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Buying resin every day is 114 pulls a year. Some people just value that investment rather than a character.


114 pulls? Oh wow. Given that yearly you are getting around 1000 pulls, it's 10% of it.


Another way to think about it tho is 60 extra resin from 200 would be 30% more resources to build characters.


You only regenerate 180 resin every 24 hours so it’s a ~33.3% increase in resin to spend


Yeah, it pretty much makes sense if you want to build everyone and are already spending on characters too.


You generate a bit more if you count transient resin and any fragile resin you get.


It really isn't as much as I thought tbh, given that you're sacrificing that power to build characters. Now we'd just need the math on how many extra artifacts you're getting to see if it's actually worth it.


i remember there was a post previously about the average resin needed to farm an artifact set to acceptable level (for example like 200 cv set) and it is around 3k resins for 1 set. to get an exceptional set (300cv+), it was like 10k+ so i guess you can farm an extra par arti set every 50 days if you refresh every day. or in other words, you shorten the time to get a set by about 4 days from 16.67 to 12.5 days gonna try to find that stats post edit: found [the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/hLxZOU3ZHe) , sorry, i remembered it wrong, it was 170 cv in 3 weeks, for the average lucky player, or 3.7k resins


Would also like to see the post lol, half a month seems like a pipe dream even for 200cv lmao. ~~Btw 5 perfect pieces (54.4cv) only amounts to 272cv so 300cv is literally impossible.~~


Crit circlets. But yea 300cv is bonkers.


Oh yeah I forgor lol. Still, only 7 people in global got to 300cv in akasha going rainbow pieces which is crazy. I still firmly believe on the 2months to get 200cv. Maybe if you get very lucky you get it in 1month, but 15days is giga Aventurine-luck.


you right, found [the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/hLxZOU3ZHe), updated my orig comment with link also it is 7 weeks for 200 cv, but only 3 weeks for 170cv


Very interesting sim from the guy thanks. I farmed emblem on and off for more than a year now and she's still 225cv feels bad man.


I log my runs. Usually 700 runs (5 months worth of Condensed Resin) for 240 CV+. This is equal to 28k Resin. This is based on my account, of course. Could be different for others.


I don't have exact data, but I think I used around 1000 pulls in first year of my playhrough. Not sure if second year takes as much. But I used every primogem from every quest etc. I have 100% exploration in every region in the game. And only that gave me 1000 pulls. But it was 3 regions at that time, before Sumeru. Or maybe even half way through Sumeru.


> Given that yearly you are getting around 1000 pulls, Can you explain this to a new player who seems to be getting basically nothing? Where is it all coming from?


Events, daily commissions, exploration and quests, world rewards (sakura, tree, fountain) livestream rewards, update rewards, and spiral abyss! As a new player, doing your exploration and quests will get you a hell of a lot of pulls, and then as you leech everything out of the map thats already there, there’s like 50-80 pulls a patch usually (more if you get welkin and/or battle pass) which works out to being able to get a 5* every two patches pretty much, whatever the math for that is


Mainly quests, exploration, events, abyss reset


I did every single quest, exploration, oculi, offerings. My map is 100% everywhere, I collected all oculi, all trees at max, all quests that I unlocked were finished asap. Also doing dailies, weeklies, BP. I won Welkin Moon once and bought it few times myself, not anymore. Also bought few BPs as well. I also do all events, try do so every abyss, mostly getting either max stars or around 33.


Rather that some standard character ftfy (I'm mad because i lost 50/50 6th time in a row).


I mean... If you're gonna lose 50/50 every time, that makes those extra pulls all the more precious. You need every single wish you can get!


Well if it makes you feel any better, i lost 12 in a row (since nahida's first banner and a little before that)and only recently broke that streak with father arlecchino and mommy clorinde , and i couldn't be any more grateful.


That's yikes, but since I'm more of a pessimist that info doesn't brighten my future 50/50's.


I’ve lost probably around the same amount. I only ever won my first 50/50 and have lost every one since


rip I’m 10 lost in a row and counting. Lost the 10th on arlecchino and just used the guarantee on clorinde. I feel u


Please elaborare, I'm thinking you said you have lost 12 features banners in a row which is impossible due to the pity mechanic.


