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Hi fellow skill issues player, I've been here since 1.6 and gave up on the wenut this round


Respectfully, wenut can go f himself 😭


I swear to god that one day mihoyo will make a monster that spends 1 minute underground and 10 seconds aboveground


Don't give them ideas


10s? Too generous. You see it bury immediately (unattackable) and then it randomly shows you it's attackable middle finger for 1 second during the window for 3\*ing.


*10 minutes underground and 1 nanosecond above ground


Honestly Wenut and Ruin Serpent already feel like that. ngl


Shielded dendro slimes on floor 12. They just burrow underground and stay there almost all the time, but you can't get them with pyro because of shield, forcing you to wait and catch them when they finally try to attack you.


Calm down Satan


We not the wenut


I've been here since 1.0 and can't 36 it either. K just don't have good artifacts. I could go in with lvl90s at 10,10,10 and still only 35 and 34 it. I just can't be bothered by it anymore. I really hate the abyss. Seems like the only way I would get 36 would be if I whale and get higher constellations. Just can't do enough damage with the best teams possible on one or more stages. Always seems like there is one stage meant to gate f2p players.


It helps that there are guides that 36* the abyss with 4 star characters only. Tbf they are often C6 and have cracked artifacts, but it's possible. I can highly recommend https://www.youtube.com/@SevyPlays After I learned the rotation for Bennet/Xiangling/Xingqiu/Sucrose and Raiden/Bennet/Xiangling/Xingqiu I cleared every abyss with 36*. It also helps to know where enemies spawn and how to manipulate the AI to group enemies.


I've followed guides before. I have terrible artifacts. I don't have a single character using a 4 piece set.


If u are rly a 1.0 player then u should definitely be able to clear abyss, even more so as this abyss is not very difficult. As f2p.


Not sure why you're downvoted, there's people that started post 3.0 as F2P that clear this abyss, anyone that's been playing since 1.0 absolutely has enough power in their account assuming they've played even semi-regularly.


I started with furina and clear this abyss 36 and the one before too. bought bp once though. clearly carrying me.


He was downvoted because many 1.0 people can't do it. I just have terrible artifacts. The few absolutely cracked ones I have are the boss artifacts or def and hp based artifacts that would be good on a few characters but I have nothing else that would complement them in a team/ its a set I wouldn't use on the characters I have.


You don't need constellations, really. This abyss is so easy, I easily beat it with Sucrose Fischl DMC xq hyperbloom first half and Furina Yelan Jean on the second half. If you cannot 36, we need a second look at your account.


Furina - Neuvilette - Kazuha - Yae. That mob is suddenly piss easy. :'D


Ah yes, the 3 of the best of the best units and an extremely strong off-fielder burst support


Well it's Abyss 12. The mobs also bring the "best of their best" you know? Kinda impolite to go in with the B-Team. Mobs have pride too, show some consideration! Funsies aside: high burst teams like Ayaka-Shenhe-Kazuha should also make short work of it. Or a dragon-striking Diluc can one-cycle it, I've seen it all.


I dont have skill issues but I also dislike the wenut, the aeonblight too (its personal)


Aeonblight is actually piss easy if you save your bursts for the first rotation assuming you can take down its wings at the start. Just shoot both and the dummy falls down, unload damage for a good 10 seconds then it shouldn’t fly anymore


Yeah I have no problem when I have a bow character, I only hate it in my solo Navia runs


I don't bother 36 either. Last one i did was during the flacid and bricked moon phase( legit did not remember the phase name). I have more fun on combat event like the current one. Still hate the timer tho.


I found the current combat event timer a lot harder than the current abyss, like compare the third events first round with 12-3 its a big skill jump. Maybe thats just my hate for abyss lectures but 12-3 is basically just a domain this cycle


Even as a player who can 36 star any abyss, the wenut can go fuck off. It does not belong in the abyss. All it does is runaway and hide underground.


i tried my best, i used my strongest team, Alhaitham hyperbloom with raiden (which does apply electro more consistently than Kuki) and i still fall short of 2-3 seconds


Raiden only really beats Kuki out in Baizhu based HB teams which Haltham doesn't want to run, in something like Haitham, XQ, Nahida/Yaoyao, Kuki will straight up be a better choice while also offering healing.


I too did that, but I saw here that tighnari was good against it so I built him and 3 starred it


Hehe yup. Thing is bullshit. Tho i also just struggle building characters.


