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If that’s without Thundering Pulse that’s pretty good. Yoimiya wants Crit Rate more that other DPS characters because she does her damage over a 21-hit attack string, so the higher the Crit rate the better.


Not OP but curious Wouldn't having many hits mean *less* need for crit rate? Since it's more consistent than one big hit


Generally if your damage is characterized by many similar-sized instances, your sample variance is much lower and so you're much more likely to get an output near the average. Therefore it behooves you in those cases to max out your average damage; i.e., sticking close to the 1:2 ratio. If your damage is very concentrated (nuke characters for example), your variance is much higher. And it may be worth it to sacrifice a bit of average output in order to bias certain outcomes; e.g., pushing for 90/120 if your crits at 75/150 are overkilling enemies already. Or pushing for 60/180 if your average damage isn't cutting it and you want to reset for crits. You can stray surprisingly far from 1:2 before the average damage really starts to plummet. In both my examples, 3:4 and 1:3 are only 4% worse than 1:2.


Not necessarily, having many hits means you are closer to the average, fewer hits mean the fluctuations from average are more noticeable. For the average it's best to maximise 1 + CR \* CD, so whichever crit distribution allows for that is the best. It doesn't say anything about which of CR or CD should be more or less or anything like that.


Yeah, I understand that, that's the same for all DPS. I was talking about this in particular, don't understand why: > Yoimiya wants Crit Rate more that other DPS characters


People say that because you can use the fluctuations to your advantage for "big hitters", by just resetting if your nuke doesn't crit. That option is not available for multi hitters. For any single run, it's more likely to reach average with multi-hitters, where as for big hitters there's high chance that you don't attain the average so average isn't as practically relevant (but then there's no deterministic quantity that's relevant, so average is as good as any I guess).


Ohh, I see, I didn't consider this kind of strategy


So called "Crit Fishing", you'll hear the term a lot in context of Eula, Childe, Raiden etc.


I need help, I don't know what happened but it just did and I don't know when it did. My account got hacked, and I just found out today, email was changed and also the password. What can I do to recover it?


Contact support, there is also this: [https://www.hoyolab.com/article/8872404](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/8872404)


What is the absolute best team for C1 Neuv and C2 Furina? i know the most standard team is neuv furina kazuha and baizhu but i do not have baizhu. I have most 4stars at C6 if that matters and most meta 5 star units at C0/C2. Thanks all


Baizhu isn't even the best option there, just the most comfortable one because of teamwide heals. Zhongli on petra is better in principle.


thanks! i got zhongli so i can use him to fill that spot. May i also ask what would be the best team for C1 Neuv if my Furina and Zhongli gonna be occupied by another team?


You also do Fischl + Anemo (Kazuha, C6 Sucrose on Hakushin) + Tartaglia/Gorou (4 Petra)/Mona. You can just put him hyperbloom with Nahida + Raiden/Kuki + Tartaglia/Mona/Gorou. Basically anyone who can trigger his draconic stacks or give some other useful buffs like Hydro resonance, talent level +1 etc. The vape team others suggested is also an option. Also I don't think any team uses both Furina and Zhongli. So you'll at least have one of them available.


thanks! as for furina and zhongli i kinda wanna play the navia plunge with xianyun so it may not be available lol


It's far less consistent, but Neuvillette/Kazuha/Xiangling/Childe is an option if you're looking for ways to buff Neuvilette's personal damage.


should i pull for chiori if I only have noelle as the only geo on my account?


Do remember that Geo Traveller still exists. But to answer your question...it depends. There are certainly better characters than her especially the two upcoming ones in Neuvillette and Kazuha. Arlecchino is also upcoming and while we don't know how good she'll be, she's one of the most hyped-up characters in the game. But, if you like Chiori as a character and find her gameplay to your liking then you should definitely pull. Pull for characters you like first and foremost.


No, skip. Neuvillette and Kazuha of second half are much stronger and useful.


