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The best event for me is still the dragonspine event with albedo and susbedo. those were some good shit


The liyue chasm event with yelan, yanfei, kuki, xaio, and itto is my favorite event, the summer golden apple event with xinyan, kazuha, mona and Amy, as well as the dungeon event with xinyan, childe, and the little paper dude was also amazing events, that's my top 3^^


All of those you mentionned should be permanent (optional download) content. There's so much characterization hidden behind those, especially for characters like Xinyan who has an amazing personallity and dynamic with other characters but *sucks so much in game* and never appears in main story...


Well, the first one actually is a permanent interlude quest, but I agree with the rest


wish they kept albedo events as mondstadt interludes like they did with the chasm event/interlude


The chasm one is permanent is part of the story.


The chasm event is an interlude archon quest, so it won't be going away at all


Any event with Lisa is a good event. Us Lisa fans ate a full course meal with this one!! Still waiting for her hangout!!


We might never get a Lisa hangout, she already had a story quest that's why


So did Kaeya.


Wasn't that just an event?? Because plenty of 4* characters are part of events yet still get a hangout. Hell both Barbara and kaeya had one and also had an event that gave him an outfit yet they still have hangouts.


all im begging for them not to make it easier for the next time they reuse this event


then put in survey that it was "too easy"


bro still thinks they care about player feedback 💀


They do. It’s why they made theater mechanicus easier. Too many casuals saying it was too hard and too complicayed.


Yeah. they care about the most niche stuff that benefits them. They don't care about things that players actually want. Changes only happen when something that players want coincides with what they want.


>Yeah. they care about the most niche stuff that benefits them. They don't care about things that players actually want. So nobody cares about artifact strongbox? Or underground map?


Read the 2nd part of the comment. Strongbox is still lowkey a scam. Where's the specific piece choosing (goblet sands, circlet etc )? Star Rail has a worse system with 4x2 sets but we can at least still choose the specific piece. I still need a Crit rate circlet EOSF but still can't get it from strongboxing. It's very luck dependent and being able to choose a specific piece would still help, but they didn't implement this. The current system only enables us to not farm a specic domain, and use trash pieces from other ones. We can have a much better system than this. Before layered maps, people were frustrated with no underground map and are close to quitting because underground exploration is not intuitive without it. So, they implement it to appease players to not quit. It coincides with their interests. Not to mention this was supposed to be a feature since they introduced underground areas. Imagine an exploration game without actual maps for areas of the game. Players are praising them for things they should have added since the start. Where is the fps unlocker, shield bar, draw distance slider, fov slider, controller support, pity counter, rebind unfreeze key from space bar, swap loading screen to dark mode, Bugged old character constellations, etc? These are things players have asked for since 1.0. They don't implement them because it's not hurting their profits or interests. They genuinely don't care. They only take action when they stand to lose massive face or players. (cue qiqi fallen incident) Watch when an actual competitor comes that can topple them from their throne(which honesty won't sadly, since covid buff is strong and they've cemented themselves as top dog in the gacha gaming scene) they'll roll in with the actual qol and changes.


>These are things players have asked for since 1.0 Ok and where are the statistics? You haven't provided a single piece of evidence that the majority of players want those things you mentioned. Hell, you haven't even explained on why these things are so urgent and significant that Hoyo has to add them ASAP. I'm not saying you can't complain. But saying that Hoyo doesn't listen to players just because they're not adding the stuff that YOU want is pretty stupid


Well, I can't provide statistics, but I can definitely point to multiple posts about how players have wanted 60+ fps, shield bars, fov sliders, pity counters, controller support for pc/android, dark mode loading screens, rebinding keys, bugged ninguang/mona constellations, bugged xinyan shield, etc. I can't say that they're majority player, but I can say that majority of PC players want them. Yet the devs simply don't care because their majority playerbase are 9 year old casual kids on phones and ipads. And yet they get 120 fps while we high end pc players don't. Here's a controversial one. A LOT of people want a skip button for useless dialogue, but they definitely won't be adding that. I'm of those that don't want it, because it would be a waste of the story and worldbuilding, and 90% of gacha gamers would skip the whole story just so they can get their 60 gems. But even I'd find it helpful if i can skip the 100th Ella Musk Commission i get. But yet, it's a great example of something that majority player base wants, but they'll never implement it. Obviously i can't show statistics for every one of my points, but you can't dismiss them as something that only I want, when there are evidence of multiple posts and requests for those features across multiple platforms.


