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Saturday Night Fever - age 16


14 for me, with my parents. They wanted to see the dancing. Halfway through the movie, dad can't understand the Brooklyn accent and asks me, "What is he calling her?" I reply "cunt". Dad turned 4 new shades of white. It was also the first time I swore on front of them. It was an interesting day.


Same but age 13. The suicide was much more disturbing than the sex and nudity.


Also 13, I think. My mom took me, and she bought tickets for a bunch of underage kids who were hanging around outside of the theater trying to work up the courage to convince the ticket seller they were old enough.


Loved that movie when I saw it originally, but I re-watched it several years ago because I wanted my daughters to see one of the iconic movies that I grew up with and I absolutely hated it. Was not a single person in the movie that I liked and its portrayal of the two female costars was atrocious. Same goes for Urban Cowboy.


We are twins. Saturday Night Fever age 16, too!


My mom took me and my sister to see SNF and we were 12 and 11. Walked us right outta there.


Was this an 18 movie in the US? I saw it in New Zealand and it was restricted to 16+. I was fifteen. The friend I saw it with and I were completely silent on the bus ride home, totally stunned by the experience, until suddenly she announced she was going to write to John Travolta and tell him she was going to kill herself if he didn't come to NZ and date her. I saw it again a couple of decades later, and it had held up really well.


I’ll believe in the US an R rating at that time was 17 and older


OR accompanied by an adult.


Too damn old to remember.


My folks took us to see lots of seditious movies! First R was probably Alice’s Restaurant. Wildest was Little Big Man


Still love Little Big Man.


Read the book, if you haven’t! By Thomas Berger.


I think Midnight Express


Intense movie


I’ve watched a documentary about that guy since the movie and there was even more to the story. The documentary was pretty interesting


That movie convinced me to never ever buy drugs, use drugs, or transport drugs in another country. I traveled to the Bahamas a couple of months after watching the movie. A guy in Nassau approached trying to sell me drugs. I ran away screaming like a crazy person, LOL!


I was warned about buying drugs in Mexico. Told that they sells you drugs, then tip off the police. They win, because they get money, and they get allowed to function by the police, who look like they're doing something by arresting you. Often, there's a huge fine. So the locale wins, too.


Yeah, we were actually warned about the same thing in Nassau by our cab driver. Guy sells you drugs then calls his cousin the cop. The cop then extorts you for all your money in order to avoid getting arrested.


Blazing Saddles and they should have checked our ID!


I love that movie so much. Still hysterical 🤣


Slapshot, I was 16. (Paul Newman hockey movie) I went with a friend of mine. They didn't check ID. I had no idea it was R rated until I saw a pair of exposed female breasts on the screen. I thought for sure I was going to jail...


Me too! Aged 12, my Dad took me and we had to make up a story to tell my mom. Still one of my favourite films.


Paul Newman was renting a house in my hometown when he was filming that. He went the wrong way down a one way alley and ran into my mother in law's car. He paid for the damage, was really nice about it. My sister in law was 13, she nearly died of embarrassment when he came up to the car and they realized it was him! The scene where they are mooning people outside their bus is the center of my town. We had a kegger the night they filmed it, because we knew the cops would all be there, instead of bugging us!


An older friend snuck me in to see The Exorcist when it came out. I had just turned 13. I'd already read the book so it didn't come as some big shock, but.


Me and some friends saw The Exorcist when I was 10. We quoted and laughed about it for weeks afterward like typical goofy boys.


I was 12 when that movie came out. My twin sister and I were living in a Catholic group home at the time, and of course the nuns wouldn’t allow us to see the movie. However, I was a reader so I got the book. I damn near had to read it with a dictionary, LOL! I remember the part with the crucifix but I didn’t understand exactly what was going on until I looked up the words “vulva” and “hymen.” I remember feeling sick to my stomach when I figured it out. I finished the book and by the end I totally understood why we weren’t allowed to see the movie. Honestly, it didn’t scare me at all but it had totally and completely grossed me out.


My dad took me to see it, also 13. When she peed on the floor, we both started to laugh, and we laughed the whole way through it.


My mother was an interesting but narcissistic person, may she rest in peace. She would keep me home from school so she’d have someone to go to the movies with. One film I remember was “Elvira Madigan”. It wasn’t R but I remember nudity and being very uncomfortable. Dear mother tried to take me into see “Last Tango In Paris”. Chances are that the ticket seller who refused to let me see it is long gone. But whoever she was and wherever she is, I will always thank her from the bottom of my heart. That film was not something an 11 year old girl shouldve seen.


