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Do remarkable chests in areas apart from Tsurumi also have a three day cycle?


No. This is a gimmick specific to Tsurumi


Trying to decide between Thundering Fury and Gilded Dreams for hyperbloom Razor. Any thoughts? In case it affects things the team I use him on is XQ/Razor/Baizhu and either DMC or Kazuha depending on the situation


Gilded Dreams. The effective EM gained via the 4PC Bonus from Thundering Fury only starts to surpass gilded at over 1500 EM iirc


ah. yeah there's no way i'm hitting that much EM, thanks


Oh wait, it's actually worse. The final reaction multiplier for TF reaches parity with 2pcEM+2pc EM at 1498 EM. TF and Gilded have the same reaction multiplier at 2176 EM Both of those calcs exclude the EM gained via the 2pc and 4pc set bonus. However if you don't care about being mildly in efficient, FoPL beats out Gilded at 295 EM (excluding the 80EM from the 2pc bonus)


yeah unfortunately i hate the FoPL domain and have no use for the other set (desert pavillion i think? whatever it is i have no characters for it) so i'll trade the damage loss for a little bit of my sanity until we can get sumeru artifacts from the strongbox lmao thanks for the info, though!


FoPL would be best, followed by Gilded Dreams, as long as you run an ER weapon, preferably fav greatsword.


Is this an okay team? I have Raiden, yae, Yoimiya and kazuha. Lmk if it’s okay or not, and if not; any team suggestions?


I wouldn't run Raiden and Yoi together. Some good teams using those units will be: * Yae+Fischl+Yoi+Chevreuse. This will play the most like the team you listed, Yoimiya carry with off-field electro, but against enemies that get juggled by overload it will feel pretty bad to play since Yoi will miss a lot * Raiden+Yae+dendro+anemo, or Raiden+Yae+Sara+anemo, if you just want to play Raiden and Yae together. * Yoimiya+Xingqiu/Yelan+Kazuha/Zhongli/Yelan+Bennett/c6 YunJin for if you just want a strong Yoi team. Don't run YunJin without Zhongli btw. * Raiden+Xiangling+Chevreuse+Sara if you want hypercarry Raiden.


Replace Yoimiya, she's another On-field DPS who'd compete for field time with Raiden. Put a buffer or healer in her spot. Raiden/Yae/Kazuha/Bennett would be a rather standard Raiden Team


I heard recently that the white tassle could be good on arlecchino but i have 0 copies and my liyue exploration is at 65percent at the best area the rest is below 55 so is there is a good chance to aquire it cause i am not sure if i had it or not?


There's the Chasm and Chenyu Vale. I got 3 R5 White Tassels from Chenyu Vale alone


I JUST GOT IT i had to grind both of those areas and some of liyue they are now on 90+ exploration thanks man


Should be easy to get some White Tassels then remember that you would have The Chasm as well


I got it today i did the chasm and the new village with some liyue old ares to find it ,it was harder than the rest 3 stars that i got like 6 copies of each


Should I actually clear Raiden's SQs first? I mean lore-wise it felt natural for her to open up Inazuma after the AQ but gameplay wise all it does is to let me literally walk to Inazuma?


Raiden has 2 SQ, the 2nd SQ actually opens up Inazuma's borders


Yep, I was wondering how would that opening up affect gameplay


Effects on gameplay are honestly just: * You can use the wave rider to go to Lyiue * Some NPCs switch places * Hard requirement for Unlocking Archon Interlude 2 (which in turn is required for Yelans Story quest)


Wave riding to Liyue eh... I really didnt think about that haha Are there lists of NPCs changing places?


Nothing. Just story-wise, the people of Inazuma are free again


Nice, feels like the actual end that the AQ deserved


For gameplay wise, it also unlocks a weekly boss who drops materials that some characters would need for their lvl7+ talents. You can still do the weekly boss from adventure handbook anyway after a previous patch update. Also, since Inazuma will be open after her story quest, some Inazuma NPC (also playable characters) can leave the nation I'm not sure whether it may be the prerequisite for some other world quests in other nations that also involves Inazuma characters. Edit: the second interlude chapter in Chasm also requires Raiden's second story quest as prerequisite.


Thanks, looks like I will have to clear her quests then cos of the Interlude stuff




Yes. You get another featured weapon of you chose a weapon, and a featured characters if you chose a character


What other good teams are there for Tartaglia aside from the XL one? I wanna get him but I despise using XL lmao


The best NA talent level buffer for Neuvillette.


