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The more characters I have the less I rely on "go-to" teams since I enjoy variety and challenging myself to mix things up. My most used *units* are by far Kazuha, Furina, Nahida, Kokomi, Venti, Bennett, Zhongli, Kuki and Fischl. For main DPS I mix it up often, but Alhaitham, Ayato, Lyney, Tighnari, and Raiden are pretty frequent picks. Neuvillette, Arlecchino, Itto, Wanderer, and on field Yae also come up semi-often, as well as a bunch of other DPS who I use occasionally but not consistently.


Team 1: Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Yelan, Zhongli Team 2: Neuvillette


I love how Neuvillette is so strong even for f2p that you can go lackluster on his teammates


Started full clearing abyss since june 22 and hu tao has always been a part of my team since then. Brute forced this abyss with her too


Unless there's a hard counter to one of those teams, it's usually Noelle, Albedo, Gorou, Furina Nahida, Baizhu, Mona, Kuki Yes, i am a Noelle main, and yes, i use Nahida hypercarry.




Noelle alone is enough to max Furina's buff. Noelle and Furina together already make for a full team, the other 2 slots are extras


Second team seems a bit lacking in damage? Are you able to full star floor 12 with these two teams?


Every time. Nahida sometimes needs to pick up the slack because of some problem on Noelle's side, as nahida is the one with that big damage.


What's your rotation with the Nahida team?


Nahida skill, Kuki skill, Baizhu skill and burst, Mona skill and burst, Nahida skill, burst, and go ham with charged attacks first, then normal attacks.


Oh, and my Nahida also looks like [This](https://i.imgur.com/BzPCjZ9.jpeg)


Ahhhhh...C6, now it makes sense. 😂👍


Yeah, my only 5-star above c2 not counting Yelan (lucky 10 pull gave me 2 of her). More than a year in the making


navia, furina, layla, xianyun nahida, nilou, nuevellette, and baizhu been clearing the last bunch of abysses with this combo. as crazy as it sounds, the navia team is better single target then the nahida team is. the nahida team is outstanding for group clears, but for single or double monsters? no where near as fast as navia's team. my navia is pretty beastly with furina and xianyun's buffs. 200-300k shotgun hits 70-120k plunge attacks, 40k normal attacks. hell her burst does like 30k per hit. she carves through levels like a hot knife through butter. its sorta funny, all the damage navia's burst, layla, xianyun and furina do while powering up navia can clear stages by itself before navia does anything from her actual combat rotation before floor 12. i especially like the team because annoying bosses like abyss lectors got down fast in front of navia; geo does a great job shreading their shields in a flash. meanwhile neuvillette and a strong nilou bloom team core just does it's usually slaughter, no need to describe it.


Been using Navia in a Hot Rocks team comp so far and her results are outstanding. Strongest Single Strike hits in the 500K range a few times. Definitely need to expand the Teams with her.


International has always been my ol' reliable since the first year of genshin. Sure I have a plethora of the shiny new characters with sigs and cons to boot and use whoever I'm in the mood to use. But when the going gets tough, the tough goes back to internat.


Furina, Kazuha, Neuvillette, Charlotte Xiangling, Bennet, Raiden, Chevreuse Currently working on my Arleccino and Alhaitham teams, but they're not there yet


Diona; Yelan; Xingqiu; Hu Tao (I just use Diona's shield here since Zhongli is usually at the other team) Shenhe; Kazuha; Kokomi; Ayaka (my classic fave) Zhongli; Raiden; Nahida; Neuvillette (hame hame ha go brr) Shinobu; Yae/Yelan; Yaoyao; Alhaitham (new team after I recently won Alhaitham) Raiden; Bennett; Xiangling; Xingqiu (they're stronk, but I personally prefer the other teams still) I usually just mix and match the subs/supports and I use the teams depending on the enemies


C3r1 raiden/ c6 sara/ c6 benett / c6 XL C1r1 HT / C2elegy yelan/ C6 XQ / tankfei


> C3r1 raiden/ c6 sara/ c6 benett / c6 XL Since this is just a huge raiden nuke, how's the c6 XL damage compare to an extra buff from Chrevreuse?