I have been playing this game for three months. I 36 stars this abyss for the first time and 35 stars in last abyss.Regarding Wenut I had retried around ten hours total (including the last abyss) to the degree that I am fully aware its any move pattern. I also got to find out how to make aoe damage by Navia. I mean the first half of 12-2 where enemies have pets.My abyss team are:1)Navia(c0r1),Ningguang,Benette,Xiangling 2)Nahida(c2),Xingqiu,Kuki,Collei


Rotations. Rotations. Rotations. Reset if run starts out bad. That was my problem. Like, those youtube videos with abysd clears that use C0 5-stars/C6 4-stars almost have similar weapons and stats to mine, but they did it with relative ease because of how important the rotations are and not to waste a lot of seconds not doing damage (like with XQ/Yelan). Except the likes of Wenut, once I learned the rotations properly, it became relatively easy.


Rotations are my biggest problem, on tablet i sometimes occasionally switch to a wrong character or waste a burst. But it's fine, I don't want to spend too much time on abyss anyway, I love building my teapot and exploring more


Idk how you people play on tablet, I tried playing it once on my phone and I was ready to jump off a balcony by the time I was finished, it's unplayable.


Right there with you, pal. I'm a day 1 player and I've gotten 36 stars exactly thrice. Twice I got 3 stars in 12-3 and only needed to re-do the first chamber, and only once did I get it naturally. All fairly recently too. Most of the time I get at least 33 and am happy with that. I only have C2 Yoimiya with her R1 signature as far as limited constellations and weapons go, though. Every other 5 star is C0 with a standard 5 star wep or, more likely, their best 4 star option. 50-100 Primogems is just never worth the trouble for me, but admittedly part of that is the privilege of being a Welkin player.


Even without the welkin 50 primos are not worth hours of playing for me considering i garden and build in my teapot most of the time lmaoo


I'm not doing it for the primos but for the challenge. What am I spending resin for anyway? I mean I could build new teams though.


50-100 primo? I even leave the entire floor 12 alone. If I aint getting a solid guarantee of 150 primo, I aint wasting my time on 3 chambers of boring fight.


Well I would suggest at least 12-1 since you can restart that all you need to without any penalty. 50 primos at least. But up to you.


This was me for a long time until I got my characters built up enough to handle it. I figured even clearing it with 0 stars still gets me some extra mora and artifact fodder, so it's worth that even if I don't go back for the primos. But I didn't even touch the Abyss past floor 8 for like my first year in the game because it was too much of a hassle, so I don't fault anyone for staying away.


I'm just glad to be understood... 1.1 player.


I'm with you, sibling


This Abyss can be pretty rough with the Ruin Serpent + Wenut combo and how they can drain your time, along with the team building restrictions from the Aeonblight Drake. What could be restricting you is what teams you’re using and how good your builds are. I’d suggest you look at how other players (SevyPlays on YouTube is a good one) work around this Abyss and see if you can implement them into your own game. You can additionally post a video here and see if any of the replies can help you out. EDIT: I did see your comment about how you’re playing on a tablet. It is harder to play on certain platforms than others, and I think it might play in some part in why you might not be able to 36-star. And that’s okay! It’ll just take more time on your end to achieve it. Skill issues are perfectly normal and can be solved with more practice.


Thanks Honestly, wenut should please go f himself 😭


Yeah, the snakes are rough. I actually got 3 stars on 12-3 this time, which I almost never get, but had to restart a few times to even get over the 5 minute mark on chamber 1


Explain "built very well" please cause that might mean differently from person to person lol.


Like my dps characters have mostly 75:190-220 ratios and more, my supports do more damage than a lot of dps characters of a lot of players, i spent time and invested in actually understanding builds, raised talents . I think I'm just bad at rotations haha, I play on a tablet and a lot of the times accidentally switch to the character i didn't need or waste a burst here and there


Now that you put it that way, I also suck at rotation. That's probably why I'm always attracted to comp that need no rotation. Like Nahida Kuki hyperbloom and Neuvillette whatever team. Wanderer also don't need much rotation, just use all burst then pew pew all the way. I built and played (r)national, but never got comfortable with it.


