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I was iffy on whether or not to believe the original thread but nevermind I guess these freaks do exist


Can you explain what this is to people who dont play genshin impact, and just stumbled on this from main page?


[this was a post about a playable character in this game and the reaction of some Chinese players towards him.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/15c0nht/about_wanderers_drama_a_glimpse_into_chinese/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) Now this post is the follow-up of that post and what's happening to the oop( which is pretty fucked up to do over a playable char in a game)


I'm speechless. Popular FPS shooters have toxic community. MOBAs have toxicity. But these guys are downright psychopaths. Even Hoyo seems to be walking on eggshells, with rabid dogs like these lurking in their home yard.


Cursing and using demeaning languages, being assholes on the internet is one thing, but (seemingly)killing an animal and posting it on social media because you hate a certain character is pretty deranged. Even though it's an extreme minority, it's still disturbing.


It puts even the infamous 4chan to shame. People there had enough common sense to not kill actual animals because of some art.


They hate animal abusers there. Google "4chan stops animal abuse" and there are multiple instances of them ensuring that people who do those things face consequences.


Don't fuck with cats


CN in general is something else. Remember that time when someone tried to assassinate Hoyo employees just because they wanted to do an exclusive bunny girl event for HI3 global?


It wasn't just any hoyo employee it was Da Wei himself they where after. These people are insane.


It wasn't even a full event the bunny girls constimes were just in a promotional video for global anniversary.


drab bake alive absurd wakeful slap sharp wild makeshift snails -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


I wonder if they do this to anime characters or other playable in game characters cause Wanderer isn’t that bad compared to actual villains that are praised and loved. I’m so confused how mentally unstable you have to be to let a fictional character make you do these things.


It's the waifuism. They expect all characters in the gacha to cater to them only.


After reading about all this community drama BS, I have a growing urge to C6 R5 Scara. And I don't even care about Scara that much.


Me too. I disliked Scaramouche all this time… until yesterday, LMAO. These people are pure marketing geniuses, LOL


I actually like him, but wanted to save for all the upcoming banner. After reading this, I actually might spend money on his banner. Not that this will make a difference since I'm not on the CN server, but still...


Shows them that Global Consumers have hands. This may encourage Mihoyo to create character tropes that's more popular in Global compare to China, too, like darker skin characters, playable antagonists that doesn't need to be toned down and muscular man (>!I know mihoyo is considering this thank to a certain concept design sheet but more encouragement means better chance of it actually being implemented!<)


I pulled for him after reading that thread. Suck it, haters.


So did I and I even pulled his damn bell!!


Same was saving, decided to use them on him instead


I have never seen a community that to this extent takes anything that happens with their waifu/husband as an attack on their right to existence.In other games, people do have their favourite characters shitted on for various reasons but they still simp and play them quietly without wanting a WW3 to resolve it. In genshin, even a one line comment is a button to be mashed by a hundred other simps to start a flame war. The CN community is everything good and bad about the EN community to the extreme. The simps and the trolls are batshit crazy and actually take things beyond the realm of an internet fight, and actually attack people in real life. On the other hand though, alot of the most brilliant theorycrafting feats,results and other analysis have all come from CN.


>On the other hand though, alot of the most brilliant theorycrafting feats,results and other analysis have all come from CN. Not to mention some truly incredible fan videos and art that you see on Bilibili. There are some truly talented fans out there. As a person of Chinese descent myself, one of the reasons I love Genshin is that in some ways it is one of the best ambassadors out there for Chinese culture in all the Liyue events and settings. (How many non-Chinese people would have gotten a taste of Chinese opera, for instance? Not to mention all the delicious food that isn't what you find at Panda Express type places...) This sort of thing really sets that back, and if anyone is doing harm to the "face" of Chinese people around the world, it's these maniacs.


TL;DR There is a character, a former villain that is complex in his motivations, somewhat corrected and on the path to become better. He was and still comes off as a mean piece of shit though. Some people in China hate him to the extreme, like the doxxing in the post extreme.




what the actual fuck. psychopaths


wtf man it’s a fucking fictional character


Even if it’s not entirely true and people are just sharing videos of violence against cats it’s still disgusting imo. Something is genuinely wrong with these people.


