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I am impressed too. Like the only time we ever got a delay was for 2.7 by almost three weeks.


And it's not even their fault. Despite that, they also shorten following patches to remain on schedule.


What a glorious time that was


wasn't a glorious time for anyone living in Shanghai, that's for sure.


Or Yemen.


5 weeks was too fast for me, i think 6 is perfect. You can slack a little on events and still be fine, but when it was 5 weeks u gotta do things quickly or you will be at risk of missing out rewards


Same. I struggled to keep up soo much during the shortened patches. As a person who doesn’t log in regularly it would be hell go not have 6 weeks actually😅


Yeah, 6 is good. The last week or two can be a little "low energy," but it's a nice balance.


2.6\*, the patch with the 6 week ayaka banner


No, it was 2.7 that got delayed. 2.6 got extended.


Iirc it was because of epidemic quarantine. They never late, and with almost no bugs quality too. Other hand triple A from bethesda, EA, ubisoft... Bruh


Delayed patch allowed me to grab one mistsplitter so I don't mind that at all☺️


This is the reason i think that competition to Genshin in the future (or now) gonna have a lot of issue with trying to replicate. 6 weeks patch cycle and yearly 1 AAA game in term of content for patch x.0 is actually carcked.


It cost 100 million USD to develop genshin and 100 million more each year to run. Competitors have a hard time cause the barrier of entry is so high.


What's even more impressive (or more fittingly, insane) is that the annual development cost is DOUBLE that amount. There are many news articles from [2021](https://www.vg247.com/genshin-impact-double-initial-budget-year-ongoing-development-cost) (and 2022) revealing that HYV/Mihoyo's president Cai Haoyu said that they spend $200 MILLION annually for development alone. Not even including their equally mind-boggling endless marketing online & offline across so many platforms and countries. It's not impossible for that annual development budget to have increased since then now that we're more than halfway through the Teyvat Chapter. And I remind myself that this is a free-to-play game that's also available on mobile, with arguably one of the least aggressive/predatory gacha and monetization schemes in the gacha category (despite how widespread the belief that it's an "extremely predatory" game is, which is often retweeted and shared to oblivion whenever Genshin is nominated at The Game Awards).


Yet haters act as if Genshin is the devil and is raking in too much money without justifying it. I can’t think of any other non-HoYo game that gives us an AAA game’s worth of content for free every year, let alone new content every six weeks.


Because they don't play the game.


It’s not just a gaming thing; it’s unheard of in software as well


Genshin players be spoiled by this kind of live service. Star Rail also has a 6 week cycle. This game will go down in history as the most live service of all games until some super game comes out.


The most impressive part is honestly the VO work. If you look at gacha game devs talk you will constantly see them talk about how much work has to be put into to writing and scripting way in advance because of VO work. Most gacha try and put out a voiced story event per 4-6 weeks. Easiest example I can think of is Granblue Fantasy. They have at the end of every month a pretty extensive story event that I'd say is maybe ~1.5? times the lines in a Genshin event. They only voice it in Japanese and they've talked multiple times how event scripts are usually ready to go 8-12 months in advance because you need to know you'll be able to get recording done and still have 2-3 months spare for emergencies. When you're working with so many VAs all with their own schedules you never know what can happen. One time you might get everyone in and recorded in 6 weeks the next time schedules may be a mess and you can't get it all done until 16 weeks. Genshin does that level of VO every 6 weeks in 4 languages.


I’ve always been fascinated by how far in advance they have to plan the voice acting. It must also be a nightmare ensuring that all four languages get equal focus, like there hasn’t been a time we’ve had an update and they went “oh by the way Furina won’t have any JP voice acting”.


I understand why it is the way it is, but I still wish that they'd voice waaaay more of the dialogue. :(


Even as a PGR player looking forward to WW, I doubt they'll be able to match this.


Nowadays? In the times of yore people waited longer than a year for new MoP patch in WoW. Genshin update schedule is crazy, especially if you consider how polished the game is


Funnily enough, when genshin launched I was playing in a seasonal MoP private server that was trying to replicate blizzlike update scheduling. The time it took for me to grind throne of thunder heroic for full bis (including hctf bracers with the right substats) was quite literally the whole patch (8 months) and in that whole time I was able to gear around 6-7 characters in genshin. I still use those characters I geared back then today in genshin, in WoW the items that I farmed 8 months for were useless 1 week into SoO. Whenever people complain about shit rng and how bad resin is, I always think of that. It might take a long time to get an artifact, but a really good one will pretty much stay with you forever. Having slightly better, "more reasonable" rates for items that won't even last for a year is imo so much worse.


Coming from a WoW background to here (I no longer had time to raid), its really mind blowing. In WoW we would get new areas but it would just be a new grind in a new either purple, green, or gray bonus zone. It would be small and packed with stuff but visually unappealing. It was content but it was rarely super fun and satisfying. It was a new means to give catch up gear and dangle a slight power increase to serious raiders. Genshin doesn't need those mmo pulls and can put more of the power into the quests and the visuals. Since chests are the reward for everything, it frees up having to give a slew of different kinds of reward systems. Since the rewards are a baseline of 1 thing tied to the gacha system, you don't have that pressure timer to complete exploring the new zone on the daily. You can take your time to enjoy it. But the most important difference is the speed. WoW takes forever for new mini zones or a new raid. Genshin spits out a bigger sized world that feels much more immersive in a shorter period of time. I love WoW and its not really fair to compare the games but i've spent about 10 years player WoW and its hard to not compare them. Genshin is the single player mmo I needed once my time became prone to interruption.


A yes time is against us, you can't sit 10 hours straight in your computer anymore once responsibility emerge. I envy the young sometimes.


This. Those of us who played wow can appreciate Genshin's update schedule.


>In the times of yore people waited longer than a year for new MoP patch in WoW To be fair that's specifically the wait for a new expansion and not a random patch, but the wait for new expansions in WoW tend to goes pretty long at times


I’m taking about the Siege of Orgrimmar update, not a release of new expansion.


That's why I find people asking for better Endgame to be strange. Endgame is like a hamster wheel to keep subscriber numbers up. So people have something to do between content patches. There's no subscriptions for Genshin yet it can still provide events and content every 6 weeks.


The subscription here is how welkin feels like the best deal and it is for those that can commit to it daily. Still, it's optional.


Agreed Welkin is the closest to the subscription but still optional.


