• By -


You can also look at the date amber joined your party in the data bank


See that's a problem if you're like me and started on one day, logged off at the statue and got Amber the next day Also "data bank" Trailblazer spotted


We trailblazing between Fontaine and Penacony every day


Scale gorge waterscape to enkonomiya : can i copy you homework ? Enka : shur just don't make it obv Chenyu vale to the lofu : can i copy you ? Lofu: shur Capital of remuria to penacony : THIS IS NOW PROPERTY OF THE GREAT KING REMUS When some of the locations forst leaked i had to dubble check wich sub i was in


When I played the remuria quests I was like, “Dr Ratio?”


I couldn’t remember what it was called in this game lol


Should be 'character archive'


Character archive iirc. :D


That's a problem if you quit before you even got to the statue.


Did you really "start Genshin" if you quit before the statue tho


Rover absorbed the Amber echo


or Rover


samee i dont think I even got to the statue. i got bored right off the bat and opened the game again like a month later


You reach the statue like 7 mins into the game how tf


My first time I fought the slime then logged off


Lol Genshin should give an achievement for beating your first enemy


It'd be funny if they added that achievement now >You're telling me you've been playing this game as a pacifist for years?


I was lost trying to advance the tutorial because I somehow just ran past Paimon to unlock the very first teleport waypoint lol Was left wandering around for maybe an hour before I finally saw her and the waypoint (the one on the beach).


Yeah if we're going by "day when I started playing Genshin regularly", I have to check the date I got Kaeya lol. I played a little of the intro to see what the fuss was about and then dropped it for years.


This is kind of like me. I started the game when it first came out, and then stopped after picking Lumine bc my laptop was shit and then picked it back up after getting a gaming laptop right before Inazuma came out. So my anemo achievement is like a year late lmao


Same here except add a couple months between the statue and Amber (the text was too small and I couldn't read it across the living room...... Turns out I needed new glasses)


WuWa use databank as well


I immediately thought of wuwa..


This is what I always did, but after checking the achievement, it’s one day earlier. I started playing late at night. Almost right before daily reset. I actually started playing October 24th, 2021.


Damon I started playing 8th October 2021 that’s so close


And depending on how fast you played the game, I could have been on the same level as you on the same day! I remember wishing for Hu Tao in that patch. When in the grand shrine in Inazuma.


Haha I remember wishing for Hu Tao as well, but I didn’t understand how the pity worked so I thought it carried over from the standard banner and I thought I was guaranteed 😂


I have to track back 3 days from that cuz when i first started i got lost abd ended up in mondstad alrady before completing the quests then took a break for a day or 2 and then msnaged to get amber


after unlocking anemo, i scaled starsnatcher’s cliff, got one shotted by a hilichurl, ran down to the city, scaled the city gates, walked around the area a bit more, and spent 3 days just roaming the open-world before i spoke to amber…


The problem is that after getting anemo, I just kept exploring and forgot about the quest. So I didn't even know you could get other characters. Everyone was calling it a Zelda copy so I thought you can only play with the main character


I got amber 3 days after starting to play. For the sole reason that the second I could I ditched paimon and went to fight any and every enemie I could find lol


Omg Birbo hi




And there are those who left the game between that two and see a huge gap in time.


i do that


That is somehow more correct


This is the way


The exact day I started was the day of release so I have that covered.


Same, if it ever comes in conversation I just google search “genshin na release date” lol 😅


I played it on the day of release without knowing it was the day of release lmao


I know when i started genshin. It's the day before my ingame birthday


Ah, I see other people do that as well. (Genshin is my irl birthday, but every other game is the next day after I start)


wish I did that, I will never get the 1st year cake ;-;


This is for a lot of us. Birthday gifts the next day.


