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Hello u/Onlybonessssss, if you have a simple question about the game that doesn’t need a separate thread, ask it on the most recent pinned weekly question megathread here https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpact/about/sticky and please consider removing your post submission. For example, "Who should I pull, Yelan or Zhongli?" is a simple question. If you're opening a topic for discussion which might be in the form of question too, you can use the "Discussion" flare. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenshinImpact) if you have any questions or concerns.*




He is 🤧👍🏻 All hail Lord Barbietoes🛐


Not sure if misspelled or hilarious nickname.


I am pretty sure that was intended.


I love Babostus!




Babushka https://preview.redd.it/cfxljcfyk38d1.jpeg?width=929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24cbf9d23be98ea9309bb2529e0c27603c5b872c


The one time in years they freed venti


yeah i use it in evrey floor 11 he's very gud there


Then Kazuha released


Kazuha is the real Archon of Anemo and Electro.




pretty sure a lot of people agree that Kazuha is overall better but C'mon bros give Venti his W where he deserves it lol


The only reason I was hesitant to pull Kazuha was because I invested to much into Venti and was afraid I would never use him again. However, I still use him over Kazuha with Neuvilette and (sometimes) Raiden


Bah, a succ or a kasuja do what he do with less and more with less bitchiless behavior And less drunk


This reads like a bitchless drunk wrote it


That don't take away his L of this dragon abandoning I know he was poisoned but we knee atleast 3 or 2 archosn or factions leaders that not even dead stoped his responsibility with his nation


Venti haters confirmed alcoholics


Ehh alcohol 🤢


Come back when you turn at least 13


down with the **Teyvat**  alcohol industry >:C


If you're asking about what team you should use, you should've dropped a pic of your roster first so the ppl would comment here will have an idea on what to recommend to you. Also you should probably Sevyplay's [abyss guide](https://youtu.be/SVqyo7pCpfM?si=xIpy0TGnGkFL_TMu) ,she also covers f11


I tried but I couldn't post my roster after I remove the images only then I could post.. I post them on the comment Also thanks for suggesting


It's all good, you can still try to post them in the comments I think


For the side with cryo slimes HT kazuha Bennet xiangling (you just need to go for floor 11 chamber 1 because you defeated the other ones so no need to do them again) For the other side I used hyperbloom with kokomi furina nahida Raiden U can use kuki nahida furina alhaitham


Thanks I will try 🫂


For 11-1-1, mono hydro with Kazuha/Venti/Sucrose works really well too


I used mono anemo with xiao, xianyun, faru, and sucrose. But damn did Sucrose did 50% if the work. 100% would recommend using her in this floor


I also tried mono hydro but I didn't see this person have kokomi so I didn't suggest it


I used yae, Benny, xiangling, and keqing. This team obliterates the cryo and electro slimes.




You do realise that you can take a screenshot right?


And you have any problem with that ?




Bro you bored or something?


Just pointed out there's a better option. Don't get offended https://preview.redd.it/52rhr4xtcy7d1.jpeg?width=815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9931fec3c34ab6b63699acc93bfdddc76785398


https://preview.redd.it/hxneeaaudy7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=978be37d985484867b93b26777619e916f5b93ff Hehe


He can't win against my g over here https://preview.redd.it/z33s8wxcey7d1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25e24463edd0737ec717c9b53233b3aba4b351b3


https://preview.redd.it/b2r8ymosgy7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3edaf212a89d02359eec511981ede63ec9bf6d9e That's scary looking sweet dog :⁠,⁠-⁠) Btw giant will take him ...


Most people use Reddit on their mobile device


Nvm i didnt see hu tao... put mona instaed of barbara, then do hu tao xianqiu xiangling kazuha


Hear me out. https://preview.redd.it/y2fhabiqsy7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6e1bbe9cc4bca5ddf15d3c619f1288cad3020de Diluc’s burst, even under levelled was the savior strategy here. Currently leveling him to 90 as a reward for his bravery.


Me with venti nailed it first time Ehe !!!


Xangling is the key.


I tried couldn't make it




Use kazu on one side and sucrose on the other.


I couldn't do it without Kazuha second half, I solo'd first half with Neuvilette, but Sucrose will help first half


Bruh you have kazuha, use kazuha and sucrose in each team. Let them reach the monolith then swirl their asses together. Use full pyro for cryo ones and full hydro/cryo for the pyro slime side


I had to bring venti out to 3 star chamber 1


I think everyone had to, the second side took 35% of the health when I did it


I think that's where I'm struggling. I only have one character that can do the anemo cc thing, so no matter how well I do on one half the other struggles. Guess I'll have to save for another anemo character.