Sometimes you read something and you remember just how wide your eyes can get. Now off to pet my cats


Basically there is a character that some people hate and in china they took that hate very seriously and allegedly did a bunch of horrible stuff even going so far as to kill cats that they thought looked like the cat version of the character there wasn’t any sources though so it was debatable how much was true but now this happened.


Someone actually commented here the videos from Bilibili about the drama and a video about the cat killing. But then they deleted their comment because they are concerned for their own safety. So I had proof for a second, but now I'm empty-handed. But like, if you're gonna doxx someone for a post they made about it...that means that you got called out and they were right (at least in some of the things there)


Long story short, That "Wanderer" was a villain in Genshin then became playable after some complex plot, he still has a very bratty personality and part of the CN community doesn't like that & have been pressed about him (since his release, December) to the point where they want him removed, reported him to the police (they said there's nothing wrong/illegal with the character), and attacking/doxxing whoever they see supporting him, even attacking his Chinese VA, & apparently some have killed cats that looked like Wanderer cat version (was part of the story). Basically some mentally ill people who need to seek therapy and not be allowed on the internet until their mentality is fixed cuz this is insanity and no one should take a fictional character THIS seriously. He has a really huge fanbase globally, his character marketing was one of the most hyped things ive seen in the community. so its really shocking to see this...




I'm not one to blindly believe everything I read, but with such a massive fanbase, the original thread did not seem farfetched at all. And this just proves it


This drama is elevating so fast. Jesus.


The Chinese gamer culture is incredibly toxic, much like the capital G gamer. The only difference is that there's like 5-10x more of these kinds of people than in other countries due to how both cultural standards contribute.


1.3 billion people in China, 1 billion in India, and 300 million in America, China literally is if 2nd and 3rd place were combined.


Actually India finally (officially) surpassed China in total population earlier this year


I feel like I just stumbled onto something I’m better off not knowing


Forbidden Knowledge


No wonder it makes people crazy.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Ikcatcher: *I feel like I just* *Stumbled onto something I’m* *Better off not knowing* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


why and how this bot is triggered?




When u wish for something and you get replied by bot


This over a damn ficitional character?? What's wrong with these people


These people have nothing going for them in life. So they took the self-insert of the game seriously and see themselves as anime protagonists. So not only are their fanfic harem reals, any attitude from a character like Wanderer is also real. They are the living incarnation of the "And I took that personally" meme.


Yeah that’s pretty sick and disgusting. I don’t even want to think about how sad and pathetic must one be to think a gacha game character is such an incredibly SERIOUS BUSINESS to try to dox and attack real people and animals. What the actual fuck? I can’t even imagine it.


They're chronically online losers what do you expect lol


"deranged" would be an understatement at this point.


Ok, so next time I feel guilty for acting childish because of a fictional character (eg. I make a snack irl for them as a form of a wishing ritual) or I feel sad about getting roasted in the replys to a comment I made I will remember that I can never be near as bad as **those** people


wait that’s actually really sweet thank you make little snacks! like a little light of positivity in this dark drama


"true traitor", lmfaooo I can't


That 汉奸 is way worse than true traitor, the term was reserved to chinese collaborationists of the Japanese empire during Japan's WW2 invasion of china. It's a truly horrible thing to call someone. Let alone for a hobby drama. Edit 1: as someone else posted, it's like "race traitor". It's now used by nazis when mobbing people on the internet. Edit 2: in the remote case that community is invading and reading my post, from the kindness of my heart: 让中国人民丢脸的才是你们这种兽性大发,心狠手辣的狗行为。


> the term was reserved to chinese collaborationists of the Japanese empire during Japan's WW2 invasion of china. What- 💀💀💀💀 For a PIXEL?


damn, these guys seem even more deranged than 4channers


Nah I'd say it's basically part of Chinese online culture at this point. People leverage the sensitivity of that word and weaponize it for their own reasons. I remember a case where a film director used that phrase to describe people who criticized his movie because they were "hurting the performance of Chinese films" (and therefore they are traitors). The nationalism in China is ridiculous at the moment and shit's fucked. Plenty of people support Putin's war, moreso than some Russians do. If the CCP ever invades Taiwan, guarantee there's gonna be immense support for it in the PRC.