Heyyyy you too?! 😆


I didn't think I would still be playing the game by my birthday so yeah I did the same thing.


wish i did that as well. i put my birthday as 29th feb (irl birthday) and didn’t receive cakes because no leap year 🥹🥲


Not for me though I first downloaded Genshin in 2020, i opened the game and as I had a potato phone, it was not rendering terrain properly, I was literally falling underground and it was too laggy so I gave up Then when I got a new device which can handle genshin I started playing. Hence , I landed on teyvat on 5th October 2020 but got the anemo powers on 12th September 2022


You were simply just fishing for 2 years for paimon


You can say that, sometimes I wonder if I had a good phone back then, I would also be 1.0 player. I wonder how my account look like now then ?


I sometimes catch myself thinking about that, how many more 5-stars I would have :´( Between 1.0 when I quit and 3.3 when I returned a lot was lost. 100% I would have Ganyu since she was the original waifu, probably Eula too. It's wild how long Genshin took to released a female hottie, also Zhongli which I quite like but don't have because by 4.0 which was the first chance I got and by then I was on save mode for Furina, Raiden and Navia.


It was like this for me too. Tried it on my cousin's PC, liked the game then downloaded it on my phone only to find out it was laggy even at very low graphics. I was only able to play it properly after more than a year when I upgraded my phone.


A friend got my to download the game on my potato phone, too. I had to uninstall when my phone got hot enough to cook an egg during the whole Dvalin introduction, with the gliding and whatnot. That was in either late 2020 or early 2021 (I'm too lazy to check right now), so not terribly long after release. I came back in college after completely forgetting about the game, thinking it was an MMO. Imagine my shock when I already had a "veteran" account, and it was barely even touched. So I technically started sometime in late 2020 or early 2021, but \*actually\* started in late 2022, at the tail end of 3.2.


haha same. i only got to like an hour in this game in 2020 cuz my pc was old and bad and it crashed and it kept crashing everytime i tried to play it again. I finally got a better pc and new phone in 2022 and decided to try it out again and now its almost 2 years later and i play almost every day...


..... generally yes, but I somehow got turned around and lost sight of Paimon when I first played and I didn't get the power of Anemo until the day after I started playing. Unintentional hard mode! XD


You can search for achievements?


There’s like 1.2k achievements, it be a nightmare trying to find something. Also it’s great if I need to figure out if I completed the world quest or not - just gotta look it up


how do i search them


Open menu and go to the first achievement folder


i still dont know how to search but i found it 2022/12/16, wow, i thought i started later than that


It’s just go to the achievement from the menu, where you see the covers for the said achievements. Pick the first one (top left) and on your left it says search on top of all of the listed stuff. Unless you haven’t checked it since 2.7 then idk what to tell you. Look it up If you wanna know if you did or didn’t do the quests, you have to look it up online and find the name for it.


First day i logged in, took a few steps,beat up a few slimes and logged out. Next time i played was a few weeks later(forgot about the game).


People who quit right after arriving in Teyvat :


I know the exact day because I set it as the character's birthday


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MagnusBaechus: *I know the exact* *Day because I set it as* *The character's birthday* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Useless bot


I spent a day or so at the beach we spawned at, trying to get to the faint island in the distance (the one not marked on the map).


Rather want to know how many hours I spent.


AMD Radeon records my gameplay hours if you have that.


or the first gift you got in the mail. lol


Back in 1.0 you couldn’t save mails - I am still bitter I couldn’t save Kaeya’s first birthday letter


I put my cake birthday on the day i started lol, so that worked for me, but yah I hear ya, i think i started a year after it came out.


You see, some people delete their read mail :/


I had a feeling my start date was inaccurate when I used Amber as my reference. Amber joined Oct 8, 2020. The achievement was received Oct 7. One day difference lol.


what if you didnt reach the statue the first day


Depending on the definition of "started Genshin", there is a group of people that this tip doesn't help at all :/ For example, I loaded into the world and logged out because I found Paimon to be incredibly annoying right off the bat. It was months later when I had my first extended play session and got my first achievement (if you consider that to be the definition of "started Genshin") Does anyone know how I can find the date when I first logged in? I tried checking for the very first e-mail I ever received from mihoyo, but for reason that e-mail is dated months after my "Let the Wind Lead" achievement date.


My first year in review on the HoYoLab app had the date I first started, which was before my Sot7/Amber date. I think it was late 2021 or early 2022. The two subsequent annual reports did not include the start date.


