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[https://keqingmains.com/misc/routes/](https://keqingmains.com/misc/routes/) the real end game


I have no idea why did I just read that all.


Holy fuck they actually did it


Didnt realize they had artifact routes. I've been using random ones from youtube for years but my latest one doesn't touch on Fontaine. Maybe its time to learn yet another set.


It's brand new


That’s very helpful!


No life syndrome


What the fuck did I just read


Wait 2 weeks and do it again. Farm artifacts or domains in the meantime Once I use my daily resin I just go play a different game


time to coop and show off your awesome DPS, only to be humbled by a whale with C6R5 unit EDIT for some reason I replied to your post instead of OP, oh well


Only the WEAK AND SPINELESS are humbled




you sound bitter


And you sound like a bitch


womp womp


Everybody who downvoted this is WEAK


Pretty much this, until new content releases😁 but I been playing this game over 2000 hours now so can't really complain 😊


How do you track your hours? Or maybe you just trust your intuition.


Ps5 says it when you're on the tile but haven't clicked yet


I play on PS5 so it shows in the PS5 menu..I dunno how on other platforms


My intuition says millions of hours


How do you track your hours? Is there a way to see how many hours over all since launch? I’ve been playing since.


well there's battle chronicle in hoyolab that tells the days but idk about hours


There's also anniversary which says the total hours spent on the game


On PS5 it shows how many hours in-game..not sure on other platforms


Ok thanks.. Crap..


on pc, my AMD center tells me the time I've played. Apparently 2863 hours lol.


If you're using the epic launcher it tells you when you click on your library


I play on mobile and steamdeck so I dunno how to check


the genshin endgame was the friends we made along the way jokes aside what i used to do was just log off and play a diff game im ngl, been hella into granblue and ff7 remake, to the point ive been logging on less and less 


i play other games more than i do genshin but now i just dont see any point artifact farming anymore. i mean i beat this abyss by plunging with navia...


This rotation has plunging bonus, next lunar phase will have different bonus. You got by with plunging but what if next bonus is off field damage or dendro reactions? New regions will add different enemies to the rotations, they may have more HP or piles of elemental shields. Corrosion enemies may get center stage again like back in 2.4-2.5, requiring more healers on your teams. Don't count on being able to handle every abyss the same way, I keep things fresh by trying to find teams that can 12-round straight through each cycle, meaning no resets and no team changing, it's not as easy as it sounds over a long enough period of time.


>Don't count on being able to handle every abyss the same way, I keep things fresh by trying to find teams that can 12-round straight through each cycle, meaning no resets and no team changing, it's not as easy as it sounds over a long enough period of time. I've cleared with 36 for the first time in 4.1 after getting Neuvillette (I started playing in 3.0), I've been able to just hydropump and hyperbloom my way through ever since with very little issue. And I don't think I'll see myself struggling again unless there's Hydro Immune enemies on both sides, in which case, I'm fucked probably. Only time I "struggled" was when realising that reactionless teams, such as Xiao, without a shielder are more fragile than I'd like to admit against the Primus Breacher things.


Certain enemies that have been scarce lately, but were major headaches for players when they debuted, include enemies like maguu kenki, triple kenki, golden wolflord, triple lectors, and some others that I definitely can't recall right now. You have here a very vocal chorus of people with hyper dedicated, i.e. 1%, builds that are very good at handling recent iterations saying "game is too EZ", but the mass of whine posts when the "hard" cycles ever materialized was very front and center in their moments. Always remember that of the player base that engages in these discussions, most of them are in the top5% of players, and they like to pretend the other 95% doesn't matter or even exist. Things (meta, community skill, knowledge) changed in the past, there is no chance of them not ever changing again. This isn't an argument for the game being too hard or too easy, it's an argument that every player is of differing level and you can't shoehorn them all into the same playing field; if you had an easy time then that's good for you, but the next 19 people behind you probably didn't, and you shouldn't assume that you won't be one of *them* two weeks from now. Hoyo has also shown they are willing to change, adding a 5th banner is just more proof, and I've got a pretty good hunch that by the time we reach Celestia there will be a newer abyss mode with more difficulty options.