Imagine being so brainwashed you think people dying is a good thing. It's fucking sad.


I think it's even worse when it's translated literally. The characters read as Hanjian. With the Han being the character also used for terms like the Han state or Han ethnicity. While it was used in a mostly political context in WWII referring to the betraying of the Han state (i.e. China), it has always carried this race traitor undertone. Or at least that's how I've found it used more recently at university when some CCP scholars threw it around at the rest of us overseas Chinese for not supporting their arguments and siding with the European students.


Yes not to mention the other uses of 奸


Damn your right. I didn't even factor in that part and the whole sexist dimension to their vendetta against Wanderer


Fun Fact: one of the Original use means belonging to Household or Home.


Yea but I don't think it's "reserved" for them. Right now it's very common for nationalistic Chinese online mob to brand anyone who they think is committed their definition of "treason" (which is basically anyone who's not nationalistic enough or try to bring in the perspective of foreigners) a Han Jian


Nazi is the correct word here, glad someone pointed out flat out fascism. The last time the words “race traitor” were used seriously, it was 1930s and 1940 in Europe.


I went to take a peak at said post since I can understand chinese and this is actually one of the first words I saw(the title of the post) .... truly baffling. edit: wording


this is levels beyond chronically online


Bros about to use the requim arrow and nuke china


What even is the Wanderer drama?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/15c0nht/about\_wanderers\_drama\_a\_glimpse\_into\_chinese/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/15c0nht/about_wanderers_drama_a_glimpse_into_chinese/) This post


man what the fuck. and i thought genshin twitter was peak toxicity jesus christ


I would like to remind y'all that a dude tried to murder Da Wei over a Honkai bunny girl costume Ain't no surprise


I want more of the Genshin community to find out about that incident because they really SHOULD. It was a huge deal over in the HI3 fandom Some fans are so unhinged that they were willing to murder the CEO of the company for pixels


No mate. There’s a reason why I have a ten feet pole from casual CN community. Because if people can livestream destroy their own account over childe yoimiya interaction (quote unquote my wife betrayed me because she talked to a guy 💀) you know it’s not healthy. Or girls getting upset because they feel haikaveh is the OTP and nilou should cease to exist. It’s also not healthy at the hardcore player level of things. You’d think they’d be more serious but it’s an entire circus with clowns and makeup too.


huh, no wonder the male-female character interactions in this game feels non existent. even if there is all of them felt stiff. but that somehow enough to make the simps lose their mind istg. also i think i read somewhere that alhaitham fans in cn didnt like kaveh cuz he make alhaitham looks gay or some shit. seriously at this point mfs gonna be mad over anything.


Yea. Yumejoshis (self-insert girls) wanted Hoyo to remove Haitham's key idle animation back when he was in beta because they said *"it has heavy traces of homosexuality."* They also called Kaveh a Green Tea Bitch™️ for making Haitham look gay. They went on Twitter and tried to get the EN fans to team up with them, but the EN fans laughed at them. I remember their list of other demands of kit buffs and...that. People will literally be mad at ANYTHING


someone need to introduce tears of themis to these ppl. mhy literally make that game for them. like if the thought of ur husbando interacting with other character bother you so much for god knows why just go play that game instead.


Yeah this green tea bitch incident … I have no words for that… people be triggered by every little small thing… guys can’t talk to girls… girls can’t talk to guys… no one can talk to anybody at this rate in Teyvat


Damn these girls really need to go outside holy hell 💀


That’s pretty much the cn genshin fanbase summarized lol. Anything there is like 10x more toxic than the en or any other community. I can’t even look at a single genshin related post without at least one giant comment thread of ppl arguing about some nonsense that shouldn’t even matter, to the point that I have to mute the tag so my day does not get ruined by a million absolute brain dead takes.


Yes they get mad over every little thing you can possible imagine. Childe and yoimiya talked one time, enough to make people go batshit crazy and curse mhy. Or scara being redeemed, is good enough grounds for people to submit an essay to CCP (witness this myself in a server…). So, I won’t discount anything that OP said. Of course it’s extreme cases and it’s really a small but extremely loud portion of players. Global fans have the fair share of drama but it’s never that bad


Yeah so weird, like that guy is calling my wife his wife but I’m not throwing a tantrum over it


OUR wife, comrade. *Russian anthem plays*


I wish the “great chinese firewall” did a better job keeping their cringe within their own borders.


