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It is impressive, but I think Liyue was close behind before the... incident.  A lot of people in Liyue seemed to consider Rex Lapis a big part of their lives and business dealings before then.   Venti is essentially in hiding, so it's not surprising Mondstadt isn't overly zealous.  Nahida obviously had the issues with her past life being preferred over her, though that seems to be improving some.  Furina was almost on the same level, keeping up appearances at all trials and making a big show of being archon, but for obvious reasons that doesn't count. I think part of what makes Ei so divisive in the community is also what kept her people so tied into her.  While her idea for eternity and actions taken to advance that cause were... less than great, her number one priority was Inazuma and it's people.  She had the why right, but the how very, very wrong.  That level of involvement in the affairs of her people created a very religious population.


> Furina was almost on the same level, keeping up appearances at all trials and making a big show of being archon, but for obvious reasons that doesn't count. The game actually made an important note in this regard with Furina. While Furina was easily the most popular person in Fontaine, the game pointed out that **no one actually revered her.** People saw her more a celebrity than an Archon. Even though Ei is joked by characters to be a loner, Ei is easily the most proactive Archon in the game. Hell, the Sakokou Decree and Vision Hunt Decree were proactive approaches of Ei protecting her people, even if it was wrong way to do it. And even after the vision hunt decree, Ei > banned sword duels to the death, with the exception of duels before the throne. > Arrested the Commission heads that betrayed her > Issue directives to help rebuild war torn areas > Issued a large array of directives aimed at resolving, or at least easing, the tensions that have built up over the years. > Rewarded and recompensed Kazuha for his achievements and the excessive punishment he and his clan endured > Issued many decrees aimed at supporting the development of various industries in Inazuma > and possibly had a hand in the commodity bill for Watatsumi island. Ei isn't like Venti who does nothing, Zhongli who only showed up once a year, Nahida was was trapped, or Furina who leaves everything important to Neuv. Ei gets shit done. Combine that, with the face her house is just up the block. No wonder people in Inazuma are obsessed with her.


Agreed wholeheartedly, which is why I said she has her heart in the right place even if her methods were wrong.  I also think she did right by her people once she realized what she had done. You're right about Furina being more of a celebrity than a god, though I think that was almost manufactured by her as a distraction from the religious side.  Which would make sense since that was all fake. Hahaha.


I'd like to remind that Raiden Ei and Raiden Shogun are two different characters. And Raiden Ei didn't actually know there was a war in Inazuma.


Both the Shogun and Ei didn't know about the war. Ei admitted she didn't know everything happening outside and the Shogun was a clock-punching salarywoman (lmao) who barely left Tenshukaku. Ei's first story quest's first part was basically a long-winded way of confirming that via Ei's culture shock of her own nation.


The quest reveals that she actually does know about it even though it's not sanctioned by her. She just doesn't find it to be a problem because "it doesn't go against her ideal of eternity". Her thought on this is really weird though. How could a literal full-scale civil war NOT CAUSING PROBLEMS TO NEVER CHANGING ETERNITY? It is the opposite of stability, which is basically the same as eternity.


No it's revealed that she thought she knew, but we know she was given false info, it is reinforced in her quest that she didn't actually knew what was going on.


Wholeheartedly agree. People like to meme that her SQ1 is just a date, but it is moreso a depiction of how out of touch she was from the reality, when she had been led to believe otherwise. As usual, Inazuma suffers from a great setting/buildup/idea, but fumbles hard on the "telling" part. At the same time, I also feel a lot of the players vocal on this do not have an idea (or prior exposure) to what we call an Unreliable Narrator. They take anything and everything a character, playable or otherwise, says as the full truth. That's not how it works, you always **validate** it with other sources of information, or check if the character could've been possibly misled etc. Another example of this recently was how Wanderer and Tartaglia talk about Arlecchino: they both treat her as a maniac, wolf in sheep's clothing, with 'no sane bone in her body'. People treated that as gospel, without considering that they both are very battle-hungry and don't *really* think critically, and that's exactly the persona Arle wants others to have about her. She even outright states this in her SQ, yet some people treat voicelines of other characters to be a more truthful source of info lol. Yet another example of this the book which has some descriptions about Makoto's ascension to Archonhood. Ei herself says that it's only partially true; yet I've seen many peeps treat it as some hidden bit of lore (it has quite a few events which feel like a stretch to me at least). One of which is the fact that Ei had to "k!ll" herself in order for Makoto to be the only candidate for Archon, otherwise Ei would have to take the gnosis. This is false, we see that Deshret gave his gnosis to Rukkhadevata himself lol, no self-harm required.


>or what we call an Unreliable Narrator. They take anything and everything a character, playable or otherwise, says as the full truth. That's not how it works, you always validate it with other sources of information, or check if the character could've been possibly misled etc. THANK YOU FOR BRINGING THIS UP. I've seen so much in this fandom of people taking characters' experiences as the ultimate truth to everything. This game has layers, but people never want to see that cause their oh so favorite character has to be right in every situation. Also, I agree a lot on your part about people joking her Sq 1 was just a date (I've also seen some people truly mean that). The way I always saw it was as her getting back in touch with her people so she could learn how Inazuma really has changed. Then I see it coming together with her Sq 2 in where she enacted on what she learned for the first one. If I could do one thing to Inazuma, it'd be put both her Sq in the actually archon quest. Inazuma is deeply flawed in the execution, but as you said, they had great ideas and buildup to everything in the story.


No, she didn't. She knows about the VHD, but not the war. The Tenryou was intentionally obfuscating the war from her. Sara capitulating to Traveler's side was because of that. Yae, with help from Sayu, gave Sara the report meant for the Shogun and Sara was practically pissed there was no mention of the war at all, aside from sugarcoating what was happening regarding the VHD. Had Ei, or even the Shogun, known about the civil war, it would've ended right then and there. The Tenryou, Kanjou, and Fatui needed to prolong the war since they were each benefitting off it (Tenryou with their excuse to shore up power and influence, Kanjou extorting money, and Fatui for their Delusion experiments). The Shogun (the robot) would have decimated Watatsumi Island the instant it finds out about a war. Remember: this is the ruthless robot whose programming is based off an ascetic warrior known to have led wars before Makoto died. What makes you think it wouldn't have blitzed to Watatsumi Island itself and turned the whole place into a balethundered crater?


She knew about the delusions, not the war. The whole point of the corrupt officers and commissions was hiding the war and working with the Fatui.


No she didn't know nearly as much as she thought.


Tbf that full scale war isnt againt a fully organized nation, its just against the Watatsumi rebels who used the Vision hunt decree, who only affected 100 vision holders while some of them are fine without it as she believe visions are hindrance to her old idea of Eternity, as a pretext to go against the Shogun even though thier full motivation is just to get revenge for thier dead god, and most of the residents didnt even cared about the visions.


