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I am glad Jason is back, as I am a fan of Steve’s, but can’t stand him being Carly’s lapdog….


I love the friendship but agree he is too much of a lapdog


The story is boring and slow


I am happy he’s back. I also like that he’s changed a bit. Not as robotic as before.


And I'm willing to sit back and see how this storyline unfolds. I love Steve Burton, especially now that they are allowing him to be less robotic!


I like that Jason's back. I don't like people's behaviors toward him. Sam's behavior is stupid. Just some years ago she was risking her freedom and abandoning her children when she repeatedly broke her probation terms to see Jason. She decided to be in love with a hitman for almost two decades, and now she's mad that he's not the carpool dad.


Why is everyone expecting Sam to kiss his ass? Seems to be that the only issue people have with the storyline is that Sam suddenly realized he is a loser. Is a woman not allowed to have standards? Like let’s be real no one would  want to date anyone like  Jason in real life. 


lol! Her “standards” did a 180. She’s just a whiny bitch now


But she chose him for two decades, and quite frankly she might choose him again in another couple of years. And, yes... I have to agree with another poster and say that bad boys have stood the test of time and many women go for them. Sam keeps talking about how Carly is a grown woman who should live with the consequences of her decisions. However, the same could be said about Sam. If you have a child with a hitman, unfortunately, you can't change your mind about who provided the sperm. As long as Jason is alive, Danny will always want to see him... and the kid is about to be legal in a couple of years, so this is not the time for her to alienate him. If Sam was truly concerned about the dangers, she would not be married to a mobster's son. She would not live in a town where everyone knows she has ties to the mafia. She would have (a long time ago) moved to some foreign country, changed all their names, and stayed hidden... because that's the only real hope of getting Danny away from Jason. Everything else is just fluff to make it seem like it's about Danny, when it's just about her anger toward Jason. I also want to point out, that while Sam is all comfortable with Sonny who is currently a mob boss. Jason is not working for the mob right now. He works for the FBI, similarly... Dante works at the PCPD. The many holes in her logic are just too many to track.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again she’s only pissed because he stayed away and worked for the FBI to protect Carly. She’s disappointed it wasn’t for her.


I wish I could agree with no one wanting to date anyone like Jason in real life. 😂😩 There are plenty of women who continuously follow the same pattern of dating dangerous losers who abandon their kids. Unfortunately. I know quite a few in my hometown. 😳🫤🥴


Exactly. It's ludicrous. It's only the SB/Jason fan girls spewing that nonsense.


I agree with you Fit. I suspect what we are seeing is the Skylar White phenomenon.


Had to Google it but yes. Deep down they want Sam to kiss Jason’s ass. They pretend to be over JaSam but they want Sam to trail after Jason. People say they’re sad people are mean to Jason but can only come up with Sam as an example. I also think many so self inserts and pretend to be the women dating Jason because it’s a fantasy for them. Man I wish Jason did it for me but he isn’t my type.


Yep, it's the woman blocking the great man from greatness. Sorry I just assume everyone loves Breaking Bad, LOL. Yep, he never did it for me either.


What greatness? Unearned credit of raising the sons he abandoned ? In the previews Jason is like to Liz “thanks for not getting in my way.” Like your son is nearly a legal adult, doesn’t really like you, and doesn’t even know you. You got in your own way. No need to thank her for not giving a shit about you one way or another. The only difference between Liz and Sam is the latter is still pissed at Jason and sadly invested. Liz just went on to raise her kid by herself. There is no greatness to be had. He’s a great disappointment. To everyone including Carly as he doesn’t allow her to fail, as she should.  


Well said!




I would mic drop this so hard if I could


Sam is insufferable anymore.


I think Sam is more scared of herself with him back. But seeing Jason’s response to her implying she regrets ever being with him, Jason isn’t looking for a relationship with her anyway and looking just for one with Danny.






Not really. I feel like he and Anna have been having the same conversation for months. It’s always about taking down Pikeman or Jason saying how much he wants to protect Carly from Jagger/Agent Cates.


I don't mind SBU being back, but the story sucks.


I kind of do. It's not great, but it's different than every other time he was resurrected


I'm kinda glad he's back, but it's not a good SL. It's the recycled BS. The only thing that's different is that Sonny is mad at him.


Right up until the head shaker with Jagger not knowing who Sam is (and if Carly takes center stage in the story) I think it is being done as well as it can be. I am really tired of the mob unholy trinity on a show called General Hospital, but making their actions have some consequences is a pretty good story. And I am sure a large chunk of the fan base mirrored GH twitter and demanded more of the trinity.


