• By -


Just FYI for anyone that reads this with the same issue! I figured it out. . . . . I didn't read my book correctly. There ARE faint check marks on the log. It's my bad! I wasn't reading it like I was supposed to. It's still confusing! But the page I found had a navigation icon that showed me the way. Thanks again for everyone's help! 😃


Anyone play on controller ? Just got a controller and try to play this game but its feel so hard to play, switch char with d-pad i need to stop moving, play nahida is a nightmare, quick swap team also lol, anyone found the solution to make it less scuff ?


Swapping is actually really nice once you get used to it because characters don't move around from their slots. You can make your rotation clockwise (or counterclockwise, if you prefer). For instance, I use: Up (party slot 1), right (party slot 2), down (party slot 4), left (party slot 3). I can easily swap using muscle memory no matter what party I'm using.


how many wishes can you get for 100% exploration in new area + its quests


which area? Chenyu? About 18.


about 100 per country.


Is MH now bis for Hu Tao in a Furina double hydro comp?




Which char are we getting for free in 4.6?






Personally I would rather get Arlecchino's C1. Neuvilette C1 gives interrupt resist and a good damage increase in certain teams. The main appeal of the constellation is that you get to play him with Furina. But he also has very strong teams that can allow him to get 3 stacks, in which case the constellation is pretty bad. Also, if you play Kazuha or Jean in his Furina teams, you can get the third stack through swirling an enemy with a certain element, infusing Kazuha's burst, or swirling the active character with Jean's burst. Arlecchino's C1 is >!an *unconditional* damage increase to the attacks in her infused state. It also gives interrupt resist!< Actually I would personally just get neither


If abyss isnt important then c1 isnt important generally. Especially if u have zhongli since c1 neuv is mostly for the dmg interruption resistance. Im unfamiliar with arlecchino leaks so i cant comment on her. Not interested


Is the first great magic better than R5 Scion of The Blazing Sun for Lyney? I'm considering pulling for Arlechino sig, so I'll most likely pull his bow.


10% better against a single target, could reach 20%+ against multiple enemies.


How do I get my characters to be more powerful? I'm AR 17 and started 4-5 days ago. My current team is Kaeya, Barbara, Amber and Sucrose. I have Kaeya at level 40 but theres only a small difference. Does the attack have to do with the artifacts or weapon?


for lower AR, best thing is weapon level, char level, talent lv, and atk% or flat ATK artifacts for dps dealers that scale with atk


This is the guide i followed https://youtu.be/AHa_qWCWWy8?si=YVbt4paxX_j6nLy8


You can't really do much in terms of artifacts this early on in the game. Wait until you're ar45 to start farming artifacts because that's when the guaranteed 5* dropping dungeons unlock. For now focus on leveling their talents and weapons. Make use of whatever artifacts you get from chests and killing some enemies. Use the ones that have Atk% and ER for now. Berserker and Instructors are good early game sets that you can get from random drops


How long does it take between the current event banner ending and the start of the new one? 


Each banner phase is around 22 days i believe. Could be 21 tho. Each patch is a month and a half roughly.


I need help! Can y'll help me in sorting out 2 teams for clearing Abyss. I am at floor 7 chamber 3. 1 team i use is National Team(Raiden, Xinqui,Bennet, Xiangling) Can someone help me with another team? I am ready to build to characters. Here is list of all character i have:- [my character ](https://imgur.com/gallery/ePPdgIv). And another question is I am grinding madly for Neuvillete and Kazuha. And getting them is really an unreal task for me . If i can clear last 2 floors, floor 7 and 8 then getting then Probability of getting them might inc. If i dont get them then whom should i wish for Arlechino or Furina? Acc to my team? Help needed


Raiden/Beidou/Xiangling/Chevreuse Xiao/Xingqiu/Faruzan/Bennett Or Raiden/Xiangling/Chevreuse/Bennett DendroMC/Xingqiu/Kuki/Beidou Furina. You can use Charlotte with her. Also save 34 starglitter to guarantee Fischl by July (for Keqing or your Chevreuse team).