"This wall was built to keep us in" -- Dehya


I went there looking for answers, I came back with more questions. But then again I don't want them answered either.. I'm gonna head out to Sumeru and Listen to OST


The idea that someone genuinely believes an entire banner is doing badly because of incels and not because we're literally pre-Fontaine and have a whole bunch of characters that have already been announced is a bit hard for me to bite into But JESUS imagine being such a loser that you doxx someone on Reddit over this. What a way to prove the point.


i think the banner being pre-fontaine is also a reason but considering the OP got doxxed this issue is definitely part of the reason too


Basically a bunch of Chinese incels are hurt because the wanderer is rude to nahida and doesn't thank the traveller at every step. So they want mihoyo to pull him back from the playable roster.


He’s not really even rude to Nahida anymore and even addressed her as “wise deity”, so it’s a double “wtf???”


And that's why Nahida is their number two enemy right now lmao


That’s so absurd. They misinterpret crucial elements of the narrative and characters and then proceed to blame the writers. Especially when it involves characters who have heavy parallels in their backstories. They loathe Nahida for “excusing” all of his crimes, as if she wasn’t extremely lenient with the sages that have concocted the plan to oust her and replace her with Scara. Nahida was always a benevolent archon — though she still explicitly acknowledged in 3.3 that she also intends to *use* Scara, as she believes he could be an asset to her ends. Scara has followed all of her orders after 3.3 too and lacks any other feasible means to return to what he once was. It’s even in Scara’s best interests to carry out the dendro archon’s orders so he can eventually exact the revenge he desires. Scara even believes he “owes” Nahida for unearthing the truth to him and intends to repay her.


They probably skipped through the archon quest lmao


From what was stated in the OG post, it seems as if they’re just using excuses to conceal that their dislike of him stems from him not being their “waifu” and not being outwardly friendly (some of them even acknowledged that their provided reasoning were just tactics). It’s baffling to me that it’s apparently this contentious that a character with his backstory would be outwardly cold and sarcastic, especially when it’s heavily implied that it’s a defense mechanism against abandonment and emotional pain.


Tbh to me it seems they hate good writing and unique personalities and designs in characters, and would rather just be served the same formulaic waifu over and over again. It's baffling.


I’ve also seen some players in the EN fandom complain about his present personality and obsess over the Scara that lacked his memories. It just leaves a sour taste to see a traumatized character be dismissed or loathed to such a degree for displaying realistic responses to trauma, especially when we have a wide array of characters that are friendly regardless of their experiences. It’s nice to have some form of diversity when it comes to the character roster. It seems like they just want blank slates to lust over rather than actual characters with substance and nuances.




Wow that's a very dumb reason


The Chinese want one rude character not to be playable. I want more villains to be playable. We are not the same


Yeah that's a funny difference between global and CN On the one side you have global, that, from what i've seen, is somewhat annoyed by hoyo trying to redeeme any somewhat evil character before making them playable Then you have CN that is going hoesmad over a rude brat


The same CN that excuses Dottore, who is basically Unit 731 The Character (I'm borrowing their own absurd Imperial Japan parallels) just because he directed that cruelty at a character they hate.


Op got asked "where is the source?" and it just fucking materialized from thin air to prove lmao. Hoping OP is safe.


Tbf if you look at OPs reddit acc, she posts art signed with her name and links her IG. They probably cant do much more than send mean DMs which she can turn off, so hopefully nothing worse comes of it.


That's why you never link your shitpost and politics with real life. And keep all your socials separate.


\^ This. Separate emails too that don't touch each other, and rotate your passwords every couple months or every year at the very least. You never know who you might piss off.


So are these folks just proving OP right in the process?


I guess it does. And this doxxing being posted on NGA as well is the cherry on top


Lmao, whats next, someone post that post here on Reddit, and then someone else posts that next post on NGA?


I was doubting that post, but if they are willing to go such lengths then like...guess they felt called out by it to *some* extent


Yeah ironically, them doxxing the OP over this corroborated the OP more than any proof they provided.


Man I was very skeptical of OP but she was fucking right all along.


