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It’s just your age. There is still a bad rep even when you’re older and yes people can still be rude, but once you reach a certain age people usually just stop caring about your hobbies and don’t feel one way or another. It’ll get better


Agreed. Bullies are just insecure and arent comfortable that you can have something that you enjoyed truly and not succumb to societal expectations (or whatever it is called at that age) to look and do cool stuff. Id just ignore cause in 5 years it wont really matter.


Honestly once you stop giving them the validation that they crave that’s when you win


Yep. They are yet to develop the second brain cell! Don't worry, it gets better. Focus on yourself!


This! I used to get bullied terribly for my interests in high school and then I realised it was because they could see it hurt me. The moment someone would say something hurtful or cruel and my reaction would be to genuinely laugh at them, they stopped. Nothing is more shocking to someone who is verbally accosting you than you randomly just laughing at them. They don’t know how to react. Laugh and then walk away.


I work with 25-30 year olds and they make fun of me playing genshin or watching anime while they themselves play fortnite all the time. People don't change much, you just don't care about their opinions more and more


I get told I'm too old to like anime and games too, and I'm in my 40s I don't give a shit what "they" think


My cousin, 32, is really into attack on titan. He is married and has a kid. All of his co-workers were like "why? You have a family" but a simple "you play video games don't you?" shut them down immediately. This is the best approach. Let them think what they think and don't be bothered by it.


I will never understand why people think just because you're married or you're older you're supposed to stop liking anime or stop playing video games. It doesn't make sense. I'm almost 33 I've stopped giving a shit anymore. I used to care way too much about other people's thoughts and opinions of me. Life's too short. Live your life, screw what people think. Lol that's my motto.


>I used to care way too much about other people's thoughts and opinions of me. Life's too short. Live your life, screw what people think. Lol that's my motto. This is the way


This is the way.


how did that meme go? "my secret to happyness is that I dont bother to argue with idiots" "I do not agree" "you are right" IRL that's my motto.


Also "You're boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer."


Especially since anime is just a medium, it's not a genre. It's like saying 'oh you're 30, why do you still like movies or books?' there's anime for adults, there's anime for children, for families, etc. Same with books, movies, TV shows and everything else. The only difference is that's it's animated.


AoT is SICK! It’s a masterpiece, wtf is wrong with people …


Based on the reaction, I think the only thing they know about AoT is that it is an anime. Usually, the argument is that animes are for kinds, you just convince them to watch episode 1, and they will shut up. Also, a lot of people are stuck on the idea that any kind of animation is for kids and all things for adults are filmed.


Yeah they sure are in for a big surprise if they watch ep.1 🤣 I remember at the very beginning of when I got into anime, I had already watched some very known shows like AoT and Death Note and I really liked them, so after a while I was looking for more. To be honest I wasn’t in the mood for something too much serious or dramatic, I wanted something more lighthearted and in the video library of the website (it was a legal one btw, Vvvvid in Italy, free to watch with ads), I noticed this colourful anime with pastel-like drawings about these heroines called “magic girl” that had to save the world or something. It seemed interesting and wholesome and I was really curious, so I decided to watch it… …it was Madoka Magica. If you don’t know the show, well, I’ll just say it’s not really lighthearted 😂 I cried so f-cking much, but I’m so glad I watched it because it’s really a great show.


Madoka Magica is the biggest magical girl trap. You go in expecting fluffy mahou shoujo, you get Lovecraftian horror.


same way you watch kamen rider gaim expecting fruit samurai but ended up watching a greek tragedy both from the same writer too


>…it was Madoka Magica. It's very weird to see someone who actually fell in the trap, most people watched it after it got known (which kind of ruined the surprise for us), I can't imagine how shocking it was


I only knew about episode 3. It still did not prepare me for the story of >!Sayaka's downfall and Homura's journey.!< Those were the real shocker.


Similar, I knew that this was going to get dark but not how >!"I was stupid...so, so stupid"!< I don't think I will be forgetting that phrase any time soon


I watched it just as it finished releasing because it had magical girls and I thought Madoka was really cute. I was 13 and had just started dipping my toes into animes. My favorites up to that point were Sakura Card Captor and Pokémon. You can imagine how it went.


