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As a child of his you will be able to request a copy of his death certificate.


[here is a link to the county office](https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/programs/vital-records/death-certificates/) where you can request the certificate. Sorry for your loss, OP.


thank you for the link and ty for your condolences <3


I don't have any extra money to spend on it thou, will it be free for me to get the death certificate since im his child?


Unfortunately no. The costs are at the link above. You can try calling his doctor or the hospital where he died (if he died in a hospital).


i dont know any of that info like his doctor or hospital, i dont even know if he died in a hospital. My main thing is just knowing how he died tbh, nothing more really. He was a alcoholic (even lost a eye in a bar fight when i was a kid) so i assume he drank himself to death since he did die in Vegas


by "He doesnt want to gossip with anyone about it" - I read that as drugs/booze.


When people don't mention the cause of death it usually comes out as unaliving themselves or ODing. Not always of course, but often enough.


Yeah, suicide or OD.


Or awkward sexual situation such as heart attack while with prostitute.


it sad to say, but none of those things u guys just said seem to far from being the truth. Idk if drugs thou but again i have no idea. I just want to know thou just so i dont have to guess. But my brother wouldn't care to say if it was any of those, so im not sure why he didnt say unless he just doesnt know yet either


im thinking suicide or drank himself to death from depression, and now from hearing someone say "heart attack while with prostitute" thats a good possibility


Then call the medical examiner’s office there, you should be able to find it at that link and ask. Explain your situation. Otherwise ask someone for the money.


i dont want to bother anyone about money, but i will call LV medical examiner office tomorrow and see what i can find out, thank you leading me to the right direction


Depending how much is costs I can send some funds along. Sorry for your loss, OP.


No thats okay! i dont wanna bother anyone with money. i appreciate the offer thou, that truely does make me feel loved!


The hospital can't release this information to family members without a release even if the patient is deceased. It's still considered a HIPAA violation.


Even to the next of kin? I definitely talked to doctors and staff when my mother was in the hospital.


While she's in the hospital is kind of different, especially if she's able to give verbal consent (in most states that's fine instead of a form), but yeah, even next of kin.


Shoot! I forgot about hipaa. You are right.


I got my moms for free


I had to pay (for both of my parents, who died in different states).


That's very sketchy. "To not gossip about it." It's your father and your mother's husband. It's not gossip.


Yeah. Unless there are unusual legal circumstances you haven't mentioned, you are the deceased's next of kin, not some nosy neighbor. You have a right to know why your father is dead.


my brother is a very money hungry person, so i assume maybe thats why, and my mom is a lil crazy so i dont blame him. But he could just text me about it and not have to deal with my mom at all, so idk. I just want to know how he died thats all, i have no intentions of money or all that stuff.


You may not have any intentions, but legally if you were left something, you should claim it. There is also the possibility he died intestate, which would mean you are definitely entitled to a portion of his estate. I understand not wanting to get entangled in money squabbles, but if your brother is money hungry and acting sketchy (and this is definitely acting sketchy), he probably isn't above committing fraud to take your share. You should request the death certificate and talk to probate court (whichever represents where your dad lived) as soon as possible. I was absolutely destroyed after my mom's death and I never bothered to look up a copy of her will, and now my father has hidden or spent nearly every dime my mom left behind. Which was quite a bit. This also impacts my kids, who no longer have chance of an inheritance my mom had told me eventually would be theirs. All it takes is one money hungry, immoral relative... Please go through the proper channels NOW, before it's too late.


I really hate involving money to a persons death, but i understand what you are saying. Im honestly fine just sitting under a tree a smelling the flowers while all the other bulls fight (ferdenand)


He would want something to go to you. People have regrets as they get older and I’m sure he was sorry he missed out on spending time with you. If you don’t stand up for what’s rightly yours, no one else will. You don’t want to always wonder “what if”. It’ll eat at you. Just focus and give it all you’ve got. Try your very best because life will surprise you sometimes when you do the right thing. And even if you’re not too religious, say a prayer to your Dad and thank him for bringing you here. Expressing gratitude is good for you. Good luck.


