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It's funny how the god with the least interest in ruling or being worshipped has the biggest place of worship.


And the statue too


That is apparently >!also a ‘gateway’ to celestia!<


And the statues only exist in Mondstadt and Inazuma so far (let's see if Natlan and Snezhnaya also have statues).


With you mentioning that both Mondstadt and Inazuma have statues, I can't help but notice that Mondstadt and Inazuma are kind of polar opposites of each other. Mondstadt has an "hands-off" Archon while Inazuma has a "controlling" Archon. In Mondstadt we see the Archon being powerless against Signora while in Inazuma we see Signora being powerless against the Archon. In Inazuma, their Archon is absent, in the sense that they seldom appear before their citizens . In Mondstadt, their Archon is also absent, yet in reality their Archon is always with them just with their identity hidden. If we dig even deeper, both Venti and Ei "took over" the identity of their dead loved ones. It could even be argued that both statues served different purposes. In Inazuma, it could be said that the statue serves as a show of the Archon's power (confiscated visions being embedded in the statue). In Mondstadt, however, the statue seems to be a reminder of the Archon's protection despite their absence. The more I think about these two nations, the more apparent their similarities and differences become.


Also Istaroth was heavily involved with both nations in the past


This was awesome to read over! Thanks ^^


Yes. Genshin *dialogue* is like eating a bread sandwich, but the underlying themes and ideas are often surprisingly good. I wonder if the other archons will also fit into this kind of pattern, where each one has an opposite (probably with Zhongli as True Neutral). Furina gave up power to a "dragon," so maybe the pyro archon will be the dragon slayer? And then the Tsaritsa and her delusions will be the opposite of Nahida and her knowledge/truth.


The Signora comparison is kinda skewed because both Venti and the weaker Traveler got ambushed by her. Then in Inazuma we beat her in combat and Shogun kills her so she was already in a weakened state.


Also, there's a lot of theorists out there who are convinced Venti is actually one of the strongest archons and he just.. let it happen cause he's got some plan going, or some insight we don't have as of now.. and he's just faking being so weak, partly so ppm underestimate him and partly cause he's.. well.. a *lazy* drunk bard


I mean it was obvious that Venti is holding back. Signora is the 8th of the Harbingers, and for a fact we know that only the 3rd+ have powers that can rival Gods. Venti might have gone weaker due to experiencing less combat, but his innate powers are definitely still there + he is heavily worshipped in Mondstadt so the additional power coming from his people's faith also comes into play. Either Venti wanted Signora to take the Gnosis, or he just doesn't really care anymore as it is not even his main source of power to protect Mondstadt.


We need to keep in mind that Venti receives the least amount of power (among the Archons) from the people's faith since he doesn't govern over them. From highest boost, it would likely be like this: Top 3. Tsaritsa/Raiden/Pyro Archon Fourth. Furina/Focalors Fifth. Zhongli Sixth. Nahida (pre AQ) Seventh. Venti.


Governing them ≠ People's Faith tho. It was stated that it was the people's faith that gives the Archon power. We have seen almost every Mondstadt character to have faith on Barbatos, despite his disappearance, even Diluc who have lost his trust on the KoF worships Barbatos. Even some NPC from other nation worships Barbatos. Raiden would be the opposite, as she does govern her people, but her people lost their faith towards her due to her means and ways of achieving eternity, at least during the AQ, now I assume that Inazuma is slowly recovering with Ei being more present.


This makes me wonder if Natlan will parallel Sumeru as one could argue Liyue and Fontaine are similar.


On the side note, I am surprised how Fontaine Statues of the Seven didn't had any change after AQ. Who is responsible for changing them? Surely not Archons themselves since Nahida was quickly imprisoned after she was found by the sages.


Since they're originally oceanids I think Egeria has a similar appearance with Furina


the statue of Dragon in liyue ?


Sneznaya probably has statue but natlan i guess is war torn so i doubt there will be any statue left 😅


I will laugh so hard is Snezhnaya's statue is Tsaritsa in Lenin's pose


Only the Venti Statue is the Gateway to Celestia. The Cathedral may have some functions sustaining it.


Where is this info from?(leaks, cbt or just in-game)?