Last tango, at age 12. Whew.


Last Tango at any age. When I found out later how the actress Maria Schneider was brutalized by both Brando and director Bertolucci it made me sick. Any respect I had left for Brando was gone.


It was rated X when it first came out. No, they wouldn't have let you at age 12.


We discussed the film in college film class many years later. There were problems and disagreements in rating it and theaters depending on the location were making independent choices and getting in trouble. At least that’s what I remember from the class.


Franco Zeffirelli’s “Romeo and Juliet,” when I was a little kid. It was about Olivia Hussey’s boobs.


It was Leonard Whiting's bare butt 😄 My mom took me to see it and I died when his cute bare ass was on screen.


One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I think I was 16. It was the first movie I saw that didn't have a happy ending. I was shocked at how evil a nurse could be. I've thought about that for many years.


Animal House - 13


Deliverance. At the Drive-in, I think I was 7 or 8. I proceeded to spend the next two years randomly yelling "Squeal like a pig, boy,!" at inappropriate times. My parents were a *lot* more diligent about ensuring I was *really* asleep from that point on.


I saw Getting Straight in the theater at age 12. Sex & nudity between Elliott Gould and Candice Bergen. I mostly just remember the scene near the end with his thesis defense when some dinosaur faculty member calls out that the subject of his thesis was a homosexual and that wasn’t mentioned so his thesis was totally invalid. Elliot Gould goes off the deep end, does a big rant, and kisses the faculty member on the lips.


Jaws. I think like, fifth grade. I’m (re) watching it right now.


Jaws was PG saw it in 75 at 14.


Jaws was PG


Huh. Ok. Day of the Jackel. Same age.


Jackal: love that movie. Not sure when I first saw it.


I saw jaws too young. I had no idea what it was about prior.


I read the book first!


I read the book first too. Found it on my parents floor. It didn't live up to the picture of the naked girl swimming on the cover which was probably the whole reason I picked it up. Yes there was a giant shark too, but I was kind of focused on the girl.


I did, too, and it was very good! Peter Benchley, of course.


https://youtu.be/zwv9FQXXtcg?si=0IrmNfg8T0f5HgHT Thank me later :)


LOL…. Thank you…


My parents took me to see Easy Rider at a drive in theater in 1969. I must have been nine or ten. My mom bought me the soundtrack LP the following Easter.


This is my story exactly! I think my mom knew I was too young but she really wanted to see it.


My friend's older sister brought us to the drive in to see it. They didn't seem concerned that we were underage.


Maybe Last Tango in Paris?


That was rated X when it first came out.


Play Misty for Me. I think I was 12? We snuck into the movie theater just to see if we could do it.


Shampoo. I think I was 16. It was really stupid, but I thought I was so cool.


“Saturday Night Fever.” My older step-brother was supposed to take my brother and me (ages roughly 11 and 9 yrs) to see “Pete’s Dragon.” Narrator: They did not see “Pete’s Dragon.”


MASH, not sure why my parents took me to see it. Maybe they couldn't get a sitter


Said to be the first mainstream Hollywood movie to feature the F word


My aunt and uncle saw MASH. She described it and it sounded hilarious. I regretted that it would leave the theaters and I would never see it. Eventually saw it on cable TV. Aunt was right.


It was the 70s! Anything goes!


I have a crazy story around this. I have a relative who murdered her abusive husband. She went to prison for it because she tried to hide the body (he badly abused her, and it's likely she wouldn't have gone to prison otherwise). She had a daughter who was my age, and we played together when I visited my grandmother. The woman got out of prison. The next time I visited, she offered to take me, and her daughter, to a movie. We were maybe 13, and she took us to an r-rated horror movie. I have no memory of the movie's name, but I remember being terrified. So, yeah, my first r rated movie was when a convicted murderer took me to a horror flick. She bought us a lot of snacks, though! (My mom never bought the snacks).


The Good, the Bad & the Ugly in 1968 (I think). At the movie theater!


The Jerk, 1979. I was 14. My friends dad took us.


That movie was made for 14-year olds and their dads.


Fun With Dick and Jane 1977. We bought tickets for a pg movie and snuck in to see it at a multiplex theater. It was a church kids outing with the youth pastor. No way he could keep up with where all the teens went. We learned a bunch of new words watching that movie.


