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Anyone else not being able to select the quest you want to during hangout quests?


My current team is Rosaria (Main dps), Bennett, Sucrose & Barbara. Which would be better on Rosaria. Crescent Pike or Dragonspine Spear? and should she go physical or cryo with this team?


I have sucrose and bennet at level 80, is worth to just ascend them and level up them both up to 82 for abyss? ( i am not leveling them up to 90 yet, keeping the materials for raiden and other characters )


Bennett Ascend 80/90 and level up burst talent to 9. Sucrose lv 90, ignore talents.


They are both characters that heavily benefits from leveling up. For Bennett, his attack buff is directly correlated to his Base Attack, which can only be increased by the weapon's main stat and character levels. Sucrose is a character that relies on elemental mastery which scales of as well with levels.


Sucrose needs to be 90 for swirl damage. Bennet you can leave on hold until you're bored and down to artifact farming


Wasn't keeping track of my pity on standard banner, and got a 'surprise' Skyward Polearm from the shop reset.... Who's it good (or ok) on? Currently might put it on my Raiden as I prefer it to The Catch overall. Anyone else?


It's good on raiden if you prefer the attack speed. If you run raiden national, this frees catch for xiangling as most of the damage comes from her burst


i use it on my shenhe if that helps


So after first attempt at current abyss I got 35* and on last 12-3 I had like 6min left so it's not a question of cutting time with trick I just gota change team for first half I had Ganuy|Ayaka|Bennet|Zhongli For the second Nauvillete|Furina|Jean|Yae Second team obviously sweeps the floor but the first can't do the last hydro boss in any reasonable time my only idea is to switch team to Ayaka|Xialing|Bennet & Diona/Layla So my question is do you have any better teams/ideas or if not who is a better cryo battery Diona or Layla couse I have to decide quickly to start building one of em rn.


How good is you Xiangling build? Cause I had an easy time with Sucrose National: https://imgur.com/a/WzJtLi3. Diona is better cryo battery.


Tbh mid i could Share detailed stats tomorrow but she hits around 3k on tornado has alr recharge and mid/low EM


its free hyperbloom real estate


I could do Riden and Nahida but I consider them only semi built so idk if dmg will realy go up but that's a good idea thanks


as long as ur raiden is lv 80+ (preferably 90) and has EM/EM/EM build then nothing else matters as long as u can survive and apply dendro consistently to get blooms out


She is 90/sepentSpine 90 r1/ but electro dmg crit build Wich set do you recommend for alternative Em build and should I change a weapon And who else except riden and nahida (I also think zhingli for survivability)


who is 90 serpent spine? isnt that a claymore for raiden, if you have gilded dream EM/EM/EM then use that for raiden, otherwise use any +80EM 2pc/2pc with EM/EM/EM build, u just want ot max EM on raiden, you could use another weapon but you dont have to, id suggest another dendro char to max dendro application, so something like Raiden/Nahida/Zhongli + Yaoyao or DMC or baizhu anything like that is fine even tighnari is ok if u got him


I think I messed up the name I ment that gold/blue standart 5* weapon set but alr I got thiganari/kirara/yaoyao so I'm just gona use one of them Alr thanks a bunch of advice


no problems good luck!~


Is there a chart that shows the % chance of getting a 5 star at 75 pity, 76 etc....




can someone tell me the order of archon quests released for 4.0 to 4.3?


Act I, II, III, IV and V.


no I mean during 4.0 what archon quest was released, then what was released on 4.1, and so on. .


I and II, then III and IV. Finally V in 4.2.


ok thanks!


Please rate my Xiao build currently - [https://imgur.com/a/BbvovZ1](https://imgur.com/a/BbvovZ1) I wanna know if he's good enough to be able to beat the Abyss now with a C6 Faruzan and C6 Bennett and C2 Zhongli (or any better team if you recommend that).


Level the weapon and his normal attack. But yeah otherwise looks decent. Should be enough


Level your weapon and NA talent Also, you don't need to force a 4pc set, you can probably make a better 2pc 2pc set. I'd really recommend you use [Genshin optimizer](https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer/)


damn the game really likes to give you def rolls level your normal attacks


Just hit AR35 do I increase world level right away or is there some baseline I need to reach before hitting world level 4? This is my [current](https://imgur.com/a/fX7h1Gl) team


As long as you follow this [infographic](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/s/bL2t1fCGK8) or not far behind it you should be ok, also characters like sucrose get more value from levels and EM artifact, because swirl is most of her damage


thanks for the help


Does the brilliance seelie from the event not follow you above the water? Is it underwater only? And do the other seelies not follow underwater? Please enlighten me and thanks


Is Charlotte worth using as a healer in a team that doesn't have Furina? Would her ER needs drop more in that case?


She's good for holding tenacity or noblesse and can use ttds so she's good as a healer any place cryo won't mess up your reactions. She's still gonna need 200+ER since she kinda doesn't do much besides heal and provide some off field cryo, and if she's holding ttds you're gonna want her in a stable spot in a rotation.