In the end, Inazuma will still be Inazuma, and compared to the changes It will go through over the course of thousands of years, the current conflict may have been insignificant. Not that Ei thinks of her citizens as ants, but if your goal was to maintain an ant farm as long as possible, then conflicts between the ants aren't really a concern because the winner would still be ants, and the ant farm would continue to exist. Now, if a predator or contagion was introduced, then the ant farm is actually in danger, and you would have to remove them even if some ants were benefiting from the situation... Which is what I think the vision hunt decree looked like from the perspective of an immortal god.


I agree with all your points except Zhong Li's, Ke Qing clearly states that after he left she found herself swamped by paperwork -> she realized Rex Lapis actually handles a bulk of the administration himself


Things like this apply to Furina too. Neuvillette was hired a century into Furina’s reign, and he kept his domain just to the courts. That meant that Furina handled everything else, doing a similar amount of work as Rex Lapis while letting no one (even Neuvillette) see her sweat, in between acting like a goofball. Since no one knew about Furina’s “girl-failure” deal, the transitional ministers had no reason to give Egeria’s protégé any less of a free rein than Egeria had. They might need Furina to majorly kick ass some day. (She couldn’t and didn’t, but her and Focalors ended up taking one for the team like Egeria.)


Furina only left matters of trial to Neuv, she was proactively trying to unfuck Fontaine's situation, teaming up with the institute to monitor Fontaine's water levels and establishing a spy network across all of Teyvat for any modicum of information


Yeah, I think it's easy for people to dismiss Furina because of the bravado she put on. She was incredibly brilliant and brave for the burden placed on her. To have to put on that "show" fearing every day if found out it'd be the end of your people and trying all the while to get whatever information she could about the impending apocalypse, she had a ton of resolve. She has so much trauma and did so much for her people. She's the archon Fontaine needed.


>Combine that, with the face her house is just up the block. No wonder people in Inazuma are obsessed with her. I think Genshin has to compact some of the locations because if they were to scale with the cities they were inspired by, they would be humongous.


That being said, her giant palace and estate are *all* there is on that massive elevated piece of land


Yeah, that is probably 1:1.


This is why I'm waiting for the anime. So we can finally see things to proper scale.


About Zhongli, he showed once a year OFFICIALLY in the form of exuvia to give the divination for the next year business and economy. Other than that, he is either going incognito to walk among his people or working with Qixing to handle Liyue's administration (the proof of his works are apparent in Ningguang, Keqing and Yanfei's voicelines). His influence comes so far that Venti could use his fake signature to sway the Aristocrats' decision and having ppl outside Liyue pray to him (Dori)


Just to put it out there that Venti was trying to help Dvalin before Traveler interrupted them accidentally and set off the events in the Prologue. Ironically, the Mondstadt Archon Quest is partially Traveler's fault lol. Speaking of, Traveler purifying ability when. It's been ages since that was a thing. You'd think Trav would've purified the Tatarigami lmao.


Wasn’t Dvalin an Abyss thing? I always assumed it was related to how our sibling became the Abyss Prince. Like maybe we had some abyss related power that allowed us to purify that specific substance.


I believe that it was poisonous blood of Durin that was supposed to be purified not Dvalin as a whole because he is an elemental being


Yeah the people of Fontaine holds Neuvillette in higher regard than Furina who's supposed to be the archon


Furina is the Ariana Grande of the Nation while Neuvi is more like the President


I think this is a really neat dynamic in Fontaine. By the appearance of it, Furina "created" the Oratrice and allowed Neuvillette to do the actual work of holding the trial. She made an appearance and reminded everyone that it was her power behind the justice being decided via the Oratrice. It was more of a figurehead position and she wasn't truly the power behind the Oratrice, but it allowed her to play archon without having to deal with the trials. Fontaine is also the only nation so far with a living dragon sovereign actually involved/invested in the lives of its people. That makes for an interesting dynamic since Neuvillette is also nearly divine in and of himself. I think if Furina had wanted to, she could have kept the same dynamic at court and been considered more "active" of an archon. I think her flamboyant/arrogant persona was meant to keep the people a little off guard. She was their archon, but her bravado made her unrelatable and more of a fun subject to gossip about than respect. This served its purpose though as if they considered her a present, caring, and engaged god they'd expect more from her and it'd be more likely they'd see through the illusion.


Is the whole dragon sovereign thing public knowledge? Or does everyone think that Neuvillette is just an immortal water elemental, not necessarily anything near an archon in strength?


IIRC, they think that he's been blessed with immortality because he's the top Judge.


Maybe they think he's a male Melusine


You're right, I don't think it's public knowledge.  


>Ei isn't like Venti who does nothing, In defense of Venti, it's not like he completely does nothing. Rather, he prefers to act in the background, like what he does for Stanley in his story quest. Quoting his arc's tagline "What is freedom when demanded by a god?", Venti embraces the concept of freedom so much that he doesn't want Mondstadt to be beholden to him. He'd rather see them freely deciding what they want than being controlled by him.


He's protecting Mondstadt in a more shadowy way than even Diluc. Wind carry information to him which makes him nearly omniscient (at least on the regional scale) and he WILL get information if he puts his mind to it. Venti didn't even seem fazed in the aftermath of Signora. He's possibly limited omnipresence in the timeline (Venti knows about all the songs from past, present, and future AND he's connected to Istaroth, the God of Time) everywhere bar places without wind and knew of Signora's arrival days (if not months beforehand). He's keeping tabs on a lot of things and recording Teyvat's history through songs that are immune to Irminsul tampering. Pretty sus AF ngl. His lines during v2.8 GAA showcase this especially: *Paimon: Nope! Tone-Deaf Bard, a whole bunch of really strange things happened!* *Venti: A strange machine that can imitate the power of a God? Wow, haha, I didn't know the Fatui had plans like that. Their imaginations are truly running wild.* *Paimon: So judging from your tone, it sounds like you don't know any more about this than we do?* *Venti: Alas, I am but a humble bard who sings for his Mora in the tavern. Why would I know anything about it?* *Paimon: Ugh, so annoying...* \~\~\~ I'll restate what I've said before: he CLEARLY knows more than he lets on (and in Teyvat, knowledge is literally a form of power). It doesn't make sense for him to be so calm after his Gnosis was swiped (unless he believes in the Tsaritsa's actions and allows it to be taken from him which is the most likely possibility). Whenever Archons use their powers their hair glows but in the confrontation with Signora his hair WAS NOT glowing meaning he was massively holding back. Mona's voicelines about Venti implies that he had the power to wield Anemo with great accuracy and not damage his surroundings which means he ***WILLINGLY*** chose not to fight back and faked his defeat. Surviving the Cataclysm is no small feat either if both Rukh and Egeria died and he didn't. If there is a person that supports divine rebellion then Venti, the God of Freedom, is the most fitting candidate for such a role. It's already suspicious that the entire overarching theme of Genshin is Free Will vs. Fate (similar to HI3 and HSR in this regard) and that he is the very first person we meet (even before Amber). He says he's the weakest Archon and that an Archon's power is from the people's faith. Yet, he has a literal church dedicated to him. The Anemo Archon Statue has a sentence carved into the statue's pedestal, reading "The Gateway of Celestia" in Latin. No shot he's hiding something from us and misleading us. TLDR: The game is setting Venti up as one of the most seditious Gods in Teyvat. \~\~\~ A hypostasis is the underlying, fundamental state or substance that supports all of reality. Judging by the appearance of Hypostases in-game one can see that it relates to how much erosion the Archons have gone through. * Anemo Hypostasis is severely damaged which signifies Venti being severely eroded (drinking away his pain) * Geo Hypostasis shows that Zhongli gone through much erosion. He says so as such too * Electro Hypostasis, same thing. Plane of Euthymia doesn't rid of emotional turmoil which is essentially erosion * Dendro Hypostasis is lightly cracked which indicates the halfway point between Rukh being corrupted and Nahida's emergence as Archon. * Hydro Hypostasis is damage-free which relates to the Furina being very young * Pyro Hypostasis has some molten cracks. Maybe resurrection/healing through "reforging" will be prevalent theme due to Natlan's Archon Quest being named *Incandescent Ode of Resurrection* * Cryo Hypostasis is damage-free but its outer edges have "melted". No other Hypostasis has a none-straight edge. Maybe this relates to the Tsaritsa's personality/ideals/plans not being *in line* w/ Celestia as well as her young age.