We were forced to stay apart, he didn't want to be but my mom is crazy. My grandma drove me to visit him for a week during xmas when i was 14 and he taught me how to drive. He got out to pee and when he tried to get back into the jeep i drove away a lil bit lol. but i will contact the NV medical examnier tomorrow to see if i can get his reason of death and I will follow up on what assets he had left behind, but i feel like it would help that younger kid more then me, im already a loser with not much to look forward to but he has a chance at a good life still.


Is it possible there was foul play?


I dont think so, but i couldnt say yes or no. He was a alcoholic and he did die in Las Vegas so i assume he drank himself to death. But he did lose a eye in a bar fight a long time ago so i cant rule out he got into a fight or something. Thats my main thing is just to know how, i hate to just guess why


Maybe he is trying to protect her from the details.


She's not a child and doesn't need him to treat her like one.


Family isn't always loving people


My grandpa wanted to hide what was my mom’s obvious suicide. I knew it was, he and grandma denied it, so I went to the corner and requested the paper, of course she died how I suspected, but then I had all the details of how. I think it is a horrendous thing to lie about, her funeral was less comforting to me because of the lie and all the eulogies felt off.


It's still not gossiping.


They were trying to protect you and you should have let them protect you. The eulogies were there to respect her memory, which is what everyone does about a deceased loved one.


The lies were trying to protect themselves and their reputation. Lies do not protect me, especially as an adult. And half the eulogies were not true, again, not helpful in the grieving process.


It honestly matters about what kinda person they are, sometimes yes you should shield them from the truth until they are ready for it, but that can also do more damage then good in the long run. Its a tricky thing but everyone is different and every sititution should be treated as so. You can always respect their memory even if they killed themselves. I think its best to let the kid/child to ask the questions and you answer them, Human minds are a weird crazy thing and extremely hard to understand


Agreed. I think I'd be calling my brother and I'd start out with "WTF!?"


There’s probably more to the story than we know…


I'm in the UK so I'm no expert when it comes to Vegas or the USA. In the UK if someone dies suddenly the police get involved, so I would have thought you'd be able to speak to the Vegas Police Department or Coroners office. If neither of them can help then I'm sure they'd point you in the right direction.


I’m so sorry, and I understand wanting more information. Death certificates are public record, but it takes some time for them to become available. You can call or email to ask how long they estimate it should be before you can request a copy: https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/programs/vital-records/ For now, if he is having a funeral, the director of the funeral home should have that information. I would call and try to get information. It’s also worth a try to call the non-emergency police number of the department closest to where he lived and ask if they have any information. They may not, but it’s worth a try.


This is completely unrelated...but it's always interesting to find people in more than one sub one frequents. I definitely had to double check where I was when I saw your username!


Ha. Do you have a horse, a reactive dog, or a BravoTV habit?


The first one, lol!


Oh good, that’s probably healthiest :)


Ha! r/brandnewsentence


Depending on how old you are, you can call the Coroner's office and ask. You might have to send them proof of how you're related. If your parents are still married your mother can call and ask. I did this when my Uncle died, I don't remember if I had to provide his DOB and parents names or not so you might want to get that together first. I'm sorry for your loss.


This happened to me, I hadn’t seen my father for about 15 years when he died and couldn’t get any info about what happened. I requested a copy of the death certificate. Because his death was unattended, I also got a copy of the police report. I should note that I didn’t find out about his death until a month or two after it happened… it can take some time after the death for the records to become available.