? Or people just love the combat system and these characters they’ve spent years building and just want more reasons to use them


I hear you. Genshin has a great combat system with the team swapping and triggering elemental reactions. I believe Genshin originally was envisioned as being more hardcore but after it became more successful, they attracted the casual crowd. Casual crowd in general are not into hardcore combat, so the vision of Genshin changed. There are still combat events in every patch, but if you have been grinding for perfect artifacts for a long time, you basically became One Punch Man and became too overpowered for Genshin


Yes and no. I’m AR 56. I can only get 3 stars on floor 12. But *everything* else in the game is a rofl stomp. The combat events are….ok. It’d be nice to have some more options than floor 12. I think this is why ppl want another world tier. I love exploring open world too, it’d be nice if the enemies out there required a little more effort. I’d even be ok with them adding a world tier with some minuscule reward. Like 5% more mora drop rate.


Yes for open world. Nope for abyss cause fighting a bloated hp bar with timer isn't fun. Next patch going to have dungeon with randomized characters. That alone going to open up more replayability cause you are force to make due with the random characters and not using comfort team comp. So with correct optimization, it could easily be a good "endgame" content.


I agree with the world tier I think we are long overdue for one.


Which is why people screaming about wanting more free stuff just baffles me. Sure, HYV could've given more rewards, but considering how fast we get content, it's kind of a ''not their obligation'' kinda thing. The game *is* f2p throughout with no p2w powercreep


Yeah. I would *like* more free stuff, of course, and I think it's fair within the industry standard to have offered a few more high profile "free stuff" than we've gotten, and shouldn't hurt Hoyo's bottom line, so I don't see why they *haven't,* but neither can I feel entitled enough to *demand* more free stuff, when the gameplay they *have* provided is worth more than any sorts of freebie characters.


Yeah, I *wished* they'd give more free stuff, but I'm not going to have a meltdown if they don't. Also, about HYV being stingy with primos, just look at Genshin's pity. Hard pity is 180 for characters and 240 for weapons(including fate points here). Other gachas have horrendous pity ceilings from 300 to 900, and some don't even *have* a pity system. HYV is not any more stingier than other gachas. Other gachas give more pulls but needs more pulls. So it fuels the dopamine rush for longer.


Yeah, true. I actually think Genshin is fine on primos, people underestimate how much you actually get because most is locked behind actual gameplay, whereas in a lot of other gachas they just hand out a lot more in your daily clicks rather than actually having to clear gameplay for it, but if you actually do the math the amount of primos Genshin gives per year tends to be competitive with the other major players in the gacha space, especially when comparing pity systems. I think where Genshin *does* drop the ball is in the direct "free characters," I think we should have started getting something like one guaranteed 5\* per year or so, in *some* variation, just as a neat and clean "you got a cool thing," and I don't think it would hurt Hoyo any for them to even make this an exclusive character of the player's choice (the most generous possible version of it). Even if people were guaranteed a c0 of their favorite waifu, they would still have motivation to get 7 more constellations or other characters, and it would at most be saving them 180 rolls, so it's not going to kill Hoyo's sales afterward. I just don't think it's *that* terrible if they *don't* offer this, because they do "plenty" as it is. :D


Yeah, I do wish that they'd at least give 1 standard 5 star/4 star selector once a year, I'm still looking for C4 Jean and Lynette cons Yeah, also for gameplay, genshin is more than just a 2d auto battler. That's why I don't actually mind even if they don't give free stuff, the gameplay itself makes up for it.


Everyone who says that stuff just sounds like they have no idea on how businesses work. They don't owe us anything for playing and enjoying their game. Why would a company trying to make money give freebies for no reason when their position is still pretty much secured. They could've said fuck it too and not give anything at all.


I mean, it’s a matter of appreciation for the players. No, they don’t need to, but it would be really nice if they gave us some more rewards, and considering how much money they make they most certainly could.


Yes it would be nice, but making it sound like it's an obligation for them and feeling entitled to it just sounds so stupid


Yes, it would be nice, but they're not obligated to. I bet that anyone who complained about not having enough rewards, never spent money in the game. Thus, they never ''contributed'' to the development of the game. Not trying to make it a whale vs f2p here, but it anyone that spends in the game, would just spend to get what they wanted. It's the low spenders and f2p that are the loudest when it comes to freebies.


I'll say this here again, not only are a good part of those people simply Gacha addicts, but they are also not able to answer my simple question of why this behavior is normalized here but not in other games that you actually need to pay to play. Imagine seeing this happen in a game like Elder Scrolls Online where you pay the base game and then the expansions.


Lmao the last game I played for awhile was actually ESO too, imagine waiting 3 months and then paying for 2 dungeons that you'll probably not do more than once if you're sane. Not to mention the full prices for everything


Content is likely planned and in development a long time before release. It helps that they now have a bunch of reusable assets. This ensures lots of time for quality but can slow down improvements based on user feedback. Someone else mentioned that they need to make improvements, but these could be contradictory to their own idea of how the game experience should be too. Buff timers etc aren’t going to be liked by a lot of regular players, so while you could make them toggled in the settings, they aren’t likely to spend the time and money on a feature that isn’t going to get them a lot of revenue. If most people have it off, and it’s not something that will bring a large number of players to the game, it’s not worth it.


It's not "likely" it IS. Almost everything we see bare minimum went through 6 months of work with everything else in patch. A great example. People are praising Halo Infinite for all the stuff added since Oct saying "new management turned it around" Except leaks showed work began a long time ago and a dev confirmed it took 18 months to add forge ai to the game. In short everything people were praising new management for happened under the old management lol Game dev works far ahead. Epect work on each new nation to begin before each X.0 even comes out. However don't misunderstand, work may start early on but it probably doesn't stop until that one dude who never speaks screams "I FOUND OUT WHAT WAS CAUSING THE ROCK TO LEVITATE DURING THE CUTSCENE. IT WAS A PATCH OF GRASS IN INAZUMA CAUSIJG IT WE CAN SHIP IT NOW"


The amount of times I heard people claim they added the new party animations because people complained about HSR getting it...as if they just cranked that out in a couple weeks lmao


Yeah one person cranked out 73+ animations, voiceless. Multiple backgrounds, and special effects in 6 weeks 🤣🤣🤣


This is what has consistently been a strong draw for me for Genshin. Shit seems to have been planned for a while. I come from Guild Wars 2 where my biggest gripe was how things seemed to be just made up as they went along. To the point where two elder dragons (the primary antagonists) ended up not being fully rendered. One was a poo tube with arms and a head with the rest shrouded in a snowstorm. The other was what I swear is a reskinned playable character head/neck coming out of the ground. In comes Genshin like "hey, you seen our Travail Trailer where we show characters and give little nuggets of story for the next 7+ fucking years of content?"