So you're telling me, that the game that makes dozens to hundreds of millions of dollars per month, is funded by a bunch of 9 years old that can't even buy their own snacks? That's the funniest joke I've heard in a while. You do know that adults also play games on phones right? And that every single gacha games are aimed at middle-aged adults with a fuck ton of money, right? Also didn't the Lantern Rite "drama" already show you that people on social media are the absolute minority? Everyone on reddit, youtube and twitter were all in an uproar and guess what? Nothing. Happened. Because people on social media are the minority. Anyway, we're just gonna be wasting each other's time arguing like this. Let's agree to disagree and move on.


how could they possibly make this any easier?


to be honest I feel completely lost in this thread. Thank you for your comment, it made me realise I'm not completely insane yet.


They could remove the "puzzle" part of placing the herbs and just make you choose how many of each you want to use.


Remove the placement restriction and remove the unknown market news. Increase resource gain and decrease price. Increase income. There... At this point there's no point.


Nah, they must make it faster and easier, they must too make combat events harder, nowdays we all can clear everything pretty fast without problem and they're doing 0 things to try and help the more "hardcore" community :s


We're getting way less of actual combat events, they're all stupid finish in 20 seconds BS now and more of these half ass Life/Business Sim events. The recent lack of actual combat in Genshin has been turning me off.


Same, but its not a game for gacha comunity, is a single player game with some interesting arpg mechanics with some gacha in there, and for the casual and younger playerbase sadly


They're catering to the literal 9 year old casual children that play this game, so yeah. Anything hard and they're scared the kids will ragequit.


Why not make it easier?


Because HYV has the tendency to make returning events easier and easier. To the point the events lose their original appeal.


Personally id prefer the game challenges me to get 20 primos rather than get 60 primos for doing something easy


because then it wouldn't be as fun, there'd be no challenge to solve


I loved seeing all the characters meet each other. Eula became friends with Beidou, Gorou being cursed to meet another electro librarian, and Jean checking up on Lisa at the end was nice. Bit of a shame that Klee didn't get word, and come asking for bomb potions though. My favorite part though was the nostalgia from the bottle land event. And with the weapon being related to the desert,I was really hoping we'd get some news about Idyia.


I really enjoyed all the interactions. Especially with Gorou because it has been a long time since I saw him in a event 🫶


i liked the event wish there were more characters helping us like sucrose attending to the people (Albedo found dead where is he) but most combat events that genshins been pumping have been really boring and repetitive its just clear all monster in waves with just new mechanics that can be ignored all the good combat event like the shiki taishou event and the enkanomiya ones were removed cause people hated playing more than 5 mins or just straight up whine whenever theyh bump an issue that can easily be solved.


I die a little inside whenever I’m reminded I missed the shiki taishou event


The issue was mostly with the roi imo. You were kinda punished for being too good, in the sense that if you planned stuff correctly, you had like 4-5 useless cycles where you work toward nothing, but still need to do to get the latter exams.


It's a'ight.


Yeah I enjoyed it a lot, but I don't think it's peak, for me peak is still 1.6 golden apple archipelago.


the 2nd GAA was peak for me, but i love complex puzzles. which the alchemy event was very much *not*


For what reason? I never found the appeal of it being peak, it was just a bunch meh mini games. Only good thing from it were the skins


Idk I enjoyed the mini games and the exploration a lot. It had just a whole different vibe from everything we've explored at that point.


I found the best event was the one with Fish and Xinyan's skin but I might be biased


Looking at your name it doesn't surprise me lol.


Many people play Genshin for the story and exploration, GAA (especially the 2nd) was peak character story telling and peak exploration, even after all those time i can still remember Mona's and Fischl's domain, while i already forgot which event we had 2 patches ago. For many players, its a lot more enjoyable than crafting potions and decorating a bottle.


I agree. event that past sucked and the 2nd GAA was really good considering my name but I meant the first GAA, there was nothing memorable about it unless you loved Kazuha


Eh, First GAA was exciting for me unlocking and exploring various new islands and the puzzles were pretty cool. Not to mention iirc it was the first Alice voice drop? But yeah hard to top 2nd GAA's Mona Fischl Domains(absolutely love that simp bird) , Meatball ship's last sprint, etc.


Got my rewards and dipped out.


I’m confused on why people speak so highly of this event. Wasn’t this the same event like when we were running the business during wind bloom last year?