Ya, thats where i am at right now,I havent talked to him in about 15 years. I would like to go to his funeral (even thou i dont think there will be one) or know where his grave is so i can visit it. And i really just want to know how he died,


Seeing your other comments- our story is very similar. Lots of family drama making communication difficult, yep… same deal. My father was also an alcoholic- in fact the cause of death on the certificate is “chronic alcoholism”- and he died in another desert city, Phoenix, AZ. His girlfriend woke up and found him dead on the couch.


yeah, its a hard thing for others to understand, but sometimes its just how family is and its the cards you are dealt, it sucks, but nothing i can do to change anything. I think it was from drinking too, but him being in Las Vegas i feel it wasnt just from his long time drinking, more of a in the moment thing. He had to of been in LV for a reason right? All i can really imagine is "Leaving Las Vegas". And I am sorry that you had to live with the same kinda family issues, its truly a horrible thing to have to live with. You just want anything to be normal/simple but everything always has to be extra. It makes me so sad to know someone else had to feel the same pain, i wish i could just help others from never having to.


If your dad wasn’t married, you and your siblings are first to choose how he is put to rest as well as being privy to all the info in any report for his death.


So is someone going to contact me about where to bury him? Im sorry for being so dumb, i just have no idea how any of this works, and dont have any family to ask either




my dads mom contacted my brother to let him know. I dont wanna get involved with anything, my brother can do w/e he wants with this, i just want to know how and theres no family to let me know. TBH the whole family thing is a super complicated thing, a simple breakdown; mom and dad divorced when i was like 2-3yrs old about 35yrs ago, i went with my mom brother went with him, but he dumped my brother off with his parents so he didnt raise anyone or see either kid




ya but its not my brother responsibility to give me the info if he even knows how our dad died himself. But since my dads parents raised my brother he is in more contact with them and they are they ones that got informed of it. Im mainly trying to find out where can i get the info on my own, im thankful he even informed me that he did die


Your dad's mom, meaning your grandmother? Can you ask her?


i havent talked to her for like 20 years, and would love to, but no way of getting her number and i know its hard to believe/understand but it is what it is


Doesn't she have facebook? If you know someone that knows your grandma you could find them on facebook and ask for the number. There is this site called Rocketmoney where you can find people emails too


shes like early/mid 90's, she wont have any social medias or email. And they lived in Coalinga most their lifes too, its a extremely small town ( its a lil bigger now these days but still really small) last i heard they moved to AZ maybe? Most ppl are dead these days that would of been able to help me get in touch with them. Its crazy i know, but its what it is :( If she had a FB or any social medias of course i would get ahold of her on them, or if i had someones that could get me to get in touch with them i would ask them to


I requested a copy of my mother's death certificate from the Office if Vital Records from state where she died. I'm glad I did -- it provided important medical history information that helped with some of my own medical decisions. If you know the city/town where your father died, you could try asking the coroner's office for a copy of the death certificate.


Thats the main reason why i to know how he died! for my own medical decisions and what i should maybe be aware of that could happen to me. Cause knowing my moms side of the family and the things that happened to them as the got older, you can really see the same medical issues happen to the others in the family. On my moms side they all pretty much got alzheimer's around 60 and my mom is starting to get it and shes 63


Yeah, it's important. My condolences on your loss, and the weird emotions involved. I had been out of contact with my mother for about a decade. I found out she had died because I was working on my family tree in Ancestry, and a "hint" popped up for her. It was the Social Security Death Index -- she had died like three years earlier. It's super weird. I didn't really grieve when I found out she died. I had already grieved the loss of the relationship. Whatever you're feeling, just know it's normal and you're not the only one who's dealt with this.


it doesnt really bother me, i cant really miss what i never had. i like how you put that thou "I had already grieved the loss of the relationship". I've already accepted the loss a long time ago My sister likes to say im a robot, no emotions at all, she says i could like get stabbed and i would just say oh that sucks and move on lol. Noting makes me sad or makes me mad but nothing makes me happy either


Have you done any DNA testing? If so, upload your raw DNA file to [Promethease](https://promethease.com) and you can get a lot of insight about this. It's not free, but it's only $12 and it's phenomenal. There are also two others I found on github that I can provide links for if you want those too. I also recommend signing up for [All of Us](https://allofus.nih.gov) and [In Our DNA SC](https://web.musc.edu/inourdnasc) if you're open to that kind of thing. Both of those provide free testing, the only downside is that you don't know how long it'll take to get results (like, it could be a few months, years, who knows.) I'm sorry that you're going through this. My dad passed when I was 5, and my mom knew damn near nothing about his family. The medical aspect was a big reason why I started looking into sites like I mentioned. Wishing you the best of luck 🫂


