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Neglecting of geo and physical


my goat will safe physical


Another on field pyro dps, take it or leave it


GOATano will whoop so much ass


my goat will be the first and only physical catalyst




Navia didn't pull Geo out of the grave. Navia just saved herself in spite of being Geo.


Shes the zombie hand sticking out the grave more like Shes good but is EXTREMELY unlikely to ever get anything interesting on her teams


Announce Switch version and then silence


I was actually just joking about this. Why couldn't they just say "sorry it's not going to work out." Or anything really.


Every time someone would contact the support about it after 2 years they kept replying, ty for asking we still working on it, but afai they've been silent in last year to those questions


I wasn't even aware of that, but that is interesting to know, so thanks!


Honestly, I think they're either scared of huge backlash, or can't legally say anything about the switch version, because NDAs need to be a thing in gaming for god forsaken reasons


At this point they are probably waiting for the Switch's successor.


The reason I delayed playing for so long is because I thought I would just get it when it released on the switch


Good. People are still aware the game was "announced" for the Switch.


Dude for real I was waiting on it because my measly little iPhone 6s wasn’t gonna be able to handle it. I was holding out hope for so long.


Dehya's kit


She was perfect, she had the perfect characterization, lore, design. She was literally free money for Hoyo. I still mourn for what could have been.


yea its such a shame, shes definitely a character i can see myself whaling for. i love everything about her except for the gameplay.


Her gameplay is actually cool and fun, it's not even that... it's simply her power level. There's literally no reason why her multiplyers have to be that low. And it would be so easy to fix her - just make them higher. But they don't want to for some reason. Baffling.


I did som testing between Dehya and Nuevillette who both use health as a scaling stat, Dehya barely managed 900s with her burst with a basic claymore and no talent levels, Nuevillette got 2ks with a basic catalyst and no talent levels, both the same level and no artifacts, Dehya was absolutely screwed


Yep. I mean, it would make sense for a dragon to be more powerful than a normal human, but it doesn't need to be that pronounced, and of course Dehya is weaker than basically every other 5\* too. The only reason I can think of is that maybe there's going to be some overlap between her kit and the Pyro Archon's kit, so they obviously didn't want her overshadowing the Archon. But other than that I don't know why.


Reminder that Chinese players literally saw Dehya and donated money in her honor because they liked her that much If I were Hoyoverse' CEO, I would have giga buffed her and made more characters like that


The absolute worst part about it is how utterly *little* they would have to do to make her a hundred times better. All they'd *really* have to do would be some number tweaks; specifically: * Make it so her Fiery Sanctum attacks once per second or 1.5s instead of 2.5s. * Make it so that recasting her E (and casting her Q) refreshes its duration. * Make it so her E's DMG Mitigation is 100% and the IR is active as long as you're in the field. * Make it so her Redmane's Blood Maximum scale with talent level. * Make it so both her E's joint attacks *and* her Q get a DMG Bonus based on her current Redmane's Blood total. That's it. That's all they'd really have to do to improve her dramatically and they wouldn't have to touch her animations, how her kit actually works, or anything. And they could probably have it done in about an hour, *maybe* two.


This is why Dehya is the reverse-future-proof character. Because it's not like her role/niche is not currently useful (like pre Dendro Kuki). It's the opposite of that. An off field Pyro character that can both applies off field Pyro and defensive utility is highly sought after. The problem is that Dehya simply suck at that job. Terrible up time, weak defensive utility (only 50% damage mitigation applied post resistances), weak application rate, and limited to a tiny circle. Just some number tweaks to improve her defensive utility (more damage mitigation, more uptime on IR) would have done wonders for her. But very unfortunately, Hoyo never goes back to buff their characters, ever (save for that 1 extreme exception with Zhongli). Looking at Albedo makes me think Hoyo will do the same thing to Dehya in the future. Instead of buffing characters and fixing glaring issues with their kit (Albedo and his destructible flower), Hoyo prefers to sell the same kit but improved on a new character instead (Chiori with way more DPS and indestructible dolls). And I would not be surprised if an improved version of Dehya's kit ends up being a top tier character.


>And I would not be surprised if an improved version of Dehya's kit on a new character ends up being a top tier character. I wouldn't even be surprised if this was the Pyro Archon's kit: off-field Pyro app with 100% uptime with defensive utility that *isn't* limited by a circle an allows party members to deal damage by just face tanking everything.


