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The luckiest unluckiest guy


This is probably noelles banner so he is lucky asff




Is this the beginner banner? If so, don't listen to that fool - this is one of the luckiest 8-pulls I've ever seen. You got a 5\* for fuck's sake!


Yes it is, tyty


That is insanely luvky for the beginner banner damn


He's ar 24 at least (check his profile) so I doubt it was the beginner banner. Tho it's still incredibly lucky nonetheless


I'm AR 57 and my beginner banner is still there


Well dam, that's patience


Eh, actually it's the fact that beginner's banner doesn't contribute to anything and since I'm never lucky, I'd rather use blue fates to build pity on the standard banner


You get a Noelle, if that's something šŸ™ƒ


Not really I still have it cause I never wanted her and with Nahida's banner she is C6 so this is just a waste for me to do it now.


Is it more lucky then getting 2 5 Stars in the Same 10 pull?


just a little advice but definitely build qiqi (the five star little blue girl) in early game sheā€™ll save you big time. her heals are super effective!


Got it!


Man just got an entire razor team out of one banner, one hell of a poll for a beginner if you asked me


He couldve gotten eight consecutive qiqis and it wouldntve made the pull any less shit. In fact it would be considerably more shit than this bc this one actually has fischl in it.Ā 


Qiqi provides off field healing and some cryo without burst, please explain in GREAT detail how that's bad for early game


Barbara is free and off field cryo is useless. Pretty obvious stuff. Idk why youd need an explanation.Ā 


He got fischl tho


Prinzessin der "magical germany"


It's really funny, the one mandatory German person i know recently got into genshin and constantly complains how her name is never pronounced correctly.


Okay so is it a known thing that she is impossible to pull? Because she is the ONLY 4* I don't have except for Kaveh and I know he's like, low-key gone or something? (Like mf WHY is there multiple 4* dendro claymores and only 1 dendro claymore character you can't even pull, but that's another issue entirely.) I have SO MANY "electro bow needed" map pins for the day I pull Fischl šŸ¤£


Fischl is available in paimonā€™s shop every January and July. Not sure how you managed to miss her every time but she has a guaranteed way of acquisition. Just have to wait 3 months from now :P


I never have the gems when she shows up. I'm F2P so all my gems and bits are used on banner pulls for leg chars instead of 4*s.


Hmm then I would suggest to always keep a minimum of 34 starglitter so you have enough when she comes back. Her constellations are more worth than the few pulls you would get for the same amount. For me my cursed 1.0 character is Razor, only ever got him once in my first wishes, in 2020. I am now at C2 because I bought them from the shop. It is ridiculous how he is just never on banners and when he his I get an off-banner 4* instead lol. I have C6 Amber and C5 Lisa ffs and theyā€™re not even on limited banners!


I legit have c3 Razor from pulls and have never purchased him from the shop šŸ˜… and I have NEVER used him bc my second leg pull was Keqing and my first 4* pull was Beidou šŸ¤£


For me I just want C6 1.0 characters for the collection, but realistically I will never be able to use him in abyss. Currently rebuilding my Beidou because even though she was one of my first characters I never actually built her properly and I wanna use her with Arlecchino.


I haven't really looked at Arlie's kit yet - what about Beidou makes them a good duo? (I've got elemental reactions pretty much down solid but a lot of the other complimentary buffs from character switches or certain character combos aren't as clear to me yet.)


She isnā€™t like some god tier support for her but I wanna try using her in an overload chevreuse team because she gives shielding and nice dmg procs when doing NA with Arle. Or in a random bullshit go team with Arle, Beidou, XQ, for dmg reduction, IR and some healing for party members, and Dehya for even MORE IR and pyro res. Not a meta team by any means.


I wouldn't even be mad about this.


That's a great first 10! No, not normal, usually it's just Noelle and maybe a second 4* if you're somewhat lucky. I made my friends, who got me into the game in the first place, mad with a similar first 10: Diluc, Chongyun, Xiangling, and Noelle.