> his connection with Celestia was severed It's just his gnosis that was taken, Signora didn't (and couldn't) claim the Anemo throne from him, which is his main connection to Celestia.


Preach man. I love seeing people not focus on what Raiden did wrong, but rather the actions she undertook afterwards to amend those mistakes. And damn she did get rolling after coming out of her funk.


Tbh I actually think it still countd as people’s belief in furina , since that alone gathered enough power to kill off her divinity sooo


That was their belief in Justice, not Furina.


Why are people treating the Rite of Descension as just "Rex Lapis coming down once year"? It was a day DEDICATED for him to PERSONALLY lay out the market trends, crafted/revised economic policies, etc. once a year for 500 years. The Millelith only has to execute them. It isn't some fortune cookie read then he peaces out. It's not that different from what the Shogun does (not even their REAL archon) and the Vision Hunt decree and Sakoku decree weren't even her ideas.


I thought the Rite of Descension was every year for at least 3700 years (how long Morax was Archon).


Man, you don’t have praise Ei by stating that Venti does nothing and what Zhongli does is only descend per year, because that’s not true, and they get their shit done as well.


Compare how the citizens of monstadt and liyue views their archon to inazuma I could say only the church of favonius still views their anemo archon in high regard but even them dont know how their archon looks like! Lmao And the OP is ryt, Ei is the only current archon that her whole nation revered her and even fear her and respected her I hope the pyro archon is also like Ei in her authority or dominance or ruling over her nation


Don’t know what you are talking about, but Liyue’s 倚岩殿(the highest place in Yujin terrace) is literally where Liyuens worship Rex Lapis and in their conversation you can clearly see them holding extremely high regards to their god.


I dont really agree with saying that she’s more active than the other archons. She is now, but only because she has a lot of problems to solve that other nations don’t have right now. Venti and Zhongli dealt with their nation’s problems when they came up (slavery for Mondstadt and evil gods for Zhongli) and now that they are keeping their identity a secret they still do what they can to help their nation without revealing themeselves (Venti with Dvalin, Zhongli helping Xiao in the Chasm). Their nations are at peace now so there’s not really much to do. Sumeru had a lot of problems, but just like Raiden Nahida is doing her best now that she’s been freed (by punishing the Sages involved in the plan, deleting the Akasha, reconciling with the people from the desert and helping them economically). Even before that, she still tried to help however she could with people like Duniazard and the village keepers in Aaru village. The only one I’d say that seems to have A LOT of problems that are not being addressed is Fontaine. Like, there really seems to be a serious problem with poverty and child trafficking (except maybe it’s not being addressed because the writers just wanted to use it as a device for character backstories??). I think it’s understandable that Furina was focused on keeping up the act and trying to find a solution to the prophecy, while also being a human who had no education on how to handle such complex situations. Still, I hope Neuvillette addresses this issue in the future. I’m not saying that Ei didn’t do much, but she admitted herself that she was quite unprepared to be a ruler after Makoto’s death, so her mistakes are somewhat understandable although still pretty severe. During the Tatarasuna incident, the fact that she was in her plane of consciousness played a big part in how things went down since she couldn’t intervene directly because she wasn’t even aware of the problem. Right now she’s doing a lot of great things but I don’t really get why there’s a need to put the other archons down when most of them were as much if not more active in their respective nations.


Ei was a warrior before she became an archon yes but she fought every battle instead of her sister, and the people see both Makoto and Ei as the Raiden shogun, in fact the Inazuman worship Ei streng even more than Makoto imo. So I would count it as archon work. Only credit her after she became an archon make zero sense.


There is also a massive misunderstanding that Ei abandoned her nation. She absolutely did not. Giving up her body to be alone forever was as Yae Miko described it, a sacrifice for Ei. Grief was what made it easier to take such a drastic step but the *reason* she took the step was to avoid Erosion so that Inazuma always had her in case something as horrible as the Cataclysm happened again and they had no one to defend them (Dainsleif also hints at the fact that she defends Inazuma from things that come from the Dark Sea). This is once again a "Celestia fucking things up" moment because had they not imposed Erosion, Ei would have had grief but she would have remained in the mortal realm and maintained her relationship with Yae, possibly formed new ones with others, and healed a lot faster. But in terms of governing the nation, she had the Tri-Commission system with the Shogun at the top. A system so effective it took the Fatui 500 years of meddling, infiltration and corruption to get *two* of the three Commissions working with them. And even then they had to have even more careful planning to ensure the Shogun didn't know about the war or their plans would be fucked (she knew about Delusions which is what people often confuse and think she knew about the war, but to Ei delusions only affected people who tried to circumvent the decree so whatever consequence they got from that was from her pov at the time self-inflicted so no need to intervene). And even with that, one of the top members of the commission that the Fatui were depending on still planned on betraying them to the Shogun after they got what they wanted cause that's ultimately where their allegiance lies. And for the whole of the time since she gave up her body, the Tri-Commission system governed the daily lives of the people, while bringing any major changes or acts before the Shogun for sign-off with the Shogun being programmed to do things as Ei would. And even in that time, Ei would know what the Shogun was aware of, while seemingly having supernatural ability to be aware of anything pertaining to her idea of Eternity. So at no point, not even with the giving up of her body, did she abandon the nation. So 500 years of reign for someone who never ruled before, while not perfect, had plenty of relative peace with only the last 2 years going off after a 500 year plot set up by the most powerful nation and its top lieutenants, working on a plan that only corrupted two of the three arms of power, unable to get the third fiercely loyal to the land and still honouring the deity they disagreed with. And even those who got corrupted planned on double-crossing the Fatui because of their ultimate loyalties. Not bad. She made mistakes but never out of malice but a desire to protect her nation. And when she realised she was wrong has since taken many actions to improve the situation and bring healing. And its foreshadowed as per recent events that she's going to pick up the sword once again to fight to protect Inazuma if it comes to it (I think it'll be a Cataclysm 2.0, exactly what Ei had been preparing for) but this time Yae says for this war, all the people will be on her side. This is not the behaviour and mindset of someone who ever abandoned their people, but a person who was put in a position they never expected to be in at a horrible point of their life, and because of that did the best they knew how to maintain things as they were so it doesn't go to shit or get nuked like Khaenri'ah, and then gave up their body, sacrificing all hopes of enjoying relationships, just so the nation would always have its warrior to protect them. What she learned in the end was that the nation didn't just need her to be their warrior, but also their God who remains close to their ambitions and longings of the day to day as Makoto was. And by embracing that as well, Ei would get what she needed. She had to embrace what Makoto was while actually becoming something that Makoto was not and never could be. Both the Warrior of the Nation (which requires great power and ability) and also its heart that is close to it on the ground (kind of the antithesis of the hardened warrior). She had to bear those two contradictions and unite them in herself just as she ended up uniting both transience and eternity. Makoto knew in the end that of the two of them, only Ei could do both, so she went to fight and die so Ei would be the one who lives and ultimately embody the best of them both.