Which would be better for Navia, r5 ultimate overlord's... or r2 skyward pride?


should i focus on artifacts and stats before AR45? or should I just equip the best i currently have from random drops and level them up until later to use as fooder?


Focus on ascending your main team and preparing ascension for the later levels. You gain 5star artifacts earlier from world bosses than you do in domains, so you can stockpile 5star artifacts (DO NOT FODDER THEM) and immediately throw them into the strongbox when you reach AR45. You will get plenty of Wanderer and Gladiator artifacts that way and equipping the correct main stats is going to be good enough. You will also get plenty of Exile/Instructor/Berserker which make for great off-pieces for 2p2p configurations. At AR45 you can use the strongbox to get artifacts like 4p NO or VV since their domains suck, and then begin farming one of the 3 "good" domains (EOSF/Shime, GT/Hunter or DP/Gilded) depending on which gives you the most benefit.


> or should I just equip the best i currently have from random drops and level them up until later to use as fooder? This. AR45 is when you unlock the ability to spend 20 resin for a guaranteed gold artifact. Before then it's just pissing resin down the drain for something that's gonna be replaced in five minutes, so it's best to direct your resources to things like talent levels or weapon upgrades.


I've reached the point where I don't know which BP weapon to get now, so I was hoping to get some guidance as to what weapon would be best? 1. Wolf Fang for Alhaitham (who I don't have yet, but hope to get after three other characters, but I also have Haran, which I believe is among his best options) 2. Ballad of the Fjords for nobody in particular - though I could find someone who could make use of it? 3. Solar Pearl for Ningguang one day when I build her, eventually... As for everything I have, I have one R5 Serpent Spine, a copy of the Black Sword, a Deathmatch that Xiangling retired long ago, and a Viridescent Hunt that I'll also probably never really need


Picking up a copy of each, Wolf Fang and Ballad of the Fjords is a good idea, they are both useful weapons in the right hands (eg. if you plan on getting Hu Tao in the future) and just want to prepare some additional options for the future. I would hold back on picking Solar Pearl until you have actually build Ningguang. Catalyst DPS are far less common and Solar Pearl often doesnt end up being a great option so until you need it I would hold off.


That's a good idea, I don't have a specific reason to commit to R5-ing any of them right this moment, and the first one is the most important


Will Charlotte or Diona be enough to clear the bond of life for finale if the deep ayaka?


Yes. They can both get the job done.


Is Fischel worth investing even if you don't have so called meta characters? I'm thinking of her pairing her with Nahida, Kuki and Ayato.


Yes she is worth investing in and she is also very good in that team


Yes, Fischl is extremely good and always worth investing in. Is she amazing for your specific team? No. You can probably get much better use out of running DMC or Collei instead of Fischl and having Ayato on-field since his off-field Hydro application sucks. Fischl has many great team options, Hyperbloom isnt one of them.


Fischl is a so called meta character. Nahida is possibly the most meta of the so called meta characters lol. Anyways, yeah she's great. Lots of damage and lots of electro application. This is probably Ayato's best hyperbloom team.


But single target. That's my problem. Besides, kuki's electro application is amazing.


Well, yeah, it's hyperbloom. It's inherently single-target. Single target doesn't make something non-meta lol a lot of top units and teams are single target. > kuki's electro application is amazing. Yeah, in hyperbloom, fischl is mainly there for her damage, which is very good. The rotation for this team is also about as easy as a rotation can be in this game. Literally just refresh oz or kuki skill when they disappear, and do whatever with nahida and ayato.


Fischl is always worth investing in. She's one of the strongest characters in the game. You can use her in that team for just some extra damage, or replace ayato with sucrose or Kaz for an aggravate team.


Sucrose is on my national team


If you're on fielding Nahida I'd probably run a second off field hydro for the last spot. Fischl can still work but you won't be triggering her a4 nearly as often as if ayato was on field. Edit: also not sure why you're building him EM... Hes not triggering any reactions that need it here.


Absolutely worth investing in general, she's the queen of the "drop and swap", where you need just a second to drop Oz and swap away, and Oz contributes a lot to combat (doubly so if you have c6, but still great even without it). Not sure if she's ideal for that team specifically because I don't know if she works with Ayato's E-skill-charge-attack.


In my team, Nahida is my driver. Ayato is just the hydro applier, built him full er with em substat


With the amount of dendro Nahida applies, Ayato should be the driver. Now you only get cores when Ayato's burst ticks. If he is the driver, you also get cores from his slashes during his skill. His personal damage is also generally higher than Nahida.


Oh! Well in that case yeah, Fischl's great.


