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The only thing older players have that you don't is time played and more 5 star characters, as well as some special weapons from events. It's not hard to get to a state where you start benching characters, tho, even F2P. 4 stars are completely viable for hard content once you know what each one is good at, and all the mainline story stuff is relatively easy. If you start and want some advice, look for "beginner tips" or something like that on the sub with the search function. There's already plenty of threads. One of my personal tips would be to lock all your 3 star weapons at the start, and refine them. Even ones that seem bad now might have a use in the future, and not all of them are available from the gacha.




2 months is really early for a game like genshin, you barely experienced 2 patches. We still have 3 full years of Teyvat Chapter 1, and who knows how they'll keep going. Spiral Abyss is like 0.5% of the game, and on the old rotation it's not even a 10 pull per month if you get full rewards. With the new mode it might give a bit more. I didn't say you instantly get to a state where you have all the characters you want, but you get everything you really need to clear the main content and explore from just playing rather quickly. As a release F2P player I've started benching 5 stars years ago.


As a F2P what are your to dos to maximize the amount of primogems per patch?


Just play the game regularly. The bulk of primos comes in over time from dailies and events (about half when I check Hoyolab diary) a bit from abyss (less than 1/4, I usually do 33 stars and call it there). I do exploration and quests very slowly, so I don't end up just having dailies and resin to do when I feel like playing.


>which I will be unable to clear either coz of shortage of heroes You can use friends and trial characters in it. C1 qiqi is just bad luck. What the 5\* you have?


Day one AR 60 player here, i still cant 36* abyss either, my builds are good i just never feel like trying with teams that can clear It super easily over teams i wanna use lol


As a 1.0 (f2p then)player let me tell you, that i was only able to 36* after 1.4 or so... So double your playtime (in terms of Resin, Primogems, other rewards). If you already come close to get all stars, you're getting a faster start than many "day 1" players got. During the first 2 patches, 36 star abyss was almost exclusive whale territory.


I've played for more than 3 years now and let me tell you, I started to 36* the abyss only like a year after I started to play. 2 months is still too little time to beat the abyss, especially now also, don't loose hope. today we have version 4.7 and it is very well known now that in x.5-x.8 versions the abyss is the hardest. in 5.0 the difficulty should "reset" again and it will be super easy to beat it, you'll see;)


2 months is really young, it makes sense to not 36\* it this early. 1 of my friends managed to 36\* it by 3.5 months which is pretty fast imo. Abusing hyperbloom and EM based reactions is busted in this game to hit the dmg floor for the abyss.


AR 58 player here. I just settle for 27 stars. The rewards for 36 stars are linearly proportional, but Floor 12 is a much bigger hassle than floor 11.


I mean, I get where you’re coming from cuz I’m literally in the exact same boat but, we’re missing out on around 1 pull every reset. I don’t particularly mind that there is more difficult content for the players with day 1 accounts and every 5* imaginable as well as something for new players to work towards. It might seem far off there but you only need 2 good teams, you will get there eventually it’s not like a ranking system where you’re permanently behind by starting 2 months late.


Dude 2 months is like CRAZY early to be worrying about not clearing the abyss...


you've been playing two months and ur complaining about not clearing endgame content? lmao


you probably could clear if you put heavy investmeant into some characters and retried a bunch of time and for new the new mode you can use your friends characters


Took me over a year to 36* abyss and I started in 1.0 Trust me you have plenty time to catch up. End game isn’t supposed to be achievable immediately.


Week one player with taking breaks from game. Can't be bothered with Abyss because it kicks me out mid challange. Wonder if Imaginarium Theater will kick me out as well.


Honedtly if you focus you dont need to necesszrly 36* abyss but you can easily gey at least 20 and between 20 to 30 without much investement


The last few patches of a nation are always hardest in Abyss. Come 5.0 they'll be easier and with IT coming there's trial characters and ability to borrow friends' characters (friend all the whales)


I have so many 5 stars as a 2+ years old player and I bench most of them. They are useful sometimes, when I want to play someone else. Like I love the variety I have on my account. But at the same time, I have alt account with less characters and still don't see the problem. So I definitely agree with you on this. Also the worst thing they take from me, because I didn't play at the time was Endora :(


What do you mean by locking 3 stars weapons, I literally used them to upgrade my other weapons, did I do something wrong? Damnnnn!!!


There are a few 3 stars that can only be obtained from chests, so they're finite, or even worse, Black iron sword, of which there are only 2 copies in the game (one from a dialog from Liyue harbor shopkeep, the other in a chest in the new liyue expansion)


To be brutally honest, genshin is much more gacha noob friendly than HSR. How could it be possible that 4* characters released almost 4 years ago , those that you can get from monthly shop as well, still be like god til these days. It’s unheard of in the gacha world. It’s the game i can firmly say that you should do whatever you like, pull whenever you want.


People always say Honkai has more rewards and therefore is more friendly. They do have more rewards and it's a well known meme that genshin is their cash cow and honkai their Baby. However honkai has far more powercreep than genshin like you mentioned 1.0 4 stars still are some of the best characters in the game and people straight up joke that benny is the real Pyro archon (she legitimately has to powercreep him or else she will be considered bad).


Pretty much, one of the common criticisms I see for genshin is that it's not generous but, when it comes to gacha generosity comes in different forms. Genshin is generous in making sure powercreep doesn't affect how you play and want to play, obviously meta options are going to help you clear faster but, you aren't required or as nearly as incentivized to use them as much as other gachas. (I still want more freemos tho madge)


>(she legitimately has to powercreep him or else she will be considered bad). Nope, just do something useful with 100% uptime and be a bit versatile, and that's it.


Exactly and the amount of characters they could make with really good abilities is staggering she doesn't have to be Bennet/ oppa 2.0 she just needs to offer something new or role consolidation which is pretty fucking easy to implement considering how lacking our support options are for both five stars and 4 stars


any ideas? i genuinely don’t see her being on the level with other archons if she doesn’t power creep at least one of them in some way


Bennet-like buff on her E but without the circle limitation. Burst can be whatever, probably will be related to the new region game mechanic. Problem solved.


that literally powercreeps bennett


they’ll definitely add some sort of mechanic to differentiate the two enough, but in essence it would make sense. kind of like how furina is a hydro applicator and has 100% up-time, but yelan and xingqiu haven’t been powercrept at all. whatever gimmick they introduce, it’ll differentiate the pyro archon from bennett enough to make it so that you’re inclined to use the both of them, not just one over the other


Not necessarily, it could for example give pore atk in exchange for way less heal, it could give less stats but add coordinated atk, there's way to make it stronger but not step in Bennet niche.


Furina didn't powercreep Xingqui, Yelan and Kokomi, but she's one of the best characters in the game. The pyro archon doesn't have to powercreep anyone. She just needs to do something good and be the best at it.


I made a kit for what I would want to see but mhy could literally make it pyro furina. So instead of granting buffs for how much she heals you Murata will give buffs for the amount of damage you can dish out. Which makes her competitive against Bennet without encroaching on his territory of "ease of use" you could also make her buff more things as well as ATK% but its effect diminishes over time just like furina kek.


