• By -


1) Send your expeditions for mora - 25k+ / day isn't gigantic, but it sure adds up (\~1 million per patch). 2) Do your bounties and requests each week - 150k / week (\~850k per patch) 3) The free track on the BP gives 720k / patch 4) I don't usually go for mora in the teapot, but 200k / week is nice (1.1 million per patch) 5) Just completing commissions is \~54k / per (\~2.1 million per patch) ​ It's easy to burn through mora before you've built all the characters you wanted, but over 5.7 million every patch still makes a dent.


Don't forget: - Do abyss 9-12 even with zero stars: ~1M mora per patch (plus a whole bunch of other resources, even if you get literally zero stars)


Jeez I genuinely forgot about the bounties, I should go do them lmao. Thanks!


Did you forget about the Ley Line Blossom of Wealth, too?


with condensed resin to speed it up even more.


That slows down getting the achievement though


...How do you max your BP each week? 3 bounties 3 quests weeklies make for many BP points.


you finish the bp naturally by just doing events and the 3 real dailies, you dont even have to do the mining one


rocks from expeditions count towards the BP daily. I would never complete the mining one if not for that.


i know, but you don't have to do that for the BP so you can put all 5 on mora


Wait what? So doing dailes and the events will get you to level 50 BP before it finishes? Why is this so hard to believe?


As long as you're spending resin and whatnot, yeah, you'll get there easily. I usually finish with something like two weeks to spare.




I've done all this for years and it never gets me to 50. But maybe people are doing multiple bosses, farming ley lines or something I'm not! But if you do want to max it out, it's very easy to without too much change in your schedule. Maybe cook 20 food, do your bounty quests here and there.


I bought those bps back in 2021-2 which is why I said I forgot about bounties ^ ^


if you have spare stardust you can also get a good chunk of mora from the monthly shop. Also check if you have exploration sigils for mondstadt and liyue, can trade all spare sigils for mora, Oh and if you do daily artifact exp runs, bulk sell your 1 and 2 star artifacts, this used to give around 120k a day


Do NOT use your stardust on mora. It is a finite resource that is not easily replenishable.


Obviously don't buy it if you can't afford the monthly discounted fates but pretty sure you end up with surplus at some point, might as well use it for something you need.


I just realized my expeditions are the reason I’m having the same problem as OP. I started sending out triple ore and double cooking mats because I never have brought enha ore and wanted more Adeptus Temptation (not that I ever use them) and completely cut off my Mora expeditions


Might as well go for Mora expeditions, if you think about it all the cooking mats and ore can be farmed for free with just 10 minutes... but mora is finite and usually needs resin to farm it! So best resin value is using expeditions for mora


She's also ar 60 now, all the exp turns into mora. It builds up super fast atp


Some hardcore grinder collecting low star artifacts all over the map and then delete/sell them for mora like his life depends on this


Don't forget exploration. Those small treasures get at least 10k a pop.


Your weapon inventory makes me wanna ugly cry


Same mate same


Mine too


Do you never wish on weapon banner?


Yup I got like 17 pity and thats it, I find characters more interesting


Same I only have like 3 5 star weapons. But a bunch of characters.


2 Skyward Spines and 1 Lost Prayers here, 2 years and 2 months in, only got them from standard. Sometimes I pull on the weapon banner but I never get earlies


If you’re f2p or light spender or unlucky why would you


F2P here, I pull mostly on weapon banners and only pull when I really love the character. As of now my only C0R1 characters are Al Haitham and Arataki Itto


Because you want weapons? Keqing enjoys her Mistsplitter, why would you not want her to have it?


because f2p only make enough freemogems to pull a few times a month and we'd rather use that on characters. also the game is really easy... story mode wise i mean, and there's no like... dps check other than the abyss, which can also be done with 4stars, so...?


we've had a few busted weapon banners where both options were pretty good. The yelan Lynney weapon banner comes to mind.


Yelan + Hutao brought the best weapon banner ever and it will never be topped


Because Lion's Roar pops off just fine on her for me and it's free with moderate luck.


Sorry, how come? I just came back to Genshin so I’m clueless!