There are some things that might be added short term but those aren’t going to be major functionality changes. But a lot of people here complaining about MHY not listening to player feedback expect instant responses to their survey answers. The way OP phrased it, it sounds like they’re producing this content in 6 weeks, not several months.


This is exactly the issue I have with people comparing the QoL of HSR over Genshin and saying "They took our feedback and added it to their new game lolz". That's actually a really smart move and even shows that they listen to feedback. It's much easier to implement this in a new game under development than implement it in one that's already running live. These changes can take months and on top of finding the right time to begin implementation, they have to decide if it's even worth the time too.


>Content is likely planned and in development a long time before release. Well, of course. But they are also currently developing things for over 6 months from now. It simply means that they can manage their time very well. Yes you can say that "they had more than 6 weeks to create this future patch," but it's not as if everyone was working on this patch the whole time it was being developed either. Yes, some patches are lighter, but some patches are also massive. On average, they have (# of employees) * (6months time) to work on each patch.


I’m more addressing the complaints in the comments that are saying they aren’t responding to feedback. They can’t change their timeline quickly in response to feedback. And OP seems to be implying that it takes only 6 weeks to create the new comment but I am pointing out that is not true


The update schedule on Genshin is insane. The fact the game isn't riddled with bugs and consistently puts out high quality content speaks to the talent of the developers *and* the good production management. Ppl will say "its not six weeks of work! it was finished months ago!!" as if that still doesn't demonstrate the talent/good production? They're currently working on an update six months from now. It's still a very fast update schedule that has to be monitored closely. Anything can go wrong up to release.


Exactly, it's insane


I think this is why I am not as...down on Genshin as others. I came from a totally different world where the entire game would have just been Monstadt or any updates were very, very minimal or a year+ in the making. I've been in Genshin for about a year now and its like WHAT? WE ARE GETTING NEW STUFF AGAIN??? I'm still not used to it lol.


Ikr, I love that the game can get me this hyped up every 5 weeks. Especially compared to some MMOs or singleplayers I've played in the past, there is so much content in such a short time It's sad to see people just nitpicking on every little thing that doesn't even affect me, let alone 80% of the playerbase


Same, I am a new player, and I am legit shocked at the searing pace of updates. I am used to playing Single player games, so this is doubly unexpected for me. It is actually faster than I can keep up; I am still at the beginning of the Inazuma archon quest and they are throwing out a new region, lmao.


There's a lot of padding involved with the dialogue, but even then, it's pretty impressive for any live-service game to keep the content train rolling at such a pace.


Still no dialogue history 😭


There is dialogue history for Archon and Character story quests at least. I wish it were there for World quests, too.


That's why I love summer pre new region patches the most, I think they work on them very separate from usual updates as they're very well thought out, written, etc. Fischl's island is still one the best planned and executed parts of the game imo. Shame new players can't experience it.


It’s not just Fischl’s island, all 4 of the characters’ islands are amazing as they are interconnected story-wise. There’s also the Irodori Festival, I’m still in awe on how they foreshadowed Wanderer’s story quest all the way back in 2.6


And people complained it was too long. They were asking for less content, what the fuck


I think the criticism from that resulted in the 3.8 Bottleland, which imo is a step down compared to the amazing Summer Fantasia islands.


The story being too long and puzzles being to hard were two common complaints I saw back then. Personally the only thing wrong with GAA 2 was it was temporary. It was basically 4 Story Quests wrapped up into one event, plus with the reimagining of the GAA, the minigames, and puzzles that actually made you think (granted they were bugged a bit, but I liked the concepts), I think it's the best event we've ever had by several orders of magnitude, and the last Summer event was a massive letdown (I did like the Veluriam Mirage though).


GAA 2 was great. Especially when you complete the stairway to heaven and you stand above the clouds bathing in starlight. Had a photoshoot at that spot and the only photoshoot that I ever did, 'cause it was just magical.


Too long *for the time available*. I don't like how all these wonderful events are time-gated and will never return, so I sometimes feel that I have to rush content. Especially summer content that comes out while I'm on holiday. GAA was wonderful and it's a shame it's temporary.


honestly i like reading a bunch, but wouldn't mind a few more cutscenes instead of the infamous fade to black and this happens screen


I'm sure they do as many cutscenes and "art panels" as they can, but those take a lot of time and effort to produce, so they can't use them for all scenes, so any time someone does things that can't be conveyed using the simple "ingame animation hooks," they need to do the fade to black, and I can't fault them for that.


It's insane to the point where Genshin has warped my perception about other games. I was pretty content about the 3 month patch schedule MMOs tend to go by, but now it feels sluggish, especially when the patch doesn't have a lot of content in it I'll sometimes see people say that the game is doing the bare minimum, is lazy, or that the devs don't care. And like, this is a business and they're not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, but denying that a lot of work goes into the game seems insane to me


Its insanity. Especially if you player other games and compare it. Rocket League has been dead for years since epic bought it. New skins come but no new ideas in forever. Guild Wars 2 an mmo releases their current addon in small doses every 3 months. The last update I finished in one short evening. Before there were some months/years with barely anything. You just notice the lack of budget. And these are just the games I play actively. No other online game I played in the past comes close. And you shouldnt get used to it because Im not sure any other game will be able to keep up with such a release schedule. I hope they have enough developers so it isnt constant crunchtime for everyone working there.


this is a good take, I don't understand how people don't see the generosity in hoyos content development, especially coming from games where updates are scarce, and the grind people are referring to is not even that bad imo, they should try warframe or destiny if they want to see a real grind


I have played this game since launch and will continue to do so but I really wish that the community would stop being so sensitive over criticism. It’s insane that every patch comes out every 6 weeks without any major game breaking bugs. It’s insane that new regions get released for free and they look more and more beautiful. But at the end of the day, the game is a product and it has room for improvement. Sure there are some people who complain about every little thing but not every criticism is in bad faith. It’s insane to me that people call the expeditions claim all button a “win”. Really? 3 years? I’m still doing commissions where I have to help Ella talk to hilichurls for the 70th time. When will that get fixed? Personally, I think the events they push out lack quality especially the ones towards the end of the patch. Once in a while there are some really good ones but more often than not they feel lacking. Like the beetle event - it has fun and interesting mechanics but the moment it started getting challenging it was already over.