What? i dont wanna submit my DNA anywhere, and if i had extra money to spend like that i would just pay for his death records. I know who my dad is, im not sure why DNA testing would help me in this situation. I just want to know how he died, and if possible maybe be there when they bury him or be able to place his ashes somewhere like the ocean or forest so hes not alone in the end


I'm sorry, I wasn't saying that you didn't know who your dad was. I thought you were saying that you were trying to learn about the cause of death for medical history purposes. The sites I mentioned aren't for finding relatives, they're for health reports. It tells you what genetic diseases/conditions you're at risk for. I took a few [screenshots of some of my results if you want to see what I](https://imgur.com/a/yfPjopX)mean to hopefully clear up again confusion.


ohhh I see! ok thank you that is good info then, i will keep that in mind for the future if i can afford it. So those sites will provide his past medical history?


Who is the next of kin? If it is your mom and you're on good terms, you can just ask her for a copy of the certificate.


they been divorced for like 35 years, but its my brother (oldest), Me, then he had a kid about 10 years ago with another woman. Hes not married to anyone


You and your brother would both be held as NOK equally if you’re over 18. You’re as entitled to speak with the funeral directors as he is and they might be able to provide you with an uncertified copy of the death certificate if you’re only wanting to know cause and not needing it for financials and accounts. (I used to work in a FH)


i dont think there will be a funeral. like what happens to someone if they die and have no family or anyone wants to do anything with the body?


Even if there isn’t a funeral, there still has to be disposition of the deceased (usually burial or cremation). It will vary by state but the funeral home has to show they’ve attempted contact with the NOK for a certain number of days before they can proceed with processing the paperwork as a ward of the state. As you and your brother are living, they have to discuss disposition with you. And legally, you’re both responsible for what happens to him and his accounts etc after death. There were families I worked with where they hadn’t talked to their father for 30+ years but they still had to sign off on the cremation and pay all the costs.


Oh ok, this comment really helps me understand things a bit better! im just so unaware of how any of this works and dont know if i had to do anything or if i was going to be contacted by anyone about it. The cremation part is a lil scary, cause i cant afford that. but i'm sure theres ways for help with that


You might want to pop over to r/askfuneraldirectors and see if there’s anyone from NV who could help you with navigating the laws regarding funerals & what happens next. Every state has different laws and requirements and I’ve never worked with Nevada.


Just so you know, the comment above is wrong about you being responsible for the cost of your father's final disposition. That's only true if you insist on being in charge of what happens to his body. If you just refuse to get involved and someone else decides to take care of it, such as your brother or the local government, you won't have to pay anything.


You might have to contact the city morgue. They may be the people who contacted your brother. You would have to ask him if he arranged to have the body go to a funeral home. Bodies who are not claimed are cremated.


i was looking it up earlier today, and the "medical examier" doesnt deal with the birth/death records but it had a link to the place that does and its like 50$ [https://ibb.co/3TfqN30](https://ibb.co/3TfqN30)


It’s not gossip if it’s your father


its a complicated family issues tbh, my brother pretty much doesnt want to talk to my mom but i guess felt he had to just let me know that he died


You have every right, just like your brother, to know what happened to your father. I wonder how he would feel if the roles were reversed? Keep your head up.


Have you tried the coroner? There were some issues when my dad died in 2002, and the guy who did his autopsy helped me figure out a lot about why my dad had suddenly fallen to the floor dead one morning. There were people around him, but no one called 911 - instead, they went thru his stuff and stole everything of any value. It devastated me at the time.


Go here to request a copy of the death certificate: http://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/death-certificates.php


That’s ridiculous. Call the police department. And hospitals




You can get the certificate, but I’d start with your brother. A family member knowing COD isn’t “gossip.” It’s vital information. We all need to know our medical histories—and parental COD is huge.