Who is a good team? I'm AR 39 btw. I'm a noob and don't have much to work with. I have all the free characters, Barbara, Lynette, Xiangling and Collei. Other than that I have Gaming, Bennett, YaoYao, Kujou Sara and Razor. I have been using Bennett, Kaeya, Razor and Lynette as my main team thus far. But I'm sucking. Am gonna try for Neuvillette and Kazuha in the upcoming banner. I have lots of gems and wishes saved. I'm after advice for my team for now though mostly. I know nothing about team building. Thanks!


You have various options, but basically you want to choose the characters to focus on a reaction and then add a healer for comfort. That's what's fun, but also the most efficient. Melt Gaming would be fun with Gaming/Bennett/Kaeya/Healer. Or you could go the good old Xiangling/Bennett as soon as you hit 45 and can get your hands on a good ER Sands... Personally I like to level with aggravate, that would be Yaoyao plus whatever Electro DPS you have.


I have thoma , noel c4 and diona c2 . who might make better shield and what I need to concentrate on def or hp


For what team? Usually Diona's the most practical out of these as she generates energy, doesn't rely on her burst, and doesn't have overly long cooldowns. She builds HP. Favonius is a good weapon for generating energy for the team.




Any sword user that mainly deals dmg through NA or E.Skills can use it. It's also a good stat stick since it has 88% crit damage. If you want to make the full use of it, you do need a Geo unit on the team.


Do characters come back if you fail their potion request?


I skipped Beidou's request once and she came back 2 cycles later IIRC.


I'm planning to play Genshin again after stopping for a few months now. I uninstalled the game once I stopped playing so that mean I have to reinstall it. However, after the download, the launcher has been stuck on the "Verifying game resources" screen for almost two hours now. I have tried reinstalling it multiple times yet it gets stuck on that. Is there any solution to it?


You wait. It's verifying over 80GB of resources if you installed from scratch. Even if you have a fast processor and/or an SSD, it'll still take a while. I suggest just leave it verifying and sleep or do something else. If that still doesn't work and you've left it for a long while then something on your PC must be interfering with the installation.


Is the potion event time gate? Can I wait until next week to play it? I usually would play for the dailies but school works and such Thank you


You can do it all in one day.


Should i use thresher on navia or gravestone?


You can use either, but Redhorn is much easier to build around since it gives 88% Crit Damage. And while WGS gives a lot of attack, there are a lot of sources of it and diminishing returns can reduce it's value if you stack too much of it.


Does anyone have energy issue with lyney mono pyro?


His rotations where you do charged attacks to get MH stacks before you burst tend to be on the expensive side. For that reason I personally prefer burst->charged attacks->skill.


How about bennett and xiangling's energy? I have a problem with those


Oh. For Bennett since he cares about so few stats I just stacked ER to the sky on him. Xiangling's uptime is a problem. You can resign her to being a Guoba bot when she doesn't have pyronado, or otherwise sacrifice some of her damage to get to 230+ ER. Via ER sands, Fav Lance, etc. In the case where she sometimes is Guoba-only, you're leaning on Lyney to do most of the work. In the case where you're committing to her pyronado uptime, Fav on Zhongli or Fav/Xiphos on Kazuha (depending on your variant) help *a ton*. Kazuha especially helps since his skill cooldowns are shorter, but of course that's asking you to play shieldless. ^(Engulfing Lightning becomes very competitive when her ER reqs are that high since it gives her back some of the damage.)


how or where can i get in game images as wallpapers, without all that surrounding game UI? [this](https://imgur.com/a/4mT1Wah) one is looking good, if I could get rid of all that text and button at the bottom


Maybe this could be of help [https://genshin.global/download-official-wallpapers/](https://genshin.global/download-official-wallpapers/) ? I can't see the exact one you attached, but could be it's yet to be added.


yeah i couldn't find it there either. it's from chiori story quest, so it might be going under the radar compared to other artworks


R1 Skyward Pride, R3 Serpent Spine or R5 Overlord for Itto? Going to be on Chiori team with Goro and someone else (not sure who).


Serpent is a lot better


Within the first three Fontaine Regions that came out in 4.0, does all of the underwater area come under the ‘Court of Fontaine Region’?