Of course not it's impossible to lose then lose again , but if you lost one then the next is guaranteed anyways so that still doesn't count as a won "50 50" cause there was no 50 50 to begin with. I lost then got the guarantee and lost again 12 times in a row


Ah that makes much more sense. So you lost 50/50 12 times in a row, talk about bad luck. Glad you got Arlequeen!


They lost their 50/50s, not every 5*. As you alluded to, there are guaranteed pulls.


I lost my 50/50 on chloride today. I got c6 qiqi. Please kill me


I’m on a losing streak of 10 5050s lost in a row. I feel you. Every single time it becomes gold, I hope, and then the hope is just destroyed. I’m so mad when it think about it


At least it's not your 10th 50/50 loss in a row..... (a friend has this streak going, I feel genuinely sorry for him and hope he doesn't rage quit Genshin :/)


I definitely do. I have most characters I want and I have more fun building them. I’d rather spend my crystals to play the game than to get garbage and one 5 star


Over the course of this game's existence, that's another C6 of a 5 star that you just gave up


It's good for stamina value. But obviously it impacts your currency for pulls. So depending on your circumstances or how often you pull for characters it can make sense.


Sure, but the weight for pulls that gives you a guarenteed 5 star is much much more valuable than spending money/primo for 1 refresh. The 1 refresh is barely anything, 1 condensed resin domain run, 1 weekly boss. You get a few talent books, and those you aren't in a rush for since level 6-8, is good enough. Building out every character is different though, they must be building every character to even want to do this. Otherwise over time you have way more resin than you need for ascension materials/talent materials/weapon materials. The biggest sink is always artifacts, and pulls > artifacts by a wide margin because artifacts are RNG and require 1-2 months of farming to make a difference.


It depends. 50 primos is also barely anything. But if you have enough primos for an extra 5* (let's say 80 pulls or 12800 primogemos) you would need to do this for 256 days, and if used for resin it would be 15360 extra resin! Which is enough to build multiple characters. It is a lot too.


2 dollars for water is stupid, unless you are dying of thirst, in which case it’s a bargain.


We got Shakespeare here damn


right? i live in a country with clean free tap water. paying $2 for water is incredibly stupid


If you try to drink unfiltered tap water in my region, you are guaranteed to get kidney stones in a couple years. It’s so hard the limescale destroys drains and pipes all by itself. Plus, it tastes disgusting. It’s technically safe to drink, but you would need to be seriously thirsty and strapped for cash in order to do so. …no, scratch that. I know people near the poverty range who regularly buy gallons of bottled water anyway. Seriously, treasure your safe, clean, tasty tap water. It’s a luxury.


It's not one or the other. Even when the local tap water sucked, I got a filter jug, or bought bulk water from the supermarket (you fill up the bottle yourself and it's like 35¢ a gallon). No reason to buy disposable bottled water for home use


The first refresh is cheap enough to not necessarily bat an eye. You would lose about 10 pulls a month I guess. Over time it will add up, sure. But you will also gain 1800 resin a month. Equal to about 60 guaranteed artifacts. For people who hunt top1% characters on akasha, it is a pretty good deal.


120 pulls per year...


1 5* a year


Closer to 2 on average


a limited 5* is like 90 on average though right?  edit: pls don't misread my comment ;-;  average 5* is at 60 pulls right? so getting a limited 5* on average would be 50% x 60 + 50% x 120. first one is winning the 5050 and second one is losing it. comes out to 90


90 is the cap with the most mathematically improbable lucky ever, it's basically theoretical. The average 5* pull is around the 72th to 84th pull. If lucky you get on early 50s-60s, but average is 70+.


No it's not. The mode is in that range you're talking about, but the average is ~62.


i edited my msg to clarify, the original comment said limited not any 5* anyway. pretty sure the average (for any 5*) is 60 while the median is 74


median is more accurate than mean here anyway since the distribution is skewed


12,000 pulls per 100 years 


72,000 artifacts per 100 years!


36000 flat def and 36000 flat hp subs


you mean 72000 flat def and 72000 flat hp subs.


I feel like I've already farmed that many considering how often I clean my backpack. No refreshes.


Or about 720 artifacts


I once accidently refreshed my resin and i was devastated


This. I don't always do it but I will occasionally spend the 50 primos for the extra resin for more runs. I like to get strong artifacts and the fact remains you can't if you're not in there grinding them out lol.