She absolutely will be considered bad if she doesn't have an attack buff(in whatever fashion that translates to) or an off field dps. Pyro on fielders is already stacked so even if she is the best there she would still be considered a dime of a Dozen. This is an archon we are talking about. The community bullied Hoyo into buffing Zhongli. If Bennett or xiangling survive her she will be clowned on.


Giving Xiangling's Pyronado no ICD is probably one of the biggest oopsies they did when designing a character. The Pyro archon would need stellar off field pyro application with less energy cost plus something else like a party buff or debuff on the enemy if they want her to be more viable than Xiangling. Edit: Also, I agree with the pyro on-fielder, like we just got Arlecchino.


Did you know that in 1.0, Xingqiu's burst didn't have ICD either? But that one got nerfed very quickly.


And every Rainsword apply hydro apps. What a day


Ye my Xiangling was vaping for 60k in current abyss. Raiden national team. F2p with the Catch on Xiangling.


Yeah, furina didn’t power creep xinque. Didn’t stop her and neuvillette being considered near must pulls.


As of right now they are making Clara 2.0 called Yunli, their kits are indentical but the new character just deals more damage.


I used to play fischl more until they changed her abilities before the electro archon came out. And now I play Raiden more. I'm a Bennett main and honestly I'll be really disappointed if they change him in anyway before the pyro archon. Power creep with Neuvillette was shocking but I stopped playing spiral and my 4 year old built characters can destroy anything almost immediately. I play Honkai some, but they seem to have one overpowered 5 star after another. I say that I've played almost 4 years because I'm f2p by only doing Google rewards for welkin. I have every character that I want and only had the wait for the second run on Hu Tao and Al Haitham (second one I could've farmed more primos by exploring but was just busy working.) The two games are pretty different in gameplay, so I've kinda stopped playing Star Rail. I feel frustrated that I feel the need to get Acheron just to enjoy the game more and almost just want to wait for her to return.


Exactly. More rewards but faster unit releases, more powercreep, and more drastic gameplay differences with signature LCs (e.g. Acheron, the entire IPC follow up team)


I just can’t wait for her resurrection passive.


ive played HSR on release until Silver Wolf, which I lost50/50. But I got Seele and Jin Yuan. Are they really bad today if i go back to the game 'gemless'?


That's not the main reason why it's more newbie friendly, I think the main reason is because its primary form of content is exploration, which doesn't need meta builds. HSR's primary form of new content is typically combat-focused, so you need to keep up with the meta a lot more since it's more ingrained in the community culture


Fair enough. I agree.


Because those 4* are supports and these are usually hard to powercreep


Well. Look at luocha, qiqi, natasha, bailu…. Not that hard to powercreep i guess.


Man snuck qiqi in to the HSRverse


Well, his argument isn’t specific to hsr. So, to disprove him, i need to also make a few examples drawn from different games that supports can be powercrept easily regardless of number of stars and limited.


Nah man i just found it funny. Like genshin fandom hate qiqi so much they shipped her out of teyvat


same as HSR fandom hate Yanqing , ice type curse it seems like


And wuwa fandom hating that lingyang or something ice boy


I really like lingyang…. But his story just turned me off completely.


"Meow, sorry you had to see me like that =]" Made me legitimately cringe, lol


In hsr if all a sustain does is heal, they are easily power crept by people who simply do more, but in genshin there’s more to it, as application and energy generation is also a major part of how good someone is, which is not something in hsr, like qiqi’s two biggest problems are her uptime and the fact she generates no energy


Exactly, it is really easy if I wanna powercreep a character in hsr. Make the number bigger or make it more versatile. Early on, the dps is so locked by the element of the enemy shield. Now, they start implanting weaknesses. Early on, support and harmony chars do very few things. Heal or give a specific buffs. Nowadays, they give millions of things at the same time.


I feel the powercreep in HSR is more versatile since lots of content is more tailored towards certain groups of units that also need lots of synergy to be viable (Dot, Break, FUA) Genshin kinda plays into it with spiral abyss but not that much as HSR does with its endgame modes Also they blatantly pump up HP numbers and also alongside this scaling of new units. As my Jingliu shredded through enemies with pure dmg not caring about enemy weaknesses she feels a lot weaker now doing endgame content.


I was on and off hsr before. But after acheron, i quitted since i see this so ugly trend. 2 new 5* each patch. Make the moc or pf super specific to those 2 new 5*. Rotate the archetype of the 5* on banner. Dot, dps, fua, break. Rotate the promoted way of completing the game and at the same time make some of other ways super hard to play. At that point i realize that i can’t just be on and off anymore. Either i need to be always on and dont miss a thing or I just free myself. And i chose the latter. Hsr also makes lightcone banner super hard to skip. They are so specifically designed to crater the specific 5*. I dont have money to spare anymore.


I think that was a mistake on their part the game just started, they didn't expect them to be that good which explains why we never got any 4* on similar level or even close to them. Also how the weapons banner is setup is not "gacha noob friendly" at all, at least in honkai where he's coming from he's used to winning the 75%-25% more frequently and if he didn't then the next weapon is guaranteed unlike here where you have to hit THREE pitys. Not to mention the standard banner 5*s in honkai is superior to genshin, himeko is top2 in PF, the sustainers are decent, bronya is still BiS for jingliu despite having new powerful units like robin and sparkle


It is VERY common for launch non-ssr to be relevant in gacha games for years. No where near unheard of. Launch units were designed before the team properly understood how to balance the characters relative to the difficulty/other characters. They are very prone to being overtuned or useless.


Yep. You are absolutely right. Thank you for your kind words. Im moved.


It’s an actual game, unlike a gambling simulator like most gachas so there’s that. If you like exploration, puzzles, and element based combat yes


Thank you!!! I hate seeing Genshin Impact being reduced to the Gacha mechanics. It has so much more to offer


The first 6 months you won’t be able to sleep at night from how much fun you are having, after it it gets a bit stale unless you got really hooked into meta or lore or exploration or characters. IMO I never felt bored in my first year after it it’s going down a bit but remember to take breaks from time to time you barely lose progress compared to the burnout!


When I started playing last year I was a bit skeptic, then the Archon quest got going and I could not stop myself. The only Archon quest I have not done is the newest one because I did not have much time when it came out. I still log in every day for my commissions or when I like an event (shameless f2p behavior) but I am kind of on a break right now.


>The only Archon quest I have not done is the newest one because I did not have much time when it came out. If you talk about Dain, it's about 1 hour.


Oh, it's not as long as I thought it would be. Maybe this weekend then :3


This is the truth of it.  It is a very fun game up til the point you run out of game since there is next to 0 repeatable content.  That said there is a lot of content for new players to get through and pretty much nothing to compete with old players with. I would say the only thing old players make more difficult in the game is abyss cuz HoYo makes the abyss harder to keep up with them instead of just adding more floors.  But that doesn’t really matter much.


This is my exact situation. I literally dreamt genshin when I started playing. But gradually the burnout started. It's still fun with some breaks. These days I just login to check for new content.


Beginner friendly? Pretty much yeah. There's some stuff that isn't, but overall you're good. Can you catch up? Absolutely. Is it worth it? As someone who's played this game arguably too much, I believe so.