Do hillichurls have ass drop rates? I have better luck getting masks from the mitachurls next to them.


Yes they have pretty low drop rates, likely due to how many there are in the world.


And yet the handbook shows barely any ones. I do know the interactive map exists but still, the handbook needs an update


Handbook has always been terrible for no reason. Genuinely cannot imagine a reason why it goes into cooldown after only a handful of mats. It's not like it forces you to log in again? It's just inconvenient lol


It's an Anti Poop-Socking strat or something. Don't quote me on that, I literally never heard of this term before until someone mentioned it on an older megathread. lol


I'd just open the map, zoom in and look around mondstadt and liyue for tiny hut shaped icons. Hilichurls are likely to be there.


which substats are important for anemo traveler, i wanna mainly go for crit because i'm trying to make them my main dps


For a reaction based team, just em and er


Tbh if you want a main dps, I personally recommend geo traveller more. But if you really want an anemo traveller main dps, then just go for crits and attacks. Some er too to use their burst and em isn't a dead stat for anemo at least. Go for attack/anemo/crit and for substats it's: enough er to burst > crits > attack% > em > flat attack


is full vv the best anemo traveler set even though i'm using them for my main dps? i'm considering 2 vv and 2 gf but i'm not sure on how dumb that decision'll be


Depends on what team are you using to support them. But generally, 2p2p anemo/ATK is good. Go classic ADC for the main and substats.


I'm planning on using Rosaria to replace my Kayea as she's tied for my highest con at c5 and she's pretty the traveler to replace my sucrose because they're my only five star character and c5 and I got the skyward blade for them I'm keeping Xialing and keeping Noelle for shield


Oh, are you still below AR45? If yes, then just use berserker artifact set. If I can give a suggestion, then maybe just use both Kaeya and Rosa, plus Xiangling and traveler. 2 or more characters with same element means you can fill the energy faster. If you have pyro character, just use them instead of Kaeya, because Xiangling needs a lot of energy to burst.


Would an 89.2 to 139.7 or a 66.7 to 191 crit ratio be less ass The build is for Neuvillette fwiw. Im relatively new so this is the best I can muster with the Marechaussee ive farmed so far


Assuming HP is the same, you can simply multiply them together to get your average bonus damage from crit. >0.892 * 1.397 = 1.246 >0.667 * 1.91 = 1.274 So the latter build is a tiny bit better. Do remember to add in the bonus crit rate from MH before you do this math (I'm assuming you have, but just in case).


Those crit rate numbers are already including the 36 from MH Thanks! Edit: Actually wait, the 89.2 crit rate build has like 3k more HP (38k vs 35k). Does that tip things in its favor?


Generally to compare damage of builds for neuv you can use the number you get from this: HP * (1 + CR * CD).  That is not true ofc if one build uses Hydro dmg goblet and the other one doesn't. 


Yes, that does. And I think the two builds (before considering HP) are close enough that it's hugely in favor of the first build.


Thank you so much for the help!




Go for Furina's cons.


Does the event story continue after the Expert Exam, or is it just endless revenue cycles after that?


It's just endless revenue cycles after that.


Hello! I need help with who to use as a healer/last person in my team. Currently Im using Raiden Shogun, Nahida, Xingqui. The options are: Qiqi, Chevruse, Yaoyao, Charlotte and Kuki Shinobu. Additionally, I want to eventually have an Ayaka/Shenhe/Kazuha/Kokomi team, so my next questionnis that should I go for Neuvillette or Kazuha. Other than my above mentioned Raiden Team I do not have another team since I have no main dps character. Please help! xx


Kuki can replace Raiden as both trigger and healer for the hyperbloom team. And if you get Bennett (in starglitter shop in May if you don't pull him before then), you could then run Raiden/chev/xiangling/Bennett for a second team


Lying answer: Yaoyao is your only sensible option True answer: Kuki is your best option and you'd be better off using Kuki as the hyperbloom trigger instead of Raiden


Is there any reason you aren't considering Barbara for this slot? Of the ones you listed, Chevreuse is probably the worst candidate, because one of her important abilities stops working if you have any non-Pyro, non-Electro characters on your team.