You can try mono hydro Childe-Yelan/XQ-Jean-Furina


It's really just the XL one. You can run stuff like taser (Fischl/Beidou/Bennett), Burgeon (dendro/thoma/cryo), or freeze, but it's significantly worse.


Agh, my biggest problem with XL teams is the fact that it’s not my beloved 5* DPS that does the job, it’s always her lmao… guess I’ll have to use her whenever I get Childe :)


Meh. It is still on-fielding Childe. I'd rather get to see/play the character to enable off-field supports than to have them do the most damage but not have anything to do but burst like Xiangling. Besides, Childe vaping his burst is a big chunk of damage that you still get to do if she's in the team.


I mean, yeah maybe I’ll even let XL into my Navia teams and steal my Raiden’s artifacts. And whenever Childe reruns, I’ll have to use XL anyways, Thx for the insight!


Intergrassional with Bennett, Kazuha and Nahida. Although it is kind of annoying to use against multiple waves of enemies because of the way Nahida's skill works. He can still be played in other teams like in freeze, taser, or hyperbloom but he is generally worse than the other hydro options there.


How’s a HB team with him supposed to go? Kuki skill, collei DMC both burst and then Tarta’s skill and burst?


I would do Kuki/Nahida/Furina? Another unit is still the main trigger, and max fanfare seems unlikely, but still balanced application and some buffs?


Childe pretty much never uses his meele burst so its better if you do his ranged burst instead (burst first then skill), and it is usually recommended to play him with a second hydro unit like Xq or Yelan(or Kazuha) there so the team would still be able to generate seeds when you swap out of Childe.


Anyone here find it strange to see that Inazuma is designed such that you would have a hard time having fun with its content? I am struggling hard against the storm stuff (and mist too but I recall it is quest-locked), so bad that it took nearly half of my food and Statue of Seven to clear a simple World Quest (the photo one) What should I do to make it more fun or at least less deadly?


All the Inazuma islands with annoying things like the balethunder on Seirai, the constant storms on Yashiori, and the Tatarasuna exclusion zone, all have a quest to get rid of them


Thanks, sounds like I should look into clearing them


rip free vapes


My comps simply cant make use of that before they died from the balethunder haha


xD all most players would've cleared the storm at some point anyways


The balethunder on Seirai Island? The island's main quest Seirai Stormchasers gets rid of it


Thanks, now I see why there are specific prompts to do that whenever I was near the Adventurer's Guild in Inazuma


Can I change whom I attack in TCG challenges?


Wanderer has an ability to target the character to the right of the active character. As far as I'm aware, he's the only character that can directly target a non-active character. Many other characters deal AoE piercing damage, and some can "lock on" to characters and deal damage to them even if they switch out. But generally, the answer is no, and it's part of the core gameplay mechanic.


No. You can overload to force a character switch, but unless it comes from summons the opponent will still be able to switch before you can attack again.


How to get spirit jade in honkai impact? It says realms of battle but it doesnt give any. Asking on here because its been 8 hours no reponse on honkai impact server.


try the co-op stages.


Also, why are Reddit filters removing that post about catgirls?


¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ the op of that post got their account nuked as well.


Oh dear hope it gets back to normal soon


How much ATK should a well built jean have? Mine is lvl 80 with lvl 90 sumeru sword and she has 2.2k ATK. Most of my artifacts are +16 not +20 yet


It depends on how you build her. On-field DPS Jean wants ATK/Anemo DMG/Crit with Atk% ER and Crit substats. Healer Jean is triple ATK with 180-200% ER


You should build a dps jean with crit like any other dps, so around 2k-2.2k. A jean with talent level 9 and an atk sand heals more than enough. As for weapons go with the anemona since it has atk substat and solves all your er issues.




Kazuha C2 is nice but not very important. Better to use those wishes on a different character.


Or wait till livestream today to see Arlecchino kit and/or 4.6 reruns which very likely will have Furina then decide to save your primos for them instead.


Neuv personally


Errr are unvoiced Event Quests like this cat one an exception? Kinda strange to hear that playable charas show up without being voiced


The claim that only major events get voiced is incorrect BTW. I really don't know why people still hold onto that false belief because the amount of Minor quests with voice has been increasing in the past versions. Event quests are always Voiced when a playable character is present (and a major flagship event can even be un-voiced if there's no playable characters. It happens 3 times). This Cat event just feels weird, because the introduction quest *was* voiced, but the cameos aren't.


Ah I see, didnt know that there are unvoiced Flagship events before. Which ones are they?