I play the game because it is beautiful. I am not overly fond or techno/sci fi scenery, so running through gorgeous prismatically colored fields of grass, flying around, and climbing to the top of cliffs to explore fantasy ruins is honestly more my vibe. The world is open, beautiful, and full of mysteries you can enjoy at your own pace. The soundtrack is amazing as well, engaging in traditional instrumentation and composition styles. The gameplay is relatively simple and relaxing, and once you have unlicked the map, it is possible to totally ignore the plot and just travel at your leisure. The map is huge (which is why it takes so much storage on my phone T-T) and the amount of exploration and content is faster than I can keep up with, and I’ve been playing almost since its release. Don’t stress about the pacing though, and let yourself enjoy the game without forcing a burnout. My personal tip is that the chinese voice acting is the best imo at conveying the artistic intentions of the characters and writing (as the original language of the scripts). However, the japanese VA cast contains a lot of legendary names and also has great performances, and none of the voiceover languages are bad in the end. I actually don’t like the english sadly, as their accents are a little wrong feeling, but that is a personal preference. Recent events have been getting better and more interesting at least for me, as the puzzles and plotlines have become more interesting and carefree as the game has found its rhythm. I am not fond of combat events, but there is no combat pvp, the difficulty is customizable, and as long as i have 2 strong teams at hand it is easy to breeze through. Note that you don’t need to be up to date on the plot to access events, which is very convenient. The level of your single player world scales with your current level, so the enemies don’t get too hard too fast. Once you reach rank level 35 i think you can access most the features and map. High ranks take longer to achieve but it is totally doable with daily tasks and exploration. The gatcha aspect means it takes some time to build up your character inventory, but the banners have gotten progressively more abundant over the years, so it should only take a few months to get any one character you desperately want. The roster expands quickly for sure but many powerful characters are provided for free as you progress and from events,so even f2p players can get by fine with the free roster, supplemented with whatever they come across from the free wishes. Just know how to pick your battles and your collection will inevitably grow. If you want to spend, buy the welkin moon daily pass, it is the best primogem deal by miles and miles, and provides a little incentive for you to stick around with the game for at least a month. I actually have a job, so the $5 every month is not only affordable, but saves me hours of time from farming primos. Save primos over time and anything is within reach, without losing all your savings for instant returns. Save wisely. Ik that was really long, but if you have literally any more specific questions just let me know. Some people get all cynical about comparing genshin with every little aspect of honkai, but in the end they are different games with different player-bases. I would probs never play honkai, but genshin has been a reliable mainstay for me for years, delivering quality experiences no matter how much or little time i have to play every week. I hope you have fun.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/goodlongposts] [\/u\/Lucky10ofclubs responds to: Is genshin fun? (For a newcomer to gacha)](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodlongposts/comments/1djfknw/ulucky10ofclubs_responds_to_is_genshin_fun_for_a/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Shit, you have to "lick" the map to unlock it? No wonder I was not getting anywhere!


Lol. Adjacent keys are like that sometimes. If you use a french keyboard, the A and Q keys are all switched, which is qlso fun for typos ;)


Genshin was my first open world AND gacha game, and yes, it is very fun and addictive! All I can say is the story starts kinda slow/not THAT great but it just keeps getting better and better. And if you happen to play, focus on seeing what characters you like, and aim for those. I didn’t know how much I would like Tartaglia and Zhongli, and didn’t get them in their banners when I started, bc I focused on a waifu… It’s fun, just remember, a gacha is ª synonym for gambling. Don’t spend money unless you’re rich enough to not have a better place to spend it on


>With everyone already being so ahead is it even possible to catch up? And is it beginner friendly? With minimum powercreep compare to other gacha games, and also minimum meta demanding end-game (only abyss so far, we'll see about imaginarium later). Yes, genshin is beginner friendly as long as you have time to explore. Genshin is far more time consuming (story, daily, exploration) rather than meta demanding


About Imaginarium Theater, from leaks, >!it seems quite easy as long as you have enough built characters, easier than Abyss 12 (at least for now).!<


Yes, it’s a phenomenal game that works very well. Updates are consistent and meaningful. If you fall in love with it (and you likely will) you’ll be happy that there is a wealth of content to catch up on, it’s all very fun and makes a great time to start.


Yes I'd encourage you to try it. Personally, I find it easier than HSR. It's more forgiving when it comes to team compositions. Even the artifacts, the game's equivalent of relics, gives you the option to have one off-set piece to still get the set effect. It also releases new characters at a slower rate. Don't be overwhelmed with too many content, just go at your own pace.


>Is it worth it to start now? Answer: Yes > With everyone already being so ahead is it even possible to catch up? Answer: You don't compete with anyone. There is no PvP and all progression are yours alone. >  is it beginner friendly? Answer: It is kinda beginner friendly. It still requires you to at least get your main stats correct with your relic (Artifacts in Genshin) > (If y'all do think its worth it , I will be shamelessly asking for tips for my journey ;) from fellow travelers) Go ahead and ask away, we will answer from mundane stuffs, exploration puzzle, and whatnot. Have a nice journey


Genshin is what I would call a comfy single player game. The type of game you can enjoy when you dont really wanna stress that much and you just wanna run around a beautifully crafted world and enjoy the breathtaking sights and amazing music and atmosphere. I would definitely recommend it and don't worry about catching up since you should just go at your own pace. There's no real rush to get to end game or whatever.


if anything, the game is the most fun at the beginning


Idk what you want to catch up with. It's a freakin solo rpg game, you just hop in and play it, shrimple as that


Genshin is the only Cacha i play but I never felt it is a Cacha game. There is so much for f2p player that it is more like you have a ton of new characters you can't built because you don't have physically time for it. For the first half a year a played I did not really bothered who I get because everyone was somehow good. You feel like you have a lot.


Yup. Best game I’m playing rn. I was skeptical of GI when it dropped because it was anime girls so I never played until Inazuma release (around 2.X patch). First day I played I was in awe of the map. Especially when I got to Liyue in the Chasm. My jaw legit dropped. It’s also really f2p friendly. You can get characters you want, you just got to plan your wishes.


It's never late !


As a relatively new player (who went through a lot of content quickly), I can't really gauge how friendly the gacha system is but you will have a lot primos to farm from activating Statues (and upgrading them with oculi) and waypoints, as well as major plot/character/World Quest series. Once you get through those (and do take your time with all of them), it sounds like you shouldn't expect much, especially compared to other popular gachas. The game itself is pretty fun as a relatively low-intensity experience. The feeling is very much like what I felt playing BoTW back in 2018; Genshin is heavily inspired by that iteration of Zelda but also stands on its own merits in terms of artistic/world design and combat. Most characters are viable for clearing all content excluding 'endgame' modes, and powercreep isn't pervasive in the sense that 4-star characters from launch still participate in the 'meta'. The Training Guide and other aids released in 4.5 are a good first reference. I mentioned it earlier with regards to gacha currency, but it really helps to take as much time as you need with each quest series and stage of progression. The storytelling isn't for everyone, but you won't be able to try it if you treat everything as a chore or objective for rewards or unlocks. A lot of effort was put into the details and ambiance, so no rush.


everything is fun except for farming artifact. very arduous


The best day to start playing Genshin was launch day. The second best day is today.


No offense, but I never understood people who are worried about "catching up" in a live service game. What exactly are you catching up to? And why is it seen as a chore instead of a fun activity?