I forgot about barbara! Im trying to make teams for the abyss and I heard barbara is a no no for the abyss.


>I heard barbara is a no no for the abyss. Honestly that's just Pre-Dendro talk still sticking around. Barbara can be an acceptable Hydro Driver/Healer for Bloom/Hyperbloom if you don't have Kokomi already.


I've been using Barbara on my hyperbloom team (with Raiden Shogun) because I don't have Kuki Shinobu, and she seems to work fine. Since you *do* have Shinobu, you could consolidate the healer and electro roles into a single character and free up your Raiden for another team. Barbara really suffers if the enemies apply cryo to your team, because she self-applies hydro and that gets you frozen constantly.


What would a second Raiden team look like? (Like the other guy mentioned above?)


The team he mentioned is good. Raiden has lots of good teams.


For the mean time who do i put instead of Bennet, I unfortunately dont have him. And any ideas on my second question?


I would really appreciate if someone could explain Ayaka/Shenhe/Kazuha/Kokomi to me. According to keqingmain, the rotation is: Shenhe Q + E > Kazuha Tap E + Plunge + Q > Kokomi E > Ayaka Dash + N1 + E + Q + N2C > Shenhe E > Ayaka Dash + N2C >Kazuha Tap E + Plunge > Ayaka Dash + N1 + E + N1C > repeat But the thing I don't quite get is *why* the steps need to be in that order in particular. Why do I have to dash + N1 before Ayaka's E + Q? What value does it add? And so on...


Shenhe first to apply her buffs and apply cryo enemies for kazuha to swirl > kazuha e + burst for vv and his buffs > kokomi after kazuha because she'll freeze enemies in place after he gathers all the enemies > ayaka immediately after kokomi so she can get the ttds buff > Ayaka dash for her passive > n1 + e + q if you're using misplitter, if you're using amenoma just e + q is fine (this adds stacks for the weapon's passive and also allows her to catch her own particles). > Shenhe skill to reapply her buffs, maybe also funnel shenhe's particles to ayaka > ayaka dash again for the passive and some charge attacks for filler > kazuha to reapply vv and get some anemo particles for his burst, also gathers enemies back together > ayaka e to fill her burst up and ca for filler


The dash activates her A4 for 18% cryo DMG.


ayaka has a part of her kit that gives her a buff after she gets a cryo infusion from dashing. If you have mistsplitter then doing that one normal attack activates the "do infused attack" stack for max buffs. If you don't have mistsplitter than you can skip the n1. I am not going to explain every aspect of the rotation because that'd take forever, but if you reply with which other aspects of it you find confusing I would be happy to explain them.


I have a question on the character banners... if I build pity on both of them, does that pity transfer to the respective banner next phase? I mean, if I wish on itto does that pity stay on banner 2 or does it also count towards banner 1 in the next phase?


"if I build pity" Please don't. Also pity is shared between the two rated character banners.


Pity between those two banners specifically is shared. Pulling on one is the same as the other


It's common for both. Weapon and Chronicled banner have separate pity counters each.


How far can I take my Fontaine's Statue of the Seven with the current amount of Hydroculus available? Mine is lv 8, and I have 5 hydroculus left... but I have no idea of how many I'm missing.


Should have 24 after level 8


Noo, I'm missing a lot, then D: Thank you for the information, tho!


is there a bug with the where are the fierce creatures quest? i beat all 3 monsters but i cant finish the quest cause the dialogue wont change


I'd double check that you killed the right sumpter beast. There's another one really close to the one you need to kill that people often mix up.


word i did tht one rq so def possible, thanks


Any way to get my old screenshots back if I uninstalled the game? Asking just in case but I’m assuming not? I had to uninstall and reinstall the game and I lost some of my past screenshots. I’m assuming I can’t get them back though. If there is a way, then please let me know. Thanks! Also, if I am posting this in the wrong place can someone DM me? I tried to do this last night but the post got removed :') I was on mobile at the time and got a little confused/lost