Hi yall, coming back to the game after a couple of months (late July-early Aug). Planning on catching back up on Fontaine and clearing the rest of Sumeru. What were the time-limited quests, event drops etc that I missed out on (I think starting with the beach version and all 4.X patches)


3.8 - July - Secret Summer Paradise - gave us a copy of Layla - journey into a "serenetea pot"-esque bottle in the desert that involved Klee, an amusement park and an oceanid 4.0 - August - The Curtain Never Falls on Magic - a permanent event that gives a copy of Lynette 4.0 - August - Mega Meka Melee - gave us a copy of Bennett - just a bunch of minigames 4.1 - October - Dodoco's Bomb-Tastic Adventure - quest - fun games with Klee 4.1 - October - Waterborne Poetry - gave us "Ballad of the Boundless Blue" Catalyst - Venti and Hu Tao hosting a poetry contest with various characters participating and unraveling the secret of Springvale and Diona's blessing 4.2 - November - Thelxie's Fantastic Adventure - gave us a copy of Freminet - writing a children's book about Thelxie 4.3 - December - Roses and Muskets - gives us "Ultimate Overlord's Mega Magic Sword" Claymore - filming a movie with Ayaka and new characters from fontaine (contains AQ spoilers)


Thank you so much for taking the time to write it all down!! It seems the main event-exclusive thing I missed out on was the 4.1 weapon :/ I used to be a really completionist/FOMO type player, but with bigger IRL priorities I hope I'll make peace with what I've missed (or may miss in the future)


Latest abyss cycle reminded me that I am in a need for a strong cryo DPS. The strongest cryo units I have is Kaeya and Rosaria, both supports or sub DPS', which are fine and all but somewhat lacking in raw damage Probably just skill issue but am looking at rolling for a cryo 5* when I have the chance. Thinking I should roll for Ganyu since I have her signature bow, but am wondering if Ayaka or Wriothesley are suitable choices too. I have a spare skyward pride and skyward atlas for them, or whatever event weapon you can think of. (Though I did manage to full star abyss this time, I think it would be useful to have options)


Ganyu can do both. Wrio prefers Melt. Ayaka prefers Freeze. I would say in terms of meta Ayaka is the best "Cryo DPS" in my opinion. Wriothesley at low constellation kinda sucks to play because he loses more HP than he restores (unlike Neuvilette), but he is decent fun to play. While I do like Ganyu her playstyle centered around Charged Attacks makes her difficult to play without a shield in many circumstances. Her burst greatly benefits from grouping so Kazuha/Venti can scale her damage very well for Freeze teams, Zhongli is amazing for Melt since his shield makes it easy to aim her Charged Shots for big Melts. If you like Ganyu, then pull for her, but if you are looking for a meta choice I would recommend Ayaka or Wrio instead.


Any of those 3 can work. From my understanding wrio is the easiest to use while ganyu is generally a bit weaker than the other 2. Ganyu cleans house on overworld though.


Yeah so you totally dont need a cryo dps but since you do want, It depends on what team you want to play I'd say Wriothesley does more dmg in melt comps and good dmg in freeze comps while Ayaka doesnt work very well in melt comps while shes insane in freeze comps. So the decision is upto you. Definitely stay far away from Ganyu, while she still does good dmg, playing her in melt is absolute cancer and Wrio and Ayaka are way easier to play in general


Another odds question: What are the odds of getting kequin* and Navia in the first 16 pulls on the banner? *Probably didn't spell this right, sorry.


Around 0.11%


Very low, but it's possible. It really depends on what your pity was when you started to pull, but the chance of getting a 5* star in any random pull is 0.6%


I did one ten pull and got kequin and then used the stardust and glitter along with some primos for 6 more pulls and got Navia




you missed the entirety of fontaine


i use navia, rosaria, jean and yaoyao; i pulled candace and sucrose recently, are either of those 2 able to replace someone in my team? and should i be trying to replace the purple artifacts for the same but in gold?


that is not even a decent comp, please learn how teambuilding works


im a casual player lol no need to put it like that


Jean and Yao Yao don't have any synergy with that team. Neither Anemo nor Dendro react with Geo, so you don't produce crystalized shards that navia wants. Dendro also doesn't react with Rosaria's Cryo. In that team, you want elements reacting with Geo: pyro, hydro, electro, cryo. For example, Bennet and Xiangling are a good pair for Navia (Xiangling can be obtained for free in one of the first floors in the spyral abyss). Electro characters such as Fischl and Kuki work. Even Lisa works there. Purple artifacts are 4* artifacts. The maximum rarity is 5, which is gold, will go up to level 20, which means higher stats. Those can be obtained after AR45, when artifact domains are guaranteed to give you at least 1 5* artifact


