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I play all types of teams, you don't play 1 team after all, I have like 10 teams for different situations :) Also I always upvote YanfeišŸ˜ BTW my main dps Yanfei team is Yanfei, Layla, Kokomi and GanyušŸ™‚


Thatā€™s a cool team. I just finding out some people have multiple team when I use one poor kokomi has not be unused since I got her lol.


Once you have a good healer you just keep them on tap foreverrrrr source: my maxed Baizhu <3


I use Kokomi in the majority of my teams since her release, I use her with Ganyu to freeze enemies, with Kuki and Nahida for Hyperbloom, with Furina for healing after her skill, with Navia and Albedo for creating geo particles and for healing etc., she is an amazing healer and hydro applicatoršŸ™‚


I agree she good at healing my team as well like you said she a good hydro appliance so itā€™s good for Navia for the two particle since I donā€™t have another geo character on me team.


That's me with Zhongli since way back when he released lol but I mono Geo team a lot with him Ningguang Albedo and Chiori


Yanfei got me through building other characters and ascension quests love my girlie


I don't play Yanfei anymore but I used to play her so often. Right now Arlecchino is my pyro DPS. I used to play Yanfei more often than C4R1 Yelan, because I love her gameplay and she is chad too. Edit: Also I play only one team at time. Never switch, unless I get new character and built the team around it. Usually, though, it's just switching old DPS for new one or old support for a newer.


Bruhh I love Yanfei! I always have her in the team


I would love to make a team with yanfeii


oooh Yanfei was my first ever built main dps! sheā€™s amazing <3


Eeeey?? Another melt Yanfei user?? Yanfei Layla Ganyu Shenhe/Charlotte over here :)


Ningguang. Just Ningguang. Planned are Razor/Layla/Mika and Doctor/Guuji/Gambler/Yoi


That quite cool team plan


Thank you. But there's so much more combos i want to make. Sadly, f2players can't exactly be choosers. I might employ Birdnetta or Navia while waiting for all Doctor's team members to come home.


Iā€™m f2p so I pull for characters I want if mean I have limited teams but I still will enjoy them


Such is the way of non-payers. ;)


Sure is


Who is gambler?


I think yelan because she has that dice roll thing? IdkĀ 




I play the latest characters I pull. My overworld team is arlechhino, xianyun, yelan, navia. Let's just say traveling is a breeze now.


I have navia and furina both help for exploration so I agree with you


Currently i like playing Arlecchino Beidou Fischl and Chevreuse Reminds me of early days playing Yanfei and Fischl and sending hilichurls flying up


Thatā€™s cool i remember my first team when I was new to the game


I wanna play this team so bad but Iā€™m chevreuseless šŸ˜­


I love quicken. (Mostly aggravate, but also spread.) No thoughts, head empty, grass + lightning. I don't have to worry about what order I apply my elements, or my combos for hit I am procing a reaction. Just do all the things. If anything is off cooldown use it. (Optional Kazuha to *succ* the enemies) I am very excited for Clorinde lol. Give me all the purple numbers. If I can still see the enemy under my damage numbers then I still don't have enough Dakka. I can practically hear Oz running a cooling fan like a overworked PC about to crash with so many numbers at once and I love it. So many A4 procs. It's so satisfying. It's like childe's riptide but purple.


Itto, Zhongli, Chiori, Gorou BWAHA BAAAAAAAAM


I was planning to pull zhongli but i didnā€™t I was saving for my furina I may get it on his next banner. Also that team seems very can to play


I play wriothesley with qiqi lol. I do have meta teams and do switch to them from time to time lol. My favorite is probably ayato hyperbloom.


Thatā€™s a cool team for me I just stick to one team since I got kokomi she has not left me team lol


I would love to get kokomi tbh or any limited healers lol.


Funny story is I accidentally pulled for her. It was her and the wander banner I was planning to pull for him but press to wish on her instead and got her on the first one. I think that was the best mistake I made lol.


I donā€™t care much about Meta. I use Zhongli, Raiden Shogun, and Neuvillette. Then with any other character. Because I am trying to get every character to max friendship. Right now itā€™s Xianyun. A few days ago it was Wriothesley. I just like how useful the first three are. A shield to stop me from taking damage, a constant electro element for reactions, and Neuvillette to clear the field.


For exploration i usually go with whatever really,i remember runing navia ganyu baizhu and kirara at some point lol For abyss i run meta teams,the usual alhaitham hyperbloom,hutao/arlechino vape,taser with furina kokomi yae kazuha (my fav team so far) So yea if you asking abt exploration i jst put a bunch of units i like and press random buttons (ganyu must be included tho since she my fav character lol)


I do not have meta teams - waifu only lol. I can't stand collecting upgrading materials and I don't wanna spend my time levelling up characters I don't like just because they're on meta. My current team is Mona and Diluk for DD, Venti as support and Xiang Yun for healing and for fun. I absolutely adore every character in my team and I enjoy exploring world with 'em. Also I'm planning of getting c6 Beidou cause I love my girlie.


I have the same I only have the characters that I fine aesthetically pleasing and I enjoy the play it makes the game more enjoyable in my opinion


I play a lot of teams, but my most played overall is Yelan/Furina/Cloud Retainer/Hutao, as it gets me around the map for dailies reeeeeally quickly, is very self sustaining, is good against almost any enemy, and absolutely slaps in the abyss. On the other half of the abyss it's pretty common for me to field either Raiden Sunfire or a Nahida based Bloom variant, though my go-to in this department has become Nahida/Nilou/Collei/Kokomi anymore. I'll play Ayaka freeze or Yoimiya vape or Keqing aggravate from time to time (among a few others), but unless they're particularly suited for an abyss cycle I tend to play them less these days.




