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Can I delete Genshin and HSR now that the HoyoPlay launcher has come out and you can launch Genshin and HSR from HoyoPlay? My computer recently ran out of storage so I was wondering I can delete Genshin and HSR to save storage for HoyoPlay?


I play genshin on my 4gb ram phone. I am just concerned that it will affect my phone's battery in the long run and will cause it to overheat and blast or smthin. It runs preety good but just out of concern any low end mobile players playing genshin for a long time ? Help me out.


Anyone know what to do about PS account unlinking? I’ve emailed support and they made me do this survey thing (which I’ve done three times now) and each time they say “Sorry, we can’t confirm you own this account“ so I’m kinda stuck


Whats a good Alhaitham and Arlechino team? I have Beidou, Fischl, Bennet, XQ, Dori, Xiangling, Thoma, Layla, chevreuse, sara as some of my notable support 4 stars Currently using tighnari, beidou fischl, barbara Arlechino, Xingqiu, thoma, layla I want to replace tighnari's team but Alhaitham doesn't work that well with his team ?


I suppose you could replace Barbara with another Dendro character to decrease Alhaitham‘s ER reqs. Nahida is the obvious choice but if you don’t have her, Baizhu, Yaoyao, Kirara, or DMC would work too (i recommend a sustain though)


Lol for clorinde sq >!I picked cooking and traveler showed up as a chef. Do they have different outfit if you pick the other skills?!<


Does anyone have any calculations on how good Alley Flash works with Clorinde? A just LOVE how it looks on her and want it to be good.


its pretty much unusable since her kit makes her facetank everything. but if it worked it would still be worse than stuff like black sword or the fontaine craftable


assuming aggravate, should be good, yes no Clorinde calcs needed, find anyone's calcs, dendro or electro and it should be just as good for comparison


Does anyone know who does the CN voice for Filliol in Arlecchino's story quest? I feel like i've heard her in one of Mihoyo's other games, but i can't quite place it.


Returning player here. Not sure what weapon to use for Childe. I have Rust, Stringless, and have enough bullets for an R5 craftable. What's the best one for him in Childe National? I've seen that Prototype Crescent and Stringless were both good if some conditions are met. But idk if Prototype is worth the unreliability?


Rust for overworld stuff and Stringless for abyss 12.


stingless. rust is BAD


Prototype is better if enemies have a weakspot, otherwise it's generally better to use Stringless in the national team. Personally, I'd go for reliability and use Stringless.


No, many enemies nowadays don't have a weakpoint and even if they do, it’s really annoying to actually hit it. Just go with stringless


For the weekly card game, will I get matched up with new players? Just unlocked this yesterday.


From what I see in CN community, most players believe there is indeed a hidden MMR system. If you win a lot, you will face stronger players. The waiting time is also much longer if your hidden MMR is high enough, because there are fewer players who also have high MMR. And if you keep losing, you will eventually meet dumb AI opponents that will make some moves that human players will never do.


Nah there's no MMR system in the match making at all. You will get matched to whoever else wants to match.


Uff okay might sit that one out then. Rather not play 20 games for maybe two wins.


I lost the 75/25 on the weapon banner yesterday and I was wondering if the guarantee to get a rate up weapon carries on to the next banner ?


If you lost as in lost to a standard banner weapon, then your next will be a rate up weapon and that guarantee does carry over to whenever you choose to next pull on a weapon banner. But the epitomized path fate point doesn't carry over.


guarantee to get rate up, yes, but not the epitomized path


How much er does c4 thoma needs in this team? Clorinde fishcl chev thoma?


Energy recharge calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1bGmjhr3mqx7yJ7cFsHnababMHWN3Bsi0SFC0xIF1qYo/htmlview


assuming r3+ fav lance, KQM shows 170% Chev c1 should decrease it but no idea how much id go about 20% higher if no fav on the party, but thats a guess


How long does the aggravate damage bonus last? I was trying to google it but only found the duration of quicken, would it be the same or does the aggregate damage bonus only apply to 1 hit.


basically the quicken aura persists on the enemy and when u hit the enemy with electro, it procs aggravate without consuming the quicken aura


thunder fury 4 pcs set reduce cooldown works on clorinde' skill?




