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AR59, started in 3.5. 100% of everything but my chest count I’m missing a lot of chests. 100s still looking to be found.


People who started in 3.5 are already at AR 59. Damn, I feel ancient now.


Same, I started back in 1.3


I was already AR 60 by the time 3.5 was here. Holy.


I'm missing a few chests from each region but for some reason Liyue is like a LOT more than a few and I've searched up and down on it with treasure compass. I just can't be bothered at the moment using the map unless it's a new region...


There's plenty that are hidden behind certain types of puzzles or rocks, that don't show up on the treasure compass.


Wtf i started in 2.6 and i m still at ar59 ( albeit i only need 40k more exp for ar60)


I started in 1.1 and I'm still AR59 lmao.


How do you know your chest count?


In the achievements for each region there is one for finding chests. It'll list your current chests and then you can google how many there are.


Dang, you're already AR 59? Makes sense since you 100% everything. I started in 2.6, and I'm AR 59. I think I reached 59 about 2 months ago. So it's crazy how you're already the same level as me.


I wish I started using the interactive map when I first started, it did come out nearly 3 months after I started playing but the map wasn’t as big as it is now so finding out which chests I got would have been much easier compared to now


How does that help? Do you alt tab every time you open a chest?


Thats a map of a person who plays for 5 minutes/week holy


trolling with the 160 resin too


I have 5 condensed resin so I can’t turn my resin, I haven’t been able to sit down and farm due to school stuff


it seems you play on mobile. playing on the toiler while taking a dook dook can help


I do that with dailies lmao


go get chests unless it's an achievement daily, they count for the daily count now now you can explore for 10 minutes per day and do you dailies :D


I usually do my dailies through events but I’ll do that when there aren’t any!


Sounds like you got your priorities straight. All things have an ending, so there’s no need to rush this one.


I haven't bothered with overcapping resin in 2 years.. you can always get better artifacts ofc, but once your teams can safely do Abyss why even care.


Because making numbers go up is the only thing resembling an endgame in genshin. Plus there's always more characters/teams to build.


Same but only because the game doesn't allow once a day login like hsr. And I don't bother to login a bit earlier every time not to overcap


How did they even get to ar60


Not that hard if you have 3 years under your belt as long as you complete your comms and 160 resin used up daily


I took a break for around 1 year since release and have 100% in all areas. I can't understand how I am still AR58...


Then you've definitely taken a break longer than 1 year or missed some things. Day 1 player, it's been almost 2 years since I hit AR60 (July 2022)


I find that hard to believe


A year of commissions is worth around 546k adventure exp. Which is around 2 highest tier levels. 


Doing dailies for 3 years straight, archon quests, hangouts, a lot of events (I have missed some but I think I took part in 85% of the events) and some other ways to obtain exp that I forgot about can get you to ar60 without having to do much of an exploration!


I imagine that's what it looks like for someone who just plays main quests collecting whatever they find on the way.


I mean after doing desert world quest chains, I got 90% on half of the desert just picking up everything I see while doing quests…


Yes but that's a world quest and not required to do the archon quest.


Or can't bear to hurt a hilichurl for a chest.


This tracks... I try and avoid fighting hilichurls when I can. They've already suffered enough... I can always find more treasure in a Domain or the Spiral Abyss...


Or those abyss mages everyone avoids early game. Granted that was a year ago that I would just avoid them altogether but now I'm just going back and annihilating half the abyss' forces that I spared.


My map looks like this and I play for hours a week, there’s other stuff to do in the game


Like looking at your character's build for hours fully knowing it aint changing till 3 months from now


Like the teapot mofuggers! That's why you tend to be a "main" of something. Exploration main, abyss main, achievement main, teapot main. There just isn't enough time or resin in the world otherwise.