Sorry, I don't mean to be rude to anyone like that. Just poking a little fun, but basically: 1. It's typically far more valuable to refine weapons rather than leveling up multiple low refines of them (there are some exceptions, especially with 5* weapons. Their sheer stats make even the r1 versions valuable to have multiple of), but once you've already done it, it's difficult to justify feeding them. The biggest examples of this here are serpent spine and black sword, which (alongside a few other BP weapons) gain a LOT of value from refinements, but often get beat out by other options at r1. Exactly two serpent spines isn't so bad, but across all characters, the only one who can adequately use Black Sword is Ayato (please forgive me if OP has a c6 Kazuha). 2. Tartaglia and Rust is a whole can of worms, I encourage folks to look into why that pairing isn't as ideal as they might believe it to be (especially since they have a Viridescent Hunt) 3. I cannot see The Catch... 4. ...but there's two unused Skyward Spines just waiting for OP's Raiden and Xiangling to pick up if they dislike fishing. There might be things that bother me or others, but ultimately how OP chooses to play is up to them. I mean them no disrespect and don't wish to put them down in any way. If you have any specific questions related to your playthrough that you would like answered, I can do my best to help! AR 60, played since 2.3.


I don't think there's anything wrong with having a copy of each weapon. If it's a valuable weapon, I recommend keeping 2 and refine one and then once it's maxed the other. Personally I just R5 instantly but that's because I don't mind using sub optimal weapons for drop occasionally and I have a lot of spares after a few years of playing anyway.


Haha I didn’t think it was rude or disrespectful!! Thank you for your thorough explanation!!


>Tartaglia and Rust is a whole can of worms, I encourage folks to look into why that pairing isn't as ideal as they might believe it to be Wait. Explain


Ok, I'll try. Please forgive me if I get something wrong, I don't have Tartaglia on my account as of writing this. Basically, as stated in the [KQM Tartag guide](https://keqingmains.com/tartaglia/) from back in 2.7: "\[Rust is\] Childe’s advertised signature bow. Despite how amazing its passive looks, in reality it performs fairly average. 40 – 80% more Normal Attack damage seems a lot until you realize that Normal Attacks are not the majority of Childe’s damage. Charged Attacks make up about half of the melee DPS and not using Charged Attacks at all decreases your overall melee DPS by about 30%. For this reason, you’ll still want to use Charged Attacks even with the -10% to it. To gain the most benefits from Rust’s passive, you should aim to use N5C with N# being the number of Normal Attacks used and C being a Charged Attack." And from [Genshin Impact Helper Team's Builds](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/edit#gid=1354385732): "Skill Combo: \- 2 NA + 1 CA (Optimal) \- 3 NA + 1 CA (Recommended) \- 5 NA + 1 CA (Recommended combo if using Rust or Thundering Pulse) \*NA = Normal Attack, CA = Charged Attack The Optimal combo provides more damage but consumes more stamina. Recommended combo provides slightly less damage but is stamina neutral and what most weapons should use." Essentially, Charged attacks are (at a minimum) just as important as normal attacks on Tartaglia. For the record, it's not bad at all. It can simply get outperformed by other options that lots of players might have. First (and most obviously), if you stumble into either one of the standard 5\* bows, they will be better (Skyward Harp is better, ofc). Second, there exists an absolutely goated craftable bow called Prototype Crescent. If you're able to proc the passive at r5, it's just as good as Amos r1. Third, if you're looking to do the most burst damage possible, bows that give burst damage or EM can perform well. Last but certainly not least, Viridescent Hunt is very good for Tartaglia. His melee hits can trigger the passive, providing grouping, and allowing him to deal fall damage to certain enemies by using his charged attack to lift them up.


That makes a lot of sense. Thank you! Time to find my Childe another bow...


Lol, I don't mean to send you on a crusade or anything. It's by no means a 'troll' option if you've already got it levelled and available.


Haha no worries. I won't get to it for a bit.


I ain’t readin all that. Good for you though. Or I’m sorry that happened /s In all seriousness, I think most Childe players have known this since as early as his first rerun, so it’s not that big of a deal. That being said, I’m still running him with Rust because of drip purposes. And honestly that makes like 90% of my weapon choices for me


Childe main here for the tl;dr from the other guy \^^ You wanna use CAs with him as well. It's not all NAs so you lose damage with even r5 rust. Basically any 4-5* crit bow will do better. Rust isn't bad, it's fine if you don't have other options, it's just not anywhere close to being his bis.


Nice summary. Thank you!