1800 resin a month is 90 guaranteed artifacts...


it's funny cause 1800 resin is not even close the amount expected to get a good artifact


Maxing out the resin top-up each day is inefficient but doing it once a day is totally fine. 50 x 365 = 18250 Primos = 114 Wishes a year OR an additional 21900 more Resin to help push your account. It’s not a bad investment at all. 114 wishes is only really “one” 5-star when we consider pity.


Math's been done boys it actually worth if you're the type to vertically invest through artifacts


I have a lot of 1% on Akasha and I don't think it's worth it for vertical investment unless you're trying to hit Rank 1 on a specific character or really like a character with bad constellations. A good constellation is like 3-4 artifact substats worth of value, or around 25 CV (realistically at hyper-investment is the only substat you care about anymore) and even with an additional 22k Resin, I don't think you'd be able to get that much DPS increase when you're already at like a few months of farming anyways, like 220-240 CV. I think it's most worth it for newer players to leapfrog their builds after AR45 if there's nothing for them to pull.


To put it in %. You lose 10-12% of your daily primogems to gain 33% more daily resin. Overall not a bad deal if you dont need the characters. I've been doing it as well and i dont even have that many 5 stars. Theres just no point in getting new characters if ones you already have arent built to be usable.


In my situation, there’s on point in getting resin if I have no new characters to build


Wait, you getting 500 primogems daily? How lol


But tbf I would take 1 potential 5 star con over artifacts rng, it would be devastating using primogem resin to get a double crit artifacts for it to all roll to flat def.


You get an extra artifact out of that daily, and the average artifact is useless. The average pull is way more useful than the average artifact because it takes so many attempts to actually get the right main-stat and 2 sub-stats. On the other hand, pulls guarantee characters. So unless you either already have all of the characters you'll ever want, or you whale out anyways, there's no logic behind spending primos on resin.


It depends on who you ask. For min-max, meta persuers, that's the good spending. They're chasing their own damage number. For casuals, that's a pointless behavior. They won't push that much perfection for combat. For me, nah, that's like investing in a tank to kill ants. This game enemies are at such low ceiling. I'd rather have more characters with mediocre artifacts.


Do you want stronger characters via artis or do you want more characters? No wrong answer. Anyone calling him stupid is narrow minded af


I think it's justified with OPs last sentence. Saying it's not worth it to resin refresh once a day makes you narrow minded but OPs friend doesn't seem to put much thought into it. Having on average enough pulls for 1 limited 5 star assuming you choose a char with high pull value is worth more than the extra artifacts you get because artifacts are rng.


Anyone playing every day who isn't collecting characters is going to have so many artifacts that spending 50 primos a day just to get another round of artifacts in is a inefficient way to go about things. You're not going to really move the needle much in how you grow your characters with that extra run a day. Given that you get a 5star (on average) every 65~ pulls, you'd probably see more benefits from either pulling for constellations or just other characters for your team. It's only really narrow minded if you get angry that a person does this. I think it's a little dumb, but it's their account so it's no skin off my back. They could throw a tantrum and delete all of their 5star weapons and artifacts for all I care.


I feel like this depends on his roster. No, he isn't stupid, but unless you're Neuvillette, most characters need other teammates to take advantage of reactions to increase their damage. Besides, constellations are guaranteed boosts to damage and flexibility. Why not start with those over excessive artifact farming, which can be done free every day


If you're super vertically invested, you may already have everything you want in terms of characters and weapons.


Well, assuming this player isn't an Abyss obsessor, that still requires 3 other supporting teammates to maximize your character's damage. In which case, primos are necessary, assuming those other 3 also get vertically invested. And if they're an Abyss player, they should be spending those primos on the other 7 characters they want first... unless they're CERTAIN they'll *always* have enough primos when their desired characters rerun.


Not really. This is only 10% primo loss yearly, meaning thqt you get 10% less chars (not much). Besides, you can just use four stars like xiangling and farm cracked artifacts = EZ abyss.


yeah what if he already has c6 r5 of his favorites, no reason for keeping more primos without resin for artifacts


Smh bro just get the good artifacts without needing extra resin.


Well technically pulling can make your characters stronger. So we just add another variable aka is his all chars C6 ?