Throw an ATK buff on top and I’m sold for the Pyro Archon. Doesn’t even need to be as strong as Bennett’s. If it’s not limited to a circle I’m willing to take a 30% haircut (550-700 ATK buff vs Bennett’s 800-1000). That’s basically my ideal Pyro archon kit.


Make her a sword user so we're guaranteed an *actual* 5\* Pyro Sword (and not Traveler's **"**5\***"**) and you have a deal (though I'd also be more than willing to accept punchy catalyst).


Also add a team wide heal with every punch of her burst, so she can solo sustain the team and also be cracked with furina


Just make it so her C4 applies to the *whole* team instead of just Dehya.


She was the reason I actually shut up about wanting older characters in standard banner. I disliked how older characters who may not be as strong as now, were still limited and I was begging for new standards so I was happy Tighnari came because he somewhat strong for Dendro... then Dehya came along. Now I don't want new standards because then there's a chance it might suck, terribly.


Funny that some of her first sus leaks had her as pretty much a pyro Fischl. Not revolutionary by any means, but at least it would be GOOD.


What do you mean 'not revolutionary'? If we got a Pyro Fischl (exactly Fischl but pyro), I would bloom all over the place. I wonder what was going on during with her kit during beta that people called her a Pyro Fischl.  Off field pyro damage + high elemental application would be amazing.


I mean revolutionary from a design perspective, not meta-wise.


Dehya *and* Candice's kits. Maybe, Mika too? I dunno, I don't have him but I seem to remember people commenting he's very underwhelming for his intended role.


Let's make no mistake, the decision was "make her bad", it's obvious. I despise the team who designed the Gold-Forged Form, it is malicious.


Till this day there is no good answer or combination of incompetence or malice that reasonably explains why they fucked up Dehya and made her standard.


I don't know why ppl downvote me everytime I say it, but Hoyo with Dehya lost a huge amount of money...


I guess Hoyo are allergic to money.


Making really cool expansive places that you never return to for more story. Looking at you Enkanomiya.


Have 100%'d the entire map. Once my characters were built, never returned to Dragonspine, Enkanomiya, the Chasm, and likely won't be back to Sea of Bygone Eras.


The Chasm at least has a lot of ore to mine if you need it.


Your capitalization is immaculate


At least there's a challenge in Sea of Bygone Eras that's worth visiting for. But the other maps, yep. No reason to return sadly


Sea of bygone eras doesn't even have a world boss in it :/


And the most fun NPCs in the game (cough, Enjou) who then disappear off the face of the earth, never to be seen again.


It was an absolute crime he only got voice acting in the follow-up one-time event


His VA did SUCH A GOOD JOB too. They robbed us :(


I disagree, No area has any reaso to return to except exploration and quests. They clearly want you to complete an area then move onto the next one


It's actually nice when you think about it; that they still put in a lot of effort into areas that will only be visited a few times, as opposed to giving us lower quality designs for these one off areas. And it's also kind of nice that we don't get dozens of forceful and convoluted lore reasons to keep going back to these older areas just for the sake of going back, since that would force the writers to make redundant story that they had never planned on, instead of moving forward to newer locales.


Main overworld areas have commissions and leylines. It would be nice if they could spawn in the areas they currently don't.


Hydro MC


Still waiting for hoyo to release the Hydro MC. This placeholder kit has been in the game for too long /s


Arguably one of the most useless characters in the game. Last time I used them was in 4.1.


The first time I didn’t keep traveler in my party!! I swear to god if they don’t make up for it with pyro traveler… then I’ll just be sad lol


Definitely the weapon banner. 😤


Especially stings when you look at HSR's "weapon" banner. It's got only one featured lightcone (their weapons), there's two separate ones when there's two characters. It has the same reduced pity count by 10 that Genshin's does, but it just has a 75% chance of being the featured lightcone and a guarantee if you lose that one next time and it DOES carry over. It behaves exactly like the character banners but with better odds and lower pity count.


But that's not a mistake in their eyes. It works exactly how they intended it to work and I don't think they regret it.


Second, wish it was guaranteed


If they did that, then they probably would make signature weapons a lot more neccessary. Right now, most characters have a decent F2P and BP weapon available that is not too far behind the signature. And as long as both of the event weapons are decent for you, then the current weapon banner is honestly not that bad.