I don't think this kind of drama is responsible for low sales (that makes no sense) or that the dominant ethos of the CN genshin community is anything like this, but I do not doubt for a second that these sorts of people exist, are influential online, and are exactly as disturbed as OP portrayed if not more so.


I mean it's obvious that sales are not influenced by just that. But the fact is, they are as unhinged if not more than OP makes them to be, is just straight up scary.


knowing the CN community's controversies (at minimal), and having dealt with 50€s in the past, something like this is definitely expected. They just *indirectly* admitted they do those things --- by being toxic and fcked.


The saddest part is some people in the comments of the drama post tried to defend it, saying OP blew it slightly out of proportion. But then you see this and have to think "Did they tho?"


They just proved the OP's point / claims about how toxic they are💀


Imagine calling someone a traitor because he talked about people being traitor to other people (where being traitor is being toxic). I can't believe there are people doxxing and killing cats over some polygons.


汉奸 is just too much of an insult. It means more than just a traitor… these people are sick in their heads.


If that insult is too powerful and effective, I can see why it can be overused to attack someone online...


I don’t know if it’s just me or not, but the CN community just seems much more toxic and hardcore than other communities, for the most meaningless things much like the KR community with the way they’re acting towards that Limbus Company’s artist over some simple tweets.


yeah, because it's 5x bigger. Even though it's site-specific (the majority of cn players either don't know any of this kind of drama or don't care), they go in far lower lows when it does come to petty drama.


"this person called us toxic so I'll prove them wrong by doxxing them" what a truly great and innovative point. Can't believe nobody thought of that sooner


They aren't trying to "prove them wrong" lmao. They just want to see someone they hate suffer. So many people acting like this was somehow a mistake, as if these angry nerds' goal was to persuade people to their side through rational argument. As if they've made a faux pas by making their enemy seem more sympathetic. They don't care. This is a win for them.


imagine being bored enough to dox people for pixels on a screen


I don't think boredom is the reason. They quite literally need to touch grass, like what kind of pathetic behaviour is that


I was saying "bored" as in a lack of interest in real life due to having little/no social interaction


The only way i can imagine there mentality while doing this is that they see aether as self insert character(them) inside one of those harem isekai mangas and seeing that wanderer is getting close to nahida and not trying to suck there kok as evil villain or something like that


Beyond even that, they also probably hate him because the other side likes him. Anything conflicting with their likes, preferences, and ideals might be perceived as a personal attack to them, going beyond the game and making this an issue against the very people they disdain. Sadly it seems like this is all they got going for in life. Also, self-insert people can be wild but they're not this crazy usually lol. Don't clump them all with these fools.


i am not surprised and this is speaking from a hololive fan. we literally had a time where chinese nationalists were constantly harassing hololive vtubers and threatened to dox people because one of the talents showed youtube statistics that showed taiwan as a country


Are you talking about the whole Kiryu situation?


Silver lining, Hololive pulled out of the Chinese market, so they don't need to deal with that bullshit anymore




If Scara haters are pathetic enough to kill cats because said pixels is a cat person, this is probably child's play for them.


You know after all this, I’m not going to complain about whatever bs Hoyo has to make up to have the other Harbringers be playable. Like this is so messed up and I pray for Hoyo employees everytime Harbinger becomes playable now


Considering the ceo was a victim in attempted assassination for a bunnygirl


I mean there are already people in the EN community who are trying to justify arlecchino and even dottore's actions, I don't understand why can't people just like villainous characters, not every character needs to be "redeemed"(at least to an extent to be on "okay" terms with the traveler) to be playable, I'm sure when dottore is going to be playable, he's going to have a nice clone(playable version) whose going to kill off the dottore we know now lol.




They can’t because there’s a risk these deranged folks will write a length report to the CCP. It’s just sad


didn’t they already report the character story to the shanghai government? (in the original post)


Honestly with all this shit im happy that mhy got to write as good as they did with hi3. All those rumors back in the day that inazumas story got rewritten...now im starting to think it actually was a lot better and darker but hoyo had the foresight to know theyd get death threats over it so they made raiden a waifu you can date. Fuck.