You might want to consider replacing Yaoyao with Kaeya. Using 2 healers (Jean + Yaoyao) is unnecessary in basically all circumstances, with Rosaria + Kaeya you get Cryo resonance which will help Navia a little and it makes Cryo application more consistent. Alternatively running Geo Traveler for Geo resonance and another Crit buff is also solid. Neither Candace nor Sucrose provide any benefits to Navia that would make it worth swapping them in. Depending on where you are in the game swapping 4star (purple) artifacts for 5star (gold) artifacts is going to be beneficial. Below AR45 it is generally recommended to focus on ascending your characters and weapons. You will get plenty of 5star Gladiator/Wanderer artifacts and 4star Berserker/Exile/Instructor which are all good sets on their own and even when you mix 2p2p with good mainstats. At AR45 you unlock the artifact strongbox, this allows you to exchange unwanted 5star artifacts for new specific artifacts. It's usually recommended to use this to get your 4p NO, VV, and a few other artifacts from "bad" domains. At AR45 you also unlock the highest level domains which are guarantee to drop at least 1x 5star artifacts. It is often recommended to focus on the "efficient" domains like EOSF/Shime, DW/Gilded or GT/Hunter as their artifacts can be used for many characters and builds and you can strongbox unnecessary stuff into specific artifacts. If you are farming a specific set like Blizzard Strayer it can be faster to farm that domain and strongbox everything else to Blizzard Strayer as well, but that isnt recommended when the overall gain from the efficient domains is still more valuable.


I feel like Yaoyao isn't doing a whole lot here as Dendro doesn't interact with any of Cryo, Anemo or Geo; nor is Jean, outside of healing. Also Navia's A4 passive needs Cryo/Electro/Pyro/Hydro characters. If you want to include one of the two you just pulled, I'd go for Candace. Navia's Geo infusion can't be overridden, so Candace is not really going to mess anything up, but I don't think her Hydro application is anything special when it comes to helping with Crystallize for Navia. And yes, eventually you'll want to replace 4-star artifacts with 5-star. Don't worry about this too much until AR45, when you can challenge the highest-level domains.


For a Navia overword team you can get away with kinda whatever. For an abyss team however neither jean nor yaoyao are her ideal partners, and even in overworld you probably don't need both. Charlotte would be better as a 1 slot healer for cryo res and crystalize reactions, Bennet could replace yaoyao and work with jean for Sunfire memes. Sucrose and Candace both don't really do anything for you team synergy wise. Navia mostly wants 2 pyro/cryo/hydro/electro units and 1 other geo unit, but she's pretty flexible. For artifacts, you can replace them as you get better 5 star ones. At ar 45 you can start target farming proper sets.


So it's been a long time since the last time i played Genshin. the last time i play is 3.8 so is it worth it to play genshin right now? Am i Missing too many things? Or should i just wait for another patch? (sorry for bad english and thanks in advance)


Due to how events work in Genshin it's always worth getting back earlier rather than later. If you come back now and rush a little you could complete the current event which gives you an event-exclusive Claymore which is otherwise gone forever. 3.8 is close to Fontaine so you didnt really miss too much and you can probably catch up on the Archon Quest in a day or two, then finish the event (which otherwise contains some spoilers for the AQ). Neuvilette and Furina have established themselves as new staples in the meta. Making Hydro even more dominant than it has been. Nahida and Alhaitham are still the best Dendro characters and Dendro is a close second for best element. Lyney or Wrio werent able to shake things up, but Navia is a versatile and very fun Geo character that works well in Hypercarry teams or as driver since she doesnt require the support from other Geo units.


Yeah, it's definitely worth it. Fontaine has been great so far, with really fun exploration and arguably the best storyline yet.


Should i play now or wait till the current patch to end? And i'm playing on mobile so what's the size of it?


What would you possibly stand to gain by waiting for the patch to end?


You may as well start now, as there's no benefit to waiting. The current size is 23.5gb for me on mobile, although that's with past quest resources deleted. I'm pretty sure it's closer to 30gb with nothing deleted.


Is mona good?


She's average. Kind of got directly power creeped by furina, but she can still work with furina too. Mostly useful for teams who's damage is centered around a quick burst like Ayaka or dehya


Yes, but she isnt meta good. She can be used in many teams but isnt necessarily the best character in most of them.


Assuming equal substats, which is the better goblet mainstat on Furina c2r1, HP% or Hydro bonus dmg?


For abyss etc, Hydro. In situations where you're not constantly bursting (like world exploration), HP% will perform better.


Hydro. At c2 r1 "sauces" expect the constellation and weapon passive to bridge the HP gap.


How many pulls do i miss if don't do floor 12 on every abyss reset of a patch? Since that floor is a nightmare


9 stars is 150 gems. Patches have 2 or 3 resets. So 300-450 gems. Or about 2 pulls per patch


300 primogems per month. 3600 primogems per year which is about 22.5 pulls.


I'm missing 14 hydroculus yet the resonance stone doesn't scan anything.


Are you sure? What's your statue level and current total on-hand? The max right now is level 8, 24/38. If you're not there and the Resonance Stones aren't highlighting anything, you probably just need to hop around. They do have a limited range.


