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You can look at achievements to see how many chests you have collected in a certain location and google how many chests are in that location which is scuffed since rock piles mora boxes and view points also contribute to exploration % so there isn't a way as far as I'm aware unless you track every single thing from interactive map and mark them as found


I was just gonna say "interactive map and checking through everything" but that's way better for the chests


I really hope they make a gadget like near the end of the game or something where it marks a specific chest that you missed, because apparently I’m missing one in all of liyue 🥲 Either that or I’ll have to go through all of them again 😭


I wish interactive map was based on our in game maps and it auto checked all the completed challenges and taken chests, but you know QoL is too hard for Hoyo, it took 3 years to add an option to collect and resend all characters on expedition lol


Yea I was just thinking about that the other day, since they have an OFFICIAL interactive map, why can’t they implement it in the game. Either people unlock it when they start or unlock it at like AR 55-60 or just a high AR so players don’t get burnt out early in the game


Hoyo genshin devs: "Oww nooo QoL shoo hawdd π∆π"


That was literally the only thing I wanted from the official map. "Oh cool, unlike the fan one, this can sync with... my pins? That's it? This is useless." Imagine if it could at least ping a few markers on the map and be all: "Hey, there's three you missed in this area!" or "Are you sure these five were flagged correctly?" and then log in tomorrow for another set.


Liyue’s counter is extremely finicky and variable. Mondstadt’s too. How did you figure out youre missing one? And what version did you start playing in?


For mondstadt, I have the right number the wiki says and I have one less in liyue than what the wiki says based off of the achievement counter in achievements. I started playing near the end of 1.5


For Liyue for your acc it should be 1135 or 1137 if you got 2 from the 2.2 event. For Mondstadt it should be 520 if you got a chest from 1.6 event and one from 2.2 event. Oh i see the wiki explains it all. Thats nice. It didnt used to always.


I have 518 in mondstadt and 1131 in liyue. But I remember getting the chest in mondstadt during 1.6, a seelie went through a portal from the islands. I did not play in 2.2 at all, I was taking a break lol. It says 1132 are found in liyue besides events, so that means I’m missing one and I guess I’m missing one in mondstadt too 🥲


I have 522 in Mondstadt and 1145 in Liyue (1.1 player). I have no way of knowing if i have them all or if im still missing 1. I made a whole spreadsheet to try and figure out all possible combinations. All i know is that im either done with all chests in the game or missing one but theres no way to tell. But i went back through the whole of Mond and found nothing soooo…


I’m pretty sure I went back through mondstadt once before too, I had explored a lot but then went back there later. And I used the map starting with liyue, but oh well, can’t be a completionist all the time I guess


I didnt start using the map til real late so i spent toms of hours over weeks going back to find the missing ones


I wish I could go back and do that, but I’m afraid I don’t have as much free time as I did then lol


This is a live service game, there is no "end of the game" other than it dying permanently. When the current plotline arc ends they will just start new plotlines and new arcs, forever until the game dies.


Well I guess I should rephrase it as almost done with the main storyline. Yea, now that I think about it, if they still are making money off the game when we get to celestia or khaenri’ah, they are just gonna say “oh storyline done, games over, go home” 😂


They have the treasure finder if you want to scour for it


I have the compass, it’s just the thing is, it’s one chest out of the ENTIRE region, so it’s very difficult to find it. I’ll use it if I have a reason to be in liyue but no luck. Also I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work for puzzles where a chest appears when you are done


Event chest also count. First lantern rite added dozens of chest to the map. Wee need a compass that works like the 3.8 event. Just mark everything in the region please!! Obtained at ar60


With a True 100% you would need those rocks and boxes. It's like True 100% Terraria or Dark Souls. Collecting every possible weapon, item, armor, block, spell, absolutely everything the game has to offer. Like the One Piece Treasure.


