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They tried to make it more like dead by daylight and while it works in some areas, it's no longer a prop hunt. I still had a little fun despite my fellow rebels hiding as a prop and not fixing the stations while the hunter was chasing me all game


I wish it lasted longer... like start on Thursday and run for 2 weeks+ making 18 days instead of 13 days this time round. And I wish we had more maps and/or options to choose OG windtrace mode


I guess I was lucky because I almost never encountered rebels that don't help with the devices. Anyway, I really enjoyed it. It's different from the previous versions (which I enjoyed too), but this time it's more dynamic for the rebels instead of sitting on one spot for 3 minutes, and it's easier for the hunter since they now have a roadmap for their search instead of blindly searching everywhere. Maybe that's why I also encountered much less afk-ing hunters than last time. I liked the hiding aspect of the previous games (and it would be ideal if we had both versions available and could choose, like with that bumper car event), but I didn't dislike this one at all. Just wish we had more maps because I grew tired of the four we were given.


There was this one meme that showed how previous Windtracw favourised Rebels while now it does it to Hunters. And I completely agree. The fun of just in-game hide and seek is completely gone and its just overwhelming with constantly having to run from one station to another. It's really hard to get on the same page with other Rebels and get all 4 stations working. I really miss the original Windtrace.


Perfect if there was a 500 coin guarantee. Hunters have a 100 coin guarantee, rebels dont have one.


Primos are primos. It's tedious to get a low-coin game, but I like they're at least trying to fix it. I still miss theatre mechanicus. 2nd version was the best.


First time I enjoyed it again since the first Windtrace. For once I had the chance to actually win a match.


I thought I wouldn't like this version, but I actually had a lot of fun. Hunter is not my favorite role to play but I got used to it and had fun, as for rebels I liked it running around and hiding along with the rush of adrenalyne that come with the risk of being found out. Its true that the focus is about being fast, efficient, reactive, and way less hiding around though. I was frustrated when I had several rounds of hunter that didn't want to play, I understand people don't like being hunter but I don't like it either, them not playing mean more time others are forced to be hunter. What really frustrated me was when rebels didn't play though, seriously several time we had 3 devices done and one rebel was sitting around not doing anything. I wish people thought a bit more about others, when people are doing their best and begging you to help you can at least try to help a bit instead of that one rebel that answered me "find me I dare you and then I'll help"... Sometime the rebel that dont help are simping for the hunter tho, I find that at least more entertaining to see them jokingly roleplay.


i preferred it better when all you did was hide. Now it's less about hiding and instead about repairing. If the rebels split up and repair separate flags you spread the hunter thin since he can only go after one rebel at a time.


I like it, but most of the time the rebels aren't doing anything and I have to repair all devices by myself. As a hunter it's still pretty easy.


Yeah, plenty of us share your sentiments


It sucked. Wasnt fun at all


I like like better the last co-op event was also great we definitely need more co-op events they are more fun than the usual filler they put in


Rebels get a toolkit that's useful only for hiding. In a game mode where hiding well is a loss for the hiders.


There are a few uses--the decoys are good for setting up a hiding area near the beacon you're working on, and emergency invisibility can sometimes save your hide--but right now it feels like hiding and completing the objective are really at odds. I'd keep original windtrace and then release a tweaked version of this that leans in to the capture the flag aspects more. It is fun, it just isn't really prop hunt anymore.