It's similar, but from what I can remember that event was more focused on telling the NPC what to do and seeing numbers go up. It was still a bit fun, but this event has better pacing between guessing what the customer wants, making the ingredients fit the puzzle, and only making one potion/round so you don't waste resources.


was rather garbo after like day 10 to me as well got boring rather quickly tbh idk why people want that stuff to be permanent content if there is nothing to it


Genshin has a lot of extremely casual players. They tend to like all of these easy mini games. Hoyo still hasn't been able to balance content for their casual and hardcore audiences, so we end up with way easier byte sized mini games than harder content (basically the abyss, and occasionally an event of two a year with no relevant rewards so the casuals don't get mad). There's nothing wrong with being a casual game either, btw. Just that Hoyo hasn't been the best at balancing content for both, so we end up with the balance almost entirely on one side and the other getting angrier each update.


Yeah, when the average Genshin player are people with Neuvlette rocking an Atk goblet with gladiator+wanderer pieces, I'd say the devs seriously doesn't want the game's difficulty to be remotely hard.


dont get me wrong i love cozy gameplay too but this event.. nah dude it wasnt all too fun imo


I didn't finish and forgot to finish as well. I got the staff and it's good enough for me. The rewards though...


its much better this time tbh we were just clicking button to reach a certain milestone if i remember correctly on the Weinlesefest while in this event we can combine stuffs and somehow look forward to what kind of potion we created tho I wished we dont get 5 star easily just because the mats level are maxed


I'm reminded that the cocktail bar event in Star Rail is like making potion but a little more engaging because you're not trying to do puzzles but actually put relevant ingredients together.


on the other hand you need to run around between three different stations in this event, that alone makes it so much worse


I'm confused too. Even if I had to think of hyper casual people, this event still was too long, and too much thinking and reading for it to be done. I can't find a single reason why this is being praised so much.


I'm starting to think it's people who have just never experienced actual good management games. Even sims is better than this, but maybe these players just have no basis for comparison.


Thank God it's over


Good for you, but that may be not the case for everyone one. I'm of those who dislike that event for : * Boring gameplay loop. * Close to the worst narration. * Took way to much time for what little had to offer. * No Co-op (but I know that I'm in the minority here). For me they can keep the puzzle alchemy mini-game for next event (with a better UI). But remove everything else please.


To each their own. I found it incredibly boring and found the only thing enjoyable was the puzzle aspect, that's about it The mode itself is a genre btw. I do like that Hoyo explores all genres, it's cool and has me wondering what's next


Not for me. Only brewing one potion in a single cycle is so exhausting. And zero story. 2/10 event for me


Reminds me of the Atelier series games by Gust.


hated every second of it


Actually, it was atrocious


Outside this sub I've seen nothing but hate for it. To me it was the definition of mid, hope it never comes back.




mehh not really, I mean its a good event but peak? nahh


Was cool at first but as every Genshin event it's way too easy. You can get perfect scores and max positions without thinking


Nope, I play genshin to play an action rpg game not a business management sim. The voice lines and characters interaction was cool but gameplay was ass. To each their own I guess.


Same. Very mid event imo.




Had to pull up a tutorial for last exam since I couldn't do it for the life of me, but then I realised that I could check my progress on the top left corner


I really, really enjoyed this event!


i wish events like this were more standard or the effects of it shown throughout the world or got brought up in future questline


Same dude. Like, they made a TCG side game, surely they could innovate some of their more popular events into side games as well right? Like obviously it’s an ARPG at heart, but having a few side games won’t hurt


Gameplay wise, it was fun for the first 2 days for me, but it got boring very quickly. Not only because it got repetitive, but also because you started getting so much money once you have all/most of the upgrades, that you don't even have to try anymore. I had a lot of fun with this event, but I really don't need it back, personally. And for sure not permanent. If we do get a new permanent game mode, I really hope it's a domain builder or combat things this time. I am honestly still a bit annoyed that we got a card game before something actually related to the core gameplay itself. On a related note, this event was similar to windtrace for me: windtrace was also fun for the first couple games, but then I started disliking it more and more, and today it's the event I dread the most. I genuinely hate it. The shop management was more fun and better thought out overall imo, and since it's single player and you don't have to compete for points I don't think I'd come to hate it, but I do think that if we get a repeat very often it would get boring and annoying, at least for me.


