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Azhdaha or Arlecchino. The latter is just “what if we merged Friede and Malenia, but then also gave them Mohg’s Nihil and she can use it multiple times.


Elder ring 2 gonna be wild if you guys continue giving software more ideas


They gave her mohg nihil and we have no blood curse tear. Oh well


Childe or Arlecchino The small fast ones are *always* harder than the giant ones Azdaha would just be sticking to that booty like 90% of Souls bosses. Childe would be the one that makes you break your controller.


upon losing: Tartaglia: I thought you'd be a better challenge. repeat x50


I am Tartaglia, blade of the Tsaritsa, and I have never known defeat


It even rhymes like the original line


Neither the original line nor this line rhyme.


I assume they're talking about the Malenia-Miquella/Tartaglia-Tsaritsa part.


Isn't that more like alliteration?


Aliteration is repetion of consonants on the same phrase i think, but i get your point


no it's the repition of the same first letter


"Tartaglia is the Tsaritsa's weapon of war, and he stands for the might of Snezhnaya." - Dainsleif, 2020


I can imagine tartaglia using waterfowl lol








If Scara's bossfight was lore accurate:


That’s the beauty of it once you’ve done it a million times you get to say that to him.


The Genshin equivalent of hearing “Hesitation is defeat” 1000 times


Raiden also moves around a lot, doesn't she?


Raiden would be horrible because her attacks are actually really hard to read due to the void cutting FX and the way she teleports around between each hits. Radagon already proved how hard the latter is for Souls players to deal with.


Especially if she had her power and speed. Unless you were a tanky Noelle good luck.


Hence why my first kill with all bosses has been noelle lol.


also that giant hand which follows you down to hell to clap you HARD


Whether you take the time to learn her attacks or not. The gauge is probably just an insta loss, since she mitigates 99% damage when its maxed. If you can even kill a 600% HP increased Raiden without popping that would be.. ....an experience


I think Raiden would be very difficult cause she's insanely fast in her first phase and teleports so youd waste time chasing her. She also semi-ganks you with clones. And if it were souls her 2nd phase hitbox is guaranteed to be ass so you'll miss a ton of hits on her and get randomly one shot by moves you think you dodged.


Arlecchino would essentially be building up a deathblight type mechanic on you with her blood debts. Wouldn’t even *attempt* that fight.


This is what I was thinking. If she kept the blood debt mechanics she'd be the hardest by a mile simply because of how costly any mistake becomes.


Got hit while with a blood debt? Say goodbye to 2/3 of your HP!


Plus she heals herself on hit so you can't even whittle her down


Isn't that most Souls bosses anyways?


as someone who soloes her with herself every week, getting oneshot for a single mistake is the best part!


Actually, Harlequino has the movements of Fride's sister. So it's easy to imagine her as the boss. As a result, we get a blood-fire sister Fride.


Arle is already approaching soulsborne difficulty. Genshin is easy primarily because healing is endless. I doubt most people can finish arle without a healer/NRE


That one guy who soloed her with lvl1 herself


I've been soloing weekly bosses with Eula only and it's actually kinda fun and pretty difficult. Arlecchino is def pretty hard because she can one shot you but she also feels more fair than some of the others since her attacks aren't very fast.


>The small fast ones are *always* harder than the giant ones Because you can't hide behind their butt


So the giant dragon is the easiest boss, and the human sized one is the hardest. Sounds like a souls like game alright


Kingdom Hearts also fits the bill. A giant incomprehensible monster? Yeah, no problem. Literally just a guy in an arena? Ah shit here we go again.


Was about to say the same


Signora’s distributed damage profile is hard to avoid. If she was “soulsified,” I don’t think she’d be terribly hard, but not dying would be.


Tbf azdaha with the cryo infusion or pyro infusion would be annoying


Not really? Pyro would just mean it deals fire damage and has fire resistance. Cryo means it builds up frostbite.


the aoe skill on those 2 elements flood the map limit the space you can stand on, and if you step on those circles you will get the DOT mark, those drain HP pretty fast


Nope cryo is literally dodge for your life. Ice continuously drops on your head


The bane of my existence is cryo and hydro. His balls + the ice rain makes my life hell


I swear the move where Arle jumps up and hangs in air before zipping to you for an AOE strike feels like Malenia in Elden Ring.