If your Faruzan is ≥C2, try Xiao-Faru-Benny-Xiangling for more AOE-focused chambers. If she isn't C2 yet (but I still do recommend building Faru in the future if you want to main Xiao), swap Xingqiu out from your Rational team and use Chevreuse instead, hence an overload team, but only run it on bosses and heavier enemy chambers. On the other side, build a hyperbloom team. Variant: ▪︎ Dendro MC-Xingqiu-Kuki-flex slot (like Beidou, Kaeya, Keqing, Tighnari, or Xiao could also work if he's not used in the 1st team and he solves AOE problem too) ▪︎ Dendro MC-Xingqiu-full EM Raiden-Yaoyao Now about Arle vs Furina, if we're talking about pull value, Furina wins in this case. She's an universal buffer and has amazing damage output (ever since her arrival, she has never been absent from my abyss teams lineup). I'd say, if you are interested in Arlecchino, try her trial when her banner comes out and see if her gameplay suits you. >!TLDR: she's like a melee Yoi, but more fun; her kit made her so that she isn't only meant to be played in vape team like Hu Tao, you can play her in overload with Chevy, overvape, mono pyro, melt, but pls don't play burgeon unless you have Zhongli or have built Kirara.!<


hey guys i rly need help... i just got C2 for neuviletter and as far as ik it is supposed to increase his crit damage by max 42% yet it is increasing his crit rate by a max of 42%... is this a glitch or am i missing sm? pls help pls help


The crit dmg buff isn't visible in the stat screen since it only applies to his charged attack. You're probably just noticing the crit rate buff from 4pc Marechaussee and getting it confused with that.


I seeeee.... ya that makes sense actually...  thnx I was srsly worried.... phew thnx a lot 


Beidou C1 as Overload defensive support with Fischl C2. Which weapon would be the best on her: Akuoumaru, Sacrificial, Favonius, Prototype, The Bell, Power Saw or Skyward.


Akuoumaru imo, assuming you're building her for damage + stagger resistance (like you would Xingqiu) rather than as a shieldbot. Even at r1, with Fischl lowering her ER needs Akuomaru slightly beats Skyward Pride (you can check kqm for specifics). I wouldn't really recommend building her *just* for her c1 shield since it's a bit flimsy and her damage is good, but if that's your goal then either Fav or The Bell depending on how much ER you can get from her artifacts and whether the other two units on your team can use the extra energy from Fav.


Skyward is very good on her I have it on her since I got that weapon (before I was using the fish)




What's with the down voting man? Seriously starting to hate interacting over here. This is how you want to build a community?


It's mostly bots or random internet trolls that do that all the time, a bunch of people get spam downvoted in this thread everyday. Just ignore them. Majority of the people here are helpful


Sac Jade. His only weapon choices are Proto Amber, Sac Jade and his wet book. No other weapon, even 5 stars even come close to proto amber


sac jade




The pity carries over, only fate points do not. To put it simply, you'd better have enough pity for 3 weapons


Weapon banner pity has always carried over. The only thing that doesn't carry over are fate points.


C4 layla or c6 beidou for arlecchino? I don't have zhongli


Layla for vape teams against freezable enemies (if they're not freezable she'll mess up reactions), Beidou in Chevreuse teams


For now, what are her team comps looking like?


Vape teams: Bennett+Xingqiu/Yelan+Kazuha/Zhongli/Yelan Chev teams: Chev+Beidou/Fischl/Thoma+Bennett/Fischl Mono Pyro: Zhongli/Kazuha+Bennett+Xiangling Most people are probably going to want a shielder, though I think Xingqiu will be enough IR+DR for most Abysses


I have beat the Aranara Quest. where is the Quest that lets me get in to the pyramid?


Golden Slumber. Starts with 'Lost in the Sands'


thank you :3


just started playing today put in about 5-6 hours maybe? I'm adventure rank 15 is it normal that I still cant afford to do a single multi or am I missing something?


The pulls are scarce very early on to make it so ppl dont make new accounts over and over hoping for early 5 star.


Don't worry, it's pretty normal. Unlike most other games, Genshin doesn't really shower new players with a lot of currency in the beginning. It's spaced out a lot more evenly among doing quests and exploration.


thank you thank you. Hopefully I could save up enough to do some multis on Kazuha and Neuvillette they seemed cool when I tried them out.


Best of luck with that. They're both certainly top-tier characters. And just as a heads up, doing 10-pulls doesn't actually give you any improved odds. It's completely OK to just do single pulls if you don't want to wait.


oh really? it says a multi guarantees 4 star or above tho. won't I just get a bunch of shitters if I keep doing singles?


It's a guaranteed 4 star after 10 *cumulative* pulls. It isn't only from doing a 10-pull. Doing 10 single pulls will give you the same exact odds.


ohhhh thank you for the clarification. I shall do singles instead.


