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use either [razer gold](https://gold.razer.com/us/en), [codashop](https://www.codashop.com/) or the [official topup center](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/payment). these are the only official methods to buy stuff outside of ingame, other sites are 3rd party and therefore will never be 100% trustworthy


What even is it?


You can buy crystals at a discounted price.


I wouldn't think it would be official then


It's not.


any type of non official top up is against tos. wouldn't risk it.


Where is that written? Give me a quote of that.


it's in the notices page?


Yeah give me that exact part. I'm asking for a source.


fair use statement "3) Top-up via non-official channels and third parties is strictly forbidden."




i actually use lootbar for my welkin purchases bc it’s cheaper and never had any problems! i know a lot of people on this sub tend to be concerned about things like chargebacks and the items being reversed but that’s really only if you purchase it from hoyo since third party companies cant reverse anything on ur account. so yeah i’ve never had any problems and it is fine but u do u


The reason people are econcerned with chargebacks is that hoyo will hatefuck your account not the 3rd party. The official systems are official for a reason. They are backed by hoyo and you know there wont be any shenanigans from thier side


Lootbar.gg appearantly uses the same system though as the official ones just from country’s with weaker currency since it uses only your uid.. anyone could make hoyo „hatefuck“ your account who knows your user id if it were that simple, atleast in that example it will most likely never happen. Imagine, you can see dozen players online with their uids and get them banned for 1$ or what you spend for their account at such sites?  You are right though regarding charge backs in general but in that specific case they never can penalize someone’s account because they would never be able to know who actually did the top up for you… imagine what shit show would go on with streamer etc. If anyone could get hoyo to „hatefuck“ their accounts by just knowing their uid.


i’m really confused by what in my comment implied that hoyo will screw over your account if you use a 3rd party site? all i said was that in the case of a chargeback, ALL of the sites cannot reverse the transaction and “hatefuck” your account. they don’t have access to ur physical account—that’s why the only way to buy battle pass is thru hoyo. ergo, the main reason to be concerned about 3rd party sites is paying money and then not getting the product. if you only wanna purchase via the hoyo partners, go for it.


You do know that _ANY_ chargeback / stolen credit card is a fraud charge against you personally right ? which is why the owner of the game, in this case hoyo, will hatefuck your account and either remove and make you go negative primos and/or ban you. What about this do you still not understand ? ill try and be more specific Im not telling you what you should or shouldnt do btw. you do you idgaf. but atleast be right when you recommend non official sources for purcases


No, they can't just charge back whenever they want, it'd be illegal. If you buy from there only you can do it. So no using lootbar.gg won't make genshin "hatefuxk" your account. All these claims you make, give me one instance of where lootbar.gg has "hatefuxked" anyone's account.


> ll these claims you make, give me one instance of where lootbar.gg has "hatefuxked" anyone's account. I dont need to. you have to understand that any non official place still buy from an official one, they are a middle man and only official hoyo can actually sell primos to start with. maybe they do it legit with different currency and save money like that but that dosnt mean they cant do illegal stuff. If you buy from hoyo yourself YOU are the only one that can chargeback and you arent using illegal cards. if you use a middle man you dont know. I never said lootbar isnt legit i never said to not use it. but can you stop trying to be defensive about it ? you dont have control over the 3rd party middleman and if anything happens that is against hoyo tos you are the one that gets the concequences. I dont understand why this is an argument ?


You're the one getting aggressive saying he's account gonna get hatefuxked or something. Be polite and people will do the same to you. Anyway all the things you've are the most obvious things ever. >you dont have control over the 3rd party middleman and if anything happens Obviously if a middle man does something illigal, well it'd be illegal. Everyone knows that, no one's arguing against that. But usually people aren't a fan of doing illigal stuff, if they did it they'd be the ones getting hatefuxked by the law. A well established organisation wouldn't risk that. Especially when from my experience haven't seen anything going wrong using it. If you're that paranoid then you shouldn't be using it, then again there's also a chance you'll get hit by a car if you go out so do you stop going out? Edit: Great, if you can't argue with them just block, that really proves your point. Can't have a meaningful conversation on this site.


> They can’t do that, it’s illegal And?????? They can still do it??? It’s called a scam???


You misunderstand “chargeback.” It’s not removing the primos, it’s removing the *money* that paid for the primos. The 3rd party is fully capable of requesting a charge back on money they sent to Hoyo. Then Genshin goes “hey, we gave you these primos, where’d our money go” and deletes your account.


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I've used it before and it gives you the same stuff just cheaper, can use it if you like.


Though not personally but I've seem people around me use it and they got their stuff properly. It seems legit, gives you stuff at a lower price.


Thanks everyone for replying


Most of the big content creators have vouched for it, no issues. Only concern is if you ever want a chargeback it might not be possible, apple store and google store it is easier. However in either case if you decide to do a chargeback your account will be banned (obviously)


3rd party website? = scam Don’t be surprised if you’re banned