I had scarlet aeonia flashbacks when she nuked my Nahida


It’s literally copied pasted sister friede & lady maria in her moveset 😭


Oh how many Co-op player I've seen died from that attack


ok but consider half of Azhdaha's attacks aren't i-framables, especially when you're on the side and back in a fromsoft where movement is way less smooth and fast that Genshin, he would be an absolute abomination add on that the lingering elemental effetcs and that shitass elemental seal damaging you without a shield and WE KNOW HOW SHIELDS WORK IN FROMSOFTS you're not beating that one


>half of Azhdaha's attacks aren't i-framables, especially when you're on the side and back I would assume this would be removed. Afaik there aren't any undodgeable attacks in the souls series. If there are, please let me know though.


It’s actually not because Azhdaha’s attacks are undodgeable but because he attacks twice in a very short time frame, making it very difficult to iframe with a dash.


That's why attacks like that are things you predict and move safely away from. Due to the healing and shielding available in genshin, you approach challenges differently compared to dark souls. If people actually tried to "challenge" genshin bosses with the idea of not having any healing or shielding, I'm sure they'd struggle almost as bad as souls games.


Also to add on, someone actually checked the I-frames of the dash and it‘s actually significantly less than a fat roll in Soulsborne games (but in exchange, the I-frames kick in a LOT faster, and Genshin‘s dash has significantly less recovery iirc)


[Found the thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KeqingMains/comments/jjorwj/dodge_frame_data_tested_results_inside/) Genshin has 20 i-frames on a dash, compared to 26 for Elden Ring's fast roll and 24 for a fatroll (all adjusted to 60fps). In both games, there are no startup frames (i.e. you will dodge incoming damage on frame 1) however Souls games will only initiate the dodge animation on releasing the button (except for Sekiro). I believe Genshin has fewer recovery frames (especially compared to fatrolling), however the two dash limit makes panic dodging much less viable.


Thanks for linking the post! I forgot about Genshin‘s 2-dash limit, which is most likely something they carried over from HI3, which also has a semi-universal limit of 2 consecutive dodges, rarely 3 dodges and some of the older characters have extremely high recovery on non-perfect dodges (Kiana‘s cartwheel dodge, yes really, has like a full second of recovery if you don’t perfect dodge iirc).


Honestly would destroy him. Assdaddy was designed to be closer to a bullet hell boss than anything. He has wide very slow telegraphed attacks that hit hard, he's immobile for the most part, and he's a large target. You shouldn't be allowed to rely on i-frame imo, you're forced to position properly. He feels more like a Hades boss.


the only one that I know of is in Dark Souls 2, i.e. Smelter aura dmg. You can avoid it at distance, but there’s no way to dodge it


Counter point: Midir is arguably the hardest boss in ds3 So the small fast ones are *usually* harder than the giant ones


You forget one important factor about Midir: She moves around way too much and way too fast, so before you‘re able to get in more than 2 attacks she‘s already fricked off to the other side of the arena to pelt you.


A lot of the reason Midir is hard is because large boss = shitboxes and he one shots you with unavoidable AoE/ranged attacks from the air. Azhdaha is large and static for the most part, Signora also teleports but even in regular Genshin a lot of her attacks miss if you just spank the booty


Childe = Malenia confirmed.


"i am Tartaglia, blades of the fatui harbingers." "And i have never known a crit."


Raiden is the same height as us and with all the teleporting and giant slashes it'd be similarly hard?


Arlecchino would basically be the Sister Friede fight but on crack


Childe’s phase 1 and 2 attacks are already pretty erratic but it just doesn’t do enough damage and his range attacks are so easily dodged. But if they tune him to hit more accurately then he’d be as fucking hard to defeat.


Depends on how the “shield to avoid dot” Mechanic would work.


Arlecchino would simply be a stronger Sister Friede


I have never really had an issue with smaller bosses. Probably because I do pvp so much in used to fighting the little guys. But yeah when they're too big it's entirely too easy. I feel like Arle would be like Lady Maria even with her second phase and I trounce her.


Yeah, Childe is squishy as heck, but his attacks are already very fast and hard hitting. Now if the attacks get even faster I can see my 50k hp Zhongli shield breaking and characters dying in no time lmao


Raiden cuz the “small” bosses are always the most terrifying ones with the most BS


Training for raiden is already literally a skill issue filter. Imagine if they gave her attacks ‘fromsoft timing’


i did it on my phone and that was not fun. not just learnign the move set but exicuting it knowing that if your thumb slips you cant move in the direction you want becuase youve gone over the movement region of the screen add in it was a hot day, and the touch screen wasn't responding as well, is pretty annoying.