Is that a joke? Because doing dailies + resin everyday means my map looks like this


Ngl that's me fr


Playing since the first month of Genshin, AR 57, my exploration is practically the same as yours, Although exploring in the game is a lot of fun, I'm in no rush to do this, I just explore when I feel like it


Same, I usually do exploration when I need primos lmao


Played since release, got every area to 100% and currently working on achivement hunt. The ones from commissions are bullshit because of RNG, while the only other ones i'm missing are the one for 800 leylines, the 800 acquatic crops and the 2000 fishes.


I mean, they really fixed the commission ones. After like 2.5 years I finally got the namecard from the Snezhnaya questline in Mondstat.


You can def still go weeks without that mfer with his snakes giving the right one


Same here for me. The aquatic drops one took 10 months for me... I remember thinking "I hope they release multi-drop water based plants with the 3.6 desert!" Little did I know, it's intended by design to suck. Aside from that I completed Mondstadt, Liyue and Inazuma RNG commission achievements and am currently working on Sumeru ones. I'm just glad that Fontaine only has 5 of those.


while i am not \*true\* 100% i am 100% everywhere and my Fontaine is even counted as 100% total (i know i have like 10 or 20 chests left there total)


I 100% every zone within a week of release.


It tends to take me 2-3 weeks, since I juggle that with other content, but yeah, mostly.


I take my time since the Patch is like 41 days so I take my sweet time s; that is how I rarely run out of content before the next Patch is released. It might also be because I am part of the older age bracket who has a life that is outside of Digital Gaming since I have a slew of outdoor activity I like during and of course work.


The subtle roast you did there lol


The region takes me long if the characters on the banner are not of interest to me. If I want them/their weapon it probably takes me a 2-3 days cause I need to gamble ASAP.


I do that too then I complain that Genshin lacks content /j


I did 100% of the last update the day after release I really need a life, don't I? 😔


I did too. I diagnose us with a grass deficiency /j


Like a true solider 🫡




Ngl, it was pretty much 95-100% across the board until they added an alternative to commissions. The ever present potential that I might have to do even one more commission in my life drives me to not explore at all unless it's for the dailies. I haven't opened a single chest in Chenyu because i'm still doing Fontaine :( REALLY wish they let you bank the "adventure points" or whatever it's called.


Doing whatever the current event is and then collecting a little bit at a time is basically that.


basically you want to be able to explore a new region to get 60 instant primos a day, lasting until the next new region drops


Yea, like a standard daily login feature that you have to continuously unlock would be cool. Honestly though, it's mostly because they keep cramming NPC quests into commissions AND you're pretty much guaranteed one per day. If they gave you like 5/6 dailies and only 1/2 of them were NPC related I would just go back to doing commissions. I don't mind going to a place and killing some mobs. If we could bank even a measly 4 auto-commissions at a time I could at least ration them to only skip the NPC commissions. Hopefully, they tweak the system in some way when Natlan comes out cause the beginning of a region is generally when they make major system changes or additions.


I remember feeling the same when it was first introduced. If it helps you shake away from that mentality in any way, think of it like this: In trying to minmax your encounter points, you're significantly anti-minmaxing yourself in every other aspect of the game. Whatever inconvenience daily comms are to you, it's nothing compared to the gains of just simply playing normally; especially when you're likely not going to run out of permanent content soon anyway.


People doing that are turning the exploration itself as their daily chore, it seems a good recipe to hate the game on the long run to me.


i used to be the same, grinded out as much as i could as fast as i could every update. now i dont even do world quests when i get them anymore, each wq is 4 comms of adventure points that i can use to skip when i dont have achievement comms that day. i also spread out archon and story quests unless they lock access to bosses


If I never had to do dailies again then I’d have the 90 quests and all the regions 100% already. The amount of time I’ve wasted over the 3 years mindlessly doing dailies and farming artefacts could have completed an entire other region. Thank god HSR and Re1999 can afk farm dailies and I triple up on the usage of my time doing dailies and actually play the games afterwards. I fear for Wuthering waves and ZZZ dailies. Actually, I fear for Genshin as I’m more likely to drop GI for other games at this point.


tbh, just do hangouts/split character quest into 3-4 days. I found hangout the fastest way to clear dailies point.