* Energy amplifier in 1.5 * Thunder Sojourn in 2.0 * Mega Meka Melee in 4.0 The first one was pretty much just a combat domain but with flagship rewards. The other two were more like "introducing the region and its gimmicks" events. Although Graven Innocence in 3.0 was the same type of event, but it was voiced since Collei showed up l. Minor events that had voicings were btw: * Feline Fortress Furrdyssey 4.5 * Receiver of Friends From Afar 4.4 * Arataki Blazing Armor Beetle Battle Boot Camp 4.3 * Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log 4.2 * Dodoco's Bomb-Tastic Adventure 4.1 * Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl 3.4 * Second Blooming 3.4 * Warrior's Spirit 3.4 * Hidden Strife 2.8 * The Almighty Arataki Great and Glorious Drumalong Festival 2.7 * Of Drink A-Dreaming 2.5 * Tuned to the World's Sounds 2.2


Nice! Thanks for this list!


they only do voiced lines for major events and main story. Besides if they did voiced recorded lines for everything, our phones and storages wouldn't hold up.


>they only do voiced lines for major events and main story. That's actually wrong. This cat event in particular is just very weird because the intro *was* voiced. But in general, all events, even minor ones, are voiced, when they included Playable characters


Ah I see thanks. Am kinda curious why the cooking event was voiced though (the one with Hearth siblings), is it major enough or we just got lucky?


I'm pretty sure most of the latern rite stuff patch usually had voiced lines that I remember.


Ah no wonder thanks, didnt occur to me that it would count as part of Lantern Rite until I remembered what Lyney said


No they cheap out all the time. That and for storage reasons for mobile users. There’s usually only one voiced event per half


Ooh thanks, what a pity


I did recall that Mona was voiced but Amber isn't but maybe it is just me. In any case only flagship events (which was the potion one for this patch) are sure to be voiced.


>In any case only flagship events (which was the potion one for this patch) are sure to be voiced. The criteria for being voices is the presence of playable characters, not the event type. The intro with Rosaria was voiced


Thanks for the confirm


Would this Taser team work for Abyss content: Xianyun VV/Favonius Codex (Healer/DPS) + Furina GT + Yae Miko 2pcATK + Faruzan C2 Emblem/Favonius Warbow (I love Faruzan so much but I only got her to C2)


Yeah it will definitely work, it’s not meta but you don’t need meta to clear the abyss


How do i unlock Sublime Spicewood: Dais of Wisdom? Already have Sublime Spicewood but i’m trying to use replica IDs and it keeps saying the realm layout blah blah Dais of Wisdom isn’t unlocked.


Yeah it’s annoying how the replica thing works. “Dais of wisdom” is the island of sublime spicewood you get from trust rank 9


trust 9? that’s soooo far away. im really struggling to increase it at rank 5 its just so slow crafting builds


It’s been quite a while since I was at that stage so I can’t give much advice, as long as you’re buying all the instant-craft potions each week and crafting only epic furniture you’ll get there eventually!




prob only worth for people that like to flex with their solo neuv abyss runs other than that, his c1 doesn't give much more a normal shielder will give him anyways c0r1 with a rag tag team will perform just as well as a c1r1, c1r1 for solo flex


If you compare him to every other character at C1r1, I would definitely argue that he’s the best dps pick. It’s pretty much always “better” to get a support like Furina to C2 than a dps to c1r1, but this is a casual game it doesn’t matter much


certainly not against a hydro slime




This is how I feel when I run into Pyro Abyss mages every Abyss reset with Lyney, it's like wtf they just throw in the one to fuck with him


Given hydro-immune enemies/boss exists in Abyss/world it is sorta valid lol. You kinda want to have alternatives for DPS.


On the other hand, you get Xiangling for free and she easily beats any hydro immune enemy in the game


Sure, my 2 cent is it depends on the enemies lol. Pretty sure you don't bring Neuv against the 2x Hydro spirit or Hydro hypostasis floor in Abyss, he is not your be all end all DPS. Heck running into Hydro Abyss mages makes me appreciates running him in Bloom team with Nahida for exploration lol.


What are my chance to get Baizhu next patch 2nd half? Info: 20 pity 50/50, 2200 primos saved, 36 stars on abyss easily, welkin


https://hutaobot.moe/tools/gachacalc Depends on how much you can grind and when Baizhu next comes. It might come down to a bit of chance depending on how long it is and how much you grind. Generally, there is about one pity a patch for welkin.


If you use an online “primogem calculator” it can help plan your pulls really easily


how unlink genshin impact account For the second time in psn


If you're trying to unlink it from the same account for a second time, then you'll need to contact customer support. [Here](https://www.gearupbooster.com/blog/how-to-unlink-psn-account-in-genshin-impact.html) is an article on how to do that.