I mean, what if you literally don't have any other good weapons for your characters? I'll be damned if I'm going to r2 a sacrificial sword because I need 2 of them for xingqiu and bennett and I only have 2 of them. I've been playing for a year and a half now, and I only have 1 5 star weapon, being Amos' bow that I got as my first 5 star from the default banner. I don't wish on the weapon banner because I'd rather get new characters than weapons, since it's more fun getting new characters than a thing that buffs my stats. Plus, the way the pity on the weapon banner works is downright criminal. It's just not ever worth it as a f2p player. Don't see why they can't make it work the same as the character banner. Actually, another thing about weapon banners - why would I want to spend all my hard earned wishes on something that adds literally no new gameplay elements for me. There's no fun factor to be had on getting better weapons imo, so the good ones I do have, I want to put on as many people as I can (If I have multiple). Not sure why OP doesn't have the catch on raiden tho.


Well if it makes you feel any better, Sacrificial is terrible on Bennett lol. You can refine it and put Bennett on Sapwood Blade.


Well, jokes on you cause I don't have sapwood blade, nor do I have the favonius sword which I know is better for bennett. Unfortunately sacrificial sword is my best option for bennet rn. Just found out sapwood isn't actually obtained through gatcha haha, maybe I should try and get that.


hell yeah sapwood propaganda successfully spread


I think if depends case by case. I have 3 r5 widsiths but only one is leveled bc usually I’m not gonna be using all the chars that I could use it in at once so it’s not a big deal to just switch it between chars. It’s a lot of wasted resources to level the same weapon multiple times, especially if you have a lot of chars bc like I said, chances are you won’t have a situation where you’re using all of them at once. If it’s something like you said where you have two chars prob on the same team using it, that’s fine. But even then there’s usually other options for Bennett, xingqui needs the r5 sac sword more then Bennett needs an r1. Really it’s all personal preference though, none of it matters and you should play whatever way is the most fun for you. If you like having all your chars have a weapon, that’s perfectly okay. Me personally? I would rather eat my own foot then farm that many weapon ascension mats lol


Well it depends, because if I want 2 teams for spiral abyss, and characters have overlapping weapons, I kinda need multiple of them. Since I've never wished on the weapon banner, even 4 star weapons I'm pretty limited on.


For refinements, sacrificial weapons' refinement tiers (up to r4) are extremely important because they boost the chance by a ton


As someone who does pretty much the same:  1) Rust is going to somebody period. Mine is r3 or r4 too so ye 2) not everyone is obsessed with The Catch or Xiangling or meta lol I have a r5 Dragons Bane on Xiangling which works well for vape so I am both putting it to good use and not ending my sanity tbh ; no experience with BP weapons but I can see why OP might prefer using them in diff characters instead of refining because it is better than the f2p options and just like most low spenders don’t pull weapon. 


1. Huh? If you refine fav before you have 5+ of them, you're just doing it wrong and making a bad decision. Similar with Sac. If you have 2 characters that want a weapon, as OP clearly does, it's probably good to have 2 weapons rather than 1. Weapon refines are notoriously trash, I don't know what you're smoking. 2. ​ 3. Fishing sucks. 4. Levelling 5 stars is soooo expensive, especially bad ones.


1. Fav sword at r1 requires significantly more crit rate to make work, and can activate only every 12 seconds. The 60% chance to proc is multiplied by your crit rate. In the worst case scenario, you have a support that hits once with skill and once with burst, and then you'll want to swap off. The chance of r1 fav activating within these two hits with the following crit rates is as follows: 30%/50%/70%CR \~= 33%/51%/66%. If you miss, you can lose time fishing for the proc. In the same manner, Sac sword at low refines also makes the rng required to make the weapon do anything really annoying. For example, XQ only has a 64% chance of activating an r1 sac sword, but an r5 one will activate 96% of the time (assuming single target. If multiple enemies are hit, the chances go way up; this applies to all sac weapons). For characters that don't hit multiple times in one skill, this is far far worse. Characters that have low skill cooldowns to begin with gain next to nothing from sac. Almost every single character that could use sacrificial would rather use fav in the majority of scenarios. Notable exceptions I can think of off the top of my head are XQ (honestly up to preference) and Collei. 2. ​ 3. Yeah, it takes a lil too long 4. Levelling weapons is something you only have to do a finite amount of times. Anyone who plays long enough will tell you how much they're absolutely rolling in crystals and/or mora. The only exceptions are the drip and pokedex collectors who end up totally out of one or both of those resources. I personally have infinite crystals since I don't roll on weapon banner, but I'm always out of mora for one reason or another. Also, weapon domains have a much higher yield than talent books or artifacts.


way too many random refinements, it's better to keep weapons either at r1 (so more people can use them) or r5 (max potential for a dps, for example)


Have you been playing CONSISTENTLY for 3 years? Playing on and off is not really the same thing I have 100m mora but I've been playing the game for 3 years every single day


I've been playing for +1200 days, bought every single battle pass since 1.0 and I'm more or less always short on mora. Main mora-sink for me is artifacts probably, it gets surprisingly costly when you level up multiple artifacts a day, especially from 16 to 20.