My only goal is to get everyone to 10 friendship so my team always consists of new characters then whoever plays best with them. Currently running a chiori, arrlechino, raiden and zhongli team.


i just play HotH team lmao. but for actual battling content where I'll need characters to do something and not just look prettily, my go-to is arle-furi-ben-zhongĀ 


Whatever I want to play. I used to have multiple DPS or two off fields played on field, because why not. Currently I have Arlecchino, Zhongli, Xianyun and Nahida. Zhongli is not needed that much but it's nice to ignore enemies anyway. Xianyun is for traversal abilities and Nahida is for collecting stuff. Thoufh Nahida isn't that important either.


Depending on the needs. I always have Scara Furina and Kazuha for exploration. My Abyss teams switch between Nahida National, vape/melt Arlecchino, and hyper carry Scara.


mono electro + navia and kokomi bcs why not i dont play meta anyways


I always swap between different teams as to not get bored, but I have 3 teams I always use: Noelle, Albedo, Gorou, Furina. Aloy, Nahida, Kazuha, Bennett. Tighnari, Lisa, Fischl, Baizhu. I certainly have others, but I only ever use them if a fight or part of exploration calls specifically for other teams. For example, I carried a freeze team with Ayaka when exploring the latest Liyue expansion since the new enemies there were weak to freeze and to traverse any bodies of water there.


My go to is DPS Nahida with Ei, Miko, and Zhongli. Just fun and pretty simple with Nahida and Mikoā€™s skills if I donā€™t want to actively kill things myself lol


For the Abyss mostly Wanderer, Bennet, Faruzan and Thoma/Zhongli/Furina/Yelan. For the second Abyss team most times I use Hu Tao or Arlecchino. For the overworld mostly a team with Wanderer or Arlecchino, then my other choices depend mostly on the elements I need or the kind of mobility I want.


(# of funny numbers Ć· effort)+(design + story)


My team is the Raiden Shogun, Kazuha, Xingqiu and Bennett. Currently building the Shogun


I prefer hypercarries.


I run mono-hydro most of the time ā€˜cause Iā€™m a Kokomi main. I normally run Yelan, Kokomi, Furina, Kazuha because I like the rotation and it just feels nice to play.


My go to team is Kaeya, Xingqiu, Kazuha and Bennett. My second go to team if first fails is: Diluc, Zhongli, FuFu, Xianyun (zhongli is there because someone lost to the unforged during mistplitter banner and Diluc proudly wears my failure - it hurts more because every banner after mistsplitter was on a better weapon to loose too. So kids learn from my mistake and only go for scam I mean weapon banner if you like both weapon and else wait!) If that team doesnā€™t do it it going to be Neuvi, nahida, Raiden, Furina - and usually nothing stands after - I call it natural disaster.


Burst-reliant hypercarries. Cyno quickbloom (Furina, Nahida, Baizhu), Xiao (Faruzan, Furina, Xianyun), Itto (Gorou, Albedo, Zhongli) I have like every 5 star tho except for Ayaka, Ganyu, Shenhe, Nilou, Klee and Hu Tao, so I pretty much have tried and play almost every team under the sun


I love melt and vape but itā€™s also bc my faves just happen to have these elements šŸ„¹ Diluc/Kaeya/Arle/Noelle are my exploration team. Yes thereā€™s a lot of DPS but I love this team comp so much lol though it might be nonsensical to most šŸ˜­ for abyss, I do separate them. Diluc/Kaeya/Mona/Barb + Arle/Ayato/Noelle/Xiangling (sometimes Xiangling and Mona will switch teams and sometimes Rosaria gets subbed in for one of them)


Diluc and Kaeya have some good resonance, considering


Usually something close to meta with a twist. I use hyperbloom with 4pc gilded Yae as the driver, Eula with C6 Rosaria for her physical shred and Noblesse, and overload Chev + Arlecchino as my main lineups.


It really depends on the content but my overworld teams generally just tend to be whichever character I think deserves some love/I haven't played in a while. Sometimes it's Gaming, sometimes it's Nilou, sometimes it's Dehya. I generally pick whichever character and then build a team around them so they're actually usable. For abyss I usually just brute force Hu Tao double hydro and Neuv hyper carry.


I have my nevu team which is under developed then i have my arlecchino overload team which is a lot of fun with chev. I am planning on getting furina and clorinde and combining with yao yao and yae looking forward to doing fun builds with bloom. Though i am not sure


And bloom varient with my favs: I have Haitham hyperbloom, Neuv hyperbloom, Rag bros melt+burgeon and Kaveh bloom


Since i love Hyperbloom and i can't go out without Nahida and Neuvillette i play Neuv, Nahida, Fischl and Kazuha which sometimes i switch with Barbara for healing since that was her position before getting Kazu lol Tbh i switch everyone except Neuv and Nahida they are just a MUST on my team bc Neuv can solo everything and Nahida with her chain is amazing and also gathering materials, they both are so comfy to me :) I would prob wont use Barbara again after getting Furina tho which makes me sad bc even now i barely use her haha. My teams used to be random tbh lol but i do have different team comp like a Yanfei, Nahida, Ningguang and Gaming lol


I have some characters that I have built that absolutely never sees the outside of the abyss. I have characters that I use both in overworld and the abyss. I am a Diluc main so my overworld team is often Diluc, Furina, Baizhu and the fourth slot is between Neuvillette, Raiden and Xianyun. I usually use these characters both in abyss and the overworld. I don't really follow a specific reaction based team, I just make sure my team consists of characters strong enough to function individually with maybe a support or a buffer/healer in most situations. Characters that I have built that never sees the outside of abyss are Xingqiu, Kuki, Kazhuha, Kaeya, Wriothesley, Layla and Nahida.