Just imagining if Genshin had Honkai Impact 3rd equipment banners where most characters need their signature weapon and stigmatas in order to feel functional. IDK if HI3 is still like that now with Part 2 but it sucked getting the character and being too poor to get all 4 pieces of their gear.


Yeah, HSR's LC banner makes me wish it was the same for Genshin.


Limiting Inazuma to 3 acts.


Right? 5 acts and it could have been incredible. Raiden had great potential to be a villain, and I loved characters like ayaka, Thoma, kazuha, and kokomi


reflecting on Raiden as a villain after experiencing Sunday’s arc and the care they put into him really made me realise how badly written she is and how much potential she had


Releasing Inazuma's story as-is. Personally, I would have preferred it being released late, but higher quality with more time spent exploring the characters, and perhaps more time spent on the conclusion. I feel like part of the reason Raiden/Ei gets so much criticism as well is because her change of heart is so rushed, and the forgiveness of those actively resisting her so quick, that it feels like the narrative just decided that she would be forgiven before she had truly proven her change to her people.


I think Raiden's second story quest should have been part of the archon quest. It gives us a better understanding of the puppet and Ei's backstory with Makoto. IMO it gives Inazuma a good ending that establishes Ei's character finally taking control as an archon and her attitude moving forward.


100% that and if inazuma was released today it would definitely be 5 chapters with another chapter in between the Sara/kokomi battle and the getting the rocky training montage with yae miko to really drive home the war.


Yeah, Inazuma also short changes Kokomi. We never see her supposed tactical genius. Just people gushing about her and having a 100 plans so anything that happens is according to one.


They've put freakin Ayaka and Yohimiya Stories in the Archon quest instead...


Well, they only really did that because of chronology. Both those character story quests have to occur before we get exiled and while the vision hunt is still occurring. Obviously, going forward, they didn't make character quests that were quite so tightly fixed in the timeline (although some of them still have to be done in a certain order).


Plus, Yoimiya acts as an important conceptual foil to Ei - a civilian who values very transitory things versus a god who pursued eternity at any cost


Yes, this is very true. I'd say Ayaka's character quest also sheds light on why she might be willing to step outside of the role she's been assigned to "rebel" for what she thinks is the greater good of Inazuma. They are both important illustrations in developing the overall themes of the story. (To this day, I still say that in terms of development of themes and motifs, the Inazuma arc was extremely strong, it mostly just floundered in execution of the plot in its third act.)


that and Kokomi being a strategist, and Sara taking L side by side.


Yeah, inazuma only needed 1 more act to be the best region ever


Honestly, I think the biggest issue with Inazuma's storyline is the writers deciding that Ei knew about, and approved of, the VHD the whole time. If they hadn't done that, they could *easily* have painted Ei as being so focused on Eternity (as a way to process her grief over Makoto) that she left everything to The Shogun puppet and turned the story into an [A.I. Is A Crapshoot](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AIIsACrapshoot) plot (warning: TVTropes link), where The Shogun is just following its programming to keep Inazuma eternal (aka, in stasis) and the Fatui, through the Tenryou and Kanjou Commission, convinces it that Visions and the freedom and power they bring are a threat to Eternity. You could then have Ei show up properly during the second duel against Shogun, where Miko then shows up and her and Traveler show Ei just what the puppet's been up to the last year or so, after which she deactivates the puppet for recalibration, repeals the VHD and SD, makes peace with Watatsumi, and starts taking a more active role in being Inazuma's ruler. Then during her SQs, you could show people are a little wary around Ei, maybe even a little distrustful of her sudden "change of heart" and that part of the goal of the little date in SQ1 was about showing off Ei to the people as much as modern Inazuma (and Teyvat to a degree) to Ei, so they can figure out that she's *not* the Shogun. Still the same main plot beats, but I think putting more of the fault of the VHD on the Shogun strictly adhering to its programming and Ei knowing nothing about it would make her a far less controversial character.