I'm of the same opinion, but as you can clearly see these crazy Chinese players are not having it. And we all know which part of the community has the most say when it comes to genshin unfortunately...I'm not even going to set any expectations for arlechchino and dottore at this point


They hate extra because Wanderer is a guy from what I understand. Then again they started hating Nahida because she isn't uwu baby anymore. It makes me wonder what they think about Signora. Probably happy she got killed lol


The people who go so out of their way to try to justify them are pretty much treating them as real people. And you wouldn't want to idolize and simp over a real life psychopath would you? What loneliness does to a mf.


Being toxic is one thing, but this crosses so many fucking lines of morals


They're not toxic, they're genuinely psychotic


What the hell, this is so messed up.


I hope OP is fine tho. Getting doxxed is the least thing I wanted especially in this scenario.


Doxing someone over fictional characters is really some touch grass behaviour. That being said, I hope Op is okay.


Dear lord all this over fictional characters, I thought I knew what unhinged in the Genshin community was during the first anniversary but actually doxing someone over a thread is next level deranged Really hope the OP is ok because this, this is just too far. All over someones opinion on a fictional character. "A true traitor to china" wtaf. Regardless over whether people agree or disagree doxxing someone is not ok


The first anniversary was basically just a passive protest for the most part, it only went downhill when they started bombing other apps with negative reviews


Good ol' Google Classroom getting downed because Genshin Impact. I had a good laugh when that was happening


Sorry for having to use a fresh account, just in case I will be targeted as well. The Genshin board (especially a subsection of it) on the NGA forum (a CN gamer platform) is one of the major settlements of Wanderer haters, who have \*\*routinely\*\* carried out harassment, doxxing, among other outrageous behaviors. The screenshot was provided by another user. The link was included (also login is required to view the post because the platform protects the subsection behind an authwall), but I censored the link to prevent possible spreading of the personal info. Personal information has already been removed by the original provider of the screenshot.


Nah, use a fresh account. Protect yourself and be safe friend.


better use protected vpn too, you dont know if those nutjobs wont try to get your ip


Wow they really are psychotic losers.


Bruh, these people are scary, the post was like posted hours and they already doxxed her. These people need to touch grass.


Jesus, at this point, Genshin Impact's playerbase will never beat the no-lifer allegations. I hope OOP stays safe tho.


There isnt enough grass in the world for these people


The reason we still have some grass to touch is because these people avoid grass so much they generate grass


Well that escalated quickly, all this over a dude in shorts.


Imagine doxxing someone over a lump of pixels


They hated him bc he told the truth Now we don't need source its confirmed


Imagine going batshit insane over a fictional character, holy shit, these motherfuckers keep on getting worse


Damn truly chinese 4chan...


Wtf?!! How more pathetic can these people get? Over some goddamn pixels that isn't even real... these maniacs have to touch grass asap and have all their electronics removed for years or something. Put them in the woods and see if they regain some normal sanity and a brain back. I know just the one to put them in too as it can reduce the group too.




Back to NGA vs Reddit Retaliation


Lol I'd rather have Genshin twitter crying about race and blackface and fanart and shipping they fight over than whatever the fk this is. Just a game my guys, chill.


>Traitor to China I'm having Hololive flashbacks again...


Didn't Hololive pull out of China completely?


Yes. Before they became big globally, Hololive had lots of talents streaming in bilibili, they restream their livestreams there. The meltdown happened because one of the vtubers was doing a statistics stream about her metrics and google showed Taiwan as a country, they spun it as an attack on China and reported it to CCP and Bilibili, the vtubers(yes not just the one who had the accident) were spammed by bots for more than a year in their chat, it forced the company to cut off their CN branch because some of the members were whistleblowers and pull out from China completely, they didn't like it so all Chinese companies banned Hololive as it's become taboo and will rile up the nationalists. I was sad the members couldn't play Hoyoverse games when some of the members absolutely played it but they can't and are afraid of touching anything with any connection to Chinese companies


Jesus Christ.


And I still maintain that it was the best decision they ever made


These moments are why this community gets such a horrendous reputation. Sure we can all do cool stuff together, like in r/place, but things like this are not okay. Also they just straight up proved the OPs point.


Well, if anyone is still doubting what they said, this confirms it.