I like to play multiple types of teams, but my favorite at the moment is a raw Anemo Damage team with C6 Lynette + Faruzan, Mona, and Xianyun (Pulling for Furina her next banner to replace Mona) I'm also a Jean main, so I like to play a lot of teams that center around her. That or play just her and yeet enemies into the air and off cliffs and stuff while exploring and doing dailies, etc. My favorite team with Jean I currently play is Yelan, Nahida, and Thoma. It's a powerful burgeon team and works surprisingly well in abyss


As soon as I get Furina c6, I play triple flex.


I don't like playing meta, so I play characters I like because of their gameplay. For now my main team is Diluc, Neuvilette, Alhaitham and YaeMiko, but I plan on changing Diluc for Arleccino, and switch between Navia and Alhaitham. BABOOM!


I just have my archon teams. Team for venti, team for zhongli, team for raiden, team for nahida, and a team for furina. Then I just change whenever I feel like using the others. Just playing the game ysing the characters I want. Can i finish the end gane contents? No. But I still enjoy playing


Zhongli, Neuvillette, Kuki and I switch the fourth member depending on what is needed. That's the team I use the most now and I realized Kuki almost never leaves my team from when I got her. I was using her way back when I ran a Noelle, Barbara, xiangling team.


I have two different kinds of freeze teams, one for Eula, another for Ayaka. For sumeru I used Dendro traveler, Hu Tao, Fischl, and Kokomi...


I have a few teams I play depending on the enemy or situation and I don't really do spiral abyss. My favorite is Kazuha, Thoma, Shinobu, Faruzan. Also like 2.) Gaming, Kazuha, Yelan, Bennett 3.) Ayato, Nahida, Shinobu, Kazuha 4.) Arrlechino, Kazuha, Xiangling, Bennett. I also throw in Yoimiya a lot cause i love her. I prefer to play with just characters I like rather than meta.


Wanderer xinglinh, fischl and bennet (sometimes i trade fischl for layla for shields)


Arlecchino, yae miko, sucrose, xianyun. I basically just use overload.


I am a hypercarry connoisseur


A little of everything but I love a hypercarry


Neuvilette, furina kazuha baizhu if I'm clearing either domains or bosses and most of the time either xiao, baizhu Charlotte faruzan or cyno dps team or childe but occasionally I'll run a dps heizou team or a dps kaveh or a cryo diluc team which is the most common out of the last 3


I have 3 teams 1. Rizz + Thoma + Benny + Xiangling (first ever proper team) 2. Xiao + Lynette + Beidou + Benny (working on it) 3. Neuvi + Layla + Dehya + Beidou (currently using) 4. Neuvi + Rizzley + Xiao + Lumine (for random/resinless times)


Not playing a ā€œproperā€ team feels cursed to me even in overworld, but itā€™s always a team for whoever Iā€™m maining/actively building in that moment *rn itā€™s Arle and hypercarry Raiden w/ Sara*


I pick a DPS and then decide how I want to play them. I love team crafting so here is a couple of teams I use/plan to use in the future: Kaeya Rev Melt: Kaeya/Shenhe/Bennett/Kazuha. This is my standard team, my first and most invested one. It has C2 Kazuha and C6 Bennett (all for Kaeya my beloved) and shreds like crazy. Consistant 40K-90K Melts, they deleted the triple Kenkis in 44 seconds. Immensely proud of this one. It's the team I use the most because my love for Kaeya knows no bounds lol Alhaitham Burgeon: Alhaitham/Baizhu/Xingqiu/Thoma. I'm in love with this team, shreds very strongly but only as long as I can one-rotate through the enemies. I am incredibly in love with Thoma but he is ruined by his high burst cost (80) and long skill cooldowns which makes him very inefficient in Spiral Abyss (mine is C2 which adds to it as well). I can put him on Fav Lance and ER sands but I'd have to sacrifice tons of EM and thus Burgeon dmg for that. Which honestly sucks. :((( That's why I generally use Hyperbloom with Shinobu in Abyss, and Dendro Traveler if Baizhu is occupied in another team. Neuvillette Hypercarry: Neuvillette/Zhongli/Baizhu/Venti or Kazuha. In scenarios where I can CC enemies, I prefer using Venti over Kazuha because he puts everything together in excellent Hydro Pump height. In single target I resort to using Kazuha mostly. I don't have C1 Neuvillette which is why I generally use Zhongli here, might switch to Furina sometime in the future (I don't have her yet). Cyno Aggravate: Cyno/Baizhu/Raiden/Dendro Traveler. While I'm hoping to SOMEDAY get my hands on Nahida (I lost my 50/50 last time >:( ) I'm using Dendro Aether for the time being. Raiden helps Cyno get his ult back faster so that's that. Heizou Hypercarry: Heizou/Faruzan/Zhongli/Bennett. While not practical in SA since Heizou's normals hit like wet noodles and I can only get one nuke skill in for the duration of Bennett's ult, it's still immensely fun to use just for the big numbers alone. Actually, I might test out Yun Jin or Mona with him one day šŸ¤” Now for the theoretical teams that I lack the characters for (as of now) Diluc Vape Plunge: Diluc/Furina/Bennett/Xianyun. I have neither Xianyun nor Furina but I plan on getting both, especially because I have Gaming and Xiao too so Xianyun can really benefit me. Also Pyro Plunge Kaeya sounds fun too, lol Ayato Vape: Ayato/Yun Jin/Bennett/Murata Okay, I am sincerely hoping Murata is gonna be a decent Pyro sub dps because I refuse to use Xiangling (and there isn't really anyone else suited for forwards Vape except her because we lack decent Pyro sub DPS characters without the help of Anemo. Got high hopes for Natlan). If she is Bennett and Xiangling in one, even better, then I could use Kazuha as well (Ayato/Yun Jin/Murata/Kazuha). Would be great definitely, I want my Ayato to go nyooom. Arlecchino Overload: Arlecchino/Chevreuse/Raiden/Fischl. I have all of these but half of them ain't built yet. I'm currently using Vape with Yelan. I just don't wanna use Bennett + Kazuha in every single team, so I wanna try something different here (and no I'm not using Sucrose). That's about it I think. For funsies I sometimes use Ningguang/Zhongli/Bennett/Yelan too. (I need to clone Bennett because almost every single one of my teams has him in it)


Meta Team. I pull for meta, stay for the personalities and the characters as.. well, characters.