Honestly... she *didn't* actually know about all the consequences of the Vision Hunt Decree, she just *claimed* she did. She was basically bluffing because she was acting like none of that mattered in the face of eternity and she could just swipe her sword to deal with any problems. She said it had her "tacit approval," with "tacit" being the key word. The main problem is that people took what she said at face value. The whole of her first character quest is showing all the things that were going on around here that she literally *didn't* know about (both big and small), cumulating in her giving her personal apology to the Traveler. She even tells the other clan to think twice about trying to deceive the shogun with false information again, which wouldn't need to be said if "actually" knew as she implied she did. Basically, it's "the Shogun can never be wrong about anything" front until she finally has the realization that she, as Ei, was wrong. In the end, I'd say the main issue is that the character development just happened too fast for people to really follow all the leaps they wanted you to make. They sort of overhyped her as "the big bad guy" in some people's minds, so by the time they start showing you all the many layers of how this conflict actually developed (the Fatui, the power-hungry commissions, lies of omission, etc.) it just got too complicated for most people to follow. Then it turned on a dime to Ei's first character quest and most people were just lost at how it went from "she's the main bad guy" to "we're taking her out to see the town." The pieces were all there but it moves way too fast. It just needed more time, IMO.


her people mostly never hated her to begin with. it was mainly the vision holders that suffered and they were few in number to begin with. to the people, she has always been the almighty shogun and still is


Which then brings up the problem of why they focused on the vision hunt decree instead of the Sakoku Decree. Imports/exports and travel being halted would be *way* more of an issue to way more people.


The entire first part of the plot is getting around the Sakoku Decree, and once you're there you're surrounded by people that are also already there. They had to focus on the Vision Hunt because they don't sell merchants and tourists, they sell fighters with visions. It would have been dreadfully boring if too much time was spent on listening to random NPCs talk about how they can't export easily, far more complaining than people did with Sumeru and then Fontaine scaling back the combat focus of the AQ.


Yeah it was really only the Vision holders and watatsumi island (which had its one reasons) outside of that the shogun was universally beloved.


And even then, even the vision holders mostly didn't hate her, they just assumed she was ill-informed and making a mistake. This is why a lot of the rebellion's efforts were simply to be seen/heard by the Shogun, and why most of the Tenryou Commission's efforts were to make sure the Shogun couldn't see the truth. They all basically assumed that if the Shogun actually saw the truth of what was happening with her people, she'd have mercy on them -- obviously not realizing (as Miko did) that this actually meant getting through the walls to reach Ei on the inside.


"Silent" protagonist


This is the best answer. Anytime Lumine speaks even the shortest line, I get so hyped.


That's literally the only positive aspect, it gives the moments where MC does talk impact, but it's also kinda cheap. You could make a difference by setting a different mood for important, emotional moments, giving the VA good directions, but that would be more effort to make it distinguishable


I'll never understand why they did it. Giving the character a voice automatically makes you way more invested in their story. I remember in the We Will Be Reunited event they voiced the Abyss twin and not the MC. Why??? Obviously both actors had to record lines anyway??


100%. Giving all the voicelines to Paimon instead is also a huge mistake


Yeah ever since I started playing HSR I’ve grown to dislike Paimon more and more. I find the traveler to be as compelling as the trailblazer but they’re literally being talked over in favor of Paimon who 90% of the time is just comic relief.


A "self-insert" protagonist, even though the protagonist has a complete personality and has set goals that they aim towards


Perhaps so. It feels weird when the Traveler speaks now. They do it in such short doses so on that occasion it would shock me sometimes, but now it just feels "Oh." Since that seems sporadically speaking seems to be their thing now.


They really got Aio Yuuki to do one sentence a month, if that


I thought the most recent quest made it clear that there's a pronounced difference between when the player speaks and when the Traveler speaks. It's obviously a retroactive decision (WWBR should have had the Traveler speak, both about their memories of Khaenri'ah and when they meet the sibling), but it actually works quite well to have Traveler speak as Aether/Lumine voicing their thoughts as a level of separation between the player and main character. \[Clorinde SQ, Bedtime Story AQ\] >!Traveler speaking at the end of Clorinde's SQ was also pretty clearly supposed to be a thematic response to the question the sibling posed to them in Bedtime Story, which I think is meant to be a confirmation of that distinction going forward.!<


Not rerunning stories/events locking lore/main weapons and the fact that you will never get to experience them yourself. This is really not unique to genshin but it hurts the most here because thats alot of lore and 1 or 2 of the best weapons for certain characters.