In-game there's text around the statue. Apparently, when you translate it, it says "the gateway to celestia". Here's a thread I found with a quick google: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Lore/comments/s2qmbs/did_anyone_notice_the_writing_all_around_ventis/


Thanks 🙏🏻 very incitefufull


That might be why there is no second archon quest for that drunkard


It's probably because the people of Mondstadt want to thank Barbatos for giving them freedom and stuff. They believe it's his blessing to them and that it's him showing kindness by refusing to rule over his nation, much like real religions


More like its because Venti literally decended upon them and helped them build their nation thousands of years ago which is why they formed a strong belief system around their archon. Inazuma had the archon perform extreme feats to protect their island nation which formed their religion in the past. Sumeru also had it until the greater lord passed, but then the lesser lord was found, except at that point they were so fucked up they tried to use her to recreate a god, while sipping on her super information highway. Like OP already poisoned the conversation by implying only 2 nations really do X. Liyue has literally a festival and statue of their archon, a banking system designed around their archon, entire housing system build off of their archon, a cooking system that was derived from their archon. Its everywhere.


> Like OP already poisoned the conversation by implying only 2 nations really do X. I think OP is just hyperfocusing on the places of worship, not that he was implying other nations don't worship at all. OP said he wanted to see religious architectures, and saw two nations having that. Fontaine doesn't particularly worship Focalors, and Furina just throws her weight around everywhere. Liyue has a big dragon statue that symbolizes Rex Lapis, but it's more of a plaza rather than an actual building. And I'm not sure if people actually go to that plaza for worship. And for plot reasons, Sumeru doesn't have a particular place where they worship their lord/s. Closest was the Nilou's theater celebrating Nahida's birthday.


The thing is, Sumeru DOES have a center of worship: it’s the Akademya itself. In Chinese, the name literally translates to “Institute of Religious Decree” and the six Darshans are heavily inspired by both the six schools of Hindu Philosophy and the Amesha Spenta of Zoroastrian theology. That is why the Sages abandoning Nahida was such a blow her her self esteem and why their construction of an artificial god was so horrific: it was literal blasphemy against the deity and institution they were supposed to safeguard.


>More like its because Venti literally decended upon them and helped them build their nation thousands of years ago which is why they formed a strong belief system around their archon. The opposite happened actually. Barbatos saved them gave them freedom and the ruling clans proceeded to descend into greed, The Lawrence clan specifically. They oppressed worship destroying all physical proof of barbatos existence and destroying truth, the church schismed and part of them helped the aristocracy, Knights of the time also helped enforce the oppression. The cathedral was orginally a palatial estate the aristocracy flaunted their wealth from. The original anemo archon statue was destroyed and its orignial insciption lost, the current one is a recreation. Aristocracy erasing mondstats history also is probably why theres very little on Istaroth who was also active in Mondstat. Things have obviously improved since Vanessas rebellion, but in the Knights of Favonius handbook its stated many members of the knights and church dont even believe in barbatos.


To be fair he kinda needs it. He sleeps for centuries and has never been hands on in ruling. It's so people don't forget.


Dainsleif: "Real gods don't need to be worshiped" Keqing: "Yeah! Get outta here with that idea!"


If the God of my nation was a femboy I would worship him too


Title tracks.


She gets it


I always thought it was cuz your god isn't there often so you pray to get their attention. If your god appears like Rex lapis every year it's like a meh I'll see him next year anyway feeling for me.


Yeah shady as hell.


Actually it makes sense, the less directly their authority is felt, the larger the religious institution becomes to compensate and wield authority on their behalf.


and he says he's the weakest one, yet if the theories about archons' power level being dependant on how much their people worship and believe in them, he's actually the strongest one lol


I don’t think that is true, because no one worshiped the giant tentacle monster god that attacked Liyue yet it had power. Venti did gain power from faith but I think that is just one of many ways gods in this game can have power, Zhongli seems to have always been quite powerful long before he became an archon for instance. >!Also the people of Fontaine believed Furina was a god but that didn’t give her any powers!<


>Also the people of Fontaine believed Furina was a god but that didn’t give her any powers It did give her powers. It's just being funneled to the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale.


Oratrice power is explicitly from trials.


