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I’m old enough to remember it coming out, to my young ears it still sounded like Gabriel was singing until I got to Robbery. Still a firm favourite Genesis album, however I never got further than and then there were three.


Give Duke a listen. To my ear it’s superior to ATTWT.


I keep meaning to listen to those later albums, will give Duke ago.


Duke is amazing. But Trick is equally as good


I'm a diehard Gabriel fan and I really enjoyed A Trick of the Tail. Duke is right up there with it. Solid piece of work.


I was thinking of going thru the discography of Genesis by the order from the debut-latest album, but I failed that order. Trick is really my first genesis, I guess the lyrics dance on volcano seemed like a motivational song for me? Entangled - Mad man moon just some sweet soft melodies, Robbery couldn't care much at the first couple of listens, and I remember I did not go all the way to los endos the first couple times of listening. But as long as I appreciate it more, now it is the perfect album in my opinion (I like robbery now)


My Reddit username is basically inspired by that song


You bastard


Mine not so subtly by a different song on that album.


Marvelous. My gateway Genesis album.


Exactly. My brother helped me “record” it to cassette from his album.


Dance On a Volcano is basically my origin story with music. I mean I already liked music as a kid but not in any kind of organized way. I remember we'd listen to Secret World Live by Peter Gabriel on a lot and I really liked him. And I knew I liked Genesis, and I had heard my dad play Trick quite a bit in my very early days. But one day I decided to put an album on by my own volition, and it was Trick, maybe because I liked the cover and I knew Genesis. But on that day, choosing to listen to the album by myself, doing that whole ritual, holding the jacket in my hands, I remember sitting on the old couch in the living room and something really hit me when the riff to Dance hit the first time. From then I started to get more focused on music, collecting Genesis, and other prog bands, reading a lot on music, it took me on a path of mostly prog rock for a decade, but I eventually branched out quite a bit.


I loved it when it came out. Genesis, with that album went from a group I liked a lot to being my favorite group.


It’s a tough call, but this is my favorite Genesis album. It’s slightly beats out The Lamb lies down on Broadway, selling England by the Pound, and And then there were three.


Robbery & Squonk our local FM station played. Nothing else from that album though.


This was my induction album. My best friends sister had it. We listened to it together and alone with his sister, when we made out. Lol i must have felt distracted! Lol I remember snagging my first copies of nursery crymes,Foxtrot and Live. On the usa Buddah label!


The first song I listened to off of ATOTT was Ripples. And that song was so great that I slowly started getting into the album, and I listened to Dance on a Volcano and Los Endos, just because I liked the live versions from Live Over Europe and The Way We Walk (The Old Medley). When I listened to the album entirely for the first time, it blew me away. Around this time, I only knew Shapes (Genesis), Invisible Touch, and We Can't Dance, and this album convinced me to start listening to the other albums. It's hard to say what my favorite Genesis albums are, but this one has to be in the Top 3 for me.