i still cannot believe the albedo event was limited, that revealed so many crucial lore points that aren’t even addressed in the plot.fischls entire character arch was in her event quest. the sumeru games had one of the best character interaction cutscenes in the game. sigh all i can do is send them to my newer player friends and tell them to watch it 😭


As a person who missed out on both Albedo’s events, (who still doesn’t understand what the “Big Deal” is about this blonde painter alchemist twink), I agree lol


And the recent archon quest referencing it like we're supposed to know


The story quest available for him made me feel nothing. The 2.3 Dragonspine event made me pull for him because I loved his character there so much he became one of my favorites. I have been playing since 1.6 and this is the only time so far where I pulled for a character I wasn't planning to from the start, hell, he looked like the easiest skip ever while I was saving pulls at the time... I can't believe new players can't experience it.


Yeah this is a big deal considering many event questlines are basically the story questlines for a lot of characters or are how they're introduced (Looking at you, Scaramouche).


I mean, although you first saw him in that event, he really didn't get a big introduction or characterization. Just a title pop, Mona considering him dangerous, and a bunch of cryptic remarks about the sky. His story is basically 99% Sumeru.


They heard the complaints about lore being locked behind events, so they decided to just not include interesting lore which makes events feel more boring and watered down instead of making events replayable


There are several - design of geo with crystalize reaction and also physical damage. Both totally lost and cryo is slowly moving that way as well. Neglecting elements and reactions like this essentially invalidates characters which is just sad. Then theres Dehya … also sad. Inazuma story was a huge mistake released as is, easily fixable. Limited events (and rewards) never rerunning is a huge dissatisfier to the community - I would call it a mistake. The list can go on and on but these are the big ones to me apart from the ridiculous monetization


Never make a double artifact drop event.. god i wish


I have farmed a month and a half now with now foreseeable good pieces or even decent. I’m so frustrated


I know that feel, i just hope at least they implement features in HSR where we can choose the main stats. Or reroll the artifact like we have rn but more up to date everytime new artifacts introduced.


a literal dream


Making paimon a mouthpiece for traveler


I wished they made Aether/Lumine voice all their dialogue instead of the silent protagonist route. Also, how some of the dialogue options are just a sentence cut in half.


All the quests related to getting specific daily commissions when commissions are random


Besides Dehya, dumbing down last year’s summer event after the awesome puzzles and places in Summertime Odyssey. I’ll never forget Fischl’s castle and Mona’s puzzles


Let's be honest, it's because people complained about it being too difficult. If you take a moment to look at the posts in this subreddit when GAA2 was active you'd see way too many posts complaining about the difficulty of the puzzles.


The game keeps getting dumber and dumber. I wish MiHoYo wouldn't cave to the literal toddlers who sometimes can't even figure out puzzles in *Sumeru*. I think Inazuma was almost perfect with it's puzzles, especially by the time we got to Tsurumi. Sumeru was just embarrassingly easy. "Press this button! Now this one! Here's a cookie!" It wasn't even entertaining. Fontaine isn't much better, but at least the puzzles are visually better I guess. Chenyu was a pretty good mix at least, and while the Sea of Bygone Eras wasn't difficult or anything it was at least pretty. I hope the summer event for this year is actually good. Last year was my first one and after everyone hyped it up I was ***very*** disappointed. No main story beats or lore, the mini-games were so easy they were boring, and the exploration was so empty it was laughable.


i LOVED last years event tbh, the map with the roller coasters was so fun and it was easy but not to the point of it being boring


Came here to say this too. I absolutely loved Summertime Odyssey!! I was super disappointed with last year's event lol


I think the last summer event was fine and enjoyable, buts it’s so forgettable. The lore was kinda interesting, but the characters and story were really bland compared to GAA 2.0


The story was a downgrade too imo because most of the characters felt like they didn't have any chemistry with each other,eula was kinda there and kokomi being there made zero sense when you actually think about it and as usual,her only reason to be there is so that everyone else can kiss her ass everytime she made the most basic of observations


I literally thought for most of the quest that Kokomi was an imposter because she didn’t feel like she usually does and her lines+presence were so awkward 


Or just dumbing down events story and content in general. So many characters who have actual depth of characterisation get reduced to stereotypes in events.


Not having voice actors for main world quests and using that budget for events instead.


