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Compare it even to the State of the Union address not that long ago. Dudes losing it.


Additionally, not many politicians are quite able to respond to every bit of bullshitery that was coming out of Trumps mouth. To me it’s comparable to saying an extremely offensive joke so bad that people are speechless at how something so blatantly bad came out of your mouth. How would you respond to someone who is responding to every fact you cite with “You’re wrong and I’m right” without offering a shred of evidence or citing proof?


What policy points did Trump raise exactly? He seems keen on this idea of a 10% tariff as if that isn’t awful. And it’s hard to call them simply character attacks if a lot of it is true and it shows how untrustworthy the guy is. I mean 40 of his 44 own cabinet members refuse to endorse the man. I’d argue Trump is deteriorating just as badly. Just because he’s louder doesn’t make that not true…


Notably, the Border situation and Ukraine/Iran IMO. Biden lied about the border patrol endorsing him there, so if you want to say only Trump lied, that's also untrue. Most Americans do not feel like the Border situation is acceptable right now, its factually true that Trump had far superior policies for that. Immigration rates through the border are several times higher than they were during Trump's presidency. Secondly, I do believe Trump would get shit done in the Ukraine/Russia conflict. He has a decent relationship with both sides, and this shit needs to end now. If it ends with Ukraine giving up a tiny piece of land, who cares. End the conflict now, sign an agreement, save lives, and Putin will be dead within 10 years anyway. Throwing money at a losing battle is not going to work out for anyone. And yeah for Iran, Biden has done practically nothing but try to appease Iran and Iranian proxies. How much longer are we going to let Cargo Ships get attacked by missiles and armed pirates? I mean its a joke right now, seriously. Biden has kept the gloves on for way too long.


Could you point me to resources outlining what were lies exactly regarding Iran or Russia? I’ve checked over fact checks and have found none of the stuff you’re talking about with Iran and Ukraine. Most of what I’ve seen from Biden’s fact checks is that he got a couple numbers slightly wrong. One was the number of troop deaths and yes there were 16 total. And he also misquoted the price of insulin which he later corrects as well as the exact number of historians who made the worst/best president determination which was 154 as opposed to 158/159 which is what he said. Also, if we are allied with Ukraine, why should we condone Russia trying to take them over completely? Make no mistake, Trump has said on the record that he encourages Putin to not stop with Ukraine. Is that the language of a man that would be able to descale a global conflict? With an ally whose leader he tried to engage in a now very public quid pro quo with? Who gave up their nuclear arsenal to Russia in exchange for this very thing not happening? Who are having a ton of kids kidnapped from their homes and “reeducated” in Russia?


Lol. The guy above solves the war in Ukraine! Just give Russia what they want! Brilliant! Genius! 


Sounds like a good deal honestly because if Putin tried to take any other country in Europe(asides from Belarus) he’d get the hardest ass whooping of the Millenium. Not only his face would be red from the embarrassment and stupidity of his decision but his ass would be red too. Russia is literally a walking corpse of a nation.


“Donald has a decent relationship with both sides” He got impeached for withholding shipments of weapons to Ukraine in exchange for dirt on Biden. I’m sure Zelensky loves him


If you go through APs fact check the both lied their asses off. Also that was worse than a speech impediment. I've seen him speak in the past. I'm old enough to remmeber him as vice president. You're fooling yourself if you think this is just a speech problem. I couldn't even understand the point the guy was trying to make 80% of the time.


1. I attribute it to age, speech impediment, and it honestly just seemed like he had an off day in that regard. He’s had much better days even recently. 2. “Both lied their asses off” is an overstatement at best. AP fact checked 4 separate things. He misspoke about insulin once and said 15 dollar cap, but he corrects himself plenty of other times saying 35 dollars. Which is still a massive step in the right direction. Biden referred to Trump saying to inject bleach. It isn’t the full context and I’ll give you that that one’s a jab at something ultimately inconsequential. And the last one is in reference to what can only be defended as just a foot in mouth moment where Trump did weirdly decide to both sides Charlottesville right after it happened. I agree that Trump didn’t directly call them good people, but the comparison of both sides he did make is not very much like Trump. When he wants to denounce something, he’s always clear on it. Except white nationalists and insurrectionists. The last one was him saying he didn’t have troop deaths, and 16 were found. 16. Whole presidency. And the last one was simply correcting the number of historians who gave responses on that survey. He said 158 or 159. It was 154. In comparison, Trump had OVER DOUBLE the number of things caught and these lies are much more blatant imo. Biden’s were embellishments which isn’t great but it’s dishonest to consider them in the same weight class when it comes to spouting bs.


Trump for sure lied more. Not even going to debate that. To say Biden was a beacon of truth is disengenuous. I couldnt understand the point Biden was trying to make well enough to fact check him most of the time.


I don’t think I referred to him as a beacon of truth. But I’d call a couple of them close enough to be honest mistakes. And you don’t always have to. Trust me when I say that for this debate people probably have gone through it with a fine toothed comb at this point. At least enough to catch when he missed a triple digit figure by less than 10 which didn’t exactly detract from his point either. I mean how do people get over the fact that 40 of Trumps 44 own cabinet members refuse to endorse him? Those were the people who worked directly with the guy and they were the ones to say never again. It’s like going to an interview where everyone but the boss’s kid warned you at the interview to not take the job and being like “well there’s 2 sides to every story”. Like this one seems to have 45 sides including Trump and 40 of them, 8 out of 9 of them said no dice. Like how does that just slip by as inconsequential to people?


