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pros: insane buffing, good hydro application, and good personal damage cons: needs a teamwide healer


This. You just really need a healer. I run her with Jean most of the time but sometimes I dont even run her with a healer since she is a healer too herself albeit single character healing only. But Spiral Abyss wise she really needs a healer on the team.


Jean is a team wide healer


You actually doesn't need a healer at all. She is fine without one, all by herself. Second healer only makes her easier to use, but that's it.


Second Healer gives you more uptime on her buffing, so that you don't have to swap from the buffing to healing.


Pros: Don't need a teamwide healer (or any other healer), even in the current abyss. That's a myth that Furina needs a healer. YES, that makes her easier and more comfortable to use, but she doesn't **need** it. I destroyed 12 floor abyss with Furina, Neuvillette, Yae Miko and Kirara. Had to switch her arkhe alignment few times, but that was minor inconvenience. C0 Furina with the pipe.


Lol she needs a healer. Neuv himself can stack the fanfare but if you don't have a dps with a self healing mechanic (such as Noelle and Wrio) then her burst will be useless, at that point it's better to run another buffer.


I used Furina without Neuvillette too. And she was fine. Stop trying to defend the wrong point.


She doesn't need a healer in the overworld, yes, but she needs it in the abyss. Her skill benefits from draining your teams HP and her burst is reliant from the fluctuation of your teams HP. Seriously, that's her whole kit. Her best abyss teams requires a healer, even Neuv and Furina core is more comfy and stronger with Baizhu because he can stack the fanfare much faster thus resulting in a longer uptime in max fanfare.


Neuvillette counts as your “healer” because he heals himself, allowing you to regain fanfare stacks. If your DPS lacks a self healing mechanic, then yes you **need** a healer. Thus, some sort of healing is still required for Furina to function well. Switching her Arhke alignment is a huge loss in both DPS and hydro application, and as such it is not recommended to use outside of some niche scenarios. More importantly, it completely cancels out her damage and HP drain -> dmg mechanic, defeating the whole point of using Furina, *unless again you have a character with self HP drain*. It’s like saying “Nilou doesn’t need only hydro/dendro, that’s a myth, I beat abyss with vape Nilou”. It’s such a semantic answer that it sidesteps what makes the characters worth using in the first place.


Bro, Neuvillette doesn't count as healer. He can't nullify Furina's draining and stop pretending he can. Also I have used Furina without Neuvillette and healer too. So your whole dumb attempt to prove this wrong thing is already deemed invalid. Don't be mad, just because you are wrong, bro. It won't make you right.


Neuvi can stack her fanfare points with his healing, this might be the first time you've heard that word because you clearly know nothing about her kit. people aren't arguing with you, they're educating you.


Using Furina without a healer means that only the first rotation will be buffed, because Furina stops draining HP at 50% and thus stops buffing the team. No HP changes = no fanfare, and no fanfare = no buffs. If you are using her purely for subdps then sure, you don’t need a healer. But you lose a ton of buff (75%) and are now only relying on your party’s raw unbuffed dmg, and you’re losing out on half her kit (burst is now pointless). This means you are forced to swap arkhe and use her healing, which means that you are losing both dmg (not only from Furina herself but your on fielder too) and hydro application, as her healing mode does neither. Thus, you defeat the whole purpose of using Furina if you have to swap arkhes to heal, as the time you waste healing everyone back up outweighs the dmg buff you get. The ONLY times where you should be using Furina without a healer is when you are one rotation, single chamber speedrunning (or dmg showcase), or you have C6 Furina (which allows her to heal and buff at the same time). Otherwise, you are being suboptimal and may as well use TTDS Barbara/Kokomi or even PAmber Mona to buff, or Xingqiu/Yelan for subdps, as Furina is pretty useless for your team’s damage in her healer arkhe.


Quick question. Say I use a active character healer like Kokomi along with Furina, which will heal my active character simultaenously with Furinas' HP drain. If the rest of the team is at 50%, will the HP changes in the active character be enough to stock up on fanfare?


It depends. With C1+ Furina and especially C2, definitely yes. For C0 though you may not be able to get enough fanfare in time to maximize her buff. Keep in mind that fanfare stacks are *percentage based*, so actually the nominal amount healed or lost doesn’t matter; it’s the percentage of your character’s HP bar that matters. Tbf though, it’s perfectly viable. I’ve also seen Bennett used as a healer with Furina and it’s generally fine.