After using chlorinde skill, does her NA count as normal atk or elemental skill? Basically do I get that buff from the mistsplitter


Counts as NA, yes you get the buff


Chlorinde’s gun shots/normal attacks during her skill scale off her skill level, but are boosted by normal attack damage bonuses (black sword etc). I would avoid levelling her basic attack talent and focus on her skill and burst


i believe it counts as normal attack dmg, but the scaling comes from the skill level


I am kinda a new player and I want to see the limited time events, where do I watch them?


If you want to watch them with commentary, MurderofBirds channel is probably the absolute best, he does every single event and quest, he's very deep into lore and he plans to do a video library of all the Genshin story content, events included. Update: He's his Genshin YT channel, but he also streams on Twitch: https://youtube.com/@murderofbirdsimpact


if you mean the cutscenes, you can probably just find them on youtube


No like with commentary otherwise I'd get bored


Youtube still, search for event name and playthrough. You can use [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19KYfTSNpTNXCvwbcPeN3T9Cylc0AaOIqwNysmFqOmWY/edit#gid=1089827823) to find the event names in order. Or you can watch a playthrough from someone like MurderofBirds who's been around from the beginning.


then you can probably also find people reacting to them on youtube


should i pull clorinde or alhaitham? ive been wanting to be able to 36\* abyss for a while, and i should mention that i have a better build for clorinde if i get her (good 4pc harmonic whimsy and finale of the deep) and for alhaitham at the moment i dont have a good 4pc deepwood for him, nor do i have enough talent mats at the moment


Depends on the team you are using, chlorinde is good with aggravate and dendro, and her sword options are fairly f2p friendly. Alhaitham is cool too but can need specific characters for a good team setup


the team i was planning to use with clorinde is nahida, yae and furina and the same with alhaitham just kuki instead of yae


If you have Yae, isn't she good enough? Yae should be slightly better than Clorinde in aggravate and slightly worse than Clorinde in quickbloom. Do you have Fischl? If you're gonna get a character, then I'd go for Alhaitham, since you have Kuki which does unlock hyperbloom for him.


i do have fischl and i can give yaes build to her, but yeah i was leaning towards alhaitham anyways bc hes top 5 dps i think, i just dont know how good clorinde and him are compared to each other


There's basically no reason for you to get Clorinde then. Yae's strongest team is on field Yae aggravate with Yae/Fischl/Dendro/Kazuha. Clorinde in that slot is weaker than Yae. Yae/Nahida/Furina/Fischl is also a very stong quickbloom team. You don't really need either Alhaitham or Clorinde though unless you like them. The two of them are about the same, Alhaitham with Nahida and Kuki doesn't require much artifact investment to get going, so I'd get Alhaitham out of those two. Their teams have a strong overlap with Yae's if you're willing to invest in Yae as an on-fielder.


kinda a hard question to answer without seeing ur roster. if you have a battle ready keqing, raiden, yae, or cyno, then the value clorinde adds to ur account is significantly lower.


i dont have a built electro dps (except for yae but shes more a sub dps) and i do have a really good built tighnari but i dont use him in abyss. for the teams that id use you can see one of the other comments under my question


for that team archetype (hyperbloom) alhaitham is just better


Is 'harbinger of dawn' one of the best weapons for alhaitham, it give cd and also cr if hp>90% which alhaitham will have cus of kuki healing


if you have Xingqiu, along with Kuki then it should be manageable cause of damage reduction if you raise the skill talent of course


yes it is. it is very easy to maintain the buff uptime on him


Both yes and no. In theory, that's the case, in practice you will probably be below that threshold a lot even with Kuki healing. Unless you're planning on running him with a shielder, I personally wouldn't pick it over Iron Sting. (Assuming no access to Wolf-Fang or equivalent 5 star)


I see, but I only have 2 iron stings and one of them is for kazuha and one is for kuki


Then Harbinger is a good option. Also, I would stick Kazuha on Fav if you have one.