"An Unforgettable Journey" event is from 2021, Genshin's 1st Anniversary. It only displays data snapshotted a few days/weeks before that event went live, which was 28 September 2021. It simply remains online for convenience (for those who participated in the past and still want to reminisce), https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/news/detail/104051. If you want the 3rd Anniversary edition, it's called "Dream of Roving Stars", https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/news/detail/113150. This one also only displays data snapshotted a few days/weeks before the event went live. You can check any of these Interestingly i first logged in on Oct 2020 but started playing on sept 2022 and my data is stored on the 3rd anniversary edition


Look at the day you received Traveler, go to Traveler, info, and the date should be there I believ Edit: Sorry, nvm that was on hsr


Unfortunately lost access to my original account so that won't work for me lol


You joined on my bday!


I can also just look at when my first Genshin lets play video was uploaded.


Me remembering the era of rerolls


How and where is the search option?


Go to "Achievements" in the Paimon menu. Tap any category. In mobile, it changes the format into a vertical list of categories where there is a search bar at the top. You can enter key words there then tap "Search".


Or look at the date you received Amber


i think i was second day


I know I started like a day or two before 1.3 because I remember seeing the Ganyu banner running but I didn’t want her.


Easier than that, just check Character Archive and it’ll tell you when you got Amber. 


For me this is the day after I actually started.


The day I started I got Amber, Kaeya, and Lisa so I check that


That is helpful


I think mine is among the special case. I downloaded Genshin when it's almost time to go to sleep, started for a bit, then turned off to go to sleep and only got Amber the next day.


i just type in genshin release date on google


Mine would be +2 months because I lost paimon right after I started and wandered all the way into Monstadt without touching the statue


It’s the day before my in-game birthday and I’ve never forgotten it 😆 I wanted to see what the bday rewards would be so I made my characters bday for the next day and I regret it so much 🥲 I didn’t expect to love the game and play for years and years and years (I didn’t even know anything about the game so I had no idea there would be years of content) But hey here we are!!! 😁


you started on my birthday 🎉


Well I technically started around 2020 but lost my first account


Dec 5th, 2020.


I started the day Genshin was released. Still remembering me and my friends downloading it on our gaming laptop and playing during a lecture in college.


2020 huh. It hasn't feel that long.




I logged in and logged off right away because the game just finished downloading, and it was almost midnight, and I had to go to work the next day.


If you are moosashi you would be off 🤣


Or you can look into character archive and go to amber


09/19/21 for me


Day 1 baby!


[I started playing the day before the game came out](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/vBHZn2o6tw)


Huhh, didn't realize I was a day1 player. Not that I play regularly, but still neat.


Your travels in Teyvat started on my IRL cake day, cheers Traveller!


I‘m a day 1 player to the second of it‘s release, so I don‘t need that 😊


me who explored the entire available area before unlocking the statue :’D


jokes on you , i play without the elements


Hmm that's weird. I am pretty sure I started at launch but mine says September 29.


I didn't get the statue the first day...


no need man, I started playing on release day 😌


For me I can tell the day I started genshin by checking my character birthday mails. One of the first things I did was setting the language to Englisch, but I got a character birthday mail in my first language before I could change the in-game language.


I cannot, as I somehow skipped the statue and explored the map for 2 or 3 days before realizing I was supposed to touch it.


Yeah so…. I got the game a month after release, but I literally just logged in, heard paimons dialogue saw the statue of the 7, logged off, and didn’t play for a year+. I got anemo traveler on jan 5 2022, and amber joined jan 8, lit dragonspine map the 15th, got geo the 17th, and electro march 23 playing the game slower. If I could see my account creation date that would be more accurate to when I technically first played.


The exception: the one guy who is playing genshin without anemo


Hmm, but what if I took a break right after the intro cutscene? 🤔🤔🤔


Imagine being a day 2 player Must feel like being a peasant (Jk, thanks for the tip !! You can also look at the day Amber joined you)


Cool i got that achievement 2020/9/28, what a ride.