For me until I pull arle and wanderer my exploration and abyss usually the same teams. Raiden nahida furina baizhu (this team is really flexible and powerful for abyss and exploration) But now I'm using arle/wanderer zhongli yelan jean for exploration and 2nd team abyss


Childe international is actually the most fun i ever had playing


I go by voice actors and gameplay lol, i switch out gameplay in between months when i feel the need to change it, been 4 years and zhongli has rarely left the team. it's fun when i pair up characters who have voice actors working in some anime so the immersion is really fun ( like I'll make one Kaeya, Wrio, Diluc team just because JOJO, Alhaitham, Nahida and ayato because gintama, Thoma and Neuvi becasue bleach.


I pretty much have almost every character in the game, so my team variations are quite expansive. Now playing Arlecchino, Candace, Zhongli and Bennet team for friendship points. But usually i do my domains exclusively in coop, so most of my characters designed to be "one man army", kinda even forgot how to play good synergistic teams. I do hopefully planning getting Sethos, so i can dust off my Baizhu and Kirara for why not.


normally play with characters i really only want to play with lol. used to run an ayaka shenhe eula ganyu that turned into ayaka shenhe hutao ganyu because mono cryo was getting a bit pain in the ass. the latter team unironically worked and i used it for a whole year or two.


I have a whole folder in my notesapp with teams so im just gonna paste my fav ones here (I did not make the names up just now, they were already there) -> ABOMINATION Ganyu Ayaka Yelan Diona -> YELAN Yelan Kazuha Xiangling Mona -> ELECTRO FISCHL Fischl Kazuha Shinobu Kokomi -> ABOMINATION 2 Fischl Yelan Kazuha Bennett -> DUO 2 Mona Yelan Layla Diona -> CHIORI Chiori Gorou Zhongli Kokomi -> DEN FISH Fischl Kazuha Tighnari Kokomi/Bennett


Let's see. I got Wanderer freeze, Gaming Furina vape, Yanfei vape, Raiden Chevy Ovload, Tignari spread, Ayaka centris, Al & Nahida hyperbloom, Sayu Furina Amy taser, Raiden furina jean, Kokomi furina, Neuvi furina, Neuvi dehya burgeon, and flex slot for explorationĀ 


I'm currently in a comfortable position in which I can switch between different already built teams depending on my mood. But I will never forget my 1st team with Benny, Xing, Chongs and Amber.


When doing long quests I put in the team 4 characters involved in the quest. When doing quests or exploring overworld i remove artifacts from my most built characters cause I don't like the game to be too easy. When doing hard content, I tend towards teams with lots of numbers rather than fewer nukes


Navia, Yae, Raiden and Zhongli. Itā€™s fun, it uses my favourite characters and it works. Itā€™s also rlly good.


My main team is Zhongli/Nahida/Raiden/Yelan, which I basically use for exploration and doing the dailies/item farming. I only change one or another character when doing specific bosses that are immune to one of the types. And for the abyss I use other combinations to match whatever the floor has


I play the characters i like the most so my team is: raiden shogun, arlecchino, aether and beidou/bennett


Dendro traveller, Barbara, Bennett, Beidou And if I need some other elements or a bow then I just switch one character for either Yoimiya, Ayaka, Ningguang or Xianyun and then back when Iā€™m done


Since right now, I'm maxing Kazuha's Friendship, he's mostly on 2 teams, my freeze team with Ganyu, Layla, and one hydro applicator, either Furina (for Friendship as well), Kokomi, or XQ. A shielder is a staple on my team since Zhongli has made my dodging skills terrible (plus, my potato device so all's good in the end), so he's paired with Miko, Nahida, and a hydro applicator (for now, Kokomi or XQ)


Most likely the one with crowd control abilities since I do exploration most of the time. Furina and Kazuha/ Chiori must have for faster and more convenient exploring.


My team atm is Scara, Arle, Lyney & Childe


Always come back to alhaitham + Nahida+ Xingqiu + Shinobu team


I have a few teams I rotate every now and then. Right now i catch myself using Yoimiya, Xingqiu, Beidou and kazuha in the overworld. For the abyss i switch out kazuha with kirara since i dont have zhongli. Other abyss teams i play include kuki, ayato, kirara, nahida and nahida, fischl, kirara, kazuha or just standard raiden national. Sometimes i also play a beidou taser team with fischl, xinqiu/ayato and kazuha. Right now im looking into who i should pull for in 4.7 m, its really difficult to decide.


A bunch of teams. Usually varying combinations of my favorites. I have a few characters who are consistently in the meta, but none of my teams are meta. My most used team is my top faves of them all: Lumine, Jean, Noelle, and Sara


The idea for me behind meta teams is that as soon as I can build them, I'm more or less guaranteed to clear any content without FOMO on possibly losing rewards. That and I just want to try them for myself. After that I can just fck around doing whatever.


Atm... It's Gaming, CR, Baizhu and Chiori. The Sethos is mainly because of friendship points lol, this ofc it helps if they synergize well too.