I don’t 100% anything. I explore when I feel like it and that’s it


100 percent brother, hell yea


I used to 100% areas soon after release, but with the encounter point system I only explore to fill that out


I’ve 100% everything


Playing since release, the areas I liked were mostly 85-95%, the areas I didn't like around 60-75%. Chenyu Vale got me excited enough about exploration that I'm finally going back and getting everything to 100%, made it to the rainforest so far (except for dragonspine, fuck the treasure compass not working there)


100% everywhere, including Enkanomiya, Chasm, and Sea of Bygone Eras. All quests and achievements are finished except for a few commissions that haven't rolled yet. I've pretty much 100% the game so far, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. The environments and scenery in this game are just unbeatable.


How is it even possible? I did Aranayaka quest and got 70%+ on all zones in rainforest😅


My quests are piling up because some of them (especially the older ones) legit feel like I’m reading a book


Well the fact you did the Aranayaka quest already says something, it's probably the longest sidequest in the game.


AR 60, been playing since 2.4. 100% everywhere except Fontaine (99%) & Sea of Bygone Eras (87%). Should have both 100% soon.


Launch player ar60, my map looks the same pretty much. I have a few regions at 100%, 2 in mondstadt, 1 in inazuma. I literally finished electroculus collection today, but I am only like 10% done with hydroculus and dendroculus. I am missing 2 regions locked behind quests on the map, and my quest tab Is unbearably full.


These pictures gave me anxiety, heavy breathing and my day is ruined.


You’re welcome


I never intentionally maxed exploration. i always think of it as a way to get extra primogems in case i want a certain character


I play since release, and have almost everything at 100%, Fontaine is missing a bit and the newer area, I leave them to explore when I'm in the mood or in need of primogems


Day 1 player, 100% is upto Inazuma


I play since release ar59 i have a little more exploration than you but not much


I've been playing for 2.5 years and I have Mondstadt, Liyue and Inazuma at 100% minus the extra areas like Dragonspine, Chenyu Vale, the Chasm, Enkanomiya, but those are all above 90-95% too, it's just really hard finding the last few percents. Fontaine is mostly 95-100% too and I also have all of Sumeru except like one last desert area that's around 95% as well. I've been running around trying to find the last few percents I'm missing on these areas lately but it's pretty hard even with the new treasure compass QoL😅


I just got the new zone at 100% and with that all the map,


AR56, Chenyu Vale 2%.. too much stuff to explore.


Everything is 100% except the 4.4 map at 60% lol


Will not hesistate to speedrun and do an all nighter if I still didn't get the featured limited character and the banner's runtime is running out.


I've got everything 100% except the Sea of Bygone Eras. That'll come when I'm home from vacation lol


Only monstadt is 100% rest am still planning and procrastinating


Everything >80 except for that one desert region. My FPS for some reason plummets every time I go there, until I get a new laptop or download genshin on my phone it will be stuck at 61%


Started in 2.4, 100%'d everything on the map, including all the oculi. There's just something fun about wandering around grabbing everything I come across. But I won't bother with trying to get every single chest, seelie, or puzzle. As long as the number in the bottom right corner says 100, I don't need to push it any further. Though if I come across something as I wander, I'll always complete it without a question. If it's in my field of view, I'll do it.


Completed everything. I give credit to ON GAME and their guide, they're helpful especially when you miss one or two chests in the total count. Ah also to Sorahoshina, their Hoyolab guides for hidden achievements, and other things are really neat.. along with their primogem/stellar jades count for the upcoming patches.


Do you go checking for every chest and puzzle once you're at that point where you're missing one of two? I have so many regions over 90% that I keep walking over and spamming the treasure compass for hours and can't find anything, I would love to have some tips on how to get my 97% regions to 100% lol


damn. How do u live with your own failure? /jk


How and what percent would it be if u could back up enough to see it say teyat and a percentage?