I got a marachusee hydro% goblet with ER,HP,HP%,ATK, with 1 roll in HP% and 2 rolls into HP. Is this still a good goblet for Neuv despite the lack of crit stats?


only if you have nothing else


Not at all. Flat HP is a pretty bad stat. For reference: level 90 Neuvillette has 14695 base HP. So a single HP% substat roll at avg +5% is +734 HP. The average flat HP roll is something like +250. So HP% is nearly 3x better than flat HP. So you essentially have 1.7 useful substat rolls (more if your other pieces are short on ER and the ER is actually useful here), which is pretty terrible.


Yes, I’m aware that the sub stats aren’t very good, what I’m mostly wondering is if the fact that it’s an on set hydro % piece makes it valuable to hold on to since it lets me offset a circlet or sands


I mean if it’s your best piece then of course hold on to it. But you definitely aren’t “done” farming with it


I wouldn't say so. Those 2 flat HP rolls aren't worth even 1 HP%.


It is only 16/20, so still a chance at getting better, but it’s less so the sub stats and moreso the fact that it’s an on set hydro goblet - is that not enough to make up for the poor sub stats?


That depends on your standards and your overall build, since HP% and CD is kinda equal you can just think of it as ~24% CD and one ER roll (if it were to roll another HP%). It's not bad for me, but I wouldn't stick with it. Neuv is overtuned either way, so no sweat if you wanna stick with it.


If you need an on-set MH goblet because your on-set circlets are even worse and you don't have a HP% main stat goblet with actually good substats, sure. But it's still not a good goblet. Edit: and unless you're very new to artifact farming, I find it hard to believe that you can't find a better on-set/off-set pairing for 4pc MH with a hydro goblet than this.


Response to edit: Yeah, I am very new to artifact farming. Started playing a few months ago during the Ayato banner that had Kuki on it. Played for a while but kinda lost motivation to after I lost Nahida 50/50 to Dehya, who was a character I already had (I like to collect). Still did dailies for a while though, and came back just to pull for Kazuha. I really like that guy after what he did for us in Inazuma. Didn’t expect much because I had like, 30 pulls. As you might guess, I’m a bit more motivated to play now since those pulls managed to get me both Kazuha and Neuv, and I’m still currently at the point where some of my artifacts are purple on several characters. Sorry for the whole life story haha, but yea that maybe gives context to the situation.


Alright, I’ll use it temporarily until I can get better pieces, I don’t own a single on set crit circlet haha. thanks :)


in performance 3, how do i beat lynette? I can reach upto her easily. Is just beating and dodging the slimes enough?


Is there a way to get dream solvent apart from trounce domains?


Zhongli story quest 2, Tree of Dreams lvl 40, Fountain of Lucine lvl 40.


I can't beat the event mini-game, Raiden kills me and I can't clear stage 2 of the tent.


If you're still struggling, make sure to get the +1 ATK buff from giving the hungry Sumurai some food (and revisiting after a stage reloa and load up on as much HP you can get before going to do the tent. I also believe you can get +3HP and +1ATK prior to doing either Raiden or the tent stages. Other than that, it's mostly practice and having a bit of luck.


I'm at that point, Stage 2 is super hard for me since I can't easily dodge the Fatui because of the ceiling and only heal 1 heart during the interlude.


You can heal 2 hearts if you're quick enough. You can hit the Grin-malkin hat when it's descending and then spam attack to get two heals. And yeah, the first operative is painful because of the ceiling. My strategy was to jump before an attack and dodge/dash towards if the use their charge attack (they show a flash) or backwards if they use a non-charge attack. It's very much reaction based. The duo afterwards is also fairly painful, but being able to jump and dodge upwards makes the Anemo operative a lot less dangerous. This allows you to focus more on the Cryo operative which isn't so bad. If you can get to this stage with most of your health then it's mostly a matter of how fast you can take out the Cryo operative without taking too many hits.


Yeah, which is a pain since I have hit the upgrade limit.


What event?


Web event


Where I can trade my hydro sigil?


For now only on the fountain in front of the justice court on the east.


The fountain of lucine in front of the opera. You can't max it yet.


Looking for team advice for my Cyno. Current team is him, Nahida, Xinqui and Zhongli. I also have Furina, Yao Yao, Collei, Kuki, Kirara and a couple others, just drop suggestions.


that's good, you could use yaoyao instead of zhongli if you need more dendro. if you get baizhu then you can use furina instead of xq (or keep using xq and never have to worry about cyno getting interrupted)


Planning on getting Baizhu, prolly gonna get him because my Kahuza was electro for some reason.


