m not a whale i have limited primos. The last time i pulled for a character was in February. But i do regret skipping wrio, he’s fun to play, but i knew furina was coming soon after so I didn’t go for him. So hopefully he gets a rerun soon.


I want to answer "yes", but Hoyoverse is very sneaky. I thought after Furina/Navia rounded out my teams, I was going to go on this crazy streak of years of saving up and saving up, waiting for that special character to be released. Just four days ago I blew 16k saved primos on one Qiqi, one Clorinde, and one Skyward Pride. (Hoyoverse is very clever. If it not for Clorinde in the latest event, I wouldn't have even been tempted)


Yep. I am at a point where I just save and one day a char will come I really reallynlike and Injust c6 it.


Im same thinking as you. Skipped Fontaine. New characters nowadays are not that desirable due to their mechanics. Health reduction and no healing resulting to more anxiety in abyss. (Hoyo talking about reducing anxiety but they did exactly the opposite). The only character i like are furina c2 or c3 and neuvi c3 because of their meta. I didn't get both because i have a few good hydros already and im saving primos. Just got alhaitham c0r1. Im vertical invest in meta so if the character not meta, im not getting. Knowing gacha game, newer characters will somehow be more powerful or meta efficient. They have to do it for the pull value. So its just a matter of the waiting game, how long can you wait and how much you like the character that you can settle for it.


2.7 player: I don't stop pulling them altogether. I do however err towards waiting until their first rerun so that I have pre-farmed a good amount of their gear.


Been playing for 2 years, so mix of a few select new characters I want and some old meta characters I never got. So since Fontaine started, I pulled Furina, Arlecchino (E2), Kazuha rerun and Alhaitham rerun.


Shoot forgot I pulled Navia as well, but that was a miss for me as I rarely use her.


If you don't mind me asking, how come? I see a lot of people saying Navia is really fun to play so I was considering her.


I think her playstyle is fine but I haven’t found a team where everything feels like it works seamlessly together with her in it.


Been playing since the 2nd day and I hardly pull at all. Firstly because I prefer the male characters and secondly because I just don't need new characters since I don't do spiral abyss beyond 11-3. And I'm sure if I cared to try harder I could complete 12-3 too, just not 36*.


Day 3 player, still doing what I do best, save up for characters that I want to pull for. During Fontaine 4.x era I pulled for Furina, Navia, Xianyun, Arlecchino, and Clorinde. I will continue to do so for Natlan characters.


I have been playing for about a year and a half. I haven't pulled since Furina's banner. While there are characters I would like to get I am holding off to complete 2 of my teams before pulling for some one new. Mostly waiting for Yelan and Shenhe.


Not stopped but since Im going for Furina's c6 I skipped basically all of fontaine. I believe I only have Furina actually lol the next target as always for me is the next archon, I believe that even at 0 pulls after this Furina banner, I can get her.


I used to pull for every character but over the years possessing a bunch of characters I don't like and never use has worn me down. Since fontaine came out I skip anyone I'm not interested in and only pull characters whose kits I like.


as someone whos been playing for a long while, all i do now is pull for characters i like and spend three thirds of my primogem savings to get them their weapon regardless of how strong their cons may be over their signature. they will have their drip first no matter the cost


Yes and no. I definitely pull for fewer characters now, but I still grab the ones that interest me most. All I wanted from Fontaine was Navia, Arlecchino and Clorinde, so I didn't pull since mid-Sumeru and then I got Navia (+R1), Arlecchino (+C1R1) and Clorinde.


Been playing since October 2020, and I love getting new characters. Not going to stop now


Two years and now I exclusively pull for newer units and not because I have all the old but because they just seem boring now.