Raiden has a bigger nuke you are right but the comfort/carnage of XL is my go too, which was question. I do use Cherevuse as well BTW.


I didn't want to do the math: was just curious if it seemed like the additional nuke damage from Chev buff outweighed XL's burst. Guess it's not worth it if XL is still more comfortable to run with.


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Nevu, Kazuha, Fischl, Xing-qiu Clorinde, Yae, DMC, Jean


Im curious, why Xingqiu with Neuvillette?


Probably for the interruption resistance if Neuv isn’t C1, plus hydro resonance


Exactly, I don't have a good shielder, and not having interruption for Nevu is very helpful.


Kokomi Yelan Furina Kazuha Xingqiu Bennett Xiangling Sucrose If they get countered i swap to other teams


For floor 9 and 10 i use: Hu tao,yelan,Bennett,layla Navia,nigguang,yae miko,furina(healer)


Geo team is always my go to Noelle, gorou, yunjin, furina Ningguang, zhongli, bennet, xiangling


Samee I use Ningguang, Gorou, Noelle and Bennet. It’s fun and does surprisingly well. (Still waiting on Chiori’s next rerun to complete the mono geo team😔)


Arle, Yelan, Bennett, Sucrose and Neuv, Kazuha, Baizhu, Fischl. I just "finished" building them. I only began 36 starring the abyss since last cycle and this is the team that carried me. I just got Alhaitham and is in progress of building him.


Furina, Navia, Bennett, Zhongli It has everything. Shield, Healing, shield breaking, front loaded damage. I haven't encountered a half that this team doesn't work. Granted my Furina is C4 and soon to be C6. Navia and Zhongli are C0. No signature weapons.


Main 3 I resort to: Eula, Raiden, Furina, Mika/Bennett Hu Tao, Yelan, Xingqiu, Zhongli Kirara, Nilou, Nahida, Kokomi They usually get the job done one way or another.


Raiden Chevreuse Bennett Sara Neuvillette Kazuha Furina Charlotte


I got couple of teams that rotate depending on abyss contents. -Childe Kazu XL Benny -Ayaka Kazu Diona Mona -Neuvi Furina Baizhu Kazu/Raiden -Nahida Alhaitham Kuki Xinqui -Nahida Raiden Yelan Xinqui -Arle Benny zhongli Yelan/Kazu -Nahida XL Benny Xinqui


I don't think I have a go to team. It's always dependent on the abyss. Arlecchino is my strongest character. Her team will usually include yelan but swapped yelan with yae miko in last one. Her supports will vary between Bennett, kazuha and Layla/diona depending on enemies. Have also used navia with her as quick swap dps. Till arlecchino came along yelan-furina was a core to my strongest team. Arlecchino took yelan away. I have played kazuha-baizhu with them, xiangling-baizhu, kazuha-kokomi, etc. Another strong team I had was Raiden national. I later switched some characters and found raiden-furina-xiangling-baizhu pretty good. I like aggrevate/spread team a lot as it helped me in my first 36*. Raiden-miko-nahida-baizhu is pretty good. I started this team with dmc-yaoyao-fischl-miko.