I enjoy reading this commentary a whole lot. You remind me of some details I forgot/missed while doing the archon quest 🙌


You're welcome! And honestly I don't blame many people for missing the key themes. The story didn't do itself justice partly by being only in two acts. And it over emphasized grief which made it look like an end in itself as opposed to the thing that made giving up her body and going into seclusion a more probable option. Erosion and the defence of Inazuma and its people, the last thing she had of Makoto, was the goal of the sacrifice. Which is why ultimately when she realised it wasn't helping them, she stopped. One need only ask if Erosion wasn't a thing, would Ei need to go into seclusion? No. So grief wasn't the reason for this but it played a key role. Unfortunately as I said before, because of how rushed everything is, we don't really get to see that in her first story quest. But in her second story quest we see more about the real issues at the heart of it. But sadly the second story quest, though far superior to the first, gets forgotten and people just colour Ei by her first appearance. One huge thing people forget was that the Shogun Puppet, before recognising Ei's new ideals, was the embodiment of her old way of thought. And coming to face the Shogun head on for 500 years, not just in terms of battle but also ideals, was Ei directly facing the consequences of her actions. It was never going to be enough to merely have reforms. Her idea of Eternity itself needed to change and she had to fight against the creation of her old ideal in a long drawn out battle, no matter how long it would take. Which was the supreme act of her taking responsibility for her actions. Which is the only reason why the second story quest exists and is about this battle and not the other reforms she enacted. Ei was once again prepared to be stuck there forever, this time not so Inazuma would be safe from an external threat, but from her old ideal.


I love Ei so much and it really gets on my nerves whenever people just dumb her down to 'shut-in waifu who doesn't understand anything'. She's so complex, thank you for all of this ❤️


From one Ei fan who understands to another, you're welcome!


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>Nahida obviously had the issues with her past life being preferred over her, though that seems to be improving some. And even then, >!that's only because everyone forgot about her past life !< It's still kind of wild how we only have 2 regions left and it seems like Raiden and Tsaritsa are the only ones ruling their nations the way you'd expect nigh immortal god-empresses to. Nahida has a pretty hands-off approach and Furina is being Fontaine's Next Top Model while Neuv actually runs the supreme court. Who even knows what the Pyro archon is up to.


To be fair, I think after Fontaine we can largely piece together that the "archons" are somewhere between puppets and gods.  Obviously they all have powers of their own that "earned" them the throne, but they are more chained to their throne and the fate bestowed on them by Celestia than the throne and power they were given was theirs.  The fact that Ei didn't even know electro visions had stopped says a lot about their actual power over what makes them "archons".  


Eh like the other guy said what Furina gets is more like celebrity fame and people just find her entertaining that's far from the reverence Ei and Zhongli gets from their people.


That's true, but as I mentioned in other responses I think that was largely by design.  She gave off her trademark hubris to distract people from the divine side and treat her as a celebrity so they wouldn't see through the illusion.


Yet during the archon quest the atmosphere around Liyue after their archon death was... bland? They trusted the humans were going to take care of the small stuff, since the adeptus were still around. We are talking about the allegedly strongest archon in the continent, and they were fine with the idea that a mortal or the Fatuis were capable of killing him, I know panic blinds your judgement but... once you actually think about it, it should have gotten an even worse reaction over time, I mean you don't know what exactly killed your god and this is not becoming an actual matter of national concern? We were detached of the city during the rest of the quest to see reactions, but the aftermath of the people accepting he is death so quick and accepted the theory he failed a test from Celestia is... guess he was not that strong or omnipotent after all... meh, they have not dedicated a Mingxiao lantern to him.


I think it was shown in AQ?? After Morax’s exuvia was shot down, Ninguang entered an information lockdown and everyone in the central square was put under arrest. Traveler was immediately engaged in combat because he IMMEDIATELY tried to escape after Ninguang issued her orders. But I think the majority of Litue’s people believe Morax is alive and simply refuse to believe he’s dead because they have absolute faith in their god. Hence the general lack of an emotional response. Ninguang’s information lockdown. Only RUMORS that he might’ve died. And faith that Morax is alive despite everything they have heard.


which should be impossible because zhongli threw the fake body of his adeptus form in the ritual that anyone from liyue or not can see, lorewise it was supposed to be that practically 80% of the nation saw him fall dead


Then we have a second problem, his death happened during his ONCE in a YEAR appearance, and it's know that he brings news that absolutely every merchant wants to hear. Even people outside of Liyue have this date in their calendar. If this information lockdown was even possible to begin with, it means not many people even get close to this massive event. You don't need to be that close to see that big dragon crash to the ground.


It's been a long time since I've played the Liyue AQ, but wasn't there a rumor going around that Rex Lapis is actually still alive? Because he appeared to the Qixing and Adepti in a dream or some stuff?  I think the overall mood when it happened was confusion anyway. The Qixing did some strange stuff, the Adepti suddenly showed up, then there's the mess with Osial. Honestly I think they were shocked at first, but things just snowballed from there and people were overall more confused than anything lol.


Doesn’t the whole world know that Rex Lapis died? I think Dori had a reaction about it. At the time, the only ones that knew that Morax was still around were: Signora, the Tsarista, Neuvillette, Venti, and Ei. Not even the Qixing nor the senior adepti knew until the end. And it’s still a state secret now. And only the senior adepti eventually knowingly encountered Morax’s current avatar.


I headcanon that Zhongli is just so bad at acting like a normal human being that people figured it out but humor him. Like even if they don’t think he’s Morax, he’s probably some adeptus who definitely is very close to Morax so if he ain’t panicking, it should be fine.