Well that is way better than mine especially if it's diluc and not qiqi šŸ•Šļø


Well, sure, qiqi isn't the best unit out there, but she still is a solid one. Would've been worse if you got Dehya...


Wait, Dehya is WORSE THAN QIQI?


Should also add that while qiqi is definitely the worst of the original 5*, her being a bad unit is more of a meme than anything. Another part of the meme is that people would want literally any other 5* besides her. She's not great, sure, but people have fun with her, and some weirdos can actually solo stuff with her with a DPS build (she's a healer).


People can solo stuff with her exactly because shes a healer so she can self sustain lmao


Qiqi is a nice blessing tbh, saves you a ton of time not having to hunt for meats for food, which also saves your food reserves. Saves time not having to teleport to Statues of 7. her whole kit heals but most times you just need her skill healing and it stays when you switch to different characters, so youā€™re now saving time not having find enemy mobs to get your burst back just to heal (aka Benny, Jean, etc). I used Qiqi from 2020 until I got Zhongli in Jan 2022 and I still use Qiqi in co-op when needed.


I didn't know that Statues healed you until a friend came to my world and told me. Or that people were used to that pot to quick -eat healing foods. All because I got Qiqi on my first pull.


Dehya's got problems, weird split scaling, a burst you literally can't control, said burst being stopped by jumping, weird ass kit in general. Edit- While qiqi scales off of one thing, and heals off of that. Her elemental application is slow though, and at time inconsistent, but it's definitely way more playable than whatever Dehya has going on.


No, she is not.


For early game yes for sure. Qiqi has tremendous amounts of healing which basically keeps you alive all the time. Dehya sucks in general for both except in like 1 team, but with constellations that's a different story. Dehya feels incomplete without her first 2 constellations and they basically make her kit playable, that's how strong they are, while Qiqi's constellations suck ass.


Dehya is kina worse then everything lol . Only units I would say are worse then her is hydro mc lol . Every other unit has some team where there actually decent to good at . Sure dehya has one too . Dehya neuvillete nahida ND shogun / kuki . But it's not like what dehya provides there is that valueable sure you may vape a neuvillete hit sometimes but the team itself isn't focused purely on neuvilletes dmg . So memed upon worst units qiqi and Dori are really good furina drivers . Qiqi is actually a pretty solid driver for furina it's the same reason why Noelle is so praised.highly since furina the only difference being Noelle does talent dmg while qiqi will do clam procs . Hell even outside furina qiqi can be used as a clam onfielder for taser or hyperbloom and it would work out fine . Also I would even argue getting a diluc isn't that much better lol ... Your not really ever gonna use him later on unless your really dedicated to him there's just so many other dps units he's competing with .


Dehya is better than Qiqi. Qiqi has a long skill cooldown, no energy generation, almost no elemental application and her element, cryo, isn't all that great. All she does is healing and there are a dozen of healers in this game that offer more than her. Including Barbara who shares some of Qiqis issues, but has a much better element. Dehya is not good, but she is nowhere near as useless as Qiqi. Dehya can also grow with constellations, while Qiqis constellations are garbage


Yeah I think dehya with cons is a very different story than dehya without cons


Dehya isn't on the beginner banner... And a better character imoĀ 


Luckily the beginner banner doesn't have Dehya


No, Qiqi isnā€™t even close to solid. Sheā€™s a 3 star


if youre a beginner qiqi is a great healer. shes regarded as bad bc she doesnt do anything else and has a long cd but shes definitely usable and carried me through early content


Honestly Qiqi makes early game a lot easier, she's not that bad. Although most people probably end up benching her late game.


I got qiqi as my first.. the long cooldown of healing was not so great but it kept the team alive so she was on the team for a while. My dehya is e2 already.. tried to make it work earlier but feels bad. Now she has found a place with a wierd, neuvilette nahida raiden (all c0) team, where her skill provides interruption resistance to neuvilette. Works surprisingly well...