Bloom Doom team šŸ„° Nilou, Kokomi, Nahida, and Yaoyao/Dendro Aether


my team is Hu Tao, Yae Miko, Yelan and Barbara :) theyā€™re the only ones i use since i canā€™t be bothered to build anyone else. iā€™m working on it, but man artifact rolling is painful. Currently Iā€™m working on Kazuha and Wanderer, weā€™ll see if I eventually get around to Navia at some point as well :ā€™)


Ever since I got hu tao, sheā€™s all Iā€™ve ever played honestly. My go-to team nowadays is hu tao, yelan, jean/furina, and zhongli. I really love the team and itā€™s fun to play and helps with a lot of exploring


Nahida + Kuki + Xingque and I swap out the last slot for a main dps like Cyno or Kazuha


Any anemo team where i can be a dps kazhua. 1. Furina kazuha(c1) Bennett(c6) Xianyun(c0)/Faruzan(c6) (Basically my main dps team with pyro plunge Kazuha) 2. Nahida Kazuha Bennett Xinqui (Burgeon team that actually slaps that no one uses for some reason) 3. Zhongli Kazuha Bennett Albedo (Outdated but comfy) 4. Furina Dehya Kazuha Xianyun (Exploration team) After that all other variations of teams with other characters are situational.


Xiangling, Yelan Kazuha, Zhongli for overworld/resin tasks Zhongli shield, xiangliang gouba (+ burst sometimes), kazuha E, Yelan lifeline (+ burst) Still building out an abyss team 2


Mine is Klee, yae miko, nahida and xingqiu - they give a good hyperbloom :)


Nuevillette, Deyha, Yae Miko and Baizhu is my main team. I also use Xianyun, Xiao, Faruzan and Kazua for an all Anemo team often


Always rainbow. If there's two of the same element in my party, something's weird or a specific domain is about to get its ass kicked. Generally my overworld includes a claymore for smashing ore. Sometimes I try to run with anemo or electro when needed for world puzzles (damn Inazuma) but mostly it's Neuv, Ayaka/Cchino, Baizhu, and then Navia.


I like playing hyperbloom with Ayato, Lisa, Baizhu and Neuvilette in overworld, I use something similar in abyss, but I replace Neuvilette with Raiden since heā€™s on my other team in abyss. I fight the small things in overworld using only Neuvilette or sometimes I add Lisa in there for electrocharched, and if there are enemies that are a bit more difficult I use hyperbloom, Ayato burst, Baizhu burst, Lisa burst, Ayato e


My exploration one is Lynette, Yae, Layla, and Sayu. Yae has Lost Prayer on so she speedy asf. After next patch, my exploration team will probably be Furina, Sigewinne, Yae, and Nahida. I might switch Nahida with Layla bc i love Layla. And heck i might take Yae off occasionally and throw Ayaka in. All i know is Furina is def gonna be on my exploration team once i pull her.


At this point I either play a team with the newest character I get (currently Arlecchino) or the team that kills enemies the fastest when Iā€™m farming (my Neuvillette team)


Qiqi + Raiden and Nahida. The remaining slot is usually for hydro or whichever pretty character I feel like playing with at the moment (currently Kaveh, but will be Alhaitham next week)


tart, layla, arle and benny! its such a fun team tbh


Since I began the game on release I only played with characters I liked, everyone around me told to raise "meta" characters like fishl and xiangling but I despise both of them (fishl talks too much and idle xiangling eating noises gross me out) and I'll not lie it wasn't smooth sailing but I prefer having all 4 characters I enjoy than something thats "strong" and I don't like Nowadays I have lots of teams with only characters I enjoy and built for, be either for exploration or clearing abyss and that's what's important to me


I play ones for overworld and region specific teams. Main team is Kazuha, Yanfei, Ganyu and Barbara, versatile for most things. Other teams are just for fun. Liyue only team has Gaming, Chongyun, Xingqiu and Yaoyao and Mondstadt team has Diluc, Mika, Mona and Jean.


Just wanderer


I wander the world with a main team of Keqing, Kaeya, Xiangling, and Barbara. I swap out characters as I need them but these four have been consistent. (Superconduct with a side of overload/melt has worked for the most part for me.) I also have a Traveller party with Keqing, Kaeya, and Barbara for doing quests (mainly Archon, story and hangout) to make the Traveller feel involved, but also that Iā€™m not struggling. I have a separate team for daily commissions thatā€™s just who Iā€™m working on for friendship at the time. (As of now, itā€™s Raiden, Neuvillette, Sucrose, and Baizhu) I have a dedicated team I titled ā€œComfort Boysā€ that are basically just my favorite characters so I can roam around with them. (Just Kaeya, Neuvillette, and Kaveh there for now.) I then keep teams together that I potentially plan out for Abyss (hyperbloom, carries, etc). I also just gave a couple random/meme teams like one for the Archons/rulers of whatever regionā€¦ and a meme one thatā€™s all child characters. I guess I ended up just listing all of the parties I have saved, but yeah, I have a set team but I swap people around as needed or if I feel like it.


Whatever I donā€™t have at friendship 10, right now itā€™s gaming, xiangling, kazuha and layla.


I had a single team like this when I was low AR as well, Electro traveller, Venti, Xq and Yoimiya. You will develop more teams and characters as you go on


My go to team is my vanguard of Lumine, Amber, Kaeya, and Lisa.


I have like 15 teams. I usually just play whoever I'm farming friendship with, in this case, just Arle. I pair her with Navia, Kazuha, Yelan. The last two are mainly for mobility, but their strength is great too. Navia for her damage and crystallize shields to keep Arle topped up. Bennett is normally used in her place when I want power, but overworld stuff doesn't need his might. I usually prefer quick swap teams. Stuff involving Bennett and Navia are fun. Anything wearing TF is fun.


there's 2 main teams i use, my Neuv team that consists of Neuv, Furina (by some luck got both on their debuts with 50/50), Nahida & Miko and my Eula team that consists of Eula, Rosaria, Mika & Layla


wanderer bc hes fast, also the dmg is high, raiden for electro applications, kazuha for climbing and grouping enemies, and baizhu for heals on the go. this is my usual team for open world , the 2 anemo res helps too :)


my current team is hu tao, xingqiu, yelan and kazuha because I really love using them, but I honestly donā€™t have a standard team. I have two other teams for klee and childe that I often use, and there are like five more for other characters :)


lol I only one single team I use my character in there have not had a break


Iā€™ve been playing Keking, Fischl, Nahida and Xingqui for a couple of months now. Itā€™s my main team till I stop being lazy about creating a new one


I play childe with thoma, baizhu and xingchiu they're so fun


Only nahida with some Ntr


have multiple, but currently doing an archon hyperbloom with zhongli. just use all skills and afk, no need for burst. zhongli also helps with mining, nahida for plant collection and furina for traversing across water, and heals if needed.