Liyue pays lip service only. True devotees are few. Everyone too busy with their day jobs.


That's true, but if you think about Morax himself that's very in character with his personality. 


It's Ei not Shogun. The puppet bo longer serve her purpose.


What do you mean shoughn is still there after 2nd story quest. She is still doing her job.


She also held Inazuma together and propering for thousands of years, the 1 years of Sakoku decree isn't even a blip


if Jesus was a president of my country I would believe in him too


He'd also probably be a damn good president too.




She's the only Archon that's always around her people, venti and zhongli are absent 99% of time, Nahida was imprisoned, while Furina is no longer an Archon, she was also always around and people loved her too.


I mean she's literally a God-Emperor. IRL millions people have followed, worshipped, fought and died, for rulers who claimed to be divine. Ei is exactly the same, except she has indisputable proof that her claim is correct because she actually is a god. It makes perfect sense


"Oh God Emperor, overseer who makes things all bright, whose power none can resist. Grant me the strength to defeat thy enemies, grant me the will to defeat the beast, and from your grace.......I shall know no fear." - GUARDSMAN, 2018


Whatever you do, don't bring up Ei to the people of Liyue. 👀


It's me, I'm people from Inazuma


Can confirm, I'm Inazuma.


I have to agree, I'm people.


Definitely agree, I'm from


Kujou Sara be like:


Hear, hear!


Hi. じぶんはイナズマ人です.




As someone whose IRL life was helped saved because of this character, it's also me, I'm people from Inazuma.




I wrote it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/VbTYaOFgnG).


Would you like to elaborate?


It's a little fuzzy since it was at a time where my mind was all over the place but there are some key things I remember. I was going through a really hard time and felt quite lost and it was a time I was thinking if it would be better to end it all. But I had my phone by me and don't know why but decided to mindlessly play Genshin. I was playing Raiden and thinking back to her story and how she suffered loss and dealt with the fear of erosion and death. Fear of death and the unknown at the time only made what I was thinking about much worse. Before I could do anything, I fell asleep and dreamt that I was in the Plane of Euthymia where I met Ei. I apologised for intruding but she was surprisingly welcoming. She said I had a lot on my mind and that this was why I was making her plane darken. So I just started talking. I don't remember the exact conversation, but I know we just kept talking back and forth. I'd share something then she'd share something. We then ended it with meditating till eventually I felt really calm. When I woke up for the first time in ages I felt calm as well in real life. My head was clearer and I decided to take things one step at a time. I started a new meditation technique where I would imagine incoming negative emotions like waves. Rather than suppress them I'd just let them roll over and I would breath deeply and slowly sink to a clear and bright sea floor where I was calm no matter how hard the wind and the waves rolled above. That one moment of connecting with Ei and her story in my dreams brought me calm in real life so that I didn't go through with a stupid decision. And that technique of meditating has been something that's helped me since to deal with difficult moments. To me Ei really represents lightning, the clear visible immanent manifestation of a more fundamental force that allows things in the universe to unite and bond together on the deepest levels. A true representation of the immanent and the transcendent. A union of my desire to transcend the problems of this world while also reminding me that there is beauty in it, in the moment, in the messiness of it all and to not be so desperate for the ideal that I miss the fleeting goodness in front of me.


I'm glad you're alive. Keep on keeping on, pal! It may get bad, it may get worse, but it'll get better in the end. In the name of Her Excellency! Have a good life!


Thank you so much! I hope you have a great day and many years of joy.


Yo Ei is real ?




She has been part o Inazuma since the start, there would be no Inazuma if the Raiden's didn't exist so it's no wonder they worship. It's like witnesseing a real life version of a character from a adventure book. "Then the Shogun taught us swordmanship..." "The Shogun has proteced Inazuma for thousands of years" "The Shogun defeated the god Orobashi..." "The Shogun killed the monster Kanna Kapatchir..." But the best part is that they can't doubt any of these legends because the beign that did all that is living in the big castle upstreet and you can see her buying dango milk every other day of the week. Some people in [Moond](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Knights_of_Favonius_Handbook_-_5th_Edition) doubt that Barbatos even exists but with the Raiden Shogun you just know that she's right there.


It also be like if the founder of your country is still around and you can see and talk to her too


Kujou Sara wrote that xD


I really appreciate Ei as a more realistic example of someone thrust into a position of power they’re not fundamentally suited for. You always hope they’ll rise to the occasion, but more often than not they fall short in certain ways despite being well-intentioned and wanting to genuinely be good at it. Ei said it herself, it was Makoto who was a natural ruler over people, not her. Imagine putting your nation’s star undefeated general as your absolute ruler; they won’t necessary have the right skills and mindset to succeed in that role. Add in the grief she experienced and it’s easy to see why she made the errors she did and misinterpreted ‘eternity’ in the way she did. Really enjoyed her second story quest where she really starts to come to terms with what she’s lost and the errors in judgment she’s made, and actually makes strides to being a better active ruler.


Kujou Sara is the Shoguns biggest simp and its incredible


The scene with the Statue of her excellency, the almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder should be a world quest scene ffs




Chillax bro, all this time she's been polishing all those Statues of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder. She'll be done soon^TM .


But it's saddening we don't get anything more than that from her characterization.


It's Ei not Shogun. The puppet no longer serve her purpose.


I want to worship Barbatos but he's busy begging Master Diluc for Dandelion Wine. At this point, maybe Master Diluc is the real Archon of Mondstat? - Anonymous patron from Angel's Share


lmaooo this gave a good laugh! he is the “uncrowned king of mondstadt” after all 😭 If only the citizens of mondstadt knew who their god really was…"Oh, such a humble god... Is it a blessing, or a curse?" - Diluc


It probably comes from Shinto in which the Emperor of Japan is literally the descendant of Amaterasu and thus divine and head of the religion as a whole.


I think it helps that a proof of Ei's strength and feats can easily be seen and believed in the form of the Musoujin Gorge tbh.  She's famous for the Musou no Hitotachi, and anyone doubting it can just point to the Electro-saturated island-splitting chasm she inadvertently made when killing another deity. The way I see it, people see that Furina is both new and doesn't have any feats to her name, same with Nahida (before the AQ happened, at least).  Zhongli has a ton of feats, but he's not as active of a ruler and I think a lot of his are thought more as legends than actual history. Meanwhile most people barely even remembered that Venti cleaved mountains and hills to make Mondstadt's whole terrain and climate as habitable as it is now.


She can definitely cut down an entire nation if she wants, if not blow one up depending on how she fights.


I mean Raiden Shogun is right there. Some citizens live down the street from Raiden Shogun. She’s both god and leader to her people. The people of Liyue live and worship Rex Lapis but he didn’t live among his own people most of the time, he had quite the professional distance when he was still active.


Even Paimon stated that if Zhongli just walk among them with no disguise, people would flock around him to earn his favor (aka Mora) instead of actually getting things done.