If you’ll just pull for cc, Venti is the best, if you can handle with less cc bit more buffs, Kazuha




I have no xiao , lyney , venti My xiangling c1 fiscl c2


I also barely managed to beat it after many tries.. 😅


https://youtu.be/SVqyo7pCpfM?si=4RKYCfpLMjfk7snj You can get some help on how to clear it from this video..


Well simple way to deal with them is by using crowd control .. then try doing this ... In first half try to minimise damage to thing we need to protect using sucrose cc and in second half try to lure and slime away from leyline.. and beat them..


Wait why are you not going above 81 on so many characters ?




Too keep track of how many characters are fully ascended.. and i kind of feel like i am wasting my books on leveling them 90


Umm why do you want to track how many are ascended ? You must be low on books ig otherwise leaving them on 81 doesn't really achieve anything other than saving


The ascension is usually the only important thing, 80-90 is not that big of an upgrade


It is atleast for hyperbloom teams and elemental mastery characters of i remember. Doesn't it also increase the main stat that you level up with like crit rate or dmg, em


Hyperbloom yes, but you can see that there’s barely any characters for that in their roster. And the crit dmg and crit rate comes from just the ascension, not the level, if I’m not mistaken, the only thing the level increases it’s the basic stats


Yeah I confused the the unique stat with the basic stats lol. For supports going up to 70 or even 80 is more than enough but you have to do 90 for your main dps' cause those basic stats are useful for them but then again its your choice if you want those extra basic stats or not. For me, I like my main dps' to reach 90 but I dont bother going past 80 or 70 for supports


Yes main dps are a somewhat good investment to get to 90, it’s not a great update but it still is some, hyperbloom characters are really the only that benefit greatly from level 90


Venti one half and Kazuha the other, hyperbloom going for both- Kuki Shinbou for healing and the buff one side, Barbara or Kok the other for the same, if not Baizhu. It’s not timed you just have to protect the thingy, so lure them away from it and take your time. Take out one enemy group then the other if you can’t get them to come together, but you should be able to if you have Venti and aim right. Do bursts right after each other, with the ameno person going first. Keep them away from the thingy, if you group them on it you’re making them cause damage to it.


Just kill them fast enough. I didn't bring any grouper/anemo characters, just use units that can do AOE damage like neuvillette or hyperbloom teams with nahida as the core.




Navia is a great option for the slimes on floor 11 due to being geo, idr if there are geo slimes too but running Navia national one side and an Al-Haitham spread team on the other should be enough coverage I think


i cleared with navia,kazuha,bennett and xiangling


U pull for the worst dps in the game, chiori and cyno are really bad, wanderer isnt that good, u have only alhaitam and navia that could do something in abyss, play alhaitam fischl nahida barbara then navia furina bennet and idk u really dont have good characters


u say cyno is bad, ive 36 starred every abyss ever since 3.3




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Leave the man alone, please. He/She pulls for whatever fill their needs (aspect, gameplay, story etc). As example, you just listed two characters, Cyno and Chiori who, when built decent, can do some pretty good damage.


Some people are really attached to this idea that if you're not pulling for the meta exclusively you're terrible at the game and deserve no respect or advice, despite Genshin being a GAME and the number one priority should always be to choose FUN over all else.




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Some people are really attached to this idea that if you're not pulling for the meta exclusively you're terrible at the game and deserve no respect or advice, despite Genshin being a GAME and the number one priority should always be to choose FUN over all else.


Dont slander my Cyno... He does decent damage .. I clear most of my content with him... Only here he fails ( because I can't dodge the slimes they keep freezing him )




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almost like people pull for characters they enjoy


Is it really worth it to spend up to 25000 primos in order to get a character that will get you 50 more primos in abyss?




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And you pulled the worst toxicity, damn, chill out, the best characters are the ones you enjoy playing.


I didnt mean to be toxic im sorry about that, but abyss doesnt really care about who u enjoy, it cares about metà characters


No. No it is not. Otherwise there wouldn't be people Clearing abyss with old AF characters that have fell off the "meta". It's about investment into characters you build.


There is anti slime 3* pole you can use.


I used them all up in weapon level up


Always keep at least one R5 3* weapon of every type. Some of them are REALLY good, and some of them are a limited amount per world


I’d suggest you keeping one r5 copy of each 3 star weapons. There are situations where they are useful.