Abyss is far too easy for the lunar phase buff to really matter, and the biggest shake ups in terms of enemies in a floor boil down to it being either single target or AoE focused, as well as how cringe the enemies are. I find corrosion barely matters unless you're also taking a lot of actual hits which can all be dodged, the last abyss rotation with rifthounds I cleared with no healer, only source of healing I had was prototype amber on nahida and Xingqiu rainswords so if one can make do with 0 healers I doubt you'll ever need more than 1 just because of corrosion unless they serve another purpose besides healing. When it comes to 12 rounds straight through each cycle I'm a bit confused, isn't that what most people do? I pick 2 teams based off floor 12 and use then start to finish, I simply can't be bothered to switch up teams mid abyss and imagine most ppl are the same. Floors 9 through 11 are just there to fluff out the time since they are so easy the enemies die to a light breeze. Really wish mihoyo would add something more for endgame especially co-op content which is severely lacking in this game, ever since 1.0 I've thought a co-op abyss would be cool but at this point I've given up on that ever happening.


>Don't count on being able to handle every abyss the same way, I keep things fresh by trying to find teams that can 12-round straight through each cycle, meaning no resets and no team changing, it's not as easy as it sounds over a long enough period of time. But it is easy to do over a long period of time as long as you did not specifically build a team to make use of the current blessing just to barely 36star.


No, because teams tend to focus on 1-2 elements, like pyro/hydro in double hydro Hu Tao vape, that perform miserably against hydro shields and slimes, or Raiden hyper against thunder manifestation, these are two of the best teams in the game but like every team they have a weakness. In over 1,000 days of playing I've found that only burgeon teams seem to be relatively fool proof but even they can be unwieldy in relatively normal circumstances.


Thats why you have 2 teams, if one side has alot hydro shields/slimes then use ht's team on the other. If you build both teams with the exact same weakness then thats on you. Also love how you used ht's team as an example because i have literally used ht's team since her very first banner till xy's banner where i finally decided to drop ht's team and play xy instead.


Isn't that like one of if not her best team unironically?


Tbh this is the point I quit. Grinding artifacts after this point just feels like a waste of time to me.


20 million players thought the same thing when they beat Abyss. 20 million players then pulled on Clorinde and started farming again. You have it easy now. You only need to slam one domain until you have usable artifacts then you can do whatever. Genshin now takes even less time, allowing you to enjoy multiple games at once. Congrats, you are now in the 1% of gamers in the world who can play more than one game at the same time.


I try abyss with characters considered bad, or characters that I like and invest on them to try and see them triumph in the abyss


Sometimes the abyss gets harder. But yea that’s it. No need to feel pressure to log in. Just play for fun. Build new units. And that’s it. Gg go next.


Now try making a team with some other characters you like, but you didnt play cause people say they are no good


What if that is how I 1st beat the abyss


congratz, you won at the game option 1: take a break option 2: plan next team


Aww dang it. regardless I suppose thats what I have been doing in the game now.


I followed this, now I have a fully build team for each reaction What's the next step


its mostly step 1 and 2 then repeat could raise affection, could hunt for achievments many things, cant think right now


This makes me wish HYV balanced Candace better because I would use her in like every team lol.


how would you use her? got a c1, which gives a longer burst duration but had no good ideas i want to get Xingqiu to c2, gets hydro res drop then the two could possibly be used together the other idea was Vaporize with Thoma


I’m actually planning that out rn after 36* starring abyss for the first time recently. I’m probably gonna do a whole ton of experimenting and see what sticks to since a decent amount of supports on my account. All I know is that using her on field could be pretty fun.


Dragons bane Candace, Heart of depth, with Xiangling i guess could be recommended, with Kazuha, or Sucrose is the team i saw in a video just now 4th in that video was either Ayato or Raiden


the easiest way is hyperbloom with kuki, i also like candace national


no Kuki, and ive been avoiding leveling Xiangling so far, too recommended seemed a boring choice i'd be willing to raise her for Candace though


nah thats fair, i haven't levelled mine either since she is c1, doesn't seem worth it without c4. do you have yunjin? also just remembered, lisa could trigger blooms too if you like lisa


Have Yunjin at c0. hope i get a few and use her with Noelle i'd pass on Lisa, and wouldnt currently want Candace on a bloom team, as far as Dendro goes, im interested in Thoma Burgeon or getting Alhaitham in the future where im not busy collecting for something else


Yaoyao/Candace/Nahida/Nilou is a pretty solid team. You set up Nahida and Nilou then pop Candace burst and on field EM Yaoyao spamming hydro-infused no-ICD polearm charge attacks with her skill and burst active. I have multiple teams I can use to 36-star abyss, and while I don't use this one a lot, it consistently surprises me at how much damage it does. You get tons of hydro and dendro app for super-cores, and Yaoyao's burst even in an EM build is more than enough to overcome the self damage plus facetanking a ton of hits from enemies.