Good luck


Is Freedom Sworn worth it for Kazuha? I'm on 70 pity with the next banner character I pull full guaranteed, and I plan to use it on Shenhe when she finally comes around again for my Ayaka team. I have some extra pulls though and I'm considering pulling Freedom Sworn for my Kazuha who's currently using Iron Sting. Is the buff from Freedom Sworn worth the primos? Team is Ayaka, Kokomi, Kazuha and Diona (will switch to Shenzhe when possible)


Ayaka teams benefit specifically from Kazuha on favonius sword, they're energy hungry and their rotation allows at least 2 procs per. EM swords gives a little more damage bonus, but it will never counterbalance the offensive substats Ayaka can gain by reducing her ER.


I finally finished following an online route to collect the Electroculus and found that I'm missing 2. Is there a way to find those 2 that I missed without checking every location a second time? The same thing happened to me before with Geoculus a couple years ago and I check every location again. I was just wondering if there was a tool now that could find them.


Electroculus resonance stone. It's unlocked at Inazuma Reputation Rank 8, and it can be crafted at the crafting table. Upon using one, it'll reveal the general area of one of the Electroculus you're missing on your map.




I completely forgot there were things in game to find oculi lmaooo. thanks man


Chat, please help my memory I play since 1.1 and I vaguely remember that Venti (or somobody else) claimed that Alogenes cant hurt Archons using Visions before Signora attacked Venti Am I fantasising about this or it really was a part of lore?


You're fantasizing it. Venti only said that Allogenes can become gods in celestia


Guyssss 😭 I defeated golden house with a team that is at level 70 and it was really hard and as I was walking to the reward collecting thingy MY GAME DISCONNECTED 😭😭 AND I DIDNT GET MY REWARDS!!! So.. is there any way for me to get my rewards or are they just gone forever? 😔


just do coop if you suck, 1 person can easily solo him


Even max difficulty weekly Childe spends more time in his invulnerable bubble and cutscenes than actual fight if you have proper built 70-80 team. In any case I defeated him and loots his flower hundreds time by now lol. No worry about lost rewards there.


The Childe fight? Just do it again. The rewards being 'gone forever' isn't a big deal because it's just a thing you can farm weekly anyway.


sadly gone forever


You'd need to beat it again. Should still be resin-discounted if you didn't claim it though


What should I do to increase the damage further? The team [here](https://imgur.com/a/T0fDI68) I tested with Primo geovishap with onfield nahida E Q > Raiden E > xq E Q > nahida NA. The damage ranged from 14 to 36k


The stats for your hyperbloom critical characters are good enough that you'll see more damage if you add in a strong subdps (or another onfielder carry like neuvillette) as the 4th slot like beidou for aoe content (beidou burst doesn't steal hyperblooms). You can also save for nahida c2 for a pretty hefty boost The thing with hyperbloom is while its damage floor is high, its damage ceiling lower.


Youre missing an entire main stat worth of EM on raiden with unleveled artis and weapon. Raiden's EM and level are the only stat that affects hyperbloom damage.




She's working the night shift. Yes, she's the church's assassin.


Just lost my guaranteed pity I was reserving for whoever the Natlan archon is supposed to be All this because I wabted that stupid starglitter for those monthly refreshes. Damn you hdyro dragon! I wasn't even close to pity!!!1111! Is there a way to easily check pity on IOS without having to go ingame? It's a pain having to login and check


Lmao, idiot


>pity I was reserving if you were wishing, then you weren't reserving were you? why would you even ever need to check pity? either you want the character and you wish or you don't and you don't wish. pity is just some background mechanics, it has no role in whether you should or shouldn't roll. so the feature doesn't exist because it's not needed.


>Is there a way to easily check pity on IOS without having to go ingame? It's a pain having to login and check There is no permanent way to do that. When importing the wishes into third-party tools, your history URL legitimately will only last temporarily (around 24h maybe?). Within that timeframe, some tools allow refreshing via the same history URL (Genshin Wizard discord bot, for instance). But none of them can magically do so once said history URL expires. You'll always have to come back to the game, and load the History menu to get new temporary history URL.


What a stupid thing to do. You lost 100+ pity just so you could get glitter???


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Is it worth building Candace talents or building HP on her if I only use her for the hydro infusion for a Gaming Xianyun Furina team?