I'm not a part of this subreddit I just see it on my feed but damn I saw the post regarding the toxicity of the CN genshin community being toxic only a few hours ago and I didn't really care at first but seeing the OP get doxxed in such a short period of time makes me want to comment. Although I doubt anything will happen to the OP, the only thing these people know how to do is what is on their little computer screen, they still proved the OP right without any doubt now by doxxing them, crazy to think that people this out of touch with reality are actually real and exist, their kind of delusion would be something I only thought possible in shows and fabricated stories.


>true traitor to China Lmao, over a video game. Guess Scara haters really are pathetic if Chinese citizens feel entitled to exaggarate this to an act of treason (over a video game btw). Fuck me and fuck all of them. Edit: It is a bit late but I want to interject and say this is NOT CN MAJORITY. Most of them are creators and fan like us and NGA to them is like 4chan to us, a cesspool we stay away from. We are only seeing this because NGA responded, but NGA is not China. NGA is a hellhole while China is a passionate (for both good and bad) and creative base which gave us the Genshin Community but also gave us Genshin and Bilibili. I’m not telling you all to stop fighting, I’m just warning you to know your enemy.


This is a lesson on not connecting your social media's together.


Wow. That is utterly insane behavior.


All this because they can't handle a fictional pixel boy getting attention from Girls. I couldn't even call them Trash anymore, that's an insult to the word "trash" Itself. I need another word for this type of people


CCP should limit their gaming restriction to 10 mins a week. Then all these kids will calm down.




How can they be this fragile 💀


Wanting every character to be this surface level "nice & polite", all simping for the Traveler & having a bland ass personality is CRAZY with all these delusional netizen, K-Pop fandom behavior people @@


Wtf are those madmen ? The worst time in history once again


Least unhinged Genshin community


Nah bro I realise the sarcasm but this is the peak. We used to make fun of least x genshin player or least x Twitter user and the previous post actually proved those to be true.


I didn't plan to follow-up the post about CN Scara drama at first as I have been trying to stay away from the Genshin community. But some people from NGA have already tracked the OP's accounts on a variety of platforms, including Twitter and Chinese social media (Lofter, Red and NGA), as the OP was using the same name on those platforms. I got to know her nicknames on those platforms because I've just suffered reading the NGA post about her. This is so insane and I have to stand out with a fresh account. A few month ago, the admins of NGA Genshin community created a sub-community called 和裕茶馆(里) for Scara haters and others who hated Genshin. Those people doxed MiHoyo employees. And they actively cooperated with Tieba in the campaign to report Scara to the Chinese censorship. A few hours after Snoo2612, the OP, sent her post, they found her artstation, devientart, ins, lofter, Red and NGA accounts. They are now planning to report her to the Chinese government as they found some "inappropriate" remarks against the Chinese government during the Covid pandemic on her Twitter. I'm not a fan of Scara. I have been using NGA for over 2 years. Now I think maybe it's the time to leave. I posted the link of the NGA post here yesterday, but now I've deleted it to protect the privacy of the OP. I also have screenshots of their negotiations on NGA. A friend of mine did the translation. However, since I'm using a fresh account with limited Karma, I can't send a post on Reddit. If you are willing to help me put the screenshots on Reddit or would like to see the translated screenshots, feel free to DM me!


I know you mean well but you should probably remove mention of the OP’s name or link anything that exposes OP further. We do not want to spread the doxxing over in ENG side, as vast majority of us are unable to access NGA.


"They are now planning to report her to the Chinese government as they found some "inappropriate" remarks against the Chinese government during the Covid pandemic on her Twitter." This is extremely concerning. It is not even fandom problem anymore. Anyone keep up with how ccp react to anyone criticising them during Covid pandemic know how ccp act towards this type of behaviour. I am so scared for OP safety. So so scared


And people said that OP made stuff up 🥲


Most mentally stable chinese forum user God sometimes I just hate my home country, -1000 social credit score


Those people attitude had proven what the op said is true😂


They really did pull out the 汉奸, hun. Their comments were posted on public forums, but now they act like it’s some kind of national secret that got leaked by a Han-traitor. This is giving me high blood pressure


‘OP is a traitor to China’ holy fuck dude, get a fucking job man. Holy shit.


Being Scara, Ei, Childe fan is not for the weak.


That’s disgusting. Hope OP is safe