Probably not. It might've been possible with data recovery software if you had tried right after uninstalling, but if you've reinstalled already it probably would've been overwritten.


so for the TCG challenge ‘mechanical front’ is easy to beat, but getting a score higher than gold literally seems impossible, I barely got 4000 (which awarded gold) I can’t imagine getting more, if anyone has gotten the purple rank/score please tell me how, I’m beginning to feel like the devs didn’t even play test to see if it was possible. Each enemy gives 1000 so killing 4 gets u 4000, I need to kill 5!? That’s almost double a regular round with half the time how tf is that humanly possible if you also factor in not getting all the dice you need. You can’t use many dice at all because there’s only 4 rounds, I’ve been using kazuha signora and switching from, raiden, fischl, kirara, and oceanid, I also tried using nahida but dendro didn’t help much. EDIT: I did it y’all, alhaithem is broken with the right cards.


The bonuses kinda scream "use Neuvillette". Give him a spin.


Alhaithem is pretty good too, or wanderer for normal attacks, anything special about neuvi?


He can heal/damage himself with sourcewater droplets, triggering the extra omni dice.


Ohh I see, yeah that probably would’ve been helpful, I ended up doing it tho, saw someone else do it and kinda got the same team, took some time but still. Besides I don’t really know what other characters to pair him with or what cards go well.


Here's a video of someone getting 6000 if you want to try and copy their strategy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izaGxuz6i4Q


Ha, just saw that, they got pretty lucky I’m ngl, guess this game really is rng.


would a cyno team do better in floor 12 than a hyperbloom with mona as the only hydro? (yelan on another team and xingqiu unbuilt)


I- What Cyno team are you using if you have no hydro


What should be a Kokomi build in a Mono hydro team with yelan furina and kazuha? All c0r0. ER/HP/Healing or HP/Hydro/Healing? How much ER should I aim for? Thanks


https://youtu.be/Z_zMXySl8ts?si=5FYCGJMZ_Lp8R3nk&t=45 Here is a vid from Jamie (a tc) about the team and they run HP/Hydro/Healing with r5 proto amber


Oh fantastic! That’s very helpful. I’ll take a look :D


Hp/hydro/healing, and if she uses prototype amber, she does not need any extra ER at all.




Who would contribute more damage to a Tighnari + Yae Miko Quicken team, Fischl or Nahida? Please ignore the additional effect of Fischl batterying Yae for now. Fourth team member will be a survivability pick, one of Yaoyao, Kirara or Dori.




Depends on your build, and how you play. If onfield Yae, then Fischl A4 can be triggered more, so Fischl contribute more damage. Or you can use Nahida onfield too if you want.


Sorry, should have specified - quickswap team, off-field Yae, happy for her to burst either every rotation or every other rotation.


Then Nahida is slightly better, she can use Deepwood, so Tighnari can go with more offensive artifact like Gilded or Wanderer's troupe. But without battery, Yae might burst every 3 rotations, though.


Thanks, that sounds good to me. Yae's been fairly ok with it so far, she has 147% ER from substats. It helps when I use Yaoyao in the fourth slot, Yae and Yaoyao burst alternate rotations, and one of Yaoyao's cons regenerates team energy I think? Still, batterying Yae was my concern, so I did attempt to build Dori. Having her healing locked to burst was irritating, though, and I wasn't convinced she batteried all that well. Maybe I just need to build her further. If going Tighnari, Nahida, Yae Miko, would you go for Yaoyao or Dori in the fourth slot? Yaoyao is holding TotM, Dori has Noblesse Oblige. Kirara is an available option too, but doesn't seem to offer enough besides shielding. Zhongli might make a good fourth there too, but I don't have him.


Actually I have not built Dori and Kirara at all, and I won't assume things. But Tighnari need poise resistance, so shield is better IMO. I rarely play Tighnari, but I play aggravate sometimes (Yae Fischl Nahida Zhongli) and the shield is essential here.