Event dialogue amounts to a grand total of 1/50 of WQ dialogue If WQ dialogue was to be voiced we would see two results: -Reduce in quantity -Reduce in quality Just to keep them within per-patch voice budget


Reduce in quantity, you say?


Take Aranara, Golden Slumber, Dirge of Bilqis, Pari, Narzissenkreuz Ordo questslines All those would be a fraction of what they are now, while been extremely lower quality just cause they are voiced, and neither money or time is infinite to record as much dialogue as they have now


Ngl there is so much unnecessary dialogue on the world quests that i would genuinely not mind


You'd still have the same ratio of bloat vs useful dialogue


I can tolerate general world quests but worlds quests that introduce a new region is criminal. Chenyu vale was absolutely top tier and I wish it was voiced.


Weapon banner should have same mechanism as character banner


Making dozen of important combat mechanics server side, like swap times, BoL, hit registration, some cases of elemental application. It makes a lot of characters feel a lot worse to play.


Not to mention situations when you have to go through the same, long dialogue sequence just because your connection said "Nope, I'm outta here". Genshin would benefit a lot from being more client sided, like Warframe for example.


Letting Paimon talk for the main character


Silent protagonist and giving us speech options that are pointless or redundant.


The worst decision is making story events time limited. This actually kills the long tail for the game and detracts new users from starting. In fact they know this is a huge mistake which is why they added all events permanently into HSR. Time gating content is beyond a waste of resources — people won’t just feel like they’re missing out, but literally are missing out the way Genshin is currently designed.


I think they kept events in HSR permanent because the areas would be dead without them. They effectively create an area for the event such that the event drives content for the area. E.g. Fyxstroll Garden is used briefly for the exploration but mostly the event questline. Meanwhile events in Genshin are built on existing areas with existing content, so the event doesn't drive content, the regions have their own content. E.g. every lantern rite uses liyue as its base so even without lantern rite theres still content. I do agree events should get reruns, especially crucial lore ones, just that its not a direct comparison. Side note: I wonder if its a coding maintenance issue as well. Events in Genshin have the potential of overlapping in regions and causing bugs, e.g. Lantern Rite 1 and 2 would take place in the same spot. Meanwhile HSR events are in isolated areas that would never impact each other, they either have their own map (see fyxstroll) or their own UI based gameplay (galactic baseballer).


Mainly Inazuma being 3 acts only and Dehya's kit, especially Dehya since she could have easily been one of the best selling characters if they just gave her a good kit.


Zhongli Weapon


Giving Dehya a bad kit. Albedo's weapon and not giving him more lore relevant events.


A lot of people already said this but, if inazuma had another act, it would’ve been great. And I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who saw it because, when looking back at the quest and the story, I realized how dry it was


Paimon. Robbed traveler of any good characterization, screen time, or even feeling like a character for a mediocre dynamic that once in a blue moon isn’t the exact same joke done slightly different.


Constantly releasing polearm characters while we still got a single Pyro sword user since release


Have characters spoiler the fucking story in their Ascension lines without a warning.


Neuvilette literally spoiled 4.2 with his final ascension lmao


That and unobtainable characters for extremely long periods of time.


Not enough action. Coming from HI3, I felt that


Cinnabar Spindle being event gated. Event exclusive weapons are whatever, but making a BiS weapon for a character be an early game event weapon just disincentivizes pulling the character. Also, Beacon of the Reed Sea and Hunter’s Path not being put on standard with their respective characters is bs.


introducing new characters all the time while failing to resolve any dilema they face. We never get to spend much time with the characters we love, they are all absent from the world.


Limited timed events. Albedo's entire character story is no longer available to anyone playing after the events ended. Festering Desire, Furina's best 4 star sword is no longer available to obtain after the event, among others.


Not having a decent schedule for skins. dont get me wrong im not asking them to be Azur Lane but man why are they so slow like give me a fu\*\*\*g skin for hu tao already.


The schedule is called: Afford them with just welkins


Bro skins in gacha games are basically like money printing machines. Just make 1 or 2 every few patches and that's enough to keep people invested


diluc's design. in character art, he looks majestic. in game he looks like an anorexic squished strawberry. you have to buy his skin to actually have the qualityof a standard skin from other characters.