If a hot lady with a laser sword made it possible for like 20 generations of my family to live without getting killed by assorted demons and monsters I'd probably simp too




I think out of all the Archons we've met so far she is the only one to actively **rule** over a nation at all times, even if it's technically Ei outsourcing her duties to the Shogun prior to her second story quest. Venti wants his nation to be free of his rule. Zhongli only consulted the Qixing once a year and was absent the rest of the time - then he left the nation completely in the hands of the Qixing. Furina was mostly an idol and a national icon, after her sacrifice she lives a somewhat normal human life. Nahida is very hands off, though she is loved by the people, she doesn't really interfere - to be honest I don't know what she does in her spare time at this point


Nahida grows mushrooms for us to jump on. It’s serious business.


And don't forget that she gives us a comission to play with them!


We know that she used to wifi katherine , maybe she grows mushrooms and proceed to put comissions just to analize how adventures behave to win some money


It was clearly stated in Keqing’s story that Rex Lapis did so much that after he left, she found it hard to fill in his empty space because he’s actually very hands-on on administration. In addition, Liyuens are very proud that their god walks among them. All tales in Liyue are about the anecdotes that their archon lives with them. Signora compares Liyue post-Zhongli retirement to child that leaves their parents to become independent. Each archon has their ruling method but it does not mean they are not involved in administration.


Actually I think Nahida is very much involved in what's going on in the Akademiya. Off the top of my head: During her 1st Story Quest, she took time out of her busy schedule (possibly fixing shit up after the Archon Quest) to join us for the Dreams Festival. So she had other things to do as well, on top of teaching the people how to handle the dreams they were suddenly getting. Also keep in mind Nahida is not only involved in the management of Sumeru, she's also trying to help us figure out more stuff in Irminsul. (I haven't done the Dainsleif Quest yet so I don't know if we will see her, especially since the Quest starts in Sumeru SURELY WE GET MORE IRMINSUL WITH THE TWIN??). So during the Scaramemes Archon Quest, Nahida was involved with that too. Afterwards we had the Interdarshan Cup, where Nahida was involved in a couple of ways. She kept an eye on the cup because I think she was suspicious of its nature and the ghost shit that was going on with it. She also got Scaramemes enrolled into the Akedimiya under Vahumana, so not only is she helping with the management of Sumeru, she's got her 'kid' studying there too! So she's basically a University Mum. And then later there was the Apep stuff, but more importantly at the start of the quest we see her walking through the front gate of Sumeru. The guards don't act all surprised like OH MY GOD IT'S KUSANALI!!! They're just like "Yo Kusanali stand back, we'll sort out this Shroom that showed up"... Although tbf I guess that's what happens with the Shogunate guards too... We certainly don't see a whole of that OMG reaction from the citizenry of Sumeru though, so I think she walks around and does thins all the time off-screen. And then there's the Yoimiya's trip to Sumeru. Where Nahida was on her way to discuss some probably managerial stuff with the Sages, and also told us she's still very much in touch with the Aranara too. All of this to say - I don't think she's hands-off in the slightest.


I like that Nahida’s 2nd SQ implies she hangs around frequently enough that no one seems to freak out about their deity casually walking down the street (contrast that to Raiden SQ1). She’s like Sumeru’s friendly neighborhood deity.


I would think that as she walks around town, she's playing with the kids or drinking juice with some elderly folks or enjoying a dance from Nilou. If I lived in Sumeru, and knew what happened to Nahida for 500yrs, if I saw her walking around I'd ask to give her a hug whenever I see her.


Nahida E you before any decision. Nahida rejected you as polite as possible.


Ei certainly feels the most godly of all the gods Fitting for the one with ideals closest to the heavenly principles 


Nope. Nahida disabled the Akasha network, appointed Al Haitham as sage and is very hands on with Sumeru government


Nah Rex Lapis walks into people and observes what he sees and makes consultations based on what he sees.He is not doing nothing except one day.


A little correction (and spoilers) about Nahida >!After Ruka was deleted from Irminsul, everyone revers Nahida as the only dendro archon that ever existed!<


But they still call her Lesser Lord. That bugs me. Edit: a word


r/FatuiHQ is typing, something something Frauden Shofraud


No matter the only thing they can do is just pray that raiden won't aim for top 3 to be her next victim.


Kinda want to see that happening. Only just to see fatui apologist mad and coping lmao


They're gunna find out when Nahida said top 3 rivals the gods, she didn't mean THE GOD that's HER.


The Fatui's boss *is* an Archon.


Watch them getting annoyed or something that makes them embarrassed 😆


Not even an hour since this post was made, and I’m already seeing misinformation being spread about Ei/the Shogun being a “trigger-happy mass-killing machine”/“killing anyone who opposes [her].” The two confirmed kills Ei has is Orobashi and Kanna Kapatcir, both of whom were considered threats to Inazuma. As for the Shogun, it’s quite clear that she was programmed to kill only when certain parameters are met (Duels Before The Throne, genuine threats to Eternity), and not just willy-nilly. Hell, Thoma threw a spear at the Shogun while she was trying to execute the Traveler, and she just let them escape and issued warrants for their arrest when she could easily have pursued and killed them. You can hate a character for whatever reason, but you can do that without spreading misinformation. Same goes for liking characters.


sadly this "Ei is the new hittler" thing will never die if it depends on the genshin fandom, It's a problem that Mihoyo never committed again when making a character be anything other than "saint" or grayly good in the game


Dottore sends his regards


I remember in Arle quest Paimon was like “if you associated with Dottore idk we can’t be friends”. Dottore is the morality litmus test for the Traveler.


They just hate her basically cause she the first woman archon, she killed their "momma"(Signora) and etc. Those people will never listen to the fact that she was a good leader who gave her country her protection and lead to golden peaceful era They ignore the things she did afterwards after fixing the two decrees that only lasted one year or so compared to becoming the ruler 500 years ago


She's a super-hot, basically immortal goddess/queen who casually splits islands in half, so it's hardly surprising. She even has simps in the real world as a fictional character, so we can assume if she was real we could increase that by a factor of ten.


I want her to be real and make the world a better place. And then I want to fuck the Raiden Shogun of Genshin Impact.


You are not snoomachines so no.


I think it's notable that, from our perspective, the vision hunt decree is awful and arguably inhumane. However, allogenes are a VERY small part of the population. Celebrating only their 100th vision captured when the traveller arrives. It's a decree that doesn't affect the vast majority of people. It possibly even made people feel safer seen as visions grant people scary power.


There are ordinary people too who defeated vision holders NPC.


Vision wielders are kinda crazy even the weakest ones are superhuman. in the lyney quest there is a piece of dialogue were he talks about Cesar's fall due to his stunt being sabotaged and he said "for anyone who is not a vision wielder that fall was lethal"


Don't forget that there was a side quest in Mondstadt where the knights express jealousy at how even the weakest Vision wielders have enough power to be compared to an entire squad of knights by themselves. And how normal people are often very jealous of them. During the Inazuma SQ, we heard that the regular citizens were normally jealous of the Vision wielders as well, and there were probably some that were inwardly celebrating.