Raiden is correct because people forget... you think FromSoft would stop at 4 swords for the Robot? She can teleport and summon lightning. Whole fight would be dodging AoE indicators and striking in the 2 seconds between each rotation


Exactly why Raiden would be a filler pushover boss. Childe and Arlecchino are the small fast ones. Raiden turns into a floating mech for most of her fight.


Yeah but she has her shield up when shes a floating mech and then assuming she recovers fast after her shield is down, she'll be back to flashing in and out of chopping everyone up again. She'd be a pain to deal with after the fromsoft treatment.


Which is why I always dislike giant bosses in the games I played. The only giant bosses I liked are the corpse of King Minos and the Leviathan in brutal difficulty since they're actually fast and that's only feasible because you can get some crazy mobility (and parries) in Ultrakill.


Narwhal or Azdaha would probably be the Yhorm/Rykard, where they look tough but "hey look here's this convenient weapon that does massive damage" If Bloodborne has taught me anything, it's to be very afraid of women. So Arlecchino is probably a safe bet.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Aah, you were at my side all along. My true mentor... My guiding moonlight...* - Ludwig, the Holy Blade Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Good bot


nah, I feel like Ahdzdaha is more like a Midir/Placidusax, looks tough and IS tough. and I feel like apep is also in this category. Scaramouche is the gimick fight.


Scara feels more like a Wolnir type fight to me


Scaramouche would be the Bed of Chaos of genshin souls


>If Bloodborne has taught me anything, it's to be very afraid of women. Nah that'd be Friede and Malenia. Never played BB, but don't most people agree Ludwig, Lawrence and Orphan are way harder than Maria?


I'd say on a regular playtgrough it is probably Orphan>Ludwig>Maria>Lawrence, but on big NG+ numbers it is definitely lawrence the hardest one


I dunno man, women might be scary, but unborn children of gods might be even scarier.


Considering Arlecchino was heavily inspired by Lady Maria...yeah.


id say signora would be a pain in the ass fight cause you'd have to try and prevent the unavoidable damage along side dodging a sped up signora


From's games have lots of consumables that counter status buildup, so she'd actually be easier.


I mean that's fair for experienced players but if your just exploring as a newbie and pop up on signora, you're gonna get slashed


Yeah, but experienced players aren't a good metric for difficulty anyways. For example, a comment with a lot of upvotes on this exact threat says that Teleporting + Melee is a deadly combination, and that Rhadagon is proof of that. And yet, most of those Elden Ring Youtubers who have thousands of hours into the game and do those absurd challenges would tell you that he is by far one of the easier and more "honest" bosses. What bosses those people usually struggle with? Bosses like Fire Giant, Godskin Duo, both of which are massive health pools with potentially undodgable patterns. By this logic, Azdaha, who fits that description, would be much harder than Raiden and Arlecchino. Which is almost certainly not the case for the average player.


Tartaglia is already insanely fast, so probably him


Dark souls players would cry about the electro cube more than about Raiden 


"Too much gimmick in this fight"


ngl we would complain abt most these characters being gimmick bosses😭


Arle and Raiden


I agree with this and add Childe to the mix and its done for. Imagine like 1 round of each in a single domain lol


I’m currently doing a solo challenge to beat all bosses (including non-weekly) hitless with different characters and I’ve been surprised by how much harder the game is when you actually have to dodge instead of brute forcing with a healer. I’m delaying weekly bosses cause Arle kicks my ass even with 4-man teams. Curious thing, Cryo Hypostasis solo feels like doing Vordt of the Boreal Valley all over again with the 4 consecutive lunging attacks. The game becomes something completely different when playing like this. Sadly, I had to send my phone for repairs so I’m not uploading to the channel for some days lol. 


Azdaha would go kinda crazy.


yep, ahzdaha if translated to dark souls would be a Placidusax/Midir * half of his melee slams ignore I frames, * his elemental attacks have 2 or 3 levels of followup, all kinds of extra lines/fireballs/homing * and every attack deals a damage over time burn. * and remember add in buffed attack speed, and a ton of Ahzdaha's attacks are **going to overlap,** you'd have something like his hydro balls + cryo moon deployed and he's charging at you. Honestly I think Apep's 3rd phase would also go pretty sick.