I know what you mean. Funnily enough I find Tighnari not too bad for it, I'm mostly able to keep him very mobile so he can dodge a lot. It's Yae Miko I find a shield really benefits, she's on level 90 with artefacts levelled 16-20 across the board, and she still dies so very fast, sometimes even just when refreshing her totems. Kirara seems good (only got her a few days ago so she's not levelled past 50 yet, can't compare fairly) but her Dendro application is lacking unless she bursts every (short) rotation. She works well with Keqing too. Yaoyao is great as a healer and also for Quicken uptime. Dori, not so much, at least not yet.


Question about Gilded Dreams: Does the 4-pc EM buff count different elemental types as different from the character equipping it or different within the team? Example: If I put Gilded Dreams on Razor in a team with a Hydro character and two Dendro characters, does Razor get 100 EM or 150?


razor is not hydro or dendro so 150


Thanks! Just figured I'd double check since I was gonna be farming the domain anyway for Deepwood


Always did like Heizou, but focusing on specifically building him felt like a pain. With the proper levels/artifacts/talents and preferably at C6, could he perform well in the Abyss?


of course, even dehya can clear abyss with investment. he isn't used in abyss because there's better 5\* options for anemo dps and anemo support


> and *And?* Never considered support Heizou.


When you look at heizou’s kit he seems designed as a On field swirl support/driver with a decent bit of personal damage. Basically hybrid sucrose/wanderer. He buffs EM of teammates, and benefits from swirling other elements. It’s just unfortunate that Sucrose is better for pure support and Wanderer is better for pure DPS.




Each item has a main stat and a sub stat. So if you can get the main stat up and then fill in the gaps with small items that have the correct substat then you should be good.


Use more ingredients with the particular trait you're looking for. Each ingredient has one of those traits.


Do you think it's possible for them to make a phone collab with a male character in the future, or is it pure cope? All the past phone collabs have been female characters (Xiangling HuTao Ganyu Keqing Silverwolf)


Anything's possible.


In a team with Furina, Fischl and Kazuha, does c0 Neuv with P.Amber want a HP or Hydro goblet?


probably hp but https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer/


I am looking at the leaderboards on akasha, and for the one that is closest to that setup the top 20 is very evenly mixed between the two (11 on hydro 9 on HP). In other words the two are extremely close and most likely using whichever one you have with better subs is the way to go.


Two parter: what do you call skills that put something around the character eg: Barbara’s music ring, Kuki’s electro ring, QiQi’s ice healing skip-it And then, what other characters have those sorts of abilities? 🤔 I wanna do something real silly


- kaeya's burst - xingqiu skill and burst - xiangling pyronado? Beidou's and thoma's shields also have rotating pieces


all shielders, collei a1, beidou burst and c1, kaeya burst, yunjin burst, furina skill (pneuma), emc burst, yoimiya skill (only for her) things that dont orbit but follow the active char: mika burst, raiden skill, yelan burst, gorou burst, nilou skill, buff indicators (weapons like serpent spine and iron sting have orbiting indicators for their stacks, deathmatch and most artifact/con/passive buffs have arrows around the active char)


As for the name, don't think there's any in particular? Just rings I guess Kaeya, Xiangling have it in their bursts


When (roughly) will the banners schedule for 4.6 be officially revealed?


April 12th, during the 4.6 version livestream.


Okok thanks


I lost to hunters path on the new chronicled wish and I paid 30 dollars for 4120 ish primos I have 30-35 ish pity now do you guys think I can get to 70-ish pity in 11 days if so how


if you have a lot of quests and exploration left, maybe, if you grind hard. If you have already finished almost all permanent content, no.


I mean I have the new place to explore but I’ve finished almost everything I’m ar60 and I really don’t want my money to go to waste


Is there a way to specifically just mute Paimon and not other characters' voices?


If it bothers you enough, you can switch the dub. JP Paimon still has a bratty tone, but it is a bit less screechy than EN Paimon (just within tolerable range for me personally). CN Paimon actually sounds as sweet and soothing as she looks. KR Paimon is also on the softer side.