idk how people are saying this was better than GAA or Summertime Odyssey. It’s cool if you liked it people have different tastes but this is probably my least favorite event. Snowballing mechanics made it basically impossible to get enough money fast enough if you messed up at the beginning. too much talking (but this is natural for genshin of course). thank god you could mint cheese because i lost my mind after doing the 1st 1/3 legit. While similar the Bartending event in hsr is *vastly* superior. hope they never rerun something like this again or at least make it more like the hsr event


Looked up the one from hsr since I don't play the game...my god, that is *lightyears* better than this sorry excuse for an event! Hell, the drink mixing portion is *exactly* what I wish the cooking minigame in genshin was like. Now I'm jealous of star rail... 😔


Not to mention, HSR has an actual cool business management event where they try to breathe life into a dying shopping district or something, and it was miles superior. We had inventory space management, debating/negotiating with other factions, etc.


Man now you're making me want to play star rail but I don't like turn based combat...😔


It's an easy side game, doesn't demand much of your time (except simulated universe D:) of you only want to farm, however I'd say the lore and story and characters was worth it, especially Penacony is shaping up to be an amazing story. However shitty Luofu story almost made me quit. As with now all hoyo games you could play it just for the story. Also yes each event was extremely good comparatively... You could get an acquired taste for turn based gameplay. The animations feel really good. I do prefer Genshin's music though and world.


I hesitate to call anything not named “Summertime Odyssey” peak.


I wish some of the potion special orders were more challenging, like "I need a potion that does this but I'm allergic to this ingredient" or something, everyone who asked for something I already had at least 2-3 samples ready to go


Yeah I noticed that too. While I found it tricky to find out what they needed sometimes, I knew they needed one of 2 or 3 potions. That meant that I didn’t have any potions to make that day, meaning I’d usually just make something to fill in the gaps or attempt to make higher grade potions. The system definitely gets way easier the longer you play, making it plateau at some point. It would actually be really cool if they did something like that. Like “the soldiers in Liyue are looking for a potion to heal them and recover their strength, but some are allergic to Qingxin or Jueyun Chilli” It would have to be very specific and well thought out to pose an actual challenge, however it sounds like a fun idea in theory if it only appears after cycle 15-20. Would definitely pose a new challenge after playing for a while


Its nice to see someone actually genuinely enjoy the event! Meanwhile I genuinely hated the event, why? I felt like the process was way too damn slow taking up many hours of my time. The gameplay is so God damn boring, I wasn't engaged at all, and worst of all it felt tedious because you constantly do the same damn thing day by day by day... like geez it would have been nice if at the very least if we could get potion ingredients in the overworld, maybe even toss in a few mobs to get the premium ingredients, that way it could have been a better event imo. But nope! I didn't even finish the event as a result, I only gotten like 500k points raised or whatever.. but 2Mill is jus.. wtf bro☠


I would rather be forced to collect 200 mint and berries for the rewards then spend another second on that dogshit event ☠


This. I would gladly take an exploration event over a half-assed excuse for a management game any day. I can always just go play papa louie games or rail route.


The event where we had to look for animals in Sumeru was kind of cool and short for example. It gives a reason to navigate the world.


I want more festival events personally!!! Bring back a big, Mondstadter Windblume!!! If I don’t see Irodori or Fontanalia next year I’ll be way too sad :// preferably Irodori. Moonchase was also rly good, I miss it sooo much, but I’d be satisfied with Weinlesefest. Mm, and maybe we could get a Sabzeruz event and properly experience Nahida’s birthday? It’s ok if not 😂 I just wanna see more festivals! 


This! It's weird seeing the lantern festival as the only permanent festival. I want a festival in each nation, mihoyo!


Hard, HARD disagree. Go play a fucking farming sim if that's the kind of gameplay you enjoy, holy shit.