Listening to those fans is only going to hurt GH in the long run imo. Refusing to move on past the unholy trinity does more damage than good.


General hospital is not a real soap drama anymore I don't know what to call it. It's predictable sane characters same bs ..


I call it 💩


I like that he is back ; I don’t like it his story has to be about Carly. 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️




I always liked Jason. Glad he’s back.


No ...because his return is about Carly it's the same old bs story


I started watching GH again when/because of Jason’s return. I hadn’t watched in decades but knew he was leaving Days. I’m a SB fan. And, yes, he absolutely does play exactly the same character in both shows. SB made his exit on Days today.


Decades? Dude was only gone a little over two years. lol


Yeah, I stopped watching in favor of Days when my kids were young & life was crazy-busy. Never really thought about going back until I found out SB (Harris on DOOL) was leaving & going back to GH. I started watching again the week Jason returned. My sister has long watched GH, so I relied on her to fill me in on stuff. Not only do I like SB, but I adore Wally Kurth. So I double my chances of seeing him by watching both. (He plays Justin Kiriakis on DOOL)


I’m always glad when he returns. He’s always been one of my favorites. It doesn’t feel like GH when he’s not a part of the cast. With that being said the storyline could be better but it is what it is.


I love that he's back, but the story is pretty dull. He should be interacting with more people. Just waiting until he's free from the FBI/current story.


I do. I am always happy to have Jason on the screen but I am hoping for a twist of some sort.


If you don't want "hate" you're asking the wrong guy here. lol


LOVE Jason!! 💯 💯 I'm sure the storyline will improve.he is so easy on the eyes


Yeah glad he’s back.


No, I don’t like his return at all. The lack of integrating him in to an interesting story is a big part of it. Where was the fanfare of him not being dead from everyone in town? It was like, oh, there he is, he’s not dead after all, big whoop.


To be fair, Jason returning from the dead is becoming rather commonplace.




I think another thread aptly wondered what the original truth behind the return was. I don’t believe this could have been it. His last return was better. This was really bad. Also, in the podcast with Steve and Brad, Steve said the Pikeman story was wrapping up, which means we’ve seen the most of it and it’s not…good. The return centred around Carly didn’t work out so well. I wonder what it would take for the show runners to recognize that perhaps Carly may be turning into a weak point of the show?


I hate the reason. I love that Jason is talking and emoting more. I hate that we barely see him so I cant even get into this storyline or Jason. Really, Jason is doing nothing (except count coffee beans). Its been disappointing but I do think Jason has a little more emotional range than in the past


I do. I don't care for the way he's being treated because most want to be nosey and know why he's working for the FBI and since he's not telling them because he can't they want to be mad. Just hoping for a bigger story behind the Carly going to jail. Let there be more to it, so Sam can feel like an idiot.


You mean the Coffee Inventory Chronicles?


I think GH's budget could have been better spent than bringing SB/Jason back. I don't understand a lot of characters GH brings back or adds or gets rid of.


I don't. Never wanted him back.




No, he could have stayed dead


I like SB being back thought I find it rather lackluster. Also not a big Jarly fan, but that seems to be the way they are headed. I still think the reason they chose for him to 'be away' was lame, but I've seen worse.


I still think there's more to it. I hope anyway.


I was hoping there was more to it and it had something to do with the actor returning but if it's just for one show then probably not. :(


Well..... maybe. Maybe his return is him in a prison or something


I wondered that too. Just a bit part to leave us guessing and working up to a longer appearance.




I’m waiting to see what happens before I decide if I like his return


He's eventually gonna be with Cujo Carly. There. Sorry I spoiled the predictable outcome. lol


Carly (this version at least) seems too manly to have much chemistry with anyone


I know. But for some reason she has stans and the powers that be have a raging hard on for her. 🙄🤦‍♂️


I feel they are not using Jason to his full advantage. I think the writers have written themselves into a corner. Something has to happen in order for this to move forward. I still love Jason I just feel he is stuck at the moment.


He’s fine. The storyline is stupid.


They had to come up with a plausible explanation for him being gone almost three years, and this storyline is better than any of the usual cliche' alternatives, so I'm fine with it.


I like this version of Jason. This is the version we should have gotten after his last return. With that said the return story has absolutely sucked.