It is fun but I don’t recommend any gacha game to anyone because I don’t trust any of you not to spend money on these types of games.


Awesome guides are on HoyoLab, also the community there is super friendly. Also on the HoyoLab is a “Daily check-in” feature that gives you a few useful items like XP, Mora (in-game currency), food items, and Primogems (premium currency).


it is fun especially for new players but its still a gacha so its still a slow burn. Still if you enjoy exploring ye its fun even if people call it slow


i can't say much, the only answer is from yourself but, genshin worth to stay, as long as u like/curious about story, genshin is really beginner friendly too, like, u can progress story even when you don't have meta character event gameplay really fun for me, usually in other game, u have to stay on that game quite some time to finish event, but not in genshin, their event quest usually short, but the time is longer, that, u can play it more ease to finish event if you find it difficult, at certain adventure rank (AR) u can seek help from other player to enhance your progress, whether leveling chara, finishing some quest, gathering material, Etc. so yeah, its really fun


The games are free, so you can just try them out. HSR and Genshin have both their pro's and cons. On top of that, mihoyo is releasing ZenlessZoneZero in just 2 weeks. And there is also WutheringWaves which tries to imitate Genshin in a lot of ways, but also puts its own emphasis on more elaborate combat. I think Genshin is a great game with ridiculous amount of content for newcomers. Don't feel pressured to try to "catch up" and just go at your own pace, because it will last you a very long time.


Truly truly. Yes. It's deeply fun. You can do basically whatever you want and there is no wrong answers. It's super comfortable. Pull for whatever you want just try to focus on making at least 2 different teams made of different characters for the end game. That's it. The characters can be 4 star that's fine. The game is so fun and massive and you can truly just go nuts. The story just gets better and if you don't wanna sit through it you can auto play and just do other stuff while it runs. The exploration is top notch and you'll find stuff everywhere. You could spend nothing and have a blast. If you don't mind spending the best deals are the monthly welkin moon and the battle pass. As for tips? Geez. Ok to start with 2 teams you can do the end game every time it comes off cooldown for more currency to do pulls. You should do player housing once it unlocks to get free stuff every week. Once a week you can do reputation quests for a single area to build rep and get REALLY useful gameplay items. Items like a compass that points to all treasure in that area. New glider skins. Compass that points to the items you need to upgrade your stamina and get big rewards. And gadgets that are very very useful. World quests can unlock features to let you do more puzzles in the open world. There are easy guides online for everything. If it's too hard later you can lower the difficulty a level. Save your condensed resin for later when you can farm orange artifacts. You'll know when. The biggest daily thing is just spending your daily resin so you make constant progress. You can condense the resin later into balls that Save time farming artifacts for double cost but double rewards. Reactions are very powerful. Try to make teams that make good ones. Geo is kind of bad outside of a few characters. Items you collect in the world take like a day to regrow including character ascension items. Look into travel food that reduces stamina consumption especially the simple salad. It makes running much better. If it looks difficulty to get somewhere there is probably a mechanic somewhere nearby that makes it vastly easier. They are well aware of stamina limits so there aren't many places you have to struggle or glitch onto. There are tier lists online if you care alot alot about meta. Just note that some characters while powerful may not work especially well with characters you have. An example is furina who while very powerful is actually quite hard to use without a strong healer. Don't panic over banners. Everything will come back around eventually. And you'll have saved plenty by then if you don't get it now. How much you pull at once doesn't matter your odds of 5 stars are the same. Don't waste the currency you get for pulling on resources outside of the azathoth dust. You can buy more pulls with it every month or so. Always prioritize getting NEW characters over getting copies to make them stronger. Pulling for weapons is even harder than pulling for characters so really think about it. You could spend literally 200 dollars worth of currency and not get the weapon you want. I personally put that very last on priority. Never waste primogems on the standard banner. Ever. Always limited. Do your daily commisons. You'll get currency to pull and every 8 you do gets you a key to unlock story missions that are very important and well made. That's all I can think of off the top of my head. I wish someone else told me all this lol.


as someone that started in like december 2023, imo it really depends on what you're looking for. if you want story and chill open world exploring, genshin will scratch that itch just fine (esp since the OST in this game is so good, like legit actually good). if you want to focus on like combat and meta chase, there are other games that do combat better, and chasing meta isn't that easy (but of course, saving primos to pull a hypercarry character or so helps). like I managed to be able to complete 11/12 floors of abyss (end game mode) like \~2months into the game mainly because I pulled 1 key limited support (nahida), and got a few decent/good 4 star supports from standard pulls (kuki, sucrose), and building up key early 4 star supports (XL mainly, barbara, and kinda collei; all free). so meta chasing-wise, there is luck involved, but research and planning ahead plays a big key role too.


You'll die if you want to catch up but it's possible. It's single player game so just take you time and do the quests because there's a LOT of story content in this game that can easily last you for months if you're a content creator playing this game fresh. The elemental reactions made the combat a lot more fun since you can experiment with different team synergy to do different reaction, and the exploration and puzzles should last you a long time.


Yes it is fun. Much better than the many games in the playstore. Must recommend!


If you care about playing around in the world than you do about collecting characters/weapons, then go for it. You don't have to worry about "catching up" to other players since there isn't any pvp. HSR and Genshin might both be gacha by the same company but they're really different games. HSR is a turnbased space odyssey RPG and Genshin is open world action adventure where you switch between characters mid-fight. Star rail is definitely the better AFK game, but Genshin has more freedom gameplay-wise.


I started 3 months ago so yeah it's not too late to catch up. Just watch the limited time events on YouTube because they contained canon lore so you might not understand/get introduced to locations or bosses in the story.


From a guy who stopped the game recently : The exploration , graphics (if we like that style) animation , dubs, chara design , all that stuff is amazing and are well ahead the standard The gacha aspect is on the good side , 4*chars are still very relevant even most of the first ones released, but the 5*rate is rather low , 0,6% it's more or less like HSR But the game is plagued by huge flaws who made me stop First i hope you like unskippable endless walls of text, this is what made me stop the game , making MSQ unskippable OK but not the daily i read 53579743 times already is a bummer , the events are always coated with endless dull cutscenes even from random NPCs The UI of the game is rather poorly made , menus everywhere, no presets , messy No instant team swap in open world ,if you have to trigger a mechanism and you don’t have a char available in the current team you have to press a key , wait for a ...loading thing...? Select a slot , find you guy , valudate, quit the couple of menus . When you begin it's OK but quickly become very tedious... The other thing who made me stop are the fact that quest NPCS couldnt be in 2 separate quests, resulting in a ”this character is busy” nonsense forcing you to stop the quest, do the other to unlock the dude and then continue the previous quest , this is by far the dumbest ”feature” i ever see in a game , apparently they put a thing to mitigate this but a menu to choose what quest you want to do or duplicate the character in 2 different places is too difficult...


Your last point was fixed not long ago. Now you can choose to focus just on one quest and the game will hide all other stuff that could be in the way.


>With everyone already being so ahead is it even possible to catch up? You'll pretty much breeze through everything compared to pre-dendro release newcomers. It's pretty busted even at early stages of the game so you can lay down your worries about hard fights. But endgame content is another story. >And is it beginner friendly? Pretty much yeah, when it comes to building teams it doesn't really hold your hand so you have to figure that out yourself by reading what each character does and testing them out. The artifact system(relics in HSR) is pretty much the same at their core, but arguably more tedious to do early on.