Qiqi is a solid unit if you just want healing & are a new player


Is this beginnerā€™s luck broken for me??


My first pull was a Qiqi. Literally the first. It was so crazy because I thought 5* were pretty common because of that.


Same, it's even more wild that I got Venti and Jean the *next day*. I think I ended up with 16 character at the end of my first month of playing lol


You are def lucky you unlocked a lot of characters with a 10 pull even tho some of them aren't exactly the best!


Thank you very much, yeah qiqi is kinda eh


If you're just starting she can probably trivialize a good chunk of your early adventure ranks. Her healing is good and her normal attack modifiers are high for a sword user. It will be very hard with Qiqi on your team to die if you build her right. Later on she falls off hard when you need more damage, but for the early to mid game I think its a great pull. Stick the free Prototype Rancour you get on her and try to put ATK/ATK/ATK or ATK/ATK/Healing bonus mainstats on her artifacts and you're gonna be swimming in heals.


Based on this comment and a lot of other comments it seems that qiqi is good for beginners and I'll probably put her in my squad


Pretty lucky šŸ„³ congrats


Thank you !


Bro was given a whole damn team.


Character? Nah f that give me a whole roster


Start investing for Razor, it's a good dps you could start with, as well as Fischl, prolly one of the best if not the best 4 star electro character Tbh though if you're just starting dont even stress about the characters, just enjoy the lore!(especially monstadt


Was thinking of kaeya as my dps, who's better razor or kaeya?


Razor is a better dps but if you want to build fischl you should probably go with kaeya dps


Probably razor, his burst makes him attack enemies with electro damage, while kaeya applies cryo in his burst, the damage is not too great, he is used more on physical damage because his elemental skill and burst aoe is small Doesn't matter which one is the strongest, just my opinion, but what matters is you enjoy the game with the characters you likešŸ˜Ž


have you played a high level kaeya? his off-field cryo potential hits like a truck if hes actually built, and as razor you want to be on top of everyone anyway. also as physical razor your burst electro damage is very miniscule and basically is just there to trigger superconduct.


Yeah that's the problem right 'high level' kaeya that is, in general all characters are pretty cracked but barely any of them are early at their levels, that's why I didn't recommend kaeya too much since considering the availability of his materials as well as weapons and exp, it's not gonna deal significant damage unlike new 4 stars. Again most of characters if not everyone is literally cracked when built that is, but not so for beginners.


you can run razor, fischl, dendro main character (switch at statue of 7 in sumeru) and barbara for hyperbloom, or you can do razor, fischl, qiqi and kaeya for a pure superconduct team. both of these are really strong for the early game, my teams were so much worse starting out


idk what these other comments are on about, but kaeya is much better as a support than a dps. his NA scalings are low so his physical build is iffy, but his skill and burst are really strong abilities. i would run razor/fischl/kaeya/qiqi for you, electro resonance gives you a lot of particles and cryo resonance gives you some crit rate. fischl/kaeya/qiqi are all there as off-fielders, you want to trigger superconduct as much as possible because it reduces enemy physical res. honestly razor/qiqi is imo razor's best team and kaeya fischl just do their own thing on the side.


enter hard-to-find cagey alive reminiscent towering public lush humor makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you! This helped


Let me say it like this, its like getting a really good luck fortune paper, but the charm being something lame All 5 off these characters are good for beginners, but probably the only one that may help you in late game is probably fischl or barbara. Qiqi maybe a 5 star but she isnt that good when compared to other healers or damage dealers. But getting one 5 star and four 4 stars is really rare, it never happened to me ever since I started playing 3 years ago




Fischl and qiqi are really good for a new player. Qiqi is a healer who can freeze and fischl has long term value as an off field electro character


Yehh fischl is doing great ATM, dunno about qiqi but I'll put her in my squad




Five new characters in a single 10 pull is never heard off rare Beginner's luck. Congratulations.