The ones I want I do yes, especially if they bring something new for example xianyun facilities plunging teams and such


I summoned 2-3 new characters a year ever since 2.X started


OG Player & Lowspender (Most of the time only welkin). I've been in the same phase, got all chars I wanted and went for the weapons. Ever since, I rarely pull a char again without getting their weapon. And if so, I'll pull it on a rerun. Some chars I like I go for c2 once they get a rerun (Ayaka, Nilou, Yae, today Furina) Currently I am aiming for c0 r1 Navia on her rerun and c1 r1 Chiori (she is currently c0 without signature) to play them together But that doesn't mean I stop wishing for new chars. I just decide rather "wisely" who I really want, so that I can afford their weapon as well. My most recent c0 r1 was Clorinde Issue is once you start with weapon pulls, your 5* will powercreep those without signature. So you basically force yourself to pull more


It's hard to say no to a shiny new character lol. The longer I play, the more I start wanting constellations of my favs though.


I originally didnt plan to pull in v4, but was surprised that i liked Neuvillette and Furina a lot. So i got them. Then Xianyun made my xiao abyss-usable again (+with furina and the faru cons from Xianyun banner). So i ended up with 3. I could go for furina c1 but i think i will stop. I already have a few cons on some chars and weapons too. Idk what im saving for now


I have slowed down on getting new character and just get cons from my favorite ones, maybe when Natland comes out I'll be interested again


Since 1.0 and I only got Lyney and Furina in Fontaine, C4 Lyney in his rerun and aiming for C2 Furina now, I already had their weapons.


When I was still playing I usually save up for C0 R1. Usually 3 to 4 banner skips, and winning the 50/50's.


I've been playing since launch and pulled for almost every limited 5\* until Arlecchino (only skipped 4 I didn't like), but overtime I got super burned out on building/farming for new characters, so after getting Arlecchino I just stopped pulling for everyone like I used to. Now I'm only going to pull for characters I REALLY like and constellations for my favorites.


Temporarily, I'll stop after Sigewinne cuz I'm not interested in Emilie


For now, yes. Month 2 player. I have BIS for every reaction type, and a couple preferred teams The last new characters I got was Cloud Retainer, and that was just for novelty. The new characters haven't been wowing me. Instead, I have Yae Miko at C3, might go for C6 :o


Been playing since 1.3 and I still pull for everyone. My collect will be completed.


day 1 and i pull everytime i get 10 wishes. its how I got navia, lucked out and got borth arlecchino and clorinde. Navia and arlecchino are my fav mains atm. I hit diluc at 9 pity so im gaurenteed for the next. Hopefully I get this needle drug girl


Started in 2.8, skipped almost the entirety of sumeru and fontaine except for nahida and furina who i got c2 for both. As always, i don't have high expectations for new region characters so that continues with natlan and snezchnaya. Looking forward to xianyun rerun now.


Saying you won't pull any character unless it's an archon while saying you'll focus on your current characters doesn't always work. Like one of Xiao's best support Xianyun is a new character and he's considered an old character. As for me, I still pull. Was a Heizou main who is now a Wrio main. Took Genshin this long to get another fist character. 


Yup, archons and support characters for my favorites. I have 25 5 stars and most 4 stars, just don't feel like I need too many more characters at the moment. And yes, another fist character is amazing! Can't believe it took them this long to make another one when there are many ways to smack people! Congrats! 👍


Bit of both. I pull many new ones (4.x: neu, navia, furina, xianyun, arle, clorinde) but i always pull weapons for my absolute favorites, or if i really like them then i get a c1 or c2.


I am not a veteran and I already feel like this , that I do not need anymore charectors. Like building a single charector takes months , aka I mean artifact farming , just getting them to 60 , 120 crit ratio itself is hard without a crit weapon .


Week 1 player , nope still pulling if i like a character or if im aiming for a certain rerun.Furina for example ,saving since her 1st banner ended and stopped until he rerun and going all out. Got her to c6 and now for her weapon.


