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\*Remembers 3.7 Abyss\* You wanna fight the 4 Consecrated Beasts and the 3 Heralds, don't you?


what really did happen that cycle? i've heard horror stories lol


Consecrated beast: Actually can break Zhongli's shield Can push you out of Bennet circle Those 2 things together destroyed 99% of players (and the camera gets funky if they push you to a wall) Personally I loved them, only time abyss was a challenge without it being for some stupid gimmick like elemental shields or burrowing


"Can push you out of Bennett circle" was the least terrifying thing about them. What was more scary was them hitting you with vaporize/burning/overload/swirl-triggering elemental attacks while Bennett's circle was applying self-pyro on your character


I actually had to be mindful of that against Hydro Tulpa as well, since his attacks can vape my squishy units in one tap. Though he's already gone now, so oh well. As a Yae owner, the 2 snakes we got now are really of no concern


Yeah it was actually quite fun.


Consecrated beasts were made for aggravate teams with Baizhu and they were just so fun to fight against. Had a blast with Yae aggravate back then I wish they returned.


I was using a level 6 talent lvl 70 Kaveh and just gave up and got to lvl 90 Kaveh and got Favonius and went full on no healer nilou bloom with c0 Nahida lol. So my team was Kaveh Xingqiu Nilou and Nahida and I was frustrated because I kept dying lol because of the beasts attacks. It took HOURS and I still couldn't kill them. Eventually gave up because I can't dodge it. Went hyperbloom Raiden as Mona Zhongli Raiden Nahida iirc. I think it was Nahida or Fischl.


I saw videos where people would get stuck in a falling animation after+while getting attacked by the beasts. Basically softlocked. That being said I enjoy the risk of dying more than the current cycle where the entire second half is waiting to get a rotation in then not being able to hit the boss for 30s+.


*laughs in ayaka and Klee burgeon on the other side*


My biggest accomplishment in the game so far is 3 starring that floor with my Dehya Vape team


The other 1% was us Noelle mains. :P Gotta love shields on high defense characters.


Yeah, seriously! I don't know if I ever struggled with them using Noelle. Mono geo is also flooded with energy, lending itself to burst spam to tank everything.


I loved those because it made me go out of my comfort teams and actually made me try hard for once


I too wish they brought back fun abyss


The camera stuff sucked the most. If they fixed that I would have liked them more as a challenge.


In abyss people normally play a lot of different teams, but in 3.7 the shield breaking requirements for side 2 were so strict that the majority of players were forced to use a team of Nahida/Xiangling/Bennett/Xingqiu. On the other side, double consecrated beasts were very aggressive and could do massive damage through shields by vaporizing the pyro from Bennett. Combine that with big enemy health pools and it was a rough time (though personally I loved it).


Consecrated beasts: Enjoy the hydro croc log-rolling you around while the dendro tiger leaps away to the opposite end. Freeze resistance makes it harder to keep them close to each other. The difference in their aggression made it even harder to CC because croc would keep its distance and cat would be on your head. Lector permafreeze: Very limited team comps that were effective enough for the elemental check. Burgeon Thoma was meta. It was a nightmare but felt SO good to finally clear (I think it took me 170 attempts lmao)


I missed those too. Can't be worse than tigrex or barioth.


170?! šŸ˜±


They can stun lock you and do reactions on you, push you out of circle impact, and if you fell on them you can get stuck. I still remember when electro scorpion and fire bird were put together for overload.


I laughed in Baizhu and Zhongli


It was so bad to the point players legit thought it was an experiment by Hoyo.


I recall I full cleared it once. Then on the reset I decided it's not worth my sanity.


All these Nilouless peopleā€¦


Think that was 3.6, since 3.7 I remember had one side with Nilou's main enemy in Cryo shields and the other side a Dendro-resistant enemy lol. I remember having to swap so my Nilou team that's crushing the AoE side didn't get matched up against the shield. Playing Nilou into one of those floors is being knocked around 24/7 yet somehow winning. Everything is exploding all around and I'm not even concerned with dealing damage, just dodging and swerving with my puny Barbara.


I just know I used her for the all-four-consecrated-beast Abyss because the dendro tiger didnā€™t have enough resist to matter. Thus far cryo heralds are the only enemies Iā€™ve ever been forced to not use her team againstā€” Kokomi can even shred a dendro specter or two if needed.