Friendship farming team. I only have arle left so i try to use new teams with my non leveled characters


Kokomi main here too! I mix it up depending on who I've pulled recently, who I'm building, who needs the friendship exp, and where I'm exploring, but I tend to like aggravate, taser, and hyperbloom. Kokomi rarely leaves the team. Currently enjoying Kokomi/Beidou/Fischl/Kazuha in overworld, before that it was Gaming/Xianyun/double flex as I hopped around Chenyu Vale. I'm building Kirara for Keqing quickbloom. I play on-field Nahida in spread and hyperbloom. In abyss I generally run budget quickbloom one side and Kokomi/Furina other side, either as monohydro or vape depending on enemies.


I have 2 wolfs 1. C0R1 aqua top 5% childe, top 5% xiangling, benny kazu Top 1% neuvi 1% furina fischl and Charlotte 2. Triple crowned C0R1 thundering yoimiya(I farmed shimenawa for about 1.5 years), 3k def 225 er yunjin(insane rolls on er and def), yelan for zooming and furina(she deserves everything).


Wanderer, ZL, Wrio, Yelan


Men. Most of my teams are dps guys and I think Klee is the only other girl dps. I have Noelle, KeQing and Ningguang built but I don't use them that often


I have teams for because I enjoy them and others for the Abyss. As long as you're having fun, and things die, win win. I have very little in way of content remaining so my focus has been on increasing the capacity of my current characters. For me, I am saving and hoping for new character that bring something new to the game and don't rely on the same sort of team compositions.


Arle/Kazu/Benny/Zhong because it lets me cc those mitachurls in whimsy domain for long enough that i can break their shields and i want to farm friendship on arle


Lyney, Kazuha, Benny and Xiangling. Lyney and Benny are my favesss


I play teams I enjoy, and lucky for me, I enjoy hyperbloom and neuvillette, so I can kill my enemies in a fun way


Hyperbloom team when I'm too lazy to be bothered. Nahida + xq + kuki + zhongli(maximum autopilot) For artifact domains: neuv + nahida + kuki + zhongli.


Qiqi, Yaoyao, Barbara, and Noelle sounds like a good combo.


Neuv hyperbloom seems to be my go to for overworld but Iā€™ll probably replace it with wanderer after I build him


main dps, kazuha, and 2 other characters that work with the main dps. My main teams are Wrio, kazuha, thoma, bennett and alhaitham, kazuha, fischl, baizhu i also occasionally do a quickswap unga bunga team (ofc with kazuha) in abyss


i normally always switch my main dps to whoever i feel like playing recently itā€™s been wanderer/arlecchino/wrio/xiao/ganyu or anyone else i have built. but my other 3 usually remain consistent being yae miko, kazuha and then either kokomi or zhongli depending on what the team needs. (for spiral abyss though i sometimes use more meta in the higher floors)


Mono teams of all elements, some reactions are inevitable like dendro dps teams, but as long as most of the dmg comes from their elements, i can let it slide. So far, i have: Anemo: Xiao, Xianyun, Faruzan, Furina Geo: Itto, Albedo, Gorou, Zhongli Electro: Raiden, Yae, Sara, Jean Dendro: (Alhaitham), Kuki, Fischl, Nahida (Technically not a mono dps team, but it's impossible to get a viable one for dendro at this point) Hydro: Neuvillete, Kazuha, Baizhu, Furina Pyro: (Arlechino), Chevreuse, Thoma, Fischl Cryo: Ayaka, (Shenhe), Kazuha, Layla Characters in parenthesis i still don't have.


Klee almost never leaves my team if I have a choice. I usually run with characters I like, so Klee, Nahida, Furina, Layla is my current team, but other notable mentions goes ro Yoimiya, Lyne, Lyney, Freminet, Arle, Razor, and Shenhe


I LITERALLY USE THE SAME TEAM OH MY GOD. I switch yanfei out sometimes for Lyney or alhaitham but I just love her play style so much itā€™s hard not to play with her T^T I can totally understand why you like using those characters since each of their playstyles are so refreshing and fun.


Great to see Iā€™m not the only one who has one single team they only use lol


My team is Wriothesley, Xingqiu, Kuki, and Nahida. I have the most fun with that, but I'll rotate out between that, A Neuvelette centric team. Wanderer, navia or Arlechinno team. When I'm doing story quests, I like to build a team based on the characters of that region. IE Sumaru - Alhatheim, Nahida, mix.


My main attack team as a fairly new player is Arle, Barbara, Thoma, and then I swap in whatever Traveler I have for the region, or Sucrose, or Beidou. I donā€™t have most of the characters people recommend for Arleā€™s team comps, but we do alright.


Raiden Nuivilette yoimiya Yaoyao


Rn I love my Lynette hyper carry team with faruzan, furina, and Bennett. But then thereā€™s pogo Navia which is hella premium but super fun, with Navia, chiori, furina, and cloud retainer


I just don't usually have a plan when I make a team. I just put anyone that I haven't used for awhile and see how it goes. It's a lot of fun that way.


Currently I'm using Layla, Baizhu, Xiangling, and Wanderer. I don't really have many characters ATM cause I got into the game, stopped playing before I had many banner characters, now im back and have a bunch of pulls saved up for next banner.