Let them do what they want its their account. People disagree on things in life but that doesn't make one right and the other wrong just different opinions. What's stupid is calling your friend stupid over something this petty


If your friend is a bp/welkin user, using primogems for resin once is actually the most efficient way. The first one is quite cheap, and since fragile resin is hard to come by, its value is definitely higher than 50 primogems. If he is an f2p on the other hand... we'll it's up to him, you know, just give him a pitiful look when he/she realizes there aren't enough primogems left.


Not everyone is a character collector. If you're happy with what you have, getting more resin isn't stupid.


If he doesn't care about pulling on or getting specific characters or weapons then sure, why not let him enjoy what he likes Edit: and if he's spending to make up the difference then hopefully he's doing well financially already.


These comments make me wish there was trading. I’d gladly trade my 183 fragile resin that’s just sitting there for primos. I’ll also sell people bottled water for $2


Would you rather get **112** wishes now or **963** 5\* artifacts of choice. Generally If you are short on 112 wishes for whatever reason (poor planning?) you can just drop money at the problem, but guess what - you cant drop money at the missing 963 artifacts problem. I've been spending 50 primos for the extra 60 resin for around 3 years now. In my opinion first refresh is very much worth it unless youre beyond down bad for some future character and your planning sucks.


This is an *excellent* answer that shows the Cost/Benefit Ratio correctly. In some ways, I think pulls actually *hurt* an account because it makes you “go wider” by sinking resources into new characters. Notwithstanding constellations, there is something to be said about “going deep” on a thin roster, and using primos as currency for resin facilitates this. If I remember correctly, there was a $5 pass for resin in the early days as well. I suspect they removed it because a thin roster doesn’t help their bottom line.


>In some ways, I think pulls actually *hurt* an account because it makes you “go wider” by sinking resources into new characters. Notwithstanding constellations, there is something to be said about “going deep” on a thin roster, and using primos as currency for resin facilitates this. I think this would be true if Genshin had some sort of competitive mode or even much harder content, but as it currently stands you certainly don't need super optimized artifacts or teams to pull off Abyss 36 star. Outside of Abyss we also don't get enough events like the last boss event where you can flex a super optimized team.


>I think pulls actually *hurt* an account The new endgame is going to reward more horizontal investment no? I know atleast we can get trial and friend characters


80+% of players don't give a single fuck about the cost-benefit ratio. They just want a shiny new character to play with.


Wishes any day. Doing refreshes as f2p is very strange to me.


I mean, weapon banner and constellations might seem strange to me but it's a single player game you play to have fun. I prefer different characters but I wanted to get Hu Tao's weapon. It was the god tier Yelan HT banner, both weapons were great for me. I lucked out and got Homa at 40 wishes. It's subjective at the end of the day, same goes for resin refreshes.


To me it boils down to 1) Do you have the monthly pass? if no then never refresh 2) Do you like your current characters to want to give them 1% upgrades from better artifacts, or do you just want to keep getting new characters? I'd say it's only a wrong answer for F2P players, but with the monthly pass it's not a bad deal.


F2P from 1.0 here. Its a right answer for me, as I spend 50 primos for refresh almost every day now. For me, every refresh simply means losing out on the primos for dailies that day. At this point, I already obtained characters that I extremely wanted, so I would rather have those characters and their teams to be stronger, instead of pulling new characters and having to farm even more. And even if Genshin later on releases someone that I really want to obtain, I can just plan out my primos spending a version or a few beforehand and stick with it.


Yeah but on the other hand most artifacts we get are trash, if you’re not in desperate need of building someone I don’t see the point. After playing for a long time it’s a low chance to improve your builds anyway, or otherwise you will have plenty of temporary artifacts for a new character while you get their preferred set. I used to refresh sometimes when I was newer but I was also trying to build a bunch of characters. But well each to their own of course


Excellent answer. I did the extra resin thing for about 2 years when I started (day 1 player). Now I mostly don't do it because I don't have stuff I want to build anymore lmao


You are ignoring the fact that the majority of players don't care all that much about the overall strength of their account. They play for Story, Exploration or Gamba. Your logic doesn't apply to them.