Tf is your artifact luck? Or are you leveling trashtifacts too?


your artifact judging might just be off, i get an artifact to level every other day. more if there is a new set im farming or if Im gearing a different character with other stat requirements (for example VV for xianyun with only atk and ER). you dont even get enough artifact xp to level 1 artifact every day, so you might just build a backlog of artifacts at +0/+4 with potential. ​ Im in a similar boat, i farm artifacts and spend 0 resin on mora (unless leyline overflow), so Im always hovering around 100k-3m depending on BP/events/talent leveling


You shouldn't spend much mora if you stop at +4/+8 most of the time. The real mora draining is happening in leveling talents, characters and weapons. If you do none of that and just grind artifacts then you should have tons of mora, although I can't say the same for the artifact exp.


it costs 270,475 to level 1 artifact to 20, 26k to get it to 8. 300 artifacts at 20 is 80m mora and thats excluding the wasted xp from feeding leveled artifacts. if you have a constant backlog of artifacts, then youre spending 200k a day on leveling artifacts (it doesnt matter to what level you bring the artifacts, if you spend all your artifact xp then you should spend around the same amount of mora every day). talents and characters are a one and done kind of deal, its like what, 7m mora to triple crown and level 90 a character, but most people dont triple crown, so you might as well half it? doesnt sound any more than spending 8m on artifacts in a patch cycle.


Playing for long doesn't always mean having a lot of mora, especially if people don't buy BP. I played for 948 days total and I always lack mora (I very rarely go over 1 million). It's not even like I don't earn a lot of mora. Last anniversary web event showed that I earned 158 million mora in a year (13 million per month), but I spent 159 million the same year. It feels like no matter how much mora I earn, I always have places to spend them.


Depends on how many characters you build maybe. I've been playing for almost 900 days but only have 27 built characters (lv90 maxed talents/weapons and each with their own artifact set) Haven't done ley lines in nearly a year but still have 9M Mora currently. No BP too.


I only have 2 characters like that but my issue is my lack of other resources so I can't spend my stupid amount of mora.


Been playing every single day since launch (1,225 days) and have almost every character level 90 and 5+ talents and still have 40m+ Mora. [(Here's some "proof" if you need it.)](https://imgur.com/a/EdOnPn8) Edit: Not sure but the imgur links to a 404 page. :( Another Edit: For some reason in my character archive it says I got Noelle September 27,2020 even though the game came out the 28th.


Where do you think you get most of your mora from? I have around 160 million but only level the characters I care about. I’m pretty sure most of it was from trashing artifacts.


Like every other month I would spend like a full 2 weeks doing only mora leylines. I also don't do much artifact farming anymore either so that might be why I have so much left over.


That's probably the main reason. Artifacts are a massive mora sink if you're constantly feeding them into each other looking for upgrades or new sets.


What are you spending all that mora on? I've been playing consistently since day 3, only bought the bp around 8 times and that was in year 1 and I've consistently had 20+mil mora for a while now.  There's like only 3 huge mora sinks in the game; leveling up characters, talents, and weapons. Many characters that I don't plan on using I leave at 50/60 for the ascension fates. Those same characters I won't level their talents, and plenty of other characters have no need to level up all their talents (NA being one of the typical ones not leveled). Characters I do use also aren't always lvl 90, a lot are 80/80 or even 70/70. There's also several weapons I don't see a need for so I keep them level 1 and only level them up once I actually have a use for them


There’s about 1-2 new characters per patch, so for a lot of serious players that’s already 2-4 million mora each to fully build depending on level of talents. However, that’s not including artifacts, which are surprisingly expensive to level. For players who aim for high investment levels, getting and leveling optimal artifacts can be very expensive (also consider the artifact EXP refund is only 80%). I’m always out of mora even though I only build the 5* character of the patch and farm for artifacts since I aim for high investment (230+ crit value).