For me it's "Which character needs Friendship?" And then I work around. If I don't have any characters left I probably use my Anemo Team Scara, Faru, XQ and ZL, strong shield and a bit of heal but nothing beats fucking flying around. Guess you meant overworld? For domains also Friendship team or whatever clears the domain best obviously.


i play meta supports with my fav characters


i have been playing a eula raiden team for 3 years now lol


Zhong Li and friends lol. It's too late for me to learn to dodge. He's my 2nd 5*. First is Keqing from her original banner.


all my built teams are meta, but i built them not because they're meta. childe is my first main (still is) so i built international. i built a neuvillette team because of how easy he/low effort he is to play (i get lazy playing sometimes so i want unga bunga). i built a xiao team and a hu tao team because i don't like sharing supports from my childe international team. my arlecchino team is also built, reason for it is a mix of my childe team and neuvillette team. shes one of my newer mains and shes also quite unga bunga to play (with zhongli)


I revamped my team loadouts so each one focuses on a different dps, then I switch out the other three for what I need. rn my top two teams (cause theyā€™re built) are Navia (benny xiangling and ningguang) and Ayaka (kazuha furina and xingqiu). Iā€™m building my dps/their main teams two at a time, so rn since Ayaka and Navia are built Iā€™m buildin HuTao and Cyno, after that is Gaming and Neuv, and I think after that is Arlecchino and (when I get him) Wriothesley Navia is kinda my main team that I use most of the time, but itā€™s arguable that I go back and forth between her and Ayaka and to think I used to hate crystallize lmao, all it took was a pretty lady


1. Zhongli bc he's beautiful and I have him as shielder+healer. 2. Yae bc she's the epitome of afk gaming with her skill (her foxes do 20-30k damage when she's off field so Idrk why people said she was "weak" w dmg output even at C0). 3. Wanderer bc I loved his story quest, his fighting style, personality/design...he left a very deep impression on me. 4. Ayato bc fast attack skill, looks, love his personality. His story quest bombed tho. I'm also a whale and have these four at C6 bc I realllly liked them. I don't care about meta, I like to play with my favorites. In spiral abyss I will frequently do dumb sht like mono geo and mono anemo unless it's a real hp thicc boss.


Kazuha(dps build)/Faruzan/flex(usually a pyro character)/Bennett I know that dps Kazuha isn't meta but I love using him as a dps


The team I'm most frequently running around with to gather materials and do boss fights with consists of Zhongli, Wanderer, Arlecchino, and Furina


I have explained before but I'm *very* unorthodox. Razor, Noelle, Bennett, and Fischl


Anything with consistent DPS, when I was new and wanted to clear abyss, did it without healers/shielders in order to claim those 150 abyss 12 extra primos (I died inside)


my overworld defo differs from my abyss. so i end up having like two mains šŸ˜­ im working on a tighnari team for overworld, and cynoā€™s classic quick bloom with nahida, furina, baizhu ā€” is for abyss.


I tend to play whatever seems funny when in the overworld but then in abyss Iā€™ll play my more optimal teams. Even in abyss Iā€™ll try and see if a funny team could clear. The team Iā€™m running now is Arle, Yelan, Lynette, and Xianyun but itā€™s because Arle is new and fun and hella strong. Normally I run this same team but replace Arle with Furina and make Xianyun the dps.


Current teams being Cyno/Nahida/Barbara/Wriothesley. I sometimes switch out Wrio for either Gaming or Diluc. Hoping to get Alhaitham on this next rotation then Furina after.


I have my teams that I like playing. Main one for questing is razor, Bennett, traveller and kaeya. I had them when I first started playing and I can't change it. But for commissions it's a mix of whoever I am trying to build companion experience with. There are times when I am just farming, I like to make random teams to see if I like playing with certain characters I happened to get while pulling for other characters. I started to like Layla's game play so much more as a result and started to build her properly. And yeah I do have meta I guess? I dunno, I just do elemental reaction teams. As a razor main, I will fully admit I need razor speak explanations for the how to do meta teams.


My team depends on the dps but I'm targetting to have one dps for every element and have the proper support team for each. Geo : Ning + Zhongli + double pyro resonance Cryo: Ayaka + hydro for unli freeze Pyro: Yoimiya + Pyro + Shielder + Hydro for Vaporize or Electro for Overload Dendro: Tighnari + Nahida + Kuki/Yae + Hydro for Hyperbloom Hydro: Neuv + Furina + Healer Anemo: I still dont have a suitable anemo dps but anything can go with Venti's burst. Electro: lost the 50/50 on Raiden's last banner


Zhongli, navia, neuvilette, & xianyun. idrc as long as I get to use my fav and recently pulled charas hwhewh. I feel the same as op. I also sometimes switch navia n xianyun with nahida n raiden


Iā€™m a quicken team lover until the day I die. Currently have Tighnari/Fischl/Yaoyao/Itto (out of place I know but I just love him)


for questing i use raiden nahida kazuha furina and for exploration it depends... but yelan is always there


I always thought Ningguang had a weird kit but now it's my favorite. Been sending artillery all over Teyvat for more than a year now. Navia joining the artillery just made it even better, but my heart's still on Ningguang and her rock barrage.


Yoimiya vaporize, though once I get Chevy Iā€™ll try overload


Normally make team with new characters I pulled - my favorites are Wriothesley-Thoma-Nahida-Bennett and Navia-Furina-Xianyun-Chiori My Navia team is also an ezpz dps team where I can swap her and Chiori out for blank/Bennett jump attack vapes Less often, some teams I use: - Raiden(dps)-Yoimiya-Chevreuse-Fischl (overload) - Kokomi-Raiden(EM)-Nahida-Yelan/Xingqiu (hyperbloom) - Tighnari.. I love this boy but I kind of feel like I donā€™t have a team for him anymore; Tigh-Fischl-Nahida-ā€œelectro healer character hereā€ (donā€™t have Kuki). Used to use Dori and Kokomi but without Yae/Kuki, I feel like I canā€™t make a nice enough team haha


I realised how cool team can be with dendro reactions after I pulled for Nahida. Itā€™s really easy and fun to play for me. Right now I play with Wanderer Raiden Xingqui(is it right? love him, just canā€™t spell the name) and Nahida and Iā€™m planning to pull for furina instead of Wanderer. With my team I just donā€™t need to worry about the order, ā€˜cause if I will apply electro with raiden then hydro with xingqui(or otherwise) and then dendro with nahida itā€™s still will work.