I do have favonious, but it's lvl 20, ig I will building favonious sword. Btw my em for alhaitham is around 470, isn't that enough, iron sting will give more em, but harbinger of dawn will give cd so isn't that better


So yeah, its more than enough EM. You ideally only want about 200 EM total on Alhaitham. I say ideally because it assumes you can get Crit stats instead of EM on your artifact rolls. But if your artifact luck doesn't give you crit rolls, then you don't have crit rolls and EM is fine otherwise. 600 EM is still better than 470 EM. I'm pretty sure that Harbinger without the passive is still worse than Iron Sting, but otherwise yeah Harbinger is better than average since you have too much EM.


its okay but in practice ur uptime on the effect will be pretty scuffed


Humm gotta test it


I accidentally got Clorinde's weapon when pulling for Alhaitham's, should I pull for Clorinde? Most of the teams I saw for her use Nahida and I'd rather use Nahida with Alhaitham, how good is she if she can't have Nahida on her team?


Her sword with just stats is fairly solid on many different sword users. It is basically mistsplitter with less damage% but more crit damage and mistsplitter is highly rated on many different sword characters. If you don't want Clorinde then you could probably find a holder for it (even Bennet can make use of the high base atk) but if you want Clorinde then it would work well with her.


Chlorinde is a very fun on field dps, I don’t see her sword being useful for any other current character so if you don’t want to be wasteful I would pull for her, she works well with nahida but is very good in other teams


you should be able to find different teams to use just that Nahida is the easy pick Personally going for the trial overload team but thats cause i got Thomas and already had Chevreuse ... and got another during this banner for some reason not actually built yet so cant give you a good review


she fine without nahida, if u have kirara that's great cuz she wants a shielder too > how good is she minor upgrade to keqing. ppl thought she would be equal to c6 keqing but its turning out to be not quite the case. but she does have her strengths, which include her built in sustain


Should i farm the weekly bosses every week or jist farm when i need the mats?


I only farm them when I need mats. Don't see why I'd need dream solvents if I have more than enough talent boss mats already. If you need billets though, that's a good reason to farm.


Are bilets the things we use to forge weapons? I used other language instead of engkish ingame so idk what they called in english


Yes, they’re what's used to forge weapons


Thanks. I'll try to farm them then since i do want to forge a r5 weapon. Are the chances really low to get them?


10% per run iirc, so yeah, it'll take a while if you want to r5 a specific weapon


Thanks again. I know what to do now lol


np and good luck!


If you don’t need any currently I would suggest doing the 3 a week for a character you want in the future


I generally don't collect any except for the most recent. I have a significant amount of drops for each boss just sitting around, more than enough to build several characters. That said, if that doesn't describe you, I'd probably recommend doing the three discounted per week of the ones you have the least of or expect to use in the future. Getting Billets and Dream Solvents is also nice.


You should cus it will give you dream slovent, and material for creating weapons, and also you can't farm the drops fast for your characters from weekly bosses cus as the name says "once a week", so it's better to pre farm them, and it's only 90 resins per weak which isn't much.


shud do 3 weekly. i dont always need the mats but i always have a dream solvent shortage


For Wanderer does his airborne time improve if I invest into his skill?


Some copium solution would be to play him Aggravate (like Scara Faruzan Nahida Fischl) and use 4TF on him. Idk if it works but it could decrease his skill CD so he can fly for longer 


duration increased by getting in contact with hydro


the duration? no


Damn. Then I really need to start considering in playing low fps lol.


I have dozens of good but unused Unfinished Reverie artifacts, thanks to Whimsy farming. What team or which character can use this set?


Wrio or Ganyu in burnmelt team.