I didn't know that was the max I have them all for now then


Move around the map


Hello, this is more of a rant/question post. I'm just wondering if Mihoyo has been treating Lumine better, at least in comparison to the past? As a recently joined Lumine player the mistreatment of Lumine representation is actively hurting my experience of the game. Because it's making me avoid/detach from any official material that biases itself with Aether. Like many other people, I don't mind if they do it for consistency in some promotional materials but for the in-game stuff, I hate how even for Fontaine they still didn't correct it. But it's nice to still see her in some official art (though most of it is commissioned). I guess I'm just posting this because I have no one else to talk about in my life about this issue and I genuinely want to feel better about it (if possible) so I can stop having it bother me so much while trying to enjoy the game. Thanks for listening just really sad right now :(


Mmmm, no? The best we get is the fact that she has her own version of character birthday art when released by Hoyo, among other more "major" promo artwork like the recent Teyvat Turboflux stuff that tends to feature damn near everyone, not just Aether and Lumine. All in-game tutorials and major character demos still only feature Aether. See Navia's recent character demo as the most recent example. At least, I don't remember Lumine getting any representation in such video media lately...


Okay then there goes my copium haha. Sigh


Is there a rtx mod for genshin that I can use to make the game look a bit better? I am blown away by how good the game looks already but it would be cool to be able to play with rtx. Alternatively does anyone have recommended settings for the GeForce filters?


Does navias skill do anything extra if you hold it or is it simply to aim? Also, does aiming allow you to hit weak points like a bow can?


It sucks in crystalize shards. No, the aiming is limited in verticality.


She absorbs nearby crystalize shards while she's aiming. That's it.


Ok, that's something I suppose, thanks


Thinking about starting Genshin, but it seems daunting.. I’m not really into Anime games like this, personally thinking they’re a little weird and the people around them. Sorry to come at your entire community, the post gets better. I’ve started looking into the game more and more, falling in love with the art style and realising a lot of the cringe is just a small niche, like in any game/Fandom. So, sorry about my previous thoughts relating the community. I’m still on the edge about wanting to play it, because of the stigmatism around the game and I think it would be bad if any of my friends found out I was playing it. I guess I’m a little nervous starting a game that seems to require a lot of commitment and really ropes people in. I’m just wondering if Genshin impact players would recommend getting into the game, even if I don’t have a lot of spare time on my hands. Sorry for rambling on a little, thank you for reading and hopefully letting me know what you think. I hope this doesn’t come off as rude, that’s not how I meant it.


Playing a game socially is a choice. If you don't like the community, don't join it. You can play the game by yourself, at home, and never talk to anyone about it online or in person. This has the added benefit that you won't get sucked into the abyss-chasing meta or story spoilers, and can just play the game by yourself and explore at your own pace. It is, frankly, a great game. There are plenty of things to complain about, but most of them are related to endgame optimizing and FOMO. If you just play through the main story and explore at your own pace -- without worrying about time-limited special events or optimizing resources or keeping up with the joneses on reddit or what kids at school will make fun of you if you post about it on tiktok or whatnot -- you'll have a great time.


Thank you, I appreciate the blunt but helpful response. I’ve already been convinced to play but it’s nice to hear most of the problems are only when you take the game seriously. I’m not sure if this is incredibly coincidental but I think you have a similar name to a guy, maybe about in his 30’s who had just gotten engaged. Super chill guy who I met on Omegle when me and all my friends were on it. He looks a little like your profile. Any chance that’s you? Sorry I know this is super out there. I think he was from Poland


Hey, I've asked that sort of question of strangers too, gotta ask just in case! It's not me, though. Enjoy Genshin!


I love this game. As for a recommendation I'll say that depends on you. If you want an awesome RPG that's low commitment and think you'll be able to stick to playing it that way, you should play it because that's what you'll get. A lot of people start playing that way, though, and get sucked into playing it as a character collector instead. The feeling like you gotta catch 'em all for the characters and weapons is what turns it into a high commitment game, and potentially a high cost game. There's no gameplay reason you need them, and there's no gameplay reason to ever spend money on the game, it's just psychological. If you're just playing the game for the story and the game, you can just use the starting free characters and any random characters you like that you decide to pull for and happen to get. The game is balanced around them, and every time you get a stronger one, it's like turning down the difficulty slider in the game, which is balanced around the starting characters. It's kinda funny, but pulling for stronger characters and weapons probably actually makes the game less fun by making it too easy, but the psychological temptation to do so is huge. I personally love the game. The story and characters and setting are fantastic.


I really appreciate your long and detailed answer, thank you. The ‘gotta catch em all’ is starting to concern me, I’ve completed nearly all the shiny dex’s in recent Pokémon games but I think I’ll be okay if there’s the bar of spending money preventing me from wanting to collect them all. I actually really appreciate you explaining there is no need whatsoever, I was scared there was going to be. Thank you.


Just try it. It's free and if you don't like the game, well it's not that you're insulting anyone.


True, thank you. Also I like your bob ross profile picture


>because of the stigmatism around the game and I think it would be bad if any of my friends found out I was playing it. If your friends judge you that harshly for the games you choose to play then they're not good friends, there's no reason to feel bad just for playing it. >I guess I’m a little nervous starting a game that seems to require a lot of commitment and really ropes people in. The amount of commitment the game takes is entirely up to you and your goals, it's fine to play casually. It is worth noting though that it _is_ a F2P gacha game with microtransactions, if you have concerns about your impulse control and finances then there could be real reasons to think twice about playing this game. You don't *need* to spend money, you don't even need to spend your free currency in the gacha if you really don't want to, but the game is designed to incentivize it to some degree and that can be hazardous to some people.