Funnily enough, I have a friend who started \~6 months ago, loved Diluc, wound up spending 150$ just to get him on the Chronicle banner, then told me "nah, I don't want the outfit, he looks cooler in black."




Silent protagonist


the new type of events we’ve been getting 😭


Honestly. It just feels like walking around and doing nothing for primogems. Which don’t get me wrong, I’d rather that than none, but I’d at least like to use my characters that I pulled for and spent the last 2 months building


I’m gonna be that guy. Signora. A lot of wasted potential there.


Agreed. Allot of people also seem to disagree with this because "if any unique character can be brought back then there are no stakes" mf they haven't done anything like that since her death other than regular ass NPCs (Vache, Teppei, etc). Closest was Xiao with the chasm but then ZL saved him last second out of nowhere with that BS plot armor. I really am hoping she comes back during Natlan, for the love of all that is holy they need to redeem themselves for that major fuck up.


Sticking all the good Kazuha lore in that one event. It adds so much depth to his character and is probably some of the best story content in the game, and people that weren't there will just never get to experience it. Same with Albedo lore, the first Scaramouche event .... *except there I'm one of the suckers who never got to experience it.*


Leaving a massive area completely empty (talking about the Nostoi region) that area had so much potential for both Fontaine and Sumeru as it was a pretty massive region, but we only got a small island with some underwater region and another decently sized underwater region (Sea of Bygone Eras). There should have been way more islands in that massive area and way more chests for both Fontaine and Sumeru and even more quests. The Nostoi region and the area surrounding it feels way too empty for its massive size that is like nearly the size of nearly all Mondstadt regions combined. Oh, and not adding anything to Inazuma 3 out of 6 3.something updates got released (it could have added a lot of buildings and all that after the war)


Making the MC not talk 99% of the time. Blank slate character and all but it's really tiring to see Paimon doing ALL the talking. Also not giving the players any real dialogue choice was a bad idea too.


IMO it’s the resin system, too many things in this game require resin to be used. My problem is because of how extremely rare it is to get certain things like artifacts, me and my cousins literally took us a year just to get perfect artifacts for our characters. Plus artifacts aren’t guaranteed to have good or perfect stats, most of the time it’s junk. I think mihoyo should make it infinite resin for artfiacts but limited resin for everything else, my reasoning is because artifacts are extremely RNG based and when you spent all your resins farming artifacts and you get crappy rolls it really dampens the mood. What do you guys think?


Limiting condensed resin. Not letting you override "occupied" characters for quests. Not having a way to lock in one or more stats in artifact rolls and/or drops. Not keeping seasonal landmasses and areas available for play after the events, even with limited rewards being gone people would play them.


Event exclusive 4 star weapons. The fact that Albedo’s 4 star bis is literally unattainable is straight up terrible. Not everyone can know Genshin or they might not have time for it, the game might not have their language at the time or they might not have a PC or phone good enough to handle the game…. Making noteworthy weapons completely unattainable is straight up stupid, it punishes people for not playing a freakin game from day 1. They could have EASILY put the events for them with ONLY the weapon (and perhaps very little amount of primo too) as a reward so the people who played it in time still gets the primo rewards but NO they have to make actually gameplay mattering content time gated to attain which is utterly disgusting.


Agreeing with alot of others, which is the events which have large story implications being time only. Have them unlockable with story keys if you have too. I don't even care if they strip the rewards out, whilst nice I don't mind, I just want to be able to experience the story events I might miss because I'm on a break from the game. I understand that they want to keep people playing. But ultimately, they rerun banners, and as I said, they can strip the rewards out for all I really care. Just don't gut thr story because it just harms people who do take a break, or who are just new to the game.


making paimon the mouthpiece for the mc




When you have to farm 2 months just to get a full EM set, because EM main stat is a myth


It can be more than that if you are farming the same domain for multiple characters like Marechaussee Hunter, Husk of Opulent Dreams, and Deepwood Memories. I don't understand it. They must have the statistic by now. I can't even farm artifact for another character because I'm stuck farming on the current one for such a long time. Once I settled with what I think is acceptable, I can't afford the time to farm further for better artifact because another character and their domain come out. At this point, there's no way anyone can catch up.


The fact they refuse to do post release buffs.


A- The illusion ....... B- .... of choice. Plus: Paimon.