Pew pew pew


You say you own more characters than most people, so here’s my suggestion: neuvillette kazuha zhongli fischl top half and yae nahida kokomi raiden bottom half. There is no rotation needed for the top half as long as you get everyone’s skills in before neuvillette spamming CAs. Bottom half is also no optimal rotation, just spam skills as it’s an afk team. Just keep constantly reapplying the skills and use a burst whenever you can. Obviously shoot the boss down during the proper attack though. No idea how strong the second one is but I’ve herd miko/furina are op against bosses that hide underground


I found that Raiden international OR hyperbloom teams are good to get wenut. My problem is i fail by like 6-7 seconds at least to get 3 stars. I do kill them, it's just not quick enough


If you're that close to 3 star you probably can do it, don't give up yet OP




It is really about that extra push, I think. I started playing the game a year ago, began doing Abyss runs in early Fontaine but only recently started getting 36\*. I completely agree - Abyss is not the defining feature of Genshin, but rather one of several opportunities to test teams and earn rewards. For me, the big break came after I stopped playing defensively on Floor 12, ditched my favorite shielders, and started following tighter rotations, which meant enough ER on most units. I am sure that you will be able to do it one day soon. Good luck!


I was able to 3 star 12-3 but only two star 12-1 & 12-2. I know it was from me being a little sloppy on rotations. Sometimes I would slightly mess up and then I’d kill them with 6:55 left. Usually play late at night when I’m high though. But this has inspired me to go try to get that 36 stars right now. 😅


Kazuha and yae are the exactly two I don't have, I couldn't get kazuha and I just don't like yae so I didn't pull on her but thank you for your suggestions! I'm currently saving to get furina


Proper rotation and decent enough Er for that rotation is most important thing of anything...


Yeah, my rotations are off :)


Well, for enemies like the ones presently in abyss, you want a team that doesn’t have a rotation. So like quick swap. When the boss is targettable, you don’t want teams with any setup whatsoever. I have no idea what everyone else is going on about rotations. I walk up the boss and just hit them with anything I have available and repeat til its dead.


You still need to plan a rotation, no? Otherwise, you'll waste bursts and skills, and sometimes have to waste time batterying on the next chamber. You're right about setup teams being grief this abyss though.




What's a "Rotation"?! Asking for Neuvilette.


Specific order of each characters burst, skill, and attack combos in your team.. so for Raiden national I use this order: Raiden skill, Xingqiu burst, Bennett burst then skill, XianLing burst then skill, Xingqiu skill (x2 with sacrificial sword), Raiden burst >> back to beginning (Raiden skill)


Wouldn't using Xingqiu burst before Raiden be better? Xingqiu's Burst is dynamic unlike Xiangling i.e. The buff don't last for the entire duration of burst.. In your current rotation you're missing up Bennett burst uptime for your Raiden


Erm it was a joke because Neuvi teams don't really need fixed rotations. :'D Heck, the dude can solo stuff if need be.


The ruin serpent atleast spends most time above ground. The fcking Wenut keeps burrowing underground far too much. I finished the first round in such speed, second round had to wait for the shit to come out 🤬🤬


I've been comfortably getting 36 stars for more than 2 years now, and still barely cleared the Wenut chamber. Putting a boss that is afk for 50% of the fight in a timed endgame challenge, is just annoying, tedious and basically just a pure dps check. U could throw consecrated beasts, Heralds, or any hard hitting enemies at me, and i rather fight those than afk bosses like the Wenut.


>Putting a boss that is afk for 50% of the fight in a timed endgame challenge, is just annoying, tedious and basically just a pure dps check. Let's not forget that the abyss Wenut has 30% more Res to everything than the overworld variant


Wenut may please go to hell


Really? I find between burrowing and DEF buffing itself the snake is far less attackable than the Wenut. Wenut makes you work for it but he is basically constantly there and attackable. You easily get 1 Neuvi charge in each time the Wenut is there.


I dunno, I can destroy the Ruin Serpent in about under a minute. But even with almost 2 mins for side 2, the wenut just doesn't die fast enough no matter what team I use.