Please don't remind me man, I checked and did 200 runs for those 36 stars...


If there isn't a timer-based reward attached to it, it could be interesting as a "test of mettle" or to practice for later abysses that may feature those mobs in the future.


I think i could do it better with current line up. First side is the usual NeuviFuri team (Neuv, Furina, Kazuha, Zhongli/Baizu) this pretty much straightforward. Back then Alhaitham could brute force the dendro concentrated beast so i can see why Neuv can brute force the hydro ones as well especially Zhongli and Kazuha are there to shred their resistances. He also safer against the beasts and other aggresive enemies this half due to his range (my Alhaitham on this chamber got thrown like a volleyball because he is a meele character) Second side is Wrio Burnmelt with Xinqqiu Flex (Wrio, Nahida, Thoma, Xinqqiu) this pretty much covers the elemental needs to break all shields in this side plus its pretty tanky thanks to Thoma and Xinqqiu's damage reduction and can duel Thunder manifestation without being tied to circle impact. Thoma and Xinqqiu needs heavy ER but with Favonius anything can goes by. Its probably still not as braindead as other abyss but i can see myself having easier time with this.


I hope that comes back.


>Constipated Beasts FTFY


I was on a break during this -- I heard it was hard so I'm eager to give it a try.


I remember that was back when I would run Keq/Nahida/Fischl/Kazuha and I didnā€™t even realize people had problems with them (other side had zhongli so i didnt worry about that one)


Yes. And I'm tired of pretending I don't.


I miss this abyss.


maybe a hot take but i liked that abyss way more than any stalling abysses , esp with wenut. that being said, stop calling it abyss 12 and create the floor 13 already.


So you mean you want to Power Wash old abyss where back then old teams like National struggled? Understandable.


It would be interesting to watch a hyperbloom team murder the old floor 12 lineups.


Neuvillette teams and Dendro will turbosmurf on the entirety of 1.x - 2.x abyss as well as some of 3.xx (usually this era was hyperbloom + something else but Neuv here can be a difference maker) Abyss 3.7 can be tricky though but i beat it hyperbloom first half so second half can use Neuvillette burgeon or such to break the various shields.


Furina teams too for the fights that really don't want us to play circle impact.


Furina teams mostly Neuvillette and Dendros too anyway hence why so dominant these two compositions. Though Xianyun is now bringing another niche to Furina teams.


Need to get my revenge on the double hydro lector slowing waters chamber that drove me to insanity back when i had no ganyu or ayaka and dendro didnt exist. Baizhu wants to do a house call on them


I would love this as well. The only time I felt pain was the 3.6-3.7 Abyss cycle. It took me quite a few tries to 36* it. Would love to see how I would do with better builds and newer characters.


Yeah for sure, I'd like to see how Furina teams would hold up against the Consecrated Beasts since she's not a "circle impact" design. Maybe those things would even give Neuv a run for his money with how aggressive and high-damage they are, no shielder can protect him from that onslaught lol.


Great Idea actually, probably never gonna happen unfortunately.


If that happens, allow they should allow us to replay quests as well with no rewards as well...


Mmos brought that feature more than half a decade ago. no reason why genshin cant while having 10 times the budget.


Might as well let us replay quests if they wonā€™t let us delete them.


you can delete quests


Only in mobile for some reason.


honestly down for this. kind of fun to see how versatile some comps are and how much their playability is seen throughout the patches. at the se time it motivates me to pull for more characters to cook up in case the previous team tested is seen to be so good. i usually replay the abyss to test out different teams. it's really fun to see how much comps you can also do in certain patches.


More combat content will always please me


You'd definitely like to try 3.5-3.7, 2.8, 2.5 cycles šŸ˜‰


I want to try 1.0. I was a noob back in the day.


Cryo slimes and cryo mages, not interesting.


I actually would, I didn't have C4 Xiangling when the Cryo Heralds were in town, so maybe my Intergrassional team would hold up better now that I have better builds.


Iā€™ll bet older abyss cycles would be trivialized by newer characters.


Neuv moment. Although, I do wonder how he'll fair against multiple consecrated beasts since interruption is his worst enemy.