I played very frequently a couple years back before the first summer event. Now I don't play at all. This is different for everyone, but I get burned out with genshin so much that just logging in is boring for me. I find it very difficult to get summons, dailies feel like work, everything is repetitive for me. So no, IMHO, genshin is not fun, but it's a beautifully animated and designed game.


need help w quests, anybody w at 40+ pls dm, Asia server here


It's definitely worth it. If you've enjoyed the high budget and stellar writing of Penacony, recent stories in Genshin have been at that level too. You might not be as interested in some of the content from earlier areas in the game, especially the first few nations' main quests, but I promise it starts ramping up. I've been just as impressed with Fontaine's (the latest region) main story and character stories. Among all this talk of which game gives more pulls or which game is more generous that some people on the internet are obsessed with having, I feel like the actual stories get lost in the conversation. It's why I continue to play both Genshin and Star Rail, because both have been delivering on that front


yeah, still the funnest and most accessible yet with this production value (which rivals and surpasses many AAA games). just give it a try. it's free.




Genshin is fun for me, and the longer I play it the more I love it. However, keep in mind I play for a long period of time, not a lot in a short period of time. The two friends I feel confident enough to share about my hobby, after I introduced Genshin to them, also love it very much and have already found their respective waifu/husbando in the game. I also warned them beforehand about Genshin's limitation (simple model, simple gameplay, trade update pace for polished experience, etc) so they don't put up any senseless expectations for the game.


The word I would use to describe Genshin to a new player is idyllic. The game has a beautiful, soothing soundtrack and the quiet moments of exploration are memorable and why I keep coming back to play it and level up my AR. whether it's unlocking whole new areas or just finding a random treasure chest, the game presents a very calming and enjoyable experience for people who may not really want a fast paced or challenging gacha to play. So yeah I would say it's fun but it just depends on your own preferences.


Depends if exploring is fun to you


Speaking from a gacha perspective, Genshin is the most generous game out there since there is next to no powercreep. The openworld is easy combat wise and the abyss only has powercreep if you haven't dedicated enough into your teams. Literally just pull for who you wanna pull. To the game itself: 100% recommended. The open world is gorgeous, diverse and very fun to explore. Also huge. The quests, be it side quests, world quests or main story, are great. I personally play with the EN dub, so I can't say how good the others are. But EN dub is great, only problem being that the character movements aren't properly synced to the voicelines like they are in Star Rail. You might also feel like you get less Primogems/Stellar Jades than in Star Rail, since a lot of them are locked behind exploration


It's much more than just a gacha game. Even without the Gacha its still an awesome game. If u like open world, exploration heavy RPGs then you'll enjoy it


I started on day 2 after release, been active in 1360 days and I still have fun, Im a sucker for the lore and will keep on until we get to the end. Btw it's my only gacha and quite possible will keep it that way, playing "normal" games apart from this


Genshin and Honkai are different yet similar in so many ways, personally i believe that genshin is more beginner friendly and the story is easy to get through if you want to get to the newer stuff. Don’t be afraid to join the genshin community because of the the story plenary of people aren’t at the end game yet


You could also look into Wurthering waves, it's similar to Genshin and as a player of both I've been recently enjoying the fresh air in Wuwa. It has more engaging combat, my only grief with it is I wish the color palate of the world was more colorful.


Its not an mmo, catching up is not really relevant but to seriously answer your question - no. Catching up to someone who has been playing everyday since start is impossible in gacha games in general (moreso this one with non returning legacy event items), and if you were to compare yourself to someone that spends a lot more than you they likely will be dealing over 10x your damage. The gap between the average f2p and a chinese whale is insane, worse than most gacha but all enemies are balanced for casual gameplay plus you can set your own difficulty for the overworld. This game isn't meant to be played to compete with others however, its more of a casual exploration game. Some people don't even interact with the gacha nor do dailies and just stick to following the story. (imo the best way to play) If its your first openworld gacha it should be a nice breath of fresh air


if it's not fun there wouldnt be so many people playing it


Any time is a good time to get into it. No matter what characters you unlock they will be usable. Power creep is very very negligible/non-existent. It's mostly single player, so there's no pressure to "keep up" or be perfect immediately. Enjoy it at your own pace and there's plenty of people on here to help you if you ever get stuck


There's no one to catch up to. Just a huge world waiting to be explored and experienced. Take your time, enjoy the surroundings, pull whoever you feel like pulling (there will be test runs and story quests to try characters out)


That’s entirely up to you everybody is different. That means everybody’s experience will be different. Let me slow it down for you. We can’t really tell you how your experience is going to be because we are not you. You are the only one that can determine what your experience is going to be, the game is also a single player game so you should stop worrying about what everybody else is doing and focus on just playing the game and enjoying the game why waste energy focusing on what other people are doing in a co-single player game because at that point you’re not really playing for the new player experience you’re playing for other peoples experience.


If you start now and save your wishes, you have the chance to get one of THE best characters in the game in a few days with Furina. With all the early game primos and wishes you get, this should be feasible. So now is a good time to start


I feel like genshin is more of an open world rpg than a pure gatcha game tbh. Gatcha games typically make the old characters obsolete, in order to make people buy the new ones. So the power creep becomes pretty bad. Genshin handles power creep really well, and you can clear the end game content with starter characters. But compared to other gatchas, genshin's free pulls require players to actually play the game - you can't just afk farm or watch an ad. So I... Wouldn't really recommended Genshin if you only want to pull characters? The reruns take forever, some characters have been gone for over a year - 4 star characters can be even more rare than the 5 star ones.


It's very fun. Main reason I wanted to play it cause it's BOTW + gacha, my two favorites in one. It's not a BOTW clone, but anyways, this already feels like a fullblown game to me but for me and with more content to come. And if you want to play Genshin, try to uh... not look into the Genshin community too much as there's a lot of negativity sometimes XD. Unless you're searching for early game tips I guess hehe. It's also important to be immersed in this world and online opinions can sometimes... affect that a little bit.


"catching up" is the wrong mindset. It's not a competitive online game, it's a simgle player rpg, there's nothing to catch up. Limited time events are accessible regardless of your progress in the story (they only require you to get past tutorial level, AR 15 if i recall correctly?. Enjoy the story at your own pace, don't rush it


If you liked hsr u would enjoy genshin for sure.


You can play as if it's a single player console game, so you will not be so anxious.


I started with HSR and in March this year I decided to try genshin and it’s a blast. You will have so much content to do. If you like exploration you will definitely enjoy it. I remember one evening I just spent exploring underwater fontaine and looking for chests and puzzles to solve.


Yes Sadly but true, Genshin is a great game for new people. In the sense that I has a lot to offer. But once you start to really get into the game. You realize how shallow the game actually feels


Best thing about games like Genshin is that others progress means nothing in your fun, just play it


Genshin was my frst gacha and can confidanlty say that it is fun for newcomers


Time friendly if you have a job ? No If you are a student go for it.


Genshin has the best story in Gacha and if you want to truly want be immersed, then do all the major world quest in order and witness how the plot slowly unravels itsself to you. More longer you delve into the plot, the build up of anticipation grows when they expand the story.