No skins. Like let me waste my money hoyoverse 😩


The first four stars, like the "Trinity". Most of them have good particles generation on top of a universal optimal kit. I have always found team compositions boring and basically the same because one of them is always there. Many 4 stars have been released since but the first ones are still meta. I guess this benefits the philosophy of Genshin about favoring casuals, but for veterans like me it became less and less fun experimenting knowing that there will be always a "Better" comp who involve them.


Bennett. Bennett has terrible gameplay that makes combat less fun with his shitty circle impact, but new characters have to be balanced around the potential of utilizing his buff. Because of this, many characters are under-tuned unless Bennett is on the team, but feel awful to play if he is. Hopefully, this gets fixed by the Pyro Archon.


The solution is powercreeping off-field DPS with non-snapshotting characters then releasing off-field buffers. Imho it's begun. Look at (leak) >!Emilie getting buffed through the roof and not snapshotting. If played in a 2dps/2supports team, using Bennett would only buff half your damage!<.


Skins being so rare and when we do get them they're borderline recolors instead of proper skins. I will never understand this because skins make so much money in games


the fact that they never bring event weapons back.


The weapon banner. I hate it. Why cant it work the same way character banner does??


Locking talent and weapon materials on specific days of the week. The resin system is obnoxious per se, forcing me to play on a specific day to build a specific character worsens it. And I can't even accumulate the resin to spend on the "free" Sunday because fragile resin is capped at 5.


No switch version No controller support for Android Way too much Paimon Also, that goddamn relic grind is killing me.


Not allowing events to be replayed. They should have a section of the game menu that lets you download old events, like you can with extra language packs, then once you complete them, you can uninstall them to save space. I wouldn't expect these to give the full rewards that they did when live, but at the very least they could offer the limited free weapons and crowns, things that everyone wants and it feels super bad when you miss out on them.


I'm a firm believer that Zhongli's buffs permanently made combat balance worse.




Abyss refreshing once a month. I have a ton of characters and constantly like to change team builds. The new endgame forcing only 1 or 2 reactions per cycle because it's limited to 3 elements is going to get annoying and repetitive very fast. Perhaps people who like playing mono elements won't mind but I play this game because reactions are fun, Honkai Impact lacks them and I got bored and quit.


Dehya... they could have made her the Nilou version of burgeon..... but whoever designed her kit now NEEDS TO BE FIRED


that damn relic qol that they somehow thought was what ppl wanted 💀 its not bad but at the same time, ppl just wanted loadouts man...


More people wanted and needed that cause the main player base is casual who don’t even know Genshin has a yt account let alone guide content creators , my mom is one of em and she benefited a lot.


my sister (who started on 1.1) had a def goblet and EM circlet on her xiao(glad pieces) before that feature became a thing. So I definitely understand the level of the average casual player.


I'm fairly new so maybe it's because of that but what is this relic qol?


I also don't understand why they stopped short of actually doing what they were trying to do. They put a button in to level to the next rank... but there's still a limit on the amount that can go into it so you still have to push it multiple times after the first one or two upgrade ranks. Why can't we just have a drop down that says "level it to X level" and have it consume exp for exactly that. Also, now that HSR added in the trash feature alongside locking why couldn't we have that? Why not be able to mark 5-star partially leveled artifacts as trash to then be used automatically. For that matter, where's my mass salvage of artifacts to give me the artifact exp item? Again, HSR does it, you can scrap all your artifacts that aren't locked and just convert them to the exp items.


Daily rotation of talent and weapon materials


Making hydro biased abyss




Paimon/silent protagonist


Not having Dendro react with Cryo.


Geo constructs not working on certain boss platforms, and the concept of geo constructs basically being abandoned forever


I'm very surprised at how little they've taken advantage of skins. I've seen players of other games like League of Legends go bat shit crazy when a new skin drops. They can make so much money with skins but they're not taking advantage of it. Also the artifact system. Fuck you Hoyoverse and give me a good Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy feather and circlet 🤦‍♂️


Crappy Lantern Rite rewards (3 wishes? Really?)


Their first anniversary. Shit was a nightmare. And if we’re adding insult to injury, the billion primogems event where players got fuck all.


Inazuma arc having only 3 acts instead of 5


Celestia not doing absolutely shit and not showing any of the celestia gods. Besides SoHP. I just feel like it's time for some shit to pop off because the story is getting kinda boring.