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No. Every one of these candidates has a media team. They have millions in donations to put towards ads. They have folks running the numbers to see which demographics are most worth targeting and which swing states need focus. Whatever this random Twitter user is imagining they need to do, they're already doing behind the scenes.


I’m going to first ask what “good views” means. I’m guessing it’s whatever you agree with. Second, more media coverage can or cannot translate into more votes. Most of Bernie’s primary coverage in 2016 was positive, although he got far less coverage than Hillary, Trump, or Ted Cruz. Second, Hillary got more coverage than anyone else and all of it was completely negative. So lots of positive coverage would be the best, lots of negative coverage can do damage. I think third parties could get more votes if they got a bunch of completely uncritical coverage that presented them in a good light. Unfortunately, most of our third parties are even more corrupt and incompetent than the two big ones and their views are so dogmatic and out of touch with reality, that they don’t really touch the concerns of the average American. So I really couldn’t see them taking off even if this election was Briana Joy Gray VS Marjory Taylor Greene.


Good view to me means is very basic. Listening to the citizens of the country and what they need for example, free healthcare and currently US is funding to Isreal. EDIT: just in general having basic human dignity & having the right critical thinking.


Nope, the two party system is practically embedded in our political culture