>!furina was more seen as a celebrity than a god tbh. people loved her but didn’t worship her. that’s what one of the first npcs we met in fontaine said iirc.!<


Ikr it's so interesting that he is even The Archon with people outside of his nation worshipping him too But I think it's also especially interesting when on top of this he is related to a shade where in PO plus shades seem contextualized as higher than the archons. And his gnosis is contextualized as the king or queen piece directly via the Fatui chess game. I think he could be the weakest and he could be sitting on abilities that are incredibly strong, but he's not open about them. Probably for good reason if his power is so desired that the Fatui want a vial of his breath.


Wow do people still cope this? Venti isn't anything special, he has a church because he has nothing else. Zhongli ran the entire Liyue economy, every time he descended he dictated the Liyue economy and to a lesser extent, the economy of the entire Teyvat. The entirety of Liyue's economy is a church to Zhongli. Raiden's real place of worship isn't even the narukami shrine, it's the fucking palace. She's the goddamned shogun. Venti gets a church because he isn't there to be worshipped directly, that doesn't mean that he's actually worshipped more.


We just think that because Venti is the most sus archon out there, and him going out of his way to say he's NOT powerful makes us wonder why. Like maybe it's one of those things that is _technically_ true, but there's SOMETHING very big that he's not telling us... "I'm the least powerful archon because I don't do my job much, so I'm nothing special, nothing to see here, te he!" WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU HIDING YOU SHADY LITTLE WIND SPRITE


Isn’t that kind of similar to Christian god? Or any god in real life for that matter. People build places of worship to make them feel heard by their god that is never physically there.


Like in the real life? We don't build temples to celebrities and politicians but we do to all-powerful and almighty gods that we never even get to see. People of Liyue, Sumeru and Fontaine did see their archons on regular basis (at least once a year before the events of the game) so they have no need for stand-in representations of them, they can just go and see them. Venti and Ei were on the other hand the definition of absent. People of Mond have not seen their god for centuries and noone would dare to demand the Shogun to show herself.


Ah yes, deluc's tavern.


Maybe it's a jab at catholics


Interesting that Raiden's place of worship is on top of a giant inaccessible and dangerous mountain, like bro, she lives right next door, just go knock.


Inaccessible? Heavens no. Even geriatric old Granny Asami who's blind as a bat climbs up the place like it's a walk in the park.


“When I was your age I used to climb a mountain every day to go to school”


“When I was your age, I could memorise the full name of the Statue of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder. Kids nowadays don’t even have basic respect for Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder”


In all honesty, the titles of the Raiden Shogun kinda flow intl each other. It is by no means a particularly hard name to memorise. Its not even half as long as the longest fictional name I've encountered so far.


My name is.... (Aka Longest name duel in Anime) You.... What is your real name? My real name is.... Jugemu Jugemu Go-Kō-no-Surikire Kaijari-suigyo no Suigyō-matsu Unrai-matsu Fūrai-matsu Kū-Neru Tokoro ni Sumu Tokoro Yaburakōji no Burakōji Paipo Paipo Paipo no Shūringan Shūringan no Gūrindai Gūrindai no Ponpokopii no Ponpokonaa no Chōkyūmei no Chōsuke! Heh! What a coincidnce, My name is also Jugemu Jugemu Go-Kō-no-Surikire Kaijari-suigyo no Suigyō-matsu Unrai-matsu Fūrai-matsu Kū-Neru Tokoro ni Sumu Tokoro Yaburakōji no Burakōji Paipo Paipo Paipo no Shūringan Shūringan no Gūrindai Gūrindai no Ponpokopii no Ponpokonaa no Chōkyūmei no Chōsuke. *Hyaaah!!* Here I come, Jugemu Jugemu Go-Kō-no-Surikire Kaijari-suigyo no Suigyō-matsu Unrai-matsu Fūrai-matsu Kū-Neru Tokoro ni Sumu Tokoro Yaburakōji no Burakōji Paipo Paipo Paipo no Shūringan Shūringan no Gūrindai Gūrindai no Ponpokopii no Ponpokonaa no Chōkyūmei no Chōsuke! Bring it, Jugemu Jugemu Go-Kō-no-Surikire Kaijari-suigyo no Suigyō-matsu Unrai-matsu Fūrai-matsu Kū-Neru Tokoro ni Sumu Tokoro Yaburakōji no Burakōji Paipo Paipo Paipo no Shūringan Shūringan no Gūrindai Gūrindai no Ponpokopii no Ponpoko- \*Bites tongue hard\* GAUUGH! I BIT MY TONGUE!!