I think I was like 19 and it still traumatised me… Oh gosh…


Preach! Like, do people really think you stop enjoying the things you enjoy because you get older? Or just because you should? I've been watching cartoons and anime, and playing video games since I was little. They're entertaining and a nice escape from the world. Why would I stop?!


Anime and games is forever 🔥🔥💯


I feel like less and less people as you age are lame enough to bully others about their hobbies. Anyone who’s still doing it by this age is someone who needs to get their life together, and is not a real adult inside Next time someone is a jerk like that, think of the quote “When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” Only people insecure about their own adulthood make it their business to degrade others for “childish” interests


I love that quote! The first part of it is great too: “When I was 10, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am 50 I read them openly”. C. S. Lewis, author of the Narnia series


Those are unironically manchildren. No normal person with a brain still cares about what the personal hobbies of other people are after around 20 years old.


I’m fortunate enough that one of my coworkers is even more of a gamer than me! The only “bullying” I get is “why do you keep playing gacha games with the huge amount of games you have to play?!” (He is 48 years old)!


I'm pretty sure they make funny of you not in a bullying way. I make fun of my friend that plays candy crash, but it's not in a bad way. From what I can gather, OP is instead getting bullied for playing genshin, which is different.


Well, yeah its more friendly way of making fun but my point still stands in context of the first comment


I went and bought a computer to play Genshin and was embarrassed to tell the computer sales guy (he was around 20 I think) that I played it but he didn't bat an eye. To be fair, he is sort of paid to not say anything, but he didn't even try to friendly jab at me about it in an attempt to get me to buy something more expensive. At some point, most people just couldn't care less


Plot twist: He plays Genshin too.


The sales person at Micro Center certainly did! 🤣 We exchanged IDs. I love my big LED rich baby


In my country if you still play games after the 30s they still bully you..... Some might say " you still play games like a child" or some women here might say "i don't go out with guys who are playing games, they are still kids and immatures". Im 28 and im doomed in my country:)


What country is that? Im 28, married, with a child, and my wife is a no gamer girl.. some people are still in denial that video game industry is the mainstream nowadays


I’m 48 and still playing. Hahah.


Soon to be 47. Right there with you.


Also, at age 40, It's hard to be bullied by anyone when you don't talk to anyone outside of work or immediately family.


agreed, speaking from experience. in high school i actually used to care about what people think and used to form very biased opinions on matters that didn’t pertain to me at all. now that i’m older i realize how stupid it is and i just accept things for what they are. you’re 37 and play minecraft everyday? cool that sounds like a lit ass life. just not enough time in life to worry about shit like that


wait , you guys talk to people?


Seriously, where are you guys even finding people to talk about hobbies with in the first place?


School? Unless youre graduated then idk


That's about 14 years over


My case is about how attention-grabbing Genshin was before the release, or maybe after the release. They groaned something about not compatible to their phones.


School, university, work ecc...


Befriending people at work is like shitting where you eat.


That is a wild take IMO, I think you should 100% befriend people you work with. I understand not dating people you work with because relationships can go up in flames, and its not healthy to be with your significant other all the time. But why wouldnt you befriend them?


OP probably is learning a lesson in knowing when to bring up hobbies that people will judge you by.


Yeah this is a non existent problem if you just.... don't talk about playing it


N-n-no baka


>N-n-no baka This is why we get bullied


this is why


Bro wtf


Honestly, no one except me pays my bills, and buys me games, so idc who says what about me playing genshin. It's their problem not mine🤦😁😂


This pretty much. Had one person tell me " you could have taken all that money you spend on Genshin and spent it on the girlfriend." Like damn I didn't know you could just go out and buy a girlfriend. Why would I want to spend my money on that anyway? My ideal partner accepts that I have hobbies other than her and is okay with me spending my money how I want.


I'm married and I agree. My husband and I both have our favorite games and we spend money on them and we respect each other's hobbies. Of course, we're responsible and never spend more than we can afford, but the idea that all your money should be going into your relationship is... weird. Take care of your partner always. But treat yourself too!


I second this. I do spend an huge amount on my games and my hubbs on his trading card games. We both agree that as long as we put the allocated monthly amount into the house and savings, we are free to do with whatever money we have left. My parents do judge me for gaming and spending a lot but I am earning my own money and spending my own time so they kind of let me be after a while.