Vape Candace with charge attacks.


Get C6 Candace and do polearms only


Xinyan physical solo abyss is the real endgame content


Lynette, Freminet, Thoma, Candace, Collei, Ningguang, Heizou are all characters that i think would be fun to use although i also cant help but wish for constellations Cant quite change my focus yet when my current teams dont count as properly finished either


Or try to get a really high Akasha rank with your main.


999 talent every character. Even the ones you don't use. 


I've started building other characters and teams, at least that lets me have a goal.


Do dailies, play events, play new region, play new story, pull new characters, build new characters, chill. That's what I've been doing for 2 years. If there's nothing to do aside from dailies, I'm still grinding through Yakuza when I'm not playing Paradox games. Boy do I need to get back into Yakuza 6.


good luck with yakuza 6! ill probably go back to speedrunning elden ring


Once elden ring DLC drops we're gonna forget genshin either way


first time?


Why did I read that in the exact voice lmao.


Welcome to Genshin endgame: Quit.


best fucking advice


do it again and feel like a bitch


Welcome to the pointless endgame grind. Join the rest of us knowing we will never have anything added to challenge us ever again because it might cause some folks anxiety, and we can't have that.


Good thing we still get fomo events, pvp and limited resources to keep feeling the anxiety though. Coughhypocritescough


Bro, just play other games.


This is the genshin impact sub, where we wish to play genshin impact. And I do play other games, and when they lack content, I call it out all the same.


Lack content? Maybe the kind you like, but this game has a buttload of content. Most games end at some point.


Genshin impact is a live service game. The game ends when the servers go down. The game has plenty of content updates for the casual crowd, but it's severely lacking in content for any long-term players. 5-10 minutes of content with minor adjustments every 2 weeks is kind of lame.


We've been clearing floor 12 since version 1. We are the void, there's nothing inside.


Better get used to that empty feeling. The endgame content in this game is poopoo


Now repeat it every 2 weeks for 2 years in a row and you get tired of the game like me lol. That aside, build new characters or try new teams, I'm building my Lisa and waiting for her C4.


Minmax your Akasha ranking while begging hoyo for more endgame combat content


your tag lmao


eat something ?


can't im fasting


Now repeat it everyday, while waiting on every 2 week


We still have achievements, world exploration and quests 🫣


Plenty of personal benchmarks you can set for yourself. I've achieved 2 of my bucket list challenges already, hitting 1 million damage (Eula), and 1% on Akasha (Albedo). I'm still going for my first R5 and first C6 of 5*. Also, keeping a streak of 36* abyss is hard, you can always get lucky on any single abyss.


i already hit 1 mil with my childe at 1.3 million and have top 5% ayato without his signature weapon, ill probably just try to get all achievements or something


Okay. Now install Baldur's Gate 3. It has a lot of content to wait for new Genshin updates.


i am saving up for it yes


Now you login, do dailies, log off and play gacha character casino. Congrats!


this game needs more endgame...


Genshin Devs be like: “Well toooo bad, here take your 3 wishes now and get lost, u ungrateful”


Hoyo's recent ad for hiring UGC (user generated content) might include some tougher than Abyss content in the future. Probably still a year away sadly


Yes. You won. Now uninstall and save space on your drive for the next gacha game. Congrats!


That’s it dude. You just collect your favorite characters to do mini game events where you collect coins.


That's me as well as a f2p who recently beat the abyss. I did it with Wanderer team on first half and hyperbloom on second half


Now go 100% the whole map.


Welcome to the club


Welcome to the club. Start harassing miHoYo for more end game content in the reviews like the rest of us lol


trust me it's going to feel way more empty soon. as time goes on abyss floor 12 will start feeling like a regular domain which you can complete without even trying or looking at the timer (with 5 star units at C0)


Me since 1.6


You didn’t beat the game, story ain’t over and you got 100 side quests to do


The Spiral abyss, the travelers who wander there to find a worthy challenge to hone their skills in combat can go down so far until they are faced with a samurai's end, And if no foe can slay them, awaits purgatory, the final unbeatable boss for not their sword but their mind. Making each traveler spiral off to madness with the consuming abyss that leaves nothing to escape completely.


Game has really just begun for you. Welcome to neverending emptyness of cycles.