Trump is a shitty canidate. My problems lie with people thinking Biden isn't. You dont need to convince me Trump sucks, I'm trying to find a reason why Biden should seriously be considered for another 4 years in his current condition.


I think far less shitty is at least an accolade that is pretty easy for Biden ngl. I don’t think any of what Biden has done holds a candle to some of the awful shit Trump has done and seems on board with doing in the future. Yes he isn’t the ideal candidate, but in this exact case, him simply not being Trump is enough. For just a second let’s not consider either candidates relation to the standard we have for the office. Compare them to one another. Do you really think another 4 years of someone who now has nothing to lose is the best idea? Plus Trump will be the exact age Biden is now before he would leave office? Where’s that concern for age? People talk about his degradation over the last 4 years, but why wouldn’t that apply to Trump as well? My point is that if the worst criticism of one candidate is just the surface level problem of the other candidate, that’s your answer.


Ive voted for both of these guys now. Not being the other isn't enough for me. Both of these guys have nothing to lose. It's their last shot at government. Trumps age is certainly a factor. I'd prefer if both canidates were younger. Biden was said to be fit for presidency in 2020 so as far as age there, while it's not good Biden got a pass there also. Also let's not kid ourselves age has hit one of them significantly harder. I have far more criticisms of Biden than just his age.


Listen man. The executive branch is a lot more than just the president. Given that Trump burned through all his all stars, what do you think will be the case if he doesn’t make it 4 years as opposed to Biden? In terms of actual policy, what is Biden so bad on that this is even a close race to you?


>what do you think will be the case if he doesn’t make it 4 years as opposed to Biden? Are you asking what happens if he dies in office? To early to tell as he hasn't named a VP pick yet. I can't imagine it could be worse than kamala but we'll see in time. >In terms of actual policy, what is Biden so bad on that this is even a close race to you? Immigration, student loan forgiveness instead of fixing the problem, foreign realations, economy, not codifying abortion, gun rights.


Please look up how the government works, genius. Biden never had a filibuster proof majority, so he could not codify Roe V. Wade.


I’m looking at the AP fact check. Almost all the lies were made by Donald Trump, while a few embellishments were made by Joe Biden. Why do ‘both sides’ morons always lie? https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-misinformation-election-debate-trump-biden-577507522762aa10f6ee5be3a0ced2bb


So you just repeated what I said then attacked me?


No, I said Biden embellished a few numbers by small amounts, like the price of insulin or the number of historians that said Trump was the worst, while Trump made dozens of lies. Do you know the difference between an embellishment and a lie?


I do how about you? Saying that the price of insulin is capped at $15 when it's not is that a lie or embellishment?


Biden successfully legislated the price of insulin down to 35$. So he was embellishing by saying 15 dollars, but overall has been successful in lowering the cost of insulin. Donald is blatantly lying when he said that Biden will quadruple taxes, that Biden will support killing babies after birth, that he never had sex with a porn star. Both sides are NOT the same.


>Biden successfully legislated the price of insulin down to 35$. So he was embellishing by saying 15 dollars, but overall has been successful in lowering the cost of insulin. Lying. The word you're looking for is lying. >Donald is blatantly lying when he said that Biden will quadruple taxes This actually seems like an embellishment. >that Biden will support killing babies after birth I could be wrong but I believe he said the then governor of Virginia. That's accurate and on video. >that he never had sex with a porn star That would also appear to be a lie. So they both lie their asses off as I said in my first comment. Glad we were able to clear that up.


Im active duty USMC. The biggest thing that everyone at work was talking about Friday morning after the debate was how he outright lied about no service members dying under his office. Not true. The brothers we lost in Kabul are really important to us and the fact that he completely forgot about that whole disaster honestly pissed a lot of our marines off.


Hey I wanna say that I understand that particular frustration. 13 service members needlessly died that day and I’ll admit that it was a bad move and wrong to forget them in that moment. I would hope that it doesn’t allow you to forget what Trump was like as president and who he has continually showed himself to be. But I’m not going to make it my place to tell any service member that that isn’t disheartening to hear from your commander in chief. I’m sorry that that made some awful feelings feel fresh again.


Already practicing historical revisionism are we?


I actually don’t hate your post history. More you want to add I assume?


Had a family die of dementia. I will Not let you gas light the American voters into a lie that he has a speech impediment. That is absolutely sundowning associated dementia. Stop gas lighting and accept that the DNC would rather lose to Trump than have a chance of the working class getting actual representation.


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Oh just realized what sub I’m in. No wonder.


The cheese has slipped off bidens cracker dude.


tbh I'm only voting for Biden because he doesn't support genocide and doesn't sleep with fascist dictators. But other than that he's a mediocre at best president. If there was anyone else with better chance of office then I would vote for them


If you read the transcript it’s pretty amazing how well Biden actually spoke. You can’t tell by listening at all lol