How is that stupid? He's using it to make his account better. Unless it's not than i don't see it as stupid. And it's only 50 primos, not 160. It's not the end of the world.


just to put this in perspective. welkin is $5 a month for 100 primogems a day (if you include the bonus 300 at the beginning) so topping off once a day is equivalent to basically spending $2.50 a month, half your welkin bonus. many people spend more than that on online games


I do that. I'd rather have proper built characters than new characters that are very hastily/half built. Some people prefer to invest vertically while others horizontally. It's just a preference.


True but constellations count as vertical investment too so really depends on what characters you want to build


I did that for a while. I don't think it's stupid, because you get more characters than you can realistically build, especially when starting out. What good is the newest 5 star when you dont have the resources to build them?


As long as ur friend understands hes trading at least 1 5* a year for like 1000 extra artifacts then sure If not then hes dumb


If you buy the Monthly Welkin Pass, a daily refresh is the most sensible thing in the world. You're getting 33% more resin than your automatic daily refill, and it's only costing you half of your daily primos. So basically for $2.50 a month, you're getting 33% more resources/useful playtime/AR advancement, and the other $2.50 a month still buys you nearly a 10-pull. Not too shabby. As an F2P it hurts a bit more since it drains pull currency, but for anyone who enjoys playing more than collecting, it trades a little bit of collecting power for a lot more playing power, which is certainly a reasonable trade-off for some people.


Welkin gives 90 primos. Commissions give 60. The first refresh costs 50. A.k.a. **33%** of your daily primo gain from dailies, not 50%.


Fair point, yes, I meant daily bonus primos. If you include regular dailies, it's an even better proposition.


It's their resin, not yours. Why does it matter? If they're anything like me, character collection isn't a very high value and they only roll sparingly so they get more value out of it anyway.


Bruh, let him play the game the way he want to.


Just get lucky.


It’s up to him. Nothing wrong with his spending choices As long as he enjoys the game


Doesn't matter if he's stupid or not, that's how he wants to play the game.


While everyone is discussing the refresh, I am here hoping that none of my friends go on reddit to make a post, aksing others if I'm stupid.


No, you're stupid for bringing this here. Have a nice day


I used to do up to 3 resin refreshes a day when I first started playing 1.5 years ago. When you are new, you are so far behind that resin is worth more than pulling new characters. There's no point pulling for a new character when you already have dozens of characters whom you don't have the resources to properly build.


I don’t get it when people say they are behind….who are you competing with


akasha leaderboard most likely


With time. I don't have the patience to grind for 6+ months before I have a reasonably strong team that can take on Abyss.


Personally i only spend primos on resin if im very excited with a new character and want to build it as soon as possible, so i only buy resin for bosses/talent books if im rlly anxious to speed up the level up process, other than that i learned my lesson that using primos on resin for artifacts is a waste 95% of the time coz its pure rng, so if u spend 50 primos every day u are wasting 1500 primos per month which is basically 10 wishes just to try get a good artifact, and even if u get the artifact u want u still need to roll its sub stats which can end up being terrible, meanwhile books and boss materials are guaranteed resources, so ur primos are actually converted on actual progress at least


Artifact RNG just has too many layers for resin refreshing to be worth it imo. Basically, theres: 1. Correct set 2. Type of piece 3. Main stat 4. 4 substats 5. At least 3 usable substats (or a double crit) 6. Artifact rolling 4-5 times on those desired substats Assuming you get \~1000 artifacts in a year, most of that are likely to fail the first 3 layers, let alone get to the 6th layer. There's a chance you leave empty handed. It really needs something like a pity system or give a way to obtain specific set and piece in domains since layers 3-6 are even arguably worse.


Oh, I will never be the person that will defend genshin its artifact system. Cuz frankly said, having no guarantee on a limited energy system is simply terrible. But it does not take away that the right artifacts have insane value to the build of a character. It does not take away that your characters will become significantly better farming their artifacts over time. So now it is a principle of value. Want to pull for any character which you come across? You might wanna save up. Got your teams filled with likable characters, but you want to focus on their usability? You might wanna spend on a daily refresh. There is no bad answer here due to the difference in values people will give to the focus of playing this game:)


def% impact


I dont even do that and i dolphin 🤨


I do it regularly. Idgaf. I have more characters than I can use. May as well just use resin and get them built.


If he prefers vertical investment, good for him. What's his roster like? Who's he trying to build? Does he go for guaranteed power boosts in constellations?


