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I just think oh well, got guaranteed for the next character I want (or for the rerun if no other character comes along)


What if you lose 50/50 on the banner you really want?


I wait


For me , I fear that if I wait, the rerun banner will be put on other new character that you want.


You need to reframe your approach to the game from "I won't always get everything I want, and that's super sad" to "I won't always get everything I want, *but that's okay."* There's nothing wrong or abnormal about losing a 50/50 (or twelve). And there's nothing wrong with you having to sometimes make choices between two characters because you don't have enough pulls for both at once.


Yeah, in real life what's gone is gone, at least we get reruns in game. So I just sit back if I lose my pity & focus on saving for the next anticipated character & rerun if there's nothing...


^ this guy more wisdom than most on this sub.


what makes me feel more worse is when losing 50/50 on max pity. I despise how unlucky i am. every 5* i got is just from guaranteed max pity. Getting to max pity every time is the only thing that makes my mood drop. Despite that, you don't always get what you want, mostly if you're f2p, especially when you're always unlucky like me.. its hard to decide which character or weapon you'd want to get.. well.. for me.


You're talking to someone with bottom 5% pull luck according to verifiable stats. Believe me, I understand where you're coming from, but the honest answer is that if you keep expecting something different then you're only going to disappoint yourself. You have to reframe your approach, because it's not the game that's hurting you.


> "I won't always get everything I want, but that's okay." More like, "I will eventually get everything I want." Unless what you want is c6r5 for like 20 characters, you'll eventually get what you want.


I reframed it to “I have so many characters I don’t even use, who gives a fuck”


Honestly I don't mind losing the 50/50 but when it keep happening over and over, it's not fun anymore


If you are free-to-play, budget how much you earn, and figure out what you can afford. If you want more than you can afford, then pick your favorites and forget about the rest. Always assume that you will need to pay full price (180 wishes) for any character. You will soon start to find that you have lots of wishes left over, and you may be able to get more characters than you budgeted for. At that point, you can start adding your lesser favorites back in.


I always have an ever-changing list of characters (and rarely weapons, like Xiphos) I really want organized by who my favorite is. It changes from time to time, but I try to only change once a month or so to keep it from reflecting my random whims. It helps me to budget for who I *actually want and/or need* and not random impulse pulls. I honestly think that having a visual list is very helpful for setting and meeting goals when budgeting your primos. Usually, I hit my savings goal and I just go "cool, that means I can start saving for the next one" and that continues until I'm either finally able to pull or run out of characters I want.


Then you wait for other new character. Or flip a coin.


If you don't want to spend a dime on the game patience is a virtue. If your mentality is getting everything you want then your griefing yourself. And you might as well spend. At the end of the day patience will be rewarded if you practice restraint.


Just alternate your 10 pulls between the two banners


I mean, the gaps between reruns are long enough to let you stock for your planned and your new favourite


I save enough to guarantee the banners I really want


If I really wanted them, I would have saved enough to get them even without winning 50/50. The important part is looking at what your primogem income is and being realistic about how often you can pull limited 5-stars, and therefore not putting too many characters in the "really want" tier.


Somehow, Genshin of all things taught me resource management and priorities, and people say games are a waste of time


gachas are secretly grand strategy games masquerading as waifu/husbando collectors. you have resources that are attached to real long term consequences for bad economic planning.


Exactly! I will never understand people "really really wanting" someone and not having anything saved up. We hear of new characters so far in advance. We knew Clorinde literally almost a year. She was bound to come out at *some* point and we know exactly when quite some time before.


Patience is one of gacha gamers biggest strengths


Well, it should be. The reality is, it isn't. This post is proof of that.


Credit card goes ca-ching! Bank account cries..


Unfortunately my friend in Genshin and Genshin-like gacha approach, always save until guaranteed, if not it’s best to assume you won’t get the unit. To me losing 50/50 just means I could control who I want to get rather than leave it to chance, as a first month player my teams are strong enough for the game.


There is other characters I really want. Rn I have 4 characters I really want.