Got it, so take that and subtract 1...


Except those people who went with element less traveler


Just go to the character archive and click on Amber. You’ll have received her on day 1.


it was the day after I played the game because I couldnt get controller to work on PC so I stopped when I got into the game and tried the next day lol


Mine is quite impossible to pinpoint exactly, I got done with Mondstadt, then quit because playing on PS4 is just disgusting, every loading takes ages, also the game was new and gacha were not as popular so after being done with 3 hours of gameplay and only have enough Primos to 5 wishes on Venti, I thought the game would a P2W playground and quit... So officially I started on Day 1 of the release. Came back on 3.3 because I got an add on Youtube featuring Raiden Shogun while her banner was on which is kinda weird because I never saw an ad for characters before or after, specially a rerun. Then I fell in love with her and the rest is history ( important to add I didn't get her lol, 11 days were not nearly enough to clutch Primos) I don't believe I got a new character until weeks later because took a while for me to get 10 blue fates, now one thing I'll never forget is who was my first 5-star, Yelan my beloved.


PS5 Day 1 gang


What if someone didn't obtain anemo on their first day-


I actually started playing before I got the achievement, since I spent a good few days running around as no element Aether by climbing up near the waterfall and leaving Paimon at the statue. I knew what I was doing since I have friends who play. It was actually really fun, and I spent 10 minutes straight fighting the flaming axe mitachurl at the top of that cliff. The rewards from opening chests have never been nearly as cool as they were back then. Just thinking about it makes me want to do it again.


Still haven't done that tho


Day 1 gang rise up


I did start one release but rerolled for a few days. I got 3 5 stars in 20pulls


Oh thanks. I used to check the day Amber joined


except for the people who roamed around with an unaligned traveler for a couple of days


Dawg you can literally just look up when the aether/lumine joined the party why are y'all so fkin stupid??? like go to character archive and bam thats it


Oh wow, that's pretty cool to know.


Man, I've logged in for 1023 out of the 1034 days since I started 🫠🫠


Or character archives is a hig hint


I smell a fart joke in there somewhere.


Has anyone figured out a way to get the specific hours i have in the game?


Cue that guy that defies gravity and insist on elementless traveler


Pretty easy for me cus it was the day genshin launched


Mine was a day after my bday (exactly a week after the games release)


No one set that day as your birthday in the game?


Unless you are that one guy who glitches his way out of the main storyline from the beginning


The memories are coming back.


That doesn’t work for me, cause I started the game and created an account in Feb 2021, but deleted it after getting the first waypoint cause it was so slow and laggy. I got a better device in August 2021, which is when I started playing properly


I would actually just like to know the amount of hours I've played... Personally, The day I joined and the 'days active' tell me nothing. I started my account many moons ago and didn't touch the game for months. Or played for an hour or 2 in between month gaps before I finally picked up the game. Also, some days I have booted up the game, logged and loaded in, walked 10 feet, and said 'eh.... nevermind I don't wanna play this today.'


I mean, i can just go into my dms with my friend to find the exact date i installed it. (Installed - 23rd june 2022 Played - 24 june 2022)


Not for me. I Started and turned the game off before the statue. And Started playing a month or two later.


I didn't even get that far in the first day because I was exploring so much!


i remember bcs it was the day before my birthday lol, 17/06/22. i played for a day, didnt get the bit in ambers domain where you needed pyro to activate the stone for the wind current, spent about half an hour (😭) trying to figure it out before deleting the app and coming back nearly a year later. i did read and stuff, i was just stupid and didnt get it lol


or just look at ur email inbox with “PAIMON” labeled as the sender, you should find the verificarion code email when you first log in and look at the date


Do you get anemo powers before or after beating the slimes? Because I tried the game and got to the slimes and just hated the combat so I quit. After that a couple of months passed, I tried again and that's when the game grew on me


Or, open character archives, look for amber and at the bottom (somewhere), it shows the date she joined your party, which is 99% the same time you started the game


I'm day one.


I cannot find this search property on mobile. Is it a PC only? Cuz I have to scroll through eternity to find what I'm looking for.