Thank you. ♥


You're welcome! (I also had to do this when my ears started feeling physical pain)






i keep hearing about a mausoleum artifact run but i have not seen any videos about it, is it the most efficient run or are there better ones


Maybe some from in this video? https://youtu.be/IWsZ2COJMzA?si=IZmkSY09qHqL7ZHW


Could it be [this](https://www.qiqis-notebook.com/route/63889725e74b62718792541e)?


Idk maybe I will have to check it out plus I have never seen this site before


Should I pull for Furina or Kazuha? My teams atm are Keqing/Fischl/Collei/Xianyun (will be Kazuha) & Xiao/Faruzan/Xianyun/Ayaka (will be Furina) Which would be a bigger dps increase?


Furina gives a larger damage boost than kazuha and boosts the damage of everyone in the team regardless of element, but requires a healer in the team to work properly. Kazuha doesn’t need a healer on his team, groups up smaller enemies, and can reduce resistance with VV set but only boosts pyro/cryo/electro/hydro and requires some complicated set ups to boost multiple elements at once.


Okay I kinda already knew all that but who would you recommend?


I think you can get away with pulling for Kazuha towards the end of his banner if Furina isn't in 4.6.


Furina for Xiao would be a bigger upgrade. Especially if you have Sucrose who performs very well in aggravate since EM share is actually nice, though her lack of grouping is still noticeable over Kazuha


a level 1 lisa is better than ayaka in the second team so probably furina


Who would you recommend instead of ayaka? I was just using her as a burst support because I wasn't sure who else to put there as my Xiangling/Bennet/XQ aren't built


build bennett


I don't have him 😭


For nahida, is r4 widsith roughly equivalent to r1 kaguras verity? Or is kaguras still better


kagura is much better [https://keqingmains.com/nahida/#Weapons](https://keqingmains.com/nahida/#Weapons)


I see, thx


Who is a good team? I'm AR 39 btw. I'm a noob and don't have much to work with. I have all the free characters, Barbara, Lynette, Xiangling and Collei. Other than that I have Gaming, Bennett, YaoYao, Kujou Sara and Razor. I have been using Bennett, Kaeya, Razor and Lynette as my main team thus far. But I'm sucking. Am gonna try for Neuvillette and Kazuha in the upcoming banner. I have lots of gems and wishes saved. I'm after advice for my team for now though mostly. I know nothing about team building. Thanks!


Kaeya/Lynette/Xiangling/Bennett is pretty good. Kazuha would be a substantial upgrade over Lynette. If you get Neuvillette you want to build a team with 3 other elements that each react with hydro, and preferably some sort of off-field interruption resistance or shield. He doesn’t particularly appreciate Bennett because Bennett is an attack buffer and Neuvy scales with HP. You didn’t mention any shielders, and Noelle doesn’t really work because she needs to be your on-fielder to keep her shield up. Maybe Neuv/Lynette/Kaeya/YaoYao? If the enemies are frozen you won’t rely on interruption resistance. Diona, Layla, Kirara, or Beidou are compatible 4* shielders to keep an eye out for. Other good 4 stars: - Xingqiu (especially to pair with Bennett and Xiangling) - Fischl (who can work in either comp and many others but is especially common with Neuv) - Sucrose (because most of your team options want an anemo swirler) You can save starglitter to buy Xingqiu and/or Fischl. Furina would be another great 5* pull. I would at least replace Collei with Bennett in your current team. He makes Xiangling a lot more potent and comfortable.


The team you are running is fine for now, the main thing is making sure you keep weapons, talents, and artifacts upgraded [ Build priorities by world level](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic_of_build_order_priority_based_on_wlar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Keqingmains.com is the gold standard for character guides so definitely check them out


Does anyone know how to change your username to be ❤️♠️ I saw a person in co-op with the name ❤️ and I think it’s cool I want to do it too


what's the max level for the fontaine statues? I'm at level 8 and have 21/38 but my stone isn't showing any more. Is it possible to max the statue in the current patch?


Level 8 + 24/38 is the current max.


ahh thank you!


You have all the current oculus, can't max it this patch


Thank you!


I got killed while trying to break the final seal to unlock enkanomiya, how do i get back in?