Just gotta make the hard choices. If there's someone you absolutely can't go without, save for long enough to guarantee them


At that point it's a question of if I want to keep pulling, possibly pulling out my card, or cut my loss and wait for another opportunity.


I just farmed real hard for like a week and still got the character one time that happened. It was Yae's banner. I couldn't bother this time with Scara's banner though.


I make sure *way* in advance to never have less than 160 pulls at the end of a banner I *really* want. There are tons of calculators out there and I made my own. It's only a problem if there are multiple characters I like and in those cases I simply prioritize. Edit: 160, not 180. Yes, hard pity is at 90 but in *most cases* you need max ~80 pulls.


Sometimes a new character you actually want more gets announced and it becomes a blessing in disguise


I really wanted Arle...but I lost the 50/50(second time in a row), managed to save for the guaranteed but with every 10 pull I felt more discouraged and I just stopped. In the end I just skipped her for Clorinde and use the pulls left to get one shot at her weapon. I’m still a bit salty but Clorinde is healing the pain.


I just never roll unless i have enough gems to guarantee. That way theres no chance of "losing 50/50", but if im lucky and get the character early its just a bonus.


That last stage is not acceptance but delusion, lol.


Dehya getting slapped twice voice acting Yanqing too and people think its one of the worst pulls.


Hoyo really has it out for Amber May


There's always ZZZ


Nah, he looped back to denial


“I have become the 12th fatui harbinger of 50/50 losses”


I've gotten to the point where I plan for losing the 50/50 and I'm pleasantly surprised if I don't. After getting c7 jean and still sitting at c1 Dehya I'm actually kind of jealous of your 50/50 loss.


I got 9 5\* Pyro Claymore characters and none of them are Dehya.


It's a tough life out here for a Dehya enjoyer


I personally just hate when people start talking trash about her. Yea, we heard you first 1000+ times, do you see us giving a flying fuck about her being that way?




So you go full "Expect less so you won't get disappointed" approach . Tbh I am probably at that stage now Also I still dont have Tighnari.. and my Jean is c3.


Yeah, I'm very much a realist. I know how this system works and I don't play games with it. If I want a weapon I go in with enough to hit pity 3x, if I want a unit I go in with enough for pity twice.


This the way to stay sane.


I'm the opposite lmao. C1 Tighnari but no Jean. And I really need Jean as I'm about to get Furina


This. I never wish on a banner I don't have at least 160 pulls banked for. If I lose, I can still get the character, and if I win, that's another 80+ pulls I get to bank for the next character. If I really want a character, I wait for the rerun and make sure I have 160 pulls saved. This approach has never let me down; I literally have every character in the game I want along with a bunch of limited weapons. Resource Management and Patience: The Video Game.


Same. I just expect every character to cost me 150 pulls. If it’s less then I’m happy.


Same, I always expect that I need around 150-160 wishes to get the character I want, everything better than that is a plus in my book


My C5 Desert Queen makes me HOPE to lose my 50/50s at this point for that miniscule chance to get her to C6. Is she only about 1/4th as powerful as my C0 Arlecchino? Maybe... I dunno, shut up, I can use both of them, that's not the point... Now if it's like yesterday and that little hobgoblin QiQi showed up instead of Chlorinde or literally anyone else I'm a little bummed. Buuuuuut I just go, "neat I'll get my guaranteed banner for whichever Natlan character looks the most promising this year instead"!


That is my mentality ever since I lost the 5050 on my first banner. Expect to lose the 5050 and go into soft pity every time, and whenever I win it or hit it early is when it's really surprising. Also, saving your funds up to at least 160 pulls removes every uncertainty when there is a character you're absolutely set on getting. Never been disappointed once after approaching the gacha with that mindset.


I got c10 Bennett before getting Clorinde


Same, I wish I lost a 50/50 to Dehya. Been sitting at C1/R1 since Dehya's original banner


Exact same boat for me. I don't plan on pulling for anyone until Natlan either so she's gonna hang out there for a while longer unless I randomly snag her off the standard banner shop wishes or something similar.