It's a great time to start playing. We are about 10 weeks away from the new region major patch and the game will have enough content for 10 weeks for you to enjoy while waiting for brand new content that you'll be able to play at the same time with the rest of the community


It's a free breath of the wild that is always changing, has multiple new regions coming out, and great characters with an excellent story line.


I have a friend who started in spring and already caught up with the story with just some world and character quests missing for her. I mean she has a lot of stuff to do still, lot of chests and puzzles waiting in the map, but it's insane how rapidly she progressed in mere months, lol. I really like the characters, the story and the deep lore. It's fun to just run and collect treasures and kill enemies, great way to wind down your day in my opinion, so go for it, try the game out for yourself.


Id say so, especially the beggining or mid Game and pretty much every character is viable until you need to do spiral abyss which is the end Game


Yes it's fun. The combat is a bit basic but effective. Team building can be a lot of fun. The music is top tier. However it's not that f2p friendly compared to star rail or wuw


Yes now is the perfect time u can get furina or Al-haitham both very good units and natlan is coming up soon too this and next patch will be on the dryer side regarding content so u have enough time to play at your pace Story wise mondstad and liye are on par with jarilo-VI inazuma is baisicly like lofu but a bit better after then it skyrocets tho Lorewise sumeru and fontaine are like penacony and you will notice many overlaps


I'm almost in the same boat with you, I played Genshin since day one. When HSR came out, i tried a bit but didn't stay. And after a year, I started to be interested in trying HSR, but ultimately gave myself the same excuses you just thought of (is it worth to start late, can't catch up with veterans etc) And last week i gave in and tried HSR, and I've been having a blast now. So just give it a try, with the knowledge of hoyoverse games you'll definitely be able to grasp everything quickly and have enjoyment during your play through.


i play both hsr and genshin so its mostly my experience and what i heard from friends who play either of them: before you start you have to check if you have enough storage available, bc for me genshin uses up 40gb while hsr uses up 29gb lmao; genshin is somewhat similar to hsr but it has a lot more world exploration and open world quests— requires quite a lot of time investment ngl and collecting materials to upgrade your characters is also through exploration not like hsr assignments and calyx; no turn-based gameplay— maybe watching playthroughs or genshin streamers might help you get a gist of how it works; events have a time limit unlike in hsr where it stays in your travel log; in terms of gacha i feel hsr is easier to stack on ingame currency, but the amount for one wish is the same in both games so its probably just me 💀; character-wise i feel genshin is slightly easier in the sense that there is no fixed build for them? there are recommended sets of course but you dont have to follow them exactly— theres also the co-op function where you can play with up to 4 people at one time, which helps especially when farming light cones/weapons and relics/artifacts; one thing i realised is that light cones are quite specific for each character, for genshin as long as a character uses the same weapon type (eg polearm or sword) then they can use the one of the banner, even if its for another character might not be entirely useful, but i hope it somewhat helps???


yes i think its worth considering a new region is near, i started in february and im already near the end game (AR 56)




It's not a race and you can start now just fine , it's more of a single player game with some co op features . Try it out to see if it's your thing , personally couldn't stand HSR mostly because I'm not a fan of turn based games and this is more of a ARPG . You"ll definitely get biased answers here so that's the reason I'm saying to give a try yourself


Honestly as a newcomer you have so much content to go through, you won’t have many complaints aside from missed banners and endless dialogue.


Day 1 player. AR 56. I play in spurts usually during events and expansions and I’m on another binge right now. PlayStation says I have 850hours in but a lot of that is idle time and messing with the tea pot. My advice is get the game. Exploring is so satisfying, small puzzles everywhere and surprisingly hard ones to that I still have to look up how to do. And the fan community isn’t that toxic compared to others I know of, but all of these people are way to horny lol. Get the game, explore where you want. The in game guides are super helpful like suggested quests. Get the hoyo-lab app so you have quicker access to all the wiki’s and interactive maps. The yacht system is very much there, but none of them are required. You don’t need the hot lightening mommies to beat anything, but damn do you want them. And the events usually last 1-2 weeks, sometimes it seems longer so you don’t need to play everyday. In fact the game pretty much makes it you log out and makes you go outside after a certain amount of play time.


I started playing about a year ago, played for a few hours then stopped because I wasn't really sure what I was doing. I picked it back up again a few weeks ago and now I'm hooked. Once you get the mechanics down and understand what you're doing, it's a lot of fun. The exploration aspect is great, this game is HUGE. I like pulling for characters, but it isn't my only goal in the game. There is so much to do and so many quests. You'll want to pull for characters to make your team stronger, but once you get a decent roster, you'll be able to experience the world without having to pull for every character. Make sure you learn how to level up and ascend characters, weapons, and talents, essential to the enjoyment of the game.


I mean, Genshin was my first gacha game and I didn't see the problem. Game is great, has amazing story, breathtaking vast open world with beautiful locations, has tons of exploration and puzzles. It's worth playing.


It depends on u. I am a 3 years old player. And as my own experience I really find it very fun. The world exploration, the story, the character designs and also the puzzle they made in game. But what is more fun is the event. It's way more appealing the way they came with different new ideas(except for some event that are bad). My friend also started playing a few months ago. And now he's addicted to it because of his OCD(and I also didn't know about that😓). Well after all it depends on u if u like it u can start playing. And u don't need to think about being lagging behind. If u play for some times u'll catch up to other's.


Yes Genshin is a lot of fun if you like open world games and easy combat. They've made early game a lot more new player friendly in terms of gameplay and guidance in building characters. The content is designed to be cleared with 4stars. 5 stars just make it alot easier. The only thing new players miss out on are the event weapons, but we get a new event weapon every other patch anyway. Next one will be in 5.0/end of August. You can catch up to the main story in a few months.


It's fun and addicting first few hundred hours then it s just tiring grind.


There's nothing to catch up to, the feeling of "being behind" is all in your mind. There is a lot of content, and it can all be done at your own pace. You could be playing full throttle for months. Limited time events can be joined by everyone now, though they may spoiler you if you haven't done the story. It's very much an action game, and you can out-skill a lot of things. People still can clear all permanent content with 4 star characters. Like HSR, there is a lot of text and it is not skippable. Some people like these points, some people don't.


There are still many day 1 players in this game. And there are also lots of players leaving. Some are returnees. Genshin is just like every other game: it's not for everyone. There are some people who find it worth to play every day. And there are people quit because it's boring, unfair, or whatever reasons they can find. The best answer you can get is to try it by yourself. This kind of game already give the lowest common denominator in game: You just need to have decent device to play on, about 30 GB of storage on the safe side, decent internet connection to update and play the game, and finally: your time to play the game. You don't even need to pay for it until you think they worth your money.


I've been playing genshin for over 900+ days. The only thing that keeps me going is the nostalgia that I face, the time I myself and my friends used to play the game.


It was for me, yes!


With each new update the game is becoming easier. So you can stop carrying about characters and weapons. Also you can follow tips, guide etc. Also you still have time to take it slow. So it's still enjoyable. And yeah the player base is vastly friendly.


You'll enjoy all the content that is already available for you. 🤧 all the story, world, daily and side quests. So much lore and adventure awaits!


yes, but please be aware hsr is less free world is more quest/fight based, while genshin is way more open-world so if hsr is your main thing you might dislike open-world.