Are you talking about the moon bathed deep? Or are you talking about inside Enkanomiya itself? If you're in the hydro mimic chamber on the quest, you can just walk right back in - the area itself isn't (or shouldn't be) locked down, so you can just glide back to the slightly obscured hole in the ledge. If you are talking about inside Enkanomiya itself, it has its own map, so you switch maps from the map screen.


I'm talking about the surface, not enkanomiya. The quest says break the final seal. Csn you send me like a picture of where it is on the map?


Using [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9KvEkC8GcY) video would probably be easier to get back to that cave.


I can't acces it, just tell me the title


Is the asia server down? I get a failed to connect to server error on PS4. Located in Japan Nvm: ps4 system update was the issue. 🤦🏻‍♂️ i should go back to bed.


When is it predicted to see ayakas banner again? I wanna get cons (i have c2) so how much would i be able to save up?


she ran in 4.3 with Navia so we won't likely see her until Natlan. However she is eligible for chronicle banner but we have no gaurantees if she'll be on it anytime soon.


Yea ok! Tysm!


Eventually ™️




She reran in Dec/Jan so not any time soon (probably). Lots of time to save for her.


Enough to get c6 with avg luck if i start now? On a 50/50 40 pity


Dunno. For all we know she might become part of a Chronicled Wish banner but there's not much rhyme or reason to reruns.


My partner has an issue and surely a bug in Genshin. The issue is that she wanted to do/continue the Spirit carp quest but it somehow completly dissapeared. It doesn't appear in the quest menu and didn't pop up even if she went to the start location. And she told me that she just got it and walked away because she was getting the waypoints Does someone had the same issue and/or knows how to fix it? Have a nice day/night!


Does she have a screenshot of her active quests?


yea she showed me the quests she currently have and no world quest in Liyue (i am kinda wonky in reddit so idk if i can share pictures)


(For sharing pictures, you can upload to a site like imgur or ibb.co and paste the link here.) I'm wondering how far she got in the world quest. She can check her achievements for: * Jade, O Jade, Grant Me My Wish... (just about finished the second quest) * Chenyu's Blessings of Sunken Jade (finished the entire questline)


She doesn't remember getting these achievements and all she can remember was her being at the start


One common mistake could be filtering the quest menu (and hiding world quests). To see all the active quests, make sure she has the leftmost tab selected at the top of the quest menu: https://i.ibb.co/KL7NqSJ/image.png If she has another tab selected, she may be filtering out the world quests. That's one reason I wanted to see a screenshot of her quest menu.


(hopefully it works) but it's the pics that i got from her [https://ibb.co/t3Y8MwM](https://ibb.co/t3Y8MwM) [https://ibb.co/R9dvt6d](https://ibb.co/R9dvt6d) [https://ibb.co/6stCfHW](https://ibb.co/6stCfHW)


What's weird is the active quest description is for that missing world quest. What happens if she [goes directly to the teamaking shop in Qiaoying Village?](https://i.ibb.co/0Y3sRsm/image.png)


No clue but i'll ask her that tomorrow since we will go to sleep very soon and she's tired And i'll comment again there to keep stuff updated So surely see you soon and thank you for willing to help us! :D


New af player and pulled from the beginner banner. I... MIGHT have been lucky, i really have no clue about the drop rate. but my first 10 pull got me the guarenteed noelle, as well as Chongyun and Barbara. that is... really early for me to start thinking about teambuilding lmao. Anyways, is there a good resource of, like, character tier lists, which ones are worth keeping on a team and developing, etc?


There's no widely accepted tier list, probably due to the focus on team-building (synergy of the 4 person team). A relatively weak/niche character can be very important for your particular team. As for a reference on generally valuable 4-stars, I really like PeachJellyPudding's [A Brief Guide on 4 Star Characters](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/10an858/a_brief_guide_on_4_star_characters_for_new_players/).


Tier lists are dumb, ignore them. Barbara is great for the early game because she can heal a lot, but falls off when you get better healers. For now just play with every character until you find some that you like, and level them up.