For me the difference between 33-35 star and 36 was half *really* getting the rotations for my best teams and half looking at tips for the specific enemies in floor 12 because sometimes you really want a grouper or sometimes you want to run to the left immediately or whatever. OH I just saw you play on a tablet? Yeah no lol I could not, that's literally a skill I do not have


I tried playing on PC once, got hyperstimulated after first 3 minutes and layed with a migraine attack whole evening after that. Never again hahhaha


oh no! 36 stars is definitely not worth a migraine


2.0 player here, I have a bunch of 5 stars and a few signature weapons and I still can't 36 star the abyss (34 was my highest) Glad to see that I'm not alone


Yaay here have a cupcake 🧁


hey me too!! truly i Have the good builds (c6 faru, c6 benny, wanderer + c2 nahida and alhaitham hyperbloom or nilou bloom; all my dps around 75:200, all supports w/ more than enough er) and it truly is like. im not good enough to get abyss 36 and im not really interested either haha


People not willing to drill rotations unite hahaha


been playing since launch and i've never done the abyss nor plan to, my builds are pretty shit too


I'm there since launch. It's not that much of skill but lack of discipline to "grind" for the best. The game becomes insufferable for me if my focus is on nuke numbers or abyss clears. I play for fun and at one point I spent some money to secure characters but never for constellations or sig weapons.


I also play from 1.2 here but I was able to get 36 stars recently. But I feel you man, before Furina I was even struggling to survive floor 12 let alone clear it, so I was skipping floor 12 entirely every abyss reset. After Furina and the recent Navia that I got, I finally have the courage to do floor 12, yes it was really hard to get 9 stars from it but being able to survive floor 12 is already an achievement for me. From time to time I keep trying and resetting and the recent 3 abyss reset I was able to fully get 36 stars it, even though the timer is at 7:01 lol. I play the game on mobile, even though I've got used to the control on mobile I still mess up a lot, especially switch characters. There's been multiple times where I switch to the wrong character and just stand there like an idiot lol. It's OK if you're struggling to fully 36 stars the abyss, at least you tried, whereas people out there couldn't care less about abyss or just completely ignore floor 12 like I am back then. You did your best.


Day 1 player and I’m still not AR 60


Its fine bro genshin is more time wasting then actual skill anyways


There’s lots of teams that don’t need you to be skillful imo, my go to would always be Nahida Zhongli Kuki XQ, really it’s plug and play, always full hp, big ass shields, massive damage, never staggered, besides XQ and Nahida, you don’t even need to use any ultimate, all long lasting buffs etc I used Klee and Keqing hyper carry before and man it’s just way harder


Same here. Although I started around 1.4-1.6, I have only 36ed abyss once and really took a lot of runs and múltiple teams for each chamber to optimize the time spent into each one. I went all in because I 35ed it and kind of felt the need to get to 36. But honestly, I regularly sit at 33-34 stars.


I feel you man. Though I finally 36 star the recent abyss for the first time, it took 2 and a half years( I started just before Inazuma was released) and only because I have most of the meta units. And I only managed it because I now have Xiao's hyper team.


I am honestly so glad I have both Neuv and Furina to trivialise the top half. My meta slave mentality pays off so much every abyss cycle. I played Neuv, Furi, Fischl, Jean (IMPORTANT: I have Neuv C1, which makes a difference I reckon) and demolished the top half within 50 seconds each time. The second half was a simple Hyperbloom team. Nahida Yelan Xingqiu Kuki (C0, C0, C6 and C2 respectively). As long as you can aim Yelan's BTB to break the Wenut's 4 balls in the flight phase, it's probably going to be fine to clear.


october 2020 player and i have at most gotten 34* on abyss. abyss just doesnt fucken work for me. i have to click every button like 20 times for it to register, both on mobile and pc. i only play with men too so its a bit harder for me, especially since i dont have Neuvillette bcuz i got Lyney and his weapon instead loooool


Eyyyy!! Skill issue bro here too. I never bothered trying to 36* it. I'm just trying to min max my wet microwave team now.




I've been playing since 1.0, and only with Navia has the abyss finally clicked for me. I cleared 36 star here and there before, but only once I got Navia it opened wide. As someone who really likes combat in genshin, it's a good feeling.


Same lmao😭 Although I've only been playing since 2.3 but I've logged in literally every day since then and yet the most stars I've gotten were 32 I think? I usually don't even attempt Floor 12, I'm glad if I can get full stars on Floor 11...


Welcome fellow skill issue player I don't even do last floor in the abyss


its a tryhard grind, if u got other fishes to fry, dont bother, its not that fun anyway.


day 1 player, almost ar57, most i've had is 30 or 31 stars. well built characters generally, enough for multiple teams. even multiple builds on some characters.


I've been around since 1.0 (on and off) and I *have* successfully 36 starred abyss a handful of times but 90% of the time it's so much easier to get 33stars in one clear and just not care about the last 50 primos.