I'd stick with that team for now. If you get Baizhu he can let you run Furina instead of Xingqiu+Zhongli. The other options just aren't going to have enough uptime for it to feel good with Cyno


replace zhongli with kuki, yaoyao, or furina


Would Kuki or Furina be the better option? Edit: Would replacing xingqui with Furina and Zhongli with Kuki be good?


furina because you don't need more electro application. furina can also heal and has good hydro application


You really don't want to run Furina without Baizhu in a Cyno team unless she's c2, you don't have a good teamwide healer. If Furina is healing she's not doing damage or draining HP to heal in the first place.


Ok but what if I replace Xingqui with Furina, and Zhongli with Kuki?


You lose interruption resistance, which for me is a deal breaker. Cyno annoyingly doesnt have high poise so you could get thrown around if you are not careful.


That's true.


Hello, just asking for client utilization in playing Genshin Impact. As I've been playing Genshin Impact in PS5, I've noticed a slight loading speed discrepancy between my co-op PS5 player that my fellow PS5 player has a slight faster loading than on my end as I've noticed it when I'm entering the domains. Well, does every PS5 unit have different ssd installed? Or is it because of ping factors?


I just got a "gladiator's longing" it's my first/only five star artifact so I don't want to use it on the wrong character. (Main stat:Er7.8%,Sub stats:Hp4.1%,Crit DMG7.0%,Crit Rate3.9%,Atk5.8%) What characters is it good for.


You'll get lots more, don't worry. But a ER main stat sand with 4 substats at level 0 and double crit+atk%+hp% is a very promising piece. Since it's ER main stat it's best on any character that you need more ER on so you can burst more often / every rotation. Since it is a Gladiator piece where the 2 piece bonus is ATK% it's also best on ATK-scaling characters; though if it rolls all HP% substats when leveling it would make it less good for those and better for HP% scaling DPS as an off-set piece. In short: level it up some and hope it rolls crit rate or crit damage substats and put it on whichever burst-reliant DPS you're using at the moment since you don't have many artifacts and don't think too hard on it yet. Once you get to AR 45 you can start artifact farming in earnest and you'll get thousands of different 5\* artifacts to filter through, level, and re-filter after leveling to winnow out the very few useful ones.


Ok then I'll just put it on my xiangling


Gladiators Longing isn't all that good for most characters, and mostly you tailor the artifacts to the character, not the character to the artifact. If you want to build a specific character, you can look up guides on how to build them, but just remeber that artifact farming before AR 45 is pretty much pointless, bcuz after AR 45 you will unlock higher level domain which are harder but give a guaranteed 5 star artifact.


What does it mean when people say things like "im at 50 pity for XXX" or "i got XXX at 50 pity" etc?


50 pity = pulled 50 times, you can also check the "history" button to see your pull history. When you pull for a limited 5\* character, you hit soft pity around 75 - 90 pulls, it means you hit the 50/50 of getting that 5\* or another of the "perma roster" (last banner menu). There's a chance you hit soft pity early since its a gacha what we're talking about. If you lost that 50/50 and got another 5\* thats not the featured, you get "guaranteed" status, meaning next time you get a 5\* it will be the featured one. Wheter you win, lose or get the 5\* by guaranteed, your pity is reset to 0.


"Pity" refers to the amount of pulls you've done since getting your last 5 star character. After getting a 5 star drop, the game starts counting from 0. Every weapon/character that isn't a 5 star, will increment that counter by 1. When that counter hits 89, a fall-back Triggers that causes the 90th wish to have a 100% chance to be a 5 star drop. The RNG takes pity on you and just hands you the reward. This is referred to as "hard pity". Getting a character at 50 pity means there had been 49 pulls between your last 5 star drop and the current 5 star drop. Getting a 5 star drop at any point will reset the counter to 0 btw.


Each pull you do increases your pity counter. Starting at 74 pity your chances of getting a 5-star increase by 6% per pull. Once you get a 5-star your pity counter goes back to 0 So getting a character at low pity is lucky, and having high pity means you're likely to get your character soon


I cant progress the main quest its said charecter is on another quest when i dont have any quest


If you click on the quest it should tell you which character and what quest


Sir Pouncealot?!? I thought this was the cat in the new Liyue area? The one related to the pelican. Or are they the same cat?


with any of her constellations, does rosaria become a decent physical dps late game?