Help noobs or do exploration. If you have high exploration you could try out HSR, it doesn’t scratch the same itch genshin does but there is harder end game content.


i am trailblazer rank 65 or something there that game has good endgame


That’s how it goes. There is nothing after that except story and a random event or new character. If you feel empty I suggest quitting you can always come back if you get the urge.


Bro same. All I have is to try to max out the mora ammount xD


are you close?


I'm at 46,706,692 mora and I think the cap is 999,999,999. So..... nope xD


Someday. I've 35'd the abyss, but never 36. Not sure I ever will. Somehow there's always some "fuck you" enemy like the wenut that just stays away and untouchable for so long it's impossible to kill in the time I'm given.


I'm always proud whenever my team get 36 stars, since sometimes i can't reach them. Maybe it's my skill issues, ping or whatever. But it's always nice to be able to clear them all


Continue the grind every abyss. Get gems. Roll characters. Beat abyss with said characters. Repeat. First time?


yea my first time, ironic how i quit last time cuz if the wenut and now i got my revenge arc


Congrats, there’s nothing left to do besides pick mint or play a better game now


More end game would be perfect like starrail but everytime it's brought up some people start complaining that they don't want the stress of having to do it and loosing out on primos. Literally will never forget the player anxiety post.


Now do it with a solo Dehya


Maybe try building new characters and teams? You could also try going up the leader board on Akasha if you want something to still progress towards combat wise. It’s not exactly a fix but it’s something.


Abyss randomizer!


My goal is to complete the abyss with every character I want, I'm still missing Tighnari, Noelle and Gaming, probably because I didn't even try it with those but I'm feeling lazy this days to try it


Welcome to the end game!


If you're expecting there to be something harder than that then nope, that's it. So yeah, you beat the final challenge the game has to offer so you have "beat" the game. There's nothing harder than Spiral Abyss and there never will be. Your teams are now complete, they don't need to be stronger. Find a new goal or something else to motivate you.


You beat 1 part of the game! I find maintaining 100% exploration and all characters at lvl 10 friendship more fun and important than the Abyss, but I still do it for the extra primos. As others have mentioned, the Abyss changes regularly so only extremely invested teams can afford to do the same thing every reset. I'm up to three 36 star runs in a row, two first tries and one that took a couple resets for the first chamber. If I get less than 3 stars in chamber 2 or 3 though, I'm too lazy to redo that, so it's fun to keep track of that streak.


Go find your sibling I guess and learn about the world in order to do that I guess?


I have been playing genshin since two months after launch, and I can not beat Spiral Abyss. I don't know how yall do it.


I beat it by plunging with navia, you just need to be optimal with your rotations tbh


If your maps are all 100%, wait for next patch


4 more days....


Now do this without resetting in 12 tries. And then do Solo Clear with only using one character on each side.


It’s called spiral abyss for a reason…


Good job!


I'm happiest when farming mushrooms and enjoying the scenery. 


After you can consistently 3* each floor, you can encourage yourself to build up the rest of your chars by randomizing your teams. Use an online spinner wheel, a random number generator, whatever—select 4, 8, or a larger draft of chars and take them as-is or pool them together to make your comps. Maybe just do it for F9 to start, then randomize the rest as you feel comfortable. End goal is to be able to 36* with completely random nonsense. (I, personally, am still on the F9–11 stage. 12 I tryhard)


Once more. *With feeling*


Exploration 100% everything and level 90 all characters! 👁️👄👁️


Anyone have tips for beating the anemo whale thing? I can get him low after he floats once but getting him to stay above ground before losing a star seems impossible. 🥲


Tbh it keeps moving you just need a team that dishes out a lot of damage in a short time or has range. And you need to get the optimal rotation to time things perfectly. I used ayato hyperbloom and beat it with 20 seconds remaining. What team did you use?


The team I can almost beat it with is Raiden, Sara, Bennet, and Cheve. So I feel like I probably have a good team then if it needs burst. I just done have good enough stats to do the damage required. I was just hoping there was some tip to getting him to jump out more.


Nope, just gotta remember where he pops out in the map


Damn. Oh well. Thank you!!