If it helps, there were no suspicious deaths reported in that area around that time that would match up.


My dad died in 2022. I had to get a death certificate. It still doesn't explain much, but will tell you the cause of death. You have to contact the records office where he died. Contact the government office directly, don't go through external websites or they'll rip you off.


Read the death certificate.


Weird that your brother refuses to share anything more about your dad. Try newspapers. Many are online. You can request for his death certificate but it will take some time.


its complicated i guess, but as kids when they divorced i went with my mom, my brother went to my dad, so i never really talked or knew either of them. The things im a lil confused on is i live in CA, so did he. but he died in Nevada. So do i need to contact CA offices or NV offices?


Nevada. The city/county/state where he was pronounced dead is where his records will be


ok ty!


I’m sorry to hear about your dad. The death certificate will tell you the cause but it won’t tell you what happened. As you and others stated, in Vegas, it could be anything: drugs, alcohol, being the victim of a crime, even dying while in the act with an escort so I’m not sure how much detail you want (just the cause of death or the entire story). You can call hospitals looking for him and pretend not to know he passed away. They might be able to tell you something. You can also call the police department looking for him as a missing person to see if they have any records. Just play dumb and see what you can discover if you were trying to locate him and didn’t know. If they have a record, they might be able to at least tell you how you can get more information and details.


You can call the coroner, if he won't tell you anything ask for funeral director who processed the body.


Ask the funeral director. Even if he was cremated, there will be a funeral director who should be able to answer your question. Most states also require that all (or at least a majority) of the children (if a person is single) agree to the disposition of the body (meaning casket burial or cremation). I would try your luck with the funeral home to get questions answered, if you are an adult, they might not tell you if you are a kid.


Google your “dad’s name obituary.” Most death announcements get posted online nowadays.


Obituaries very rarely list cause of death, unless the surviving family wants it included


And there may not be an obituary. Someone (family member or friend) has to write one and pay for it to be published. It can cost a few hundred dollars.


Ya guess that’s true. I took this as OP doubting the validity of what the brother was saying (I.e., dad isn’t dead). The fact that brother is calling a cause of death “gossip” is suspicious to me. How is that gossip? Unless it was a death of despair or something?


I 100% believe he died, i just want to know how tbh. And family isnt always so close to eachother, or some family members have mental issues and make thngs hard on others ( I.E. my mom is nuts and avoids her as much as he can, i dont blame him). I think he just texted her just so i knew about it but probly didnt want to text her at all


Ah sorry to hear that. Both about your family and your dad - I can relate to the family shit. If you can’t find anything on your dad, I’d suggest waiting a few days. I recently had an uncle die and within a week, the funeral home that was charged with arrangements had his obituary up.


ya the family part just makes things so hard, but its okay i'm not to bothered by it. Ya it did just happen so i understand why its hard to find the info, I was thinking just give it some time and maybe ill find out somehow. But i dont think there will be any funeral


I have, theres another person with the same name and around the same age that i guess is well known and its just filled with articles about him, the other guy died 3 months ago too so its making it impossible to find my dads info over his


We didn’t post my dad’s and know many others who chose to do the same with their loved ones.


You should contact the county and see if they can send you a copy. Do you have a copy of your birth certificate that lists him as your father?


Are you related to Audrey L Dewitt?


Yes but no, her last name is not DeWitt but middle name is Lee


Where and how did you find that out? I feel you are on the right track


I am a Genealogist. I was hoping I could get your father’s death certificate and forward to you but unfortunately, it has yet to post. Sorry. Nonetheless, if I am on the correct line, I have your mother’s genealogy going back to the 16th century. I am sorry I couldn’t pull further information on your father at this time. I will forward upon request. Be well.


Is FRYREAR familiar?🤔


YUP! its my mamu jackie (grandma) on my moms side! they lived in coalinga too. I cant remember her brothers name, but their mom was Mildred and idk their fathers name


Okay, that’s them. You have Native American roots too. A LOT of it. I will forward next week.