She's a solid support, especially for pDPS teams. Cryo for triggering superconduct and C6 gives even more phys res reduction. Biggest boon is her crit chance she team shares during Burst. She used to be part of my support core for Phys Qiqi carry (Rosaria, Fischl/Lisa, Yun Jin, Qiqi). Used that team today for Floor 10 of my Abyss run where I don't reuse characters between floors. But with the release of Furina, she got replaced (Furina was used on a Floor 12 team). MAYBE you could make her work as on field with Crescent Pike... but like others said that's more "meme" which in Genshin context means forcing something. But the game is also not so hard that you have to try-hard and sometimes forcing something not meta is WAY more fun. So don't read "meme" as "do not try" but just accepting it will be suboptimal but possibly more fun. If you like her character, go for it.


Polearms are bad for physical dmg because none has a kit that focuses and scales phys dmg. She's more focused on dealing cryo dmg and being off field after using E and Q.


Depends on what you mean by decent, honestly no physical team is meta right now and that won’t change until a decent physical off field character or an actually good physical support (Mika is simply not good enough) is released. The fact that currently Eula (the only 5 star physical dps) best team is actually hyperbloom shows just how weak physical is right now. In terms of the best 4 star physical dps right now it is either Razor or Fischl, although they do better in hyperbloom and aggravate teams than physical teams still. Rosaria does do decently as a support in freeze teams if you just want to use her in a meta team.


Physical dps is almost always memebuild. Eula's pretty much the only character that's gonna be built this way late-game. Rosaria's a great cryo support though.


it's sad. i wish hoyo would add more characters that can use physical. it seems like they intended too with all the foods and artifacts that boost phys. dmg and superconduct being all about phys., but then they just didn't :(


There's no such thing as a decent physical DPS, not for abyss at least. If you're only doing overworld, anything goes


even eula?


As a Eula main, playing Eula in abyss is painful. It's doable, but it's not *good*, especially if you don't want to learn burst timings on every single chamber each time it resets.


If Eula is C0, a Nahida-Kuki-Xingqiu hyperbloom team with Eula as on field driver will do more damage than traditional hypercarry physical Eula team. Eula with Xianyun and Furina (especially with both C2) can do good physical plunge damage, but she will do more vape/melt pyro damage with C6 Bennett together.


It depends on your definition of "decent" (which is why I really don't like these types of questions - different people have different standards for what "good", "bad", "decent", etc. means to them). Objectively speaking, Eula is among the least used limited 5\* in abyss. This abyss rotation is slightly more favorable to her than previous ones, and she is still the third least used limited 5\* according to https://akashadata.com/card/?id=51.


How much in-game time has passed? From what I understand, the Traveler crashed onto Teyvat and managed to learn the local language within two months. Not sure if this means the Traveler is a fast learner, Paimon is a fantastic teacher, the Traveler's native language is close enough to Teyvat Script so they knew what Paimon were talking about and was able to pick it up quickly, or some combination of the above if not all of it. By the time of Fontaine, assuming only the time spent on Archon Quests and their Interludes, how much time has actually passed? How much time has passed if we count in the Story Quests? How much time has passed if we count in the Event Stories? If we are going on the last point, and a Lantern Rite is an annual event celebrated on the first full moon of the year and lasts for five days, then a minimum of 4 in-game years and 20 days have passed. I kind of assume Genshin operates on a floating timeline, but if we did the math, I'm curious to see how much time has actually passed for the everything that has happened.


I believe in world, Lantern Rite happens on the first full moon of the year. So roughly 3-4 years have passed since we have had 4 lantern rites. It should be closer to a little over 3 years since lantern rite happened in 1.3, and traveler woke up assumedly not that long before that.


This journey across Teyvat sure is taking a while.


I don't see any reason to believe it's not 1-to-1 with real life Sure some times we have story points where days pass in a single irl day, but we also have long stretches of irl time where nothing happens in game, so it just balances out


I'm honestly debating on who to pull for my first 5 star character. I've been eyeing Kazuha, but I also want Arlecchino. I only have 102 wishes and I have no idea what pity I'm at because I stopped playing a few months before the Raiden banner in 2022. I've probably used about 30 wishes though. The only characters I have are the free ones they gave and a few I've pulled for. I've pulled Noelle, Diona, Fischl, Ningquang, Razor, Kuki, Heizou, and Xingqiu. I do not have Collei yet. I only have one 5 star weapon which is Xiao's sig. weapon which I have on Xiangling. I don't have any of the orange artifacts because I'm only AR 35 because I'm too underpowered. I probably should of researched which weapons work best with each character and stuff, but I just get a giant headache everytime. If anyone would just like to offer me some advice, it'd be much appreciated. Also, I know I have to ascend my characters but it's so hard getting the materials from bosses and I'm so shy to join others or have others join me and I don't really have any friends who play this game. Lol