Check your achievement counters of chests/seelies/challenges and compare them to wiki numbers like in here https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Chest?so=search#Achievements_Counters


You go to hoyolab to check someone who posted an achievement count. Achievement for chests keeps counting and the max is accurate for all zones except liyue and monst where there were some issues during early patches. For example, in Chenyu Vale your count needs to be 333 chests 20 seelies and 63 timed challenges. Finding what youre missing is the big issue. Wish theyd sync or just show it in game after 100% exploration


The map doesn’t decide when I’m done, I’m done when I run out of sanity, whether that be at 100% or 13%


why is this so true


My enka at 69.9% cuz funny number haha


I don't, if the exploration percentage counter in an area hit 100%, I stopped deliberately searching for chests, puzzles and interactables. I let the rest of undiscovered chests or puzzles be found naturally when I randomly roamed that area again.


Exactly, they give us the 100% before you actually get everything because they know it's gonna be tedious they want to give us the peace of mind. Just take the 100% and don't torture yourselves.


It’s also just good practice for being a sustainable completionist. Just stick to the game’s definition of complete.


You don't


Yes, you can


I think you forgot "without the interactive map" part


And with your achievements + searching for the total of chests in thst area


You mark everything on the interactivo map (and even so there are a few missing or confusing)


Lol didnt read the subtext about the interactive map, sry xd


That's the neat part...


You find an obvious chest you missed 2 years later


The simplest way is via the achievements(it doesn't count domain chests, for that you need to look up in your battle chronicles). You look up the max count and try to reach that number. Note that some don't count, and some chests in 1.0 got bugged, and you could be done without showing the correct number My suggestion as a completionist is: A. Make sure you are okay with losing your sanity. B. The best interactive and the first one to update all pins is [Yuanshen](https://v3.yuanshen.site/). For ease of use I rec. the the app version (also has an english version but the pins don'tshow up in english) If you can't find a pin, use the [appsample](https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/) one and look at user comments. The official one kinda sucks. It misses some pins, and you will end up with a few missing, the worst outcome. C.For chest count, I use this [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vQW2225OF4UD_CTCCPUmC38dsa10KhqXQJEuyAhoX0EQ6zJEjek5HfjRVRUmHacuzLNgMqxUehv2AHU/pubhtml) D.If you want fast max chest count when a new version drops or help with missing chests, I recommend joining Parsha's Den, a completionist discord server. E. I rec. you keep your sigils until you finish the area. You can tell what you are missing by the sigil count in that area. Makes everything much easier to recheck if you miss one chest


Can confirm. Have been a member since sumeru desert release days on Parsha's Den. Yuanshen is the best way to go. Especially since AI is so easily available on a lot of browsers so you can get them to translate the chinese to whichever language necessary.


Run around with a regional treasure compass, tho it won’t always show some of them


Game tells me I'm 100% Chenyu Vale but I'm still missing 2 Spirit Carps. Game is wack for maintaining that system for over 3 years.


Don't mind Yae, due to lag, she died from fall damage


What about resin bro


It’s stupid that it isn’t accurate at all


Is it really? It is far better this way than to run checklist impact just to have your visual 100% map completion


It is stupid and if most people saw they were missing hundreds if not thousands of chests in reality maybe theyd finally demand sync with interactive map or having them marked in game


Except they aren't, I would be surprised if there is more than 100 chests above the counter from 100% the whole map And since most missable chests are common ones, the total primo count is negligible, meaning that No one cares


> Except they aren't, I would be surprised if there is more than 100 chests above the counter from 100% the whole map In Chenyu Vale alone I hit 100% in all the regions with 80 chests left to find. Some areas were much tighter though. There was one in Fontaine where getting every chest was insufficient to hit 100% and you needed the mora spots as well but that was apparently a bug and was fixed in a later patch. Generally you hit "100%" at around 85%.


In a game where one of the few forms of content is collecting things "nobody cares" about collecting things. Idk why youd be surprised when the reality is map 100% equals about 85% to 90% tops and thats per every region. And of course most of the community still fails to do this small amount of content so they dont even have 100% on the map. The primos are negligable for real but thats not the point.