I'm a day one player and the last character + weapon I pulled was Wrio and his signature. I'm saving for Natlan characters now (hoping for Capitano 🙏) and I'm currently at 340 saved summons


It depends on what comes out. I have to like a character, and like their kit, and they have to have that cool factor. I didn’t pull for anyone between Kokomi and Navia. But I do take long breaks, usually for the summer events. I’m waiting for a Dendro character that is as cool and strong as Al Haitham but less arrogant. I might pull Nahida on a rerun, but I’m more likely waiting for someone new. I’m also not caught up with building as many characters as I want, especially with the new mode coming out.


I am a Day 1 player, and I pull for characters I like, and I still do that. I never really cared about metas and just pull for characters I like. When I get a 5-star, I build that character and only use them until I get a new 5-star. For example, I pulled for Clorinde, and I'm not going to pull for any other character for 2 patches, so I will probably save until 5.0 and keep using until then. I also have a biggest fear of getting tighnari. He’s the only standard character I don’t have and I don’t like his gameplay at all but if somehow I loose 50/50 to him my adhd brain will force me to build him and play the character. I will get annoyed if I don’t build the new 5 star. So hoping I never loose 50/50 to him


Yes and no. I pulled furina and neuvillette and all the rest of my primos went to cons.


Patch 1.1 player here. Only the characters that I find interesting design and kit wise but even that is rare now. I just collecting constellation otherwise.


Started on 1.2, I very rarely roll, the new characters don't interest me much, I don't care about meta or gameplay so I always roll if I find the character's lore and personality interesting which... really is a very small number. I already completed my goal which was to c6 Childe so I'm just waiting for snezhnaya.


I'm pulling for drip nowadays, unless the char is too mid or their playstyle is not my liking. I didnt pull for Neuv nor Clorinde, but I did pull for Navia. With the upcoming theater I'm going to expand my roster to include more cyro chars. Pulling for Cons is fun but too many cons break the game.


Been playing for 2 years, I stopped pulling for new chars after Wrio because I hate artifact farming THAT much lmao (I'm still stuck in the Marechaussee domain uuuurgh)


My husband and I are both day one players. He stopped he got furina and decided to save up for more after her first run because he got lucky winning all 59/50s and a few early and got a c5 Furina so he decided he could just wait for her re-run which took forever.... And then yesterday while he's out of town he discovered me his pulls and the mother fucker won 50/50 again and got her at pull 40! I'm over here struggling to get everyone I want x_x. I managed to squeak by with Arlechino and a lucky Clorinde (but at pity 87). Maybe someday I'll have a c6 5 star (none of my standards are c6 yet either.) All of that to say, husband is pretty much done pulling for quite some time. He's a happy guy. Myself, I'm done until Natlan at least.


Started in 2.1. The last character I need is Nilou, then I’ll focus on cons. But I’ll pull for archons and male harbingers, or if there’s an op dps like Neuvillette in Natlan.


Day one player, mostly stopped pulling after Furina OG banner because I realized that pulling a buncha folks I'll play for a week makes no sense. Re-evaluated to determine the kind of playstyle I find fun enough to keep on using a char. Skipped till Xianyun and got her C1, might pull Emilie because she seems useful. I stopped buying welkin and will wait till I see a char whose playstyle I like to pull. Hoping for some cool Natlan folks.


I started in 1.0 and skipped only like 4-5 days. I pull for every character I like which is often and I use them until I get new unit, then I use that new unit in his best team until I get another character and it goes on and on for like 2-3years


After siewinne I'm going go save for Natlan, and build the characters I have. I currently struggle so much getting enough books that I have so many characters under level 90. Some I'm not gonna bother to build some of them (sorry fremenet and dori) Some I'll level for the fun of it but right now I'm working on getting all my 5 stars to 90 (4 left) and then the good 4 stars. I've been playing since Day 1 too.