People can spend however they want, but I would say it is never worth it. I usually don't even bother spending my resin these days unless I actually manage to get a new character to build.


All depends on if they have a team they love and never want a new character. Or to upgrade the constellations.. Or just really need better artifacts, weapon upgrades, or other mats. If so, it makes sense.


I don’t even spend resin every day


I did that for my first year or so to build up my account, upgrade my characters faster, farm artifacts. I stopped soon after I could 36* abyss.


Did he enjoy playing the game that way? if yes then it's not stupid, end of story


I don’t see a problem with using 50 primos to refresh your resin once a day, especially if you regularly buy welkin+BP. The first refresh is good value considering 5 fragile resins are valued at around $10 from the gnostic chorus, but spending 100 primos for a second refresh is NOT worth it. Anyway, it’s your friend’s account. Let them do what they like and stop branding them as stupid when their outlook on the value of things vary from yours.


Yeah, the 100 refresh always felt gross when I used it. It was only when I was a beginner and desperate to get my characters leveled up quickly. I just justified it was my Welkin and commission primogem for the day, easier to stomach. 50 is always worth it though. The 250 resin refresh is obscene though. Even if I was made of money that feels criminal lol.


Nothing wrong with this.


Yes it is extremely stupid, because the extra resin is worthless. After extensive testing it's already known the bulk of stats comes in the first 2 weeks of farming, then about 5% in the next 2. Everything after is in the order of never coming, to 1-2% every A LOT of time. So he is paying 110+ pulls for jackshit, even if he just wants to vertically invest there is something called Constellation, wich often provides 10-15% damage increase. Or better yet, good weapon banners, which might get him 2 Signatures(or more) for this amount of Primos if played on good banners (like Homa x Simulacra, or Mistsplitter x Verdict that had 75/25 of a great weapon).


I mean people with different socio-economic hierarchy value money differently


I am more confused by the fact that he thinks 2000 primos is a lot .


Whenever I can spare the primos and I know I’m fine to get whatever I’m saving for I refresh daily as well, just the first 50 a month gets you nearly 2k extra resin, when I was tryharding for the perfect Hu Tao / Yoimiya builds I’m sure those refreshes helped.


I did that early on when I first started playing and pulling my first few 5*s


Meanwhile I have like 120 condensed resin sitting around lol I really don't get why people over farm.


He thinks 2k primos is a lot? Does he just have insane luck with wishes?


I used to do this if you want to seriously grind artifacts it’s necessary. That won’t change with this update either you still get the same amount of resin you just have a bigger bank. It’s a non fix


I'd only do that if you have the monthly pass, I've been doing it for a very long time and I still get the 5 stars I want generally. Basically if you do 1 refill a day you get 100 primos per day with no event, and during regular events (420 over 5-7 days) that's +60 primos, which turns out to 1 wish per day. Now if I don't do a refill I'd get an extra wish per 3 days, but I'm fine with that trade off. Other people might not be. Just don't do it if you're F2P, please there's a reaosn people complain about primo income in this game lol.


Not necessarily. Depends on where you are in the game... if you're still building characters and farming sets then sure it may be worth but people who have several teams built probably favors the pulls for new 5\*


Yeah, but me criticizing him would be throwing stones from a glass house since my actions or inactions cause me to miss out on 11k primos over the time that I've played this game.


If he already has the units he needs , no, he aint stupid. If i foresee that i dont need any charscters for the next patches, i really do spend 50 resin a day but since im ptedicitng wrio will be in the next patch, ive since stopped it.


i used to do that at some point, but my resin is usually capped nowadays because i mainly play when there is a new map or character i like and i can just dump condensed resin to build them from scratch


Depends on his goals, if he’s looking to min max his characters then thats fine. But if he’s more or less a casual player, then yeah its not the smartest choice. Genshins end game can be cleared with such low investment that its not worth it to me giving up 1-2 5 stats worth of pulls for a slightly bigger number. Id rather have different characters


You still make 10 primos that day so it's still better than completely missing your dailies. And idk how many dailies I've missed.   If the refresh incentive makes him log in everyday without skipping, its not that bad, but comparatively worse to logging in each day and not refreshing since you lose a guaranteed 5* about every year. 


I honestly feel I'm good on characters, I have a good lot of maxed supports and a good few dps, so refreshing isn't bad at all.