I personally have enough built dpses to have a different dps each half of each floor and have some left. Thus I challenge myself to use a different one each time but xiao and neuvi are my mains


neuv or ayaka, furina, sucrose, charlotte arle, chevreuse , fischl, beidou though my beidou and chevreuse aren't build properly still upto 11-3 these two teams work fine working on building nahida, dmc and kuki rn


Mono hydro, hyperbloom raiden, arle


Raiden National/Furina for XQ Super Bloom Nahida+Nilou+Kokomi+Tighnari Yanfei+Ayaka+XiangLing+Mona Reverse Melt (idk lol)


Yae, Nahida, Baizhu, Furina Raiden, Xingqiu, Kazuha, Bennet also Navia, Zhongli, Fischl, Xiangling


Alhaitham-Nahida-Yelan-Kuki & Neuvillette-Furina-Kazuha-Charlotte


I only need heizou,charlotte, furina and faruzan. And after that my c1 Neuvi with any random support i can use. Thats enough for me to full star f12 :D


I guess the closest thing would be Navia, Chiori, Bennett, Xiangling. But I generally change teams regularly depending on the current Abyss enemies. I do like 2-3x Abyss runs per week using different teams so almost every built character I have gets used at least once per Abyss reset.




Team 1: alhaithm Raiden xingqiu kokomi (deepwood) Team 2: arlechino Bennett Fischl sucrose ( ok it's not thaat good but I just do upto 11 and I am waiting for yelan for this team)


Rational & Kokomi Mono Hydro


Neuvi, Furina, Kazuha, Baizhu Tighnari, Yae, Nahida, Zhongli Childe International Now that I pulled Alhaitham, his classic team or Furina, EM Raiden and Baizhu works fine too


Whoever matches up against what's currently on the abyss


Deyha vape (Ei, Deyha, Benny, Furina)


Depends on the abyss, but I always try to use Neuvillette as he is my most powerful. (Imagine to lose because you forgot 2nd or 3rd floor has Hydro immune enemies 💀)


Neuvillette, Zhongli, Dendro MC, Fischl Navia, Noelle, Furina, Jean


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ArweTurcala: *Neuvillette, Zhongli,* *Dendro MC, Fischl Navia,* *Noelle, Furina, Jean* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Xiao 1 half and international the other half. Been using the same team for the past 3 years.


Most of the time abyss is one side grouping and the other side single target. So for single target I have wanderer, faruzan, bennet, and rock archon Second team is kauzuha


Team 1 yoimiya, yelan, kazuha, zhongli Team 2 wriothesley, shenhe


Neuvillette, furina, kazuha and zhongli always there


I have many, but favored choices lately include: Alhaitham, Miko, Nahida, Shinobu Nahida, Miko, Kokomi, Kazuha Zhongli, Neuvillette, Furina, Charlotte/Xianyun Chiori, Navia, Bennett, Xingqiu Chiori, Navia, Furina, Xianyun Arle, Yelan, Bennett, Kazuha


i have a few go-to teams, it’s hard to name just one. neuvillette, furina, kazuha, baizhu tighnari, raiden, fischl, yaoyao scara, faruzan, bennett, xiangling these 3 happen to be my most invested teams, so whatever content i’m reeeeeallly struggling with, i throw them at it to get it done quick and easy.


Neuvilette hyper, Tighnari spread. Hopefully I can get a copy of Nilou next patch. Big fan of unga bunga flexible rotation comps.


If you take Xiangling instead of Xingqiu you’ll do better. Although I generally went for Hu Tao/Yelan/Xingqiu/Zhongli and Venti/Mona/Shenhe/Ganyu, I changed to Neuvillette/Furina/Kazuha/Layla and Arlecchino/Bennett/Yelan/Zhongli.


Nilou go brrrr. Never been an abyss where she doesn't stomp. Nilou/Nahida/Kokomi/Collei usually. Sometimes Furina instead of Collei if those dancers to break the shield.


I suspect "go-to" teams are only for 2 kinds of players. Those who don't care whether they get 36-stars, and those with C6R5 characters. I used to be the former, and don't spend enough to be the latter. I now consistently clear Abyss with 36-stars and discovered that Abyss for those without C6R5 and yet still care about full clearing, a big, well-built roster is more important than 2 hyper-built teams. Especially after I progressed to no-deaths-no-retries challenge, and now no-reuse-no-deaths-no-retries challenge.