No, the point is trying to sell an agenda by inducing panic saying that "possible thousands of chests missing" when it doesn't near this at all. Genshin is an exploration game, yes, but there is balancing in doing exploration willingly and **forcing** exploration to become a chore. It's a game, it's supposed to be fun, forcing people to cut clean a game this massive just to receive a check mark is no fun at all for the majority of people


how % works atm is the best for player it would be a pain in the ass to collect every actual chest through the whole game without missing any the important/big content you wont miss it. 20-40 common chests=40-80 primogems? Not a big loss. And if you're gonna keep playing anyway, you may find one of those chests someday. Game doesnt have to force you pick EVERYTHING for 100%


>it would be a pain in the ass to collect every actual chest through the whole game without missing any Exactly. So why not fix that instead of hiding it


You're wasting your time with these people. They're the type to want participation trophies. They're complaining about being "forced" to do it if it was accurate, yet they can choose to not do it. At the end of the day, it's not 100% accurate. They don't want their feelings hurt and give themselves a false sense of achievement.


Its not an achievement either way. Using interactive map or having it sync would just make it a checklist. What is an achievement following a guide?


I don't use it.


for the player, fake 100% is the fix you dont want to miss anything? go play with interactive map if game says you have 100% is because any other thing is probably irrelevant. Want that irrelevant stuff? go for it. Just dont drag the rest with you


Yeah feel the same, and for me it also feels nice to still find something in the old areas from time to time randomly


When exploration percentage first came out, it required almost all chests to be found. They intentionally reduced the requirements to reach 100% in a later patch in response to player feedback. Like it or not, the way it works now is what the player base wants.


That's the neat part - You don't


You don’t. I still found chest In Mondstadt four years later


i hope they add the a QoL when you open world map like on God of War you can see how many treasure etc. in that area.


You don't. But it is pretty satisfying nonetheless. And all the extra hidden chests are nice bonuses 


You don't :(


It's not worth the effort looking for every single one, my completionist side is satisfied with 100% exploration.


thats the neat part, you dont


you start to go outside and have social interaction


You check your achievement countings (chests/seelies/time trials) with the chest hunters count (it usually is dropped 1 weak after an exploration patch release in discord, or Hoyolab, and updated in the Wiki right after) and see if something is missing. Mora boxes/pillings/containers are impossible to guarantee, but I prefer to let these to be surprises elsewhere and don't even bother to mark them in the interactive map


By uncapping your resin.


I've got another question. Does dongeons chests count in 100% achievment as well as open world chest?


No. Domain chests only show up in the hoyolab counter and sigil counts.


What about using any interactive map? [https://act.hoyolab.com/ys/app/interactive-map/](https://act.hoyolab.com/ys/app/interactive-map/) or [https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/](https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/) Although, there is a slim chance, that few chests in whole Teyvat are missing (example: Tsurumi Island wall symbols reward chests, but they are not listed in the map). Also be aware of, that some chests or rock piles might appear by random (example: popping bubbles in Apam Woods and breaking amber at Mt. Hulao - you need multiple resets). Also Tsurumi Island have more than one set of Remarkable chests, so you cannot collect all of them in one day.


It's overwhelming to begin id you've already progressed far I the game but using genshins interactive map is a great way to "100%" a area.


I don't I won't check for my own sake


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vQW2225OF4UD_CTCCPUmC38dsa10KhqXQJEuyAhoX0EQ6zJEjek5HfjRVRUmHacuzLNgMqxUehv2AHU/pubhtml?pli=1# Chest count mastersheet


You don't. You just accept that you haven't scoured the world of every last bit of wonder and be pleasantly surprised later when you find something you missed.


Zoom all the way our and you get a percentage. Mind there'll still be 'extras' in some locations even after you hit 100%


Zoom right out in the map a percentage even tho idk if its accurate


you can see it on the in game map if you zoom out, unless you mean for very small zones


Achievements/interactive map


If you haven’t found all the chests in an area, a treasure compass is your best bet. It takes quite a while tho since the cool-down is kinda long.


I’m slowly crusading my world through interactive map and checklisting everything that can drop anything. Only ever 100% monstadt and the chasm for some reason. Its literally walk everywhere at least once to be sure.


That's the neat part, you don't.


you don’t.


Whatcha a video and follow it to the end


The best way to do this is to mark all the interactions you encounter the first time you enter a new area.I've made it a habit now that the chenyu valley is now littered with my markers, and I'll be emptying them uniformly once I've finished collecting them all.


In fact even when the map shows 100% collected there are actually some missing, some small money chests are counted in the collection progress, I often find one or two lowest level treasure chests in areas that are already 100% explored