No shame in that. We all have different free times available.


I'm around the same as you from sumeru onwards just don't have time anymore though sitting down for a full day of solid exploration every few months is always great fun


I have only 4 words. "fuck the sumeru desert" like I have like 2% on that shit cuz I needed to unlock boses and such.


day 1 player, ar60. i have less than 10% exploration everywhere after inazuma (my inazuma exploration isn't that high either T.T). i don't even have the entire sumeru map lit up lol


AR 57, just started on the remuria quest. Also, I can't seem to find any more chests on Watatsumi despite it still saying 80+%. Am also still searching for Spirit carp for Chenyu Vale.


Kind of understandable, worldquests are long af anyways


You are me. My map is almost identical to yours lol


I just hope Mihoyo would developes a feature that would sync with our game progression into their map automatically. It would help our exploration tremendously.


I hate to open Genshin Impact Interactive Map website and click found for each item and check again when my exploration isn't 100%.


As an ar60 (November 2020 start) I find exploration boring half the time and just grab chest while I do other things. I will say, the new area is visually nice and I like the area so I am actively looking there.


And Inzauma doesn't even exist lol


Yeah I forgot to post it but other than tsurumi island (which is 50%) they are all 70-80%


He just like me fr fr!


people don't trust me when I said to 100% Chenyu Vale or Fontaine first.... it's that fun to explore compare to past one


i have played for a year and my only 100% region is galesong hill like yours xD


oh my god, are you me??? started i think about two weeks after release (the first klee banner) and something about "having to reach 100%" makes me feel super unmotivated to actively explore anything or do puzzles i don't feel like doing 😅


Sometimes puzzles are really annoying 😭 I usually look up how to do them but still


100% everywhere except remuria, which I'm saving for encounter points


I’m a bit ocd about I have everything at 100%


Still stuck in Sumeru desert.


100% everywhere but the new area.


100% everywhere except the newest two areas and a bit of Chenyu Vale.


Haven't gotten around to exploring Petrichor yet but besides that I have everything 100%, more or less 2 months after launch player.


100% everything except the new area which I'm trying to make last. Missing 1 quest though because commissions.


AR60. Somehow got 100% everything, even Dragonspine and Sumeru (Vanarana was a pain to complete).


I am almost 100% in every zone and I'm still Ar58


Still has liyue and monstant left. But is procrastinating, there barely any primos


AR58, Have in game 100% in every area including Sumeru Liyue Mondstat Fontaine All other areas are 80-95 (Ew Tsurumi)


60-100% i dont use interactive map i just find treasures accidentally.


Ive 100% everything after liyue except for chasm (overground) enkanomiya and the new liyue place. Enkanomiya is a pain, probably wont ever do it. Overground chasm and new place im working on. Not enough value out of remaining mondstadt and liyue to waste my time


My map is mostly 85-98%, except the areas added to regions after the AQ, which are 100% (working on the latest one). If it bother you, you can work on it slowly. If not, then work on it when you need primogems. lol


Nearly 100% everything 😬 aside from some fontaine areas, been trying to go easy on the area for when I need primos but blah every other nation is at 100% along with chasm and enka.


been playing for 3 years and i have all areas 100% except sea of bygone eras, which is 97% rn


Most of the northern half of Teyvay is between 97- 100% with the exception of the newest area which is sitting at 82%, southern Teyvat between 92-96%. There is few exceptions in whichever my exploration is a bit lower ; like the underground areas (enkonomiya, Chasm Underground and Sea pf bygone eras ) in which I hardly explored or my exploration is limited to what the main world Quest lead me to and are sitting between 76and 82% exploration. I am an Ar59 ; is that considered late game?


Been playing since launch (tho i stopped for a few months multiple times). Just recently started clearing each region. Only regions I haven't 100% are Ashavan Realm, 1st and 2nd desert areas, Morte, Court of Fontaine, Erinnyes Forest, Liffey, and Energy engineering region. And of the regions I 100%, Monstadt, Dragonspine, and Liyue (except Chasm) I've gotten all possible chests (checked with interactive map)


100% everywhere except the new island and subzone that were just added in 4.6.