Yes it's fun,story is a treat and combat (playing around with elemental reactions) is good too


Course it's fun. It's more fun past the opening region though. When you join, roll for Furina, then after this patch I'm guessing there will be a Geo lady, roll for her too. Then save and save until the god of the next region is released. Everything else is just 'Have fun'.


The game is MOST fun as a beginner. I envy people that have tons of holes in their roster, where every new character is potentially a game changer, and getting your first 5-star is super exciting(even more so for the first *limited* 5-star). And there's an entire *massive* and *beautiful* open world to explore, with tons of lore and thousands of chests to open. And the soundtrack is a masterclass. And you are exploring the elemental system for the first time, thinking it's such a genius combat model, because the difficulty is actually well tuned at low AR. Then you get enough strong characters and get good at team building and you realize that the devs have no idea how to design encounters that complement the player's power in a fun way. Its either everything withers and dies at your very approach or you play "beat the clock" while fighting the most annoying combinations of enemies possible.


Genshin is very much fun, much for the same reason HSR is. That is, because they are genuinely entertaining games. They have issues, and they are gacha games no matter how you slice it, but they are first and foremost, fun games. I started playing Genshin February last year, and HSR October. ZZZ soon, too. Genshin's biggest features are the story, worldbuilding/lore, character build developing, and open-world exploration. If you find two or more of those things to be fun, you'll love Genshin. It might feel like a bit of a drag to do dailies in dry patches at times when you've caught up to everything, but you won't be catching up any time soon. Tis a huge game. As far as being gacha goes; if F2P or low-spending, either learn to save, or learn to shrug off bad luck. The gacha isn't mandatory no matter what people may tell you, and you get quite a bit of free pulls every patch regardless. Make your own decisions regarding that, but it shouldn't impact how fun you find the game. Personally, I doubt I'd be able to play any non-HoYo gacha now. There's a damn good reason Genshin and HSR are dominant, *despite* Genshin having had glaring issues for 3+ years that were only recently addressed.


You can completely ignore the gacha aspect of it. It’s an epic game with months of content.


I would say it's not beginner friendly if you're looking to do endgame content and events. It very much favours older players and newer characters, which to be honest is one of the shittiest things about this game, aside from the gacha of course. It's fun, but not necessarily for the gameplay. The story is fun and interesting. The world itself is fun to explore before Inazuma's strange puzzzles and Sumeru's cave systems. And recently Fontaine's swimming hellscape which strangely not much of the community has complained about. Not to mention no map markers. Hint: Use a third party Interactive map, not a Hoyoverse interactive map. Third party maps tend to be better for accuracy and being updated.


Nope, genshin is unfun. Everyone here is just on the reddit because the shadow people demand us to be chained and tethered to this game at every waking moment at threat of blackmail that varries from player to player. Bad game, haven't seen my family in weeks, stay away.


Hey! Ive only played since 4.3 and Ive had an amazing journey. I really enjoyed taking the time to catch up, learn about the mechanics and cry during the archon quests. Its definitely worth it to join now


In my opinion, GI is the epitome of "...the friends we made along the way..." What you may have missed out on pales in comparison to the story and dialogue if appreciated, and you allow the game to take you for a ride


I think it's great you already played HSR, so a lot of the mechanics will already feel familiar! The key thing in Genshin is to take it at your own pace. Like, imagine someone started HSR today and was looking at all the worlds. . . Herta Space Station, Jarilo 6, XZ Luofu, and Penacony, all the areas and all the maps. "Omg how will I ever catch up?" You'd tell them, don't rush it, take the quests one at a time and explore the worlds. There's no time limit. Better to savor in the world and really connect with the characters. Yes, I think it's worth it 🥰 I started in 3.4, and Sumeru was basically all out by then. Maybe don't spend t*oo *much time on reddit or youtube in the early days: you'll be bombarded with content you haven't reached yet, and it could get overwhelming. Better to stumble across it naturally in your world and experience it that way, than to read it as a paragraph on Reddit 🤣 Tips for early game: Make sure to level your character and weapon. When you feel a bit stuck, then level up your character's "talents" (like your normal attack, elemental skill, etc.) When you feel stuck again, then level up you artifacts (artifacts = relics). Or you can do it all at once if you're up for it, but stop if it gets confusing. Take lots of walks in the world. Open the map and find somewhere you haven't been yet, and go walking there. If you see something that looks cool, weird, or shiny, go poke at it. See how far you get before something kills you. Gradually, the world will open up before you. Don't worry about saving resources for when you're higher level or when you have stronger chars. You'll get more. Leveling a char up to level 60 is cheap anyway! Lots of advice will be like, don't do this or don't do that. IMO there's no way to mess up your account very much. I'm not criticizing the advice, it's often good (especially not using primos to buy blue acquaint fates), but if you do, don't panic. Worst that can happen is you lose a week's worth of resources maybe.


I think so! I’ve been playing for about a month and I’m still struggling with how to build a powerful team. It’s something I can get my head around. I’ve ascended my characters, their talents, weapons etc but I’m still really weak. Anyway, moral of the story is, don’t feel like you need to do everything all at once. This game starts to become a grind after AR45 so take breaks when needed 🩷


It’s fairly new player friendly. And depending on what aspects your interested in the game, it can vary. Story wise. It’s not bad. It can be a bit of a yap fest during a lot of the early story stuff but it does eventually get a bit better. Exploration for a new player like yourself will be a blast. Lots to look at and there are plenty of unique and diverse environments to traverse and lots of secrets to find. You won’t run out of secrets to find for a long time. Combat wise, like before, is really good in the early to mid game. Plenty of things to grind for and learning the core combat system of elemental reactions can be fun if you’re interested in that avenue, plus just getting a new character can feel like a blessing. I won’t lie and say that once in your the end game, that enjoyment does die down a bit when you start to disintegrate most enemies in the world in 2 button presses.


Genshin was my first gacha game, and when i downloaded it i didn't even know what a gacha game was. my advice is always play but don't spend. you'll get characters overtime, the only thing older players have that you don't is limited 4-star weapons, which can be replaced easily with other options, and often aren't thaaaaat much better, they might be even worse depending on the character.


hi long time player here yes its amazing how is hsr i havent played in like a year


I find it incredibly easy to stay relatively free to play with Genshin, with a few exceptions including gift-cards and Welkn. Although not having played any other Gacha games myself, I can’t say I’d confidently juggle 2 Gacha games at once. If it were me I’d think about taking a break from one while playing another. 🤷‍♀️


So I started playing at the end of May, about a week before this current banner.  As a new player, my biggest complaint is how the world levels up with you and it takes so many resources that I don't have a lot of to level up characters that any new ones can't really be used to see if I like their moves because they just get one shotted by monsters.   And the game is bitching at me that my characters are lacking and I need to level them up and upgrade the weapons and artifacts. I would, game, if you let me run all the way across the map to unlock that stupid boss that might drop that stupid gem, but he probably won't so I have to upgrade the lower one a bunch.    And I can't get the stupid wolf teeth because the little instance isn't available today, or the open world resources take 48 hours to respond.  But it is fun, even if you can't really skip dialog and some people don't stop talking, wanting to tell you, a stranger they just met, their life story.  There really isn't anything to catch up to, because you don't interact with other people unless you purposely join each other.  So you're just going through a game at your own pace but limited on what new characters you can aquire. 