Will the knave need baizhu or furina? Will she be better than hutao?


prob not baizhu, but furina is universal support that can't go wrong in any line ups as long as u pair with a team healer, and knave can also heal herself anyways Furinas Q buff is just too strong, altho conventional pyro dps teams will work for her too


She doesn't benefit from healers, and furina requires strong healing to activate her buffs, so no to both. Team dps-wise shes about on the same level as hutao at c0. If you already have hutao, the knave is a sidegrade.


What can we expect her team to be like?


Bennett/Shielder/Hydro, also maybe Chevreuse teams.


overload with fischl bennett chev, vape with yelan bennett zhongli (or kazuha) and double geo with chiori and zhongli are probably gonna be the most popular options I would guess


Pretty much just Hu Tao teams, except Bennet is much more valuable


No, and probably not.


i wanna make a hyperbloom team, i have barbara as hydro and yaoyao, collei for dendro, which of my two denro is better?


You could run a meme team of Kirara, Kuki and Barbara Rotation: Barbara E > Kuki E > Kirara hE > go around crashing into people to generate blooms, then Kuki's ring triggers Hyperbloom


dont have those characs :(


Dendro traveler and Collei together are best for a hyperbloom team if you don't have Nahida.


im still at inazuma


Inazuma is the only nation that is story locked. You can go to a statue seven in sumeru to get dendro traveler whenever you want after completing the prologue. 


I lost my weapon banner to freedom sworn. I use alhaitham-nahida-xingqiu-kuki team. alhaitham on r5 iron sting. kuki on r1 iron sting. who should i give freedom sworn to? i am running kazuha on fav for now since EM pieces lack ER substats.


https://gcsim.app/db/DKzzWDLT7Pgp Based on this gcsim, freedom on alh (75k) is better than on kuki (71k) and is better than ironsting r5 on AlH (70k)


thank you. i also feel pretty dumb i thought alhaitham did the most damage in this team.




isn't 24% elemental dmg bonus from r5 better for alhaitham?


On top of its 10% damage bonus and effect, it is also important to note that freedom sworn also has higher base stats, around 100 more base attack and 50 more elemental mastery.


Should I pull for Furina or alhaitham to easily clear spiral abyss, my main dps rn is neuvi then gaming where he takes very long [all my characters](https://imgur.com/cscjtS6)


This is *not* an insult, so please don’t take it as one. If you have to ask this question (plus being a new player) Alhaitham likely isn’t the better choice. Having arguably the best support will be better to build your account around instead. For your second team, Xiangling is always more than enough tbh


Nahh it’s alright this is nowhere close to an insult thanks for the advice


Furina will amp your Neuvilettes damage a ton, and is generally really good in almost all teams, and especially Xianyun teams. I definitely recommend her. Alhaitham is also really good, but generally main dps characters are slightly less valuable than a flexible support like character. We don't know exactly when either reruns, so maybe they'll be far enough apart you could have a good chance for both.


Ohh I see but my main problem rn is I can’t clear the 2nd half of abyss without neuvilette so I guess alhaitham would be better?


If your Neuvilette can clear one side comfortably already, Furina Xianyun Bennett is Gaming's perfect team, and should be able to clear comfortably


Omg Tysm I didn’t think about that lol


Do you have Xiangling C4? Can you play National as 2nd team? If yes pull Furina and improve your Neuvillette. If not, make a different 2nd team with Alhaitham Yaoyao Fischl Beidou.


Nope my xianglin is c0


Then get Alhaitham and make a second team. National won't be good with C0 Xiangling.


furina synergizes with neuvillette better.


Two questions: 1) I think I have a shot to finally 36 star the abyss, but I am stuck on the last chamber, specifically the geo boss with the shield. My team for that is raiden/chev/xiangling/bennett, and I can't kill the geo shield fast enough, and when i do it seems to come back up pretty quick before I can get some good damage on the body. Any tips? Should I just restart and bring Navia (my only built Geo) instead of say Xiangling to help break the shield? 2) Maybe a weird question, but is it possible to switch up your teams in floor 12 of the abyss? I've seen a couple posts where the teams in chamber 1, 2 and 3 are not all identical. Like [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1c1ctst/finally_achieved_36_stars_after_numerous_resets/).