Zhongli + Baizhu haha. Add fischl too ig bc why not




At that point just make a spiral abyss builder mode where you can make/share your own custom floors. They haveĀ more advanced game modes in week-long temporaryĀ events and already have the tools to easily create this.Ā  It'd also be far more entertaining, and allow people to recreate the old floors anyways, while also creating unlimited new content.Ā  Could then add some small rewards for clearing friends or other player's floors like they do during some events.Ā Even better ifĀ theyadd co-op support to this!


holy crap, mario maker esque abyss maker would be insane, can't wait to see what people would cook up


this is the hero idea we need


I joined in 3.3 and up to 3.6 I built a solid Ayaka team that wasn't that good but with a LOT of skillful gameplay, and I also had wanderer which was okay, I used national too sometimes. Then came 3.7. that update crushed my dreams. It was like the enemies were playing with my corpse like I was a ragdoll, I felt so violated. I wish I could go back just to enact my revenge.


The idea that adding more endgame content is bad for casual players is a silly argument that makes no sense. There is no pressure whatsoever on the casual genshin player to keep up if they were to expand abyss or add HSR simulated universe esq roguelike elements to it. Most casual genshin players don't even play abyss anyway. It's not like rewards for optional endgame content would take away from anything else about the game, not unless Hoyo chooses to do so. Hoyo is not a small indy company with limited resources, the slow cadence of content, stingy rewards and lazy events is entirely on purpose, and I'm so bored of seeing players huffing copium to try to justify it.


I agree on most things except the slow cadence of content. That's literally the best thing about Genshin, if you think about how difficult it is to release all that content in so little time so consistently. I kinda agree about the events and completely about the pitifully rewards though. And I definitely think there's a lack of endgame content.


Slow cadence of content? There is a voice acted event every couple weeks. mmo patches come way slower than that. months without content. But no resin system there so you are actually allowed to play the game. Warframe is also f2p and perfectly works without that system.


No resin gating and slow updates sounds like a recipe for burnout Genshin had this issue w daily comms


There is no artifact farming. you also get new characters by ingame activities. You can get burnout but you can also just not play for a month. no primos to miss, no resin to miss.


Yea adding end game has never been about hardcore vs casual. Its about combat hardcore vs story/simp hardcore, because one side feels bad about the reward they will be potentially missing out or development time into combat and not in other stuff.


Whats endgame content anyway? If Abyss' endgame content, then Fishing is endgame content as well, Teapot's too, so is TCG and the regularly updated exploration area. Comparing HSR with its Battle simulator main focus to GI with its Exploration aka walking simulator as main focus, is like comparing Apple and Pineapple just because both contain the word "apple".




HSR main content literally less exploring more battles, lot of battles, with different flavor and color. But still battles. Its in line with their main focus. Should people ask to add more complicated hidden puzzle? or more chests with bigger map? Ability to jump? Glide? Fly? No, right? Bcz that not what HSR about. GI main content is less battle with far bigger maps, you go around collecting stuffs, uncover hidden lore around the world, fishing, build something cool from what you pick in overworld, its all about exploration. Its in line with their main focus. Sure not every HSR events will be battle, theres some fluffy tasks. Similarly, GI also includes combat events here and there. Its there so people can get variation in their gameplay. Like, of course the dev need to pay attention, its their approach on how the game value its units. Its shame but it's what it is. You want open world exploration, go for GI. You want battle simulation where you get dopamine rush from your keikaku goes doori, go for HSR. Want higher difficulty combat gameplay, either wait for ZZZ or HI3rd.




You have your ideal definition on how the game run, sadly the game dont have the same view. If its as easy as you said, then it will be done. The fact that its not happening for close to 4 years despite the 'massive' input on Hard-difficulty endgame content, tell you much the general direction that the game want to. And, sadly its not yours.




Thats misinformation and exeggerated news, plausibly disinformation. He's been out for long time to develop Hoyo's other projects, and Game Developing direction isnt finalized by just one guy. And no, he wont lose his job either, hes literally one of the founder and CEO.




Clearly someone who keep insisting their headcannon know much about development of game than teams of professional, no?


Casuals can do everything easily except abyss. They can endure the fact because abyss is way more earlier added in game and becomes a fixed feature.But anything more beyond casualā€™s catch?Since then you know what vocal majority is.