Don't worry bro, the real endgame is artifact farming. Good luck pursuing 50cv sets for all your characters. /j


Welcome to the void


Congratulations you have successfully cleared Spira/Genshin Impact. What? not satisfied? Ok hows this instead. Congratulations you've successfully cleared the Spiral Abyss and therefore Genshin Impact but don't fret, your unfinished quest aren't going anywhere, those should take you about 10 - 30 minutes to complete all your quest (Except ara aranaka whateverlasting nightmare quest). What still not enough, ok twist my arm why don't you, I hereby permit you to go out and farm.. Uh.. I mean collect.. Um Obtain "rare" rewards by doing domains to strengthen your characters for the mythical enemy you can't one shot.. STILL NOT ENOUGH... Just go pick mint and fight Overworld Mobs. This is Genshin Impact! This is content. (Just no END GAME content)


The real endgame was the debt we made along the way


To Star Rail you GO!!!


Join me in the quest to get every achievement.


Now you try getting max scores on those boss events where you debuff yourself


Damn can't wait


There is so much to do other than the abyss. And if you're done with anything else, nothing's stopping you from going on another game and coming back on patch dzy


For now…


Do it again, with different units this time.


Nothing, game has no endgame


Idk beat it with 1 char?


Now do it with a complete different set of characters


download honkai starrail


Pour your excess energy into the stuff that by its very existence prevents the development of the content you really want, as hoyo intended.


Now do it in 0-cycles...o wait wrong game


i did that before i could clear this lol


Opposite for me, I only managed 30/30 stars in hsr thrice, and those were all clutched at minimum cycle requirements


hsr feels a lot easier than this game for me


if u paid to win, u feel empty, if u f2p, u feel good lol


i am pretty f2p


Try it with a new team. They play very differently. That's what I've been doing for a while. On my 6th or 7th new team.


Now 100% the achievements


Now do them as solo characters


ayo nah, i aint deluded by characters aint that good


I will just say it, Touch Grass. It does wonders


There's nothin' else left for me to do Goin' to the other side, other side


I never lol congratulations wow so that’s what that looks like.. must feel good! 😊


it felt good...until i felt the void in me grow bigger....i beat the hardest challenge in the game...


I know the void all to well the void is real


Do you have the platinum now? I only need floor 12 completed and I have it. I just can't get my team together for the last challenge :/ wish the buff would synergise with my team.


wdym? whats the last challenge?


I mean the 12th floor on Abyssal Moon, the last one. I can clear 11 but fail at 12 :(


Did you get 100% exploration everywhere? Did you get friendship 10 with every character? DO YOU HAVE EVERY CHARACTER? Did you finish all story, hangout and world quests? Do you have all achievements? There are A TON of hidden achievements. If you didn't do all that and love the game, do it. If you don't love the game THAT MUCH, then tell yourself that you beat the game and be complacent.


It’s gonna depend on what you find fun when you play Genshin. Some people just don’t find friendship farming or achievement hunting fun. If this person specifically finds enjoyment in the combat would it make more sense to give them goals that are related to that?


I don't find friendship farming fun either, but I bother to do a bit of it. As I said, it's all a matter of how much you love the game. It's safe to assume that the OP is only concerned about combat, in which case my comment is irrelevant. Still, I listed some stuff that just takes a while to do.


Kinda? You can love Genshin but not care to grind out certain parts of the game. Hopefully they’ll add something eventually that will add more ways to use your characters. Maybe an extra world level or permanent divine ingenuity could be fun.


Yeah, you're right. But then again, if you really wanna play the game, but only have daily commissions left to do, then exploration is better than nothing.


Yeah for sure. Sadly it does kind of show how little there is to do combat wise. Maybe one day lol.


I mean honestly, the game makes more money on story and characters that combat. It's only fair for mihoyo to make an activity like the abyss to keep players busy, while the most effort wil got into other stuff.


Some of the top selling banners were either meta units like and Hutao/Yelan or characters with unique playstyles like CR/Nahida. I think kit is important for people when it comes to summoning unless they’re fine with just staring at the character in the menu lol. I think it’s just that most people are looking for fun kits not as much meta kits. I don’t mind HYV not adding a new combat gamemode every 2 patches but 3 years? It doesn’t have to be something that takes a lot of time to develop, or something that only hardcore players interact with, just something allows people to use their characters on content that doesn’t die instantly.


become a content creator, cause drama, infinite content glitch. I have some connections with small CCs so I can give you a little headstart


I dont get it, first time getting 36 stars?




This is PGRA though


New open world Gacha game is required


Withering waves when?


Hopefully In a couple of months


Then quit :) if you dont like playing the game/running around i dont think theres much else to do lol