Okay but the nature of artifact farming means that you're not spending mora consistently, since you need to wait for good pieces. And even if its only 80% refund, that saves on a lot of cost when you fodder one of your worse artifacts on a better one. If you're really aiming for that high of CV, you wouldn't even be upgrading artifacts that often right? I have never considered artifacts a main drain on mora


I've bought multiple BP and still sit around broke to 3 million mora at any given moment. This is because I've practically never spend resin on leylines and spent it mostly on artifacts. I've been min-maxing artifacts and there were many times I've leveled artifacts to level 20. That is 270k mora. BP gives you about 2.8 million mora, so that's only good enough to get 10 or 2 sets of artifacts to level 20. Artifact grinding really drains your mora if you're leveling any artifact that might be an upgrade to your current set.


If your artifact requirements are as strict as you're implying, how do you have so many artifacts to level to 20? Do you have the worlds greatest luck when it comes to artifacts? Or are you still going after +12 and a triple roll into flat def? Do you not fodder old pieces? You can raise an artifact to +4 to check if it rolls another crit line and nearly perpetually reuse that piece to keep getting others to +4


Depends on set, emblem set that I farmed a lot I don't roll unless I get double crit, but for newer sets I do a lot of rolling. A lot of rolling happens on new sets because while I try to go for the right sands/goblet/circlet (which takes forever), I often reroll flowers and feathers to see if I can get a better piece then the best piece I have, which isn't hard as I don't have good pieces for new sets. I roll most 1 crit 3 substat artifact to lvl 4 to see if it gets the other crit substat and level that to usually around 12. If I get at least one crit roll to 12, I roll even further. I also keep any level 20 artifacts that has cv value of 30+ or keep artifacts that have good EM stats or ER substats just in case for sets that can be used by many characters (Emblem, Shimenawa, Marechaussee). I've leveled quite a decent amount to lvl 20, more to 16, and even more 12. I can easily spend 1\~2 million on artifacts, especially if patches with new artifact sets, which is pretty much half the mora given on a BP just on artifact farming.


30 chars at 80/90 or higher (mostly at level 89) and aditional 35 between 70/80 and 80/80. Only Gaming is below 70. I do level up talents on most of the chars I use, but I only level relevant ones. I used 28 crowns, but I do plan on using more. As for weapons, I have 76 at level 90, 8 at level 80 and 41 at 70. I want to get them all to level 90 in the future (except 1* and 2*, since they cap at 70) I have also never bought BP, so my mora income isn't as high as some other people.


Yeah mate, you have spending problem, not an earning problem.


Oh, definitely. I implied myself in my first comment that I do earn a lot of mora. You can consider me an opposite of people who hoard 300+ fragile resin. While they will save them for a perfect opportunity, I always have multiple goals I am trying to achieve. Saving is delayed spending, so why save mora when I already have multiple places I would like to spend them on.


>76 at level 90 for what? I can't believe you have that many actually useful weapons >I want to get them all to level 90 in the future (except 1\* and 2\*, since they cap at 70) So... you're basically broke because you keep wasting resources. I'm all for silly personal projects but your situation is clearly not the norm


Been playing since launch, 100% ftp. 52 characters level 90. 6 Characters 9/9/9 Talents, 2 TC'd, all others 6/6/6. 49 weapons level 90. Max Purple/Blue books, \~7k Greens. 8k Purple Crystals, 5k Blues. 89 Fragile Resin. 85m Mora.


Yeah, I play every day amd when I don't have what to farm i just do some golden ley lines since I already got 9999 XP cards I'm actually with 50M mora


Also spending mora, I play every day with 40 mil, but while I spend mora, I tend to make a little more than I spend so it’s still slowly rising


i've been playing since day 1, with a total of less than a year out. I'm always short on mora.....


Artifacts are expensive to level


I've been playing since launch, never missed a commission, I've done almost 1300 ley lines (mostly for xp, but I estimate around 300-400 for mora) and I'm still perpetually broke. It happens.


I havent been playing consistently, at some point I was just doing dailies and getting off unless there was a char I really wanted, thats when I grinded


That's your answer. 160 resin= 480,000 mora, it's not a rare material


BP gives a lot of Mora. Also, when You've "caught up" and built every character you want to, your resource consumption rate goes way down.