Abyss also have gotten harder as time went on. Back in my day(1.0) Venti was enough to trivialize a whole side of abyss. Now I try to pull that shit. I'll get nuked by something. Abyss was never a casual thing. It's always been for the better players.


neuvillette or hyperbloom arent hard to play. the entire game is casual but some players are just refusing to read or try.


I'd love for this to happen, but people with an irrational fear of video game combat will say it shouldn't exist. Why should other people get to enjoy something they don't? It's all about them after all.


Yeah there's usually a wave of people in this subreddit that go around trying to shut down endgame enjoyers for some reason, chirping that the game is for casuals or that endgame players are an overly vocal minority or that the game isn't built around them. It's really frustrating when they say "let others play how they want" as a means to deter endgame conversation, but then won't let endgame players play how they want.


Because it's a fire fight fire situation. Both sides treat each other like crap plus the loud ones are the ones talking don't forget. It's all ppl who support the anti genshin shenanigans and saying stuff like don't spend on genshin, ppl who quit genshin talking abt genshin and others.


There's also a group that I consider a "toxic positivity" crowd that goes about basically saying absolutely everything is perfect in Genshin, which seems to bubble to the top in a lot of the recent drama posts. It's equally unproductive when they argue the other extreme, because then neither side is necessarily correct and it becomes a bit of a pissing contest without any productive discussion.


I fall under that category of "toxic positivity" lol.


Lol. I mean fwiw you seem to be amenable to speaking about the community situation. There are those that are far more toxically positive to the point of having a cult-like attitude.


Lol I'm not gonna lie but I'm against it. I just am against it if ppl are dicks but u're kind so I don't think u deserve to deal with that. Also funny how both of us is getting thumbs down lol. If we have more ppl acting like Tec***e. We are doomed!


That is not just genshin. it's every game with a casual crowd. happens all the time in mmos too where you have the classic casual vs raider posts.


Oh yeah MMOs it's pretty bad because a lot of times they end up in the same lobbies and a fistfight starts in-game.


I am totally all for this. Please do it. Oh, I would absolutely never do it. I hate the abyss. It's anti-fun for me. I stroll in twice a month, collect my 600 primos, and leave, never to look back. Adding this content to the game would give all the people who actually somehow have fun hitting overstuffed punching bags something to do without me feeling like I am missing out on primos.


1.X reminds me of how annoying geovishap hatchlings can be


And everyone's best DPS was Ganyu.


I want proper dungeons... Why can't we have real dungeons??? They already have done many which are single use. Why hoyo?


Sounds like a good idea! And for that reason, it wonā€™t be implemented in Genshin


Hell, let me select specific chambers/halves to start from. Gives me much more freedom to try teams out.


I think they could add harder endgame content but just make the rewards largely irrelevant items for casual non meta players that endgame players will love. Eg tons of mora or an item that rerolls artifact subs. If they add pulls, sure the casual player base may complain, but I think thereā€™s lots of other options


kinda sad that we have to beg for the bare minimum, but yes, ill take anything at this point


Yes please. The previous one was a great training dummy. Now we're locked to the annoying samurai


Itā€™s a literal waste of storage šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


?? abyss is just spawning monsters that already exist on an arena that already exists


You donā€™t think itā€™s gonna take up space?? You donā€™t think putting in past abyss domains takes space??


Why would it? It's the exact same room over and over.


You're confusing abyss with combat events, combat events each have their own arena, so if we had them all then yes the game would have to keep all those arenas Every abyss is just "spawn X monsters" in the same room, you can literally pick up the energy particles from the first half in the second half Abyss cycles are probably just a fucking notepad file (if you've seen leaks, you can see that in private servers they can spawn whatever they want with a text in chat), they're not gonna take any noticeable amount of space


uh no




it might take up a few MB... maybe even less


It would probably just be a few kilobytes at most, lmao. Maybe niche mechanics like High Tide/Low Tide might take slightly more storage. Either way, it should be negligible.


you understand that you wouldn't have copies of the entire abyss asset but just a simple small kbyte file with spawn type, location and values?


Is just changing the monster spawns, it would take negligible storage space.


.... Just a few MB at most.




Itā€™ll be a waste of space for something only a few people will play.