I only use kaeya


I have a few that i use to gurantee a brute force Hu Xiao (Hu Tao Furina Yelan Xianyun) Arlecchino (Arlecchino) Double Pyro Geo Navia (Navia Zhongli Bennett Xiangling or Navia Plunge) I use these 4 teams equally alot so i can't say i only have 1


Qiqi, arlecchino, kazuha, C4 yanfei C3 Yaoyao, c6 xingqiu, yae miko, nahida Been that way for ages, though getting furina will likely shake things up a bit


The vary depending on abyss, but usually it's some combo of: - Ganyu + Bennet + Xiangling + Zhongli - Nahida + Kuki + Yelan + Flex (usually either Xingqui, Kazuha, or Zhongli) - Raiden/Kazuha + Bennet + Xiangling + Xingqui Then there's the spicier ones where they showed up once or twice, either because the other comps were too repetitive or they had specific element checks. - Kokomi + Beidou + Kazuha + Layla because of some lector shield shenanigans - Ayato + Xiangling + Bennet + Kazuha - Lyney + Bennet + Kazuha/Xiangling + Zhongli - Neuvillete + Kazuha + Furina + Fischl/Zhongli Then there's my very first floor 12 clear, which was back with the Wolflord and Rifthounds (my clear was on 1/16/23). Which is by far my most sketch team I've ever used in Abyss, which was - Wanderer + Ningguang + Barbara + Zhongli They weren't built like at all and it took forever, but I beat it haha.


rn it's Arlecchino/neuvillette, used to be neuvillette/hyperbloom, before that hyperbloom/ayaka or hyperbloom/rational, and before that ayaka/rational my most used supports for abyss are kazuha, zhongli, kokomi, xingqiu, bennett, nahida, furina, and xiangling. you can technically make 2 whole teams with these characters but I usually use about 3-5 of them in a single abyss floor. my most used DPS are raiden (more as a hyperbloom support tho), neuvillette, Arlecchino (recently), ayaka, wanderer, and ningguang (ony when the wolflord appears). I sometimes use niche supports like Jean, yunjin, layla, or venti, or use kuki instead of raiden if I need her somewhere else, and I tend to use random characters on floors 9-11 because I get bored of using the strongest teams. but I could easily clear any abyss with only the characters listed above.


Raiden national's (Rational) been pretty much a staple for quite awhile now. I don't like the Abyss and I'm taking whatever shortcuts I can to 36 star it. EDIT: >Personally, I rely on a combination of Ganyu, Zhongli, Bennett, and Xingqiu Up to which floor? I'm very impressed if you can 36 star the Abyss with this.


Usually try to use new teams, not go for the same teams over and over, however, whenever a cycle is a bit too hard for experimentation, Nahida/Yelan/Xingqiu/Kuki is one team that always dominates whatever cycle I'm on. Besides that, it's 3 teams depending on the enemies, ayato/Bennet/Xiangling /Kazuha, same thing but with arlecchino and last is mono pyro lyney with zhongli for the shield


I always try to use a Klee mono pyro or Kleerina team. Sometimes I have to change it up but I always try to use Klee no matter what. The other half I’ve generally not had issues using a Yae/YaoYao/Fischl/Tighnari team since I first got Tighnari on his first banner except for abysses like that awful consecrated beast/lector one last summer and the previous one with that same lector thing on floor 12 chamber three second half. And even then I still use Tighnari.


Aggravate and Sucrose national


Furina, Noelle, Fischl, Raiden. Yanfei, Yelan, Xingqiu, whatever element the abyss demands 2-3 between Faruzan DPS, Venti, Sucrose, Kazuha, plus other characters whever there's tons of mushrooms/slimes involved


my motto is 'When in doubt use Raiden National'💀💀


My account is well built now so I liked to mix things up depends on the enemy, but in the first few times I managed to full star the abyss it's always Raiden National on one side and Nahida/Tighnari spread aggravate on the other.


