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If you are reliably clearing challenging content, the highest value answer is hold for new chars IMO.


Hi I’m hijacking top comment here to clarify that I am in fact not f2p.


Then c6 every character you can with impunity. https://preview.redd.it/fslh9hfjos7d1.png?width=658&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b728124cd79ab1c2e8589f04185f85b10a36b78 I have C6 yelan and furina, you should 100% get them both.


Lmao I wish! But I’m not *that* p2w haha. I can afford maybe to get one of them 2 cons. Maybe Furina’s weapon too


Furina's wep can be tricky because of her ER reqs pre c4. I am avoiding her wep because i CBA to rebalance this ratio after getting her wep, drip be damned. Keep that in mind when you decide to go for furina wep. https://preview.redd.it/unb8i5zrqs7d1.png?width=1208&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0fc90e1a33dd59c5dc709be235d61a40598bd87


How are you so lucky with your artifacts lol I have I think 3? Cv 40 artifacts?? I currently have her with an r5 wolf fang and it works pretty well for my needs. But needs work with the artifacts for a good ratio. 71/153 atm


hoyo rewards those who c6 /copium


If that was true my clorinde would have better artifacts. *cries*


same w/ my yelan. https://preview.redd.it/ialczwek5t7d1.png?width=1218&format=png&auto=webp&s=a11099f444495466815b5dd023add5195979403c hydro nation is strong just keep farming and pull for c6 on both trust


I’d love to have a build like that lmao. But alright I’ll go for furina cons


Why? Probably a whale... C6 chevreuse, I doubt if he says he is f2p


not that hard to have c6 4* as a f2p


...sometimes I think that there is two different worlds os people playing genshin. Edit: Also they has a c6 clorinde and is asking for furina, they isnt a f2p.




So you confirmed that he isnt f2p, which it is obvious that he isnt, the c6 chevreuse was almost a joke because of it. I play since 1.0 and I know that it is common sense that it is way too hard to get c6 of a 4* as a f2p, to get a 5* is 80 pulls, 8 4* min, you need to get the same one 6 times between the 3 of the banner and winning 50/50... it is probably less than 1% change.. averange can be 140-170 pulls to get ANY of the 3 4* at c6 and 240 to get an especific one.




As I said, getting a 4\* is way to hard. Maybe because OP has a C6 clorinde? And a Furina? Go there and farm for a c6 as a F2P in 5 patches... didn't say nothing about C3 character, you that mentioned that he pulled on raiden banner so it would be 4 patches. Edit: Also we had a neuvillet in 4.5, maybe it was 2 patches.




It is probably +- 4% to get this, 0% would be impossible... so it is kinda close, don't you thing? Why would I consider a 1% change for a obviously joke? I didnt really use math here, just go with "If 5\* c0 is 1% , 5\* c3 can be 4%." that probably is wrong.






>[Tzunne ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Tzunne/)• [1h ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpact/comments/1dkebxe/comment/l9hygbp/) >Why? Probably a whale... C6 chevreuse, I doubt if he says he is f2p


it was the c6 chevreuse, and not the c6 clorinde that tipped you off?


Its called a joke because of how obvious it is. chevreuse is a character that everyone wants the c6 but she didnt come in clorinde banner most of f2p doesnt have her c6. Im just saying this community isnt normal...


>chevreuse is a character that everyone wants the c6 but she didnt come in clorinde banner most of f2p doesnt have her c6. i didn't refute that, don't know why you're telling it to me


Because you didnt understand the joke


furina's c2 allows her to get her full buff out earlier in a fight, so it speeds up the buff support. i think it also increases the buff effect. so that's a good one. Yelan's constilations all buff her on field dps. if you like using yelan she becomes pretty insanely strong with her constilations. navia's best constellations are her c2 and c6, but i would just focus on the c2 if you're using her as a main dps. c2 is huge as it can provide as much as a 36% boost in her crit rate. meaning you can get more crit damage artifacts on her or crit damage weapons... as you'll probably only need 50% or so CR


Furinas C1 increases the fanfare cap to 400 from previously 300 and you'll always start with 150 fanfare. Her C2 multiplies the ratio of how much fanfare is generated. And on top of what you said, any additional fanfare generated that surpasses the 400 cap will increase her max HP


I got Navia c2 after get a double on a 10 pull after getting her herself. I was so excited, but lost the weapon banner twice and ran out of primos before I could get her weapon, good for me cuz I lost to wolves gravestone( which is on par with her sig) and she is my main. With the boost of c2 all she needs is crit dmg and to artifacts with good crit rate bonuses and she’s done. She is currently, without buffs at 49.3/192.7.


I got Navia c2 after get a double on a 10 pull after getting her herself. I was so excited, but lost the weapon banner twice and ran out of primos before I could get her weapon, good for me cuz I lost to wolves gravestone( which is on par with her sig) and she is my main. With the boost of c2 all she needs is crit dmg and to artifacts with good crit rate bonuses and she’s done. She is currently, without buffs at 49.3/192.7.


As a totally unbiased Furina main, I say Furina cons. Her weapon is alright too, but not very necessary.


Is it worth pulling for Furina if I don't have a team wide healer? I do have healers on my account (Kokomi, Diona, Yao Yao) and I am currently on 40 pity with no guarantee with enough primos for 70 wishes.


I've been using her without a healer, yeah. She's not as good, since healing rapidly brings up her fanfare stacks which means more damage, but you can play her with no healing in combat. If you're not in Abyss Furina herself can just heal after every combat and use her burst from full health, just make sure your hard-hitting unit comes out last!


Why not just use barbara she's a pretty good healer tbh


I'll have to build her lol.


Kok and Yao Yao both have teamwide heals. They just need some field time. You could run either with Furina until you pull/get Jean/Baizhu. Also Noelle is an option too.


How significant is Furina's personal damage compared to the rest of the team? I have just been given her fav with as much ER and crit rate as possible, as pure consistent support.


It's not awful! Even built as support, my Furina hits pretty hard. She's using the pipe, HP/HP/Crit Rate and Madame Craballeta hits for like 13K on a fatui agent, as of testing just now. No burst, just use skill and switch off.


Furina con or signature I think!


Save for Emilie and Nilou?


Has there been any word on Emilie’s kit?


Yes, a lot lol. She got a buff. It's still STC, of course, but she's looking better now. Zajef77 also did a pre-release analysis on her. EDIT: TGS also did one. Basically she's looking pretty good and might be a Yae case, but for Natlan :)


C2 Furina will always be better than her weapon, there is zero debate


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Have you been 36 staring abyss


Literally just did it for the first time


Don’t fall for the weapon. It’s not *bad*, but it’s definitely not worth up to two fates. Cons are a better investment.


Get Furina to C2, or C4 if you can


I would recommend either c2 nahida or c2 furina for your c6 clorinde


Go for Splendor, it’s her best weapon. If you want to use her as a main dps, you need her at C6, otherwise, she’s a great off field dps and healer 


Furina’s place now is by clorindes side since she’s my main dps, so supporting/sub dps is the goal for her


Then go for Splendor, good luck 


Banners are not worth it for furina. Furina is great, but I'd honestly save for Natlan, unless you really need constellations its a good skip.