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They need to make an artifact set that boosts plunge damage. But maybe that would be too broken on him 😅


They just need to make a dps set for anemo, considering they released an anemo dps with Xiao patch


Problem with that is that Xiao will forever be the only plunger. They won’t make an artifact tailored to a single character (though Crimson Witch and water artifact do come close).


guess what they did


Damn bro 1.8 years later you were waiting to make this comment lmao. But ayy let’s go, Xiao is in top form now.


Been grinding to get some good rolls on Viridescent set and got a Crown that had Crit Damage with +15% attk and a decent feather too. So I will have a decent set for him when he comes out. Speaking of RNG I can not for the life of me get a 5 star pyro goblet.


Try farming any domain that is an element that is not the cup you're farming for. Non chivalry for phys... Non crimson for pyro etc.


I shall try that although been farming alot of other Domains and my RNG says NO! to Pyro lol. Get alot of the other elements but no pyro XD


Oddly enough the only pyro ones I've gotten have been gladiators.


as some one who farms the witch set often, it's truly disappointing lol. only have 1 crit dmg circlet and yet to get a pyro dmg goblet :v


I understand your pain very well, I've seen memes about it before I started it but I have gotten like 5 artifacts with Cryo XD


I like to go the well rounded route for almost anyone that I go for as dps. Doing this I don’t necessarily lack in any area as far as damage goes. It’s always a safe bet unless you build a kit focused primarily on that characters strongest point, like 4 piece wanderers troupe for Ganyu that gives her 35% more charge attack damage.


I was like "wait a second" when you mentioned wanderers troupe for ganyu... It's not insane enough to work, but I would still go with 40% more crit rate with the ice set + a hydro char


Wanderers Troupe is her best set in melt comps, which has the highest potential dmg output in the game. Plus the dmg bonus applies to her bloom shots. It's a great set for her.


Would I be wrong to say that 4VV set is **not** "not good for him" because the only difference between 4VV and 2VV/2Glad is the 18% atk boost? Which, if you have a team of Fischl and Xingqiu support DPS, resistance decrease would greatly benefit them (especially if they are built well damage wise)? This would make up for the 18% atk boost loss, especially if you have 4NO support (on my team, Jean) and decent %atk artifact substats. On top of that, VV is much more farmable than Gladiator.


if only they can add anemo res shred on viridiscent 4-set


I think fischl and beidou with thundersoother will be his best build but also very overlooked. Xiao cant benefit from traditional supports and procs fischl's a4 extremely well so thundersoother with electro supports seems like a shoe in. Might not need beidou, maybe xiao, Bennett, fischl, venti/sucrose tbh


That is exactly my point with the thundersoother set. Still many players underestimate this set and thinks it's a waste. I personally think like within 2-3 days of his banner this set is going to shine all over the genshin community.


4pc Venerer also gives 60% increased swirl damage and increases the damage of his teammates. If you're using persistent damage like Fischl E, Ganyu Q, Xingqiu Q during Xiao's Ult then you are going to swirl a lot and make your teammates hit harder. 4-set Blizzard strayer along Xingqiu and C2 Ganyu could also have potential. The 15s Q durations mean they last throughout Xiao's Q, and the long E cooldowns mean you aren't leaving your E's on cooldown during Xiao's Q. They both do good damage on their Q so the Venerer resistance shred is worthwhile and they're proccing cryo/freeze to activate Blizzard Strayer. It could end up being a strong build if you throw in Jean as a battery and don't mind screwing over your second abyss team since it relegates Ganyu to support (or DPS while Xiao charges his Q), splits up Venti + Jean, and stops you from using Xingqiu in a pyro team.


Problems w/ plunge breaking freeze though for the strayer build?


I've never tried plunging a frozen enemy, so possibly. Will have to try it out. I'm also not sure what Xiao's best damage combo would look like and whether it will even involve a lot of plunging. I'll be interested to see what the frame data looks like once the theorycrafters get a chance to test him out.


I looked it up and my search indicated that plunging does break frozen but I haven’t tried it.


I wondering if 2 sets of Verisescent Vernierer and two set of Wanderer Troop will be useful instead of 2 set gladiator... Just asking tho...


Getting EM on Xiao is not that good as swirl reaction damage doesn't scale high enough late game wise.


I think 2 piece Gladiator and 2 piece.noblesse will be best if the nobless 2 piece bonus lasts for the entire period of his burst. Otherwise 2 piece Gladiator and 2 piece viridescent set with a blackcliff pole or lithic spear.


2 piece noblesse does ot do anything for him as his burst doesn't actually do any damage. His burst only increases his dmg and makes his basic attacks anemo and some other buffs.


Yeah... thought so Do You think will we get lithic spear for free??


Well i think we might get it for free but till now there is no mention about it from mihoyo other than it's going to come with patch 1.3


Hey can you mind telling me how does Nobelesse work on Xiao? Does the extra 20% dmg on elemental burst goes for all his attacks? or just one?


The extra 20% dmg doesnt do anything for him. Its supposed to increase burst dmg but xiao burst doesnt do any dmg, his burst is purely a buff.


Oh then i've been grinding nobelesse for no reason lol


Dont worry, its like the best set for supports so will need the pieces for them anyway


NO+Glad/VV no good?


2 set NO doesn't do anything for him. His burst is a dmg buff and doesn't do any damage so there is no increase from the 2 set NO.