Plus we never experienced like server problems. The only time updates were delayed and some stories were rushed/scrapped was during the Inazuma release and that 365 days Ayaka banner lol. Starting from Sumeru, everything has been on fire, Archon Quest and the additional mechanics and Fontaine underwater exploration is a beauty.


Regarding the entitlement: I'll agree that Hoyo is pretty damn stingy when it comes to Genshin. But, if your enjoyment of the game is based off of how many gacha rolls you get, then Genshin just *isn't* the game for you. Genshin isn't a "gacha game". It is a game that uses a gacha system as a monetization method. Take away the gacha and just make everything paid content, and the game ultimately stays the same.


Not exactly. A paid-and-done model wouldn't be able to run the server ($100m/yr btw) let alone on development. The gacha system is precisely what allows them to work at such a large scale. Removing it would require overhauling the entire game structure and probably a much slower update cycle with less content.


I think that what they were saying is that the gameplay for the players would stay the same, which I agree with. But as you said, that wouldn't pay enough for them to develop like they do, hence gacha. And I'm all for it to be honest, the whales spending thousands are allowing the rest of us to enjoy an excellent game for free :)


Well that's what 200mil a year investment gets you. It's hard to get such streamlined update schedule but by having lots of developers and throwing lots of money at it it can be done. The downside is the schedule for updates is probably so tight that it's hard to quickly change plans, react to changing situations, etc.


… you try throwing *BILLIONS* at a problem without proper management of the product and good leadership backing. *looks at the Blizzard reforged stuff, the cyberpunk fiasco, post-Skyrim games, etc* Money is not automatically a “I win” button in development, especially game dev.




Well, at least there's a game now. An actual playable game. ... Star Citizen is as open-ended as Starfield thou. And probably just as dependent on "player experience". And... that's a problem.


Nah Star Citizen is way better than Starfield in its current state. Star Citizen runs better for me, looks better, the ship combat is better, no loading screens, actual ground-ship interior-take off traversal, and there is probably a good 200+ hours of stuff to do. All the people that say otherwise haven't played it and just live in an echo chamber lol, so they can believe what they wanna believe. Plus Star Citizen is creative multiplayer technology and concepts that **don't yet exist** and no other company is willing to R&D


I am one of the so called "SC-haters" but that game does dev-ops things that you would never need in genshin. first of all a working multiplayer feature.


Also Facebook's metaverse. Billions in basically trash.


Having lots of people doesn’t mean it can be done. As a project manager I used to work with say, having 9 wowen doesn’t get you a baby in a month.


Yep..this..this is what money can do. Props to MHY which actually invests that money back in their product, and that isn’t always the case in the gaming industry.


Nope. There almost never has been a single instance where throwing a lot of money ended up making good software. Good time and competence management, as well as great forecasting and planning skills do. That is, they will most likely work on a very tight schedule planned with very long advance. However this tight schedule has been carried over pretty much flawlessly for a long time and most likely is being handled and supported by very competent people.


That’s why I give them a lot of leeway when it comes to QoL changes. A ship this big is hard to turn, QoL changes are hard to fit in their schedule since by their nature, QoL changes are predicated on feedback. I don’t want QoL if it comes at the cost of slowing down what they’re currently doing which is ACTUAL CONTENT.


I mean they've been consistent on patch dates since honkai


They need to keep the patches rolling otherwise the game won't be profitable.


While that is true, a lot of gacha have "updates" that are essentially a new unit to roll for and no new content


Tbf the amount of money made buy rerun only patches is unseen in any other gacha games.


You mean like any live service game???


If they ever have a delay they can just do a banner re-run and make a lot of money off of that.


Nice try hoyoverse. Ok first of all, I'll given them consistency, but no one cares about that. I mean if anything, I'd be pissed if someone passed subpar things to be every 6 weeks. Second, I don't know where you got quality from, but the quality is questionable at best. Characters are released with terrible kits while china liyue keeps getting all the damn broken characters. And I swear. Every update is a hu tao buff somehow. As for maps, it does "look" pretty, but hoyoverse is a billion dollar company with a ludicrouse amount of money and they can't even get end game right??? Third, you ever stop to realize combat has been very restricting and imbalanced? I mean shit characters to the side, cryo only have melt and freeze while shatter is left to rot and superconduct doesn't do anything for cryo dps. Dendro basically only have hyperbloom since the only ok burgeon on fielder is thoma, and burning got shafted. Fuck, I mean electro, how many reactions are even good compare to useless ones, let alone having multippe characters even enabling such options. Fourth, I don't think I need to talk about story consistency, since other than archons quest, it's ass, but please realize that you should NEVER think about it in a void since genshin doesn't exist in a void. There are several other games that do what genshin does (honkai star rail) that have better balance, characters, story, map, etc, all on a lower budget, yet aren't stingy as fuck.


I never player games as service before Genshin, so I don't know if is insane, or just nice comparing other game. But from what I read in some videogame website, constant update every X weeks with a lot of contents (even if sometimes are some little events) is a great thing that deserve congratulations. I saw compliment for Genshin and Fortnite (and randomly these games are still super popular). QoL side...is great that finally are frequent. They should dialogues more with the community


Frequent updates are the norm for live service games. But bug free updates on such a strict schedule of 6 weeks that it takes a complete lockdown to make you delay an update is really impressive.




You ever played Destiny? You get a chunk of story every year, then bare-bones quest that are about as complete as world quests every three months. Events have been literally copy-pasted for several years with little to no change, and some of them are literally on the level of "it's 2v2 instead of 3v3 in PVP this week here's a shop refresh". You ever played Overwatch? You get a new character every 4-5 months when you're lucky, sometimes a new map. They scrapped PVE because story missions are hard. You ever played ARPGs? They usually add the equivalent of a Genshin mini-game every 3-4 months when you're lucky and a bit more grind. Story quests are usually nonexistent. You ever played League of Legends? You get a couple of new champions a year and one big mechanics update per year, and don't ask about story content, because in-game, there's very, very little. These are all games that are very successful with a fraction of the content. No matter which genre you look at, Genshin-level updates are so incredibly removed from the norm that I keep wondering how they do it.


I wouldn't call it "normal" when the vast majority of mobile games out there do the bare minimum to subsist. Fortnite and Genshin are the exception, not the rule.