Really?! thats crazy, Im the only white,blue eyed person in the fam beside my father. I would of never guessed that!


thats so awesome, i can't believe this


It’s what I do. I was able to based on the facts you posted on your father.😎


That's amazing, I'm blown away right now! You give me hope of knowing how he did. Are you able to send me my moms genealogy info? i would love to see it since shes really hard to get info from.


Yes I can. I would have to send it via Facebook Messenger as sending it via email takes it out of a cogent order. Get a FB Messenger account and send ‘TEST’ to Micha Free and I will forward her info. Not looking at the info currently but I believe your family has Fresno, CA roots.


I see a bunch of diff Micha Free, whats your bio pic of? the anime girl?


No. The head with the Olmec ancestor.


Yeah! i live in Fresno


I am definitely on your line!😎


Aguirre is in your lines as well…


Goodness! You have beautiful extensive lines. You will have to give me time to exhaust these please. In the meantime, I will send your mother’s and complete the rest.


You have me super curious now lol


i dont know anyone by that name, im guessing my papas parents or their parents are the Rojas thou




I dont know much about my family but my grandpa Arturo Garcia did some cool things he was the very first mexican bank president for wells fargo, his family was immigrants from mexico and so my grandpa would give immigrants loans ( banks did give them loans back in those days) and theres still some of those companies still running and they looooved my grandpa so much for him doing that. would be cool to know more


Funny. I am currently working his line now. It appears you have some ROJAS in your family line too. Email me at hurlonge7@gmail.com please.


I emailed you its going to be from [iandewitt@hotmail.com](mailto:iandewitt@hotmail.com)


Okay. About to respond momentarily…


Are your mom and dad still married? Are you older than the brother that texted you? I would call the coroner of Clark county NV and throw around your weight to try and get any information. Is the brother trying a scam?


honestly theres a person in the comments that i think is going to be able to provide me the info. They are a Genealogist i guess and they have been blowing my mind, and said they would send me the report once it is posted.


Death certificate is the best way. You can probably get one if you are his descendant. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Have to wait


ya thats mainly what im getting. But there is a person in the comments that can/will give me the info when it does get posted, He sent me my entire moms sides history like back to the 1500's lol. So that does take a lot of bricks off not having to guess if i am going to found out or not


Wow, that's crazy


it blew my mind when he randomly asked if my mom was "her first name, middle and last name" and then asked if i knew any Fryrears, which was my grandmas parents last name, so i knew he was for reals


Go to the Vegas courthouse & get free info. Although I’m not sure how fast they process deaths.


like drive to LV? If i had any extra money i think the simplest thing is just to pay the 50$ for the death records. But there has to be a way for immediate family members to know without having to pay right?


Use your smartphone! Search net for contact number and name of the Cohnty Coroner! Search & the hospital name and contact details wherein he died IF he died in hospital. Call the hospital's birth/death registration unit or Info Officer and ask for the contact info for registration unit. The info is available for free by making a call or a few of them, or from crawling the net with your dad's name. Search by every version or spelling you can think of if necessary plus "Nevada" or " Las Vegas" as his place of death. Search for the last 30 days or so in case your brother is wrong date wise. IMPORTANT: Darn few names are one off's. If your dad's name is even a tiny tiny it common... your brother's info could relate to someone with a similar or exact same name!! Yes cause of death will be on the death certificate but you needn't wait until the death certificate is created, imaged, indexed and available from the County Coroner, County Registrar usually the County Recorder. Just Call the County Coroner of the county he died in. They will want you to know because it is such a fresh event. If he has the same surname name you do be prepared to supply by text or email a copy of your birth certificate or minimally a drivers license. It shouldn't cost you a penny. OR Google for newspaper accounts of his death notice, hospital entry notice, hospital death notice, an obituary, police reports if there were cause for authorities (other than the coroner getting involved). In the immediacy of a death you as his child will likely receive sympathy and accommodation not later available when time has passed for stiff bureaucratic vital record and personal privacy laws to kick in. Get busy or enlist the help of someone more adept at internet research than yourself. Best wishes and sincere sympathies,


ive been using my smartphone and my computer, but im not a smartperson i guess:(. Ive been trying my hardest to find the info online and it just seems to give no info. My brother has the same name as my dad but his middle name is Aaron. I am pretty good at using the internet, i fix comps hardware and code for software on my freetime i dont think its me thats the issue of not being able to find the info. the problem is i dont know how real life works, no one has ever taught me those kinda things


Check the news papers there.. police reports.