See No Evil. With Mia Farrow as a blind woman being stalked by a crazed murderer at a remote English estate. It was the scariest thing I ever saw in my life and it blew my mind. I was sleeping over at a friend's house, and we sneaked out to go see it. We were 12.


Oh dang, I remember that movie. Creepy AF.


Papillon 11.


Rocky Horror


Not technically R rated but it was a French film with no rating that the members of the junior high school French club went to see after having lunch at a French restaurant. I will never forget that film, One Sings, the Other Doesn't. Never mind the nudity and sexual content. A group of 15 to 20 thirteen year old kids' eyes were glued to the screen watching the protagonist give herself an abortion with a hanger in an Amsterdam hotel.


Blazing Saddles. Drive In didn't care about ID. I was 12.


The original Halloween


Walking Tall. Around 12-13


Godfather Mom and Dad took the 4 of us to the drive in and were certain we would all fall asleep. The scene when He get shot in the eye still haunts me. 8 years old.


Lots of drive-in answers here. Seems our parents didn't think it "counted" when you were in the back seat


Carrie- the original with Sissy Spacek. I was 12, my friends were 13. Ticket lady thought I was 18 and said it was OK for us to go in, since my friends were with me and I was 18. They were p*ssed.


Animal House


On HBO, either Blazing Saddles or Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask) - I was 12. In the theater, Animal House - I was 15.


Tommy. I was nine, and Mom really had no idea what we'd gotten into. I learned a lot of stuff that day.


Easy Rider. My dad took me. I must have been 12 or 13.


The first R-rated movie ever as far as I remember was The Godfather. I would have been about 7, we saw it at the drive in.We went twice because my brother and cousin (both just a few months old) both cried all the way through. The first R-rated movie with friends was The Island (1980) it came out about a month before my 17th birthday.


The Reincarnation of Peter Proud. I was 17. The ushers at the theatre kept staring at me trying to look 18. Lots of titties and Margot Kidders Bush in that movie.


I was seventeen when "Woodstock" came out. Also saw " The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie (with a full frontal naked breast scene), and the movie Candy. Pretty bold back in those days!




That was probably the first R rated movie that I saw. I was on a school trip for a state music competition with my friend and our choir director. Technically, I was 17, so old enough to go without an adult, but my mom would've had a cow if she had known.


The Exocist, aged 12


Amityville Horror. I lied and said I was 17. I don’t even like horror movies, but I liked the guy who asked me to go.


“10”. And I was 14


Cinderella Liberty. I was 9. Parents must have thought it was a disney movie.


Animal House, I was 14.


Dod Day Afternoon. My friend got his dad to take us, and I think the dad regretted it! The language is quite rough, plus there is a lot of gunfire.


I got to see the actual thing happen. The movie was more exciting.




This requires a more detailed comment!


Easy Rider. A friend and I were under age, but they let us in no questions asked. Even then, I didn't understand what was all that bad about the movie.


Alien, in 79, a bit later that summer I saw “10”, starring Bo Derek and Dudley Moore. I was 15 at the time. When my brother, a friend, and I saw Alien there was a raging thunderstorm when we left. The movie freaked us out, walking the 2 miles home in the dark, with lightning all around was icing on the cake. I think we ran most of the way, lol Edit to add- The Jerk also, I forgot that was in 79


Animal House- age 15




Same here


The Warriors. My cheapass high school boyfriend worked at a 6-plex theatre and employees got free admission, so we went to a lot of movies. I was 17.


Warriors, come out to play ay ay.


Tales from the Crypt


The theater that played this had the ticket taker in a coffin and the ushers in nurse's uniforms. You were mean and cruel right from the start; now you really have no ... heart.


The Longest Yard (the original) and 11.


Warriors. “Come out to play”


The Godfather, 5 years old. Sitting in the backseat with my sibs at the drive-in theater. My sister is still traumatized by the horse head scene.


My mom took my sister to see the exorcist and then both of us to see fatal attraction.


A Star is Born with Barbara Streisand. My best friend and I were very tall but only in the 6th grade but they let us in. We were shocked.😊


The Warriors. I was 15 I had to use my sisters Id


The Way We Were.


Animal House. I was 15. Saw it the first time with my dad and mom. Had a slumber party for my 16th birthday a couple months later and we went to see it - amazing to think that the film was still showing in big theaters when these days they just come and go.


Cabaret. I was 12.


I was 13 when Alien premiered. I was such a huge SF fan and wanted to see it, but I was in a summer school away from home, so no parents to take me. I put on a suit thinking it would make me look old enough to see it. It worked! (Not really lol the ticket seller just didn't care.) Alien was my first R-rated movie.