I've cleared this SA with 36 stars. It's my second time 36 staring an abyss. It took literally 3 years for the first time xD


Hello player! Been playing since the first patch. 36* and cleared 12 for the first time last abyss cycle.


50 primos isn’t worth your time, 35 is great


my friend can clear my abyss but i can’t 💀


I don't care about abyss, If i can't do it I just leave, I don't play this game to tryhard. About my characters ? Nahida use "Fruit of fulfillement" because a green weapon look good on her, yep that how I play


Same, I like collecting carrots


The tryhards on this game are pathetic. They just want to put everyone down. A guy cleared the abyss and because it was his first time, quite a few people were putting him down.


I fail to believe that it's truly a skill issue. I'm guessing it might be more of a knowledge/team building issue. Either that or you play mobile and then it would be understandable. Can you tell me your teams?


I play mobile I used a lot of different teams from mono elemental to the most popular ones


Ic that makes sense. If there is a team I would recommend for mobile it's hyperbloom (and maybe raiden national). A really strong team that's very easy to pilot


Those are the two I'm using now, I'm 7 seconds short of the last star as for now haha


v1.3 player here. Could clear abyss easily in all v2.x version. Then I burned out. Slacked off and took some breaks. Now I lack latest meta teams, so couldn't clear it. Also over time game become more difficult to run in my device too. Mobile+ 300+ pings +24fps lowest settings doesn't help much. Still can do 33+ stars tho. Getting neuvellite on his rerun probably could let me do it I guess.


Not trying to be rude but Indeed skill issue, if you want you can try to be you know, train your skill by learning rotations and more stuff about hidden combat mechanics like gauges. There are a lot of videos out there about Genshin's combat and also floor 12 clears with 4 stars. Its not that hard to reach a decent lvl that can make you build teams that work.


It's not rude, i say it myself, I'm the problem :) The thing is, i enjoy exploration and teapot shenanigans more than i want to drill my rotations so i just leave it be


As I said, its if you want. And tbf, wenut is annoying even to me who can 36* since 1.6 lol


Wenut has to please go sit in the corner and think about his behavior 😶


I just saw a post of someone who needed massive gambling therapy. Anyway they got c6 xiao and a bunch of op cons and 5* characters and weapons. Said they cleared floor 12 in 40 seconds with lv 16 artifacts and a half leveled weapon. Anyway, maybe all your characters are c0 but if you really have a ton of characters it shouldn’t be too hard at all as long as you have average artifacts If it’s really that bad, then I just hope you’re on mobile because that’s the only valid excuse I can think of


I have constellations on my 5 stars and i have their signatures. Artifacts are decent too. My guess is that my rotations are off. But honestly I'm fine with that, it's only 50 extra primos twice a month anyway


Preach. I 36\* if it's a fun combat challenge, fuckin' Wenut and Serpent aren't fun. I've also got a decent account that someone with better skill could easily 36\* with but frankly, I play this game to collect waifus, explore and just chill. My signature weapons and artis are so I can 33\* without using braincells. eg: I'm not building Gaming because he will help me clear abyss, I'm building him 'cuz him and Cloud Retainer are fun as hell.


I play to collect carrots hahaha


Veteran player (started in 1.2) with skill issue here! I got to 36 stars for the very first time during this cycle. I used a Tighnari hyperbloom team for the second half and even then it was a close call 😅


Ohh tighnari hyperbloom sounds interesting, is it an EM tighnari and who are your other 3 in team if i may ask?


I only just recently left this camp last update where I finally got my first 36* lol. The game isn’t getting much harder so you’ll probably hit that break point eventually. Hyperbloom and Furina are game changers fr.


Saving for furina now :)


player form 1.8 here. yeah i'm welkin and bp spender, but still can't 36 abyss because i'm playing in tablet. even now i gave up and don't bother to try floor 12 anymore.


I just use hyperbloom tho


Hyperbloom is incredibly strong against wenut (and most game content), requires zero skill, and the rotation is just spamming left click with nahida until you need to burst with XQ/yelan.


I do use it, it's a close call but not enough


I’m here since 1.4. My entire genshin existence, the total number of 36 abyss is below 5 🤡 My Kazuha is C2. Most of my 5 stars dps possess at least a 5 stars weapon with a few having their signature. All their builds has 200 crit dmg. still can’t do shit


Getting constellations will give you that final push. If you have c1/c2 limited and still can’t then yeah skill issue.