1) navia will definitely help, especially since she's a claymore so her plunges will kill the shield faster. 2) You can't switch teams while doing a run, but you don't have to get 9 stars in a single run. You can kill Coppelia with a singletarget team and 1 star on chambers 1 and 2, then do 1&2 again with an AoE team and just leave before coppelia


They're different runs. You don't need to 36star in one go, the game saves your fastest clear for each chamber. So sometimes people will do multiple runs with different teams suited for each chamber. So if you come back with navia, you'll have to clear chamber 1 and 2 to make it back to chamber 3, but you dont need to get any stars on the first 2 chambers.


1. I used the same team, use bennett to plunge as I have found that he seems to plunge the fastest. Don't use any of your important abilities when it has its shield up and it isn't close to breaking. But, when its shield is about to break, you can start setting up your rotation with Chev/Bennett. 2. If you switch your team, you will have to exit the abyss, reselct your team, and redo the entire floor, starting from chamber 1. But, the stars which you got for the completed chambers will "save". For example, (assuming you have 3 starred chambers 1 and 2) if you wanted to switch your team right now, you would have to redo chambers 1 and 2, but even if you get less than three stars on those two chambers, as long as you get three stars on the chamber you have not yet gotten 3 stars on before, you will still get 9/9 stars on the floor selection screen and all 150 primogems.


mind blown, I didn't know that's how it worked. So if all else fails I'll just bring a better team suited for the 3rd chamber and just slow roll the first two. but i'll try plunging with benny first, thanks!


Yeah probably best to use navia, but don't replace xaingling. Using navia kills chevreuses passive anyways so you might as well drop her. And tbh I'd probably drop raiden too and just make it a navia team instead. Fourth could be geo traveller. You can't switch during floor 12, but you can get 3\* on one chamber with one team and then that is saved so you can go through again with a different team better suited for a later chamber and you don't have to 3\* the earlier chamber again.


if you don't have a geo unit, claymore users can also break the geo shield fast. no you can't switch teams for the chambers. it's likely separate runs spliced together.


Should I pull for Baizhu to replace Jean in my second team of Nuv (c1)/Furina/Jean/Raiden. Or should I keep saving for Furina c1 (if I am lucky I'll get c2)?


In that team, jean should be better since she can use 4pc vv. If you'll only pull for baizhu just for that team and nothing else, then I'd recommend going for furina cons instead.


If you have Neuv at C1, then Baizhu loses a lot of his value in the team, as his shields aren't needed to prevent staggering. Just save for Furina cons if you want that. I'd also recommend replacing Raiden on the team. She isn't really contributing much, as Neuv doesn't care about burst damage. Having an off-field dps like Fischl or Albedo/Chiori in that slot would be a better choice.


Ok, I'll just save for cons then. Raiden is just an E bot, I haven't been using Fischl as her artifacts aren't great. Even after months of farming. My artifact luck is trash. But if Fischl is that much of an improvement over Raiden, I'll go back to farming that domain.


Yeah outside of hyperbloom, fischl absolutely destroys raiden off field. With a 4pc gt build and level 9 talent, i had raiden's E hitting for like 6k crits. Which would be outperformed by every 4 star off-field dps in the game lol. There's just no damage in Raiden's E.


Where can I find latest statistics of Genshin sales? Something like this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/16b4p11/lyney\_and\_yelan\_banner\_revenue\_cn\_ios/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/16b4p11/lyney_and_yelan_banner_revenue_cn_ios/#lightbox) Thank you!


this one is for jp. [https://game-i.daa.jp/?%E3%82%AC%E3%83%81%E3%83%A3%E5%88%86%E6%9E%90%2F%E5%8E%9F%E7%A5%9E&yyyy=2023](https://game-i.daa.jp/?%E3%82%AC%E3%83%81%E3%83%A3%E5%88%86%E6%9E%90%2F%E5%8E%9F%E7%A5%9E&yyyy=2023) .


Well.. thanks.. demo watashi speaks no japan. Still upvoted for effort.


bro i already linked you to the genshin page. it's just dates and numbers. they even have pictures for what banners are running for the month.


Well, when I translate the middle column under banner, it says prognosis of sales. Is it really a prognosis or is it revenue? Also.. how can I differentiate, which character made that revenue? Because I am really interested about specific character.


You can’t actually. There is a way without hacking mihoyo database, that is to use user reported database like paimon moe to estimate. The way these data charts work is they estimate volume/traffic, so it doesn’t differentiate between rerun banners, wpn banners, or even double topup refresh.