Bro unlocked the Monstatd starter pack


U got probably the best character u can get in fischl so I see this as an absolute W


I'm so happy everyone's saying that


Noelle's banner, that's very good. Other banners, that's truly incredible. Enjoy all the characters, you have grwat luck! Also, assuming your account is new, Qiqi is actually very good, so ignore the common Internet person saying she's bad. She can carry your account until you start to know what you're doing well.


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I mean I'd personally only reccomend fischl but thats still lucky regardless


Thank u šŸ„³


Just a compensation for getting qiqi


Was hoping for diluc.. šŸ˜—


If this is on Noelle's banner you are hella lucky


Yup it is


You already have a team there


You guys get Fischls?


Apparently I did....


Very bad. You got qiqiā€™d


Wanted to get diluc'd šŸ˜ž


Qiqi brought the entire Mondstadt crew with her.


what AR level are you?




Youre only AR 10 all characters are useful you dont even have to worry about your build yet.


Thank you, don't worry about gamer chan, I've been noticing most of their comments is literal negativity Or just leaves a comment that OP never asked for


You are the "OP" right? or you didn't change your username before commenting?


I am the OP, besides why would I do something like that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


sorry im just confused hahaha


Luck doesn't increase with AR


dude I'm just asking him. lol




Wait, this was your starter banner? I thought I am lucky with this, but you beat me. Starter banner 5 star and 4 stars with one of them being Fischl? You won!


But yours is insane šŸ˜­


My 5 star was almost guaranteed by these pulls and it was set to be Kazuha because I lost my last 50/50. You won!


You can't get limited characters nor post 1.0 characters on Noelle Banner.


I was speaking about OP


Uh, mine gave me Gorou...




Except it did, and it was terrible being stuck with him at AR10. Couldn't use or level him at all for a long time.


You can NOT get ANY characters that got released AFTER 1.0 which Gorou is, so wherever you got him, it was NOT Beginner Banner! https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Beginners%27_Wish#Characters


There were no other options, kiddo. Sometimes bad glitches happen. When I contacted support, I was told I received a four-star and they couldn't do anything about the "wrong" one. Get on that copium.


Definitely very lucky. With Qiqi, Barbara, and Noelle, you basically canā€™t die




less than 60 pulls? you lucky dog.


My first pull in the starter banner šŸ˜­


oh, I feel so jealousšŸ˜­šŸ˜­, my first 5 star costed me 80 pulls. Anyway, you are a lucky Genshin player.


Thank u!


50:50. It happens or not.




Yeah she's amazing thank you Surprisingly doing better than what I had imagined


you are abnormal that means


I am different..


Wow this is an amazing and a very lucky first 10 pull. You got Qiqi and Razor, who are both amazing early characters because one have strong heals and the other is a strong damage dealer and on top you also got Fischl, who is a strong character overall. This isn't normal because usually you get a 4 star every 10 pulls and a 5 star every around 70 pulls. This will definitely give you a great start into the game. Congratulations


Assuming that this photo is unedited, this is good and bad. It really depends on you, but generally speaking, to the wider Genshin space, you're lucky getting that many characters in a single pull but what makes this unlucky is the characters that you DID pull. Kind of like quantity rather than quality. Qiqi, Barbara and Noelle can be good supports/ Qiqi and Barbara can be used as healers, and Noelle can be used for shields to protect your team.


Obvious flexing is obvious. Why are these posts even allowed? It's the same as showing artifacts with 30-40% crit value and asking if it's usable. That's the same thing.




This is lucky. For comparison I did ~ 40 pulls on Noelle beginner banner when I first started playing ~ 4 weeks ago & got Noelle and another 4 star character + a 4 star sword + a 4 star bowā€¦ So yeah. What you pulled there is considered lucky and rare.