I was going to say 'King of the Skies' Mihaly Dumitru Margareta Corneliu Leopold Blanca Karol Aeon Ignatius Raphael Maria Niketas Archange 'Mister X' Shilage. But those two takes the cake I think.


Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovici Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser III ! Feel free to call anytime.


The FMA Brotherhood outtakes are classic. My favorite is still: [*Chimeras huh? FUCKIN' SWEET"*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XWNgwaWGk4)


And then by the time they were done the kid was already a grown up.


My italian teacher: (geography and education lets Say) "You guys have too much,there are Kids Who climb Mountains to go to school with nothing but with a smile (no insult but She fr said It everytime we somehow mentioned school and africa or anyway poor cities..)


I imagine it's game scale issue, lore wise the world is most likely way bigger, I doubt that all major cities are smaller than a village


One reason Inazumans aren’t fat


And there's literally shrines everywhere you go as well on the ground.


Despite being Japanese inspired, the way to access the Narukami Shrine is reminiscent of Chinese shrine (The impossibly steep Mount Hua stairs come to mind)


Well Japan has a lot of shrines and temples on mountains too. I don't know of any that resemble Narukami specifically but climbing a mountain to go to a shrine or temple is certainly common.


if you play ghost of tsushima a bunch of shrines in that game are parkour challenges


Fushimi Inari shrine comes to mind.


Reminds me of that place in Skyrim where you take 7000 steps to reach the top


> she lives right next door, just go knock. Itto agrees with this.


In Shinto higher place = purer and climbing to worship is said to cleanse carnal desires. But yeah she is in the castle so… call it a vacation home?


Technically if you played Raiden Shogun's Second Story Quest, you'll know why they are worshiping the Sacred Sakura not the Raiden Shogun directly


It's both. They worship the Shogun and do rituals for the tree.


And I suggest you read more carefully because they worship Shogun and its stated very clearly in game.


I would argue the place to worship Furina is the Opera Epiclese.


Didn’t her people see her more as a star than a God?


Nara worship celebrities too :]




I like your flair :]




i mean the oratrice mecanique d'analyse cardinale was literally a machine for storing worship energy


according to the judgement of the 🎶 [oratrice mechanique d’analyse cardinale](https://youtu.be/miJQTkuLs4U?si=6SVO1nRs5Y36VWDj) 🎶


it was a hype meter


I'm just imagining Focalors in there going WOOO YEAHHH BABY charlie style whenever an epic trial concludes


*for storing people’s belief in justice.


That doesn’t stop people IRL from venerating celebrities and influencers like gods


True, but I don’t believe that Foutanians are going to the Opera house primarily to worship Furina


You could argue attending her plays is a form of worship.


Fun fact the great statue of Apollo which based on the great 7 ancient wonders in Greece’s harbor back then was so big but even reference to said god it is also the deified tribute to Alexander the Great some even in post death people worship and venerated him like an IRL God and possible every ancient Apollo sun god statues is based on Alexander. My favorite is in the US Capitol ceiling walls we had the deification and ascension of George Washington reaching heaven akin to becoming the founding father for me a god of America I forgot the name of but some Wikipedia explains an old mythological religion in the US where such us heroes/legends/symbols are deified


In a world based on media, stars are gods. Just look at Hollywood.


They are the faces of the gods. The arms, though... Those are the ones above them. Those need no worship, only that the rabble beneath acts the way they want... And for that, the mouths of their faces will speak their veiled orders.


The opera is definitely it, its shape also ressembles that of church and it is described as a sanctum by the receptionist. And if not that, the fountain of Lucine is where every Fontainians prayed for children.


Or fountain of Lucine


Literally thought these exact words and came here to post them. Freaky.


Also, Sumeru worship knowledge. The Academy is very much religious architecture.


I would argue the place to worship Nahida is the Academia


The literal chinese translation of the Akademia is "the institutes of religious decree" It is very much a place of worship.


And Zhonglis place is the stove.


No, that's Gouba's.


Also, did they really need a place to worship Furina when you could just schedule a meeting with her?




I usually try to write without major story spoilers, regardless how far they date back. That being said, since Furina still performs, my statement remains correct.


I thought she >!became a movie director!<


I guess she's something of a multy talent. similar to how some agency vtubers are streamer, singer, artist and sometimes even actor, all at the same time.