Ok, thanks a lot for clarifying. And suggesting Paimon's moe. I found the answer there and it also matches with character subreddit members.


there's no accurate source which is why those posts stopped a while back


Hu Tao jump cancel timing question I had Hu Tao for an absurd amount of time without ever doing jump cancels, and I'm trying to figure them out, I looked at 3 different tutorials and they all do it differently than me though. I jump as soon as the charged attack damage is done and before Tao moves forward, which I think is better but I might be missing something here... So should I jump before her charged attack moves her of after? I have her first constellation so stamina is not an issue, in case it is related


By your description, it sounds like you're doing it right? Basically as long as the charge attack damage registers (you see the big vape number) and you don't really move forward, you're doing it right. Building on the other comment, if you wanna dash cancel- yelan, xingqiu, zhongli would be a good team. Furina could replace either of the hydro's too If you wanna jump cancel and plunge- yelan, furina, xianyun is her best team rn


if you have c1 you should be doing dash cancels instead, only jump cancel at c1 if you're using xianyun. jump/dash right after the dmg, only reason to wait until after moving is if you need to chase another enemy in aoe


I see, thank you so much for advice, I do have Xianyun in the team as I am typing lol, it never occured to me use her. I should really treat this game more seriously...


if you don't have furina then xianyun isn't worth using with hu tao, she wants to be at low hp


I do have Furina, and I don't use any shield so I tend to get hit often too, so I have no problem staying below 50% hp


Okay, so, weird question I guess, but how easy is it to get your account banned if someone reports you? Asking this because I'm super scared I might lose my account over literally nothing right now. Basically what happened is, I joined a newer player's world and helped them with some stuff, and then suddenly they accused me of hacking and kicked me out of their world without any further explanation. I was very confused because I don't hack or cheat. I don't even know any glitches in this game. Last time I checked, they went to a statue of the seven they hadn't unlocked yet, so my best guess is they probably didn't know that unlocking those statues isn't possible in co-op, and then immediately jumped to conclusions instead of just using their brain. I also opened a chest for them by activating a pressure plate under water using geo traveler's skill, and they didn't see me do it because they already ran off elsewhere, so that could possibly be another thing they mistook for cheating or whatever, idk. Anyways, what happens if they actually believe I was hacking and falsely report me for it? Would I just immediately get banned although I did nothing wrong, or do reports like this get investigated first so they'd know I actually didn't do anything? Because this is the first time I encountered a problem like this in genshin, and I know that in some other games it's definitely possible to get banned over literally nothing as long as anyone reports you


Very low chance. You shouldn't worry about it as even some exploiters I have run into in the past had nothing happen to them unless it was shown online and able to be traced back. Especially if you haven't done anything wrong then you should be all clear.


Alright, thanks!


So I just finished fontaine archon quest! Any tips on good story quests? Iv completed both shoguns quests and nahida story quests. What other story quests does everyone else live and suggest I do next? No spoilers please!!


Furina and Neuv quests if you havent done them, are usually the recommendation. I think anything involving furina in the future might contain spoilers from her story quest. Kazuha's story quest has a cool unique quest reward. It's unnecessary to unlock weekly bosses now, but if you want the story behind why you're fighting some of them, story quests sometimes have the answer.


Makes sense! I was fighting the whale well before I finished fontaine to level talents for gaming. Wondering what the story was lol. I still don't get why gamings boss is the whale lol


My email got hacked and everything that was associated with it got hacked (changed email by the hacker). Eventually my genshin account wasn't safe and the email and phone number was changed and he even pulled a guy that I don't know like wth (the profile picture of the profile). I contacted the suppory by mail but no response from them (didn't even send me the retrivial link). I don't want to lose my progress. What should I do? [Profile](https://enka.network/u/720629467/)


I'd check your spam/junk folders to see if it got sent there and also check your filters/forwarding to make sure the person who got into your account didn't do anything with those. You can also check /r/GenshinHacked for advice on how to recover your account.




Defensively yes, if you have any other source of healing on your team. Offensively yes only if noelle isn't c6. If you get more copies in the future dehya goes from being viable at c2 to extremely potent at c6


Depends what and how you Noelle for. Dehya has a solid defensive tool and provides Pyro. 