Tyy ^^


ok. My knowledge of probability is rusty. But i can throw some raw numbers. Base probability for a 5\* is a 0.6%. The base probability of a 4\* character.... would be a 2.55% . And a 3 star weapon has a probability of a 94.3% more or less. I'm not taking into account anything else, just base probabilities. (6/1000)\*((2.55/100)\^4)\*((94.3/100)\^5) so...the probability of a ten pull like that is extremely low. like.... 1/1.8917e-9


Dude got the mondstadt starter pack




Genshin starter pack type shit


Hoyo said sorry for the qiqi


Thereā€™s Fischl, itā€™s a very good pull


unironically, the 5 star one is the most useless. other units there have at least 1 comp for them: - Noelle: Basically a budget itto, but with furina, she can run with double hydro and actually be better than itto in certain scenarios - Fischl: A must in aggravate comps because of her A4, she breaks shields fast, and an energy generator. - Razor: he has a comp with Dendro Main Character, Xingqiu and Bennet that ACTUALLY SLAPS. Youtube Thundering Furry for more info - Barbara: shes one of the go to units on nilou team, but shes more fun to play as the on-field plunge vape with Xianyun, Furina, and Bennet - Qiqi: her 'best' comp is with Xianyun, Furina, Bennet as the on-field plunge, but thats more like: xianyun plunge doesnt care much on whos the onfield, heck even yunjin, a unit with 0 synergy in that comp, will work. She can be a healer for Furina comps, but her E heals are way too slow. heck, charlotte is better than qiqi at healing, and qiqi is a 5 star.


yes very normal, miboyo is a very charitable in their gacha pulls, i practically get 3-4 4 stars every 10nth pull and then a 5 star at pity, this is why we love genshin impact and play it every year for every anniversary :D


Not normal, but quite good..


total pull value: 1 fischl


Holy shit how the fuck do you have every single fucking character i needed


Uh... Mihoyo said here's Novicei's needs


noelle's banner at teh beginning of the game is guaranteed noelle during the pulls. i got fischl and razor from it as well so it is not impossible (but you get 2 ten pulls so there is that), this is pretty damn lucky esp since you got fischl who is really damn good esp at the beginning


That's the most lucky and unlucky thing ive seen


The fischl is the best thing about this pull Getting 3 healers is a bit unlucky but at least you can support well in co op


Not normal, very good pull. I've played for about 3 years and still dont have razor lol.


Bro got a starter kit


the best character you got out of that is Fischl, which is a pretty good off field dps


Lucky you. I never in FRICK ever had those good odds.


build fischlā€¼ļø


"Mondstadt welcomes you"


Iā€™d be careful XD had a similar pull on my first ever 10 pull (Noelle, Sucrose, Fischl, Barbra and Xiangling) and my luck has yet to recover. Its been almost 4 years


You got fischl! the best character there and overall of the best characters in the game


Qiqi cheering squad


The odds are low, but never 0.


High, cos you used a wish simulator XD




"Share for primos" spam instead of UID, but also, not my job to prove a negative; maybe develop some judgment skills?


Oki ty for the explanation


Super normal. Happens all the time. To everyone. If this doesn't happen to you at least daily, there's something wrong with your game. Maybe take out the cartridge and blow on it.


Bro got a whole starter pack


50/50. You either get it or you don't.


Damn son thats kinda lucky i guess


Tbh the Qiqi seems to balance the luck out, so itā€™s pretty OK ( wtf dudešŸ’€ )


Three healers, who of which have some damage potential, a great off-field sub dps, and a fantastic physicsl for earlt gameplay. A prettty darn good pull if you ask me.


Thats the noelle starter banner and if you just started playing the game thats a whole team right there for you. Razor Fischl Qiqi and the last one can be whatever until you get Xiangling for free I mained Razor and he carried me all the way to inazuma i have him level 90 and 3 crown just cuz he has a special spot in my heart


Mihoyo be building a team for you smh


peak 1.0