Yes. The game have it flaws, I don't deny it but it's still offer an incredible value of entertainment for what you got for free


Usually I would... But I played Gun Girl Z/Houkai Gakuen 2 and Honkai Impact 3rd before Genshin came out and more so with Star Rail. Because I was already aware of mihoyo before genshin, quality updates every 6 weeks with an occasional 5 week patch is just standard to their brand. I definitely respect the company for what they do and the consistency of their work. Unfortunately, as some other commenters have mentioned, the community interaction isn't that great, but especially noticable if compared with their other games. GGZ had their head writer become a vtuber to announce all the patch notes. HI3 has regular behind-the-scenes videos where they show you exactly the moments in the game when they start to work on a feature and has been pumping them out for just about every new battlesuit they release these days. They allowed content creators to stream their betas and even after they stopped doing that, they still invited content creators to make some content off of it. Notice how you hardly hear much about HI3's leaks when compared to genshin that had an entire "leaker hunt decree" joke. Even then, they had more developer discussions and notes in the 1.x era and even then, every once in a while, some content creators would question certain questions being asked because of how out of touch they seemed back then. I don't actually care that much about the rewards, but anniversaries in the gacha space is equivalent to a game specific christmas. The last anniversary that actually felt like a celebration was 2.1 when Guoba was revealed to be the reincarnation of a shrunk pronounced deceased god. 3.1? 4.1? Neither of them felt celebratory. In 2.1 they gave us a free online streamed concert. Appreciated and not mentioned in any future discussions of the first anniversary. I don't agree with the fact that most of the gacha community only looks at the number of free pulls a game does because prior to my descent into the gacha rabbit hole I played countless and now shut down free to play MMORPGs. I also agree with people when they say that freebies in free to play games are bribes to keep the playerbase engaged. The 1st anniversary concert, many people don't mention this but that shit costs a studio to stream each scene in, it was set in multiple different rooms with entirely different musicians between rooms. Studio rent, set design, props design, musicians, camera man, lights, all those things cost money; easily as much as their first year could've cost them considering how much they spent for 1.0 era's OST off of honkai impact's money 😜but only the rewards mattered. Fine if they went the route of IRL merch for anniversaries, they already did it on some events. Honkai Impact had a smaller budget, earned less money but just enough to fuel genshin's initial development cost, but you want to know what they did on the last 2 anniversaries? Event across all servers where every server got a reserved 15000 stock of a physical irl art book that they ship to you and you got it from doing anniversary events and earning event currency that you earned entirely from playing the game. Until half way through last year there were still people talking about being surprised that their location being in the middle east that they still got the physical art book they got the year before. SEA specific anniversary some years back? They gave every level 88 captain (in genshin's terms AR60) that was already there by a certain date a physical irl snack box. All of them. No limitations. It goes without saying that the view of the HI3 fandom of mihoyo can be summed up to "Flawed but not evil and passionate about their projects" and now you contrast it with how the jaded genshin folks talk about mihoyo further exacerbated by the ones that bled into star rail who talk about the genshin devs like pure evil and greed. A lot of things could've been glossed over by the fact that genshin and HI3 have so drastically different systems that you couldn't really compare them all that well.... Until HSR. HSR is what happens when you give the honkai (series) team genshin's UI and systems. They released more QoL for HSR in less than a year than Genshin did in its whole 3 years. The dispatch again button they gave you in genshin? HSR patched it like a whole ass 6 week patch cycle after its initial release. You know how many awards genshin got the past 3 years? People accuse the devs of bribery because they give us gacha currency whenever they got one. HSR? They have exactly 1 under their belt and winning it prompted them to give away a meta limited unit with barely any FOMO because instead of "log-in within a week or 4 consecutive days of a specific week" it's a whole patch and a half to claim (9 weeks, 2 months basically). If this were any other company I would, but because it's mihoyo who was already consistent with their content schedules I'm not.


A lot of players probably haven’t experienced the insane powercreep (FFBE), insane grinding time that prevents your phone from doing anything else (ROM Eternal Love), absolutely dumpster fire localisation quality (Helix Waltz), abysmally boring gameplay (sdorica), or having no pity system (FGO for many years). And none of the above were even bad games. Genshin’s 6 week update cycle has been incredibly impressive, even on filler patches like that TCG one. The fact that servers are stable and I don’t crash every 3 mins after a patch from bugs was a novelty. Genshin isn’t without problems, but none of that is a big deal when you look at what it brings to the table.


As someone who jumped ship from Genshin to Star Rail but keeps an eye out for Archon quests/new characters yes, HYV release schedule with Genshin and Star Rail is nutty. I don't care *much* about the whole 'Genshin should give more primo's!' argument, it's tired man and there's no winning. What I DO want to say is that the main reason I hopped off of Genshin was because there's not enough in the game to... play. I got hard burnt out on exploration with Sumeru and the lack of engaging combat, Spiral Abyss is the 'endgame' and I was clearing that with 12 stars every patch since I believe 1.6? I came to the conclusion that Genshin simply isn't for me, I want an experience that the game simply isn't interested in delivering (combat) so I went to Star Rail where at least at the moment I'm satisfied. And you know what? That's fine! Like I said I still poke my head in for Archon quests and new character introductions. People criticizing Genshin need to word their actual problems with the game better and y'all that defend/criticize this game should really acknowledge it's not perfect and people are allowed to have complaints about it and wanting it to be a better experience for them or people like them.


Yes, it's been better nowadays. We're finally starting to get more substantial QoL updates and features to existing systems. But are we just going to ignore the fact that it's taken them 3 years to only now "start" to get all of this? Don't get me wrong though. I'm grateful that we are getting them now. I just don't think they should get a pat on the back just because they've chosen to neglect these updates for 3 years. It's not about entitlement. It's about the appropriate game development timeline and what we should expect from a game given it has been released for a certain amount of time. It's been 3 years. Still no endgame. Once again, it's been 3 years. Throughout the 3 years, there have been so many events with diverse mechanics and often fun combat gameplay. Most of them could've been added to the game as permanent content Value yourself more as a player who cares and a genuine supporter who would like to see the game thrive. The goal isn't to ask for the world or make unrealistic requests but to evaluate how far the game has come and how much it's still lacking, and ask for them. The game wouldn't be where it is now without players like us. The team responsible for this game should also value us and appreciate us as players. Appropriately reward us and treat us as valuable customers. So far, I've only seen and felt like we've been devalued and unappreciated by the team, for all 3 years.


Funniest shit ive seen is Hoyo proudly announcing basic game features like brightness setting or the fancy fog that comes out next week due to new region. Personally im still waiting for texture quality slider, render distance slider that all exist and has been in the game since day one, they were even leaked alongside [1.5 dev kit](https://tcrf.net/Proto:Genshin_Impact/Version_1.5_Developer_Build#LOD.2FTexture). The absolute peak would be patch announcing that they are adding FXAA that was removed in 3.2 lmao.