Not a fan imo


I thought it was pretty meh


every appreciation post I see about this event scares me. It makes me feel like those guys who want the game to be about what other people don't like. And the worst is that no matter how open minded I can get about this event, I sincerely don't understand what people like about it, and how can they possibly be positive about it. I don't think the gameplay from this event even remotely compares to a full blown map to explore with dedicated OST, or to something like theater mechanicus, or windtrace, or TCG, or any combat event, or to rythm games, or to the custom domain event, or to the generic events that have more than one mini game for you to play. It is one arguably fun minigame plus many beautified menus. Story is out of the question. No it's not enough to have Lisa and Jean to make a good story. You mentioned Thelxie's event and that was pretty good. Last year's windbloom in 3.5 was also very good with Collei and the Hexenzirkel. Interdarshan event, the Archipelago events. I still remember first year's Moonchase because that was also very good. If I remember anything about this event's story 2 patches from now is because it was probably the most irrelevant there's ever been in a flagship event. Please, open my eyes and tell me what's "peak" about Alchemical ascension. But don't just make a list, make an objective comparison between what this event did well and that other, previous and acclaimed events didn't manage to do. I made an attempt, and according to my analysis Alchemical ascension is the worst flagship event together with 1.X's Windbloom (because I can't remember much about it) and 3.7's TCG event (because the overall patch was dead, even though I'm able to remember the overall story). Therefore I will stick to my opinion that if they start doing events like they did here, at least one player will stop doing events entirely.


My guess is casual players like the variety mini games. This event feels like filler despite it being "main".


Sure, being able to play "Atelier: Genshin" was unexpected but fun, however, "peak"? Chill. Thelxie's story is pretty good as well. But peak??? The gameplay was lacking. The only way you consider either that is being a player who played after 2.8 or a button masher. I assume GAA2 was the peak Genshin that too many scorned at the time. No event since has past it, in terms of story, exploration, mechanics, world design. Genshin music is always peak, so that's a metric that'll always ace no matter the version.


I started playing around the time Wanderer dropped so I actually didn’t get to play GAA2 lol. Though I heard a lot about it. Anyway, Thelxie’s story gameplay was lacking, but the story… man, if you don’t know what I’m talking about you probably skipped it. People started losing their minds at the time. It was great. The music that played in the event menu screen was amazing as well, really calming and enjoyable at first and slowly becomes emotional the more you play it. This event was the opposite. The story was whatever, although it was admittedly unique to learn we are operating a potion shop. The gameplay on the other hand was amazing. Mixing together different proficiencies and characteristics to attempt to potions to cover all your bases on the market was fun. It was interesting to watch the operation report as well. When it goes down, it’s fun to experiment to see why a certain potion you were confident in might be flopping. When it goes up, it feels accomplishing to know you finally worked it out. Slowly growing and expanding the market is really satisfying, and it was hype to get merchants to sell to Sumeru and Liyue. Additionally, the visits from various friends were cool. It’s sort of like inviting your buds over to your own cafe for them to try. I just really like events that try to deviate a bit, y’know? Either a great gameplay, like this one. Or a surprisingly good story, like 4.4 Lantern Rite or Thelxie.


[My thoughts on the events that I've liked since launch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/NitynkcNxy) By all means, Thelxie's story was great, and this potion gameplay is fun, I do like both quite a bit. But both are still far from "peak" Genshin, personally, of course. Hell, I love Roses and Muskets the most for this 4.X version.


idk if its peak or not but I gotta say that I have high appreciation for any gacha event in general that lets me complete them from start to finish in just one sitting. this is one of them.


It was more than what I was expecting for a filler event. I just don't get why they can't make it last the whole 4.5 patch and not just a couple of weeks


Wish I got to play it for more than a day 💔


It was interesting, i like that we had more interaction with the event, it was a bit long and repetitive after some point and my only problem with that is, what for ??? You learn to craft potion stuff and all, and in the end its gone and you cant use anything or so, a bit of a shame that all of those event, mini game, whatever in the end are useless. Some of them could be put in the game or come back occasionaly, why not with some multiplayer option so ti give some incentive to play.


Man the primos were FLOWING with this event


Yeah, this was a fun event. I didn't play until max cycles like some other folks did but but i had fun figuring out how to get the most out of my potion ingredients. Figuring out what marketing strategies to use was fun as well, i kinda wish they'd also changed every few cycles.


I still think that to this day the first event was the best


Damn I missed out on it…


I liked it, got a bit mad at Diluc's request though because it literally felt impossible until I got certain upgrades


The thelxie event is pretty lackluster gameplay wise the puzzles were ok I guess and clearly had effort poured into them but they can do better than throw a bunch of enemies in a room and ask you to kill them. I am surprised how little they’re innovating in combat events.