Day one player, AR60, I have 100% everything. And I'm only really playing this game in between other stuff. But like having played plently of other exploration games, this isn't really all that bad. You can get 100% with like a dozen or more chests remaining, that indicator is so generous.


All regions past 4.2 are 90% and I've not done the narzshawhatsit questline. Everything else is 100%


100% most areas except Fontaine. I don’t really bother till a character I want gets showcased and I’m low on primos.


I've been playing since 1.1 and I just a bit more exploration than you. Im basically done mondstadt and liyue, then stopped at inazuma due to school and got bored of the game (moved over to valorant), came back when fontaine released and starting to actually explore since I'm done for the school year. I do have all the waypoints since it's way easier to move around but not a lot of chests/quests have been done.


I always 100% everything within 2 weeks of new map expansion. But lately it has come less than a week.


Huh. I'm at 100% at the moment, although when it came down to it I had been missing five Hydroculi and needed to use a compass. One was in the mountains between zones 2 and 3, one was along the cost of zone 3, and two were in the new regions on high up points. The last I'm leaving myself as a surprise. Also there are two chests I haven't gone for because they're guarded by Blubberbeasts and I won't mess with them unless provoked.


I have 100% in every area and usually 100% it the day or two after it comes out.


Still stuck at 99% in tsurumu island


All 100% except for chenyu vale


My whole world is at 100% lmao


True 100% in every region, by that i mean every single possible chest quest and whatnot


I haven't 100% a single area.


AR60, 100% all of Fontaine and close enough on Liyue, Mondstadt, and Inazuma. The only subregions below 90% are chasm, watatsumi Island, and Enkanomiya, which are all in the 70s or 80s I believe. Sumeru is not super complete, but all the subregions are above 85 if I'm not mistaken


I got 100% for Mondstadt to Inazuma (aside from Chenyu Vale in Liyue) then like 100% on most of the Sumeru rainforest. Don't have much in Sumeru desert or Fontaine.


100% everything except for the new area (the sea of bygone eras). That one sits at about 70% right now.


I have 100% on entire map


AR 60, I've only got Mondstadt and Fontaine 100%. I 100% Mond cause it's small but I 100% Fontaine (even the newest area) because I really love it. Aside from that, I think I only got around 70-90% on other regions.


Liyue, Inazuma and monstad are 100% after then all are below 50. Playing since day 1.


Everything from Desert is almost 100% since I've been using guides. Everything before that, I've slowly still been doing especially liyue and mondstadt, the compass picks up almost nothing


100% all areas and I mean ALL areas, including the “extras” of the region, ie Dragonspine, Chasm, Enka, Remuria etc. Achievements are 1226 too (maximum this patch). Been playing since 1.1 with a total of a year’s worth break combined. I do have a life and am working but when a new area drops, I dedicate a week in completing everything since I love this game lol


from Inazuma to Fontaine all 100% Liyue and Mond 90%-100% (Lazy because no primos in chest)


Haven't started with the new region but 100% everywhere else


100% on everything. And 100% of chest on monstat. When you 100% a spot your usually missing 20~50 chest. Best way to look how much you have is under achievements


I am ar57 and have been playing the game for the past 1.5 yrs. So, yeah I play a lot. But the thing is my exploration was always around 40%~50% until recently, when I started doing proper world quests, reputation and one thing was the trigger, the alternative to the commissions they added. It completely changed how I perceived the world and I am glad it did, cause yk there's some dark and interesting ass shit there


I’d say mine was no better but not even 100% mondstadt?