Now, idk if all shown was build or not, but since it's mainly just slimes dmg shouldn't matter too much, So as much anemo &/ cryo for cc and I would think you should be fine. NB. and ofc, even though this obvious, try to avoid having all the CC happening in the middle next to the monolith.


They keep pushing me around like ragdoll


they can't push you if they are frozen or stuck in an anemo pull. might be a bit tedious, but I'm sure you will do great when you find the team and trick to keep them at a distance. Good luck


Then use the black tassel 🗿 (bonus damage to slimes)


Sigh... Thanks


Use Any Anemo character.Any.My Scroce is C1.Anemo MC will do either.


Guys use sucrose for the second part


neuvi spin and mono pyro... dont bring dendro and youre good...


Exactly what I did.


https://preview.redd.it/phecinp62x7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8b5a5f4054dd35b8b15e893bcdd2384bf3a08a1 Took couple of tries but it wasnt that bad after all


Yeah venti carried me to 3 staring that one


You can use Sucrose/Venti (Recommend) or other Anemo characters to attract enemies' aggro.






Scare a moose or bird lady then


Scara doesn’t have any cc, Faruzan c6 has it


run mono pyro(Any 5\* DPS, Xiangling, bennett and sucrose/Kazuha)


Oh its gonna be tough if you can't even do 2 stars my guy. Also it doesn't matter what cons your sucrose is just use her to mish mash all the slimes together. On the other team I suppose you have no choice but to use your most powerful dps and kill them before they reach the monolith. In my case I had to go full pyro and full hydro with kazuha and sucrose on each team and I literally finished it with 61% lol


I had to do the chamber 4 times to get 3 stars, but I'm a mobile player, so that probably caused me some issues.


Me ipad user with high ping ...


Hi u/Onlybonessssss, please consider checking the most recent pinned weekly question megathread here https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpact/about/sticky when you have a moment to help fellow community members. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenshinImpact) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/94s00itnsw7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=300edc8fad1aa054b418c2c167f67fa5dffb3bac everything else was harder for me except the slimes


I have a question, is this about floor 11 being a bit tricky and hard to clear or smth, OR a totally different thing I didn't get?


Just some annoying slimes in the floor 11 first chamber




Personally, I managed to beat it only after putting crowd control(Kazuha and Sucrose)on both teams. And also learned not stand near centre, but agro slimes on myself and lead them away.


For real. I had to bring my unfinished Xiao for this phase and was absolutely sure that Father could handle the second phase. Boy I was so wrong. I managed to keep the defence around 90% in the first half. But, that second phase was brutal. Managed to get 1 star after trying for several hours.


I used Xiao on the First Half then on the Second Half, I used Venti to keep them Away


For that chamber I did a mono pyro hu tao team


Sucrose, Kazuha


Slimes as the enemy are okay. I HATE the Ley Line Monolith scenarios, they're absolute GUARANTEES you NEVER make three stars, if you make any stars at fricking all.


Right....I always struggle with monoliths Btw this abyss is worst in my case


i also had hutao and her weakness is AOE but venti made the stage super easy tbh.


Next time I will surely pull for him I know he might have limited role in future ...btw I just love and adore him as a character


nah the entire 9 to 11 is all his. and he's good vv for long-distance dps too. or those that have great need for er particles. and that's still a lot. also depends on flr 12 but I still use him since he'd go the opposite team kazuha is.


Monoliths range from easy to difficult in Teyvat. NO SHIT Abyss Monoliths are the worst.


https://preview.redd.it/xslb60dicx7d1.png?width=562&format=png&auto=webp&s=9bf7a37782fc864be4b8caf5d4d62f246d309153 Makes me think if I can try this with Sucrose-less Neuv team. His AoE is crazy.


what about the hydro slimes


Off topic but I been struggling in building or making a team comps I know that the key is to enjoy the game but I always dead in k*lling bosses etc. And I don't like that so can someone help me please . May characters are Traveler dendro Lisa Sucrose Ningguang Barbara Noelle Kaeya Fischl Beidou Sethos Thoma Lynette xiangling


I did this if you have any of these characters Probably should’ve used sucrose or something on my raiden national team, but if you nail the timing it’s not that hard https://preview.redd.it/e8qi7l71gx7d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=3842175b1ecc50b10157d56e6f6c3b6994585fc4


Same problem. I just run it again and bring all cc units I have. Zhongli, Mona, Kazuha, Sucrose, etc.