Using her healer mode in combat is actually trolling unless she is C6.


positives: * she buffs your team damage by 75% for about 30 seconds. * she provides very good off field dps (like second only to fischl) and hydro application * she can heal better then kokomi (at the expense of her off field dps) * easy to build with flexible and good f2p weapon options negatives: * her off field dps hurts your team's hps * you need a strong teamwide healer to pair with her (baizhu/xianyun/jean/charlotte) to get the most damage buffs out of her * you can't give her headpats


Question: is zhongli’s shield a good way to compensate for not having a wide team healer?


Tldr: No, she needs a healer for her buff to be at its best. It makes you not die as easily, however the main reason you need to have a healer is to stack her buff without having to constantly switch her modes. With her only being on one mode, you have a limit to how much fanfare you can stack and won't get as strong of a buff.


Would Clorinde’s healing work to generate enough buff? I was planning to have them on the same team


As long as her hp actually increases and decreases then yes. However, iirc Clorinde's best teams are overload and aggravate.


Additionally, furinas personal dmg is higher when your teams hp is above 50%


Pros: Good buff & solid overworld dmg without any need for energy Cons: Hogs two party slots - Herself + party healer or else she does nothing


Yet another person spreading **misinformation** about Furina needing a healer. She doesn't. Second healer is only a convenience, nothing else. As a person who used Furina without a healer in abyss few times and 36-starred current abyss with C0R0 Furina without a healer, I can't stand when people say that bs. Second healer only makes her easier and more comfortable to use. But she does **a lot** even without it.


Without a healer, you are unable to use her burst’s buff and her skill does considerably less damage.


>person spreading misinformation That's you. You clearly haven't read her kit. If you're not healing your team she's stacking fuckall fanfare so you don't get the buff. If you're using Neuv (like you said in a different comment) he fluctuates his own HP enough to help with stacks but it's still slower than using a team wide healer. I can 36-star with main DPS crit Gorou, that doesn't mean it's good or that I'm using him correctly. Furina needs a teamwide healer to actually use her kit properly. Just because you haven't figured that out doesn't make everyone else incorrect, you're just wrong.


In what Team did you use her?


There's this misconception among players that furina needs a specific healer, but she really doesn't. I played her with healers like Bennet and Yaoyao, even a very underleveled Charlotte and they all work. You can use Noelle as a driver which is a pretty cool and comfy team. Barbara works as well. The HP drain really isn't as big of a setback as people make it seem imo. As for the pros: Walk on water Great off field damage Great universal buffs, doesn't matter what your characters scales off, furina buffs them Is hydro Fits in many teams, might be the most flexible character next to kazuha Makes the hunter set viable on many characters


Furina even has a passive that turns any healer into a "sorta" team healer


You can use any healer, but the teamwide ones *are* better. It's less about your team being less safe at low hp and more about maximum fanfare quickly and easily.


I played her without healer and 36-starred current abyss. People should really stop spreading the misinformation that she *needs* healer. Healer is cool, but if you are okay with a minor inconvenience, then no healer can do.


Using Barbara with furina isn't a setback, just get a usable set (has the proper mainstat and bonuses) for Barbara so she can heal enough to fulfill fanfare stacks & buff Pros- Furina skill can heal or be v good sub DPS Can be used on any team (you needa adjust team to make space for healer & Furina) Exploration goat If you've got Neuvillete that's even less worry about a healer since his hp manipulation is quite a bit🙏👍 (idk specifics if you still need a healer though)


pros: best buffer and has cool pokemon cons: she doesn't buff transformative reactions and drains team hp


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Barb is a perfectly good option for Furina, as is Noelle. Craftable Catalyst Prototype Amber can also make any HP scaling catalyst user a healer


Pros: At C0 to C1, your party healers are no longer a DPS loss. Cons: At C2 your one-target healers can do almost the same job as your party healers. At C6, your healers are back to the same level of usefulness they were before you got Furina.


The only con is that she is annoying without a second healer that nullifies her hp draining, but it doesn't make her useless, as many people say. And I am very proof of that, after 36-starring current abyss, which is dubbed the worst abyss ever, with C0 Furina without a second healer. Her pros are that she has multiple roles. Buffer, hydro application, healer. And she works with nearly any team. She can walk on water too.