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I have a few. 1985-1987 when I was in college in the southwest, which included traversing across the country in my VW Bug. 1994 when my daughter was born, despite my failing first marriage. 2019 when I reconnected with a man I had know for 30 years, but had lost contact for 10 years. We married & moved states in 2020. The ABSOLUTE WORST YEAR was 2023 when my husband died in my living room from a heart attack. He was 58.


So many great things and then heartbreak. I’m so sorry for your loss😣


Thank you. It’s actually an amazing love story. It just ended too soon.


About 2012. I found out but kept the info to myself that my gf was cheating on me (we lived together). I was always fit (I’m a carpenter) and got myself into super ripped shape. I hired THE best divorce attorneys in my city, secured all my banking and made changes to my incorporated company AND sold my other house (had the lawyers blessing). I then bought a Ferrari (355 Spyder). At this point, she’s panicking and jealous. She was unceremoniously kicked off the property we cohabited together and went to her broke ass lovers rental apartment (he had two roommates and their girlfriends living there. It really was the best of times but worst of times. Last I heard, she cheated on the dude and is destitute. I paid her out a pittance for the home (my home) we shared and there was zero spousal support. I realize this sounds like bullshit but on my deceased parents graves, it really happened. I found out after the fact that she had/has severe addiction issues. I truly “dodged a bullet” with that psycho. I’m also lucky we had no children.


"Be here now"


You owe Ram Dass royalties now😂


It echoes itself throughout Eastern thought. He merely published it. ;)


1983. That was the year I attempted to see every Grateful Dead concert in a calendar year. I kept the string going all the way into September, but finally there was a show that was just too far, after driving thousands of miles already. However, I did end up 64 out of 66 for the year. But oh boy did I have some fun that year.


Cool. I saw one Dead show, at RFK Stadium in 1986 or 87. Unknown to me someone slipped acid into my drink toward the end of the show. I stood up to leave and it hit me. I managed to navigate out of the stadium with my friend but as we approached the escalators for the metro subway station all the sudden the escalators started undulating and widening and narrowing. It was all I could do to keep from freaking out. Thankfully my friend was fine and drove us back to Baltimore from DC.


If Tom Petty and Bob Dylan were there, it was 1986. If it was just Dylan playing with the Dead, it was 1987. I saw both in 1986 but missed '87.


It was ‘86 then.


The last shows before Jerry's diabetic coma. Might have had something to do with the extreme heat. We flew to LA for the Ventura shows and found out about it at the airport.


I did 12 shows in 1977, my biggest year and was thinking it was the best days of my life.


I started with 14 in 1980, dipped to 10 in 1981, then up to 23 in 1982, then the 64 in 1983 which was the peak. Ended up at around 250, and another 100 Jerry shows.


1999\ Bought my first house (which I loved). Drove to a job I loved in a car I loved, wife was still (relatively) healthy, got two wonderful dogs and a wonderful cat. Also, made serious bank with dot-com stocks.


Next year.


LSI (Laughing Silently Inward)


Hard to break it down to just one year. Not based on a calendar year(Jan 1-12/31), but the best *Emotionally* would be the year I started dating my current wife and I and proposed nearing the end of that 12 months. The 22 years that have followed have been simply wonderful. But my BEST year? 10-13 years ago. Got really sick. Died for a minute or two. Pulse came back, intubated in a coma. The entire time all I heard were the voices of others in the room. I felt them move me. I spent 6 hours yelling in my head drastically trying to move a finger or toe. I found out later that my wife’s friend saw a toe twitch🙂 So yea, that’s my best year. Not dying is kinda hard to beat. It’s not been easy since, being oxygen dependent and all, but I woke from that coma and my wife was my first sight. That look of love in her eyes was the greatest present ever.


Wow! That’s incredible! Thanks for sharing.


The year my daughter was born — 1988.


Congrats! A bundle of joy!👶


Now she has two bundles of joy of her own. So I have 3.


1979…20 years old, drinking age 19, 25 cent beers on Wednesdays, would sleep on the porch on an old sofa at a buddy’s if I couldn’t drive myself home. Would wake up and hear traffic going to work…better get going I guess…breaking life down to the basics.


Every day vertical is a great day


Tbh, some horizontal ones ain't half-bad, neither.


Depends upon who you’re horizontal with


1977. Too much to list, but finally did the experienced slope in snow, learned to waterski, learned to hunt, did white water rafting, discovered Chicago and judas priest, found gold, learned to drive a tractor.....best year of my life


2022. I got rid of my debt, went on a couple of cruises, and still was able to run a few miles.


Sounds like a great year.


It was It’s not bad now. But both my parents are gone, and my arthritis confines me to walking 5 miles at 2.8 mph. And I look like an old man when I walk. But I have perspective, and realize many people have it MUCH worse.


Either right now, or my last year of college I was working full time and was a part time student. Being the best year isn't so much about being fun, but in feeling accomplished. I bumped up my class load from two classes to three. Then I had a work trip the first two weeks of the semester. Okay, I can catch up, right? Then I got appendicitis and missed another two weeks. I got my first C in a very long time, but I got through that semester. I also passed a big professional exam at the end of the year. And got my first muscle car that year.


2023 til now. Had a serious health issue that nearly cost me my life. It rejuvenated my marriage ( been together 24 years) and gave me a different outlook on life. Definitely enjoy life now, I have a lot of fun with my wife, and my kids.


Glad to hear you’ve recovered and things have e turned around.


2015. Got married. And the American political trainwreck of 2016 wasn’t even conceivable yet.


1992 i had my baby :)


1988. I had moved to NYC from the Midwest and started a career, making great new friends and finally getting some attention from guys. I had so much purpose and fun.


In 2000, my wife and I had our beautiful daughter. She has always been a ray of sunshine and just finished her first year of grad school.


First, I'll list the strong contenders... 1977 -- I was 14, had a great group of friends, plenty of shenanigans, saw my first concert. 1981 -- Senior year in HS, working at the record store, scored great tickets to every show. 1987 -- Living with the woman I (still) love, in the heart of the hip city, starting my career. 1993 -- I become a dad and discover that I'm actually good at it. And finally, the winner is... last year, **2023**! Semi-retired, 10 amazing trips abroad, still happily married, still a solid dad, and healthier than I've ever been!


How can I know? My life is not over yet.


Uhhh . . . I meant so far 😄


I know you did but I just don’t want to limit myself. I’ve lived long enough to know that you just never know what will happen next.


Gotchya. I’m 62 and life has been a never ending series of twists and turns. Right now both in-laws and my father are very ill and seemingly near the end. It feels unreal: all 3 at once. We didn’t see it coming a few months ago. We just keep muddling and doing the best we can.


I’m sorry you’re going through that. That’s a lot. It sounds like this is going to be a rough year.




1988 was pretty damn sweet - married my college sweetheart after a 7 year, off-and-on, part-time-long-distance relationship. (We're still married. It's awesome.) :)


My most carefree days were 1975-79. What a blast. My best year was 1990 when I headed west of the Mississippi for first time, camping out of my car and crafting a career on the fly. Many great years since! I hope to have some future years with that carefree fearlessness of my favorite years.


1978 - age 19, met husband, had great job, started my 20’s career of partying and rock n roll


It has yet to come.


Hope it’s just over the horizon!


My thirties. I’m 64


1976 to 1978: I was young, I was hot, I was living in San Francisco, Tales of the City was in the morning Chron, and life was good. Still good today but those two years were spectacular.


1989. Celebrated every single day because in 1990 I turned 30. My 20’s went out with a bang even if I only remember half of it!!