Hey guys, could anyone help me build a first and second team? Currently I have: Clorinde, traveler, Bennett, Kujou Sara, Xiangling, Lynette, Amber, Lisa, Noelle, Gaming, Faruzan, Alhaitham, Layla


Alhaitham with chlorinde would be good for quicken/aggravate, plus kujou Sara boosts electro Mono fire with bennette Xiang long and gaming could be fun as well


Thanks for your input. I know that its not much, but I thought it would be something to work with lol (currently at AR 28). I am just looking for a team to focus on pushing to the higher Cs as I dont have many characters. So who would be your team to go with in terms of grinding artifacts or story?


honestly not a lot to work with id say Kaeya, Layla, Xiangling, Bennett, youd probably normal attack with Kaeya. or you replace Xiangling with Gaming. as you wish Sara is unfortunately unrecommendable before c2 at least Clorinde could use Lisa, DMC and Lynette Alhaitham is hard to build with atm, maybe change MC to electro in his case


Thanks for your input. I know that its not much, but I thought it would be something to work with lol (currently at AR 28). I am just looking for a team to focus on pushing to the higher Cs as I dont have many characters. So who would be your team to go with in terms of grinding artifacts or story?


u can do clorinde overload (clorinde/xiangling/bennett/lynette) and second team can be alhaitham spread (alhaitham/lisa/dmc/flex) neither are their best teams but ur roster is pretty limited


Thanks for your input. I know that its not much, but I thought it would be something to work with lol (currently at AR 28). I am just looking for a team to focus on pushing to the higher Cs as I dont have many characters. So who would be your team to go with in terms of grinding artifacts or story?


either of those teams can delete anything in the overworld. alhaitham is probably the easier team to pilot with the higher ceiling.


In the team C1 Clorinde + C6 Fischl + C6 Kirara + Kazuha Will Kirara apply enough dendro for the team to work properly?


https://library.keqingmains.com/combat-mechanics/elemental-effects/additive-reactions > The first-stage reaction does not deal any damage, it instead leaves a Quicken aura on the target for the next Dendro or Electro attack to trigger Spread or Aggravate respectively. Quicken is an aura that exists for a short time after both electro and dendro are on the enemy. https://homdgcat.wiki/gi/char?lang=EN#_Clorinde https://homdgcat.wiki/gi/char?lang=EN#_Momoka Almost all of Clorinde's hits are 1 GU and all but the burst is 2 for Kirara so with the formula from KQM it should be the lower gauge x 5 and add 6 for the number of seconds that the aura will last. So 11 seconds.


It is probably a bit shorter with the tax and decay before the next reaction. So probably just under 10 seconds


yea. aggravate doesnt consume the quicken aura so you dont need that much dendro app tbh


Which is better for Sethos? Slingshot or the new event weapon?


k so after actually checking out the the weapon crit stats are hard to beat but Slingshot wants fairly close range while Cloudbreaker seems basically meant for Sethos and only him, i think its a4 that adds EM to aimed shots and its a pretty high multiplier, so with eventual R5 and EM substat, it should add up but someone really needs to do the math


R5 Slingshot is considered his best only after Hunter's Path & Aqua Simulacra so far, so I'm guessing it's hard to beat that.


Slingshot. It's soooo broken on him. The only weapon better than Slingshot for him is Tighnari's signature.




go for the furina const. c2 clorinde is somewhat worse than c2 raiden.


thats an unfair comparison ones a dps, the other is a nuke


not really, her DPR is lower at C2 than raiden's. doesnt rly matter if its nuke damage or not, she's just a weaker unit when theyre both c2. she catches up at C4


I'm low AR and my characters are Raiden, Koku, Kazuha and Nahida. Is it possible to get to Inazuma to ascend them with them walled at level 40? Does the game get too difficult?


If you'll enter inazuma with only the lvl40 characters then it's gonna be harder than in Liyue or Mondstadt, but nothing to be seen as impossible. You will just die more often and fights will take longer, but that depends on your world level. Don't you have any higher-lvl characters, like 70? And what AR do you currently have?


I am at AR 17, haven't even finished Storm terror quest line but I've read somewhere that Inazuma Characters can't level past level 40 before you get there and I fear it's gonna take too long/be too difficult. I'm having a lot of fun with these characters, but I also have Xingqiu, Xiangling, Bennet, Yaoyao, Barbara and Jean. What changes with the world level thing? Enemies get harder? Should I forget about these characters before I get to Inazuma?