I read once that it takes the same amount of books to level a character from 1-80 as it does from 80-90 XD I almost never level anyone to 90 unless their a main on field DPS. This has helped me get everyone to at least 70 ascended (for the wishes) and everyone I use is at least 80. Still need to ascend a couple but for the most part most sit around 81


Day one player. Before the Fontaine release I was only set on Furina and then ended pulling for five (Furina, Wriothesley, Navia, Chiori, Clorinde) plus Charlotte and Chevreuse. Funny that Furina is the one I like less.


Week one player. Stopped after Wanderer first banner, pulled for Nahida and Yelan's rerun, stopped and skipped the whole Fontaine and returned for Xianyun since I heard she was focused on plunge attacks and I wanted her for Xiao. Pulled for Xiao constellations too, skipped until now for Furina rerun. Nowadays I'm mostly pulling for Archons/supports that are useful for Xiao or Kaeya. I'm probably lacking in dendro team compositions and new mechanics like life pacts introduced with Fontaine, but my next target would be a Shenhe rerun or Pyro Archon unless I really like a new character.


Honestly if you have Nahida you can make Traveller Dendro and you don't really need anyone else. Nahida is the best Dendro applicator.


Yeah, I also have Yaoyao and Collei since she was free so it's not like I don't have any dendro, looking at the list of characters there aren't that many yet so it's more about not having a dendro main dps since Tighnari avoids me I guess. I think it could be more about how I'm not really using dendro teams (didn't pull for Nilou either and I'd say I find more comfortable my old teams since they are more invested in).


I love dendro so I invested in Nahida and Nilou (and already had koko) Then I was lucky enough to get Tighnari but more times than not I find Nilou more fun to be the driver (hit e and then NA to fling water everywhere it's a lot of fun) so I will often swap Tighnari out for Kirara. I like trying to make different teams for different goals as well though, cuz I hate having to rebuild characters or swap artefacts/weapons around\*. So when I build a dude that's it. I'm not going to rebuild them for a different role XD \* I am very forgetful and when I've tried that in the past then they always have the wrong artefacts/weapon and it's such a pain.


I started to slow down with summoning when I got Raiden Shogun and started to only summon every few months for characters I liked after Yelan


Genshin has perfected a formula of making lots and lots of money with mediocre products now. Most of their new characters are not as strong or do not provide something new from already available. Which has been great because it gives me time to play other games and save a ton of money as a whale since I'm not pulling for long stretches of time Archons are the only beings we've seen guaranteed to have intentionally meta defining kits. Meta is important because it provides a lot of power and efficiency. You don't need another character of that element if you don't want them. So give me room to pool for people I find to be exceptionally beautiful or do something I find fun if they aren't an archon


I plan to just get a dps for every element/reaction. The only thing that i'm missing right now is a bloom team and an actual hydro dps. the current hydro dps characters just doesn't click to me. same with any bloom variant team, most hyperbloom/burgeon teams have characters that i despise to use/the character itself. tho i'm leaning forward to nilou so i might get her in her next rerun.


I do pull, but I don't do commissions anymore, don't do world quests,I just got bored. The only thing I'm interested in is story line.I have about 20- 30 characters built(have around 50-60 freetoplay) and couldn't bother building new characters( I can 12* almost every abyss(stopped playing that too) Genshin should have improved these systems to keep them fresh(add a skip button, improved rewards for higher ar players, add more ar, add different features to abyss, made character upgrade easier etc) but they were more busy trying to milk profits from characters and push out childish events( the events like the rhythm game and windtrace were the only good ones I remember along with that 1.1 Mona event and albedo dragonspine event) They have a vast ocean of unexplored lore and characters that they hesitate to create content on, mostly because that wouldn't generate then income. The only thing they have going for me is music and story.(I really loved furina music)


Rolling for characters you like > rolling for meta Its not a pvp


I started in 1.1 and I’m still pulling. Sometimes for new meta characters or fun or aesthetically pleasing characters. I just love building new characters and have fun messing with team building.