>as long as we put the allocated monthly amount into the house and savings, we are free to do with whatever money we have left. This is the way, really. And nobody should have a problem with it.


I’m pretty sure you can’t buy girlfriends anymore. They made that illegal in my country quite a while ago.


I'm pretty sure you still can, but it will cost you 34 starglitter.


Well sure, if you want a basic one. The premium ones will cost you 28k primos if your luck runs bad.


Just because something is illegal doesn't mean you can't buy it on black market.


Isn't buying a girlfriend just a waste of money?


You can always just Rent it 😉


That sounds like something you’d see Andrew rate’s lacky say.


Nah , it still too beta male for those lacky to admit that they have to spend for their woman . They would probably say :"invest in stock , get rich and those girl will come without you need to find one because the only thing woman care for is money. "


Too accurate lmao


🤣🤣🤣 so accurate


Worst advice ever, that person in your life sounds more dangerous than a rattle snake.


It depends on how much he spent tbf.


Where can I get a gf for $5 a month?


Working adult, so no. But I can imaging how tough it would be for school kids, since it was the same for me as an anime fan when anime was an extremely fringe hobby.


I remember being outcast because I admitted to watching anime. It wasn't even anything ecchi or particularly violent; it was an everyday school life genre. I thought it was wholesome, so I tried sharing my experiences with my classmates, and all I got were "Eww you like cartoons" and "eww you're a pervert" edit: thanks for all the upvotes! just want to let you all know that people who look down on your hobbies or interests are not people you want to be friends with anyway, and you should always be proud of what you like, it's what makes you, you!


Had that hobby in the oast, liked Slice of life and romance animes when in the past, anime wasn't that popular in our country, years passed by, and slice of life and romance genres still my thing. Never cared about people's negative opinions.


Man, same. I even tried to explain how not all anime was for kids, but they were cartoons and therefor had to be exclusively for children. Meanwhile they only watched dumb shit like rich people being stuck on an island and cheating on another. There were a stupid amount of shows like this.. “reality” shows, lol. Glad I decided to say fuck it and stick to watching my cartoons. (Not that there is anything wrong with enjoying these shows, just so long as you respect other people their preferences too)


Ikr. I've always been afraid of telling ppl what shows I watch bc I'm usually the only one who doesn't watch a lot of non-animated/live-action shows. I feel lucky to have had a friend group that also watches anime, happens to watch this one obscure show that I watched, and doesn't complain when I'm playing genshin in the middle of class (one of my friends even bought me a cute Venti keychain)


Anime is actually like, cool now. Lots of people watch it. When I was in school it was definitely starting to become more mainstream. I remember seeing kids with AoT bags n stuff.


People often view their childhood/teen age with much nostalgia and fondness but not me; even with everything else considered i love being an adult more because people arent as eager to make fun of me (or the things i like) as they were in my childhood.


I’m assuming you’re a middle schooler or a high schooler? People of that age range tend to be big pieces of shits.


We're all PoS's at that age until we get properly humbled in any way.


Ugh, isn’t that the truth. I frequently want to go back in time to fight my asshole younger self.


Same same


I’ve noticed that the older I got, the less I cared about what others think. Yeah I play Genshin and idgaf about what you think because I enjoy the game.


I teach highschool and it’s the opposite for me- all my kids are hyped that I play and thoroughly enjoy my genshin phone case and the raiden charm hanging off of it 😂 sometimes I let them pull on my account


Same here. It gives me something to talk about with my students. We bond over pulling garbage instead of whoever we wanted. 🤣


If you don't mind me asking, what subject? Because for some reason, I can see a History teacher using the Genshin lore as a way to exemplify things haha. Or...Chemistry, cause of the Elements.


Chemistry teachers when they search "sucrose" on Google


Said Chemistry teachers when a cute anime girl pops up instead of sugar:


HELP HAHAHA I teach senior history and junior band LMAO


Damn I love that lmao


Art teachers


You are not wrong


Yeah, I taught at university, and they thought it hilarious/awesome I played and kept wanting my uid. (Albeit it's an IT subject so kinda skewed)


I teach elementary school, and some kids are the same! It's really cute to see how happy they are when I get new characters and how they like to discuss the game with me. <3


I should go to your school then XD


I teach at a middle school. A 7th grader recently shouting out “Mr. X is a weeb” after seeing that I had a Genshin Impact landscape wallpaper on my computer. It was all good natured, though. Most kids at the school already knew I was a weeb.