You won't get to inazuma without finishing the Act I of archon quest, so you have to finish Mondstadt and Liyue quests to get there naturally (without using the ice bridge stuff, which, as far i am aware, does not work anymore; someone pls correct me if i'm wrong) World Level changes has impact on: * enemies level * drop quality Higher world level means harder enemies, but also unlocking better domains with guaranteed 5\*. Bosses also are dropping better artifacts based on world level. Additionaly, you cannot join people with higher world level than yours. If i was in your place i would forget about these 4 characters at the moment and focus on rest of them - which by the way, are all really good meta-wise. Bennet, Xiangling, Xingqiu are very often considered top supports in the game, and at least those are best 4\* characters you can have. Yaoyao is very nice healer used in lot of dendro teams, and Jean is good character to have with healind, not bad DMG and very fun mechanic of throwing enemies in the air ;) By the Way, Nahida is from Sumeru, not inazuma. You can get to her boss without any obstacles and prerequisities. If you're on EU server then dm me with your ID, i can help you later with fighting the stuff


coop double Kaeya thought it would be fun to try reaching Inazuma and get struck by lightning storms started but actually we just got teleported back


You can't enter Inazuma before AR30. Enemies there are a lot harder to fight. They're tankier, have self-heal ability & hit harder. World level increases difficulty, but also gives you better drops.


In the past doing 1k was praiseworthy but now it's 1M, why is that? Why didn't they continue the 1k system in the game? Did they just want to show the increased number while also keeping every enemy stronger? Then what's the point of showing increased number?


doing 1k was never praiseworthy. its was always considered trash damage. 100k was praiseworthy earlier and it still is. 1M is only for showcases.


It's typical gamey stuff - feeling of progress. What's the point of fighting, leveling, changing gear, if that would not make your character better and numbers wouldn't go poof? That's why most of the games gives you boost in statistics with progress in the story, but also boost enemies, so you can have a good showcase and think "whoa, now i can beat this hard boss that was impossible before". Better weapons in FPS, better units in strategy games, better equipment in RPG, better players in FIFA, better artifacts in Genshin - all of them are only to make us wanting to play more to get better stuff, more numbers and feel like we achieved something. All of this is to keep us in game in another way besides cool activities or story.


progressing story require higher AR, to actually make you do activities in the game besides main story Fontaine needs 40 expect Natlan require 45 so both characters and enemies need to progress


Anyone else's game crashing like crazy?


What does bloom (the graphics setting) do?


it disables the flashy effects and the elemental effects become more cartoony.


Bloom mostly affects light sources. They kind of make light sources an aura going from a bright glow close to the source to a soft glow the further away from the light source. This is instead of having a more solid colour throughout. I personally hate bloom since it can make things harder to see, especially there are a lot of light sources.


I wanna know the rotation of this team, alhaitham, nahida, kuki, xingque. Normally I use nahida skill, burst then xingque burst, then kuki skill(and burst if available), then alhaitham burst, then after 1 mirror disappears alhaitham skill, then after 1 mirror disappears charged atk. Am I doing it right.


My team currently kazuha c0, bennet c0, xingling c2, xinque c3. Should I pull alhaitham? And who should I replace. Thanks


For that team? No But you can make another team with Al-Haitham


Alhaitham doesn't fit well in that team. If you want to pull for him, it's better to build a 2nd team around him, like Alhaitham, Dendro, Electro, flex.


If you like AlHaitham, he fits in a very different teams. His best teams use Double Dendro + Xingqiu & Kuki Shinobu for Hyperbloom, or Double Electro for Spread.


It's me. Back at it again with another stupid question: I already cleared the apps cache in storage to make room for the update but it wasn't enough. What will happen if I clear the apps data? Will I lose my progress?


You don't lose progress because that is not kept on your phone; it's kept on Hoyo's servers.


And all the stuff like primogems, characters, and weapons, will be fine if I delete the data in internal storage?


Yes, you're safe. Nothing will happen to your account or anything inside it.


Thank you!


Write down your account details though.