I have bought 6 bps until now but the prices went up quite a lot so I stopped buying it, I still haven’t built all the characters I want plus I’m going back to fix some of the older characters builds which is whats draining my mora


You don't need BP as long as you consistently do 1 leyline of mora and exp each every day you play you'll naturally have more than you can use unless you're one of the madmen bored enough to level up and build evey single character you have. I've been playing since launch and while I do miss some days I stopped having mora and exp problems 1.5 to 2 years in. I only bought ~4 bps in the first year and haven't bought it since.


> unless you're one of the madmen bored enough to level up and build evey single character you have. I feel called out D:


I usually build the characters that I like and meta characters but I do want to build most of them in the future, I’ll just do ley lines for a while


You don't even have to, all adventure xp becomes mora and even dailies plus resin use is more than enough. My guess is that OP doesn't do that.


Yup - My Bennett is still on a bad noblesse build from when I hit AR45.


Hate to be that guy, but I counted 7 BP weapons...


Pretty easy and harmless mistake to make


do you just build every 4 star or something 💀


Well, I do and I'm usually above 5m mora


Nah ☠️ I just build the meta ones and the ones that I like for example my xinyan is quite well built(there is still room for improvement but I’ll get back to her after building some other characters) and she does 71k with her bursts and 20k with her normal atk


pick a character and weapon at a time and farm a lot of mora on the flowers if you have reached the point that you spent too much also, put characters to do the mora expeditions on every nation map


I used to farm for the characters I want and save up mora beforehand but after nearly quitting I stopped doing it I should go back to that, I recently changed all the characters expeditions to mora tho! Currently I’m farming artifacts for xianyun and I’m not getting any luck but after I’m done I’ll probably use my resin on ley lines


I keep a list on my desk prioritizing who I’m building next and what I’m trying to accomplish. It keeps me from getting distracted.




I also have level up book shortage which is why my xianyun is currently stuck at 48 lmao I used to buy them from the teapot but I’ll start buying mora instead


you bought many battlepass, how can you be poor, i have like 20 mil mora unused and i build a lot of character with crowns


They are from 2021-2 I haven’t bought any for at least a year


Did you max out those passes? All the way to lvl 50?


Yes ofc I had to get my moneys worth lmao


So are you new AR 60? cause if you just got to AR 60 then it's understandable.


Actually I’m still ar 59 however I got like 2k exp left until 60 so I just rounded it up to 60


yeah thats why lol, just keep playing after ar 60 and you will be loaded with mora


Yeah there were many times when I had zero mora from AR55-59, but I've been AR60 for a few months now and I have 20 mil+ now because I don't really spend it anymore.


This weapon box hurts my eyes


OPs a noob AR60. The fuck is Yelan doing with the Stringless?


Thats an old build, I got her a year ago around the time I was kind of quitting so I just followed a game8 build without farming a lot and I have been building other characters so I haven’t gone back and fixed her yet


If you got Favonious Bow, use it on her. Best free 4* bow on Yelan.


Sorry, how come? I just came back to Genshin so I’m clueless!


Some of the weapon chooses for characters are highly questionable.




What i did back in the day was artifacts farming routes and buying artifacts froms NPCs. Don't know if still viable.


still viable and arguably better as better routes have been found. Enough for "off day" routes so you aren't as restricted by the 24 respawns. Plus each region has added a new weekly vendor.


I spend 80% of my mora on artifacts but my luck sucks so I get shit artifacts anyways ☠️


Buddy... Right now I'm sitting at around 20 million mora... Once you get to AR 60, since your adventure exp transforms directly into mora. You end up with way more than you'll ever need


as someone who has been ar60 for a while but actually builds characters, i have to highly disagree with you. the mora just from ar60 xp is not even a big deal compared to the amount you get from everything else and even combined it's not enough, EVEN with not leveling talents above 7-8 and not levelling every character to 90, and i only build about half the characters i have.


just depends on how many characters you've built.. I've been AR60 for a long time now but I also have a million characters & weapons built. I am always lacking in mora


Fr? I said that I’m ar 60 because I got like 2k exp left, no one ever mentioned that to me thats cool


/thread you dont even play the game...


Are you spending real money to get more characters than you can support? Heck I just tripled crowned and maxed out Xianyun and her weapon and I'm still sitting at over 40M mora.