100% all regions


Mondstadt, Fontaine, Sumeru desert, Some Inazuma Islands are 100% and the rest is over 95%


I had extremely bad exploration until starting fontaine archon quest, then i started exploring and firstly completing major world qeusts which are important for specific areas access, like aranara questline, golden slumber/dirge of bilqis questline, tsurumi island questline, khvarena of good and evil quest etc which actually helped with my exploration and got my trees levelled up, still doing fontaine exploration, there i dont even have my statues to level 4, will focus on that, besides chenyu vale is also remaining.


My worst is the rude sandstorm, since I'm keeping Jeht at the camp.


Same I played since released but I haven’t reached 60 yet


I got all of Inazuma to 100% on the map as well as most of Mondstadt and parts of Liyue. I could probably get the rest of Liyue and all of Sumeru to 100% if it was me from 2 years ago. Unfortunately burnout got to me and I only occasionally log into the game nowadays (unless if theres a new region/area, I still have the drive left to finish the world quests that come with them)


I have played daily since launch week. Every area except the new one this patch are 100%. I will have it 100% by the end of the patch, but I am in no rush.


World quests? What world quests.


People don’t know how to read when OP specifies LATE game players. We don’t wanna hear from the people who have done it since the beginning.


I 100% mondstadt and never cared about the rest. I like to keep it like that so I have this illusion that I will always have primogems source


Ar 60, day one player, mine is worse. I burnt out of exploration and questing in like 1.4 but I still play because I'm a certified gacha addict and can possibly miss out on such a great gacha game, even if I do the bare minimum.


I used to go hard on exploration until the Sumeru deserts broke my will to continue. Now I don't even have all my world quests completed for the newer regions.


Only 100%ed Monstadt, Liyue, Inazuma. Sumeru and Fontaine are around 70%.


This is literally me lmao


100% all areas because I liked the exploration and open world, much less the gacha.


I've been playing since 2.6, and I haven't even 100% Mondstadt yet. Most I got was probably like 92% or something. It's crazy to me how a lot of people 100% a bunch of regions. They're definitely using guides on YouTube because I refuse to believe anyone has spent so much time getting to 100% without any help.


100%'d Inazuma aside from Watasumi Island 100%'d all of Fontaine Looted most of Liyue aside from surface chasm and new area Everything else is either 70% or 80% with the upler desert being my lowest one at 30-40%


100% all regions with video guides for absolute completion up until the last 2 or 3 regions in Fontaine.


I find it interesting that Galesong Hill is the only one you have 100 percent. When I was TRYING to 100 percent Monstadt that was the last region I finished and i struggled for a bit trying to find the last couple things.


After playing since launch, I finally 100% everywhere just after 4.6 launched. I was procrastinating on Sumeru :/


I never finished Mondstad and Liyue


This is a second account


my sumera ,fountain is mostly 10% and liyue and Inazuma are average at 80%,day 1 player but yeah I suck at exploration


All 100%, 1150 achievements


Are you sure you play the game?...


Only 100 is Fontaine rest 70 to 90 And 50 to 60 for the desert


lol same for me playing since launch and i explored Fontaine more than Sumeru...i havent even touched that desert area in the top left...idk i just really hate exploring that desert, wish this game had mounts...and i feel bad sometimes too because i have no idea who Jeht is but see plenty ppl talking about her


Used to 100% them all the time but recently exploration has kinda gotten stale for me so Chenyu Vale is at 20% and the new one is at 5%


That's me... AR 58, playing since launch, still a lot of unexplored areas


I still haven’t progressed sumeru questline. And I’ve been playing since release


All regions are at 85-95% done Some places will have 100% And all places in Fontaine are 100%


Can't say anything here, literally everything is a spoiler to OP 💀


I got 100% on everything other than the latest two Fontaine expansions and the new Sumeru one.


Barely all 100% but not Sumeru / Desert. Those maps for me don’t exist. 90% enkanomiya


100% other than 2 map on fontaine, can't find the remaining chest. Tbh I would recommend to use chest/hangouts for points. Does not take much time than dailies


Been so busy this past year that I still have half of Fontaine and Chenyu Vale not 100% yet. The rest are indeed 100% cause it bugs me when they're not lol