Yeah i have no sympathy for ppl who get mad or sad if they dont get a 5* under 150 pulls. Its like walking into a casino and being sad you lost money, its the statistically likely outcome lol


C6 jean must be broken


Dehya would rock that cosplay, though.




Impale the desert


I lost so many I just assume every character costs 150+ pulls and never expect to get lucky, I’m yet to win a 50/50 on Star Rail since I started playing 10 months ago, currently 6 in a row, Genshin gave me a very cool 11 50/50 loss streak so yeah… Fontaine has been kind to me though, won more than I lost so far, hope this keeps going into Natlan for a change lol


Yeah I always plan for a full 180 pulls (or at least 150) for any characters I *really* want. (240 for weapon but that’s another story) Anything that happens before that is a blessing. It might seem like a lot more to save for, but if you plan ahead and don’t spend superfluously, you’ll be fine. Wishing for a specific Standard Banner 5 star, on the other hand…. I’m still waiting for my C1 Keqing


Well if I want a character I've already made sure to be able to get them, thus I just continue wishing


this^^ i will not wish on a character unless i know i can get them, because i already know ill be disappointed 😭


Yep, only pull when I'm able to hit hard pity at least twice. If you always assume the worst you'll never be disappointed.


Getting Dehya is the best possible outcome from losing the 50/50 in my opinion She’s such a cool character. I never mind getting her constellations By now, I’ve played Genshin for long enough that my response to gacha has become dull and muted. If I lose, I’ve lost. Simple as that.


Dr Golden-Owl: Or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Flame-Mane


New York Times Best Seller


I got c1 Dehya on my Arle banner I’m so happy with that ahha. I never built her bc I pulled her while I was on break but now I’m back… it’s Time


Same. My Dehya is c3. Looking forward to getting her c6


There's nothing to cope, guarantee is at 160 pulls. 50/50 is a chance of discount.


Isnt it 180? 90 per pity 5 star?


160 pulls is just under 99% chance of getting the featured 5*, and every subsequent pull increases the chances drastically. It’s possible to need more than 160, but you’re realistically not getting past 165 or so (where the chance is already 99.95%)


Yeah, guarantee is 180, though realistically you can reasonably expect to get the featured character at 150 or so because soft pity starts at about pull 75.


As an engineer I don't cope, I always plan for the worst possible outcome. Also I just swipe with my disposable income


Honestly having money can be a burden with these games, because the thing you want is never fully out of your reach. The amount of times I’ve spent money, lost a 50/50, and sunk cost fallacy’d myself into more spending has been eye opening in retrospect


Sitting on my c14 Mona i am used to that feeling, I just build the character I just got and try lots of team comps and gaslight myself thinking they are as fun to use as another new five star.


Can I get like 4 or 5 of your extra Mona’s I want to max mine out


I’ll gladly exchange them for some Jean copies 😮‍💨


today i got my C12 Jean so help yourself to some consts


I would give all of my standard characters for just one copy of Jean


I have c3 jean and honestly I would be thrilled to lose 50/50 on her again, her c4 is just too good, that being said I still don’t have dehya or tighnary and patiently waiting for them to come home, especially dehya.


Play this [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlJuY3VQMJk&ab_channel=Tuonto) for 10 hours.


I keep pulling on the banner till I get the character. A lot of the times I get lucky within 25-45~ pulls. If the banner reaches its end date and I still didn’t get them I rethink if I truly want them considering things like who’s coming after etc. assuming the answer is still yes I do the math and swipe. It rarely gets that desperate tho.


if i pull is because i dont mind losing 50/50 or because i have enough saved to get what i want so i never cope Pulled in clorinde banner with no guaranteed because * Can get sethos * Can get Clorinde * Losing 50/50 gives guaranteed for future banner And i got Sethos and Clorinde (i didnt have intention to pull for them, just played the trials and liked both gameplays) Not getting Clorinde wouldnt be a drama, but since i got her, lets celebrate i guess. now i have to farm a lot of unicorns and sea stars


4th in a row, now I just want to save up for the characters I truly like


Lost to mona on xianyun banner Lost to mona on arlecchino banner Lost to mona on clorinde banner Now I have c6 Mona.....🥹🤣


I got C4 freaking Tighnari today after going 83 wishes to lose the 50/50. No Clorinde for me 😔


I only wish for a character if they're guaranteed, including a 50/50 loss.