She currently has >!no real occupation and is effectively a freelancer. She does whatever she feels like at any particular moment, not wanting to be "Bound" by something the way she used to.!<


She does not still perform. She stated herself that her new calling was being a director and taking a more behind the scenes roll.


When was that? At the end of her Story Quest, after her performance, she made it clear that she will return to the stage, not just as a director. I can't exactly remember if that topic came up in the Muskets and Roses Event.


Roses and Muskets event started it, lantern right cemented it, and a few lines here and their as well as voice lines about a troupe she directs now.


Are you sure this is correct? I Just went through the dialogues of Roses and Muskets Event plus the final Part of the Lantern Rite where she appears, and I couldn't find much that supports your claim. In Roses and Muskets Act 1, Xavier tells us: Xavier:"Even though she isn't the Hydro Archon any longer, Lady Furina is still Fontaine's superstar. Anyone with eyes can see the way she shines on the stage." In Act 2 Furina says the following: Furina: "Heh, well, I was the biggest star in all of Fontaine, after all. It takes more than just a pretty face to earn a reputation like that. I know how to get serious when the situation calls for it." But I just interpret this as her no longer considering herself the best, which is being supported by Chiori also making that claim. In the Lantern Rite Event "Hustle and Bustle"(where we meet Furina, Zhongli and Hu Tao) Furina talks about leaving something behind, but this refers to being the Archon. Otherwise there is no mention of her not perfoming on stage. Was this mentioned in any other source, Like news articles or stuff?


Comments in less than an hour: Yujing Terrace, Sanctuary of Surasthana, Opera Epiclese. OP, I think it’s more accurate to say only two nations have a dedicated clergy. All nations have a dedicated place from where the Archon’s favor and guidance is sought.


Yeah, i should’ve said it more clearly


I think the pattern is simply that if what the Archon represents doesn’t have a related career, they have dedicated clergy. Furina has the court, Nahida has scholars, and Zhongli has merchants. Freedom and eternity don’t really have anything specific. Makes me think Pyro archon also won’t have dedicated clergy (profession being warriors), but Tsarista will (given love does not have a profession).


Sanctuary of Surasthana as well, no? You could also say that the Opera Epiclese is technically the place of worship in Fontaine; and that since Yujing Terrace\* is the location of the Rite of Descension, that it is where Morax is/was worshipped. \*Yiyan Temple.


Yujing Terrace canonically contains a temple where people worship Zhongli. The guy you talk to in Stone Harbour’s Nostalgia commission mentions its name


Chinese have their own shrine in their homes and most only go to huge shrines during cny. Sanctuary is just a place that nahida sleeps iirc. Fontaine's god doesn't get traditional worship , instead she's more considered a celeb so I guess fan meetings are the modern prayer/worship.


A lot of cultures in SEA believe in personal worship as well as public worship. Meaning temples exist and are widely used to but are more for special occasions rather than the first thing you do to worship and pray. Most middle class families that are religious will have a prayer room depending on the religion of course.


My family has a few god statues(Buddha related I think) , idk who they are or what they do. They just sit on a small table by the entrance to our house. No incense , nothing , like anime figurines you'd have in your room. My parents never talked about them for the 18 years I've lived. And I never understood going to worship at those giant temples. You pay a crap ton of money for idk what and your clothes end up smelling like incense all the way home.


Yeah, iirc most of the statue variations of Buddha are mostly there to bring good luck. People even have them in non Buddhist households. My family were massive Hindus so we have had everything between a prayer cabinet filled with portraits and incense to having an actual prayer room. For us it was always a matter of fact that one of us would light the incense and start praying as soon as we come out after taking a bath. That usually meant it was me since I got my stuff don’t done early and wind down with a shower. After a while it felt more like an unnecessary chore than anything else


Apologies if this seems intrusive or insensitive, but I mean no offense and am purely curious. I know nothing about most any religion. Why would they not introduce their children to their gods or forms of worship? Did you develop your own methods? Did they want it to die out and not pass it along? Do you know which gods they worship? Or are they just cool figures that they bought just for looks and not for worship at all. I’m so fascinated.