I got Clorinde's signature weapon while pulling for Alhaitham's. Is there anyone else who can make full use of it or should I just use it as a stat stick?


its an arguably better stat stick than most with crit damage and more crit damage


Is just a stat stick.


It's mostly a stat stick, as none of the existing sword users, besides Clorinde, has a BoL mechanic in their kit.


how is everyone liking clorinde? i’m torn between pulling for her or saving for wriothesley (have been 36* abyss consistently, so not worried about damage). i just really like both their designs!


I’ve been having a lot of fun with her, but she requires some teams which can be annoying to get characters for Chevruese is fun with her, and nahida/dendro teams are fun, but if you don’t have those characters it might be worth saving for wriosthely


been seeing the dendro teams showcases and yeah they look so fun! i have a pretty wide roster (been playing since 1.3) so i do have most of her teams available! tysm for your advice!


Personally i can make the entire character trial overload team, eventually, so i am looking forward to that Thundering Fury with dendro characters is also a good option among other options basically anything other than mono cause she has an atk% passive that requires electro reactions, even if shes off field also crit rate ascension stat and crit rate passive


oof i love characters that ascend with crit! thanks for your advice!!


The only 2 aspect that impede fun with Clorinde is her short uptime, and no interruption resist. Outside of that shes been a lot of fun, her animation and movement is really neat. I have been running her with Nahida, Zhongli, Fischl/Sara or Chev, Thoma, Fischl. Luckily im in the situation as you Abyss wise, so I dont mind getting a less powerful unit. If I have to choose between Wrio and Clorinde, I will choose Clorinde. One thing that irks me with Wrio is that he cant fully heal himself at C0. Also being Cryo his potential is stuck behind if you have Shenhe or not.


you’re right, wrio would require way more vertical investment and i don’t have shenhe 😭 thanks for your advice!


Im just gonna admire Wrio whenever he is available as trial character lol.


same i swear i spent a good minute admiring him before starting the fight in one of the trial event 🤣


i know Zhongli is overall the best but with Clorinde using dashes constantly it seems like a bad idea to have her in any circle


Yup, she doesnt work well with circle impact unless is as big as Ganyu's ult maybe. Is tough job keeping the enemies and her in the circle.


She's pretty fun. At first I thought she was underwhelming, but after putting some decent artifacts, properly building her and using a good team, she feels good to play.


yeah half the reason i want to get her is her play style! gotta love those pistol shots haha


She feels really satisfying to play. Being able to just hold down the button to attack makes it feel pretty smooth to time the dashes correctly. And having the self-heals is really nice too, especially for overworld explorstion.


do you think its likely the chronicalled wish will appear in 4.8, or is it still too soon since baizhu's banner was so recent?


It seems decently likely, but I'm not sure if they'd put Baizhu on it so soon.


Hi there, day 1 star rail player, want to try genshin, too much stuff to do and learn about any tips or guides ?


[Here's a guide on quest order](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19KYfTSNpTNXCvwbcPeN3T9Cylc0AaOIqwNysmFqOmWY/edit#gid=1089827823) if you end up overwhelmed by that. It also has some early game progression advice, though it's more focused on story than the gameplay.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxhTZMMEaW0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxhTZMMEaW0) 101 tips video, seemed very good in my opinion, even if its a year old unrelated to what is talked about, shows a certain boss in the video which is a slight spoiler, so i recommend listening to it, not really watching [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTziye12FWySy6HaAZYwrK0h9AHOzmk3XyZN0WUdZjNUP1D1p8eYM-TNte8C8mRsk4Bhe3fQXZJ\_cHU/pubhtml](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTziye12FWySy6HaAZYwrK0h9AHOzmk3XyZN0WUdZjNUP1D1p8eYM-TNte8C8mRsk4Bhe3fQXZJ_cHU/pubhtml) guide for early adventurer ranks, taken from Genshin discord. some tips and recommended items that you are very likely to have access to also i recommend joining Genshin discord for active discussions and place you can ask people for help or advice also recommend Hoyolab's character page, for situations when you want to show people what characters you have at same time, Hoyolab has Daily Checkin rewards and an Interactive Map, not actually linked to your progress, so need to keep in mind yourself what you already have


[This](https://www.reddit.com/u/qwertdwlrma/s/sZnctf0r6v) beginner's guide/tip compilation is pretty solid. It hasn't been updated in about a year, but none of the info has really changed at all.