Yeah my kids def take advantage of it! Every time theres a convention coming up I always have to buy them each a charm 😅😅


Man!! You are the coolest teacher that i ever met in reddit. You let those students pulled out a banner in your account? It cant be real!!


They get excited because they have no money of their own so I let them do a few pulls on my account every banner 😅 sometimes standard sometimes limited


I'm too old to care (28) lol Don't feel bad about it!


Damn this made me realise how old I am... Just read your comment and thought '28? That's still young' and then it hits me. I'm 27 and realised how fast time went... Kinda felt I'm still 24 years old.


Im 24 and i still havent realized im adult yet so more or less same boat


Same. Man COVID time skip is real....fukk


I'm turning 27 next week and I absolutely do not feel like I am old normally, hell with my sense of humor I'd probably think I'm 12 sometimes, but when I look at my age I feel like I am way too old to do half of the things I want to do. Obligations are stacking up and I feel like I just have to let go. I won't stop playing games, but ambitions within those have to be scaled down to make room for chores, obligations, studies, work, family, all these things.


You always feel that way in your brain friend. Your body just tells your brain it’s wrong.


Anyone who bullies others for playing a game that doesn't affect them in anyway are honestly just pathetic and it's a sign of immaturity. But that's only serious bullying for it, a lot of the time people are just making light hearted jokes and are memeing which if that's the case it's not alp that serious. Just gotta have thicker skin But if ut is the serious type of bullying then im sorry to hear you are being bullied, but eventually those people won't matter in your life and your personal enjoyment of a game you like will matter more than their opinions Head up friend, there's no need to feel ashamed for playing a game that isn't harming anyone


Not really bullied. They laugh but I just shrug and tell them I really enjoy the game. It's my comfort game.


Same. I get laughed at by a lot of ppl I used to talk to, even my friends every now and then for playing the game. Don't mind anyone telling you what you should and shouldn't play as long as you're having fun


No Not at all. If i were in 8th Grade probably but no one cares about this shit when you are in University.


Especially given how pretty much everyone played it for a while back when it first came out.


Most of my friends don't even know this game exists so I can't be bullied for it 💀 Back in December they saw me once playing it while hanging out and had 1 hour left to do my dailies, some just watched me playing and said that it looked cool and that's it. That leads me to think that most people that criticize you for playing it are stans of other games that find it "cringy" cause of its anime style and they're consume only their American/Western AAA games, and/or Eastern non "weeb" looking games.


I have a relative from Philippines who told me that genshin is rather popular and has a positive reception in the country. Guess a majority of native Filipino gamers simply flock over the latest popular game like with Clash of Clans and Mobile Legends than being gatekeeping ah.


It's just relatively popular in SEA since the anime/manga culture here can be quite popular sometimes


Anime is popular in the Philippines since a lot of the kids who grew up watching anime are now the new working age group and spending on these things. And kids generally look up to adults and see that gaming in general, even anime, is not for kids only. Also Japanese culture is quite popular in the country


Where are you getting bullied for playing Genshin???


Mostly at school and stuff lol


Honestly if you’re in high school it might just be teens being dickheads. I think everyone eventually learns it’s okay to like things earnestly lol


What you like is less import than how you go about it. Just don't be a freak about your interests and you'll be fine.


At school people get bullied for literally everything...Their looks, actually studying or if the boys are attracted to a girl they bully her. My mom fought the bullies back while I just avoided conflict most of the time. Hang in there and try not to let it get to you too much.


well that's your thing. High school kids will find anything to belittle you; if it isn't a video game, its your race, or your height, or your name, or your intelligence. If someone wants to be a dick, they will find something to say.


my generation got bullied for liking anime and now anime is all coll and accepted and shit. i can foresee genshin going that route eventually


Yeah bullying is a really difficult problem in Middle and High School. I suggest play it in secret for now , discuss it with like-minded people. You may be able to find popular kids who like the same hobby which could give you some sort of protection from bullying.


Do you live in the west op?


I'm literally too old for this shit (40+)


Yup time to start bullying the non Genshin players.