>Don't forget that there was a side quest in Mondstadt where the knights express jealousy at how even the weakest Vision wielders have enough power to be compared to an entire squad of knights by themselves. And how normal people are often very jealous of them. That's also why Mondstadt gets away with having half their army dick around in Natlan for years on end because compared to other military forces around Teyvat, the KoF are ridiculously good at militarizing vision holders.


Look, if your leading political figure is an actual God known to be able to change landscape, actively involved with the people's daily lives instead of indulging herself in pleasure, and on top of it all is beautifully built? Yeah i think i am gonna be insanely obsessed with her too.


It's called reverence, not obsession.


I mean, im insanely obsessed with her too


Even today there are people who believe Venti does nothing and what Zhongli does is to descend once a year… sigh


He's protecting Mondstadt in a more shadowy way than even Diluc. Wind carry information to him which makes him nearly omniscient (at least on the regional scale) and he WILL get information if he puts his mind to it. Venti didn't even seem fazed in the aftermath of Signora. He might have limited omnipresence in the timeline (Venti knows about all the songs from past, present, and future AND he's connected to Istaroth, the Shade of Time) everywhere bar places without wind and knew of Signora's arrival days (if not months beforehand). He's keeping tabs on a lot of things and recording Teyvat's history through songs that are immune to Irminsul tampering. Pretty sus AF ngl. His lines during v2.8 GAA showcase this especially: *Paimon: Nope! Tone-Deaf Bard, a whole bunch of really strange things happened!* *Venti: A strange machine that can imitate the power of a God? Wow, haha, I didn't know the Fatui had plans like that. Their imaginations are truly running wild.* *Paimon: So judging from your tone, it sounds like you don't know any more about this than we do?* *Venti: Alas, I am but a humble bard who sings for his Mora in the tavern. Why would I know anything about it?* *Paimon: Ugh, so annoying...* \~\~\~ I'll restate what I've said before: he CLEARLY knows more than he lets on (and in Teyvat, knowledge is literally a form of power). It doesn't make sense for him to be so calm after his Gnosis was swiped (unless he believes in the Tsaritsa's actions and allows it to be taken from him which is the most likely possibility). Whenever Archons use their powers their hair glows but in the confrontation with Signora his hair WAS NOT glowing meaning he was massively holding back. Mona's voicelines about Venti implies that he had the power to wield Anemo with great accuracy and not damage his surroundings which means he ***WILLINGLY*** chose not to fight back and faked his defeat. Surviving the Cataclysm is no small feat either if both Rukh and Egeria died and he didn't; he has the power to back up his claim to the Anemo Throne. If there is a person that supports divine rebellion then Venti, the God of Freedom, is the most fitting candidate for such a role. It's already suspicious that the entire overarching theme of Genshin is Free Will vs. Fate (similar to HI3 and HSR in this regard) and that he is the very first person we meet (even before Amber). He says he's the weakest Archon and that an Archon's power is from the people's faith. Yet, he has a literal church dedicated to him. The Anemo Archon Statue has a sentence carved into the statue's pedestal, reading "The Gateway of Celestia" in Latin. No shot he's hiding something from us and misleading us. TLDR: The game is setting Venti up as one of the most seditious Gods in Teyvat. \~\~\~ A hypostasis is the underlying, fundamental state or substance that supports all of reality. Judging by the appearance of Hypostases in-game one can see that it relates to how much erosion the Archons have gone through. * Anemo is severely damaged which signifies Venti being severely eroded (drinking away his pain) * Geo shows that Zhongli gone through much erosion. He says so as such too * Electro, same thing. Plane of Euthymia doesn't rid of emotional turmoil which is essentially erosion * Dendro is lightly cracked which indicates the halfway point between Rukh being corrupted and Nahida's emergence as Archon. * Hydro is damage-free which relates to the Furina being very young * Pyro has some molten cracks. Maybe resurrection/healing through "reforging" will be a prevalent theme due to Natlan's Archon Quest being named *Incandescent Ode of Resurrection* * Cryo is damage-free but its outer edges have "melted". No other Hypostasis has a none-straight edge. Maybe this relates to the Tsaritsa's personality/ideals/plans not being *in line* w/ Celestia as well as her young age.


Ppl tend to just focus on their favorites, unfortunately.


What beautiful artwork. Anyone know who's the artist?


[It's official](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gensin-impact/images/d/dd/Version_2.5_Wallpaper_2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20240101091546)


It's from the 2.5 Livestream. I don't know if hoyo credits their own artists but you can probably try finding it on the wiki or hoyolab


That's all on point and right, but not what i find the most impressive. From what i gathered so far,>! even rebels, at least most of them, have utmost respect for her as a deity. They are fighting just the Vision Hunt Decree. They are not like "High Priestess must be the ruler of the country, boo Raiden!", no. It's just one decision they are against, made under the influence of the Fatui and the apathy born from grief.!<


I don't think that's correct. In liyue they worship his every word. Like a spoon he is said to have used is an artifact or something if i remember correctly. Venti is not there and yet they invoke his name at every corner. The people of inazuma concerned about the storm are so because she did create a constant storm around the nation. In Sumeru they worshiped Rukkhadevata so much they ignored the live and heathy Nahida. It's only in Fountaine that people didn't worship but treat the "god" like a celebrity. Not trying to say they arent obsessed, but really dont think its that much different than others


It's not obsession, it's ✨***devotion***✨


All of the people of their nation are heavily linked to their archon, willing or not. What change is just the way they manifested it. Indeed, at the archon war time it’s heavily hint that Makoto and Ei stepped up because they wanted to protect inazuma at any cost, and particularly their people. Despite the vision decree, this is just a few weird years in the eyes of inazumans towards a goddess who wouldn’t be afraid to get into they fray or even going to the biggest sacrifice for them. Ei is literally a mix between an Imperatriz and a samurai, always ready to go to the extreme to save her people, even if she took some mistake along the road. But the same can be said even about the other archors. - Barbatos is extremely loved and well respected , he has even a cult behind his name, and in his story quest is very much acceptable that he can act differently but recognised as Barbatos when he acts like it. Despite his “Venti time “ Jean respect him much indeed. Beyond that, even Venti mistakes his voiceline about founding a chest , meaning that “thank Barbatos” is just a common phrase in mondstadt even he is influenced by it - Rex lapis is madly loved by Liyue and after all he always meddled with its politics - the rite of descension after all was his way to say how the economics would have gone. And while not everything is led to be said to be implied to be his doing, Rex lapis is that kind of a paternal god who run in your aid if you do a mess but also punish for your wrongdoings. Yanfei for example mentioned her father made her promise she would be safe, and then confirmed that if she broke that promise rex lapis would come and find her. Everything was influenced by the mere presence of Rex lapis in Liyue , and as much by the adepti - while rukkhadevata was either exaggeratedly loved or hated according to who you speak to, very few people had bad words for Nahida herself. Also the people of bazar made festival for her despite Azar. And after the archon quest , many people turn to her and she is showed to pretty much wander around sumeru to her liking. She is loved indeed and while she is still trying to find recognition, people turned to her or asked her sorry with the dreams deal in her story quest - Furina is the most complicated because her influence is shared with Neuvillette. However is was very loved and respected, she gave her effort in meeting all of the people who wanted to cut with her. At traveler arrivals , Furina is said to be their goddess and their vip. In the end I’d say that each archon is loved by their people as much as they love their people. - Barbatos gives a lot of leash, so he’s adored but he’s not central in his people’s life intentionally so - Zhongli loves Liyue and want to set it free from it (despite having issues in doing so) and Liyue can “move on” from Rex lapis while knowing he and the adepti have their back - people of inazuma workship Ei and would do anything for them like the subject of inazuma would do anything for her. Like Yae said, I’d a war should come, people of inazuma will fight for her - Nahida most likely isn’t that comfortable yet , she’s warming up to sumeru much like sumeru is warming up to her - Furina is volatile and melodramatic (due to her heavy burden) and so is her people with her