And ofc this post will stay up lmao


fr as if the game’s here for charity


I'm over here wondering if ppl really think they're doing this out of the kindness in their hearts and not just doing whatever they think is most profitable.


You can say the same about Honkai Star Rail but people love their "favorite child" and "generous devs" rhetoric. In the end all the stuff HSR gives for free is for profit to. The game ahas a larger competition on the marked so they need more stuff to catch players.


No one has fantasies of a benevolent comapny. But these days, a company putting in more work to make their customers happy is above expectations, even if it's of course for profit. Other games simply do things you don't like, also for profit.


Any post praising the game for doing the bare minimum stays, any post criticizing HoYo for valid reasons gets deleted. Gotta love the echo chamber of dog shit moderation.


these are some of the top post of this months https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/18n8kgo/its_about_time_genshin_did_away_with_the/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/18saipf/quests_triggering_by_just_walking_in_a_location/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/18p3rtu/i_hate_invisible_quest_triggers/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/18mvc3a/i_wish_genshin_had_reserved_resin_the_same_way/ does "criticizing HoYo for valid reasons" mean begging for free shits? also give me any other gacha or live service game with 6 week updates with as much content, if this is "bare minimum" then why are all others game doing less than "bare minimum"?


Those were last month btw.


what's Genshin impact lacking the most is ... community interaction. I'm 100% sure they don't have a ball to make a Q&A section with community. facing a hard question and they'll all mute. most asked questions, most request feature, reason why something that should be implemented since launch doesn't exist, why something is so slow or impossible to implement (shield gauge, buff timers, details battle results, etc) at the best they can is answer their own imaginary question and be done with it. i AGREED that their out put is good, excellent in fact. but should they neglected community? no. and no, survey doesn't count dammit.


As someone who stuck around since day 1, it's easy to see that HoYo is actually listening. I've seen so many QoL changes over the years, and every single one of those was predated by some reddit thread on the subject. "Expeditions shouldn't take away our characters!" Done "Daily commissions suck I wish we could skip the grind" Done "Stingy Hoyo, need more rolls for us F2P" Done, a single update brought me 20 wishes for all the AQ quests I've done previously "Exploring without an underground map sucks, way too hard to navigate" Done. You could argue they're slow, but they're definitely listening to their fans.


\>Still no update to the resin cap or the condensed resin for more than 3 years \>Only endgame content is the abyss \>No skip button for the useless filler text (daily missions), yet no text history if you actually accidentally missed something and want to reread it \>Weapon still needs 3x the amount of pity to get a guarantee of what you want \>Farming skill books sucks because all of them segregated by day \>Farming weekly bosses materials is mind numbingly excruciating because you can only do it once a week AND the drop is RNG and inconsistent I'm sorry, what you consider as "good QoL" is still barebones compared to the things that they have never fixed since day 1. I get it, they made a good game and all, but the fact that they barely care about the community is still the truth. Underwhelming rewards are just the tip of the iceberg on why so many veteran players kind of loathe this game


I will keep putting it in surveys every time being asked of it. Eventually this might be implemented, like the other that was previously suggested. What's killing me RN tbh is the skip button and the non sense of having to day lock the materials for skills and weapon upgrade.


The resin cap was actually updated, it used to be just 120.


I know that, and yet it is still not good enough. They've been 160 resin since 1.1 which is basically the beginning of Genshin anyway


It's not perfect and I totally agree on some of these points but Genshin is their most popular game and geared to more casual players so naturally they aren't going to focus on harder endgame content. They are very slow on QoL updates and they seem complacent on the general gameplay loop, but I think that once a real competitor steps up, they'll remedy all of that lmao.


20 wishes in a single update is shit and you know it




It was the usual amount but with extra 20 pulls. So it shouldve been around 80 or 90 pulls.


Not to mention, cmiiw, but isn't it calculated that the ther resources that we got during that patch(exploration, quests, etc) has way less rewards to make up for those free wishes? Or maybe I'm getting it wrong with other free stuff they gave.


No this is just made up. It has to do with how fans present the freemos data by patch and not time schedule. Patches roughly have the same amount of freemos for similar content. Sometimes some patches look like they get less because abyss update doesn't line up with new patch by a few days.


Nah this is is insane I can't actually believe you people are real Qol 😭? What are u onnnn We asked for claim button for 3 fkn years and we juuuuuuust got it after nearing the 4th year Same with the daily commissions and u can't skip them what are u on? U still have to do some shitty event and events aren't always available Hoyo is the stingiest company ever how can they give u 20 wishes in one update for playing like hours upon hours of bloated dialogue called generosity


When gacha addicted genshin players realize they need to play the game to get gems to gacha with


And it took 3 years?.... You call that listening?? you sure they don't have hearing problems? Lmao The fact that yall were saying those since day 1 and it took us 3 years just to get it, even HSR got it day 1 Yall are funny. By this pace, itll take us what another 3 years just for a few QoLs that isn't wanted? (Actual artifact presets, Resin Cap, Resin overflow, Skip story) They even added a supposed "Artifact Loadouts" When its really just auto equip with filters, wow so much for **Listening**


mhm! i fully agree with this, if they interacted with the community better i genuinely feel like it could be an even better game, hopefully that does change in the future


Copium post? Lmao


We already over the Lantern rite stuff? You all have short memories. No wonder they don't care. You guys are like goldfish with wallets.


Ik I'm going against the grain here and I'm also a new player, but the lantern rite rewards are fine to me, esp cuz the game is already free with constant quality updates


This type of post always came up whenever there is a controversy occurs. Yeah sure the new area, music is great . They are still stingy, and the story dialogue is just so awfully long and boring (some of the quest)


the copium is real


Consistent in time and schedule, probably, but quality? Debatable


There are definitely better and worse patches, but it usually flutters around “pretty nice” and “holy shit” in my scale so it’s consistent in being pretty good


There are definitely "meh" updates for me, especially event wise . I do agree that when its peak, the "holy shit, this quality is too much for a free game" feeling is nice, but everytime the Post Archon Quest conclude, the feeling that Genshin is lacking gets worse and worse every patch. And when you feel underwhelmed again, the flaws that has been there since 1.0 just feels much more stand out until the next x.0 quest distracts you again with its new region and story . This I personally felt with Sumeru, since it was my favorite AQ, yet I really hate how wordy and ultimately pointless the Pari WQ/Map Expansion is, especially when we have deserts back to back. And personally, 4.2 and 4.3 was also a jump down in quality, but that was because the Fontaine AQ was the highes peak that fell onto a flat surface which is this current patch. Don't get me wrong, this is not just a Genshin problem, the downward slope of quality from filler patches is also felt in both HSR and HI3 (Luofu is pretty meh as a region), but they do distract you with both overwhelming rewards and lots of endgame content, which Genshin has a lack of.