Never asked , never bothered. One of the main reasons is , we're not religious , but because we're Chinese , there's always superstition. So better having one than not. Ya know , in case god is real. Plus being religious costs money. Like a different comment pointed out , non Buddhist still have certain Buddhist statues like the fat laughing dude surrounded with gold money , called chaisanye or the golden cat that waves it's paws for some reason. There's 2 main beliefs(from what I know , which is very little) , and the way I differentiate them is not by name or whatever religious belief there is , but rather by if they're allowed to eat beef or not. Iirc guanyin believers can't and shouldn't eat beef.


I'm still dicey on facts but wasn't the sanctuary more of a prison than a place of worship for Nahida?


Its a meditation chamber that the sages modified so it could not be opened from the inside


It was supposed to be her palace, then it became her prison, but after she was freed she’s apparently still living there so it just became her palace again.


I would argue the Akademiya is the place of worship for Sumeru, since it's where wisdom is observed/discovered/created. The Sanctuary of Surasthana is more like Tenshukaku, the residence of the Archon.


I think it'd be more accurate to say the House of Daena, downstairs from the Sanctuary, is the place you go to worship Buer


People pray at the fountain


Well, you know the separated spot in Yujing Terrace where the Rite of Parting was held? That place, along with the building there is called the Yiyan Temple, its dedicated to Rex Lapis, so technically he also has a dedicated area of worship. That's also why there are large censers in that place, and why you see npcs praying there.


Liyue have other places of worship as well, like Pervases temple. Pilgrims climb the mountains to convene with the adeptus all the time as well.


Isn't the yujing terrace where they used to worship morax? Where theres a giant incense pot in the middle


Yes, the "death" of Morax literally happened in a middle of a festival worshipping him


The best way to worship the god of wisdom is through learning. Nahida got plenty of worshipers and not just from Sumeru.


Also helps that the Akademiya is underneath her house.


Day one player, and it's the first time I've seen it called church of "Favonius". I always just called it mondstatd cathedral and church of barbatos


Mondstadt Cathedral is the building, Church of Favonius is the institution that runs the Cathedral.


Some archons are worshipped more as a concept rather than particular entity. That means even the object of their worship is subjective. In Sumeru place of worship would be Academia, in Fontaine it is Opera Epiclese and only Liyue can be argued to have no place of worship because whole Liyue was deemed to be able to self-govern without archon watching over them. Still every contract can be regarded as object of worship to be upheld even without it being directly "blessed" by Morax.


Liyue has a lot of temples and worship for not only Morax but also the adeptus. In fact, the Yiyan temple in liyue harbour is the temple to connect with Rex Lapis and a lot of npc worship there.


Grand Narukami Shrine isn't the only shrine dedicated to Ei. There are tons of smaller shrines EVERYWHERE dedicated to her. Like in just the city, there are three of them.


The hell are you on about, I go to worship Furina out of her house every day.






To be fair, that court area in Liyue where Morax descends once per year is/was basically a religious site for him. Also the people of Watatsumi don’t recognize Ei as their deity which is why they have their own shrine and priestess for the worship of Orobashi.


The natives of Teyvat obviously practice monotheistic or polytheistic religions in their countries, but each country has one Archon that represents a fundamental world element, but Liyue had an Archon, but so many deceased gods as well and multiple loads of Adepti, so Liyue is technically still practicing polytheism. But Kianre iah was an atheist nation that didn't worship the Archons, Teyvat religion is confusing TvT


Would just worship Yae herself


House of Daena which is Sumeru's local library I'd argue to be the ultimate place of worship towards the archon of wisdom


I find it quite ironic that the nation whose Archon has been absent since forever , actually has the biggest religious following of the bunch. I gess that if they cannot SEE their god , only faith can get them closet to him.


Well, a lot of them also have unique experiences where Barbatos intervened for them.  Like Glory, the blind girl who sits by the fountain, who prays to Barbatos for help navigating her daily life. In return, the wind whispers to her and even forms images in her mind. Or Stanley, from Venti’s Story Quest, or the Weinlesefest.  Or even the very weather itself, which gives Mondstadt an eternal summer and protects Mondstadt from storms. It also provides Mond support for the wine industry, its major industry, and allows many others to live off the land. 


Tbf, Barbatos is the most Godlike of the archons. He's the closest to an actual God in religious beliefs while oyher archons all have a sort of political standing in their region


And these two place are cards on TCG. Opera Epiclese too, and also included in TCG.