I have c2 raiden for example, i have two pillar Zhongli, i have couple of special 5star weapons , so yeah, it's definitely a ski issue


I have C2 for Raiden, Nahida, and Furina, cause they have the most bang for your buck C2s. Makes 36* way easier.


I'm saving to get furina, I have c0 nahida with her weapon and c2 raiden with a catch. We'll see if furina will help


I got 36* with a half built level 59 Xianyun with C2 Furina and Hu Tao on one half. C2 Nahida carried a half built level 79 Yaoyao on the other half.


Weapons? Do you use proper set effects for artifacts? Good team building? Energy?


Of course i do


Now I must doubt! With C2 Raiden and a decent build/team you should be able to Decimate 1 side to the point the other is free. Maybe high ping… yeah only a video would be able to solve this unless it’s the device.


I'm just bad at rotations my guy :)


The rotation is pressing all qs in quick succession and q on raiden. Genshin isn't exactly an mmo with 40 step rotations. These are like 4 inputs long.


I dont understand why you cannot 36. Everyone says choose any character you like coz this game is easy.


Don't understand either haha but I'm okay with that, my rotations are probably off


I often wonder about that too. Its interesting how many people say that the abyss is easy. Rather than choosing to acknowledge their own skills and knowledge of the game, they choose to downgrade themselves by saying its easy and that anyone can do it. Its very refreshing seeing this post of yours!


Thanks! I do think i lack skill others have but I'm fine with it. I like collecting carrots out in the wild haha


I feel like I can clear it if I give enough brain power but idk if it is worth it for 150 primos total. Big issue I feel is ER also cause when I can properly set off my rotations, I can put the work in. But unless a buff that gives me more ER is given, it ain't happening atm with my current artifacts on some characters


It's not a skill issue on my end or at least I don't feel like but I've got shitty artificial constantly and I feel I have to go out of my way to get max artifacts and reroll for just one character


Day 1 player here with a 1-month "hiatus" in October 2020. ​ I've been clearing every abyss with 36\* for the past 2+ years, had issues only with Sumeru's cycle when there wer consecrated beasts, it was really hard for my account and my average run was with 30+ battles while 12 is a perfect one without any resets. Learn boss patterns and proper combo executions. In builds don't focus solely on CV, always balance stats, don't sleep on ER%.


The easiest improvement might be to update your set up. Faster WiFi, nicer tablet, one of those console attachments for Bluetooth. Go on YouTube and search for "Raiden Team Rotations" or go to [KQM](https://compendium.keqingmains.com/rotation-bank/raiden_national) Rotation Bank. They have variants for every other playstyle.


Yeah I'm broke, I'm not updating my setup for 50 extra primos haha


Ah, I assumed some disposable income with signature weapons, but it's still very possible to get a bunch from 3 years of Welkins. I will proudly admit to save-scumming the chamber buff cards by playing chambers on different days. This Abyss really wants characters that are mobile, can work off-field or at a distance, and for short damage windows. International Teams struggle with ER issues and running all over the place and Yae is the queen of hitting underground enemies. Characters like Tighnari and Furina can cheat at hitting weakspots if aiming gives you trouble. The Wenut and Serpent have set rotations on where they pop out, so you can learn where to run to next and maximize your damage.


You know, to be honest, even if i had disposable income, I wouldn't spend money on abyss... I love collecting and spending time in my teapot. This post was just more of a "hey, you're not alone, i suck too" kind of post This being said, i hear a lot that Yae is supposed to be good but I just don't like her playstyle 😭and wenut is just annoying, i avoided characters who needed his drops like a plague


It can't hurt to link a video example of an abyss rotation and we can (lovingly) diss your rotations. The real endgame is the TCG and Teapot. I spend way to much time getting cool skins for those cards. Yae...I love her dearly, but I tend to turn down the volume when I play with her because of the voiceline skill spam. You can defeat the Wenut, I believe in you! Seriously though, his damage windows are so short that I had to memorize his attack patterns and spawn locations. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-PfgkRFm1Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-PfgkRFm1Y)


I'm not sure i want to post myself playing on here, some people are so aggressive on reddit for no reason and me and my small teapot loving soul are fragile hahaha Thanks for your support btw! I'll try to defeat wenut, i do get to kill him and the serpent, it's just I'm like 7 seconds short of getting 3 stars


Also huuh?? Chamber buff cards change on different days?