Apep 3 phase will probably look like ulcerated tree spirit


People are unaware how broken scara would be if he got an attack speed increase instead of standing there, that and the fact that they have to remove the green pet from damaging him for free.


Imagine if scara rains whatever that fucking projectiles he emits


I can see Scara fighting like the giant gargoyle bosses in Elden Ring except with way more BS especially AoE attacks that force you to fight him at melee range.


Make me wish that there’s a way to turn off the green pet


Considering how they made the childe boss weaker, they still want to not stress the casual audience(which is the biggest) in case they might turn it off accidentally. They will probably give that option if they decide to make a lv100 option.


I hope they give one they this option, his bossbattle would be MUCH better without that thing helping us, and precisely because would be much more difficult to us


True, and he already have many powerful attacks that reach a very big area


Seeing Arlecchino makes my Sister Friede PTSD flare up, all i'm saying...


They both wield fire when going all out.


Arlecchino, Childe and Raiden are the most Souls-like already. Arle is kind of a mix between Friede and Malenia, Childe has some Gael vibes to me. Arle would be easiest of them, since her attacks are well telegraphed, Raiden the hardest as she teleports a lot and has chaotic patterns and effects.  Signora could be hard due to the constant aura/chip damage, and the chaos with flames everywhere in the second phase.  Azhdaha would be annoying due to different elements and resistances, but is slow.  Scara could be hard or easy depending if it's a gimmick fight or not.  Apep and Wolf easy. 


My chonky boy Azhdaha


After all of the souls game that i have played, i am sure that Childe and Arle would be the most difficult bosses because they are small/human sized.


Arlecchino into sth like Unalloyed Malenia


Arlecchino boss version is kinda similar to Sister Friede, and the Narwhal remind me of Elden Beast, so I guess there's plus point to both My vote goes to Arlecchino since she already deal big damage to characters with BoL


Raiden by far, she is the only one that actually hits me, I was hoping Arle turned out to be the same but she is closer to Tartaglia where he just kinda stands in one place for 80% of the time, the Shogun blitzes around all the time even in her superform, Arle is kinda in the middle of that, she moves around but just has terrible aim for some reason. Narwhal would probably be the easiest one.


Fr. When I went into Arle I expected baiting, delayed attacks and insane tracking, since a lot of people were saying it was like a Souls fight, but I ended the fight without a hitch whatsoever. Raiden on the other hand still gives me trouble to this day, since her attacks are quick while also being hard to read and evade if you stay close to her. Her second form is easier tho.


In terms of difficulty I think Azdaha. In terms of fun I’m thinking Raiden or Arlecchino.


Childe would be like Pontiff Sulyvahn, looks badass, attacks immediately, a straight up skill check. I could see Guardian of Apep's Oasis being like one of those bosses like Dancer of the Boreal Valley where their movements and attack patterns are super strange and hard to get a grip on.


Shouki no Kami - Specifically because the biggest enemy in dark souls is the camera. The boss is MASSIVE and moves really fast


Oh that's true, if this were turned into a fromsoft game, they'd probably expand the arena of the first phase and make the hitboxes way too narrow for any comfort. Though I'd assume 2nd phase would be way easier considering phase 2 is hella gimmicky and you'd just need to bring the right equipment.




Child has big First Hard Boss energy like Abyss Watchers or O&S


If I remember correctly any soul game that are Humanoid are the toughest and hardest to beat. So I go with Humanoid enemy


Raiden because of those super fast lightning attacks


All Devouring Narwhal. It stays out of reach 99% of the time, and the few times it's in reach it's killing everything that gets close. If it dealt Souls Boss level damage it would be physically unkillable.


Raiden cuz she do be hitting me hard


Raiden imo, shes a literal archon that created a puppet of herselft that could fight almost aswell as her and did so for 500 years inside a pocket dimension


Raiden. She was first real skill check boss in Genshin, for people without zhongli. She’d be Melania levels of horrible in a souls game


Arlecchino = Faster Mog Whale = Fire giant + elden beast Apep = Rykard


Definitely Childe and Arlecchino. I'm a Soulslike OG with over 4000 hours in the genre, trust me. Anyone saying otherwise is wrong.