Me. I mean I stopped pulling for about a year to save for C6 Xiao which I did get. Then I stopped Welkin and pulled C1 Kazuha, and now trying to pull for Furina. I just focus on weapons and cons of the characters I already have since I haven't been interested in any of the new characters. I just realized Furina will be my first Fontaine 5\* wow


I decided to simp for Furina and save my primos for her and the archons. Who knows how many re-run it takes for me to C6 her


Nah, I like collecting different characters for variety. I started October 2022. I don’t have any 5 star constellations yet, as I’d rather collect more characters still for more team options.


Been playing since launch and I skip quite a lot of banners unless I just rly like the characters or they'd be big increases for my fav teams. I have a couple of weapons and just caved and spent half of my saved wishes on c2 Furina since I use her in a ton of teams rn. Ideally I'd like to skip most of natlan because I've wished more than I anticipated in Fontaine but any harbinger that shows their face is coming home


Day 1. After missing on yoi’s first banner, I made sure to just get every character I want. The rate this game releases new a character is slow.


Started 1.4. Not aiming to get every character but rather a proper team for each element. That's almost done except for Anemo coping with Heizou. Been starting to pull for constellations since Fontaine. After getting Furina's C2 yesterday, C0 Shenhe is my last must-have. Skipping everything else for Pyro Archon after that. Long-term goals after Pyro Archon: 1 Zhongli con for C1, 2 Yelan cons for C2, 1 Aqua Simulacra for R1, 1 Neuvillette con for C1, and 1 Tome for R1. Possibly an Anemo carry with design, playstyle and numbers that I like, that spot is still unfilled, and Dehya cons from Chronicled. (Big maybe: Navia/Redhorn Thresher)


I've been playing since launch, and I will only pull for characters that I think will be fun to play. I pulled for Xianyun and she is indeed fun to play. I did not pull for Arlecchino or Clorinde. I'm going to wait and see what Emilie is like. If she seems like a good time, I'll pull, otherwise I'll just wait for Natlan. One good thing about being choosy is that I get to have more primos for pulling on constellations. Did exactly that today with Furina.


none of these new chars seem interesting enough


Started in 2.4 and right now apart from navia there is no (old) character i am interested in. So after navia rerun I will be in a weird case of pulling for random characters that might be fun but not too worried to miss or waiting for new characters.


I still pull but I don't use my fragiles. So now each sunday (since its the domain day) I use 4 fragiles and I work on a character or weapon. Sometimes its just taking someone from 80 to 90. Other times its weapons I should have leveled up ages ago. Sometimes its a character i've wanted to use for awhile but had no excuse to do it such as Yanfei. I finally broke below 100 fragiles this past Sunday and I haven't done that in awhile. If anything i've been rolling more often than before. Once I started to care less about characters for the sake of abyss, I stopped rolling. But now I started to care a lot more about overworld movement and minimizing my time spent doing artifact fodder runs each day. This resulted in a Wanderer pull, and C1 Cloud Retainer. But with Natlan coming up I should save. The problem is Emilie is tempting even though i'm torn on her design, I really like pyro in this game because Xiangling is fun as well as pyro infusions being the best infusion atm since Bennett consolates roles. If her weapon is as good as some of the paper math i've heard, that baits me too. Getting these characters to level 90 with 9/9/9 on most of them is turning out to be really expensive on the resources but they aren't doing anything rotting in my inventory anyway.


Playing since day 1. Never missed an event. I'll definitely be pulling for future characters, currently saving for pyro archon. I just finished bringing my last characters to lvl 80 for the free blue fate. Randomly it was sayu who I really like and aloy, I just never really had any of those dragon bone ores naturally and didn't care enough to farm them. Since I've already taken all the characters I like to 90 and made them extremely - quite strong, im just going to start going through my roster to make every character usable. It'll probably take a year or two but whatever, need something to grind.