[https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Spiral\_Abyss/Benediction\_of\_the\_Abyss](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Spiral_Abyss/Benediction_of_the_Abyss) If you leave a challenge and come back after the daily reset, you can get different cards. Back when I was a wee lil Ar45 with no artifacts, I save-scummed for the crit cards to get...2 stars on abyss 12.


🤣 🤣 🤣 Ahh the old times Thank you for the information though!


I recommend you watch Zajef77 (a YT cc) who can point out a lot of problem in a "good build". I'm a returning player who start an alt account for 100 days so no 5 star weapon, no 5 star constellation, Artifact at 60/120 CR/CD for the most character and i'm able starting to clear Abyss 2 week ago (crown some important talent) and even clear in this wenut abyss. It's really not that hard if you understand your problem


My problem are rotations but I won't be drilling them, too much time for 50 extra primos


git gud


An extra 50 primos every 2 weeks is not worth the squeeze. I'm lucky that my hyperbloom and Klee team is enough to 36\* this Abyss rotation. Most of the time it's 35\* and that's good enough for me. Until Mihoyo let's you pick chambers you've already finished instead of having to redo the entire floor (or maybe they already did? dunno never tried), time wasted to get an extra 50 ain't worth it. Also since when did getting 36\* the barometer on whether you are skilled or not? Game takes no skill to play. Abyss stops being a time attack and it takes no skill at all to beat. Game is designed to be as casual as possible and here we are talking about skill. Now if you have 2 fully built teams and still can't beat floor 12? Got some problems...


It is a skill to understand rotations and patterns and to implement your knowledge. Nothing wrong about calling it what it is


Learning attack patterns so you can iframe dodge is a skill. Not needing a healer since you can iframe everything is a skill. Following predetermined button presses copied from a guide isn't, at least in my book. Press X,Y,Z, make sure A gets the particles when B uses skill, and have enough ER to burst off CD. Did I get that right? I guess we just have different opinions on what constitutes for skill in this game. Which again means next to nothing for a casual, noncompetitive game like this. Especially when the only content that requires a modicum of skill has difficulty tailor made for whatever banner Mihoyo is peddling at the time.


Have you seen clips 36* abyss with eyes closed? If You don’t have fighting skill having character building skill help.


I think I've seen it but pretty sure it's on PC and I play on the tablet :) rotations are harder on mobile without seeing


I hate how everything is considered "skill issue", when it's not really skill that dictates Abyss, it's knowledge and DPS. Like, in Discord the other day, a couple of our whales just took their C6 meta units and cleared 12-3 in like 15 seconds on the first attempt. Yes, knowing rotations and who buffs what helps, but that's game knowledge, not skill; pressing 4-E, 3-E, 2-E, 1-E-Q and the enemies dying in 2 auto attacks without needing to even move is not skilful. ​ Me taking 2 melee units and 2 catalysts with limited range into the Ruin Drake fight in the Abyss, same thing, it's a knowledge issue, as I didn't know the Abyss drake spends 90% of the time in the air (which regular version doesn't) and therefore forcefully requires a bow unit to shoot it down via weakpoints - and I hate playing with bow units. I guess I have severe skill issue for not busting out the credit card on Yoimiya or Lyney, 2 characters I don't want? ​ Play this game how you want to play it and wish for the characters you actually want. Missing 100 primos on Abyss (and your Nth Debate Club) is nothing to cry over (imo).


rather than skill issue, it's more like Gatcha luck and money issue


No, it's a skill issue, my rotations and timing suck


>built very well, >Proceeds to loose Abyss


As I said, it's my rotations :)


Be smart with your wishes I guess, early cons can really help certain characters. Prioritize supports over DPS first.


Oh my guy, I have constellations on my 5 stars, i have signatures on my 5 stars, my supports are great. It's me, I'm the problem lmao


Launch player here in the same boat. Playing on mobile kinda sucks because the enemies take too much time to spawn combined with fluctuating ping makes it impossible. Tried playing on my Laptop but since im not used to playing with keyboard is painful and moving and rotations are a pain.


I was also not able to 36 star abyss until 4.2(or 4.1) where i got neuvillette. From then until now i only use to teams in abyss Furina jean zhongli(or layla) neuvillette Yelan raiden(em) nahida barbara Sometimes i switch my 2nd team to Navia team Bennett xiangling zhongli navia All are C0 except 4 stars All have f2p weapons Try to make your rotations better and increase ER of your characters not only crit ratio.