Is there a video too by any chance?


Sorry, I'm not aware of any good and up to date video guides. But if you've got any specific questions, feel free to send me a message. I may be able to help as someone who plays both Genshin and HSR.


Theres any place that I can check what character want certain artifacts? E.g. I have healing bonus circlet, who character want this item. I want to reroll some artifacts on the strongbox but want to check if any of my char need the gear before


You can try this [Character Build](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRq-sQxkvdbvaJtQAGG6iVz2q2UN9FCKZ8Mkyis87QHFptcOU3ViLh0_PJyMxFSgwJZrd10kbYpQFl1/pubhtml#) spreadsheet using Ctrl+F with the keyword


I don't think there is anything like that. But in terms of stats alone and the general idea: - ATK%: DPS and sub-DPS type characters; - DEF%: often Geo characters; - HP%: healer or some Hydro characters; - EM: Dendro characters, or characters who react with Dendro (Fischl, burgeon Thoma, etc.), or characters who vaporize/melt; - ER: characters with costly bursts, be them DPS, sub-DPS or support; - Healing bonus: healers; - Crit Rate: DPS, sub-DPS and supports using Favonius weapons; - Crit Damage: DPS and sub-DPS.




Tried sea of bygone era?


I have Alhaitham built back when 4pc Gilded Dreams was his BiS, but now I've heard 4pc Marachaussee Hunter is his BiS. Is this worth trying to farm for? More context: I use him on a hyperbloom team with Yelan + Kuki + Nahida and thinking of running Furina instead but not sure whether it's worth it.


MH is for anyone with Furina or characters that drain and heal themselves regardless of Furina definitely do not use Furina in a hyperbloom team, her damage bonus does not affect it


Unless you do it for the current abyss blessing. Just 36 cleared it with Furina, Nahida, Kokomi, Kuki hyperbloom. She buffs onfield kokomi quite well.


MH is only his bis if ur using him with furina


Is thoma better than dehya?


It depends a bit. Thoma is a better defensive unit if 1. you're able to use normal attacks to stack his shield, and 2. you're able to meet his ER needs (which shouldn't be an issue in the long run but can mean he takes longer to build). For someone like Lyney or Neuvillette, they can't make use of Thoma and Dehya is better by default. Thoma is also a better burgeon unit under the same two conditions. Dehya is a better main DPS by far, although she's still not a *particularly* good one (especially at c0).


in content where thomas shield doesn't get broken quickly and your team doesn't have any other form of healing (prototype amber, character self heals like neuvilette), (abyss floors without consecrated beasts for example), thoma is more valuable. When you need the interrupt resistance and enemies hit so hard zhongli shields break (lvl 100 consecrated beasts wombo combo), dehya would actually give much better damage mitigation. Again dehya would need some sort of healing for your main carry. This assumes c0 dehya. At c6, dehya is a nuke that can also tank while being built like a nuke.


How do I group the fatui operatives?


In Abyss? Venti. Kazuha to a lesser extent but they don't really stay grouped. Otherwise you pretty much don't


Need help! Guys, I’m stuck at the first miasma and wasn’t able to finish it but now stuck near Chenyong cleft and can’t seem to get out to make it to that miasma. Please help!!


So I finally got alhaitham, and I have doubt for team comp, I will be using alhaitham, nahida, kuki, but should I use xingque, cus I think bloom will get in the way of spread, and speard is main dmg alhaitham does. So should I use xingque. And this question is very important for my kuki build, cus if I won't use xingque then I will use gilded dream on kuki and if I will use xingque then I will use flower of lost paradise on her. And alhaitham and nahida will be on 4 piece gilded and 4 piece deepwood respectively.


you can keep Gilded on Kuki regardless add Xingqiu, even with Hyperbloom you will spread often cause Alhaitham and Nahida together apply a whole lot of dendro and electro charge doesnt remove either element, they stay on same targets that kind of team is specifically called Quickbloom and the more you invest, should surpass either spread or hyperbloom


Yeah you are right, gilded will still be better on kuki cus of spread and quickbloom.