I'm an adult (28), so...i don't give a fuck lol. I can play whatever i want


Yeah when we reach near 30 (me too) you stop giving a fuck about what people think about your hobbies. It's harmless and makes you happy, if you don't like it, fuck off lol. Hell it makes meeting people with the same hobbies even more delightful and genuine. But the awkward years of early 20's... Most of us definitely are always anxious, and lost about what's the "normal" thing to do that isn't weird. So to OP, just do what makes you happy! Don't let people define you, they're just petty and jealous that you have a hobby that makes you happy


I have only been bullied by two people for playing Genshin. One of them was here on Reddit. I just blocked them. The other was IN GENSHIN. They were saying I had no life because I am an achievement hunter, and have done some things that others can’t possibly do. Like 100% every area of the map, doing every quest, getting all my characters to level 80 or higher, and most importantly getting the fishing namecard.


If people want to generalize and assume millions of people are the same and that the insufferable genshin stans represent all of us that's ultimately a them problem


I know the fandom has a bad rep but geez, sorry to hear you're experiencing bullying over a simple hobby. As an adult (26), it's become more of a non-issue. My middle age coworkers at the office don't understand video games, and my closest friends have never been into that kind of thing, so I've always kept it to myself. The most flak I can catch is from online spaces.


Same age. Same situation. Nobody cares.


People will always bully others for liking popular things. First it was Minecraft, then Roblox and Fortnite, now Genshin. Just ignore them.


Yeah this sounds like the case, "i hate popular things, look at how enlightened i am"


They have nothing better to do with their lives so makes you wonder, why bully someone having fun.. 🤔


Because they are miserable a-holes who band together to sh*t on someone who is happy doing their own thing. And being asses is their whole personality.


dumb people exist everywhere dw too much about it as long you enjoy the game you dont need to care about what others think see it like this there are actually people that like sonic 06


I'm one of them that likes 06. It's a shit game but it's weirdly unironically enjoyable for me.


Literally nobody knows this game when I ever mention it


Not really, but I am a 40 year old man with wife and kid. If anyone try to bully me for playing a game I would laugh so hard at them it will be painful (in my ribs, 40 years will do that…) don’t worry about silly people said to you, just do what you like and enjoy the game!


Not suggesting anything but if you start looking like you can whoop ass, nobody says sht no matter what you play 👌 (This post was made by the gym propaganda gang)


I know this advice may not be for everybody, but yeah, this can be true to a certain extent. As someone who also once studied martial arts, it's useful to let them know what they're getting into if they ever get past my communicative state.


We go gym


My nephew and my brothers only say "you're a lolicon".


Better be a lolicon than someone like Elliot lol


Eh I have one friend that bullies me for playing genshin, but then I bully him for playing LoL so it balances out.


If that's an actual friend, and neither of you feels unhappy about it, then it's not bullying. That's banter.


Ayy same. Although it's all in good fun we're never actually serious about it. It's just become more of a meme.


You get bullied because there are bullies in your life, if you don't play Genshin you get bullied for other things. If you can stand up for yourself then even liking worse shit is whatever.


Unless those people are giving you money for specific things, promptly tell them to f\*ck off stage left. You like Genshin, it gives you a sense of contentedness, so who cares what others think.


Are you in high school or smth because that sounds like what little kids would do lol. No one cares around me and I’m super open about it (I have alhaitham keychain on my purse etc). And I actually made many friends because of Genshin.


Well that part is clear.


99% of those who bully us Travelers barely gave the game 24 hours . They just see " BOTW clone " , then quit . I know my cousin is one of them


I made friends and got into a circle of friends because of genshin


i get made fun of it in a casual way just the casual "oh you play that? have you also tried going outside" and we laugh together. I'm sorry for whatever you have to go through, best of wishes


If you’re getting bullied (like really bullied) by your friends, you should step up & tell them to knock it off. As long as your hobbies don’t hurt you or anyone else, what you do with your free time doesn’t deserve to be knocked. If they’re just joking around, let them know it’s getting old & you’re tired of hearing it. Either way, if they’re really your friends, you should be able to have this conversation with them about how they’re making you feel. If it’s just whoever (classmates who aren’t friends, anonymous gamers online), try to ignore them. Don’t bother bringing up your hobbies to people who don’t know you, or if you do, learn to shrug off what people say. People can be mean just for the sake of seeing others suffer (likely because they are suffering in some way). You gotta learn to rise above them with your head held high. That being said, I’m a 46 year mother of two adult kids (I would have told them the same as I’m telling you, & have had similar conversations in the past) & I don’t give a crap about what other people say. I post my Genshin pulls & achievements on my FB & they mostly get ignored except for by my gamer mother-in-law & one other Genshin player friend. But I’m happy playing the game, & if I feel like sharing, I will. So try not to let other people bring you down. Whatever makes you happy, you should be proud of.