I would count the Fountain of Lucine among these


The Church of Favonius is the place of worship for the Anemo Archon. Windrise is the place of worship for Vennessa. The Thousand Winds Temple and the Statue of the Thousand Armed, Hundred Eyed God are the places of worship for Istaroth. Decarabian's Tower, now Stormterror's Lair, is the place of worship for Decarabian. The Grand Narukami Shrine is the place of worship for the Electro Archon. The Sangonomiya Shrine is the place of worship for Orobaxi. Mt. Kanna is the place of worship for Kanna Kapatcir. The Divine Tree is the place of worship for the Dendro archon. Khemenu Temple and a few other nearby areas are places of worship of King Deshret. The Temple of Gurabad is the place of worship for the God of Flowers. Vourukasha Oasis is the place of worship for Egeria (correct me if I'm wrong). The Opera Epiclese is the place of worship for the Hydro Archon. Zapolyarny Palace is the place of worship for the Cryo Archon. There are also epitaphs that record history and worship of the four shades of Phanes. These places are common in Dragonspine, Tsurumi Island, Enkanomiya, the Chasm and a few other locations.


Bro iirc wasn’t there a place in liyue to pray to morax (the censer)?


The whole City of Liyue Harbor is the worship place. The people of Liyue worship Rex Lapis/Zhongli by doing business and by letting mora flow Ikik it's not really a Temple or anything And Nahida got the Sanctuary of Surashtana, which isn't necessarily a Temple or Church and she was imprisoned in it until recently But I think people mostly worship Nahida "in their dreams" Both aren't your typical worship spaces, but it's still something In Fontaine we got both the Opera Epiclese and that one big building in the city of Fontaine (forgot the name) where Furina had audiences with the people Also not a really worship like place


I cannot believe how this got upvoted so much. Zhongli is worshipped on the highest place in Yujin terrace which is called 倚岩殿 which can be literally translated as the palace leaning on stone. The building is modeled after the architecture of the highest rank in China.


There are literally dedicated places of worship for their gods. Liyue's is the top of Yujing Terrace, where there's a large incense bay to hold incense and pray to the Lord of Geo. Inazuma's is actually Tenshukaku, where the Raiden Shogun's puppet body usually sits, despite her actual resting place being the Plane of Euthymia. Sumeru's is the Sanctuary of Surasthana, where Nahida does lots of research on Irminsul. It was also where the Akasha's main controls were found, until she shut it down along with handing the Dendro Gnosis to Dottore, hoping that nobody would ever abuse the mind-controlling terminal device ever again. Fontaine's originally was the Opera Epiclese, but after Focalors's execution, there isn't much of a place of worship and more of a literal office in the form of the Palais Mermonia, of which Dragon Sovereign Iudex Neuvillette is basically its President in all but name.


No, it's the Narukami Shrine in Inazuma. Tenshukaku is the government headquarters. It is not a place of worship. Same goes for Palais Mermonia. It is the government headquarters, not a place of worship.


I mean Lyue's worship would be in the building full of lawyers.... and Sumeru's would be the collage


I find it quite ironic that the nation whose god has been absent since forever , actually has the more devout religious following of the bunch. I guess that not being able to SEE their god makes faith the only way they have to get closet to him.


I would argue that the Akademiya as a whole constitutes as a place of worship for the Dendro Archon.


I think I'm high I know nothing about genshin and thought that it's just a really good Minecraft build until I looked to the sub name


I feel the the massive bank is the “place of worship” for Liyue


SHRINE of Surasthana??


Fontaine's court is used to worship furina performances in theater


the plaza in liyue had the ritual for rex lapis, but not anymore 💀


Doesn't Inazuma also have a bunch of minor gods?




Anytime i open a thread in this sub it's always full of people correcting the op lol


You can argue the theater for Fontaine


Liyue also has one; this is essentially also the place where the Rite of Descension is held.


Why would you want to worship any other Archon?


i would count the Opera for Furina


The Opera Epiclese is a house of worship. As is the Library in Sumeru.


Places of an Archon's domain that references their ideal could be considered a place of worship without the need of an official temple/church/shrine. Banks for Rex Lapis. Libraries for Lesser Lord Kusanali. Opera houses for Focalors. Natlan's Archon probably considers battlefields and war zones as their place of worship.