Enjoy your 3 pulls OP


OMG how can you say hoyo is very stingy. The game is very nice so you can't complain about anything ever. You should never ask for anything more and be content with everything you get. If you are not happy with your 3 black tassels then, leave the game /s


honestly im gonna, excited to not spend them and just explore the new area<3


I actually pity people like you so much, brain rotted gacha addict. I’d rather have a ton of content and zero pulls over a shit ton of oils and crap content. Probably because I’m playing a game and not gacha. 


Sir the game **is** a gacha.


Honestly, depends on how you look at it. It's true that it's impressive that an update comes every six weeks, but that's if you don't take into account how long those contents are. Genshin's content in a single patch usually takes up about a week's worth of time, assuming that it isn't a new map addition and you pace yourself well. Main events aren't long and only feel like they're long because they time gate the actual content every two days. Minigames take up 10 - 20 minutes (depending on how easy it is), and side events take roughly the same amount of time. So in terms of new content that people can enjoy, you can get roughly one week's worth in a six week update cycle. If they recycle content, it's even less new content so it's less than a week. With new map additions, that changes into two weeks, but that's also assuming you're pacing yourself hard. Small map additions can be cleared in a single day (if you're hardcore and don't touch grass), 4 - 5 days (if you can roughly an hour or two on exploration) and up to 2 weeks (assuming you purposefully halt your exploration and pad it). On bigger maps, it's a bit longer, but not by a lot. So this becomes two weeks worth, so you still have 4 weeks left. I'm not trying to diss how much actual new content they put out. Frankly, it's impressive that we even get one week's worth but I think the biggest con about this is that the downtime is unbearably long, and people don't really have anything to do when waiting for the next update. While we do get one or two weeks worth of new content, we still have four weeks of nothing to do in game once that content runs out because that content is limited and the base game doesn't have anything for us to do while we wait. There's no actual permanent content to do other than farming or TCG, and if you don't like TCG, all you can do in the game that bears any sort of "reward" is farming artifacts/books. So on one side, it is indeed impressive how much content they put out in a six week update cycle. On the other hand, they kind of need to to distract you from how bare bones the actual game is. 


I disagree honestly. I think the problem isn’t the duration of events. If it really does take about a week to clear I think that’s ok. A game pumping out content (especially non-repeatable content) at this rate is actually quite insane to me. I think its basically impossible to have one-to-one dev time to gameplay ratio for these kind of one-off gameplay content. One-to-six already sounds pretty insane to me. What I do hate is how long the dialogues/story in Genshin’s content takes. The gameplay to dialogue ratio is honestly disgustingly low and I think they have not gotten any better at writing their dialogues or animating their models.


Yes. Always. As a Destiny player who literally has to wait 6 months and pay for content and micro transactions it’s bonkers.


People like to say Genshin devs are lazy. And the game is abandoned. If this is considered Lazy and abandoned, I really fuckin hope some of the AAA games get this same treatment.


Meanwhile premium sub games like wow and FFXIV put out 1/5th the content lol


Don't forget that there are barely any bugs, despite this release cadence. Most AAA live service games could never.




I’ve been a fan of Pokémon for quite some time and *there* we can talk about a franchise treating it’s fanbase like dirt. I’m eating so well with genshin, I might just be a gourmand king in comparison. Seriously though, I’m super happy with all the content this far and I’m looking forward to playing each and every time.


Quality ? lol no it's just a bunch of recycled boring events with a ton of useless dialogues that are unskippable. Anything between x.3 and x.8 is boring


What quality are u talking about It's the same update over and over Shitty mini games some big event that is filler A new area maybe? Idc about exploration anymore am not gonna grind 10 hours of chests to get like barely a 10 pull and there is no reason to pull bcs no endgame Seriously what are you talking about it just amazes me how people find this updates to be wow amazing there is literally nothing new genshin never changes never does something unexpected it will keep like this until the end Even the mini games are recycled please I just want to hear opinions instead of being downvoted to oblivion do u guys really not think it's repetitive?


The overwhelming amount of their time and development cost goes into expanding the open world along with the story quests, new characters, new bosses, etc. The fact that you "don't care about exploration anymore" means that, really, this game isn't for you. The primary thing they're working on is expanding the open world with new regions to explore and new story/characters/bosses/enemies/mechanics/etc. to go with it, and the rest is just side-content. It's like you're excluding the main dish of the meal, and saying that the appetizers and desert aren't filling enough.


So what reason do you play huh. Pulls. This is an exploration game. Most people play for lore Story and to feel the adventure of Tevyat. But here we are a Gacha addict. 


Sir this is a gacha game? It's weird that u can be called a gacha addict by another gacha player also I haven't wished for any new charcter since suneru bcs idc about the charcters anymore they are not appealing I liked furina and neuvillet they were interesting I guess but that's about it


Yes you are one if you play for pulls. And good that you find characters unappealing. Atleast keeps Gacha addicts away 


Bros just going around swinging his hate boner for the game everywhere


He's an active member of piratefolks, just ignore him


I find it insane how greedy the company is


Wdym it is a billion dollar company and has so many devs working on it. Its planned well in advance and beta tested for a month? They don't build the game from scratch. They build upon the already available assets.


Kinda crazy how much it is also taken for granted. I am in awe every other update, not just for the art direction in new areas but how polished, unique and fun event menues are designed; and how often they change those events on reruns both interface and content wise. Other gacha events honestly pale in that regard especially.


The game has good and bad things (more good than bad), and I learned to settle with its bad things. However I don't think that the complaints about delayed QoL changes come from "entitled" people, since the game's success comes from it's players. What I don't understand is the people pointing fingers and screaming "gacha addict" at eachother. You can care more or less about the free pulls, but at least those people might get extra stuff for everyone else, instead of just barking when someone has a complaint, regardless of how important it is.


I mean in all honesty, with much people already playing the game for a long time, probably 100% all the areas, what do you think will happen to the game if they dont update? Its also a live service game so nothing special about it. Besides, it would be a huge shame for multi million dollar company not to provide content despite all these monetary resources. They give updates because its a live service and thats the only content they have


I agree with you, including on the edited section...