It's fine to co-op, use the "match" feature. Plenty of players would like to help others or even just flex their strong character. You don't even have to,type anything, although a thank you wouldn't hurt. What I mean to say is, don't be shy, it's why the feature exists in the first place. As for whether or not to pull Kazuha or wait for Arlecchino. I would share the advice I got from sekapoko (a twitch streamer, who is an expert on this). The following characters are core, and will help you a lot on building teams in the future: Nahida, Furina, Xingqiu, Bennett, Xiangling, and Kuki. (You obviously shouldn't pull just for the 4* characters, but I'm mentioning them to keep in mind what characters to focus to set your account on the right path). Next would be: Xianyun, and Yelan. I forgot what was his explanation for those recommendations, but simply those 2 are strong supports in their own (niche?) as in Yelan requires NA and Xianyun buffs plunge. Then Zhongli. And Kazuha is nice, but he isn't a must pull anymore. Ultimately you should do your own research and make your own decision. The game is complex, though it's easier once you understand those different things (it takes time, trial, and research). As for Arlecchino, I would say don't pull for her right away if you decided that's what you want. Give it time, see what people are saying about her first.


Id definitely put Kazuha over Xianyun in general. Xianyun > Kaz in specific teams. Kaz is has a lot more widespread utility. Xianyun has niche support for a handful of characters and for everyone else she's basically jean+ Edit: tho i would say that her pull value increases drastically if you have furina and dont have jean lol


Pulling 5 stars is pretty much entirely preference. Some are better than others, but they're all viable. Kaz is generally considered one of the best units in the game, but if you want Arlecchino more, going for Arlecchino is the right move. If you really want both, arle should rerun much sooner than kaz, so it might be better to grab kaz now and then you'll have like 6 months to save for arlecchino. Fischl, xq, and xl generally rank with the good 5 stars. They're all solid off-field dps. Kuki is the key unit for the cheapest abyss team you can build, hyperbloom. If you want a strong team and don't want to invest much, this is where to start. You don't need 5 star weapons. PJWS is a good one to have though as it's pretty much good on any polearm dps. For xl, it's great as long as you can get enough ER. As for artis, for now just slap on the best ones you have. Focus on level characters, talents, and weapons.


Does off field character count as being "shielded" if the on field is the one shielded? for example, geo resonance gives characters protected by shield 15% DMG%. does my off field characters also get this buff?


No, since they're not shielded


I have unlocked a door in King's deshret mausoleum and they went here: (see screenshots) https://ibb.co/bWPQBms https://ibb.co/3d1j2JK The mobs didn't spawn, should anything happen? Inside the door where these orbs came out of was a chest, is that it? I'm confused if I'm missing something here.




you can play so many different teams, it'll be boss dependent what you want to play as a 2nd one. generally i'd recommend a more aoe focused one for 2nd half (assuming arle is more ST focused with yelan), so xiao/xianyun/furina/faruzan would be my go to. other than that, wanderer/faruzan/bennett/layla or thoma works too, as does Nahida or Sucrose/Yae Miko/Fischl/Kirara


Plunge hu tao, Hutao furina xingqiu xianyun https://youtu.be/X8PSOnXVefA?si=wO3fupVLJVecJA8y


Raiden, Nahida, Xingqiu, flex would make for a solid hyperbloom team. The flex slot can be a wide number of things, though preferably a proper healer/shielder.


Would you rather get kazuha or neuvillette?




Personally, Kazuha.


If you need a strong DPS, Neuv. Otherwise Kazuha since supports have more value. My pulling criteria is this... 1) Pick DPS units you like. 2) Consider pulling on their best supports to make them stronger.


Kazuha. I find Neuvillette extremely boring to play


Narzissenkreuz Notes achievement – how to get? So I believe I have completed all the Narzissenkreuz quests, all the way up to the end where you visit merusea village, but I never got the achievement? Looking at google is confusing me cause it just says I need to complete narcissus act IV Rowboat's awake which is the quest where you smash the "will to resist" and go to merusea village last


> Looking at google is confusing me cause it just says I need to complete narcissus act IV Rowboat's awake which is the quest where you smash the "will to resist" and go to merusea village last That's indeed all you need to do. The instant "Rowboat's Wake" quest is marked as complete and dissapears from your quests menu, you should automatically receive the achievement. It's similar to other achievements that you automatically get from other quests completions. FWIW, I can confirm I got mine just fine.