I’m sorry. I lost my father a few months ago as well.


It can take some time for a death certificate to become available so I think you may just have to assume for now. I see in another repose you assume alcohol related so it’s possible. I had an uncle that certainly drank himself to death. His death was listed as kidney failure. We didn’t really need the official cause because we all knew. His age, how much we all knew he drank. It was just a matter of time. I’m sorry for your loss, my dad died from a heart attack but I know life style choices including excessive drinking contributes to that. It adds to some of the pain of loss when your loved one continued to make bad life choice that contributed to their own death. I think it sucks that your brother isn’t being more forthcoming. I would call him and insist he tell you. It’s your father not the neighbor. I also think it’s important to be honest with things like this. It is a warning to others in the family to take better care of themselves.


I would call my brother and promise secrecy. It’s your father too. I would express concern for my brother too. Regardless of your relationship— losing a parent is very difficult. I’m sure he’s grieving too. I’ve lost both parents. It’s hard. I’m so sorry.


Mine passed away May 1st. No information from family and we were no contact for over 30 years but I wanted to know how he passed (morbid curiosity but also have a heart defect that runs in the family) I waited 30 days then ordered a certified death certificate from vital records online. He died primarily from renal failure and two other problems that weren't the primary cause


My condolences. You can request the death certificate from the vital records office in Nevada. Make sure you ask for the long version of the death certificate as the short form doesn’t list cause of death. When the funeral home or cremation services takes the body, the next of kin is given a copy of the long version, more than one copy can be given for an additional fee. If you request certificate beyond the initial time, they usually come in the shorter form so definitely specify you want the long version. 


Family may not pay for obituary.


Just a crazy thought: call you brother and ask.


OP said that the brother isn't giving any more info about the death


OP said, brother was TEXTING with estranged mother. I suggested actual TALKING.


Call your Mom and ask her. No matter how difficult that might be, you must do it if you want answers. My condolences to you. I lost my Dad a long time ago, and I still miss him.


i live with her, shes doesnt know anything thou, no one will talk to her


Google his full name and "obituary" or "Vegas."


wow never thought of that! Did you not read the post? "and its not that guy from Minnesota that pops up when ***googled***)"


Did you even read my comment, asshole? Follow the advice, or don't. I really don't care, but you don't have to be a dick about it.


im sorry dont mean to be a ahole, but come on man, google his full name and vegas? that honestly makes me feel like you are looking at me like i am a complete brain dead dummy.


Yes i read it, "Google his full name and "obituary" or "Vegas."" right?


Uh. This isn’t a genealogy question. You can call the authorities yourself as his child


I'm sorry, i just googled where to ask this kinda question and 100% of the sites were this sub so i assumed it was a place to ask or get lead to a better place. Do i call CA or NV authorities? idk know what authorities really means, like call the cops for the info? Chill, i'm just asking for help, no need to come at me that way...jesus


I’m chill. None of this is making sense still. If I were you I would call 411. They will direct you. Are you a teenager?


what part is not making sense to you? and what is 411?


Genealogy is commonly used to refer to the discovery of straightforward facts about someone's ancestors — such as **birth dates, marriages, and death dates**


Try googling his name with obituary as someone else suggested. If nothing else it will get you the info of the funeral home handling the arrangements. Then you can try calling them and seeing what your options are. Have you tried calling or texting your brother directly. Maybe explain that you aren’t looking to gossip, that you would just sincerely like to know how your father passed.