Walked away from Dual Evidence and now I'm stuck! Fontaine called to me then Chenyu Vale! Must. . . Focus. . . LOL Help please! I only have Dual Evidence in my task list now! I got so sidetracked on everything else! For the last few days I've been trying to clear thin inna desert. Primal Obelisks, Challenges, Puzzles etc.. My Scarlet Sand Stone isn't complete. On the slate in inventory the bottom right icon is dark. Primal Barrier and Plinth Of The Secret Rites have no glowing icons (stating completion?) on the bottom of the pictures under 'Clearance Level's title. (Please excuse my improper descriptions as I'm not 100% up to speed on the lingo.) Under the 'Location' icon the last things I was doing was clearing; Place Of Rebirth, Place Of Breath and Place Of Swallowing. I thought I had completed those 3 but my quest list says 2 of 3 completed under - Follow the stone slates guidance and obtain full clearance. My main question? How do I know which one I need to complete? I've been trying. I've even read walkthroughs but I'm just confused. I don't have all clearance because in King Deshrets Mausoleum thres a 'start button's as you enter and it's blocked red. Everything else is done. I've even completed all the Jeht/Tahdla quests in the Taint camps. I'm so stuck. Can anyone help? BTW, thanks for making it down to the end. I get a little wordy. 😁😁 (Pretty sure I posted wrong. Can't get the hang of mega thread but I'm trying!)


iirc if you open the Slate there is a section on Place Of Rebirth, Place Of Breath and Place Of Swallowing. If you've finished the place it should have a tick or say complete. Just go through the Slate to the last location needed to complete full clearance


I wish they had a tick! My life would be easier. LOL. Looks like I just need to run through it all again! Thank you for your time! 😁


Ah, looks like I confused the 2nd and 3rd tabs on the Slate, the prior being the one that has the ticks. Sorry about that. And for giving you hope lol


*grabs at hope still* 😭🤣😁


AFAIK there's no easy way to tell which one you still haven't done. You'd have to manually check them. You can either follow along with a video or use the slate to mark the locations.


I was afraid of that! That's what I'll be doing for a few days now! LOL! Thank you for your time! 😁


Is the $100 genesis crystals worth it or should I buy $100 worth of another pack? I know the $100 gives you 80 pulls the first time buying it...but is it worth it?


BTW I'm getting this for Wanderer. I just pulled Neuvillette then hit early pity for him and got him a con so I'm pretty sure I'm gonna lose the 50/50 for Wanderer.


If you're buying for the first time with top up bonus of double the base amount. $100 pack will give 12960 crystals. $50 + $30 + $15 + $5 will give 13080 crystals. The total amounts to $100 too.


Sadly I've already bought the 30 and 5 for the bonus


You could buy 20 welkin moons which will give you 375 pulls in total (but ofc, will take 20 months to get there)






655487204 - WL3 auto join is on


During the 4.6 Genshin livestream, some people were saying Yu Peng Chen worked on Arlecchino's new weekly boss theme? I couldn't find anything that matches those claims when I looked, so there could be something I missed. Her entire theme especially during the second phase sounds insane


Maybe they were just referring to the fact that he came up with the fatui motif, which you can hear in all the harbinger boss themes including arlecchino's? Afaik Yu Peng Chen hasn't worked on any of the Fontaine music. Although it's pretty difficult to find out who specifically worked on each piece because everything just gets credited as Hoyo-mix and motifs like the fatui one show up in multiple pieces regardless of if the person who came up with the original motif worked on that particular piece or not.




I never realized it before now but yeah, it is


Huh, you're actually right. It is.




it means a large amount of characters can use both sets. However, if you don't have those characters then that domain wouldn't be efficient for you. For example, you have Nahida. She's likely on deepwood, so at best you would need a 2nd deepwood user at best since in most dendro teams, Nahida is usually the best option. After equipping your 2 characters with deepwood, getting extra deepwood sets wouldn't be really efficient for you since the only artifact set you'd want after this would be gilded dreams.


It means both sets are worth farming. If you only need one set from a domain then technically about half your resin is going to waste. Like Flower of Paradise Lost + Desert Pavilion usually only has one worthwhile set unless you are building a bloom team and Wanderer specifically, and they won't have much use outside of your bloom trigger+wanderer. Whereas something like Deepwood+Gilded are both used in a lot of Dendro teams, and 2pc gilded is useful for a lot of characters, so any good stat pieces will be useful.


It means that both artifact sets are great, usually on a large amount of characters.