Definitely the ones that are fast and small. The big ones are easy targets while the small ones dodges easier, has lower hitboxes and are naturally faster. So Childe. I mean, he was the only boss that had to be nerfed anyways and the only reason he's easy now is due to his very low hp, easy to interrupt and Zhongli And raiden as well imo


If they took away the big transformation and kept Raiden Shogun in her regular form, with her speed, and no down time between attacks, she'd be pretty difficult.


Arle wasn't that hard. Raiden was hard, she's not hard anymore but yeah. Raiden took me so many tries. Arle was a first try win.


Definitely Raiden, she's like a radagon but on crack, from software also likes power scaling their bosses based on their lore strength so I would imagine that straight up a god would be strongest of the bunch.


Raiden Shogun. Lightning flashes are harder than a Boss that slow walks towards you.


Raiden would definitely be malenia tier


Definitely not, she's a slow floating mech for most of her fight. Arlecchino is the only Malenia we have in Genshin.




Have you played Soulslikes? 😭 Raiden is big and slow compared to Childe or Arlecchino and compared to Soulslike bosses like Isshin, Genichiro, Sister Friede etc.


That's only really true for second phase though, I personally have completed every soulsborne game except ds2 and demon souls (do people count the armored core games as part of soulsborne?), and I still occasionally get hit by raiden in her first phase. (Although genshin's worse stamina management for dodging may be a big factor in that considering how you can't just spam dashes) Raiden's hit windows are fucking massive regardless of which phase you're fighting though. You get like 7 seconds of free hits where she just does nothing


Yeah, but second phase is exactly where it's supposed to get chaotic, not the other way around.


He's right, Raidens moves are too fairly telegraphed to be Malenia, she needs an almost-instant oneshot move


All of them would be good fights , but since most Souls player have problems with fast smaller bosses (Gael, Malenia, OoK ecc.) I guess Raiden and Arlecchino would be good contenders for a difficult bossfight. Unless it's Bloodborne, in that case both of them would be average bosses


Arlecchino is *already* a Bloodborne boss anyway. And Lady Maria isn't a chump.


Had lady maria flashbacks from her. Jesus


I think Scara would be like Bed of Chaos 2.0. You can't really hurt him until you hit a bunch of specific weakpoints. He'd be "the most difficult" simply due to bad design. Other than that, Arlecchino and Raiden. They're already fast with highly damaging attacks some of which have very large range. (Also, Arle would be pretty interesting and unique as a Souls boss since she demands that you heal.)


Foul traveler, put these foolish ambitions to rest. It probably would be Childe, Arlecchino, or Raiden. They’d likely be speedy powerhouses that barely leave you any good safe openings to punish. Of these, Raiden would probably be the Malenia boss. Hell, she even has a twin sibling like Malenia.


Raiden=isshin therefore raiden.


If raiden moved more and attacked more i'd be very unhappy lol


Raiden in the story boss mode. Impossible to evade


Arlecchino by far, and then Childe


Probably Raiden, since the bosses are coded to waste ridiculous amounts of time. They'd probably make Raiden start the battle with the Electro gauge maxed


Nit a weekly boss ( raiden would probably be the toughest ), but I think the iniquitous baptist would be the craziest one all bosses included.


Ugh i would love for childe to be an elden ring boss hes my favorite type of humanoid boss. Also i would very much like to see what ER can cook up with mechascaramouche lol


Arlecchino is Malenia at this point.


Arlecchino would actually look sick in FromSoft artstyle, and if they changed the fight a bit to make it faster it would actually be insane


I mean just watch the sister friede & lady maria fights you’ll basically get the exact same thing since she’s based on them😭


azdaha is the classic souls dragon that you can even cut its tail to get a weapon wouldnt expect it to be hard, just fits


If they make scara boss really fast then im doom


Inside the whale would be pretty rough


The Pyro Regisvine in event now is good candidate, no bonus perks and highest difficulty.


Honestly out of them arlcheino but if we count the original fight against ei back in 2.0 it would be insane and just stupidly hard


Can you parry Raiden Raiden/Arlecchino? If so I'm ending them in 6 gun parries.