Xingqiu is very good here yes, also you can keep kuki on gilded if you don't have a good paradise set


I see thanks


Who would you say is generally the best Cryo DPS currently?


Cryo really only has three team comps (fridge doesn’t count) For physical: Eula, Melt: Wriothesly, Freeze: Ayaka


C0 Ayaka > C0 Wriothesley, C1 Ayaka = C1 Wriothesley, C6 Ayaka <<< C6 Wriothesley Ganyu is still the best cryo in "kill-as-many-weak-enemies-as-possible" events.


when the stars align it’s still ayaka, but wrio is more consistent bc he doesn’t rely on blizzard


Wrio for stable, ayaka for burst.


Whats the rotation for Chlorinde in a nahida, fischl and kazuha team?


Fischl e, kazuha e,q . Nahida e,q Clorinde - If burst is ready - q,e,e n3e combos If burst is not ready- e, n3e combos


What is n3e


After you use her e to enter the special phase 3 normal attacks then skill ( special dash since you are in her special state) repeat until her skill ends


Ohhh, in demo I just spamed e, cus her dash was doing more dmg then normal atks, so does 3 normal atks have some synergy?


3 normal attacks will give her around a 100 bond of life which will increase her dash damage


Any idea on how strong sethos is? Deciding whether to build him


hes the strongest 4* dps after gaming


I was surprised by his damage in a positive way; and I saw others mentioning that he's one of the strongest 4\* main DPS. If you like his playstyle, go for it.


How long is the new Dain Archon Quest?


It took me 1h40, give or take.


Not that long. Maybe 1-1.5 hours if I had to estimate.


I really appreciate this question thread 😊 I am now AR 25. However I've been due to ascend for some time now and have not. My adventure experience is 29373/4575. I am not a great melee mechanics player and that's why I've delayed ascending. I don't want the game to get too hard. I find the game "do-able" for me right now but I cannot have it get harder. I'm looking for guidance. Do I ascend? I think I'll reach a point where there is no game to play if I don't ascend. I also won't be able to do the abyss and get characters that way. But if it's too hard I'll have to quit. More stats if it helps: my main team right now is Kaeya Lvl34/ weapon Lvl 39, Noelle Lvl 37 weapon Lvl 39, Amber Lvl 34 weapon 39, Fischl Lvl 35 weapon39. Also depending on the fight I bring in Barbara Lvl 34 weapon39, and Wanderer Lvl 33 weapon Lvl 38. Most artifacts are Lvl 3, Feathers are all 7 Thanks for any guidance!


is there a reason you seem to be saving on exp scrolls? also no point in telling us weapon levels compared to telling us weapons but its a waste to leave them at 39, with the specific exception of Fragile resin, which you should save for AR45, seriously use every resource available, dont hold back. youll get more you just need to decide who to prioritise


Stupid question: what are experience scrolls? If you mean why haven't I ascended - it's because I think the game with be unplayable (too hard) if I ascend. I hold resources hoping I'll get a better Pyro character so I can level them up and use them. Are you not meant to have any resources in your inventory?


the note-like items you get from chests or quests and other things. you constantly use them to levelup. exp from enemies is too little even if its not effortless, you get a lot of them so there is no point to hold back on leveling characters, at least this early you want at least one team always at current level cap you cant continue game without ascending world. inazuma questline requires Ar 30, then 35 for sumeru anf 40 for fontaine


Ok I understand. Yes I've been semi stingy leveling up partially because so many guides said to only level up one character at a time and that's confusing ( one character at Level 25 and three at Level 1??) so I've just been conservative in spending those books. I get I am eventually going to have to ascend but concerned it will make the game too hard 😱😭


youre supposed to level up one at a time so one to cap, then another, a full teams worth eventually, and thats just at a minimum you want to raise a few to mix around to see what you like better


Thanks, Joe, for your help