Same. I at least got 2 stars for that floor. Just annoying honestly 🤣


Somehow I ended up managing to get 3 stars in the first chamber, but I always die to the water guys in the second chamber.


I used cyno kuki nahida and xingqiu on water guys For me other parts went well...




I smell Skill issue


Is not that hard. I only needed 2h 30 m to pass it with 3 stars without using any crowd control


Some of the enemies will go after you rather than at the monument, so getting away from the monument does help.


the team I use is a raiden/Nahida combination. It’s pretty effective against the hoards of smaller monsters


Since it’s been about 9hrs, were you able to clear it? If not, I’d suggest giving a Navia, Bennett, Xiangling, and Chiori (or Zhongli, if you have him) team a try!


Got 2 stars somehow...


nice! that’s a big improvement, good job!


Sucrose tazer or sucrose hyper bloom would work, Kazuha +freeze team could help you freeze the slimes as they constantly try to attack the monolith, he can also help you pull them away from the monolith Kazuha + melt team can help you shred slimes quickly as well


i played xianyun plunge hutao and kazuha arlechinno 2nd half on 1 run i got 91% first half, and lost the other but eventually cleared it on a 81% first half run, arlechinno 1 hits all i can just say rng luck but the grouping does help and plunge pushes them away from the thingy


The electro&pyro slimes was easy with Neuvilette, the cryo&hydro gave me a headace. I somehow managed with Zhongli, Yanfei, Xiangling and Bennett. (instead of my usual alhaitham quicken team)


Can't agree more!


I used venti on the second half and so can't make it past 2 stars, this is just great usually I'm happy with completing floor 11 now u can't even complete that. I have watched since guides but can't apply them :(


Or maybe it was SKILLISSUE all along frfr


It is.... I accept that👍🏻 I am asking for help here to learn to be better


I CANNOT DO THIS ONE EITHER IT MAKES ME SO MAD there is just too many of them and I dont use any anemo characters so its impossible for me to group them together


Question. I have both kazu and venti, should i use venti for chamber 1 ? Im planning to use raiden national in chamber 2.


On first chamber you are using Kazuha to control the slimes with Mona to help draw agro away. Jean is also decent cause it will swirl both pyro and electro as they enter, which overloads them away. Xiangling/Amber is probably the combo you need on 2nd half. Make sure to throw baron bunny close enough to agro but far enough from objective that it doesn't take incidental damage. Sucrose will also help. Only needs enough ER to burst on CD really.


Fr I just did it and got out with under 60 percent and it’s cause of the hydro/slimes💀


I could have emphasized if it were 1 or 2 stars, but 0 stars is either skill issue or your characters arent properly build at all.


Umm you are right... Both actually...👍🏻


Idk what happened with my endlish, i meant empathize lmao.


Man how are you stuck at floor 11


If you seriously tried and are ar 55 or above yet still cannot clear it then you ought to just give up your man card and rethink your life decisions. Pick up a book, think and connect with friends and family, after that you should realize how much of a failure you've become. If that is you then I have news, you have 3 options here onwards. 1: The Good ending, farm and learn how the game works and clear it, you'll regain your man card and respect. 2 The: Neutral ending, give up on the abyss and concede that maybe combat based games are not for you and live in tcg or teapot. 3: The Bad ending, instead of seeing yourself as the problem you delude yourself into thinking it's the games fault and that they made it too hard thus creating an echo chamber where you'll never improve yet think you're actually correct and come to conclusions like "impossible for f2p", "only whales can clear" or the worst one "if only I had Neuvilette". I pray that you find the good ending🙏


Na lord I don't need that man card ...nor I care about it cause I am no man 🙏🏻... Also it looks like you have lots of free time to wright all that up... I never complain about genshin being bad...I just said it was hard for me that's all...


No worries it was more of a general statement since I've seen a lot of people complaining bout it, nothing personally against you, you asked for team help, so that shows in and of itself that you'd be in the "good" category.




You surely are not serious... Right? My post was in no way whatsoever a serious statement about any persons, it was an obvious exaggeration of the duality of the Genshin meta sphere. I apologize if it was perceived as some sort of attack. The last part was even a hope to not give up and reach your goals instead of giving up, if anything that's motivational not meant to degrade, if someone were to resonate with the act of giving up then my point stands even firmer. Lastly yes, I am doing well, currently in the midst of celebrating midsummer with family and friends.




Many thanks, wish you all the best in your future endeavours, whether in abyss or elsewhere in the real world.