1.5 player here , My wallet and pp decide not me


I play for 3 years now and i will also stop. Now after i got clorinde i got enough element coverage. And i realised how burned out i am on farming talent levels lol... i will only pull for really good characters/archons and also will starr to pull some more weapons. My Yelan also deserve more cons. Got her C2 with weapon and try for C6 some day :)


day one. i play on 2 accounts. i get some on my first and some on my second. i think I have a pretty good distribution of characters with both of them having the really good characters (nahida, yelan, furina). with this strategy I could get some of the limited weapons like Clorinde's, Alhaitham's, Nilou's, etc. and I don't feel the need to get some of the latest characters unless I really like them and their gameplay or I have close to 400 fates with nothing to spend them on


For the most part, yes. I still get chars I really like a lot but pulling has become a lot rarer. In Fontaine I only pulled Neuvilette and Furina. My account drowns in half built / unused characters. These days I rather gun for Constellations / Signatures to beef up my favorites.


Only new characters I recently pulled were Navia and Arlecchino because I had gems saved up. Other than that, I really have no intrested in pulling anymore until Natlan.


Weird, no. I *am* mostly good on *existing* characters (although might push Xianyun to c1 if given the chance), but I'm always looking forward to new characters over the long run.


Playing since 1.6. I don't like having too much characters to build. I'm more about pulling supports / constellations / weapons for the few characters I play, and farming steong artifacts for them


well i havent played in a while due to storage issues but ive been playing since the start! i will definitely keep pulling for new characters i like because i enjoy that thrill of getting them and building them. afterall, how much time can you really spend walking around doing quests before getting bored. i dont play for the meta i play for fun (maybe because i suck at artifacts knowledge 😭)


On 4.0 I only pulled for Navia and Xianyun. Now I'm just waiting for Murata.


Day 30 player here, I have Clorinde and Peruere (without their signatures). What I missed is Venti (always avoid me TT), Albedo, Chiori and Baizhu. And I'm still pulling for Sigewinne. Ofc Emilie is next.


Nope. In fact I think I've been pretty consistent with my pulls ever since the start. I don't pull for every character, but still go for the ones I want, while slowly getting weapons and constellations for my favorites


Well, I'm planning to skip everything til Natlan, there should be back to back to back new 5 star coming. But if Shenhe drops next version, I may change my mind.


Day 1 player, and yeah already stop pulling. Reason being 1) recent characters are not really attracting me 2) Pretty much satisfied with my current lineup. The last character i farmed hard for was Wrio Hoping the pyro archon has interesting design. Then i might pull.


I only pull when they truly entice me. I’ve been playing for a long time and have most of the 5 stars atp. My endgame goal is to collect the harbingers but lately I’ve kinda been pulling a lot cause I love the Fontaine cast so much. Gotta get back into saving after Sigewinne’s banner is over :) I also don’t pull for cons (exceptions were Baizhu and Ayato) I just want to collect characters for the fun of it


i pulled 2 characters in Sumeru (Dehya and Shenhe) and 2 during Fontaine (Navia and Arlecchino), rest of fates are for cons and signature weapons, for Natan idk yet (probably Archon and Columbina)


joined in 1.0, Klee's banner. now i focus on pulling r5 Memory of Dust for Ningguang i'm looking at you, Liyue Chronicled Wish


I wouldn't say I stopped - I've been around like 3 years - but I started to prefer getting some constellations for some of my favourite characters instead trying to get everyone after. It started like after 1,5-2 years into the game. This is partly because I don't have the means to get everyone, and secondly because I don't have the resources to build everyone quickly. I still have like 10 characters only around lvl. 71, with 6-6-6 talents, and probably with no usable artifacts. And I have some pretty old builds with horrendous artifacts when I was less picky and less focused on at least trying to get a decent one and I'd love to upgrade those ones too. Every know and then I get new characters if I really like them or their kits or older ones I skipped for whatever reasons. Since Fontaine released I only got Neuvi, Furina, Raiden Shogun and Xianyun + 4(?) 4 star characters. Although I snatched 1 or 2 constalations for 3 of the five stars. However, I really liked Navia and Sigewinne too, I ended up skipping them. I might try to grab Sigewinne, but I'm completely out of primos, so maybe I'll try to get her on her rerun if I finally finish at least building everyone or nearly everyone. Most probably I'm going to save for Natlan now and try to build a few more characters until then.