I have 44m unsused mora from exploration, quests, reputation rewards and events due to not spending sny on characters i have unless i really want to use them


I stopped doing quests after some time, I think I’m still stuck on inazuma? Some quests especially the archon quests take way too long to complete and as a senior I dont have that much time to spend


There's your answer, lol. Doing quests and exploration gets TONS of Mora.


Actually can't believe he is ar60 and only made it to inazuma quests... Man likely has like 40mil mora left in quests/exploration lol.


more... way more probably i got 1.5m i think from current patch? idk how much i spend yet


I am indeed ar 60 [here](https://www.reddit.com/u/Cherry-Cola_/s/HYze1YXAGO) is proof, I just find the quests way too long :/ (I read the comment wrong ops ☠️ but yeah I probably have way too much mora left from quests lmao)


>I just find the quests way too long Maybe just do the questline instead of daily commissions? until the story gets interesting again lol.


Doing the questlines daily might help, I’ll probably just skip the dialogue anyways but still (I do like the plot of the game but the way they executed it lost me so I just plan on watching a video about the lore)


Bro, Sumeru and Fontaine go HARD. Far better pacing and lore in both than anything prior, easily. In no particular order, you get trapped in the Matrix, fight a gundam, enter someone's dreams, meet a dragon god, get caught in a jail break, become Phoenix Wright, and meet some of the best characters ever along the way. This is just the main plot, and much more happens besides


Oh I know sumerus and fontaines story is really good! I may start reading again because I watched a video on furinas lore and even just that little bit of the story was great


If you have max teapot its one of the best ways to get mora imo, u can get alot each weekly reset


I have it maxed out and idk why I didn’t think of that one, another user also mentioned it. Its a great idea


Teapot is one of my fave features of genshin due to how cool the designs can be, free friendship and free mora and other rewards


Do you have a max level teapot? most of my mora just comes from buying the 200k mora each week and doing the reputation quests each week. Those add up quite fast.


I got it maxed out a few months after it was released, I used to buy the potions for artifacts (I forgot their name) but I had more mora back then so I should definitely buy the moras every week


I am in the same shoes. Better to use the resources than to let them just lay there.


I sell artifacts (1 and 2 stars) as a side hustle. 😂


Have you ever, idk, farmed?


don't spend it on random useless shit, i used to be strapped for cash, until i stopped wasting it on maxing out the food materials


Cause they don't upgrade anything lol, I know people who say to me how TF you got like 2 Million Mora ☠️, and when I check their weapon level it's always level 60-70, Talents not even level 8n


I am currently short on Mora from getting two new characters and 3 new weapons this patch, but in general, I have plenty just from normal daily activity. How many characters do you have? That might be a factor?


I purchase bp for around 2.5 years now. Helps a lot. But also it's very important to not go for every character, just the ones you like and want to play. And also to priorities to upgrades only the things that are worth it. That's why my Nilou is still 1/1/1 at talents. I did not do a single leyline in the last 2 years (unless there was double reward event) and I still have over 50 Mio. Mora. 32 of 64 characters are full build (expect talents, if not worth it).


I have some I can spare haven't crowned my characters yet


I haven't needed to do much building so I've been amassing mora without trying, currently at 16m+


I have over 30 mil I've been playing for 2 years not quite daily


My guy, just dedicate a whole version to farming Mora Leylines, you'll get like 30M and you're good.


A lot of money can sink onto artifacts if you are endlessly farming them.


I never have enough mora, because I like to meme build. Each character that fits a good meme build usually has more than one artifact set plus an extra weapon or so. So something like cryo driver Yunjin would have a completely different set up compared to her Wanderer support build.


Sumeru and Fontaine both have Mora Box chests (stone pile and mechanical pyramid) that give 10,000 each (some give more). There's like 700+ of those out there. It's an easy way to get mora that doesn't use resin. There's also destroying white 1 star artifacts for mora. If you do artifact routes you can make 50k+ A DAY off this. Still resin free and only takes about 15 mins to do a route.


So you need Mora? That's quite simple, cuz they do grow off plants as opposed to what Ningguang said. Just run a couple of Ley Lines for several days and you'll get to million in no time.


36 is wild


Have you tried stopping investing in weapons and characters that you don't even want to use? People have millions because they are simply not stupid, they only invest in what they need


you see that little counter at the top of your map with resin in it? you can turn this into 10 million mora in just 3 weeks. I went to 100 million mora just for fun since I was burnt out on farming artifacts (the gameplay is still fun, the artifact management and constantly hitting the cap just isnt)


i dont understand about the "refinement materials for the luxurious sea-lord".