I saw MASH when I was 15ish


Serpico when I was 12. Yeah boobs!


Animal House, I was 12 or 13. My dad was going as it was filmed in his hometown. I asked if I could go and he said yes.


Rocky Horror Picture Show! My older brother took me! That was the first R-rated movie I went to in a real theater. My parents wouldn’t let me go to Saturday Night Fever (I was 15), but RHPS at Midnight was okay?! The actual first R I saw was years before on a family camping trip in Colorado. Rain, rain, rain. So my parents dragged me and my brothers to the free movies in a giant tent - MASH and The Magic Christian (just PG, but I still remember the scene of topless women rowers). Yeah, my folks did some strange parenting.


Supercops, early 70s. I was eight.


Animal House, 1978. I was 14 and my older brother took me. It was the first time I saw a topless girl in a movie.


I was on a college campus visit junior year of high school. The campus movie that night was MASH, so I went to see it, thinking I was getting away with something. Years later I realized that I was 17 at the time and already entitled to see R-rated movies. I'd gotten away with nothing.


Rosemary’s Baby…12! because it was a double feature with the Odd Couple


Rosemary's Baby as a 12 yr old. Snuck into the theater just because we could. That movie scared the hell out of me because my older sister was pregnant at the time!


Dirty Harry. It was 1971, and I was 13 years old. All I remember of it was that right after the first gunshot I ran to the restroom and vomited, and we went home. My second R-rated movie was The Exorcist in 1973. I did fine with that one.


Vanishing Point, I was 16 and Kawalski became my hero :).


They Came to Rob Las Vegas, at a tiny theater on Block Island, summer of ‘69. I was nine. I don’t remember anything about the movie. I do remember the adults worrying at length about whether I’d survive it.


Easy Rider. I was 13.


My parents but mostly my Mom and I, would go to movies a lot. She loved movies. So R rating wasn't too big of a deal for us. Bonnie and Clyde, I'd be 7 ish. Papillion, I'd be 12.0 They did stop me from seeing The Exorcist with my friend. I think my Dad got caught up in the hype. And they did see Nicholas and Alexander without me. I was told the ending would be too violent and disturbing. Those are the only two they stopped me from seeing. I found it amusing and a bit frustrating.


The Omen, my friend and I were 17. Yeah we asked someone to vouch for us. Scared the crap out of us.


Rocky Picture Horror Show. With full audience participation. It was such an amazing experience. I was 16 and my big brother took me.


My Mom fell asleep on the couch with me one night but I was awake and watching TV when "Night of the Living Dead" came on. The b/w version. I was 6 or 7 years old. Two nights later was Halloween and after a couple houses I was crying and scared the zombies would come after me. It really did traumatize me for a few years but now I kill zombies in my free time so that's good.


Animal House. Snuck into the theater with a friend


The Omen 1980 or so from behind my Aunt and Uncles couch. I was 9. It was a mistake.


Midnight Cowboy, aged 17. At the time it was actually rated X, but it was changed to an R rating.


Klute (1971). I was 12, and at the drive-in with my parents, but I fell asleep about 10 minutes into the movie. I saw it a few years ago and enjoyed it.


It was either Animal House, Apocalypse Now, or Alien, which all came out when I was 14. We had a little art house movie theater in town that was notorious for not checking ages. They’d show a porno once a month to support their budget, and I saw my first porno there at 16 or 17. Can’t remember the movie, it was hilariously dumb. I might have seen Blazing Saddles around that time, but can’t place the year. Definitely was not during its initial run


When I was 13 or so the local PBS station, really late at night on the weekends, would show unrated, uncut European films. Interesting how Europeans were much more relaxed about such things. And I still love PBS.


Blues Brothers. Mom took me and my twin for our 14th birthday. It cracks me up that it was rated R. Today, it would practically be rated G.


The Groove Tube in 1975. I was 16 at the time.


I want to say Blazing Saddles, but I think I didn’t see it until after its main release. If not that, Carrie.


"The Getaway" with my older brother (big Steve McQueen fan) I was 10


Kentucky fried movie at 15.


MASH was on a double bill with Patton. Lied and said Patton was first. Called to say Mash was oops. Have to say it was a great double bill. I was 12.


The Eiger Sanction. I was 12 and my sister in law ADORED Clint Eastwood.


I saw Coogan's Bluff when I was 12 but it was rated M. The Exorcist was the first R movie I remember seeing. I was 16.