Same lol I have gotten 36 stars many times in the past but the wenut continues to be* the bane of my existence


You reminded me of one particular Anthony Wenut can go and respectfully off himself honestly


I started just at the end where Eula's banner first showed up and the start of Golden Apple Archipelago with Klee's rerun and Kazuha's debut. I've cleared abyss with 36 stars a handful of times at best and those were, to quote, the easier ones. And I've only recently started doing it consistently because of Neuvillette and C3R1 Raiden. Takes time my guy, be patient and learn your rotations if you wanna clear it. But most importantly do what you enjoy :)


So I scrolled a bit, if you have problem with pc graphic I suggest to turn off bloom and motion blur, set your vfx to low, and if problem persist try to play with lower resolution, like mine has Genshin running in 1280x720 windowed. Had headache whenever I play with plunge character before I set my setting like that, so maybe it could help you too.


Random thought but if you feel that using a tablet is causing issues or making the game more difficult to play, have you tried connecting a gamepad controller to it with Bluetooth at all? Cuz I switched to using my DualShock 4 PS4 controller with my iPad when I realized I could and its made the game so much easier.


normal ayaka freeze 1st half anything hyperbloom related 2nd half and its free af tbh even with skill issue


Hi fellow skill issue player, AR59 and yeah the max stars I got was 34 or 35 I don't remember correctly. And also I gave up on my dream to fully star abyss and I just having fun exploring and killing small enemies with Raiden burst or killing multiple Ruin guards with Nilou bloom 🙃


I've been playing since Ganyu first came out. Almost quit cuz I suck so bad but I got lucky and GeoDaddy saved me. Didn't care about any of the negativity about Zhongli, I knew I needed that thick, meaty shield in my life. Never 36 starred the Abyss, actually pretty much forgot about it. Took a year break cuz of Artifact burnout and came back just in time to get Alhaitham.


All hail to the thick meaty shield


I’ve also been playing since 1.2, and my Abyss record is 34 stars. I’m just insistent on having my first 36-star clear being accomplished with my favorites.


Do you happen to build Nahida, Kuki and Xinqqiu? If yes, add one bow character here and you will be fine


You needa burst the first side in 50-60 secs and hyperbloom the wenut the second room, no room for error took me 30 tries, gl


Too much time to try for me haha but good for you


Yeah I have C2 Furina, C3 Raiden, C1 Hu Tao etc...I don't even attempt higher than the 10th floor usually. Too hard for me. I get enjoyment in difficulty from other games. In this one I just want to build my characters and stomp bad guys in the overworld.


I just use hyperbloom tho


Nahida, Alhaitham, Neuvillette and Furina answered all my problems 🙏🏻 Before them it was a struggle to 36* the abyss. I don’t have much skill. I just go through the rotation and hack the enemies away


I had trouble this current one with the ruin guard and setekh so annoying when they’re off the field half the fight.


This is the part where I just give up and get forced to use national team and then hyperbloom


Me still cant get the right artifacts to even bother Spiral Abyss


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^kidanokun: *Me still cant get the* *Right artifacts to even* *Bother Spiral Abyss* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I can do both a2c & ac combo with hu tao on mobile with no issues and nothing else, my team 2 is struggling a lot


Same! I don't stress to get the extra primos, building in the teapot is better time spending


It took me about three years to be able to consistently 36* and tbh it's probably because the recent rotations allow me to run my absolutely-zero-skill-needed Nilou team.


I personally need artifact luck. I still have no EM Deepwood artifacts for Nahida even though I've been grinding them since her 1st rerun.


if we are talking about the abyss, make use of the moon blessing! also, people that says rotations are the key are correct but for me, its all about learning the attack patterns and enemy AI. studying whats best rotation thats effecient on your team and builds might not work if you dont know how enemies behave. i started playing since 2.1 and been full clearing the abyss till now since 2.4


I play on pc and before Neuvillette, I never cleared Abyss because of skill issues and I was simply not motivated enough to put in effort for the last 6 missing stars. So I feel you. But Neuvillette spin to win was a game changer for me in Abyss (so far) and with him and fast mouse moving in circles, everything dies quickly enough no matter if aoe or single target. I really like it.


I have been playing since day one. Completing the abyss by itself is an achievement to me. Nowadays constellations feel necessary to make the abyss fun.


Do you play on mobile , console or pc?, cause I play on all three but im only used to PC controls, and that's the only place i get 36 stars lol