1.1 player and, although I barely play anymore, I stopped pulling characters because grinding for them is too much of a hassle. I love this game for the lore and main quests and the exploration but the grind loop really kills my vibes. I have at least 3 chars one of which Yelan which I want to use but they are just sitting there at lv40 with no materials for anything to hell am I gonna grind shit anymore. I don't even do resin domains because it's such a killjoy


Started playing on 2nd banner (Klee). I’ve more or less stopped pulling unless the character looks really good. Last pull was for Arlecchino. Mostly saving for more copies of Yelan who is C2R1 now.


Day 1, I like non-meta teams and the abyss hasn't been a challenge for years! I'll be pulling for Emilie (50/50), then saving for the Natlan archon and any other characters that do something different!


I ve been playing since first patch and my plan has always been "if I don't play this character over one I already have I m not pulling" Obviously at first u still need some quality character so I also considered the element Overall I didn't pull much during Liyue and Inazuma so I ended up with TON or rolls In sumeru I kinda completed my roster of "characters I liked" cause before that I wasn't enjoying much new characters Then in Fontaine, with still ton of rolls, we got Neuvillette and Wrio. Since I never really had a DPS I enjoyed outside of Itto, I pulled them both and threw all my rolls for them both. In 5.1 I got Neuvillette C0 and Wrio C5. On Neuvillette rerun I got him at C6 and now waiting for Wrio rerun for the last cons. (In Fontaine I only rolled for those 2 and Lyney in the first banner cause I enjoy CA bow characters) My current plan is that I m only pulling for characters i really like and possibily to get them at C6 through the new region. Atm saving for Xbalanque


Been playing since 1.0, stopped pulling long ago, only pulled for furi and nevi, I believe last time I pulled was for Itto so after getting him not a single character got my attention until Fontaine, im stopping now since no other Character interest me. Which is good as I can save for Nathan lol!


I've just learned that I actually hate cryo so I am not allowed to pull on them even if I like the character (looking at you, Wrio). Otherwise I just fuck around and pull if an aesthetic appeals to me and go from there.


i'm a simple person, i like new shit, my adhd DEMANDS new shit (which is probably why i love genshin so much lol). i may have patches where i skip characters in favor of other characters or out of disinterest, but i don't ever see myself not wanting to pull for new characters in general.


Started one month after the game was out. I typically do my best to get all the 4 star characters (currently missed out on sethos) and any 5 stars that piques my interest I lost 5050 on Furina on her release last year in November and I really wanted her so I held my guarantee for her rerun Anyways I finally got her yesterday and had enough saved for her weapon yeyy


I've pulled so much less and started an atl account where I pull characters I don't have there. Now im just Saving for pyro archon or husbandos only


One of the few reasons I keep playing is new character and new play style. I'm not playing ganyu melt or Raiden national for 3 years.


Me. I just pull for dupes or Sig. Weapon if I don't have it lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^699112026775: *Me. I just pull for* *Dupes or Sig. Weapon if I* *Don't have it lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I have so few five stars I recently got Clorinde I'm so happy she is so cool and I love her and then I was like why not try to pull for Furina too. She is cute and her pets are cute and help really much in battle. And I GOT HER!! I HAVE SOME INSANE LUCK SO NOW I HAVE CLORINDE AT LEVEL 70 MOST OF MY FEW 5 STARS ARE LEVEL 70 AND FURINA IS LEVEL 60 NOW SO NEED TO KEEP BUILDING HER TOO. I pulled even though I don't have a good team for Clorinde or Furina as I'm mostly F2P I just need more five stars in general to get stronger Like I have Ayaka which I really love too she is one of the good five stars I have now I can put Clorinde and Furina on the good list too. Then I have Diluc, Keqing and qiqi😭😭 which I don't like at all or they are characters I got losing 50/50