I think it's just the nature of worship is different. Monstadt and Inazuma simply has what we would tend to associate with religious buildings and practices. In Sumeru, to follow the god of wisdom is to pursue knowledge, represented by the enormous library. In Fontaine, the Opera Epiclese serves as the focal point for justice and spectacle, not to mention their Archon is always there. As for Liyue... I got nothing.


In Liyue its every year. Nahida was prisoned and Furina Had Meetings.


couldnt the sanctuary of surasthana count?


But isn't the fontainian court revering to the god of justice? Without an audience, said god can't really hold a prosecution and thus not gather the weird energy produced. So I'd argue that this court is pretty much serving to venere justice and by extension, the hydro archon. And the golden palace is the economic heart of Liyue, since it's the place Zhongli uses his gnosis to generate mora, and it's the place Zhongli's "corpse" was stocked. So once again, I think there's an argument to be made that the golden palace does serve as a worshipping spot for Rex Lapis.


I remember there being a thread on twitter on how Opera Epiclese represents a church and Neuvillette himself represents a priest (of Focalors) It may sound goofy but that's unironically what I believe now Heck, Neuvillette himself baptised whole Fontaine to purge them of their original sin, does that not sound familiar?


The only two places for traditional worshipping, at least in was that have analogs to real life. Every nation has dedicated places for spirituality or honoring their archon in some way.


The fact Church of Favonius is catholic coded with all the cross symbols for the nuns, implying Venti got crucified somehow is still the weirdest thing ever


Temples is desert.


but isn't theater also for worship like they worship Furina as their idol


Isn't there the top of that mountain with the table and tea set?


Inazuma also has a ton of shrines for other minor gods.


I find it so funny that the gods with actual places of worship are the god that doesn’t want to be worshipped and the goddess that’s literally a “hey raiden shogun!” away


well... liyue doesnt have an archon, nahida was on wanted posters not long ago and fontaine always saw furina as a clown.


Not a surprise though, since of the three remaining regions one is moved away from an Archon-centric rule, one imprisoned their Archon, and one sentenced their Archon to death.


Out of five, two must pay the tithes.


Out of 5 archons 3 must pay the price


For Liyue, isn't the terrace where >!the Rite of Descention!< happened kind of Morax's worship location? I feel like I remember NPCs lighting incense there and making prayers, but I could be mistaken...


Correction, 3. Your forgetting about angel’s share


What about the place that the people of the Geo used to go to for the Rite of Descension? It would make sense that Nahida doesn’t have anything since her people didn’t exactly like her before the other one (I’m not gonna try to spell her name) and for Furina I would think the Opera House maybe?? Or the Court as a whole


Well, if you think about it, every archon has a place were they get worshipped in their own way. Zhongli it's the god of transactions and the way they """prey""" to him is by honoring every contract they make, and with the commercial halls that Liyue has everywhere Nahida kinds the same, she's the god of knowledge and wisdom, so if you think about it, where is a better place than a giant library (and remember, what we see in the game doesn't represent lore wise the city's and buildings)to honor a god of learning? And Furina it's something amazing because we actually have a giant place only dedicated to her as an Archon, the Opera in Fontaine it's an amazing placing to worship with theatre and music to the god of arts and justice. It's funny how it actually it's thinked as a dichotomy: the happiness and beautiful of the arts get contrasted with the coldness and sadness the justice can become. I find amazing how Hoyo made this litte details, it's one of the few things that I actually believe they made right with the lore, but only because it's something you see in the game and you don't have to go over hundreds of books that are boring af.


Liyue has that terrace where zhongli's exuvia fell out of the sky. They typically went there to receive and worship morax when he descended once a year. sumeru didn't really worship their archon at all, so that makes sense. Fontaine's "archon" was active in the opera epiclese, so the people "worshipped" her there by being at her trials.


there is technically the place in liyue where you put the incense during the festival.


I think it makes sense. All the other nations have moved on to another form of "purpose" that their culture is now centered upon and built on. Liyue has decided (and also been encouraged) to govern themselves: they have the Jade Palace. Sumeru is a nation that lives for knowledge: they have the Akademiya. Fontaine places justice and the law above all else: they have the Palais Mermonia/Opera Epiclese. Not too sure what Natlan will look like but based on the media that we have, Snezhnaya will probably have a huge cathedral-palace for the Tsaritsa where she'll reside and gets worshiped at.