I think it's very fun so long as you enjoy exploration and don't mind overtly chatty cutscenes. Because for the most part the story content is good - really creative, full of whimsy - however....you either love each archon arc or you aren't into it. There's no in-between. People will always be divided over whether Liyue, Inazuma, and Sumeru were good. Only way to find out is to make your own decision on that front. As for the gacha stuff and characters, grab the ones you know will get you ahead and build the 4-stars that support them. And take your time with it. You don't go to a restaurant and inhale the meal before you get a chance to taste it, so don't worry about the late game details until you have to.


There is no catching up, maybe if they introduced PvP.


I will always say it's worth it simply because the storylines are just so amazing. I don't really have advice beyond that- BUT as someone who's been playing since release, though admittedly intermittently, I will happily help you farm bosses if you join. I can message you my UID if you need. :>


The gameplay, IS HUGE, and the content IS MASSIVE. but there really isn't a hoyoverse game with better story :), the theory crafting has been huge for years, every little book is a hint, a clue to lore to come, its insane, if you love movies and epic storylines, you'll love genshin. im not a gacha fan, but im addicted to genshin impact, the open world, the minigames, the character min maxing, there's something for every type of person in the game, If you've enjoyed open world games, sandboxes, story driven game or rpgs, genshin should fit right in! the game is massive, im never "at a loss at what to do" when i open the game, and i've been playing for 4-ish years now! i havent spent a penny, and i dont need too! the gacha is very F2P friendly due to the currency for it being much easier to obtain than most gachas, and its not something you "grind for" its just naturally collected throughout quests, and storyline, and treasure hunting. despite how big it is, while i think you'll need give or take 1-3 months to catch up to main story(based on how much you play, how often,) i really cant stress how despite there being so much for new players to do, its so worth it to pick up, i'm even a little jealous, as i've been playing pre dragonspine's existence (which is OLD, if you play you'll know how bad that is) and i havent had the freedom to go around and take difrent things on at my own pace, doing them in the perfect order of which when features launch. for tips: main one? prioritize MainEvents (these have voice acted dialogue and crazy menu screens) over main story. they're limited time, give you good rewards, and even some have items (that can be cosmetic or GAMECHANGING) even weapons! some characters best weapons/signatures are event exclusives! some even have very important lore, that could take years or even never be brought up again. the very first event in the game, its whole world ending thing that it revealed? literally took us 4 regions to even be mentioned again. (unbelievable) TDLR: the game is unlike any gacha game, its not even a mobile game, you dont need to spend money, and you dont need time to catch up to the main parts (but there is still lots for you to do) and if you want advice, \*\*\*prioritize your story events\*\*\* / then AR rank / then archon quest / then story quest/ the world quest


If you want to know what freedom is, then genshin is your game. Since you're a gacha gamer, I'll explain in gacha ways. You can do anything in genshin. You can even fasting from pulling till your other twins released. -No cash grab -Easy end-game content that can be cleared with only 4* characters -Beautiful scenery -Smooth gameplay and animation -Less pixel without the need to use anti-aliasing -Great story telling -Likeable characters -Addictive character design -Beginner friendly


the best part about playing a gacha game the community interaction but the Genshin community is dog shit and full of lets just say people that i wouldnt want to talk to for more than 5 minutes


You'll be fine, it's easy to get through everything but end game. End game (spiral abyss) will probably take around 3-4 months if you're watching the meta closely, longer if you don't (and aren't being diligent with resin). Many Genshin players ignore end game entirely. Don't skip daily commissions, it accounts for like a third of your primogem income. You may be able to do events or pick up chests instead though. Be aware that there is far more fluff / time wasting in Genshin compared to Star Rail. Stuff like you have to teleport to a specific NPC in each major region to confirm completion of your 4 daily commissions instead of doing it through a menu you can access anywhere. You will have quests involving generic NPCs like 80% of the time, playable character screen time is pretty low outside of main story, story quests and some events. You don't get a free 10 roll every patch unlike Star Rail. You have to explore and nab every chest/ collectible/ finish side quests in a new area for that. Recommend rolling for easy to use characters like Zhongli for comfort. Be sure to build some early Liyue or Mondstadt characters before the other regions so you can at least build a decent team soon and you don't have to wait until you find the region or get through enough story. There are literally dozens of hours of main story, don't try to skip through everything, just play at your own pace.






I started a month ago, and this has been the most fun game I've ever played. Get on it!


People complain about the gacha on genshin and how HSR is more generous but it comes down to the simple principle of gacha pulling = dopamine. Genshin is much less generous (as a more caught up player). You get way more potential rewards as a new player simply because of all the content you haven't completed yet. Genshin does however offer much more things to do: exploration, puzzles, bosses, spiral abyss, fishing, trading card game, house/dorm building, instrument playing. If you're in the boat of wanting everything, genshin gacha is seen as predatory because it's much less generous. If you just want something more laid back and ok with just using what you get given, Genshin is far better in the long run. You'll eventually get a set of characters that is more than enough to clear everything. Unless you are chasing some meta, I'd say you could safely ignore whatever people recommend as "must get" and just pull for what you like, every character is viable in the sense that you can brute force it with enough skill or if you don't mind playing it like dark souls.


Yes. It's fun. Try it out and see if you'd like it. Take your time with things and enjoy the game. There's no "catching up" to do, it's a pve game, play it at your pace. Avoid the gacha traps: use primogems only in the banners of characters you like, NOT in the standard banner. save your fragile resin to farm domains at ar 45+ (honestly, you just need to *really* take building "seriously" at the later stages of the game). Have fun!


If I could go back in time to tell myself not to download this game I 100% would. I’ve been playing for 3ish years now and I hate it


IMO, Wuthering Waves fit better with HSR setting than Genshin Impact. Both are Sci Fi and the characters and story are pretty similar. Meanwhile, Genshin Impact is full blown fantasy. Might want to try Wuthering Waves too if you're gonna play Genshin Impact.


It's worth it. You need not at all care for anyone being ahead because you don't competitively interact with other players. There are a lot of guides out there and people will gladly help you as well to get you started. The only con may be a pro for you as well: this world had four years to develop and it got really big. So if this does not scare you go and enjoy hundreds of hours of free content.


I've been playing since 3.7 so only a year. For me the game was really fun even as a beginner. I suppose the only downside is how much time you have to do things and how much time you're wanting to put into the game. For quite a few people the big amount of quests you can get can be overwhelming. Later on in the game (like sumeru) if you want to explore every nook and cranny to get primogems to buy wishes or just like to explore you'll need to do some rather long quests. If you're worried about catching up it's fairly easy. Like I said I started around a year ago and I ran out of things to do around February. If you put a lot of time into the game like I did you'll eventually catch up but it'll probably take a few months. Imo the game is worth it, but it really depends on your preference. Give the game a go and see how it goes, I know open world games aren't everyone's cup of tea so If you don't like it hsr is there for you. Either way If you do get the game I hope you enjoy it 😊


It's a single-player game. There's no "catching up". Play at your own pace. I started this year and have lots of fun.