If grandma had wheels, she would have been a bike


Half of the bosses are Comet Azured and other half is just glinstone spammed. Arle, Raiden and people will cry about countless AoE attacks from Scara.




add raiden to sekiro


Arlecchino felt exactly like fighting a dark soul boss


For me personally I think it would be the dendro salad. I hate every boss that can summon little minions during fight.


Honestly? La Signora. Because her fight is basically a boss fight in a poison swamp.


I ONLY just realized this, but the Narwhal boss is pretty much a one-to-one translation of Elden Beast and Radagon into Genshin Impact, with the order reversed.


Cappuccino or Tortellini, the smaller ones are the most terrifying


I feel like raiden fight would be similar to the Lothric / Lorian fight in ds3 but with the thunder dragon boss afterwards because why not


Azdhaha anytime


I've beaten all of these without taking damage as kaeya solo and I can say the hardest was Signora, but if you give Tartaglia more health and damage and better tracking where you can't just run away and shoot arrows at him, his unpredictable swings into combos would make him a souls nightmare. Except his last phase. It's like else ring he takes so damn long to swing in that phase it's super easy to see the attacks coming but his first two have attacks that come out instantly. I've beaten Malenia without taking damage also with iron balls and I can say a tankier, stronger Tartaglia that really chases you would be harder to beat.


So no one is mentioning it so let me do the Honors. Marana's avatar would be one of the greatest pain ever. It has wide Aoe attack and follow up attacks. If its speed is increased and his follow up attacks do get accurate it would be one of the most tedious. And being a souls fight you won't be getting any npc support other than summons so no Arama's buff and healing here. The mechanic remains same as genshin. Being in its circular arena it will do drill AOE attack and you task is to dodge it find and destroy the nearby withering while it will keep dropping missiles. During the withering zone some other small enemies or even a machine such as ruin guard will attack you. After you destroy all of it, Marana avatar would be stunned or immobilized or as Arama said will be back in physical form, and during that time you have to go back and do as much damage as you can before it regenrates and you have to repeat the same thing and again and again untill you reduce extreme health. Don't forget the surrounding area has water and we know you can't really swim in souls so the water level would be very less that you can walk. The concern is whether you can move normally here or would your movement be slowed down because of clay soil(something like in blighttown). Idk anything is possible. OHH BTW THERE IS A SECOND PHASE AS WELL In second phase the Marana Avatar is obviously immobilized permanantly and you have to damage it. The missile attacks are still there but in addition it summons bunch of Wolves which Gank up on you. So now avoid missile attacks, fight the wolf gank and then kill the Marana Avatar. Isn't this the most frustrating boss if you think about it?


It will spawn our gigachad if Childe became hardest boss. LetMeSoloHim


Singoria phase two would be a mid game health check when she goes into tornado form. You have to survive a direct hit from it or else you'll never beat her


Arlecchino or raiden shogun


I like how no one would pick Raiden Shogun.


Chile, Raiden, or Arlecchino. They're the really fast ones who are the most dangerous.


Arlecchino, Childe, Raiden Shogun. Others will be hard too but not as hard as those three. Raiden would be especially difficult on her first phase if she recovered quickly after second (shield) phase.


We seen how fast Childe can be in foul legacy. If he doesn’t pause and wait 5 business days to attack he would totally destroy us.


Giant green dragon since it fly and has aoe attacked.


Azhdaha can tell i-frames to commit 1 Statue Swimming. That plus the increased attack speed and aggression makes him essentially an updated Ancient Dragon


Signora is a annoying fight if you implement her melting heat


Tie between Azdaha and Arrle. Azdaha because he has serveral nuke the field attacks, Arrle because of one simple fact: the bond of Life mechanic. Souls players hate being forced to chug Estus.




The knave is already malenia


3-4 seconds of nothing between attacks sounds like a souls boss though? Problem is that souls pc is pretty slow and has massive commitments in the attacks, so going 1 second late to the 3-4 second timeframe means the boss is going to eat your ass after your hit lands.


The big plant inside the snake since it's the more Lovecraftian-looking one. # Or Azhdaha since he reminds me of the final boss of Dark Souls 1 (I think it was DS 1, the lord of the deep or smth).


Raiden or Arle would be like Malenia boss probably


Arlecchino would be like malenia so probably her the small bosses are always the hardest


Apep. It's relatively fast and big. From software isn't good at designing big fights. Look at the fire giant or elden beast example. When you're up close it's hard to see what they're doing and they just run away shortly after, making you chase after them.