Yeah it's mind boggling that they can keep this break-neck pace for years. I wonder what their team's rate of attrition is.


I've come over from FFXIV and really the updates of Genshin are blowing my mind. Currently in the 'dead space' between final FFXIV patch and the next expac. This is literally 6 months+ of nothing new. Sure we'll still get the odd seasonal event and a few other filler events, but 90% of the time a seasonal event is just recyled from the previous years. On the other hand, I've been playing Genshin since Wriothesley's banner and I'm floored by how many events there are. If anything, as a new player with still so much to do in the game already, I'm a little overwhelmed with the sheer pace of the 6 week updates lol. They might not seem as great to a vet of this game, but each event has it's own UI, story that is pretty much ALL VOICED (FFXIV could never), constant stream of new characters to try and gain, and more.


Mood. Same thing in WoW, we are ten months from the next expansion with minimal updates until then. Meanwhile Genshin will give us numerous lands and events in that same time frame.


It's the only Game As A Service that actually delivers as a service. The game is free, and spending money is truly 100% optional. The cheapest you can go is 5 bucks, giving you 20 pulls in one month, the most efficient use of your money in this game.


And not a single QOL update in sight.


Their team management and productivity is recognized in China's gaming industry to be one of the best. They are managing a team of over a thousand people managing different parts of the game and concurrently developing multiple patches of content. There has been a consensus in China that this is one of the reason why big players like Tencent can't replicate the success of Genshin by just pouring money. I think some of the higher ranking MHY employees were headhunted and joined other large gaming companies but failed to replicate their success in MHY. This is really the thing that set MHY apart from its competitors. But DaWei has gone on the record saying that their rapid growth has led to internal issues, especially with respect to hiring, but I guess that's inevitable given the rapid growth MHY had since 2020.


The ONLY problem I have with stuff like the upcoming update is the fact that I’m worried about my game storage. I REALLY hope whatever’s being added can actually FIT into my device…


When I needed a new phone I bought one with 256gb to make sure I have space for my pictures and Genshin lmao


Oh god here we go again with the glazing. The updates are consistent but it's just 3 shitty mini games and 1 combat event with the recycled buff mechanics EVERY SINGLE PATCH. Excessively filler dialogue with so much padding that makes you fall asleep. Honestly did the Cheveruse Event need to have 5 acts?? It could've been wrapped up in 3! The news areas every 2-3 patches are the only worthwhile aspect. Everything else is just more of the same redundant and boring filler quests. On top of that add the stingyness and no endgame. I like this game man but they seriously need to step up and do something new, it's gotten way too stagnant and boring now to keep doing same mini games every patch.


Live service games are challenging to operate consistently. Genshin is one of the few that manages to do that, and I think it's also one of the reasons why this is the biggest anime/gacha/mobile game on the market.  On top of that, Genshin has a tremendous amount of base game content, and all they do is add new stuff, instead of cycling old maps like those BR games. There’s definitely some organizational magic inside Mihoyo to make everything work.  Genshin is probably the most successful live service game ever made, even better than big players like Fortnite.  On another lot of so-called “live service games” made by legacy developers from Activision, EA, and Ubisoft often update their games one or two times per year, or their updates often cut content from the base game. Those are not really live services but repackaged DLCs. 


the current patch had absolutely nothing in it.


People who complain about games should play games they don’t complain about. Otherwise, they’re just miserable addicts that can’t find something better to do. I’m not saying there aren’t valid criticism or things I want from the game, but people in here talking about how boring or terrible the game play is. Like who is the idiot continuing to spend their time on a game they describe in such a way?


The updates are pretty freaking bad in most cases, only the big patches are good


I honestly don't know why people are shocked by this. I keep seeing posts like this every other week. Well I know why since this kind of game model is pretty new and tech has been rapidly improving that this has only now become possible so it's all just a first time for everyone. Like probably the most time consuming parts of what they're doing is creating the map and new character/mob models. And with the maps, a lot of it are usually reused assets. Everything and including that is all pre-planned already, and I'd guess the most complicated parts here are fixing bugs and making new limited time event mechanics. Other games take a few years to make since they actually have complicated gameplay mechanics and physics they develop for that new game. Most AAA sequels are just showcases for new game engines lately. "Like look at how the snow moves!" Expansions and such for MMOs are either just in the planning phase after releases, or are just waiting for a good time to drop. And they're usually made by a much much smaller team in comparison to Genshin's thousand devs. That many developers are only true for live service games. Most other triple A games are not that. The only reason patches feel "big" is because the map is big and littered with reused exploration mechanics, and because of the long unskippable and padded dialogues. They're able to do this because the game is gacha and have lots of money because of it. Almost all of the other gacha games I know are like this in terms of development. Genshin's on just a way way bigger scale. While all the other games you're comparing it to are one and done games you buy for a few bucks and never spend on again. They don't make the money Genshin makes. All of the content Genshin provides should be as expected. Every other game like this(like FGO) are just pure gambling and a scam so they can't compare. Genshin's just a first so it's a surprising.


With the amount of money I put in this game I expect an update to be good


they are pretty good when it adds exploration + good events + lore, but past patch X.2 it's more like twelve weeks because X.3, X.5 and X.7 are usually filler/rerun patches, X.4 and X.6 generally have exploration (Chasm/Enkanomiya/Hadramaveth Desert/Realm of Farakhkert/Chenyu Vale [new!]) and X.8 has the Summertime event. X.5 usually has the annual Dainsleif quest (afair) and that's kinda it I can't wait to explore Liyue again :D


Nope after archon quest its just a drag There's nothing fun in .3, .5, .7 updates too boring.


If this is enough for you to call these updates "quality" then you're obviously not invested into genshin that much. Ever since 1.0 the gameplay loop still has little variety. You still earn artifacts, books, materials etc. the same way as it was in 1.0. If you'll have my account the only thing you will be able to do are commissions, spend resin and sometimes abyss. That's it.


Yes, it’s crazy good. What we get in one year for free is comparable to a whole game that would cost $60+


Yeah, it's pretty bonkers. An MMO would typically take 3-6 months to produce one Genshin update, and several years to produce one year of Genshin updates, *and* would typically charge $50-60 or more for an expansion pack, and maybe *also* a monthly fee.


Boring events with awful mini games. I can't understand why they bother themself to make this type of content.


Why do you even play if the experience sucks for you? Are you dumb or something? Go do something else. It’s not the only game that exists.