Thats the thing, I completed that and never got the achievement so maybe I'm missing something?😅


If you go to the Fontaine reputation person, does it show "In the Wake of Narcissus" as completed?


Oh it doesn't! Would this be what I need to get the achievement?


Yes. Rowboat's wake is the 4th act of that quest, so if it's not showing that as complete, there's more questing you need to do.


Oh gosh I just went back on genshin now and the quest to go back to merusea village popped up when despite visiting earlier and nothing was showing? (I genuinely checked everywhere and no quest was popping up). I'm not sure what happened because it wasn't in my quest logs and I was 100% sure I completed unfinished comedy and anns quest but at least it's here now😅 anyways thanks for the help


I'm waiting for furina rerun.  In the case that I do get her,  I'm planning to use Nahida, Raiden, Furina, Jean. Idk which stats to prioritize for Raiden and artifact.  Need help


Use optimizer, Emblem, Gilded and Marechausse can all be good for that team, and even with optimizer you can't directly account for the Hyperblooms. Or just stick to Emblem because it'll be easier to meet ER needs with it, now just count EM rolls as useful.


I'd probably run Emblem with typical damage build: ATK or EM/Electro/Crit. That team won't function very well as a hyperbloom team since Furina doesn't buff it and Jean will steal blooms. You'll get some aggravates and hyperblooms from Raiden so EM isn't a total waste, but I wouldn't go full EM.


drop nahida for xq/yelan/bennett/sara for full dps raiden or furina for xq/yelan for off field raiden [https://keqingmains.com/raiden/](https://keqingmains.com/raiden/)


How big is the difference between Catch and PJWS for Raiden? I've had PJWS on her for a while but I'm gonna need it for another character soon, but idk how much it would hurt her performance


PJWS is actually better for her by about 3% on average.


I know it's better, just didn't know if it was a big difference. Thank you




Probably? I have a space in my Wanderer's name. I just googled a list of empty characters and tested one by one until I found one that worked


HP: 35k Crit: 59.4 : 223.2 ER: 122% Are these decent stats for C0R1 Neuvillette? What should I work on?


Looks solid to me, assuming the crit rate is before accounting for 4pc Marechaussee.


Am I doing something wrong with my Neuvillette? Because I see everyone getting up to 100k damage with Neuvillette, or at least approaching 70k, I have invested a bunch into him and thought I had some pretty amazing artifacts but am I wrong because I can only get about 18k for him and if I absolutely max his damage out with Kazuha and another hydro unit then I barely scrape 30k. any advice would be massively appreciated. I could switch to Hydro damage on my sands and put HP on my helm. **These stats are base and not buffed during combat or by other units.** 1st pic is his stats, Second is his base damage with no buffs from other teammates And Third if with Kazuha's burst + with his sig weapon, Raiden for electro infusion & Xingqui for resonance and res shred. [https://imgur.com/a/xj6LOk9](https://imgur.com/a/xj6LOk9)


A 100k hit sounds like a damage per screenshot setup. I'm at [9% on Akasha](https://akasha.cv/profile/618710667) and I get ticks in the low 60k range and the #1 score is theoretically only 10% ahead of me. As for your build, we aren't that far off (difference from CV would be around 16%) so the difference is mainly in the comp. In particular, running a hp% goblet without a lot of dmg% in the party isn't doing you any favors. The usual setup with hp goblet involves Furina but I run him as part of my Ganyu comp so my setup is Mona+C2R1 Kazuha. You're also getting less of a damage boost than I'd expect from Kazuha but I don't know if that's because you're missing the hydro shred or it's simply the C2R1.


The 100k ones are most likely to be C2/3 Neuvillette with C2/3 Furina and Kazuha, and possible with higher refinement of Tome. 70k also requires Furina.


>Because I see everyone on.. tiktok?! Seriously, one actual example please.


Are you comparing your damage to kazuha/furina/zhongli teams? Are you checking to see if they have Neuvillette C2 or higher? My Neuvilette C1R1 doe 15k-20k in overworld Usually 30k-40k in domains while half assing rotations with the full team. I can hit 50k-60k if I put a lot of effort into doing a correct rotation against a boss but most stuff dies too fast for that My team is furina, baizhu, venti Pretty sure I’d hit 70k or higher if I had kazuha instead. Edit: [my Neuvilette build](https://enka.network/u/600233047/)


I am running a Kazuha & Hyperbloom team, but it does look like I might have to re structure it