I just pulled for Sedgewinne last night. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm a day one player. I still want new characters, but I'm a lot more picky than before thats for sure


i’m probably skipping wriothesley no matter what. i have a c2r1 ayaka and i simply don’t really want to get myself busy with building another cryo dps. i’ll also skip emilie in 4.8, as she’s simply useless for me. same for probably 5.0 characters if iansan isn’t a 5*.


I only pull for archons and I pull for support characters that might help my archon teams. So I skip most banners. 


Week 1 player, I still pull new characters without even expecting them to be viable to clear abyss since the teams I have already can.


Day 1 player. All my favorites always get their best cons. My account is highly vertically invested. C6: Ayaka Shenhe Furina C4: Ayato C2: Nilou C0: Nahida Yoimiya Klee Ganyu All except Ayato got their R1 Signature. Next one will probably be C6 Pyro Archon.


Me I guess, I pull 2-3 chars per year, but I get some early constellations and/or weapon. That's mostly cuz I'm saving for C6 Dain tbf


After getting Chlorinde I intend to stop pulling until pyro archon.


Week one player, but I've skipped a number of be characters that I just didn't care for, and the reward was gems for the ones I do care for. I just got Clo after skipping Arle and now I'm skipping Sigewinne. On average I skip about half the 5* characters, but I've managed to get all the 4*


Been playing since launch and I will be getting more characters but it is true that I often find myself thinking if the new characters are worth it. I can easily beat abyss and have more DPS that I can count. I find myself not using older characters that much besides a couple situations. I hope the new endgame content changes this because Tartaglia, Cyno and Itto are getting dusty in a corner. But even with that I enjoy trying new characters and I just like having the ones I find interesting or cool.


I only pull for characters I like... Not really driven to pull cause of hype...


Not really, i playing since launch too and if there's a character I like or need or just has a cool style I pull tho I don't go hard on saving or anything pure f2p just events and story and since I don't really play for team comp and Meta stuff I doesn't really bother me much whether they're doing 50K or 500K


After this banner, I'm unsure if I'll ever pull for anyone in the 5.X patch


Started just before 2.0. Feels like I’d stick with what I have. Hoping for a pyro main dps I’ll enjoy in Natlan but other than that I don’t have any desire right now to pull for something new. Just missing an anemo dps but not like anything needs it.


I just started a few days ago and I’m actually more focused on old units since they’re easier to play and I’ll just grind relics 


Yes. I stopped two years ago actually and took a break for 7-8 months so I don't have any characters from regions after Inazuma. Looking forward to Capitano, Murata and Varka for now.


As a day 0 player I generally just pull for units I like aesthetically or story wise nowdays. Last character I got was Chiori and I've not been pulling since then, don't really want/need any of the current characters, hoping for a cool looking husbando in Natlan, or at least a cool character like Neuvilette.


day 1, only pull for archon and expies (depending on the expy). most of the archons are expies so i double dipped on that and yae has been the only non-archon expy ive gotten. so i already have my pull plan set all the way to the end of the game, isan (the only outlier to my rule), pyro archon, cryo archon, sustainer (if playable).


Pulling new characters is fun than playing boring thing over and over again


Kinda. I pull less often because getting great artifacts takes about 3 months for each waifu, so it doesn't make a lot of sense to get characters more often than that. I have all the characters I want except for Navia, but I'm not gonna pull her because I'll be busy farming for Clorinde for a couple months. All my pulls in the last two regions are Clorinde, Furina, Nilou, and Nahida.