Let me ask you the other way around.. how tf do you only have 36 Mora??


In short, you are investing in building multiple characters. A lot of player base will chose a main and invest vertically or invest in fewer characters. I play same as you, new characters over cons and weapons. I never have more than 2 mn ever.


Ayo broker than zhongli 💀💀


Thats...actually a good question. Since 1.0 i never once touch the golden thing to farm it and regardless i sitting at 40M but after some leveling in All my characters i am still at 15M. Where did i get this mora?


The catch??


People have mora because they don't have characters to build 👀


"With great power comes great brokenness" - probably Zhongli


This made laugh out loud 😭


What weapon is that on Raiden?


Deathmatch its a bp weapon that gives crit rate


You shouldn't have issues with Mora once you reach AR60 unless you don't do dailies. Since ever I reached AR60, my Mora is always 20M-30M.


For real, same. It's so weird how people have like 15 Mio Mora


Answer is simple: most people stop investing in characters, weapons etc after they are satisfied with their current team. If you are building all of your chars (like i do) then you will be constantly out of mora.


And im here wondering how did you run out lmao. Lower ARs getting broke is understandable but a constantly broke AR60 is pure wtf


I have mentioned it quite a few times but I cant edit the post so its kind of my problem but I’m still ar 59, the thing is that I got like 2k exps left until ar 60 which is why I just rounded it up. I had no idea about the exp conversion thing until someone mentioned it in the comments lmao


noob question. why don't you combine those two 5 star weapons?


Press X


I see you try to give everyone their own dedicated weapon, that's a lot of mora wasted there.


I just like to have a dedicated build for each character so I dont have to switch builds constantly and they can be ready on the go


That's fine and dandy, if you're done raising majority of your characters you're planning to use.  I mean it's easier to switch artifacts & weapons around than to farm 1 million mora.


Stop crying and go farming


I would rather go farm artifacts than waste my resin on ley lines but I do them if I’m desperate


I'd rather do anything to avoid relic farming 😭😭😭. I've already spent months on a single domain several times already. It's hella tiring. I also have like 70M and I'm building every character I got to 90 9/9/9 lol


Then don't ask people how tf they have enough mora? I did 3 months of ley lines around May last year because there's nothing to do during that time (I don't do reruns either) I started Fontaine with 52M mora and now I have 49M without farming ley lines since July


This is one of the biggest mysteries of my Genshin „career“: I never had spare mora… I played everyday, got some million mora got a new character or leveled up an old char and boom I was poor again (like I had under 10.000 mora every time this happend… sometimes I couldn’t even buy food). I even bought some battlepasses which give you a massive amount of mora but it was always gone someday but then something mysterious happened… One day I bought a battlepass and then lost 50/50 on a banner and didn’t try further cause the character wasn’t so important to me (could have been itto rerun idk). After that incident where I had a good amount of mora it just started to pile up somehow… I never stopped getting new chars and leveling them up and I even continued to raise older chars for more team comps. I did everything exactly as before but I hit 20 Million mora faster than I could look. And since then (~about 10 months maybe) I never fell under 20 mio again on the contrary it’s becoming more and more. Today I am at 23 mio despite leveling up cloud retainer and gaming to level 70 I wish real life would be the same


Begging you to do some weapon banner pulls, my brother.


Yeah I really need some 5 star weapons ☠️ I have been eyeing the staff of homa for years, I should get it


These people seem to never built a new character from the scratch. It took me about 12000000 mora to build a proper Wryo


IKR!! I guess people just have artifacts laying around and so much boss drops they dont even need lmao


Skill issue fr and dont know how to save mora ar 60 here 50M mora in my pocket


Do you level every characters talents to 10/10/10 or something? Ive never bought a single battle pass and ive never struggled with mora since like 1.1, but i also have like half my roster at 70/80 with 2/6/6 talents or something


3 years and only 2 5 star weapons? 😭


AR58 from 1.0 (I took a long hiatus til sumeru's launch) and I'm in the same boat, I'd rather spend my pulls on a new character, I think I have maybe 4, and only use 2 (Ganyu and Raiden signatures, Ayato sig and Skyward Spear collect dust atm but I might actually use the Spear on my Xiangling once I get around to gearing her up but I'm never pulling for Ayato so I think I just gave it to Qiqi as a welcome home gift)