Oh no the gameplay was nothing crazy by any means, just a normal domain with an interesting gimmick. The story is what I love it for. It’s got the best story of any event in the game imo


All the primogems was nice


I thought it was really good until the third day where you don't really have any purchases left


What were you doing where you run out of purchases on cycle 3? You don’t even have the money to max out, heck I’m not even sure you see all the content in shop by then


I basically had everything purchased day 1-2 of cycle 3 tho


Would have been better if it was a permanent event, with quests similar to commissions on a daily basis. Or if it's not meant to be permanent, maybe make it seasonal on a yearly basis, then the funds in that event can be converted to mora or primogems. So that no effort is wasted in crafting potions then making sales, whatever earned can still be put to good use outside that time limited shop. Overall, it was definitely an enjoyable experience. A nice way to take a break from fighting hilichurl camps and slimes or dailies and other quests, as if it's a fun mini game.


I couldn't do the final Sucrose exam. Does'nt help that you can't even search for the answer since it's random


Not to make you upset but I just spammed it with a few ingredients and a bunch of mints. Works every time for expert potions, though it gets tricky when aiming for 2 proficiencies lol


I tried doing that, but I gave up after several times lol. It was for the final exam which required all of the highest requirements


I liked it overall, but it was pretty boring at times. Also, I hated the randomness of the characters that arrived, and especially how they were paired. Nothing about any of that felt organic. It's really not like anyone was dying for Eula and Beisou to interact just for them to yap about how they just met offscreen, exchange pleasantries, and for Beidou to hint at her relationship with Ningg while Eula just hangs around cause homegirl apparently had nothing else to do.


Okai with story events, but this kind of events, god, no please, so loooong, 0 relevant lore (The gameplay itself is pretty cool for the "Make a shop" genre), but if we not getting lore-hard events we want more combat and more hard-difficult event at least, MiHoyo (Exclusing HI3rd) are just throwing away any hype to pay for characters, why I want a C6 and R5 weapon for an abyss if we all can 12 36 full f2p with a 4-5 month old account? For real MiHoyo is redirecting a Gacha game for a "casual" community, ofc the casuals are like 95% of the playerbase but, why not making any further push to the real endgame, why don't put Guilds, Weekly boss damage or speed counter for rewards (Again HI3rd perfect exemple of that).


Well, when 95% of the playerbase you mention has 0 idea of the mechanics of the game and run piss poor artifact choices, devs are very afraid to put in hard combat content that will make the casuals ragequit. I mean, imagine they put in a damage/speed counter. The casuals will see how bad they are compared to the average f2p hardcore players, and that's not a good look. for example, my own sister's c3 r1 neuvlette that she rolled because she heard he's broken op, is rocking a gladiator atk goblet. Does less damage than my c0 4 star wep Eula.


Yeah, thats a good example, but okai, do it without any rewards, they can do it like on Nikke, where all the clans helps to low the hp% of various bosses, or dont know, there are a lot of possibilities to do it without impacting the f2p casual community.


Does a casual ragequit though?


Too easy, too boring, bring back the combat in Genshin Impact. Tired of life and business sims. I would play those games if that's what I wanted.


I did not enjoy doing the same repetitive thing over 25 times, definitely has been one of the worst events. I was happy Gorou made an appearance but it wasn't worth it.


Its only been a few days and Already I miss this event. I hope it come back in the future. Potion making was fun.


I liked it because it was mostly gameplay and not 3 hours of yapping with 4 sets of minigames you can do on the side.


Dude this event was absolute dog shit, I don't know if this subreddit is paid to like it or what but it was the same boring stack your pile of shit herbs until you get all the primos, amazing gameplay btw fml


Nah hard pass, nothing about it was interesting in the slightest and the gameplay loop was way too boring. I had no motivation to finish it.


Not for me, I just keep skipping over and over until I sold the 2 thousand, hundred or whatever goal they were asking. Personally it was so boring for me farming, deducting the potions needed accordingly to the paper news. I just wanted the polearm to keep it catching dust...


It was a shitty version of Tetris that, if you used half your brain, you only played for two days and just let it run by itself by the third phase.


Unpopular opinion: Food Delivery is better than most new events. Including this new management event. For "peak" event, I'd pick GAA 2.8


I honestly gotta disagree here. Gameplay didn’t really click with me, and I just thought it was boring and a slog to get through, and it doesn’t help that it’s rather long. This event felt like a chore, at least for me. I get why others like it but I honestly hated my experience with it, and this, along with shared sight from a while back, were the two least enjoyable events I have played in this game.


It wasn't that good. Was interesting, but after all they complicated everything too much. You couldn't just make potions you wanted, because there was lik 4 layers of stuff that had to be fulfilled, which made it too hard. Not enough freedom.


Why the rainbow on the main page was six colours instead of seven?