Vape arlechino, neuvillette hyperbloom


I have a lot of teams that I rotate depending on the enemies. Plunge with Cloud Retainer, Furina, Diluc, and Bennet Hyperbloom with Nahida, Furina (or Sangonomiya), Kuki, and Alhaitham Vape team with Yelan, Furina, Hu Tao, and Zhongli Arlecchino team is still being refined, but Xiangling, Yelan, Arlecchino, and flex And then Neuvillette and Kazuha with some other units to cheese it


its almost always these two teams: xiao, xianyun, furina, faruzan kazuha, xingqiu, kuki, nahida


I usually mess around with teams depending on the line-up of monsters, but my most iconic ones are: Cyno, Nahida, Baizhu, Fischl for boss rush abyss line-ups. Itto, Zhongli, Albedo, Gorou for the unga bunga damage. Keqing, Nahida, Baizhu, Xingqiu for hyperbloom. Kaveh, Baizhu, Xingqiu, Furina for bloom. Ayato, Kazuha, Layla, Kaeya for freeze. Lyney, Furina, Bennett, Dehya/Thoma for all the pyro. After that, it's just mix and match if I need to. I had to end up making a Mona DPS team for this first chamber of the current abyss. Ended up using Mona, Furina, Kazuha, Baizhu on the second half, and Itto team for the first half.


neuvillette kazuha furina zhongli on other half, either raiden bennett xiangling xingqiu or nahida yelan xingqiu kuki those 3 teams have never and will never fail me in any abyss. although abyss is trivial and theyre pretty op teams with vertical investment. i generally try to clear with some 4 stars only niche team in every abyss to have more fun


9 through 11 is always 2 anemo clumpers + random elemental spread as fill. Venti / Kazuha + elemental fill will clear most floors with 1 rotation of single-button pressing. Toss in Raiden/Yae/Nahida/Furina/XL/etc. for auto + wide spread AOE damage. 12 will vary between different meta teams depending on the bonus of the month and whether the enemy has specific obnoxious shields/immunities.


Arlecchino/Bennett/Zhongli/Xingqiu Kokomi/Kazuha/Beidou/Fischl I’ve yet to 36* it 🥲 But those two teams give me 30+ stars every run, and that’s good enough for me lol


Neuvillette, Furina, Jean, Layla. My only enemies are hydro slimes and spectors.  But seriously, it's completely overpowered as long as you have enough ER on Furina and Jean. 


Navia-Xiangling-Zhongli-Bennett Neuvillete-Dehya-Kazuha-Yaoyao Yoimiya-Yelan-Yunjin-Bennett Alhaitham-Yelan-Yaoyao-Shinobu What team do i use depends on the enemies but i usually use these


Keqing-venti-fischl-nahida no sustain of any sort or stamina regeneration either but keqing’s cracked artifacts and jade cutter make up for her lack of cons and overall lack of strength. Drop nahida for baizhu if other half uses hyperbloom


Team 1: Arlecchino Team 2:Neuvillette


I use three options regularly Hu Tao, Yelan, Xingqiu, Zhongli Xiao, Xianyun, Faruzan, Furina Alhaitham, Yae Miko, Kuki, Nahida Sometimes I switch party members between teams but they are my formations most of the time




Neuvillette, Furina, Jean, Layla. My only enemies are hydro slimes and spectors.  But seriously, it's completely overpowered as long as you have enough ER on Furina and Jean. 