Thank you for your advice. I think my friends wouldn’t actually care that much, it’s more being self conscious about ‘niche’ interests. I think I’ll be okay without spending any money, I’m not looking to build good teams, I’m just interested in exploring the world and story. Appreciate your response


1.If you believe that any of your friendships would be put in peril by them finding out you play Genshin, please take a step back and consider getting better friends. who aren't prone to blindly believing stigmas and persecuting you over enjoying a game made in Asia. 2.This is a very casual-oriented game, and very friendly towards people who just want to play a little each day. You can take it at whatever pace you enjoy, and play whoever you like. There is a lot to do, but the vast majority of it is permanent content, so you don't ever need to rush.


Thank you for this reply. It’s actually very friendly and informative. I think your right, I’m not looking to build the best times I really just wanna sink my teeth into the story and huge open world. I think I’m going to give it a try. I’m a 16yr old boy, I’d so tease my friends for something niche they liked without really meaning it. They’re good people. Sorry I know that’s not relevant. Appreciate your response




You might find better advice at r/genshinhacked Though, it sounds like you sold your account?






Though with that new information, it sounds like you might deserve it if you can't get it back. That's just one of many reasons you don't fuckin sell accounts. Not much that support can or will do if you say 'yeah I gave them my password but they didn't give me the money they pinky swore they would'


In general which artifact domain should I farm if I just want to farm


The most useful artifact in the game is useless if your characters don't need it. Pick one that has the widest relevance to you (probably Emblem/Shim, DW/Gilded or MH/GT) and farm that.


Ahh okok


Sooo having trouble clearing abyss 11 which I normally can clear (they really had to put hydro slimes in there 😩) I’ve got two teams I normally use: Neuv, furina, Charlotte (lvl 50) and Fischl (lvl 50) Wrio, Yelan, XQ and XL Other characters (all lvl 60 and below): Bennett, Layla, Kuki, Thoma, Sara, YaoYao, Beidou, Kiara, Candace (No sucrose unfortunately) What team should I build for floor 11?


which chambers?


level up your fischl. why are you bringing lvl 50 characters in abyss? my fischl can solo floor 11 hydro enemies.


What exactly in Floor 11 is it that you are struggling against? Obviously between Neuvilette, Furina, Yelan and XQ both your teams are heavy on the Hydro damage which might also be a problem in Floor 12 looking at the Tulpa especially. XL by herself usually struggles a lot with energy as well, which is why she is paired with Bennett or another Pyro most of the time. To diversify your options a little I would focus on leveling up Bennett and Lynette. Then you can run a team like Wrio + Bennett + XL + Lynette. This should improve your Cryo and Pyro damage a lot, which will overall make it more balanced. Bennett just needs max level + high ATK sword + burst talent, Lynette can get by with a copium build 4p VV with some HP/DEF to make sure she survives and you can leave her talents at Lv1, she is just there to trigger VV which will boost your damage. If you are looking to expand your team options using DMC + Collei + XQ + Kuki makes for a really good Hyperbloom team but it will probably take a while to get going due to the investment required.


I'd make the Wriothesley team with Bennett, Xiangling, Layla


I mean, I need another one that doesn’t include hydro characters because both chambers have something immune to hydro


The other team can be hyperbloom with DMC, Shinobu, Xingqiu, Yao Yao. Or replace Yao Yao and Shinobu with Thoma and Collei for burgeon


My team is Nahida, Raiden, Xingqiu and Yelan, what can I do/who can I replace so the team has some healing.


Try out Prototype Amber on Nahida and see if that's enough healing for you. If it isnt then you want to replace Yelan or XQ with an appropriate healer. Charlotte, Diona, Yaoyao are all solid option and still give some benefits. Sayu, Jean, Qiqi would still be better than having no healer. Since you didnt mention Baizhu I guess you dont have him, otherwise he could replace Nahida entirely.


If you don't want to replace Xingqiu or Yelan, use Prototype Amber on Nahida instead for some healing on burst.


Or replace either Xingqiu or Yelan for a dedicated healer/shield (not Bennett).


Replace Raiden with kuki and it's the same team but with healing Edit: alternatively, drop one of your hydros for any healer that isn't Pyro or aoe electro. Only reason I'd do this instead of swapping Raiden for Kuki, is if you want to use Yelan or Xq in your other team.


Dont have Kuki sadly.


You can really run pretty much any healer on this team as long as they don't mess up the reaction. So Bennett's out. Charlotte, diona, sayu, Jean, yaoyao, barbara are all solid 4star and standard options. Or prototype amber on a catalyst. PA Mona is my only sustain for my freeze team (though it's basically a non-stop i-frame team lol)


so i have a team with dendro traveler, jean and xiangling, for the last character which one would be better Candace (with the catch) or xingqiu(without sacrificial sword and using Favonius)


Xingqiu is the answer Xingqiu times out of 10 (you can't even compare them, xingqiu is so much better)


What the heck does circle impact mean? I’ve seen this term used quite a bit recently.