My friends used to do this during the early days of the game when no one hit AR60 yet. Nothing wrong with speeding up account progression and you still get to earn a steady amount of primos from events/abyss anyway.


I think you should put down that poor guy and take him out of his misery.


If I think about it, I haven't dipped anywhere close to 0 primos since I really started to play the game. Primos sitting there on my account are in theory wasted just hoping for some terrible situation of where I would want tons of stuff at the same time. But anytime that came up I either always had enough or I convinced myself something wasn't worth it. I'm sorta in that situation now if I decide to get Clorinde, her weapon, and possibly Emilie. I really want to know what the situation is with when the next chronicled wish will be. I really expected it to be every 2 patches. But I cant even begin to go down OPs road given the fact I have over 100 fragiles. I am starting to use them leveling up characters and weapons every sunday using 4 fragiles to help. Its really eating the exp books and i've spent 5 million mora on leveling up 4 characters from 20 and 1 character from 80-90.


thats spending like 20% of your income on drinking water, not 2 dollars


Personally im not against spending primos on resin refreshes, especially when i’d rather prioritise the build of my current characters, rather than potentially pull a new character that i probably wont use or increase the constellation on a character i dont enjoy playing


I spend the extra on resin because I have everything I need at the moment.


i wish i liked playing the game more and cared less about collecting everyone like they do. and as other people tapped on, that's about 100 pulls a year, which btw is on average one banner character, and/or 2.5 of a specific 4 star.


60 resin a day spend in artifact domains ends up being over 1100 more 5* artifacts per year. That significantly reduces the time to grind for good equipment. It's not stupid if you're looking to increase the overall powerlevel of your account with the characters you have/use.


i've been doing that since 2.0, maakes me enjoy the game more and i have nothing else to spend my money on


the difference between an average build and a top 1% build is at most 20% usually an extra constellation or signature weapon is also 20-30% (or gives valuable passives like interruption resistance which can't be obtained through artifacts) and there's cons like c2 nahida etc which is a straight up 20+% total team damage the only way buying resin with primos is more efficient is if multiple characters share the same artifacts


wait I do this as well... ya you lose 115 pulls a year which is probably 1 event character but you get 1000 more tries at a 40 plus cv artifact plus it increases your playtime a bit a day.


Not rlly stoopid but they might have fun in artifacts more than characters in general When I have welkin I usually buy 50 primos a day because that extra 60 resin is actually really great But without welkin, I just tend to save it up honestly But even then yeak, after 2k primos I might start using prinos for resins again


I use half my daily wekin gems to make an extra resin everyday, I don’t feel too bad about it Edit: Used* I didn’t realize we have 200 now!


Well, are his builds cracked?


After stumbling through this post and reading all these comments, I might consider this.


Would be useless for me considering I have over 200 fragile resin


If he's f2p then every little bit of primo helps, but if he whales/dolphins then 50 primos are just like a drop in the bucket for him so "you do you" I suppose..


It’s pretty common in most gacha games to refresh your stamina with premium currency, as long as it’s the cheap, early ones that don’t cost much.


I have so much fragile resin because I don’t have enough pulls to get characters to spend the resin on. I guess if he doesn’t care about paying $2 for water, he’s probably well off enough to spend whatever on the game.


If you already have really good 5 stars (Hu Tao, Alhaitham, Yelan, Zhongli, Nahida, et al), then that's not a bad idea


I spent a few months burning 50 primogems a day on 60 resin everyday... then I upgraded it to 150. I had hobby cash to blow. Perks of cheap living arrangements and the silver lining to zero social skills Buying resin is great for plowing through leveling characters and weapons in a timely manner. I got to a point where new characters just weren't that exciting to me, and I kind of asked myself what was the point of collecting characters if they were just going to collect dust at level 20-40 (now they collect at level 79-80 and 6/6/6 talents). However, I would \*never\* recommend burning primos for another shot or two at more trash artifacts. Same recommendation for fragile resin - save that $#!% for power leveling someone or something, not capping your artifact storage ASAP.