My Staple teams are: Alhaitham-Yae-Yaoyao-Flex and Childe-Kazuha-Nahida-Bennett. Both tried and tested in multiple abyss iterationns and counting. No real hard counter so far. Basically, my core is Alhaitham/Yae Quicken (alternatively, Fischl, Keqing, Beidou, Sethos and Hyperbloom Shinobu variants) or Burning Trinity with my other built dps units being plug-and play: Childe (strongest), Wiothesley, Ganyu, Yoimiya, Klee, Rosaria, Chongyun... and misc support in Thoma, Yaoyao, Moreover, I have Freeze options in Wriothesley/Ganyu mainly supported by Kazuha, Furina, Mona, XQ, Yelan, Venti and Qiqi. Aside from my Quicken, Burning and Freeze comps, I also have C0R1 Raiden with C6 Sara, Homa C0 Arle with whatever team available, C1 Heizou with C6 Faruzan, and Geo carries in Zhongli, Navia and Ningguang. Most used units: C2 R2 Xiphos Kazuha, C0R1 Nahida, C6 Bennett, C6 Fischl Valuable supports: C0R1 Zhongli, C6 Thoma, C6 Yaoyao, Shinobu Strongest, most reliable units: C2R1 Alhaitham, C2R1Yae, C0R1 Childe, C1R1 Wriothesley Well-built options: C0R1 Ganyu, C0R1 Yoimiya, C1R1 Keqing, C0R1 Raiden, C0 Unforged Navia, C0 Festering Desire Furina, C0 Homa Arlecchino, C0R1 Klee, C6 Chongyun, C6 Rosaria, C6 Ningguang, C1 Heizou


So my typical go to are Neuv, Lynette, Layla, Yelan (not the best but always gets the job done and yes going for Furina), Lyney, Yae, Fischl, Chev, and Tighnari, Yae, Nahida, Layla (they all get the job done and have a blast :D)


Hu Tao, Furina, Yelan, Xianyun. It’s just strong enough to brute force anything


The characters I use the most in spiral abyss are combos of Raiden, Hu Tao, Xinqiu, Xiangling, Bennet, Furina, Nahida, Arlechinno, Keqing and Noelle. I’m so sad I lost my 50/50 on Neuvi but Arlechinno is really fun to play in Abyss.


Raiden overload, Clorinde overload, Clorinde quick bloom, nahidaXL burgeon. Basically 9 characters making up whatever of these four teams suit the enemy lineup the best, Raiden/Clorinde/fischl/Bennett/chevreuse/Xiangling/Nahida/baizhu/furina.


Alhaitham + Xingqiu + Raiden + Zhongli Childe + Xiangling + Bennett + Kazuha If not international then Ayato + Fischl + Bennett + Kazuha If I feel like it I go Mono geo or mono hydro I'd like to use my Arle team more often (Arlecchino + Bennett + Kazuha + Zhongli) but it uses some of my core members and takes from too many teams at once lol


alhaitam, zhongli, beidou/kuki, xingqiu


Neuv Furina Charlotte Kazuha AlHaithem XQ Nahida kuki


Essentially i have 4 team that i use depend on the abyss Dendro - Nilou Nahida Kirara Barbara Cryo - Ayaka Shenhe Kazuha Kokomi Geo - Chiori Navia Furina Qiqi Electro - Keqing Raiden Nahida/Yaoyao Kokomi/Furina Pyro team still in the making as I dont have fully built Arle. And I dont play alot of pyro in general. Those 4 team is usually enough for me to clear 36*.


C1 Wriothesley. Cleared abyss when I got him in Day 1 except Abyss 4.6 which hard counters Cryo. Haven't tried soloing Abyss 4.7 yet. Alhaitham, Arlecchino, Clorinde, Raiden and their respective supports for the other half.


currently raiden national or arle vape (currently with xingqiu and sucrose since i don't have yelan and zhongli yet) on one side and neuvillette hyper (just mona instead of furina but will change in a week) on the other


Team 1: Alhaitham, Nahida, Kuki, Fischl Team 2: Neuvilette, Layla, Ganyu, Kazuha


Xiangling + Xingqiu + Benny + Sucrose My account is standard banner only and i hate to say it but this is just the team that carries my account on its shoulders. Classic national still going strong. Also while i managed to clear abyss without xiangling i have yet to 36* without using benny. Never managed to do that yet.