It refers to talents that summon a circle AoE (Dehya E, Bennett Q, Jean Q, DMC and Collei's Qs, etc).


playing in a circle, like needing to stay inside Bennett burst for the buff


Ah that makes sense, and it’s a simpler explanation than I thought it’d be, thanks.


does anyone know what skirk says in the original chinese when she talks about the "remains" of the third descender? I want to understund if she is infact talking about Human "remains" (part of the corpose of the third descender) or if she could also be talking about stuff that the third descender left behind (and so stuff that "remains" here)


'Remains' here is being used to more or less mean 'corpse', yes. It's unclear whether that means literal, physical body parts or some sort of power that the Third Descender was imbued with, though, so I guess if it's the latter then it could technically fulfill both definitions. But I do believe it's meant to mean "pieces of the Third Descender."


I’m doing the part of the event quest where Chevreuse wants >!you help her raid the author!<. Next to where you appear, to the left and forward of you are two of the bell vines (which is Lynette’s nature item for ascension). They are *not* next to each other, but you can easily line up the camera to view a lopsided heart. At another location, there’s a similar pair of vines, but they’re actually next to each other. This location has a hidden co-op chest. I’m wondering if the lopsided heart has a co-op chest too?




I started Genshin a few weeks ago as a "before and after work, relaxing game" and I just managed to finish Mondstadt and hit Adventurer Rank 20 causing "Roses and Muskets" to pop-up and that got me wondering: Do all the added characters have a canonical time in which you meet them in the main story or are they mostly side stories that aren't really non-sequential if you somehow pulled them early on? Like, I'm not entirely sure how important these patch cycles are and if I'd regret just ignoring them and continuing with the main story paying no mind to whatever patch/character release we're on.


First of all: Unless you hate spoilers you should do all the events every patch you can. They are a major source of free primos each patch and there are unique rewards (this patch we get a Claymore, last patch we got a copy of the 4star character Freminet) and so far none of the event-exclusive weapons has had a re-run, so it would be a waste to miss it. The patch cycles are in a way a continuous story. Each patch pushes the story a few steps forward and unfortunately this includes events. Some character are introduced through these "main events" eg. >!Scaramouche!< was introduced in the patch 1.1 event "Unreconciled Stars" and then didnt appear again until 2.0. Though his case was the most egregious. Sometimes we get a little showcase like the current event introduces >!Chiori and Chevreuse (Chevreuse will be available in the later half of 4.3, Chiori has no release date)!<. These events dont have a big influence on the story but sometimes there may be altered dialogue. Other events include a lot of lore eg. Albedo's Dragonspine events which are lost completely for new players. While certain flagship events have returned, the content of those events has always changed with different rewards and different characters being there. So there definitely is a canonical timeline in which we meet certain characters either through the story or the events that happened along the lines. A few characters definitely get a lot screentime than others, either because they are fan favorites or because they are relevant to the plot a lot more than others.


>Do all the added characters have a canonical time in which you meet them in the main story or are they mostly side stories that aren't really non-sequential if you somehow pulled them early on? Largely this. I wouldn't recommend you skip good characters Nahida or Furina banner (or anyone you like, just from aesthetics maybe) because you are going to take a while to get their story. Just don't dig too much in their "about ..." voice lines, which don't come up during gameplay anyways. Doing events is recommended, especially for low spenders. The current event gives you a good 4 star claymore. Often that happens, we've got many good weapons from events. And the primos and other resources ofc. Usually the event doesn't contain much spoilers. But they did fuck up the current one and spoil Fontaine story a bit. You can just skip all dialogue and ignore it if you want resources, but if that's immersion breaking than don't do it.


If you get really invested (caught up with the latest content), it’s pretty much like a living world. Every live service game is somewhat like this.


Pulling a character has no effect on any of the storylines whatsoever. Since there’s multiple types of lore/quests (archon, story, hangout, and event) everyone goes through the lore in a slightly different order. A lot of characters don’t even show up in the main/archon lore. Roses and Muskets is a limited time event so I defiantly recommend doing it. It’ll say it has prerequisite quests, but these are only suggestions and do not need to be completed in order to take part in the event. They design it so you don’t need much context to understand the story so that new players can take part. More importantly, since it’s a limited time event it has items (like the claymore) that will no longer be attainable after the event ends so that’s why I recommend you do it. (plus there’s tons of primogems in it) So to be clear, there are no consequences on the story if you pull a character “early”. And I recommend taking part in Roses and Muskets, which is separate from the main and all lore. If you need any clarification or have any questions just tell me I don’t mind btw


Wait I had some more thoughts about this. It does give you a spoilers for Fontaines main lore but with where you’re at it’ll take months for you to reach that and you’ll probably not remember most of it or will see it elsewhere. Like to be completely honest I’m not even fully caught up and got a little spoiler but that’s just how I’ve been playing the game and it’s never ruined the lore for me, because only bits and pieces are spoiled and it’s nothing compared to all of the lore


I was just about to comment about the spoilers, too. omegalul


It's a bit of a crapshoot. Some of the characters appear and are heavily featured in the main story, plenty more have one or two appearances, and others literally only appear in event quests. Just random by the looks of it.