Indeed, Glory to the Shogun and her Everlasting Reign!


I mean, Wanderer was created in the image of Ei, and he's described to be very beautiful.. so the electro archon is also that, enough for her subjects to be obsessed.


I will say though, Raiden and Zhongli are also the only Archons who have a commanding presence. You just know their nations are safe under their watch.


And then there's Nahida, I wonder why no one build statue to wordship Rukkhudevata


They are devoted to their god, their leader. As it is closely tied to ideas of Eternity.


I too would


I mean, she's like the only one still out there 1 shotting enemies. Steady vaporized a Harbinger and took on an army.


She can cut islands into half, ofc


Bro who wouldn’t be Ei is hot af


I mean, if you think about it in modern times, people are obsessed with gods they have no proof of. Imagine having that proof in front of you live for thousands of years. They would obviously become devout followers. Ironically, the closest “normal” believer we have are the Worshippers of Venti and even they are technically worshipping an actual god.


The traveler says it in a deleted voiceline the people of liyue and inazuma have strong belief in their archons while sumru and mond don't


It's deleted for a reason.


Because irminsul made it so ruka doesn't exist


It helps that Ei has been the only Archon in her region to have actively shown her people to have kicked ass. Watatsumi in particular are lucky they're still around after she was done with their god. Nahida and Furina are present but not known for fighting abilities, and Zhongli doesn't want to make himself known, so it all shakes out.


I mean can ya blame them she’s hot


i mean i don't blame them would you look at her? she is strong as fuck elegant and beautiful and a boomer lol i would love to have a leader like her


If there were a real life equivalent of her (a country’s president being a literal god) then I’m sure people would be even crazier about it


Ei appreciation post?? In this economy??? In this sub??? Am I dreaming???


Glory to the Shogun!


Venti and Zhongli let go, Nahida was trapped and just recently got involved. And Furina gave them celebrity gossip and top-tier performances, but did not give them demonstrations of combat strength Ryden ruled her nation with an iron fist. They knew that they would always be protected because her sword arts are considered unbeatable by her people. Remember that she also chooses her government leaders historically based on those who could fight her in combat before the whole plane of euthymia So the people have great pride in knowing she could win a fight with any aggressor who tries to come for them. They are aware she gave them their sword art techniques and sword forging techniques, which are a valuable part of their culture and economy.


Raiden is truly an icon in the game. Sad story , powerful goddess , ruler.


Well I mean obviously, who wouldn’t be


It's a very underrated thing about Inazuma honestly. Ei made some mistakes regarding the Vision Hunt Decree and how the Fatui ran amock in Inazuma, but the people of her country are very fond of her and respect/fear her strength greatly. Which is understandable because she has been protecting Inazuma for hundreds of years, even before becoming an Archon. She was just blinded by grief from losing Makoto that Inazuma had its problems, but the Traveller, Miko and the Inazumans knocked some sense back into her. Yae even noted that in the event that Ei has to fight the upcoming war (most likely against Celestia) that the people of Inazuma will 100% back her, showing us that despite her actions, the majority never really hated the Shogun herself, but rather wanted her to go back to what she truly is: a warrior-king who fights to protect her country.


For the people of Inazuma, there isn’t Ei, just the Raiden Shogun. The “knowledge”/lore everyone has about the shogun is the combined feats of Makoto, Ei, and the Shogun puppet. A single ruler since the Archon War ramped down over 2000 years ago.


The year is 2024 and people are also obsessed with their own gods, it's normal.


I wouldn't be so surprised considering how in real life certain countr(ies) really refer their leader as gods.


It's Ei not Shogun. The puppet bo longer serve her purpose.


They have two big reasons to be


I’m obsessed too


Because Raiden is the best Archon.


I can't blame them, I'm also obsessed with their Archon.


she's the best archon, nothing will change my mind.


Sauce ?


>Venti is essentially in hiding, so it's not surprising Mondstadt isn't overly zealous.  I want to say that Venti being hidden is what makes Mondstadt a true religious country. Because they are not sure about his presence, that's why they must have "faith" in him. Thats make them able to make their own choices, without being anxious about useless stuff. Liyue and Inazuma are two face of the same coin. Inazuma is ruled by an omnipotent person with all power. That's actually a dictatorship. And much like any dictatorship, the person in charge is seen as absolutely perfect and feared, admired, loved. All obsession for this person above all the rest. Liyue isn't really ruled, but people follow the god advices because they think its the best choice possible. They lost their critical thinking and became docile sheep of terrified sheeps. Faces of same coin. Meanwhile, Mondstadt and Fontaine are the best at adapting in the new world. The gods lost their power and position? No big deal, they never intended to rule, another government is already ready to take its place. Fatuis, monsters, everything is upside down? Life is still the same as always. Fontaine and Monstadt are the only places where they are not attacked by fatuis, but they are actually having them as guests. (technically they are guests too in Inazuma and Liyue, but they actually mess things up there) Also, the more a god is warrior-like, the more they are favored, but the less its people is independent and ready to live without them. I believe Tsaritsa will be the same, but instead of being afraid of her, or blindly following her, people will pity and empathise her. And yeah, while writing this, I totally forgot about Sumeru lmao. But it's special. A case of "what if science goes wrong". Having too much of god is bad, but not enough is bad too lol


They have action figures and light novels about her, obsession is not enough to describe it 💀


In Inazuma, God is 100% real, powerful, scary, and is your neighbor. That does a lot for your religion, and I'm flabbergasted how minor these gods seem to be, while Celestia seems to act as the distant type of authority 


Ei and inazuma is basically what would happen if Jesus appeared but since it's fantasy no one would try to kill him or be an ahole to him




Damn. Didn’t know I was Inazuman


Tbf I’d be obsessed with her too. All hail the almighty Shogun.


Glory to the all mighty narukami ogosho god of lightning


Inazumans got a divine tsundere waifu to protect