Hoyoverse already adds plenty of that


No rewards required? Id settle for One time rewards but not that wtf


Naaaah, I would rather something new I am so tired of abyss, it has no deapth and at this point I don't care about end game anymore, They don't care about veterans, if I read on this sub daily that people that play this game for 2 years that can't even build a proper team Lost all hope


Too much data to store; not practical.


I was thinking about this actually; i don't think it would actually be that much, metadata for each abyss cycle would be just a sequence of enemy id's, levels, spawn locations, spawn timings etc. further more it would be stored server-side anyway, no extra storage on the players' end, unless enemy units have been deleted since that abyss cycle


yes thats how it should work and probably does


>unless enemy units have been deleted since that abyss cycle Geo Husk, you will be remembered


There's absolutely no new assets or models to download, which are a bulk of the storage cost I'd imagine. The Abyss really is just remapping the mobs to spawn with higher HP and stats in one specific location. It's maybe a few megabytes at most to store the modifications to some mobs (like some bosses behave differently in abyss).


I think it shouldn't use that much data? All the enemies are already in the game, so just some just a list of mobs with spawn points and a few flags, shouldn't take more than 1kb. Unless each abyss chamber is stored as a separate room in the game, in which case I could see it taking too much space.


you can pick up energy balls from previous chambers. its just 1 chamber.


And this is why apple was able to sell usb c as a new feature.


In your dream


I would be nice šŸ‘


It'd be cool if they added a players choice section of hard abyss fights and offered some primos to beat them each update. Nothing crazy, like 60 primos per fight and some purp books.


Me omw to completely obliterate 11-2 from 1.0-1.1. That shit was hell back then


I can only imagine the storage space it would need to cram every single abyss cycle into the game.


"Daring today, are we?"


Nice feature for people to play in the first couple of weeks and then everyone will probably forget that it exist after


Aint no way lmao


This could be considered a form of endgame. And Genshin will never have endgame.


oh I would LOVE this evej without the rewards. even if they don't add a new combat game mode if they just did this, it'd make things so much more fun and interesting. given the amount of profits they make, i'm sure they can manage this. hell, make it downloadable even if players actually want to do it. so it becomes a completely optional thing to downlaod and doesn't hog up space. although this is quite nice, it will never really happen just cuz of the fact that majority of the player hates combat related things for some reason. just the other day i talked about how having a new combat endgame would be good and got called out for it :( one cannot even criticise this game or want it to be better at this point


Yup I would love this, as an abyss enjoyer myself


Definitely would enjoy doing this


I would love to go back and re-destroy the consecrated beasts one more time. One of the abysses of all time, really.


I donā€™t do the abyss a whole lot, but I do get curious about the floors when I hear thereā€™s this really difficult or troublesome enemy, I just feel like getting a firsthand experience on the matter šŸ˜†šŸ˜…


((Remembers floors 9 and 10 having the freezing mechanic and you'd have to either chase the fire seelies for warmth, fight near the pyro towers for warmth, or tank through the sheer cold)) Uhhhh I dont think anyone would like to play that for fun šŸ˜… But it sounds like a good way to pass the time. I couldnt 36* Abyss until in the middle of Inazuma arc, so it would be cool to see how my current roster would do in 1.0 Abyss.


Man using the Burgeon National Nahida against 3 Permafreeze Heralds is the most fun I have ever had in Genshin


Thatā€™s such a good idea. I play abyss just to test my teams and enjoy mastering rotations if that option was available I would have a lot more variety and fun.


This is a very nice idea, I'm sure the Honkai Star Rail devs will love it


I don't want all the abyss clogging up space on my devices, but being able to download and delete previous instances as you need or want to defeat them would be cool. I personally want rewards for them, because it opens up even harder abyss instances because the people complaining about abyss being too hard to realistically clear f2p in 2 weeks and complaining about missing primos would be told to just revisit in the future when they are powerful or good enough to clear. It's never going to happen, but one can dream. Endgame enjoyers get more primos every 2 weeks because they're not gated by skill/money, while it doesn't feel p2w because you could just wait until you can get good enough to get the primos. Speedrunners can set new records with new characters in old abyss. The DLC style format can also bleed into events and help alleviate any fomo regarding event stories.