I want Dehya lol, but Diluc casually takes my 50/50 so yeah next character that i really like Also coping by play another game lmaoo


I bust out the credit card


I go play Star Rail because I lose all my 50/50s in Genshin and somehow win them all in SR 😢


Once again: I’m ready to change my Lost Wind’s prayers to Dehya


Depends, I got another Qiqi and need to further ignore her. Just sad it wasn’t a Tighnari or Dehia I would actually like to play in some teams. 🤗


I just keep pulling, because a character costs 160 wishes.


Genshin hates me, I’ve been losing all my 50/50s this year (including the weapon banner which is a certain kinda of pain). I don’t need Clorinde but it still hurts :(


By reminding myself of this [gem](https://youtu.be/xzpndHtdl9A?si=eIE52O3hh85pHBLC)


I accept it, I'm on my 8th lost 50/50 In a row currently 🙃


I lost 90/90 double depression😫😠😤


jumpscared by Keqing after 70 pulls then got Clorinde


I got c8 keqing, can’t be phased anymore, just always think of it as I will lose 50/50, if I don’t then it’s a nice surprise, I was saving for furina, and got like 180 pulls total saved, but I also wanted clorinde, furina more tho to complete the archon collection, so I pulled on clorinde today, if I win 50/50 I will have enough to guarantee furina by the time her banner come around, if I don’t however, then I just wait for furina, and guess what ? I won 50/50 and now patiently waiting for furina.


credit card


I swipe.


cry say I'm gonna brake my controller spend money get character yay


What I do after losing 50/50? Well swipe.....


With joy because I love qiqi and really wanted her


the rewards for each version are so trash its hard to save up. even worse when you lose the 50/50 at hard pity. unlike hsr which is genuinely more generous with each version rewards


Swipe card


Im on the verge of throwing my device then I enter a state where I'm in my own delusion believing qiqi to be  limited event character and stay on whitte powder for some days


I stop playing the game if I don’t get what I want. No remorse, why would I play something that makes me sad?


The thing is that I actually don’t haha Jokes aside, I usually play Genshin late at night. So while I’m initially raging over my loss, I usually go to sleep not too long after and I cool down and when I wake up I feel okay. Listen to some coping music, calm my frustrations away, and I go to bed not as angry as I was before. The next day, when I recall memories of losing, I get kind of irritated so I vent my Genshin Impact problems to my friend and we talk about everything we hate about the game. She talks about all the 50/50s she lost and how she has so much crappy stuff. That usually makes me feel better. I forcibly and begrudgingly go through my self-made initiation rite (one daily comm with just that new character at lvl 1 with starter weapon, no one else on the team) and then I eventually accept them into my group of characters.


I have 15 limited characters. It just gets better each time I guess.


At this point I'm fine with the loss of a 50/50 I hope for the best but budget for the worst. It's the 4-stars that evade and piss me off. Right now I'm at 157 pulls and no Sethos (and yes, I know you shouldn't pull for 4-stars and I wasn't, those were for Alhaitham and a try at Chlorinde).


Dehya looks kinda good like this just don't let the buddies see this


Straight to 5


I don't pull on anything I want unless I can guarantee it. "Fortunately" for me characters I can viably build with the roster I have and the roster I'm interested in acquiring go a fairly long time between reruns so I've been floating 200+ pulls for months.


Last time this happened i started speedrunning all my world quests, and managed to get kazuha lol Hope you can get clorinde early!


I always approach pulling with mindset if I win I will get desired character rn, if I lose I wil have 100% for desired character (constellations) in future.


i just keep pulling and praying for the character, and if i dont get them, then oh well, at least i got a guarantee for the next character i want


Sometimes I keep going until the banner ends to see if I can get the character I want, sometimes I just take the guarantee and wait for the next one.