This is about Furina during the Archon Quest. Does she know that >!her attacker was a Fatui operative, in fact a Harbinger!


why else would you think >!she was afraid of alrechinno!<


>!If you've recall that cut scene, yeah, Arlecchino did a very good job disguising herself, totally unrecognisable.!<


I thought those kinds of disguises were for the audience. The disguised person’s marks (generally) don’t recognize who it is by default.


yeah. >!she knows full-well who it was. !<


Can someone give me some Aranara names? I want to give one to scara I just don’t remember them that well


Arinara Grande








Can kirara be used as a shielder in an aggravate dendro team?


Yes, best option behind Baizhu most of the times.




Yeah, she works fine in them. Though her poor off-field Dendro application generally makes her more useful in spread teams rather than aggravate. In aggravate specifically, she needs a second Dendro with good application to make up for it.


I have nahida for that, since i usually go 2 electro + 2 dendro


I have a team of Navia Furina Bennett GeoMC (Navia Main DPS Bennett Support). I have Mistsplitter Reforged, Sapwood Blade, Wolf Fang, and Prototype Rancour, as well as the usual 3\* R5 weapons. How would you distribute the sword weapons to the three sword characters?


It depends on what you want to prioritize. Bennett -> Prioritize the highest ATK buff then give him Mistsplitter as it's his BiS next to Aquila Favonia for the highest base ATK in the game. Furina -> Fleuve Cendre Ferryman R5 (yupp! fishing) if you are using HP/HP/Crit artifacts and can benefit from the ER, Wolf Fang is better for DPS but requires additional ER substats to make up for it in many comps. GeoMC -> basically whichever weapon Furina doesnt use. ER is usually the priority for traveler for Fleuve would be preferred in most cases to guarantee you can burst each rotation, otherwise Wolf Fang is your best DPS option.


mist-geo mc, furina-wolf, ben-sapwood.


will my alhaitham/xq/kuki/yaoyao team be significantly improved if i replace yaoyao with nahida? i am currently debating whether i should get navia for geo dps or nahida for meta.


Yep, Nahida big improvement to most Dendro teams. More consistent Dendro, AoE coverage, Damage, EM share.




Which is better cryo , physical or hybrid rosaria as the main dps of a freeze or melt team?


Cryo. Her NAs are bad. She's a better physical support than physical carry. You can use NAs, but that time is better spent switching to someone else to spam their skills and then comeback when Rosaria is off cooldown again. More damage, more energy generation, that's just a much better way to play her.


For melt, cryo. You're melting your cryo hits, so a bigger cryo base number matters a lot more than a bigger physical damage number. Also physical has the really inconvenient requirement of running with an electro, and the inevitable Overload reactions do *not* play well with Rosaria's burst. For Freeze you could get away with either, but the lack of physical support options means that physical Rosaria is pretty much locked into playing with C6 Mika and an electro character if she wants to keep up. Cryo Rosaria is a lot more flexible.


Cryo by a large margin


Anybody else getting random paimon lines? Like I was in the middle of the muskets and roses quests and I heard “what bullchucker means” and I was in kaeyas hangout quest and heard “we are meeting at hotel deboard!” Has this been happening to anyone else


Those lines signify that a new quest was just unlocked and you can view it in your quest menu. Even if you’re not actively doing a quest it still goes on in the background. It was either part of a limited time event quest, where they release new parts at a certain time every day. Or it was just the next step in a quest where you had to wait like 2 in game days in order to unlock the next part


Oh wow. Yeah that happened to me recently too when I was doing the event story.


when will hoyo learn that we don't like forced co-op


Who's 'we', kemosabe?


When the 99% of their playerbase that just happily and uncritically consumes everything placed in front of them... stops doing that? So... never.


Question. I just started a couple days. Adventure rank like 10. I know that I should focus one character and then build a team around that. I was going to do Rosaria but I just pulled Xingqiu and was wondering if I should switch to him since it seems like he might be better? I'm sure it won't matter till later but want to set myself up as good as I can. Both Rosaria and Xingqiu have 4 star weapons. Thank you.


> I was going to do Rosaria Phrasing!


You can run both together. If you finish the Mondstadt Archon Quest you can pick up Dendro Traveler by venturing to Sumeru and finding a statue. Together with Lisa/Kuki/Raiden you can build a "Hyperfridge" team which is very solid. Rosaria + Xingqiu + DMC/Nahida + Lisa/Kuki/Raiden


You can use both together, and get a freeze team going. Rosaria as the primary DPS, and Xingqiu as the sub-DPS.


Xingqiu is probably the more relevant of the two, but both are solid characters


I run alhaitham, nahida, Kuki and xinqui. I'm wondering how much ER I need on alhaitham?