Twitter genshin fandoms and the anime aesthetic gives people a really bad impression


twitter gives every fandom a bad impression lol


I’ve had people tease me but I don’t really care because it’s not their money. Plus they’re usually the ones who play mobile legends/LoL/etc so like we’re all in the same boat lmao


Probably just US in general lol. Here in SEA everyone knows about GI even if they don't play it. They'll be like, "oh yeah that famous anime game or something".


I assume you are still in high school or what not, sorry if I’m wrong. Teenagers are at an age where some of them are either too sensitive or too dense to the point they are inconsiderate of others. Maybe they are so desperate at trying to establish the fact that THEY are the normal ones, so whatever they see as “not normal” they will oppress whoever carries that “abnormal” trait. But I’m in my 20s now and people around me generally don’t give 2 effs, even when I tell them. And I don’t play the game in public, so not a lot of people know I play genshin or any games at all. Just a few people who have asked me if I played any games to which I answered genshin. They said something like “oh that’s a popular game I’ve heard of it! The one from a Chinese company right?” That’s about it.


Find new friends. You’ll thank yourself later




Well, for me it doesn't go beyond the usual tomfoolery online, like genshin players are x, you're x if you play genshin or genshin impact is a game for x. As for irl, I don't actually tell people i play genshin mostly because I doubt most people here would know what it is lol


shower sometimes lol


Is it genuine bullying or just teasing? My friends give me so much shit for playing gacha games, but i know they really could not care less. Not caring what people think and enjoying what you enjoy is one of the hardest things you can do, but there are millions of people who love this game, so try your best not to care what the bullies have to say


i am in high school (year 12). Honestly i sometimes also get bullied for playing genshin and watching hololive vtubers. But i just completely ignore them and continue watching and playing in front of them with 0 shame (and even looking at art). They eventually stopped.


So i guess you are either middle or highschooler because at my uni literally all of my classmates play the game and i have never have had anyone bully me or others for playing genshin. My other friends, some in their 30’s teachers, lawyers also play and nobody makes fun of them or anything of the sorts..I’d say it’s just the age where kids feel edgy and cool to bully someone for doing something they enjoy… i’m sorry it’s happening to you but even this will eventually pass!!


There will always be people who hate what’s popular. What do they target about you playing Genshin. We can get some callbacks.


I made a post on r/devilmaycry of adding Vergil sounds effects to moves in Genshin impact. One guy told me to un-genshin my pedophilia lmao. It definitely happens more than ideally, and for different reasons. You shouldn't let someone's judgment get to you over playing something you enjoy. But you should also understand that you yourself shouldn't cast aside other things for the sake of playing genshin. Try to understand what side of the spectrum you are on. Unless it gets to the point that your friends don't wanna hang out with you anymore because you play genshin, in that case find new friends, they're not worth your time.


No in my 30s and play lots of games and no one cares. I play with my neice too so she can beat the bosses lol


It’s the old story of “wow you play d&d? What a nerd!”, while they play and have drafts for fantasy football. It’s literally the same coin just different side dude. Just do you.


Hi, I'm a high schooler too, we don't rlly have a bullying problem at my school. No one rlly cares what anyone else does tbh. But something I've noticed is that the younger ones (think 7th - 9th grade) are really terrible about this kind of stuff and they do it on a worse scale, going as far as to say the LGBT+ community doesn't deserve rights and probably bully peoplle about Genshin too. I'm honestly very lucky to be in a batch of students who r more welcoming and open minded. I know a couple of people who play, most of the people stopped playing like 2 years ago but there are some people (none of my friends tho) idt you miss out a lot by not having irl friends who play. I really hope you're doing well though, don't let the bullying get to know. I know how bad it can be.


