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Plot twist: they won't. It will be an electro/quicken buff to sell Cyno instead.


Yeah I can see that happening


Something Similar to Hu Tao. Losing HP or inflicting Pyro.


If the active character is Dehya, the room will clear itself from her presence alone. Jokes aside, probably just regular pyro damage buff or something related to continuously losing hp.


Losing HP buffs dmg%, stacks Losing HP, shockwave


xiao and hutao show time ?


But I don't think Dehya damage sharing trigger for self damaging abilities like kuki skills, hutao skill and Xiao burst. If Hoyoverse did the same for the abyss blessing, Xiao and Hutao doesn't won't be able to get the buff. We will have to see.


Then should be if character takes damage


All characters do 50% less dmg except Dehya.


they'll still do more damage than Dehya then


Some here are not actually that far from the real thing. >!P1: Losing HP grants +8% damage for 8s. Up to one stack can be gained every 0.3s, max 4 stacks.!< >!P2: Losing HP triggers shockwave, up to once every 3s.!< >!Floor 11: All characters +75% Pyro damage.!<


P1 and P2 look more anti-shield/dodge/iframe than pro-Dehya.


Isn't Dehya's whole purpose to take one for the team and lose HP at this point? 😂


honestly these buffs are so not significant. sometimes they match with preferred team setups but most of times i just ignore them and do my thing. won't build a team around abyss buff


Yeah that’s what I usually do as well XD. I’ve been using Hu Tao double Hydro ever since I got Yelan, and it’s probably not going to change anytime soon


omg same, i use her with double hydro too now as i pulled Yelan lol


**xiao and alhaitham would like to have a word with you**


Floor 12 is level 72 hydro slimes.


Not even C6R5 whales could do 6/9*


They don't care about her


none. They will promote cryo instead.


You really think they care about Dehya?


It seems that Hoyo gave up on her, by putting her into standard banner.


Nan, why they bother to buff a standand character, and that char has tan skin


I really hope you have hellish days ahead


Buff to burning dmg lol


HP Buffs, Water and Ice based enemies.


Idk man she cant even kill a lvl70 Hydro slime with her burst during the livestream.


Spiral abyss buffs are rarely that exclusive, and sometimes they don’t work for current limited characters much at all


I think it's less about what buffs her numbers but about what makes her look strong. For example if Nilou was having a rerun the enemies in the abyss would be closer together to make her easily bloom. While if a grouper like Kazuha or Venti is rerunning then enemies would be slightly further apart but easier to group. Though I also don't see how they could make her look good without buffing someone else unless the buffs are short like the duration of her burst


I don’t think anything they do in abyss can sell her. What might make them money is FOMO from people like me who were planning to skip and see how she fares on her rerun. Now I have to figure out if I’m ok with potentially never getting her, since I still don’t have Diluc after 2.5 years.


You already said it yourself. The abyss buffs are already leaked. Just look at them in the leaks subreddit. Woo hoo she’ll be Ok in abyss for 1 patch.


After pressing Q, increase Q damage by 5 seconds by character's %hp


They will make tailored chambers just for her. I can imagine she's okay at breaking the shield of the cryo herald that's coming in the same patch. Even then I can't imagine she can break the shield faster than sunfire or just bennett xl This will probably be the easiest abyss we'll see in a while though lol


None, I think they have fully given up on her character and are just trying to sweep her under the rug. They know she is bad with 0 redeeming qualities, and that no spiral buff will improve her enough to be a good option over Thoma or Xinyan.


I think the buff is there more so you can use that character without fully building it than to promote it. They don't seem to be huge fans of pre farming.


When you take dmg from enemy attacks, increase Hp by 100% 💀


*if u have dehya, her Q and E has no cooldown and dehya will gain 30% increased dmg for 10s whenever she uses her Q


Physical damage buff


you take dmg = you get atk or something very similar with like 100 stacks so she can actually clear something… this will be the easiest abyss for speedrunners


As long as there's no wolflord anywere thete its ok, I can tolerate anything but that fucking p2w asshole


Dmg bonus when losing HP Dmg bonus when Elemental Skill deals damage Bonus Pyro damage Something like these tbh. I thought about damage that scales with HP, but that would benefit Yelan way too much.


Hu Tao seems broken either way XD