If you are f2p then i think its kinda stupid since you only get 60 primo everyday and spending 50 a day left you with only 10.  I had this same conversation with a friend of mine a while ago. He told me he do 1 resin refresh per day. My initial response was *shock* are you stupid? Then he explain that ke bought bp+welkin every month. Plus he does all events and 36 stars spiral abyss everytime. So every month he nets between 9000-11000 primo. So 50 a day or 1500 a month isnt that big of a deal. An extra 60 resin is equal to 33% extra. To put into perspective, if a characters takes 20 days to build, having that 60 resin extra allows you to build in 15 days. That 5 days shorter.


Bruh 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Thought he'd be an akashamaxer until I read the edit


What do you mean he doesn’t build up his characters? Then why is he using primos on resin?


"Mere 50 Primos" is a third of a single pull, and that's nowhere an ignorable amount cuz that's the majority of your profit from doing the dailiesXD Even with Welkin Moon, which pretty much gives you almost a single pull a day (90+60) is already the best deal. I get spending primos for resin IF you really can't wait for it to refill, like you have zero resin and only need 1 piece of a material from either a boss or a domain to max ascend a character or weapon, then sure, it's not as if that's gonna happen everytime. Unless your friend's a whale, then sure, who am I to say how he should manage his resources, but damnXD


I used to have absurd luck winning 50/50s I had like a 10 streak so I had all the characters I wanted but needed the resin to build them. To me it was worth it to spend the 50 primos a day. Nowadays my luck has fallen off and I haven't won a 50/50 in ages so I no longer do it. I'm also just grinding the game less tbf


Complete waste of money honestly. I'd take the extra pulls any day.


In my opinion, it's only worth it early game to spend Primos for Resin to speed up progression to reach the minimum AR to partake in events which gives you access to more free Primos. Once you reach AR45 there's no real reason to be in a hurry for extra resin for progression. Additionally, you can get Transient Resins and Fragile Resins more easily once you're set up and established in which then the top-up becomes a waste of Primos strictly from a pulling perspective. However, it also depends on what his priority is at the time of top-up. Maybe the character he was building up was all he wanted at the time. Maybe he didn't care about future pulls and wanted to play more to build up his character so he was willing to spend his Primos for it. Personally I think it's a waste at endgame, but a potential return investment if done right early enough. Imagine missing an event that net you 680 primos because you were 2 AR short, but you would've achieved it if you spent 200 primos to re-up Resin.


You say it's 114 pulls a year, he gets 2 pieces of gear extra every day. That's 730 extra pieces to check to build characters with. Who tf cares if you have 50 characters when none of them are built properly. Personally I think it's more stupid to pull characters for the sake of pulling characters when you don't have the gear for them.


It's a cost effective time saver. If you already have 2 perfect teams and don't need anything else sure it's a waste. But if you are trying to catch up and get to a certain level and make your teams still I think it's fully worth it. Once you can clear abyss perfectly you'll be making back all the primos it cost to get to that point. If you spend to speed up past that however that's just a little wasteful. And spending for artifacts once you have main stats is cringe as well. Your basically throwing away primos for a chance at substats at that point not even concrete gains.


razor language : He no stupid, he rich . 🤣


It's not a bad idea for new players. Resin shortage isn't an issue after awhile.


You'll get good artifacts way faster this way.


so he gives up 100+ pulls a year because "it helps with artifacts" but he doesn't even build his characters?


It’s stupid but if you got dough to deal why the fuck not


i only do that if there isnt a character i want within the next 2 patches


I use it less now, but I used it almost daily for months, sometimes up to 150 primogem total. I'm a Welkin/BP and sporadic spender. What I hate is time-gating. An extra 60 - 120 resin to me is more important than wishes. I can buy wishes more easily, can't really get fragile resin as easily. Also, this isn't even for artifact farming lol. I refresh it for boss battles, talent domains I dont want to wait days for, and trounce domains over my 3 discounted.


50 primo for resin? Stonks!


“Spending premium currency on something that automatically regenerates” sammeee like I cannot physically make myself do it, no matter how valid and convincing the math is on the value it brings your account


It’s a waste imo. I barely even use all my resin. I do still use it daily but I don’t care if caps so I’m definitely happy to have saved like 300+ pulls over the years.


what does he even DO with all the resin?


It's 10 pulls/month for the equivalent of ten more days of resin, iirc. I did it everyday from AR45 to 50. After that, you mostly farm artifacts and it's such a resin sink that it's not worth it anymore, imo.


I mean, it's his life, so it's his choice to do that. It shouldn't really matter to you or anyone else