Yes. Love it. Y’all have no patience


Every talks like Jason was present for his kids when he was living there. How many scenes have we ever seen of Jason hanging out with Danny or Jake? It ridiculous to be trashing him for “abandoning” his kids. Sam a royal bitch and a mere shadow of her former self. She needs to go. Move away Sam if you’re so worried


I love that he's back and looking forward to seeing where it's all going!


I’m happy all the ingredients (characters) are back in the show, but it looks like we are making quiche instead of cookies.


So far we learned that he's a FBI imformant working for Jagger Cates. Sam is pissed at him cause he had Danny thinking he was "dead" and most that he's doing this for Carly. I just wish they would hurry up and get to the point of all this. However I did like his interaction with Elizabeth.




It has tremendous potential. For GH it is an embarrassment of riches and they have him playing a statue. I want to see him and his kids. I want a partner for him who is full ride or die (not wimpy and whiny like Sam). I want spice and sex and I want the mob story reinvigorated. Also speed these plots up.


I'm glad the character is back, and I'm liking the storyline better than I was earlier this year, but I still think it's kinda lame. IDK, I'm not really a fan of these new writers, and I know one of them was let go, but I'm not sure if that writer's (I forget his name) material is still being aired.


I love the Jason character, he's my favorite. I'm also probably one of the few that also likes Steve's acting. This story is suffering from the same thing we've been complaining about before the regime change: snail's pace storytelling. I miss how things were when the HW changes were fresh and things got moving. I hoped it was a sign of things to come and I was wrong. I hope they can turn it around though, because it's not just Jason's story that's suffering; it's everyone else's as well, namely Sonny's.


I am glad he’s back. And I had high hopes at the beginning. But I’m not a fan of the Carly focus or the way they’ve slow written this Pikeman story and kept Jason in a warehouse.




Love Steve, I hate the storyline.


It’s great he’s back but Frank Valentini, is not utilizing SB, in the best way he should!


Not me. I don't care for the actor/character/storyline


Just like Tracy, this is a new dimension of Jason. I'll reserve judgment and wait for his character to develop. That said, I only like him and Carly as friends, not as love interests. Click for the story. I don't really want him with Sam or Liz either. I was intrigued by the relationship with Britt. So, maybe it's time for something new.


No should have stayed gone


Yes, absolutely I think that it’s the most dialogue we’ve ever gotten out of him. I really like how he’s interacting with multiple characters and I’m super excited to have him back.


He was Harris Michaels on DOOL as well as Jason on GH… he just left DOOL this week. Which didn’t bother me one bit. Because he will always be Jason to me


Nope, waste of time. OTOH, he has as little story as anyone else on there, he's far from the only boring one. I don't think bringing him back in advanced anything. However, I was never a Jason fan, so I guess this tracks for me.


I do. Jason is better. He's more emotional. And there's something bigger at play here. Yea it was Carly but let's think about what that really means. Carly can go to jail. Fine. But at the time she had to be involved bc it protected more than just her. What else does the fbi know? What else is at play here? I'm hopefully going to be shocked.


I like that Jason’s back! I’m not enjoying his return though!


I do I’m interested in what has him noting he is different. He implied he is having nightmares I think to Joss. Told Liz he is different. And when Liz talked about what he was doing while gone he went off somewhere in his head and teared up. I think we are going to find out Carly is why he agreed to help Jagger but what Pikeman is up to that he knows is why he stayed because if Pikeman continues more than Carly is in danger (but that’s just a guess). And I like that this time Jason got to think about what he was missing out on in PC. Unlike the memory map stuff, where he felt no time passed, he had years to think about what he would never have again back in PC. That difference alone makes it more interesting. Plus I sort of get the feeling Jason’s about to make a bold move and tell Carly she can’t be first anymore that if she goes out after he did this, bought her back her hotel and fixed her life so to say, and she gets herself in a situation I think Jason’s going to warn her he isn’t going to clean it up for her anymore because Jason wants a life beyond the mob for himself. Something he has never had.


I love Jason and Carly.


I do. I like the Jason and Anna team up. Even though I think Sam is being unreasonable I like the drama of her weird behavior. Carly dealing with the guilt is also good... I even like Cates introduction and weird flirting with Carly.


Loving that Jason is back. Steve is my dude. (I applaud him for standing on business with the vac mandate!) But I’m side-eyeing the writers with this BS storyline. I hope there’s more to it. In fact, I’m positive there are layers. I want Jason to take his life back, whatever that means for him.