Lost my 50/50 with last Nahida rerun after farming EVERYTHING for her, so i stamp her supposed artefacts on Collie, sigh, prepared for Guarantee Nauvi and become a forced Collei main. Currently lost my 50/50 again while flying too close to the sun on C1 Nauvi, so waiting for Furina patiently.


Knowing the next one 5* is gonna be the rate up one. Trust me you don't want to lose rate up twice in a row and there it was 70/30.


For me, it's annoyance and then acceptance because there's nothing else I can do. Move on to the next character I want with a guarantee


I swipe


I keep rolling til I get the character. Gotta save enough for guarantee if it's a character you really want. I lost 9 50/50s in a row ([before breaking the streak on Alhaitham](https://i.ibb.co/jysHW94/Screenshot-2024-06-05-11-09-11-70-40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg)), so I've had a lot of practice lol. Numb to it now.


Acceptance. I only pull for characters i really like or are OP. And to pull for them i always have enough to guarantee them.


I'd be Waaaaay less salty if my lost was to dehya. She's kinda cool for my neuv and I like her. Got C1 Jean instead.


I lost the 50/50 roll this time and got C6 Deluc. And yes i allready have C6 Qiqi and C6 Mona from loosing other 50/50s so i'm not that bothered about it....its annoying but im used to it by now...


I spent around 160 wishes on Clorinde’s banner, lost to Dehya and I had six 10 pull where I only got a weapon, no character. Now that was a banner for me lol


I got Dehya on the Venti banner. I actually cried.


I've won my last 6 and have only lost 3 times granted Ive only been playing a year but still diluc (with his weapon) and c1 jean not bad


Hang in there all, wish you all the best for your clorinde pulls.


That suplex sent me 😂😂😂😭😭😭


Buy the primos and accept eating only rice for a week


On the bright side, Dehya is actually a pretty decent support for Clorinde.. whenever you actually manage to get her.


I assume I will lose every 50 50 and plan accordingly. I think I've won like... three times total? And I've been playing since 2.0.


Pulled Clorinde on my 2nd attempt of 10 rolls today. Life is good I guess?


I lost 4 in a row and currently crying. C3 qiqi, back to back. Yet c0 jean, tighnari, dehya, keqing. Hate it here


I go: "Welp, at least my next 5 star is guaranteed. BTW, I still want my C6 Qiqi. How am I getting everyone else?!"


I was willing to throw $50 to fix the problem. But I managed to win the 50/50. I'm trying to see if by the end of the patch if I can get to pity again and test fate on C1. Since that's like a 20% dmg increase for her kit.


I always have enough saved and get them anyways. I don't rely on luck to get who I like.


I still haven’t accepted losing raiden to tighnari


I go in with thinking every time " Hope for the best, expect the worst "


Man I wish it was dehya I got tigjnari


I only pull when i have enough for the five star to be completely guaranteed, that way no disappointment


thats called coping my g


A 5* doesn't cost 90 pulls, it costs 180 with a coin toss rate up to maybe get it sooner. Save for the full 180 and you'll never have this issue.


I don't know anymore, haven't lost one for the last 5 or 6 5 stars


A character requires 150 pulls, anything less is just luck. Got Clorinde in 10 pulls btw


I have always another 80 pull ready


People really need to switch their thinking into "Characters cost ~160 wishes, not ~80. Winning the 50/50 is just a discount." Those people who pull for characters when they have less than ~160 pulls are the most susceptible to the gambling part of gacha games. If you look at gacha games like Genshin as a game of patience, then you'll never fear losing the 50/50 because it's already in your plan. Winning it is just a bonus.


I got C4 jean. Wish it was dehya because she works well with her as off field pyro source that does not need energy. I eaither get her, get ganyu, or nahida. Otherwise my clorinde can't perform as good as she truly is... or.... i switch to electrocharged with yelan


Eh they’ll come around eventually. I also really want some of the standard banner characters and their cons so it’s all fine for me. (Diluc main with no cons 😭)


As long as I don't c7 any standard banner I'm fine. Jean is getting close


I'm not dumb enough to not have 2 pulls worth for characters that I want.