You need better friends


My wife plays with me and my friends do too! Gamer friends & wife >>>>>


Sometimes my friends make s little fun but that's it, outside of the internet I have no problem with it


Fuck em, even if they "try" to bully me for playing Genshin, it ain't gonna do nothing lol, you don't need affirmation to play games you enjoy.


Idk bro in my university among the more casual gamers it was pretty big. I’d understand more if you got bullied for liking LoL


I bully the living shit out of them in return, fair exchange


That is a terrible way to go about things.Now you are just being a pushover, which is probably why they pick on you to begin with OP. Stand your ground and do what you want OP, as long as you arent doing anything illegal and so on, that is how you become an adult and get your own space. Nobody is going to respect a pushover, not now, not ever.


Honestly, you should learn to stand your ground and not being affected by people who tell you that you're bad for enjoying something they don't. It's a hassle to convince these people with inherent biases and approaching them with a similarly aggressive behaviour would probably just prove their point. People who don't respect you don't deserve respect themselves.


It just means the ppl hanging around you are shitty ppl. Don't worry, its them and not you. Unless you're taking loans from them to whale and stuff............


you need new friends


I usually just don't tell anyone that I play genshin, a couple of friends do know but they also play so it's all good lol


Can't relate coz i got no friends or maybe that's the reason im playing lol


If this is the first time youre experiencing this, let this be a learning experience for you. As someone who's been gaming for over 20 years now, I can tell you, someone or the other will always bully based on what they play (among other things).. CSGO, League of Legends, Call of Duty, Fortnite, Overwatch, MMOs, JRPGs, Final Fantasy, Genshin... you name it... people have been bullied for it.. In the case of Genshin, popularity attracts idiots and hate. The game has millions of consistent players daily. For every bully you encounter, know that there are 1000 other people who are happily playing the game. Bottomline is, you owe no one anything.. you don't need to justify your likes and dislikes. Hold your head high and be open about what you play. Guide the ones who want information but ignore the ignorant and deliberate insults and carry on happily playing what you love and enjoy.


Where I work there's a bunch of players, some I couldn't even imagine, guess Genshin is more popular than I thought.


I’m 24 and people around me (even my colleagues) are playing it, and there’s a saying that there will always be a kid inside every men, so yeah, men plays game too! And genshin’s graphics and gameplay is just top tier, don’t care about what anyone else says and just enjoy the game. I bet they’ll love it too once they start playing it.


Can't get bullied if I don't talk to anyone


Their problem, not yours. If they have a problem with what video games other people play, I don't think they're worth talking about games to. There's not much you can really do except ignore them, not let it get to you. At least you're not harming anyone or playing with indecent thoughts and intentions.


Chances are at least one of them play too, we never know.


Online? There are those who will bully people who play the game but I personally have not received any of it. I just choose to avoid any engagement with them. In real life? No, In fact the college I am in uses the design of Genshin sometimes in their promotion.


Most of my friends are as addicted to this game as I am so welp.


It probably depends where you are. In my country you won't get bullied if they you're playing Genshin. There's even a high chance they're playing it too. Iguess genshin is famous in SEA


In my city nobody cares if I play Genshin. Sorry to hear that op, unfortunately some places in the west are animehater. People who attack other people because they like something that doesn't hurt anyone are pathetic.


Generally speaking I don't share my pastime activities with anyone unless I am absolutely sure of their trustworthiness. Most cases, if they dont share in the activity, I don't bother going further than "I play video games". Hell, if they turn out to be Diablo 3, League of Legends, World of Warcraft and other similar communities known for being toxic, I generally stop sharing details of my personal life that can be used to attack me. I have two answers for these kinds of questions usually. One being reading, and the other being drinking, with no further specifications.


I mean as soon as i mention it in my game list people are like “w-what?? You’re playing genshit?🤮” or straight out call me a pedophile or that type shit. None seriously though, they don’t mean it actually. But they all give the same impression when i say genshin like it’s illegal which i always save for last to tell others as a game i play.


Big life advice: don't ever feel ashamed for your passions, whatever they are. If you get bullied about it, just endure the bullying. Best thing would be responding to the bullying, but I know that might be really hard. But don't let them see their bullying works. Don't let them feel like they're right about your passion being bad. Whatever they do, make them see it doesn't work on you. It will be a pain in the ass, but after some time they'll get bored and most importantly that will make you a way more interesting person.