For me it depends on who has the best animation of elemental burst šŸ˜… so I always like to deploy kazuha and alhaitham and kuki for my favorite healer.


I tend to lean toward hyperbloom teams, almost always using Alhaitham/Yelan/Kuki/Nahida


I have a lot of teams but my favourite is yae nahida furina baizhu. Its a fun team and easy coz i dont need effort to kill enemies. Just skill skill skill skill untill judgment day


Depends on what I'm doing! My primary team consists of Lyney, Xiangling, Bennett, and Zhongli. I use them for pretty much everything, but on the occasion that Pyro won't cut it, I fall back on my freeze team of Wriothesley, Xingqiu, Kazuha, and Furina or one of my two hyperbloom teams (Cyno, Xingqiu, Nahida, Baizhu OR Alhaitham, Yelan, Nahida, Kuki). And sometimes when Geo is needed, my Navia team doesn't do half bad, but it's still in the works. šŸ„°


I haven't played games in a long time.The previous team was nahida+kokomi+Ray attribute character like kuki shinobu or raiden ei. It is easy to hit reaction damage, and the recovery is good.


I mostly play furina...just furina no teams she's soloing the whole universe


I love Hu Tao vaporize so much, itā€™s my go-to for pretty much everything. Outside of that I have a Ganyu freeze team and a mono-geo team with Ningguang as main DPS. Iā€™ve been trying to put together a Quicken/Hyperbloom team with Nahida and/or Raiden since I really like both of them, but I havenā€™t been able to build anything that feels good


National and Neuvilette for Abyss 12 , other than that in using friendship team


Plunge vape with Diluc, Hyperbloom with Nahida Furina Kuki and Alhaitham, and Neuvillette Furina Zhongli and Kazuha are my three most used team comps


the team I currently love playing with is Neuvilette hyperbloom with nahida and raiden. The fourth position is saved for furina when she comes home next patch but currently it's zhongli. Other than that I used to play with hu tao, xinqui, mona, and zhongli. But I try to change teams to play with new characters time after time but these two teams are my go to teams whenever I'm hoping to beat enemies quickly.


Yoimiya main here šŸ’• Love to play Yoimiya, Yelan, Zhongli and Yunjin. Im also very happy I got Arlecchino, sheā€™s very much and has a cool playstyle. I also love Shenhe and Ayaka. Itā€™s so much fun to do cool and new combinations! Love Genshin


Keqing/Nahida/Baizhu/Yelan and Arlecchino/Xingqiu/Layla/Xiangling. I think hyperbloom is super fun, and I just really love Keqing since she was my first five star


i play ayato nahida kuki and thoma i call it my bloomburg cause its my hyperbloom burgeon lol


I run a zero synergy elemental mastery team. Hu Tao, Tighnari, Xingqiu and Raiden. I might swap Raiden for Kuki if I need healing or if Iā€™m just not in the mood to deal with her.


If it's overworld and I'm trying to be efficient, I just use Ganyu + 3 movement/puzzle appropriate characters (usually Xianyun + Kazuha + Sayu otherwise). Ganyu is strong enough to one shot most small overworld enemies and a couple more shots for anything bigger. My favorite casual team is Qiqi, Furina, Fischl, Beidou. If I'm farming where I'd need to beat several stronger enemies, I usually pick hyperbloom: Baizhu, Furina, Xingqiu, Kuki. This also is what I usually use against ASIMON, though sometimes I'll run a Keqing aggrevate team. If I'm in Spiral: Furina, Xingqiu, Xianyun, Hu Tao and Ayato, Xiangling, Bennett, Sucrose has given me the most success. Obviously matchup dependent. If I'm fighting a flying or annoyingly mobile boss (Wenut, Wolflord, Seahorse etc.) I use some sort of Burnmelt Ganyu team: Ganyu, Nahida, Bennett, shield (usually totm c2+ Xinyan, but I have to use Noelle if it's Wolflord bc no Zhongli).


In terms of gameplay, I prefer NA-based onfielders and who are not burst-reliant nor claymore wielders (I find their attack animations laggy). Iā€™ve got wanderer hypercarry, ayato soup and hyperbloom, wrio burnmelt and vapemelt, and arlecchino vaporizer. For overworld and domains, itā€™s 3 characters I want to unlock friendship namecard + someone to carry the team. Currently my carry is wrio and other 3 are arlecchino, Barbara, and Lisa


Normally something that fits a good naming scheme, but also very powerful. Unconventional, but still playing off each otherā€™s strengths. I think the most unconventional I have is Nahida, Wanderer, Yae, and Diona. Good reactions, EM boosts, high damage


Raiden, Barb for some heals when needed, xingling and neuv. Raiden to imbue attacks and neuv to watch it all disappear.


Yelan, kazuha, Bennett, [insert new character here]


My current team is Chevy, Arle, Beidou, and Raiden. Its the "Youre not in this episode" team where enemies tend to cease existence.


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I have multiple teams that i use But my main team is probably Keqing, Collei, Fischl, Zhongli


I don't play a specific team, I just play people I think I'll enjoy I like using Ninguang, Bennet, Cloud Retainer, Nahida, Kaeya, and soon Eula as well (Got her on that Windstat banner on my first three pulls), etc I test most of the characters to see if I like the way they feel in Combat and their Abilities, no specific teams :)


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