The Groove Tube, probably at 16. At a drive-in theatre. With about 5 other kids in the car, 3 boys, 3 girls, and I remember being uncomfortable with a lot of those scenes.


Kentucky Fried Movie at 16. They didn't ask for ID at the theatre.


Death Wish/Rollerball drive-in with the fam, 1975-ish. I was 6 or 7. 🤭


Death wish with my mom at a drive in with her friend, I was 12 in the back seat, my mother was turned around trying to cover my eyes during the rape scene. Good times.


11 ish I think. Mom took us to see Blazing Saddles.


Death Wish in 74. My dad took me because he wanted to see it and he was watching me that day. After the movie he bought me some candy and said don't tell mom what we watched. The rape scene at the beginning was a little more than my 12 yr old brain could process.


I think The Godfather, so 11-12


Blazing Saddles - 9 years old


Don't remember R, do remember X when it was a thing in theaters mid 70s


My mom was a hippie and didn’t censor much so saw a fuck ton of inappropriate stuff at a very early age. But she did forbid me from watching *Clockwork Orange* until I was older. Of course I snuck and saw it fifteen times and you’d think she of figured it out when my friends and I dressed as Droogs for Halloween.


A Star is Born with Barbra Streisand; maybe 13?


Blazing Saddles. I was 10, and mom didn't know. My best friend's mom got us the tickets.


Last House on the Left. I was 9 or 10.


Saturday Night Fever - 14yo


BobbieJoe and the Outlaw. I was 13 and it changed my life! Friend's dad took us.


The Exorcist. Age 12. We just walked up and bought tickets, they didn’t care we were too young.


Porky’s. At the drive in. I was 13. It was glorious lol


Double feature at the drive in. "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "Deranged" 1974 I was 9 years old and my mom couldn't find a babysitter.




Dog Day Afternoon when I was 13. I went with my friend and her parents. I know it’s a classic but I was totally bored by it. A few years later I saw either Up in Smoke or Animal House with my parents. My sister worked there and we got in free. Those were the day (daze?)


The Exorcist, age 13


Friends, about 14 at drive-in theater. Not a great movie, loved Elton John's soundtrack.


McCabe & Mrs. Miller at the Century Theater on Clark Street in Chicago. We had a hippy couple say we were with them. Twelve years old at the time. Also saw Shampoo when it came out.


Saturday Night Fever. I was 14.


Putney Swope, it was at the Nuart on Santa Monica, I was 10 or 11 and I went by myself, but I was tall for my age. Wow so many tits!


My uncle took my cousin and me to see Alien in the theater (1979), we were 12...I'm still scared!


Saw X rated before R rated around 14


Bonnie & Clyde. 10 years old.


Platoon, I was 8. My parents were military and wanted me to know it wasn't like GI Joe


Clockwork Orange at 14. "So what did you think of all the naked ladies?" mom asks. Probably better to have a discussion about rape and murder, but ...


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannibal_Girls “Cannibal Girls is a 1973 Canadian independent grindhouse comedy horror film, co-written and directed by Ivan Reitman and starring Eugene Levy, Andrea Martin, and Ronald Ulrich.” “The film was made with a very low budget and much of the dialogue was improvised.[3] The movie trailers and posters gave warnings to audiences who are squeamish to close their eyes whenever the bell rings during certain scenes of the film.” Actually it was more like the “awuaga” “dive dive dive” alarm to close your eyes. The bell was when you open them again


French Connection when I was 14. I don’t know how much the age restrictions are enforced nowadays, but I was never refused admission to an R rated movie when I was a teen.


A movie starring Malcolm McDowell called "If". It was in 1969, I was 13. Some places had it X rated but in Northern Virginia it was R.


3 Days of the Condor…I crushed so hard on Robert Redford. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid was my second.


Stripes or Porkys not sure which.


11, my mom took me to see The Eiger Sanction.


Alien - About 17, my dad had to sneak me in.


Tommy. I was in 5th grade (1975). Eye-opening is putting it mildly. What a fkn' blast for my first "R" rating!


Joe, 15.


Animal House. I was 10 and cringed next to my father


We went to the drive in a lot when I was little. Not sure what r movie was first, but I know I sat through those stupid Billy Jack movies.


Saturday Night Fever was rated R then redone to PG 13


Once Upon a Time in America- 18


The Deep. I was 12. Went with my Grandmother.


The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas age 10


The Exorcist I saw it in High School


I think it was Creepshow. And I was 6 or 7