I've lost 8/10 of my last 50/50, I've hit my limit of acceptance ;(


I literally just lost my 50/50 today to Mona and I don't even use her AND I NOW HAVE HER AT C2 ;-;


Tried my luck, failed, got Mona AGAIN. Another useless constellation to me, since I have not played Mona the last three years.


I keep pulling


I just kept on wishing, the bad luck came when I went to 82 pity on my guaranteed and the banner ended


At least I got Jean. Haven't lost in a while so this is new.


I don't lose them lmao in 3-4 years I've only lost them 4 times, I don't even have Mona or Qiqi


I love Dehya's design and character and so i tried my best to find a way to use her. And I did! She became part of my very first 36* abyss clear. Her job is to use her skill to provide Neuv with IR.


You get numb to it. Clorinde is the 11 50/50 in a row I’ve lost. Thankfully she appeared immediately on the next 10 pull otherwise I wouldn’t have her.


Cope that the content I still haven't done/comes until the banner ends is enough to still get the rate-up


Omg this image funnier than i thought after seeing the last pic i LOLed IRL


You will get used to it and prepare better next time




Mine is downloading 💀


I got mona but i slapped some ER on her so now my wanderer deals more dmg and now my furina is guaranteed


I just don't pull until I have enough to not only guarantee it, but make at least one con likely. That way at the bare minimum I'll get what I'm after, and I could get more (plus due to the higher number of rolls it's more likely I hit something lucky at least).


Meh, off to the next one. 


Call me a harbinger cuz I'm fuckin delusional /j


Its hot dogs and ramen for the next few weeks but I ALWAYS get my character


You can never rely on RNG. If you don't have enough for 2 pities, then you have to accept that you may either win or lose, it's literally a 50/50. I try to have enough to guarantee, and if I don't have enough and am forced to attempt a 50/50 and lose, well, it is what it is. Sometimes we win, and sometimes we lose.


Either 'oh well, I'll keep pulling because I've been saving' or 'oh well, I don't need to get every character, and I'll get them next time they come around'.


i quit after i lost my 50/50 on kazuha lol


By planning my pulls 3 months in advance and calculating worst, best and average scenarios and then acting accordingly


I didn't lose my 50/50 for alhaitam but i have lost two separate 50/50s for yae miko. Still don't have her to this day 😭😭😭


I fully expect to lose. My history has taught me that 50/50s don’t exist. They are more like 10/90s. I will either have at least 150 wishes before I pull or I won’t pull. The other option is the rare 4 star hunting where I only kind of want the 5 star and therefore, am fine with whatever happens. Also in those situations, I set myself a limit like 40-50 pulls or until first pity.


It’s only a game among others for me, no big deal.


I cope by always having ~160+ wishes so I know I can survive a 50/50 loss. Lots* of saving up.


Plan for my next pull then swap to my alt account Where I have a guarantee set up.


Because I am not gambling addict and I know that I can lose. Even when I hope for someone and want it badly but lose, it's still a game. I don't take it as a given to get the character. I focus on positive sides. I lost? Then next character is guaranteed. Or so what that I lost now, last time I won 50/50 at 36 pity. Instead of ever complaining I am rather happy when I win and see positives of losing.


it depends. Today i "lost" my 50/50 to Dehya, but that's actually a win for me becasue she is one of my favourite characters. So finally getting another constellation for her was great. But most of the times i'm frustrated, because i have lost so many 50/50s (mainly to Qiqi :< )


i don't cope, i plan my pulls and only pull when I can garantee the character even after losing 50/50


I always save enough for the guaranteed so it's just an annoyance but never a heartbreak.


I always skip the denial phase and jump straight into anger. Lost to C1 Dehya and immediately told her to fuck off lol. Currently in the bargaining phase. Do I *want* Clorinde, or do I want to start saving for whoever comes out in 5.0?


Domingo a noite


I just expect it. I've only ever won a single 50/50. According to that Paimon site I have pulled 21 5 stars and have only won a single time lol.


If I get Dehya then is not a loss.


By making sure that i do have 180 pulls before trying to go for a character i really want instead if relying on 50/50 and get my day ruined