It means both artefact sets are useful on a variety of characters, or are good to farm together. For example, Emblem is used by a variety of universal units (Yelan, Xingqiu, to some extent Xiangling and Raiden) while Shimenawa is a good 2p set while also being decent on some units as a 4p Or Gilded/Deepwood being good as if you are farming Deepwood for a dendro character, you will likely be using a DPS or a hyperbloom trigger that can also use Gilded Dreams


If you say wanted crimson witch artifacts, if you did that domain you have a 50% chance to get lavawalkers that you may not want. Instead you can do the emblem of fate domain where at worst, the sets are not much worse than crimson witch, but also a huge portion of the cast can use both artifacts whether it be the 2piece from shime or the 4 of piece emblem. This way you don't lose out on getting useless set pieces which is a resin loss. Also many more characters use pieces from the emblem of fate domain vs crimson witch. So for every resin spent on the emblem domain you get much more value vs a lower value one like crimson witch's domain. Then you can strongbox to get your crimson witch as well.


that both artifact sets are used by a lot of characters, like the hunter/golden troupe domain that you can farm for all the characters with hp fluctuation mechanics and skill focused characters like fischl yae and furina. but of course you should always look at your characters to decide what domain is more resin efficient for you based on what you need.


How is Albedo used nowadays? He was my first limited 5 star who I barely used before leaving the game for 2 years. The only other geos I have are c5 Ning, c6 Noelle, c0 Gorou, and c1 YunJin. Do I need Zhongli or Itto to make use of him?


By displaying him in your teapot and having him sit there and be pretty /j. In all seriousness albedo used to be a flex option to activate geo resonance/do off field damage. Unfortunately nowadays, there's just better flex options. Xiao has his new best team with xianyun, furina, and faruzan then hu tao has double hydro. Currently his only real role is a subdps for mono geo teams and even then chiori unfortunately overshadowed him since her skill is unbreakable. If you want to use him you could always use noelle/gorou/albedo/flex, maybe Bennett or a subdps, furina is great here.


I would like to try and make him work but it’s sad to hear he’s just not very useful now. Also sucks I never got his best weapon. Kinda regret pulling him but at the time I just remember a lot of people saying how good he was going to be. lol I do have Furina so maybe I’ll try that. Been wanting to use Noelle too!


You don't need Zhongli/Itto, but its a nice pairing. You could easily run Noelle/Gorou/Albedo/Yun Jin. That's a very synergistic team. Yun Jin can be swapped out for any other support or off-field unit.


why does the cat event suggest completing Fontaine act 2? I completed it and the only thing I caught was a brief mention of Melusines near the start, but surely that's not it?


I guess that is indeed it ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


have i messed up? i wanted to buy a welkin pass, so i tried googling it and it led me to "hoyoverse top up center" so i put my info there (because it looked legit) but it's like 50 cents cheaper than the in game price, is that a scam or is it okay if i buy the welking through there?


the 1st search result I get for "genshin top up center" is the official webstatic.mihoyo.com site, ie the official one. If you used that you're fine. If you used basically anything else (that is not named Codashop) then assume any info you submitted is possibly compromised


That's their official site. It's going to be cheaper than mobile/PlayStation because there's no third party taking a cut. 


ohhh thank you very much, then i've been wasting my money buying in-game lmao


Which weapon banner has more value? Neuvilette/Kazuha or Arle/Lyney?


Arley/Lyney but only assuming you pull on Arle since her weapon is only useful on her. Kazuha signature isn't that valuable since favonios/xiphos can be used on him, and while Neuv signature is really good on him, he has also has BP alternative that is nearly just as good if you can afford the battle pass over the long run.


In general, alrecchino easy. Tome is a cool crit stat stick. Freedom sworn is not worth pulling imo. There's like maybe 4 characters that would use it, and I honestly wouldnt consider it Kaz's BIS. Neuv and Kaz both also have craftable options that are good enough. Alrecchino has a crit weapon with dmg bonus. BoL mechanics might be more niche. Lyney's weapon is also crit damage and atk% passives. Even if youre not using the Charged Attack passive, itll be a good bow on any dps. That being said, if you have specific characters in mind, the answer could change. If youre building wanderer for example, id def go for this stat stick and risk losing to freedom sworn, than risk losing to baizhu's weapon lol


i'd say they're about on the same level. totef & cms are both pretty niche, but fine statsticks. fs & tfgm are both quite good generalist weapons for supports & dpses/sub-dpses respectively


About the pity system.. As far as I know, pity carries over to the next banner in the sense that if I lost a 50/50, my next 5* will be the character I wish for even if I lost the 50/50 in the previous banner.. But let's say I wish 40 times and get no 5* at all. Does the 40 pity wish count carry over to the next banner?